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GE 7 The Contemporary World Mr. Robert-Glenn A.

Miguel, LPT, MAED

First Trinal Examination Reviewer February 2023

Choose the best answer among the lettered choices.
1. Sentence A: Martin Khor is the former president of Third World Network (TWN) in Malaysia,
once regarded globalization as colonization.
Sentence B: According to Bauman, globalization is a very important change, if not, the “most

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

2. Sentence A: Albrow claims that the reality and omnipresence of globalization makes us see
ourselves as part of what we refer to as the “global age.”
Sentence B: Cessare Poppi sees globalization as “the process of world shrinkage, of
distances getting shorter, things moving closer.”

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

3. Sentence A: Ritzer defines Globalization as the “onset of the borderless world.”

Sentence B: Arjun Appadurai claims Globalization is the debate and the debate is

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

4. Sentence A: A more recent definition was given by Ritzer, “globalization is a transplanetary

process or a set of processes involving increasing liquidity and the growing multidirectional
flows of people, objects, places, and information as well as the structures they encounter and
create that are barriers to, or expedite those flows.
Sentence B: Robert Cox claims that the characteristics of globalization trend include the
internalizing of production, the new international division of labor, new migratory movements
from South to North, the new competitive environment that accelerates these processes, and
the new internationalizing of the state making states into agencies of the globalizing world.”

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

5. Sentence A: Narrow and inclusive definitions are better justified but can be limiting, in the
sense that their application adheres only to particular definitions.
Sentence B: Broad and exclusive definitions are vague.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. o
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

6. Sentence A: In a comprehensive study of 114 definitions by the Geneva Center for Security
Policy (GCSP) in 2006, 67 of them refer to cultural dimension.
Sentence B: While the remaining 47 definitions focus on political and social dimensions.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

7. Sentence A: It assumes that Globalization could bring either or both integration and/or
Sentence B: This Integration of different nations will lead to a decreasing global partnership
and increase the independency ratio.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

8. Sentence A: Although things flow easily in a global world, hindrances or structural blocks are
also present.
Sentence B: These blocks could slow down one’s activity in another country or could even
limit the places a person can visit.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.
9. Sentence A: In 1996, Arjun Appadurai said, “globalization is a ‘world of things’ that have
different speeds, axes, points of origin and termination, and varied relationships to institutional
structures in different regions, nations or societies.”
Sentence B: This means that globalization is a product of colonization.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

10. Sentence A: As Poppi (1997) wrote: “The literature stemming from the debate on globalization
has grown in the last decade beyond any individual’s capability of extracting a workable
definition of the concept.
Sentence B: Perhaps, more than any other concept, globalization is the debate about it.”

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

11. Sentence A: Globalization is a reality. It is NOT changing as human society develops.

Sentence B: It has happened before and is still happening today. We should expect it to
continue to happen in the future.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentences A. are TRUE, while Sentences B are FALSE.
B. Sentences A are FALSE, while Sentences B are TRUE.
C. All Sentences are TRUE.
D. All Sentences are FALSE.

12. Sentence A: Metaphors make use of one term to help us better understand another term.
Sentence B: In our case, the states of matter--solid and gas---have been used.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

13. Sentence A: Liquids refer to the barriers that prevent or make difficult movement of things.
Sentence B: Solids can be natural or man-made barriers.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

14. Sentence A: Liquids are not fixed.

Sentence B: They take the shape of its container.
Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?
A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

15. Sentence A: Today’s liquid phenomena change quickly and their aspects, spatial and
temporal, are in continuous fluctuation.
Sentence B: This means that space and time are crucial elements of globalization like in
global finance, for instance, changes in the stock market are a matter of seconds.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

16. Sentence A: Liquidity’s movement is difficult to stop.

Sentence B: This means, videos uploaded on Youtube or Facebook are unstoppable once
they become viral or the so-called Internet sensations become famous not only in their
homeland but also to the entire world.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

17. Sentence A: Liquidity and solidity are in constant interaction however; solidity is the one
increasing and proliferating today.
Sentence B: Therefore, the metaphor that could best describe globalization is solidity.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

18. Sentence A: Ritzer claims that flows are the movement of people, things, places, and
information brought by the growing “porosity” of global limitations.
Sentence B: Aside from local dishes, many of us are fond of eating sushi, ramen, hamburger,
and French fries, foods introduced to us by foreign cultures which are clearly, foods are being

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.
19. Sentence A: Most of the definitions of globalization centers on its economic dimensions.
Sentence B: According to Shangquan, 2000, “economic globalization is driven by the ‘growing
scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services.”

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

20. Sentence A: International trading, economic exchanges and deals between countries, is
enabled by international fiscal payments where private banks and the central banks of
particular nations play important roles.
Sentence B: Global trading does not concern importation and exportation of products.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

21. Sentence A: One manifestation of capital movement is foreign investment.

Sentence B: Foreign investment can be categorized as commercial loans, official flows, and
foreign indirect investment.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

22. Sentence A: Commercial loans are money being lent to foreign businesses or governments.
Sentence B: Official flows refer to development aid or money granted by poor countries to
developed nations.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

23. Sentence A: Foreign direct investment refers to buying or putting up a firm in a foreign country
or contributing to the enhancement of an existing firm.
Sentence B: Transnational corporations, businesses that operate in more than one country,
primarily undertake foreign direct investment.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

24. Sentence A: One of the examples of flows in the age of globalization is the movement of
people wherein people migrate to other countries in search of better employment opportunities.
Sentence B: In the Philippines, the number of Overseas Filipino Workers during the period
April to September 2018 was estimated at 2.3 million according to the Philippine Statistics

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

25. Sentence A: Steady advances in computer technology and communication systems such as
the World Wide Web are seen as the SECONDARY forces responsible for the creation of a
single global market.
Sentence B: As Richard Langhorne puts it, “Globalization has happened because
technological advances have broken down many physical barriers to worldwide communication
which used to limit how much connected or cooperative activity of any kind could happen over
long distances.”

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

26. Sentence A: As sociologist John Tomlinson puts it, “Globalization lies at the heart of modern
culture; cultural practices lie at the heart of globalization.”
Sentence B: He emphasizes that global cultural flows are NOT directed by powerful
international media corporations, that utilize new communication technologies to shape
societies and identities.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

27. Sentence A: Poor countries need to catch up with rich countries by implementing economic
policies toward economic integration.
Sentence B: Poor countries will benefit from borrowed funds.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

28. Sentence A: Explorations in earlier times tend to focus on a relatively BIGGER target of
commodities of high value like spices, gold, or other precious metals.
Sentence B: According to Shangquan, the difference now is the extent and reach of economic
globalization, restructuring of economic systems, and the dominant influence of the private
sector in the global economy.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

29. Sentence A: Wallerstein described high-income nations as the “core” of the world economy.
Sentence B: This core is the manufacturing base of the planet where resources funnel in to
become the technology and wealth enjoyed by the EASTERN World of today.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

30. Sentence A: Low-income countries are Wallerstein called “core,” whose natural resources and
labor support the wealthier countries, first as colonies and now by working for multinational
corporations under neocolonialism.
Sentence B: Middle-income countries, such as India or Brazil, are considered the semi-
periphery due to their closer ties to the global economic core.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

31. Sentence A: The Growth of the world economy and expansion of the world trade have
coincided with rising standards of living worldwide, with even the poorest nations almost
tripling in the last century.
Sentence B: But with increased trade between countries, trade agreements such as the North
African Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have become a major point of debate, pitting the
benefits of free trade against the cost of jobs within country’s borders.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.
32. Sentence A: Saddam Hussein was the ruler of the Kuwait in 1990.
Sentence B: He decided he was going to take over the oil fields of Iraq, invaded and took it

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

33. Sentence A: Different people with different identities CANNOT live in different states.
Sentence B: For example, the Catalans live primarily in Spain but we can also find some of
them in France.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

34. Sentence A: Social movements are movements of people that are NOT spontaneous or that
emerge through enormous grassroots organizations.
Sentence B: These social movements are transitional movements which means they occur
across countries and across borders.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

35. Sentence A: There is no international consensus, with a few dissenting countries like China,
South Africa, and Russia, against the death penalty.
Sentence B: This means that if somebody is sentenced by death penalty and somehow, he is
in a country around the world, there are no rules against that state extraditing into the United

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

36. Sentence A: (UN) United Nations is one of the leading political organizations in the world
where nation-states meet, deliberate and its Security Council consists five permanent
members which are the United States, Britain, Russia, China, and France.
Sentence B: The UN, with its headquarters in Mexico City, was designed to be a place where
countries could come to discuss their issues without resorting to violence and war, which had
plagued our planet for several years in the past.
Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?
A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

37. Sentence A: It is a defensive treaty or a military alliance between the United States, Canada,
and 20 European countries.
Sentence B: NATO was created right after the World War II, mostly during the beginning of
the Cold War and with the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, former Soviet
states, like Poland and Croatia, had joined NATO, making the present-day Russia feel more

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

38. Sentence A: Red Cross provides emergency relief such as food, water, and medical supplies
for those whose homes or towns have been destroyed by disaster or war.
Sentence B: Since they are neutral, governments are more likely to let them come into their
countries to help. While the headquarters of the International Red Cross is in Geneva,
Switzerland, they have branches all around the world.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

39. Sentence A: Oxfam provides free emergency healthcare in disaster areas while Doctors
Without Borders fights famine and disease.
Sentence B: Amnesty International speaks out for human rights and political prisoners while
Save the Children helps kids get health care and education.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

40. Sentence A: Globalism refers to the network of connections that transcends distances of
different countries in the world, so the links among countries and people are better associated
with globalism while the speed in which they become linked with one another is globalization.
Sentence B: The type of connection that exists and begins to increase in the contemporary
world lies on the growth of information as the binding force among people, things, and places
around the globe, so this technological paradigm, associated with computer science and
modern telecommunication, that replaces industrialism is called globalism.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the sentences above?

A. Sentence A. is TRUE, while Sentence B is FALSE.
B. Sentence A is FALSE, while Sentence B is TRUE.
C. Both Sentences are TRUE.
D. Both Sentences are FALSE.

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