Mayor Stutsman Resignation Letter

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March 22, 2023

To the Community of Goshen,

In 2008 I became Goshen’s second youngest council member, later becoming Goshen’s youngest mayor in 2016.
Serving this community as an elected leader for 16 years has been a great life honor. I have enjoyed and valued
being a servant leader in the city of Goshen. My work has always focused on bettering our community – your
family and my family – it has never been about party politics.

When first elected in 2007, I knew that being an elected official would be a temporary position in my professional
life. Cities need new leaders from time to time to bring fresh perspectives and initiatives that represent differing
parts of the community and that encourage new growth. And at the same time cities need to balance new leaders
and need to keep some others for consistency.

We also need to value and appreciate the consistent and important work that is done by the city staff. They are the
heart and soul of Goshen allowing the city to function in an exceptional way since 1831. Their knowledge and
experience ensure that our community continues to thrive long into the future.

In December of 2022 I had a long discussion with my family, Maija, Boden and Pippin, and decided that I would
not seek re-election after this next term. While I love my work, it takes an immense amount of time and brings a
high degree of stress. My job reminds me of the quote in the book, A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times;
it was the worst of times.” Being the Mayor has truly been the best and yet the most demanding job I have ever

In the last several years I have had opportunities arise to serve our community in other ways. I am currently serving
as the vice president of Accelerate Indiana Municipalities, a state-wide group that represents cities and towns, and I
am slated to be the president in 2024. I have been appointed to the nation-wide Small Government Advisor Board
to the EPA by the Biden Administration. I was also honored to receive an appointment from Lieutenant Governor
Susan Crouch to represent all cities and towns on the State’s housing task force.

Recently a new opportunity was presented to me. It brings together my 18 years of construction and renovation
experience, my 22 years of serving on boards and commissions throughout our county, state and nation, and my 16
years of elected service.

Yesterday, I met with my department heads to let them know what I am announcing today. It is with an excited yet
heavy heart that I announce that I will be stepping down as Mayor of the City of Goshen and removing my name
from the ballot as the incumbent mayoral candidate. While I am sad to leave my position, I am excited to take on a
new challenge.

The need for housing in Elkhart County has become obvious over the last several years. As mayor I have seen
individuals who need help to get back on their feet. I have also worked with employers and leaders who have had
generous hearts and who want to help and empower their employees when they need assistance. The synergy of
providing and giving assistance to those who want to work, grow and give back creates a vibrant community.
Having the opportunity to connect leaders with those in need to grow and build our community is an exciting
process. The new job that I will be taking will allow me to actively help those in need within our community and
county. While it is difficult to step down as mayor, I am excited to announce I have accepted the CEO position at
Lacasa of Elkhart County. (Lacasa will have a press release in the coming days).

I will be working closely with Goshen’s next mayor to develop a positive transition process. Over the last couple
of years, I have encouraged a person to run for Goshen City Council in hopes they would consider following me as
mayor. I am excited to say this person is willing to step up for this community, bringing new skills and ideas to this
position. This candidate has strong community connections, spent years bringing people together, has excellent
organization and leadership skills, and will keep the management team of the city together. There is no doubt in my
mind that they will help take Goshen to a more prosperous, inclusive, and vibrant future

I have been humbled by the support I have received from the residents and businesses in Goshen. I now humbly ask
you to transfer your support to this community leader as this person steps up on our behalf. Although I cannot yet
share the name, they will make an announcement in the next couple of days.

As we move forward, we will encourage transparency by keeping the community informed of the details
surrounding the transition. For the next few days, we need time to finalize the transition plans and solidify
appropriate dates. As an initial step, I will appoint and announce a transition team that will help throughout this
process. That team will be led by my good friend, Deputy Mayor Mark Brinson.

I will also be offering my time, experience, and knowledge to help throughout the rest of this year, answering
questions of the design and intent of the current city budget, walking beside our new mayor as the projects continue
to move forward, and helping to work through the process of creating Goshen’s 2024 budget. We are currently
working with those who will guide us through the appointment process of the Democrat Precinct Chairs.

I have been honored to serve with several different Clerk Treasurers during my time elected. Each one has brought
a different set of skills that helped move Goshen forward. Our current Clerk Treasurer, Richard Aguirre, has fit right
into our team and will be one of the steady hands needed for a successful transition.

I have also been honored to serve with several different councils. The council members and I have worked hard to
stand together, bringing together differing opinions and party affiliations. Together we have unanimously passed
the budgets my administration presented to the council from 2016-2023. These budgets have placed Goshen in a
great position to deal with the worst of times and helped us grow our community and build prosperity.

I am pleased that we have worked for our community, not for political parties. We have unanimously supported a
resolution to stand against an immigrant detention facility in our county. We stood together to pass a resolution
supporting our state leaders to create drivers’ cards for anyone who lives and works in our community and state, but
cannot get a driver’s license due to their immigration status.

We have supported the unprecedented growth of our community over the last seven years. We have started youth
programs and helped to ensure voices at all levels are part of our processes. We stood together finding common
ground throughout the great recession of 2008, the flood of 2018, the extreme cold of 2019, the pandemic of 2020
and 2021. More emergency responses have been needed in the last 8 years than were dealt with in Goshen for the
past several decades. We have been working for you and with you. I know our new mayor will continue to lead us
in working together as a community.

The Department Heads and all 276 members of the Goshen City staff have my heartfelt thanks for all they do to
make Goshen a safer and better place to live — they are the heart and soul of our community. While my decision to
step down was difficult, knowing this group is still here makes me confident that Goshen will continue to move
forward and offer amazing services and growth opportunities. It has been an honor to be a part of the team and
work beside each of you. Thank you for your consistent care of our community. I will forever be grateful for the
friendships that we have developed.

I offer my complete gratitude to the hundreds and thousands of volunteers, board and commission members,
residents, and businesses. Our success is no doubt due to your service to and investment in our community.

Both exciting and difficult times are still ahead of us. But, remember, we stand together regardless of what comes
our way! I look forward to working with you as we continue to create a strong and dynamic community.

I will leave you with this: On my first day in my office I knew I needed to decide what kind of leader I wanted to
be. To quote the great Ted Lasso inaccurately quoting Walt Whitman, “Be curious not judgmental.” Even though
this quote is inaccurate it is still valuable to take the time to think about. When we are judgmental we separate
ourselves from others. When we are curious we ask questions, we learn and build a respect for one another, and we
grow together because we build an understanding of our differences. Working together has always been the
obvious path forward for me. I have done my best to listen, ask questions, and lead with honesty, kindness and
respect. I knew I wanted to build Goshen in a way that others would say I left it better and stronger than I received
it. I truly hope I have achieved this goal.

I have been saying the following for eight years and it has never been truer: I love my community and I love my
job. Thank you to all of you for being part of both!

With Great Respect and Thanks,

Jeremy P. Stutsman

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