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Bellevue College

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)

Chapter 6 Project: 6-17

Stephanie Jacobson
ACCT 260 – Government & Non-Profit Accounting –
Winter 2023
Instructor: Dr. Alice Jenkins
February 9, 2023
CAFR 6-17
For this assignment I looked up the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for

the fiscal year 2021 for the city of Tampa, Florida.

a. General Long-Term Liabilities.

(1) Disclosure of Long-Term Debt. The report contains evidence that the city of Tampa

has general long-term liabilities. The report includes a list of outstanding tax

supported debt issues, lease obligations, claims and judgements, and compensated

absence payments. The government has issued special assessment revenue bonds. The

debt is not reported as a liability but is discussed in Note 12 of the Notes to the

Financial Statements. The city has no general obligation debt. I see no information

regarding any enterprise debt issues.

(2) Changes in Long-Term Liabilities. Changes in long-term liabilities during the year are

disclosed in Note 11 of the Notes to the financial statements. The disclosure schedule

is similar to that illustrated in chapter 6 of the textbook. The proceeds of the new debt

issuance are reported in the governmental fund financial statements as an “other

financing source.” Interest payments and principal payments due in future years are

disclosed. The report does not relate the payments with resources to be made

available under debt service laws and covenants.

(3) Debt Limitations. The report contains information on legal debt limits and legal debt

margin under the statistical section. The information contained in the report is not

explained in much detail. The report simply shows a table that gives numbers on debt

limit and legal debt margin over the last ten fiscal years.
(4) Overlapping Debt. The report discloses direct debt and overlapping debt of the city.

The debt of component units is reported as “overlapping debt” of the city.

b. Debt Service Funds.

(1) Debt Service Function. The debt service function for tax-supported debt is

handled by six debt service funds. The Community Investment Tax Bonds Fund

services sales tax revenue bonds. The Non-Ad Valorem Bond Assessment Fund

services Non-Ad Valorem Refunding Revenue Bonds, Non-Ad Valorem

Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Non-Ad Valorem Revenue Note,

and Taxable Non-Ad Valorem Revenue Refunding Notes. The Occupational

License Tax Bonds Fund services Occupational License Tax Bonds. The Utilities

Services Tax Bonds Fund services utility tax bonds and utility tax and special

revenue refunding bonds. The Community Redevelopment Agency Loan Fund

services a CRA loan. The Stormwater Improvement Assessment Bond Fund

services the Special Assessment Revenue Bonds. Debt service for bonds to be

retired from enterprise revenues are reported by enterprise funds.

(2) Investment Activity. The CAFR does not contain a schedule of investments of debt

service funds.

(3) Lease Payments. Periodic lease payments for general capital assets are accounted

for as expenditures on governmental funds. Debt service payments include

principal and interest on capital leases. The report discloses the portion of lease

payments considered as interest and the portion considered as payment on the


Department of Revenue and Finance. (2022). Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the

City of Tampa, Florida.


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