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Solubility Temperature Dependence of Bio-Based Levulinic
Acid, Furfural, and Hydroxymethylfurfural in Water, Nonpolar,
Polar Aprotic and Protic Solvents
Ana Jakob 1 , Miha Grilc 1 , Janvit Teržan 1 and Blaž Likozar 1,2,3, *

1 Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering, National Institute of Chemistry, Hajdrihova 19,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; [email protected] (A.J.); [email protected] (M.G.); [email protected] (J.T.)
2 Pulp and Paper Institute, Bogišićeva 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
3 Faculty of Polymer Technology, Ozare 19, 2380 Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +386-1-476-0281

Abstract: Bio-based levulinic acid (LA), furfural (FF), and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) represent
key chemical intermediates when biorefining biomass resources, i.e., either cellulose, glucose, hexoses,
etc. (HMF/LA), or hemicellulose, xylose, and pentose (FF). Despite their importance, their online in
situ detection by process analytical technologies (PATs), solubility, and its temperature dependence
are seldom available. Herein, we report their solubility and temperature dependence by examining n-
hexane, cyclohexane, benzene, toluene, 1,4-dioxane, diethyl ether, dichloromethane, tetrahydrofuran,
ethyl acetate, acetone, dimethylformamide, acetonitrile, dimethyl sulfoxide, formic acid, n-butanol,
n-propanol, ethanol, methanol, and water. These solvents were selected as they are the most common
 nonpolar, polar aprotic, and polar protic solvents. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy

was applied as a fast, accurate, and sensitive method to the examined solutions or mixtures. The latter
Citation: Jakob, A.; Grilc, M.; Teržan,
also enables operando monitoring of the investigated compounds in pressurized reactors. Selected
J.; Likozar, B. Solubility Temperature
temperatures investigated were chosen, as they are within typical operating ranges. The calculated
Dependence of Bio-Based Levulinic
thermodynamic data are vital for designing biorefinery process intensification, e.g., reaction yield
Acid, Furfural, and
Hydroxymethylfurfural in Water,
optimization by selective compound extraction. In addition to extracting, upstream or downstream
Nonpolar, Polar Aprotic and Protic unit operations that can benefit from the results include dissolution, crystallization, and precipitation.
Solvents. Processes 2021, 9, 924. Keywords: furfural; hydroxymethylfurfural; levulinic acid; solubility; FTIR

Academic Editor: Hana Wang

Received: 4 May 2021 1. Introduction

Accepted: 20 May 2021
In recent years, environmental pollution and an increased need for energy have
Published: 24 May 2021
stimulated the research of biomass-based products as an alternative to the petroleum-based
products. Production of bio-based fuels is a rapidly expanding field that promotes the
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
investigation of chemicals with promising potential in this field. Biofuels and bio-based
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
chemicals can be produced from renewable sources, such as biomass [1–7]. This could
published maps and institutional affil-
potentially lead to an efficient management of greenhouse gas emissions and a circular
economy. Lignocellulosic biomass resources, composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and
lignin, represent one of the most viable options to produce biofuels, bioadditives, and
biochemicals, especially as they do not directly compete with agricultural food crops, as
does vegetable oil biodiesel. Nonetheless, as opposed to fossil resource refining, biorefining
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. suffers from difficult operation optimization, as the amount, composition, and impurities
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
of the feedstock change over time. Biorefineries are, almost as a rule, operated intuitively
This article is an open access article
as well as suboptimally. Hydroxymethylfurfural, bio-based levulinic acid, and furfural
distributed under the terms and
are the main reaction products when decomposing (hemi)cellulose [8–13]. They can be
conditions of the Creative Commons
formed by the dehydration of sugars [8,11,14–16]. Moreover, they are also the most notable
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
intermediates for biofuels, that is, via hydrogenation, esterification or aldol condensation
mechanisms. One of the crucial aspects in these production process, as in all production

Processes 2021, 9, 924.

Processes 2021, 9, 924 2 of 13

processes, is purity. Optimizing these noted conversions is difficult due to the changes in
resources themselves, which calls for the implementation of fast online measurements that
serve as a basis for the variation of operating process conditions that consider feedstocks.
Given that solvents also vary along the biorefining operation up- or downstream, the
concentrations in different solvents should be considered, ranging from the aqueous
biomass pretreatment to the (solvent-based) reaction/extraction unit operations, which is
inherent to furans. Solubility is one of the key factors that determine production efficiency.
It is especially important during the extraction and other processes such as crystallization,
distillation, and chromatography, which are frequently used as purification methods.
Consequently, it is reasonable to focus on solubility due to its importance in the production
process and also due to the fact that the available data on this parameter are very limited [7].
Determining the concentration can be difficult, especially quickly and precisely. Several
very accurate techniques have been developed [17,18], but they are not easily used on-line.
Furfural (FF, 2-furaldehyde) is an aromatic aldehyde with the molecular formula
C5 H4 O2 ; it has a melting point at −38.1 ◦ C, a boiling point at 161.7 ◦ C, and is a liquid at
room temperature [11]. It has limited solubility in water, but it dissolves well in organic
solvents such as DMSO, ethanol, acetone, chloroform, diethyl ether, tetrahydrofuran
(THF), and benzene [19,20]. There is limited information available about the temperature
dependence of solubility, especially for organic solvents. On the other hand, water solubility
is known in the temperature range of 10–100 ◦ C [21]. These measurements are reported
without pH adjustments [19,21–23]. Furthermore, furfural itself is also used as a solvent in
some reactions due to its physical–chemical characteristics. It was excellently described
by Eseyin and Steele as follows: “Furfural is commonly used as a solvent; it is soluble
in ethanol and ether and somewhat soluble in water. The aldehyde group and furan
ring in furfural confers the furfural molecule with outstanding properties as a selective
solvent” [24].
Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), 5-(hydroxymethyl)furan-2-carbaldehyde, with the
molecular formula C6 H6 O3 , has a melting point at 28–35 ◦ C and the boiling point at
114–116 ◦ C (1 mbar), and at room temperature it is a solid [11]. HMF has excellent solubility
in water, and it exhibits the same property in some organic solvents, such as dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO) and tetrahydrofuran (THF). According to available data, a wide range
of substances, namely GVL, MeOH, BuOH, n-hexane, n-decane, n-decene, toluene, MIBK,
SADE, EtOAc, BuOAc, 1,4-DO, DBE, MTBE, were mentioned as potential solvents. The
measurements were performed only at two temperatures, 25 and 30 ◦ C, with no pH
adjustments included, and so the temperature and pH dependence of solubility in this
research was not reported [25,26].
Both HMF and FF are precursors of levulinic acid (LA), the third discussed derivate in
this study. Levulinic acid (LA), 4-oxopentanoic acid, with the molecular formula C5 H8 O3
has a melting point at 33 ◦ C and a boiling point at 245–246 ◦ C [9,11]. LA is soluble in water
and in different organic solvents, more precisely, methanol, ethanol, chloroform, diethyl
ether, acetonitrile, ethyl lactate, ethyl acetate, and toluene. Research showed that LA is
insoluble in nonpolar isooctane and cyclohexane. [27–29] The available data only reports
the solubility in water in the temperature range of 5–31 ◦ C and pH of 4.7–9.6 [21,27,28].
In the end, there is some data available on water solubility of FF, LA, and HMF,
with a few including temperature and pH dependence [23,26,28]. The data concerning
the solubility in organic solvents are even scarcer. Therefore, the aim of this work is to
deepen the available knowledge of solubility for all three substances in a wide range of
solvents at different concentrations and temperatures. The main goal of this research is
to determine the solubility of FF, LA, and HMF in order to find potential solvents for
production processes to ease downstream purification, such as crystallization. Additionally,
knowledge of solubility is expected to aid the development of new catalytic routes as
well as enhance already established ones. In many cases, the solvent not only affects the
reactants but also the catalysts [30,31].
Processes 2021, 9, 924 3 of 13

In this work we describe the use of FTIR as a fast, accurate, and sensitive method
for measuring the concentration of the abovementioned compounds. The use of FTIR
peak height as the concentration determining factor has already been established for use
with hydrocarbons [32,33]. More specifically, the use of the carbonyl group peak for the
determination of concentration has already been described in the literature [34]. To support
the validity of the reported data, we describe the procedure in detail as was excellently
described and suggested by Königsberger [35].

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials
The chemicals used in this study, including their source, purity, and melting point
stated by the supplier are presented in Table 1. Additional information about the solutes
and solvents can be found in Table 2 and Table S1.

Table 1. Chemicals, source, purity, CAS number, and melting point (Tm ).

Name Purity Source CAS Number Tm [◦ C]

Levulinic acid 98% Sigma-Aldrich 123-76-2 30–33
Furfural 99% Sigma-Aldrich 98-01-1 −36
Hydroxymethylfurfural 67-47-0 28–33
n-Hexane 98.5% Merck 110-54-3 −94
Cyclohexane 99.5% Elixir Zorka Šabac 110-82-7 6.5
Benzene 99.0% Honeywell 71-43-2 5.5
Toluene 99.7% Honeywell 108-88-3 −95.0
1,4-dioxane 99% Honeywell 123-91-1 12
Diethyl ether 99.5% Merck 60-29-7 −116.3
Dichloromethane 99.5% Merck 75-09-2 −95
THF 99% Sigma-Aldrich 96-47-9 −108
Ethyl acetate (ETOAc) 99.9% Honeywell 141-78-6 −84
Acetone 99.5% Honeywell 67-64-1 −95
Acetonitrile 99.9% Merck 75-05-8 −45.7
DMSO 99.9% Merck 67-68-5 18.5
Formic acid 100% Merck 64-18-6 4
n-Butanol 99.5% Merck 71-36-3 −89
n-Propanol Alkaloid Skopje 71-23-8 −126.0
Ethanol (EtOH) 99.9% Carlo Erba 64-17-5 −114.1
Methanol (MeOH) 99.9% Honeywell 67-56-1 −98
H2 O Distilled semi-Q 0.0

Table 2. The solvents used, grouped by polarity and proticity.

Aprotic Protic
n-Hexane Dichloromethane Formic acid
Cyclohexane THF n-Butanol
Benzene Ethyl acetate n-Propanol
Toluene Acetone Ethanol
1,4-Dioxane Acetonitrile Methanol
Diethyl ether DMSO H2 O

2.2. Experiment Procedure

Firstly, 18 solvents were selected to assess the qualitative solubility of all three chemi-
cals, i.e., FF, LA, and HMF. Samples with a concentration of 20 g L−1 were prepared in a
1 mL vial and after 3 min of hand stirring, the solubility was visually estimated. This was
a prescreening method to determine whether the solvent was appropriate. The method
was suitable for FF and HMF since they are an orange-brown color. This was not possible
for colorless LA, which happened to be a liquid at 30–33 ◦ C. The solvents (Table 1), which
Processes 2021, 9, 924 4 of 13

dissolved but did not react with a selected chemical after stirring, were further examined
with an on-line FTIR method. The only case where the solvent interacted with the solutes
was in the case of formic acid, where the color green was seen immediately after mixing.
Aliquots of 3 mL were prepared in 5 mL vials for all three investigated compounds
and for pure solvents. There were 4 aliquots prepared for each of the former of 4 different
concentrations (20, 50, 100, and 200 g L−1 ) and analyzed with on-line FTIR spectroscopy.
More details on the experimental procedure are available in the Supplementary Materials.
The first spectrum of pure solvent was collected, and then samples of four different con-
centrations were analyzed. From the measurements of the mixtures, the spectrum of pure
solvent was subtracted. The spectra were collected until the absorbance was stable and
until we were certain equilibrium was reached. In most cases the spectra were collected
for 100 s (Figure S1). Afterwards, the samples and the pure solvent were placed into the
double jacketed glass reactor filled with EtOH (96.0%, ECP) and antifreeze (in the jacket) to
cool the samples to 0 ◦ C (±0.5) and then to −10 ◦ C (±0.5). Samples of FF and HMF were
protected from visible light with aluminum foil, due to their tendency to degrade. They
were also not prepared in advance, since FF is noticeably hygroscopic. The experimental
procedure was the same for all three tested chemicals.
Some solvents (cyclohexane, benzene, 1,4-dioxane, DMSO, and H2 O), were impossible
to analyze at all three temperatures, due to their higher melting points.

2.3. Analytical Method

Samples were analyzed with the ReactIR 45 m in situ FTIR spectroscopy (Mettler
Toledo) equipped with a diamond probe and with iC IR software. We scanned the spectrum
in a range of 650–2000 cm−1 . The samples were analyzed at three different temperatures,
i.e., room temperature (from 24 to 26 ◦ C), 0 ◦ C, and −10 ◦ C. The measuring surface was
cleaned between scans with ethanol (96.0%, ECP). Spectra were collected every 15 s, and
each measurement represents an average of 50 scans.

3. Results
3.1. FTIR Spectrum of Furfural, Levulinic Acid, and Hydroxymethylfurfural
A summary of most relevant FTIR spectra vibrations for each individual compound are
listed in Table 3. The spectrum of furfural was measured at room temperature. The IR spec-
trum (Figure 1) shows a very strong absorption peak in the area around 1650–1700 cm−1 .
These two peaks at wavenumbers 1671 and 1696 cm−1 belong to the conjugated aldehyde
carbonyl group (–H–C=O). The overall absorption intensity was slightly lower than usual,
due to the internal formation of hydrogen bonds, which usually occurs in conjugated
unsaturated aldehydes. As we added the solvent, a division of these two specific peaks
became more noticeable and could be explained with isomerization of the aforementioned
aldehyde group. The isomerization or so-called Fermi resonance can be also noticed at the
area around 1365–1395 cm−1 , representing the C–H bond in the aldehyde group. In our
case, this corresponds with slightly shifted peaks at 1369 and 1395 cm−1 , belonging to cis
and trans isomers of furfural [36] (Figure 1a). Peaks at 1466 and 1570 cm−1 stand for two
C=C bonds as part of an aromatic ring in the FF structure. A C–O vibration is represented
by two peaks at 1156 and 1279 cm−1 . Vibrations assigned to C–H and ring deformations
were observed at 1018 and 1081 cm−1 . The out-of-plane =C–H bond or sp2 hybridized C–H
show absorption in the region from 750–929 cm−1 [37] (Figure 1a).
The IR spectrum of LA shows strong and broad signals at 1704 cm−1 and 1742 cm−1
that correspond with both C=O functional groups in molecule. The CH3 symmetric and
asymmetric bending vibrations were noticed at 1369 and 1402 cm−1 . The peak at 1163 cm−1
can be attributed to C–O acid stretch vibration [38] (Figure 1b).
HMF and LA were also measured at a higher temperature (40 ◦ C), since they have
higher melting points than furfural. This was then compared to the measurements of solids
done at 25 ◦ C, to see whether any changes in the spectra occur during the phase change.
No changes were observed. The IR spectrum of HMF shows a very strong absorption
Processes 2021, 9, 924 5 of 13

at wavenumber 1663 cm−1 , indicating that it belongs to the carbonyl group (C=O). The
series of peaks from 1521 to 1342 cm−1 is attributed to C=C stretches. At 1193 cm−1 the
=C–O–C= stretch was detected. As with furfural, the in-plane C–H deformation and the
ring deformation at 1018–1070 cm−1 were also noticed. The two peaks (Figure 1c) at
772–809 cm−1 are indicative of out-of-plane C–H deformation [38].

Table 3. Summary of relevant FTIR spectra vibrations.

Frequency (cm−1 ) Band Assignment Species

929 C−H out-of-plane deformation
Ring deformation
1156 Furfural
=C–O–C= ring vibration
1570 C=C stretches
C=O aldehyde stretch
1163 C−O acid stretch vibration
CH3 symmetric and asymmetric bending vibration Levulinic acid
C=O aldehyde stretch
772−809 C−H out of plane deformation
Ring deformation
1193 =C–O–C= ring vibration
13,421−521 C=C stretches
1663 C=O aldehyde stretch

The spectra of all three samples (FF, HMF and LA) that were dissolved in acetone,
acetic acid, and ethyl acetate were as expected, with no abnormal or unexpected vibrations.
A broad peak at approximately 1700 cm−1 (from the carbonyl group of the mentioned
solvents) overlapped with the peaks of all three samples. All the experimental data are
presented in the supplementary information file (Tables S2–S7).

3.2. Concentration Dependent Solubility

The concentration dependence of the IR signal was studied (Figure 2). Since every
single one of the studied molecules has at least one carbonyl group with a very strong
absorption peak in all the obtained spectra, the latter was chosen as the observation point
for solubility. In all solutions, the specific wavenumber of the carbonyl peak belonging to
each compound was selected. In an acetonitrile solution, the observed wavenumbers were
1696, 1720, and 1673 cm−1 , for FF, LA, and HMF, respectively (Figure 2a,d). Additional
FTIR graphs can be found in the Supplementary Materials Figures S2–S4. In most cases,
the linear increase in concentration was accompanied by a linear increase in peak intensity.
The results were used to prepare a calibration curve and to determine the approximate
concentration of solubility up to 200 g L−1 of the added solute. If the response is linear, we
can assume very good solubility and that we are not at the maximum solubility yet. For FF,
we see a linear response with R2 > 0.990 in THF and diethyl ether solution at 25 ◦ C. For LA,
this was observed in acetone and acetonitrile, as well as THF, all at 25 and 0 ◦ C. HMF was
found to be very well soluble in 1,4-dioxane, acetonitrile, acetone, THF, and in MeOH at
25 ◦ C (Table 4; Figure 2d–f).
Processes 2021,
Processes 9, 924
2021, 9, 924 66 of
of 14

Figure 1.
spectrumatat25 ◦ Cand
25°C andthe
formulaofof(a)(a)furfural, (b)
furfural, levulinic
(b) acid,
levulinic and
acid, and
(c) hydroxymethylfurfural.
(c) hydroxymethylfurfural.
9, 924 Processes 2021, 9, 924 8 of 14 7 of 13

2. (a) Absorbance
FigureFigure of FF in acetonitrile
2. (a) Absorbance at 25 ◦ C (black
of FF in acetonitrile for°C
at 25 acetonitrile,
(black foryellow L−1 , green
for 20 g yellow
acetonitrile, for for g Lg−1L, −1 , red for
20 50
− 1
100 g Lgreen − 1 − 1
, blue g Lg−1L, red forsignal
); (b) 100 gintensity
L−1, blueatfor
cmg L(the
−1); (b) signalgroup)
carbonyl intensity
of FFatin1696 cm−1 (the
acetonitrile; (c) car-
signal intensity
of FF atbonyl −1 in water (nonlinear response); (d) absorbance of HMF in acetonitrile; 1673 cm−1 of
1696 cmgroup) of FF in acetonitrile; (c) signal intensity of FF at 1696 cm in water (nonlinear re-
−1 (e) signal intensity at
2 − 1
HMF in sponse); (d) absorbance
acetonitrile (linear response, of HMF in acetonitrile;
R = 0.9993); (f) signal(e) signal at
intensity intensity
1673 cm at 1673
of HMF cmin of
−1 HMF
water in acetoni-
(nonlinear response).
trile (linear response, R² = 0.9993); (f) signal intensity at 1673 cm−1 of HMF in water (nonlinear re-
Processes 2021, 9, 924 8 of 13

Table 4. Calculated values of solubility for the three examined compounds in selected solvents.

Calculated Solubility of Calculated Solubility of

Calculated Solubility of Furfural in 15
Levulinic Acid in 14 Different Hydroxymethylfurfural in 12
Solvent Different Solvents in g L−1
Solvents in g L−1 Different Solvents in g L−1
−10 ◦ C 0 ◦C 25 ◦ C −10 ◦ C 0 ◦C 25 ◦ C −10 ◦ C 0 ◦C 25 ◦ C
Cyclohexane IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN
Benzene * * 570 ± 40 * * 430 ± 30 IN IN IN
Toluene 430 ± 30 480 ± 30 610 ± 40 250 ± 20 450 ± 30 470 ± 30 IN IN IN
1,4-Dioxane * * 1110 ± 80 * * 1020 ± 70 * * FM
Diethyl ether 420 ± 30 1040 ± 70 FM 620 ± 40 620 ± 40 620 ± 40 IN IN IN
Dichloromethane 550 ± 40 670 ± 50 870 ± 60 500 ± 40 520 ± 40 570 ± 40 560 ± 40 590 ± 40 700 ± 50
THF 740 ± 50 760 ± 50 FM 940 ± 70 FM FM 560 ± 40 FM FM
EtOAc 850 ± 60 860 ± 60 1030 ± 70 400 ± 30 690 ± 50 850 ± 60 660 ± 50 660 ± 50 660 ± 50
Acetone 760 ± 50 810 ± 60 810 ± 60 FM FM FM FM FM FM
Acetonitrile 910 ± 60 910 ± 60 910 ± 60 FM FM FM FM FM FM
DMSO * * 820 ± 60 * * 610 ± 40 * * 660 ± 50
Formic acid DG DG DG DG DG DG DG DG DG
n-Butanol 760 ± 50 810 ± 60 850 ± 60 840 ± 60 840 ± 60 840 ± 60 920 ± 60 920 ± 60 920 ± 60
n-Propanol 720 ± 50 810 ± 60 820 ± 60 610 ± 40 730 ± 50 800 ± 60 530 ± 40 530 ± 40 720 ± 50
EtOH 760 ± 50 840 ± 60 990 ± 70 FM 480 ± 30 930 ± 70 670 ± 50 800 ± 60 1030 ± 70
MeOH 690 ± 50 720 ± 50 960 ± 70 890 ± 60 890 ± 60 890 ± 60 580 ± 40 1020 ± 70 FM
H2 O * * 90 ± 10 * * NS * * 180 ± 10
IN—insoluble at 20 g L−1 and above, *—no spectra, due to higher melting point, NS—no spectra, due to unstable signal, DG—degradation of solute, FM—fully miscible, g L− 1 = amount of solute added to
solvent. Grey—not applicable (NA), red—insoluble (IN), orange—moderate solubility (MS), yellow—good solubility (GS), green—excellent solubility (ES).
Processes 2021, 9, 924 9 of 13

FF formed a two-phase system with water and hexane at 100 g L−1 of the added solute
and above, which is indicative of poor miscibility. The obtained results for the immiscibility
of FF in water and hexane were also reported by other researchers [39]. The solubility of
FF in these two solvents is represented by the formation of a plateau at a concentration
of 100 g L−1 in the solubility curve (Figure 2c). The FTIR of the aqueous solutions of the
other two compounds (HMF and LA) was unstable, which can be attributed to very strong
hydrogen bonding with the solvent. FF was insoluble in pentane and cyclohexane, and it
degraded in formic acid (Table 4). LA was insoluble in pentane, hexane, and cyclohexane;
it also degraded in formic acid (Table 4). HMF has poor solubility in the majority of the
examined solvents; it already reached maximum solubility at 20 g L−1 of the tested solvents,
and HMF tended to form a visible suspension (Table 4).
A common trend in absorbance was noticed for all three compounds. Generally, the ab-
sorbance was lower in protic polar solvents and higher in nonpolar solvents. An exception
was DMSO, where the recorded absorbance was the highest for all of three solutes.

3.3. Signal Dependence at Different Temperatures

FF and LA have a tendency to crystallize in toluene at lower temperatures. Toluene,
however, was the only solvent in which FF and LA crystallized. For FF, the crystallization
initiates when the solution is cooled to −10 ◦ C. The crystals were transparent at lower
concentrations and turned a brownish color at higher concentrations (200 g L−1 ). When the
sample was heated up to 35 ◦ C, the crystals dissolved, demonstrating that the crystallization
of FF in toluene is reversible. The crystallization of FF was also noticeable in the intensity
of the IR signal, which was lower at −10 ◦ C (Figure 3b). HMF also has a tendency to
crystalize in toluene, but we found that it is insoluble at 25 ◦ C [40,41].
When dissolving LA in toluene at −10 ◦ C, we noticed that when the amount of
added solute per solvent reached 50 g L−1 , transparent samples became opaque. We
assume this to be the crystallization of LA due to the global supersaturation of the solution
(Figure 3a). This phenomenon caused a drastic jump in absorbance in the entire FTIR
spectrum. The crystals of LA floating in the medium caused the IR beam to be scattered,
which in turn caused the jump in absorbance. Crystallization of LA was also observed by
other researchers [42] at −15 ◦ C, which correlates with our findings.
As expected, some solvents (benzene, 1,4-dioxane, and DMSO), were impossible to
analyze at lower temperatures (0 and −10 ◦ C) due to their higher melting points. Other
trends related to temperature are discussed below with calculated solubility.
initiates when the solution is cooled to −10 °C. The crystals were transparent at lower con-
centrations and turned a brownish color at higher concentrations (200 g L−1). When the
sample was heated up to 35 °C, the crystals dissolved, demonstrating that the crystalliza-
tion of FF in toluene is reversible. The crystallization of FF was also noticeable in the in-
Processes 2021, 9, 924
tensity of the IR signal, which was lower at −10 °C (Figure 3b). HMF also has a tendency10 of 13
to crystalize in toluene, but we found that it is insoluble at 25 °C [40,41].

Figure 3.intensity
3. (a) (a) intensity of the carbonyl
of the carbonyl peak in asolution
peak in a LA-toluene LA-toluene ◦ C, 0 ◦ C, 25
at −10 solution at◦ C;
−10(b)°C, 0 °C,of25the
intensity °C; (b) in-peak
intensity ◦
−10 C results signal intensity at − 10 ◦°C ◦ C, 25 ◦ C; (c) intensity of
of the
a FF-toluene carbonyl
solution, peak in aatFF-toluene
crystallization solution,
in a lowercrystallization −10 C, 0results in a lower
◦ C, 0 ◦ C, 25 ◦ C; (d) intensity
the carbonyl
signal peak in aatLA-n-butanol
intensity −10 °C, 0 °C, solution
25 °C;(no
intensity temperature peakatin−a10LA-n-butanol
of the carbonyl solution
the carbonyl peaktemperature
in a HMF-EtOAc solution (significant temperature ◦ C; blue
noticeable dependence) at −10 °C, 0 °C, 25dependence). Red triangle
°C; (d) intensity of theindicates
carbonyl in
diamond, 0 ◦ C; greysolution
a HMF-EtOAc circle, 25 ◦(significant
C. temperature dependence). Red triangle indicates −10 °C; blue
diamond, 0 °C; grey circle, 25 °C.
3.4. Solubility
For experimental measured data obtained with direct online FTIR spectroscopy that
When dissolving LAnot
could in be
toluene at −10
fitted with °C, we
a linear noticedcurve,
regression that when the amount
an exponential of method
fitting added with
solute per solvent reached
Equation50 (1) g L applied.
was −1 , transparent samples became opaque. We assume this
to be the crystallization of LA due to the global Absorbance = A (1 − eof
supersaturation the ) solution (Figure 3a). (1)
This phenomenon caused For a drastic(1),
Equation jump
whereinc (g
− 1 in the
L ) corresponds to entire FTIR spectrum.
concentration, the constantsThe
A (/) and
−1 ) were calculated for each individual experiment (Tables S8–S10) using linearization
crystals of LA floating in the medium caused the IR beam to be scattered, which in turn
B (L g
and linear regression.
caused the jump in absorbance. From the Equation
Crystallization of LA was(1), the
observed of bysolubility was calculated
other research-
as the value at 99% maximal liquid absorbance.
ers [42] at −15 °C, whichTaking
correlates with our findings.
into account all the data obtained, the general conclusion is that FF has a good
As expected, some solvents
solubility (benzene,
in a variety 1,4-dioxane,
of organic and
solvents [19]. It DMSO),
is insoluble were impossible
in pentane to [43].
and cyclohexane
analyze at lower temperatures (0 and system
In hexane, a two-phase −10 °C) wasdue to their
formed even athigher − 1
a 100 gmelting
L of added points. Other
solute. The latter
three solvents are highly nonpolar and are not
trends related to temperature are discussed below with calculated to form π–π interactions; consequently,
this leads to the insolubility of FF. For other cyclic aromatic carbohydrates, benzene and
toluene solubilities were calculated, and a temperature dependence was noticed. At
lower temperatures, a lower concentration of the solute was expected. This trend also
Processes 2021, 9, 924 11 of 13

occurred in solvents such as diethyl ether, dichloromethane, THF, ethyl acetate, n-butanol,
n-propanol, methanol, and ethanol. We determined a good solubility of FF in 1,4-dioxane.
In acetonitrile solutions, we did not notice a temperature dependence of solubility. The
calculated solubility of furfural in water (90 ± 6 g L−1 ) matched well with the value
reported in the literature (90 g L−1 ). If the maximum solubility was exceeded, a two
phase system formed, unless the solute and the solvent exhibited full miscibility [22]. The
solubility of furfural in water was the lowest value calculated, and the reason most likely
involves the highly polar character of water (Table S1) [19,21–23].
Similar to furfural, levulinic acid was insoluble in pentane, hexane, and cyclohex-
ane. The solvents, in which solubility exhibited a temperature dependence, were toluene,
dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, THF, and n-propanol. The drop in solubility was significant,
especially when the temperature reached −10 ◦ C. In diethyl ether, acetone, acetonitrile,
n-butanol, and methanol, solute concentration values were not temperature dependent. Re-
ally good solubility, with an almost linear response (IR signal increased linearly, R2 > 0.990)
was detected in acetone and acetonitrile solutions (Table 4) [27–29].
The polarity of hydroxymethylfurfural is higher when compared to FF, due to its extra
hydroxymethyl functional group on the fifth C atom (Figure 1c). As a result, it is virtually
insoluble in highly nonpolar solvents such as pentane, hexane, and cyclohexane. Unlike
furfural, HMF is also insoluble in toluene, benzene, and diethyl ether, also attributable to
the higher polarity. The latter additionally leads to higher solubility in water. The solute
concentration increased two-fold compared to FF. In methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, THF,
and dichloromethane, we noticed a stronger temperature dependence of solubility. Ethyl
acetate, acetone, acetonitrile, and n-propanol solvents show almost no temperature depen-
dence. For 1,4-dioxane, acetonitrile, and acetone, the signal response in FTIR indicates a
good solubility (linear response, R2 > 0.990). In all solvents, except for DMSO, THF, and
dichloromethane, we can notice the formation of a suspension (Table 4) [25,26].
The calculated values of solubility are shown in Table 4 with a relative standard
deviation of 7.0% (RSD = 7.0%). The error was calculated by looking at the difference
in peak height between the spectra measured immediately after mixing and after the
equilibrium formed. All the calculations were based on experiments, and they were
additionally validated by GC-MS experiments (Figures S5–S7).

4. Discussion
The predicted solubility for furfural in water correlates very well with reported
data [44]. The data on the solubility in benzene, ethanol, acetone, and ethyl ether also
correlate with reports from the literature [45]. We could not compare the data for levulinic
acid with reports from the literature, as we found, after an extensive search, only reports for
water solubility. For hydroxymethylfurfural, the data that are available correlate with the
data in this manuscript [46]. However, exact data for the solubility of all three compounds
are still scarce and hard to come by.

5. Conclusions
In our work we successfully used FTIR spectroscopy to estimate the solubility of
furfural, levulinic acid, and hydroxymethylfurfural in 18 different solvents. As all three
compounds are important renewable feedstock chemicals, we believe a database, as pre-
sented in this study, is essential for further studies. We found that in some cases, such as
furfural in toluene, there is a notable temperature dependence on solubility. In some cases,
however, such as levulinic acid in diethyl ether, very little correlation was observed be-
tween solubility and temperature. Calculated thermodynamic data are vital for designing
biorefinery unit operation.

Supplementary Materials: The supplementary file is available online at

Processes 2021, 9, 924 12 of 13

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.G. and B.L.; methodology, M.G. and B.L.; validation,
A.J. and J.T.; investigation, A.J.; resources, M.G. and B.L.; data curation, A.J. and J.T.; writing—original
draft preparation, A.J.; writing—review and editing, A.J., M.G., J.T., and B.L.; supervision, M.G. and
B.L.; funding acquisition, M.G. and B.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding P2-
0152 and basic postdoctoral research project Z2-9200). The work was partially carried out within the
RDI project Cel.Cycle, “Potential of biomass for development of advanced materials and biobased
products”, which is cofinanced by the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport,
and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, 2016–2020.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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