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Pa Kua Chang Journal

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Pa Kua Chang Newsletter, Volume 1
Volume 1, Number 1, Nov/Dec 1990, 12 pages:
Liu Hsing-Han: Inheritor of Ch'eng T'ing Hua Pa Kua Chang in Beijing,
84 year old fourth generation Pa Kua Chang instructor
living in Beijing, China.
Liu Hsing-Han's American student, John Bracy, is carrying on the
tradition of Nine Palace Pa Kua Chang in the U.S.

Volume 1, Number 2, Jan/Feb 1991, 12 pages:

Atlanta-based Pa Kua Chang Instructor Emphasizes Tradition and Authenticity:
Article about Allen Pittman
Alex Wang Talks About the Importance of Creativity and Change in Pa Kua Chang
Practice: Article about Alex Wang of Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Pa Kua Chang: Eight Trigramed Art of the Dragon Exercise Pa Excellence
by Dr. John Baker, D.C.

Volume 1, Number 3, March/April 1991, 12 pages:

Johnny Lee: Teaching Fu Chen Sung's "Dragon Style" Pa Kua Chang:
Article about Johnny Kwong Ming Lee
Al-Waalee Muhammad studies the Nature of the Serpent as it applies to Pa Kua Chang:
Article about Al-Waalee Muhammad
Pa Kua Chang Instructor Wong Her-Yue has been Teaching the Internal Styles
in the U.S. for 20 years: Article about Her Yue Wong
Unsealed Books: a column by James Keenan which discusses translation of
Pa Kua Chang material written in Chinese

Volume 1, Number 4, May/June 1991, 16 pages:

Gary Stier describes the Shen Men Tao Combination Style: Article about Gary Stier
Letters to the Editor Column: Pa Kua Chang: The Original Form:
Translation of a part of Chiang Jun-Ch'iao's book Pa Kua Chang Lien Hsi Fa
by Stuart Olson
Adam Hsu Describes the Step-by-Step Teaching Method of Liu Yun-Ch'iao:
Article about Adam Hsu
Pa Kua News Desk: Current events in the Pa Kua Chang community
The Importance of the "Eight" or "Guard" Stance by John Baker

Volume 1, Number 5, July/Aug 1991, 16 pages:

George Xu discusses the Principles of Dragon Style Pa Kua Chang:
Article about George Xu Letter to the Editor column
Pa Kua Chang: The Original Form part II: Translation of a part of Chiang
Jung-Ch'iao's book Pa Kua Chang Lien Hsi Fa
by Stuart Olson
Bok Nam Park emphasizes the Fundamental Principles of Pa Kua
Article about Bok Nam Park
Too Many Masters? by Ken Fish
Pa Kua News Desk: Current events in the Pa Kua Chang community
Unsealed Books: a column by James Keenan which discusses translation of
Pa Kua Chang material written in Chinese
Volume 1, Number 6, Sept/Oct 1991, 20 pages:
Kumar Frantzis Talks About Pa Kua Chang for Fighting and Meditation:
Article about Kumar Frantzis
Pa Kua Chang Teachers Meet at "A Taste of China": Article about Pa Kua Chang
teachers meeting Zhang Lu-Ping Demonstrates a Straight Forward Approach to
Pa Kua Chang: Article about Zhang Lu-Ping
The Stance for Combat: First in a series of instructional articles based
on the teaching of Bok Nam Park

Pa Kua Chang Newsletter, Volume 2

Volume 2, Number 1, Nov/Dec 1991, 20 pages:
Wai Lun Choi Discusses the Principles of Chiang Jung-Ch'iao's Pa Kua Chang:
Article about Wai Lun Choi
Adam Hsu reveals the substance of a 20 year old Question and Answer Session
with his teacher Liu Yun-Ch'iao
Eight Direction Rooted Stepping (Pa Fang Ken Pu) - The Basic Steps:
Second in a series of instructional articles based on
the teaching of Bok Nam Park
Andrew Dale Teaches Three Styles of Pa Kua Chang in Seattle:
Article about Andrew Dale From Hsing-I to Pa Kua and Back Again:
Article by Mike Patterson comparing Hsing-I and Pa Kua

Volume 2, Number 2, Jan/Feb 1992, 20 pages:

The Pa Kua Chang of Wang Shu-Chin: An Interview with Huang Chin-Shen:
An interview with Taiwan based teacher Huan Chin-Sheng, student of Wang Shu-Chin
Manfred Rottman Talks About His Training with Wang Shu-Chin:
Article about Manfred Rottman
Eight Direction Rooted Stepping (Pa Fang Ken Pu) - The Pivot Step:
Third in a series of instructional articles based on
the teaching of Bok Nam Park
Pa Kua News Desk: Current events in the Pa Kua Chang community
Defining "Internal" Kung Fu by Ken Fish

Volume 2, Number 3, March/April 1992, 24 pages:

The Pa Kua Chang of Kao I-Sheng: Article about Kao I-Sheng
He K'o-Ts'ai: One of the First to Bring Pa Kua Chang to Hong Kong:
Article about He K'o Ts'ai
Y.C. Wong and Kuan Hua Mountain Pa Kua: Article about Y.C. Wong
Pa Kua Chang Basic Palm Work: Fan Chang: Forth in a series of
instructional articles based on the teaching of Bok Nam Park
Open Letter to the Readers of the Pa Kua Chang Newsletter by Adam Hsu
Letter to the Editor column

Volume 2, Number 4, May/June 1992, 24 pages:

Jiang Hao-Quan and Ch'uan Shih Pa Kua Chang:
Article about Jiang Hao-Quan
The Passing of Liu Yn-Ch'iao: Article about Liu Yun-Ch'iao's life and death
Pa Kua in Belgium - A visit with Ning Qui-Xia: Article about Belgian
based Pa Kua teacher Ning Qiu-Xia
Pa Kua Arithmetic - The Principles of Pa Kua Chang Practice as
Explained by Bok Nam Park
Defining "Internal" Kung Fu - Part 2 by Ken Fish

Volume 2, Number 5, July/Aug 1992, 24 pages:

Nan Lu discusses Pa Kua Ch'i Development: Article about Nan Lu
How Internal Energy Training Affects Physical Training by Nan Lu
Liang Shou-Yu and E Mei Mountain Pa Kua Chang: Article about Lian Shou-Yu
Pa Kua Chang Biographies: Chu Kuao-Fu: Article about the late Chu Kuo-Fu
Jane Yao, teacher of Ts'ui Chen'Tung's Pa Kua Chang:
Article about Jane Yao Pa Kua's Unique Palm Training by Adam Hsu
Basic Palm Exercise: T'ien Fan Chang: Sixth in a series of
instructional articles based on the teaching of Bok Nam Park
Volume 2, Number 6, Sep/Oct 1992, 32 pages:
The Pa Kua Chang of Fu Chen-Sung: Article about Fu Chen-Sung
Fu Yng'Hui, Inheritor of Fu Style Martial Arts: Article about Fu Yung-Hui
Bow Sim Mark Teaches Traditional Fu Style Pa Kua Chang in the United States:
Article about Bow Sim Mark
Training the Hips and Waist: Article about Bow Sim Mark's waist
flexibility and strength training
Pa Kua Stepping and Single Palm Change by Sun Pao-Kung
Fu Style Pa Kua Chan Push Hands: Translation of text by Fu Yung-Hui
Johhny Lee Demonstrates Fu Chen-Sung's Single Palm Change
by Johnny Lee
Modern Explanations of Internal Power by Johnny Lee
Beat the Heat with Oriental Medicine by Gary Stier

Pa Kua Chang Journal, Volume 3

Volume 3, Number 1, Nov/Dec 1992, 32 pages:
The Life of Tung Hai-Ch'uan and the History of his Tomb
The Origins of Pa Kua chang - Part 1
Pa P'an Chang: Walking the Circle Takes a Different Turn by Adam Hsu
Herbs for Warming Up In Winter by Gary Steir
Y.C. Wong demonstrates the Eight Mother Palms of Pa Kua Chang by Ken Fish
Pa Kua Chang News Desk

Volume 3, Number 2, Jan/Feb 1993, 32 pages:

The Pa Kua Chang of Ch'eng T'ing-Hua
The Origins of Pa Kua Chang - Part 2
Ch'eng T'ing-Hua Pa Kua Chang in Seattle by Andrew Dale
Pa Kua Chang meets Hsing-I Ch'uan in the
Ch'eng Style Wu Hsing San Ts'ai
San P'an Pa Kua Form by Andrew Dale

Volume 3, Number 3, March/April 1993, 32 pages:

Liang Chen’P’u and his Pa Kua Chang
Vince Black Talks About Fighting, Healing, and Li Tzu-Ming’s Pa Kua Chang
The Classic Songs of Pa Kua Chang
Liang Chen Pu’s “Old Eight Palms

Volume 3, Number 4, May/June 1993, 32 pages:

Sun L'u-Tang and his Pa Kua Chang
The Single Palm Change of Sun Lu-T'ang by Allen Pittman
Pa Kua in Britain: Ji Jian-Cheng by Alan Ellerton
Pa Kua with Ji Jian-Cheng by Paul Crompton
The Origins of Pa Kua Chang - Part 3
The Passing of Li Txu-Ming

Volume 3, Number 5, July/Aug 1993, 32 pages:

Chang Chun-Feng: His Life and Teaching
The Hung Brothers of Taiwan
One of Sixty-Four: A Hou T'ien Example by Allen Pittman
Fire and Water (Drawing Silk) by Marcus Brinkman
Lo Te-Hsiu: Carrying On the Tradition of
Chang Chun-Feng's Pa Kua Chang

Volume 3, Number 6, Sept/Oct 1993, 32 pages:

"Lightning Hands" Chang Chao-Tung
Chiang Jung-Ch'aio: Martial Artist & Scholar
Sha Kuo-Cheng's Three Styles of Pa Kua
Grace X. Wu: Granddaughter of the Great Wang Tzu-P'ing
Internal Boxing and Taoist Alchemy by John Bracy
Pa Kua Chang Journal, Volume 4
Volume 4, Number 1, Nov/Dec 1993, 32 pages:
The Ba Gua Zhang of Yin Fu
Xie Pei Zi's Ba Gua Zhang Animals
The Ethical Foundation of Chinese Martial Arts by Allen Pittman
The Eight Animals of Ba Gua Zhang by Jerry Alan Johnson

Volume 4, Number 2, Jan/Feb 1994, 32 pages:

Gao Yi Sheng's Ba Gua Zhang in Tianjin
Single Palm Change - The Foundation of Gao Style Ba Gua
Dr. Fred Wu's "Guang Hua" Ba Gua Zhang
Luo De Xiu Teaches the Principles of Gao Style Ba Gua Zhang Fighting

Volume 4, Number 3, March/April 1994, 32 pages:

Li Cun Yi and the Xing Yi - Ba Gua Connection
Li Cun Yi on Motion & Tranquility, Firmness & Gentleness, False & True,
and Smartness & Clumsiness in Contest with the Opponent by Huang Guo Qi
Zhang Hua Sen: Keeping Li Zi Ming's Traditional Ba Gua Zhang Alive in China
Li Zi Ming's Ba Gua Zhang Sixty-Four Fighting Methods by Vince Black
San Francisco Bay Area Ba Gua Instructor S.T. Ying Dies at
Ninety-one Years of Age

Volume 4, Number 4, May/June 1994, 32 pages:

Ba Gua Zhang in the Cheng Family Village
Beijing's Indestructible Ba Gua and Xing Yi Instructor Lian Ke Quan
Martial Arts Taught in the Old Tradition (Part 1): It Still Exists in
Mainland China, But it is not Easy to Find
An Introduction to Ba Gua Throws by Tim Cartmell

Volume 4, Number 5, July/Aug 1994, 32 pages:

Gong Bao Zhai Talks About the Importance of Both the Literary & Martial
Aspects of Martial Arts Training
The "Little King of Shandong": Liu Yun Jiao
Liu Yun Jiao's Ba Gua in America: An Interview with Jason Tsou
by Mike Hitchcock
Martial Arts Taught in the Old Tradition (Part II):
The Deterioration of the Complete Martial Arts System
The Tang Shou Tao Ba Gua/Xing Yi Training Intensive in China

Volume 4, Number 6, Sept/Oct 1994, 32 pages:

The Circle Walk Practice of Ba Gua Zhang
Advanced Circle Walking: Training to Fight
Martial Arts Taught in the Old Tradition (Part III);What is Ba Gua Zhang?

Pa Kua Chang Journal, Volume 5

Volume 5, Number 1, Nov/Dec 1994, 32 pages:
Li Zi Ming and his Ba Gua Zhang
Li Zi Ming's Ba Gua Zhang Method by Vince Black
A Brief Introduction to the Body-Strengthening Function of Eight Diagram Palm
Qigong by Li Zi Ming
Li Zi Ming Ba Gua in New York City
Sha Gua Zheng's Single Palm Change by Sha Guo Zheng
Volume 5, Number 2, Jan/Feb 1995, 32 pages:
Fu Zhen Song's Direct Disciple, Lin Chao Zhen, Teaching in San Francisco
by Robert Chen
Fu Style Ba Gua: An Interview with Lin Chao Zhen by Michael Barrett
Ba Gua Zhang Qi Gong Methods - Part 1
The Essential Rules of Qi Gong by Xie Pei Qi

Volume 5, Number 3, March/April 1995, 32 pages:

Training to Fight: An Interview with Liu Wan Fu of Tianjin, China
Ba Gua Zhang Qi Gong Methods - Part II
The Nine Necessities and Ten Statements by Xie Pei Qi
Martial Applications of the Cao Branch of Yin Style Ba Gua Zhang
translated by Joseph Crandall
Ba Gua as Practiced by the Chinese Boxing Institute International
by James Cravens

Volume 5, Number 4, May/June 1995, 32 pages:

An Introduction to Tang Shou Tao Internal Martial Arts
The Teaching of Xu Hong Ji: An Interview with Mike Bingo
Ten Years in Asia: Tim Cartmell's Martial Arts Journey
An Interview with Xu Hong Ji's son, Xu Zhen Wang

Volume 5, Number 5, July/August 1995, 32 pages:

A Detailed Study of Ba Gua Zhang's Single Palm Change
In His Own Words: Sun Lu Tang's Single Palm Change by Sun Lu Tang,
Translated by Joseph Crandall and Helin Dong
Sun Style Ba Gua Zhang Single Palm Change by Tim Cartmell
Martial Arts Strategy: Two Enlightening Classics

Volume 5, Number 6, Sept/Oct 1995, 32 pages:

An Introduction to Wang Shu Jin and his Ba Gua
Wang Shu Jin’s Ba Gua in Boston: An Interview with Kent Howard
Wang Shu Jin’s Ba Gua: Principles and Practice by Kent Howard
Wang Shu Jin - Combative Ba Gua by James Cravens

Pa Kua Chang Journal, Volume 6

Volume 6, Number 1, Nov/Dec 1995, 32 pages:
Ba Gua Zhang's Eight Mother Palms - Theories and Applications
The Eight Trigram Palms of Shen Men Tao by Gary Stier
The 1995 International Ba Gua Zhang Conference, Beijing, China
by John D. Bracy

Volume 6, Number 2, Jan/Feb 1996, 32 pages:

An Introduction to Ba Gua Zhang Weapons
An Introduction to Sun Style Ba Gua Swordplay by Tim Cartmell
Ba Gua "Eight Immortal" Sword by Park Bok Nam and Glen Moore
A Weapon is an Extension of the Mind by Carlos Martin Casados
The Large Saber of Ba Gua Zhang by Glen Gurman

Volume 6, Number 3, March/April 1996, 32 pages:

Sun Xi Kun and His "Genuine Transmission of Ba Gua Quan"
The Fundamentals of Ba Gua Broadsword
Li Zi Ming's Ba Gua Matched Chopping Broadsword Set - Part 1
by Zhao De Yuan and Wong Tong - Translated by Tim Cartmell
The Passing of Two Gao Style Ba Gua Zhang Seniors: He Ko Cai
and Wang Shu Sheng
Volume 6, Number 4, May/June 1996, 32 pages:
Zhang Yi Zhong and the "Sage Arts"
Defending Yourself with Internal Martial Arts by James Dees
Ba Gua and Xing Yi Linked Combat by John D. Bracy
Li Zi Ming's Ba Gua Matched Chopping Broadsword Set - Part 2
by Zhao De Yuan and Wong Tong - Translated by Tim Cartmell
Yin Fu Style Ba Gua Instructor Xie Pei Qi to Visit U.S. and England
Father of Modern Wu Shu, Li Tian Ji, Dies in Beijing at age 81

Volume 6, Number 5, July/August 1996, 32 pages:

Gao Style Ba Gua in Hong Kong:
The Life and Teaching of He Ke Cai
An Interview with C.S. Tang
Ba Gua Specialty Weapons
Ba Gua Summer Retreats
Wang Shu Jin Remembered at Dong Hai Chuan’s

Volume 6, Number 6, Sept/Oct 96, 32 pages:

Fu Zhen Song’s Tornado Power:
An Interview with Liang Qiang Ya
Mechanics of Ba Gua Power by John Bracy
Principles of Internal Arts Combat by Tim Cartmell

Pa Kua Chang Journal, Volume 7

Volume 7, Number 1, Nov/Dec 1996, 28 pages:

How Do I Find a Good Ba Gua Teacher?
Basic Exercises to Help Develop Palm Striking Skill
The Dimensions of Teacher Selection and Training
Process In the Transition From External to Internal
by Chris Gundel
Biographies of Liu De Kuan, Geng Ji Shan, and Geng
Xia Guang

Volume 7, Number 2, Jan/Feb 97, 28 pages:

The Ba Gua of Lu Shui Tian:
Ba Gua Principles by Frank Hriadil
Taking the Snake’s Fangs by Glen Moore
Research Sparring Practice by Joseph Bellone
Ba Gua: The Road Less Traveled by G.T. Little and
Greg Hatza
Wang Shu-chin: Teacher and Master by Buho Jibiki

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