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& Intelligence Cycle (RPI)

Prof. Dr. Teddy Mantoro & Prof. Dr. Media A. Ayu



Data Modeling (ERD) +

2 Process Modeling (DFD) +
Data Dictionary

9 Ranah Topik dan 27 Ranah Keilmuan Bidang Intelijen
- Intelligence Body of Knowledge (InBoK)

InBoK, Tim Roadmap BIN 2020

Source: Joint Intelligence USA, 2013
Source: Joint Intelligence USA, 2013
Physical Analysis
Logical Analysis
Logical Design
Physical Design
User acceptance test
Alpha test
1. looking for
probleem what we
Beta test
2. analyze how can 1. dsigning the solving way
we resolve it
• Cut-over
• Paralel-run
• Pilot Project

System Development Life Cycle

Pengembangan Sistem pada Teknologi Informasi
(System Development Life Cycle)

Waterfall Method vs Casecade Method

Physical Analysis
Logical Analysis Tools

Logical Design Implementation: Pemodelan Data (ERD, EERD)

Physical Design • Cut-over Pemodelan Proses ( DFD)
• Paralel-run
• Pilot Project
Data + Proses = UML (Object Based)

System Development Life Cycle

Waterfall vs Agile methods
Waterfall vs Agile methods
Intelligence Cycle
(RPI = Roda Perputaran Intelijen)

The Intelligence Cycle is the process of developing raw

information into finished intelligence for policymakers to use in
decision making and action.

Commonly, there are four to six steps in the intelligence

Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA)
CIA acts as the principal adviser to the
President of the United States for
intelligence matters related to the national

CIA gathers, prepares information and

generate intelligence reports to help United
States’ leaders to make decisions. It
defines a cycle with five steps:
Center for Investigation and
National Security of Mexico

CISEN generates strategic and operational

intelligence with the aim at preserving the integrity,
stability and permanence of the Mexican State.
CISEN defines a five-step cycle with: Planning,
Gathering, Process and Analysis, Dissemination and
Exploitation and Feedback.
Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI)
FBI is an intelligence-driven and threat-focused
national security organization with both intelligence
and law enforcement responsibilities in the United

FBI intelligence cycle describes the process of

developing unrefined data into polished
intelligence for the use of policymakers. They
define 6 steps: Requirements, Planning and
Direction, Collection, Processing and
Exploitation, Analysis and Production and
Canadian Security
Intelligence Service
CSIS is at the forefront of Canada's national
security establishment. Its main role is to
investigate activities suspected of constituting
threats to the security of Canada, and to
report on these to the Government of

CSIS gathers intelligence information and

disseminates it to appropriate government
policy-makers. They define a five-step cycle:
Government Direction, Planning,
Collection, Analysis and Dissemination.
Direction, Collection, Analysis & Dissemination of Intelligence

Sources: (2021)

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
Signals Exploitation combines with sophisticated tools to utilize the electromagnetic spectrum in
furtherance of the strategic or tactical objectives.

Human Intelligence (HUMINT)

Leverage and exploit human contact networks, human assets and physical surveillance processes to
collect information and produce actionable intelligence.

Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

Imagery analysis to the table, and makes use of commercial tools and internally developed novel sensor platforms
to produce a relevant geospatial intelligence snapshot for a specific target.

Open source intelligence (OSINT)

Open source intelligence is derived from data and information that is available to the general public. To exploit a
variety of platforms - from social media to public databases - to create an OSINT product that will aid the decision
making process.
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