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CSE2/4DBF – Assignment 1, Part 1 Page 1/5


CSE2/4DBF 2023
Assignment 1 – Part 1 (10%)
Due date: 11:59 PM (AEST), Monday 27 March 2023
(Week 5)


✓ to represent a problem description given in natural language as an (Enhanced) Entity-

Relationship model

This is an individual Assignment. You are not permitted to work as a group when writing
this assignment.

Copying, Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the submission of somebody else’s work in a manner that gives
the impression that the work is your own. The Department of Computer Science and Information
Technology treats plagiarism very seriously. When it is detected, penalties are strictly imposed.

Penalty/Extension: Penalties are applied to late assignments (5% of total assignment mark given
is deducted per day, accepted up to 5 days after the due date only). If there are circumstances that
prevent the assignment being submitted on time, an application for special consideration may be
made. See Student Handbook for details (Note: a threshold of 5-day extension can be considered
and beyond which assessments will no longer be marked; and delays caused by computer downtime
cannot be accepted as a valid reason for a late submission without penalty. Students must plan their
work to allow for both scheduled and unscheduled downtime).


This assignment is to be submitted in soft-copy (either PDF or JPEG) format using

the submission link on LMS, by 11:59 pm Monday March 27th, 2023. The
submission link can be found under “Assessment 1 - Part 1” on the Assessment
section of our subject’s LMS page.


✓ Your (Enhanced) Entity-Relationship Model (EER) for the proposed database

Students are referred to the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology’s
Handbook and policy documents with regard to plagiarism and assignment return, and also to the
section of ‘Academic Integrity’ on the subject learning guide.
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MapOnMe Database

MapOnMe (MOM) is a company that aims to provide a local spatial data that can be used to
analyse urban movement behaviour. For this purpose, this company provides a system where
the map data is manually inserted by their staffs and trajectory data are obtained from public
contributors. A trajectory is a time series of visited location point that shows a user movement
in a specific of time window. A trajectory may contain numerous of trajectory points, however
in some rare cases, a trajectory may consist of no trajectory points at all.

For the map data, the entry is manually inserted or updated by the administrator. A spatial
object can be modified several times by different administrators. For historical purposes
reason, the updated date and reason must be recorded for any objects added/modified by the
administrators. There are three types of objects in map data, which are Point Data, Road Data
and Region Data. Each object will have a unique object identifier called “objectID”. A Point
data shows a location for an object such as Restaurant, Shop, Education or Public Service.
Any other type of objects will be classified as Others. A Point may have multiple
classifications. For example, a shop may have a restaurant in it. Each Point object will have a
specific object name and the Geolocation coordinate that contains a pair of Latitude and
Longitude values.

A Road object is the road in the local area that might be classified as Highway, Primary,
Residential or Footpath. Highway is a road normally with 2 or more running lanes plus
emergency hard shoulder. This type of road is usually used to connect metropolitan area with
regional area. Primary road is the main road in an area. The Residential road is the road that
located in residential area which serves as an access to housing, without function of connecting
settlements. The Footpath is a road restricted to pedestrian and bicycle access. Each Road
entry must have road name and road length in Km. A road data is represented as a specific
sequence of coordinate list. The Region data is used to represent Region in the local area. The
Region data has region name, area size in SqKm and a specific sequence of coordinate list as
a closed loop.

A member must be registered in the system by providing preferred memberID, email and
name. The date and time when a member joins as user are obtained automatically during
registration. The Administrators are staffs in this company that have modification right to
insert, update or delete the spatial objects. The administrators are identified by their adminID,
email and name.

To submit their own trajectory data, a user or an administrator must be recognized as

Contributor. Only contributors can submit trajectories. Not all administrators or users are
considered as contributors. Contributors will gain points for trajectories submitted to the

When submitting the trajectory data, an automatic TrajID will be assigned to the trajectory.
The member must provide the date when the trip trajectory was done. The time when a member
submits the trajectory will be obtained automatically. The trip duration and trip distance will
be calculated automatically based on the trajectory points provided by the member.
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You are required to develop an EER model for the above problem description. The EER should
contain all necessary information such as entities, attributes, primary keys, relationships (including
specialization/generalization if any), cardinalities, and participation (including (min, max)). All
specialization/generalization and union type must be represented accordingly, instead being treated
as simple association relationships. Any assumptions should also be stated clearly. If assumptions
are made, it is important to make sure that the assumptions reflect possible real practice for a
particular industry and do not contradict with the problem description above.


Please note the following important points before you get started:

• Assignment should be typed, not written/drawn by hand. Use any software to draw figures in
your assignment. However, make sure to follow the notations introduced in this subject (You can
try several web-based drawing platforms such as
• You are NOT required to transform your EER diagram into a set of tables for this part of the
• You are also NOT required to perform normalization of the user views provided
in the appendices. The forms in the appendices should be used as a source of
supplementary information for this assignment. For example, Appendix A may
give you some clarity about what information is required to be stored for a
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