User Manual Tron 40VDR - VG PDF

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Tron 40VDR Capsule

FB-40 and FBH-40 Float free brackets

User manual
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BIT Short form of Binary Digit. The smallest element of data in a
binary-coded value
BPS Bits Per Second
COSPAS COsmicheskaya Sistyema Poiska Avariynich Sudov
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
FRM Final Record Medium
GPS Global Positioning System
HRU Hydrostatic Release Unit
IBRD International 406MHz Beacon Registration Database
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IMO International Maritime Organization
ITU International Telecommunication Union
LED Light Emitting Diode
LUT Local User Terminal (Ground station)
MCC Mission Control Centre
MHz Megahertz
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (USA)
RCC Rescue Coordination Centre
SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking System
SBM Shore Based Maintenance
UIN Unique Identifier Number
USCG Unite States Coast Guard
VDR Voyage Data Recorder

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Table of Contents
1 List of figures ............................................................................... 6
2 List of tables................................................................................. 7
3 General ........................................................................................ 8
4 Standards ..................................................................................... 9
5 Product description ................................................................... 12
5.1 Product images .................................................................13
5.2 EPIRB control functions ....................................................14
5.3 Cospas-Sarsat system description ....................................14
5.3.1 Signal detection ...................................................15 Advantages of an included GPS ...............16
5.3.2 EPIRB registration ................................................16
5.3.3 False alerts transmitted by EPIRB ........................17
6 Functional description ............................................................... 18
6.1 Tron 40VDR components ..................................................18
6.2 Main module .....................................................................19
6.3 Antenna .............................................................................19
6.4 Battery module .................................................................19
6.5 FB-40 float free bracket ....................................................19
7 Installation ................................................................................. 20
7.1 Brackets .............................................................................20
7.1.1 Mounting the FB-40 float-free bracket ...............20
7.1.2 Mounting the EPIRB in the FB-40 float-free
bracket 20
7.2 Replacing the battery........................................................23
8 Operation instructions ............................................................... 23
8.1 Manual operation .............................................................24
8.2 Automatic operation from the FB-40 float-free bracket .27
8.3 Wrist strap.........................................................................28
9 Maintenance.............................................................................. 29
9.1 Inspection ..........................................................................30

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9.1.1 Yearly additional requirements ...........................31
9.2 Testing ...............................................................................33
9.2.1 Self-test ................................................................33 Error codes (flashes) ................................34
9.2.2 Extended self-test (GPS test) ...............................35 Error codes (beeps)..................................36
10 Replacing the hydrostatic release unit (HRU) ............................ 36
11 Test and maintenance records .................................................. 40
12 Battery safety information ........................................................ 41
12.1 Handling and storage ........................................................41
12.1.1 Transportation .....................................................41
13 Technical specifications ............................................................. 42
13.1 Product specification ........................................................42
13.2 COSPAS-SARSAT transmitter.............................................42
13.3 Navigation device ..............................................................42
13.4 Homing transmitter ..........................................................43
13.5 Brackets .............................................................................43
13.5.1 FB-40 float-free bracket .......................................43
13.5.2 FBH-40 float-free bracket ....................................43
14 Optional accessories .................................................................. 44
15 Spare parts................................................................................. 44
15.1 Counterfeit spare parts .....................................................44
16 Recycling and disposal ............................................................... 44
17 Warranty.................................................................................... 44
18 Service ....................................................................................... 44
18.1 Service agents ...................................................................45
19 Document revision log ............................................................... 46
20 Emergency instructions ............................................................. 47

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1 List of figures
Figure 1 Tron 40VDR w/storage module ...................................................... 13
Figure 2 FB-40 float free bracket .................................................................. 13
Figure 3 Illustration - signal detection .......................................................... 15
Figure 4 Illustration - Tron 40VDR components ........................................... 18
Figure 5 Illustration - automatic operation of a FB-40 float free bracket .... 28
Figure 6 Emergency instructions overview .................................................. 47

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2 List of tables
Table 1 EPIRB control functions .................................................................... 14
Table 2 Satellites - LEOSAR & GEOSAR ......................................................... 16
Table 3 Tron 40VDR components ................................................................. 19
Table 4 Tron 40VDR maintenance requirements ......................................... 30
Table 5 Tron 40VDR self-test error codes (flashes) ...................................... 34
Table 6 Tron 40VDR GPS test error codes (beeps) ....................................... 36

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3 General
Jotron manufactures safety products designed for the search and rescue of
human lives and property. For this product to be effective according to the
design parameters, it is imperative that it is handled, maintained, serviced,
and stowed in compliance with this manual.
All information contained within this manual has been verified and is to
Jotron’s knowledge correct. Jotron reserves the right to make changes to
any product(s), module(s) described herein to improve design, function or
reliability, without further notice.

Jotron is not liable and cannot be held responsible for

any injury or damages caused directly or indirectly by an
error or omission of information, incorrect or misuse,
breach of procedures or failure of any specific
component or part of this product.

Jotron documentation can be downloaded from

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4 Standards
Jotron declares that this this product is compliant with IMO and SOLAS
regulations and both MED and RoHS directives.
A copy of the declaration of conformity can be downloaded from
The Tron 40VDR has been verified, tested and meets the following product
IEC 61097-2 Ed. 3.0 Global maritime distress and safety
systems (GMDSS) Part 2: Cospas-Sarsat
EPIRB – Satellite emergency position
indicating radio beacon operating on
406 MHz – Operational and performance
requirements, methods of testing and
required test results.
IEC 60945 Ed. 4.0 including Corrigendum 1 – Maritime navigation
IEC 608945 Corrigendum 1 and radiocommunication equipment and
systems – General requirements –
Methods of testing and required results.
IEC 61996-1 Ed. 2.0 Maritime navigation and
radiocommunication equipment and
systems – shipborne voyage data
recorder (VDR) – Part 1: Performance
requirements, methods of testing and
required test results.
IEC 63000:2016 Technical documentation for the
assessment of electrical and electronic
products with respect to the restrictions
of hazardous substances
ISO 14001 Environmental management systems
ISO 9001 Quality management principles

In accordance with SOLAS regulations, the following controls must be

Doc. No.: 87634 Rev. G Page 9 of 48
IV/15.9.2 of SOLAS 1974, in SOLAS regulation for Shore Based
accordance with MSC/Circ. Maintenance (SBM) of Satellite EPIRBs
1039 guidelines within 5 years if: Passenger ships (> 12
passengers) and cargo ships (> 300GT)
engaged in International voyages, shall
perform SBM as follows: Latest by the
date of the EPIRB label with this text, or
the battery Label, whichever is first. And
when this EPIRB becomes due for SBM in
accordance with national requirements.
IV/15.9.2 of SOLAS 1974 as SOLAS regulation for shore-based
amended to in accordance maintenance of satellite EPIRBs within 5
with MSC/Circ.1039 years, or by the date of battery expiry,
guidelines whichever is first. As it applies to
maintenance (servicing and tested) for
vessel that requires GMDSS compliant
SOLAS Chapter IV reg. 15.9.2 Regarding battery change. This must be
and IMO MSC. Circ. 1039 completed at a Jotron SBM authorized
location and it must also be approved by
the VDR manufacturer. The interval is
dependent on the flag-state
administration. If neither international
nor national regulations apply to the
EPIRB then the battery may be changed
by an authorized Jotron
IMO - MSC/Circ.1040 & rev.1 Regarding yearly testing of 406 MHz on
as required by SOLAS IV/15.9 satellite EPIRBs. Rev.1 requires that
annual testing be performed by an
authorized radio-surveyor or an
authorized person who is trained and
certified by Jotron.

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IMO MSC.1/Circ.1222 Regarding an additional yearly testing
requirement for the Tron 40VDR float
free capsule.
IMO COMSAR/Circ. 32 (latest Correct installation and storage of this
revision) product.

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5 Product description
The Tron 40VDR is an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB).
The purpose of the Tron 40VDR is to send a primary alarm to the search
and rescue authorities. The EPIRB sends a distress signal, when activated
transmitting the ID of the ship.
The Tron 40VDR is buoyant and activates automatically when immersed in
There are two float-free mounting brackets available for use with the Tron
40VDR, either the FB-40 or the FBH-40, which including heating. Both
brackets are specially designed with an internal safety switch (water
detectors), that prevent the EPIRB from inadvertently being activated by
moisture or water spray when placed in the bracket. The FB-40 float free
bracket includes a hydrostatic release unit (HRU) and a docking module.
The Tron 40VDR includes of the following components:
• Cospas-Sarsat emergency EPIRB
• VDR storage module
• FB-40 float free bracket or FBH-40 float free bracket (heating)

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5.1 Product images

Figure 1 Tron 40VDR w/storage module

Figure 2 FB-40 float free bracket

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5.2 EPIRB control functions
*floating or immersed in water
EPIRB mounted Transmitter
Control position EPIRB condition
in/out (bracket) status
On Ready Wet* Dry Out In On Off
Table 1 EPIRB control functions

A distress signal will not be sent until after the first 50


5.3 Cospas-Sarsat system description

Cospas is an acronym for the Russian words Cosmicheskaya Sistyema
Poiska Avariynich Sudov, which means “Space System for the Search of
Vessels in Distress”. The Cospas-Sarsat system was introduced in 1982 as a
worldwide search and rescue system with the help of satellites covering the
earth’s surface. Between 1982 and 2018 alone this system has aided in
rescuing at least 48,738 individuals in 14,531 search and rescue situations.
Currently, the system consists of 5 functional satellites in a polar orbit
constellation, these satellites cover the entire earth’s surface and receive
distress signals from the 406 MHz transmitter within the Tron 40VDR, more
polar orbiting satellites will be available in the future, giving a faster
location and rescue time.

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In addition, several geostationary satellites are equipped with a 406 MHz
transponder. These satellites are not able to locate the Tron 40VDR but will
give an early warning to the rescue forces, minimizing the time from an
emergency occurs till the rescue forces are at the site.
Each EPIRB in the system is programmed with its own unique code,
therefore, it is vital that the ships data supplied to the dealer upon
purchase or when the Tron 40VDR was obtained is correct. It is also
important that the EPIRB is registered in the database for each country.
This database is normally located in the same country where the ship is

5.3.1 Signal detection

When a Tron 40VDR is activated (manually or automatically) it transmits an
analogue signal on the 121.5 MHz frequency and digital signal on the
406.037 MHz frequency. After the Tron 40VDR is activated, the next
passing satellite will detect the transmitted signal and relay it to an antenna
at a local user terminal (LUT) ground station.

Figure 3 Illustration - signal detection

Doc. No.: 87634 Rev. G Page 15 of 48 Advantages of an included GPS
This product has been designed to operate with the Cospas-Sarsat system.
With the inclusion of a GPS, this EPIRB enhances lifesaving capabilities. The
GPS position is updated every 6-16 minutes.
Below, is a comparison between the Tron 40VDR and an EPIRB without a

Table 2 Satellites - LEOSAR & GEOSAR

5.3.2 EPIRB registration

Normally the Mission Control Centre (MCC) will contact the vessel, or the
contact person registered in the shipping register and/or EPIRB register
(ship owner, family member etc.) before alerting the Rescue Coordination
Centre (RCC). This is to determine if the alarm from the EPIRB is a false
alarm and a rescue operation can be avoided. Hence, it is important that
the data in the shipping register and/or EPIRB register is correct.
Register the beacon with the national authority associated with the country
code in the hexadecimal identification (15 Hex ID) of the beacon. Register
online with the Cospas-Sarsat IBRD, if the country does not provide a
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registration facility and the country has allowed direct registration:
If the country operates a national beacon registry, obtain a point of contact
at (review C/S S.007 Cospas-Sarsat Handbook of
Beacon Regulations).
Suggested EPIRB registration links:
USA: and UK: (search EPIRB registration)
USA registration card:
Suggested registration link:
It can also be registration via mail or fax. Downloadable forms are available
from their website.
The Emergency Contact information and telephone number must be
accurate as it is what will be used to validate an alert. The United States
Coast Guard (USCG) will only launch an immediate rescue if the beacon
registration and approximate location details can be confirmed. Delays will
occur whilst further alerts from the same source are received and verified.
Registration address:
NOAA/SARSAT Beacon Registration
1315 East West Hwy
Silver Spring, MD 20910

5.3.3 False alerts transmitted by EPIRB

If for any reason an inadvertent activation or false alarm occur, you must
report it to the nearest search and rescue authorities. The following
information must be reported:
• 15-digit unique identifier number (UIN) on the beacon label.
• Date and time of activation (including time zone).
• Cause and duration of the activation.
• Location of the beacon at the time of activation.

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To report a false alarm in the United States, contact the US Coast Guard at
1-855-406-USCG (8724)
To report a false alarm outside of the US, contact the national authority
where the beacon is registered.

6 Functional description
6.1 Tron 40VDR components
An overview of the components.

Figure 4 Illustration - Tron 40VDR components

Item no. Item

1 Front cover
2 Tron 40VDR float free EPIRB capsule
3 Final recording medium (FRM) storage module
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4 Float free bracket
5 Hydrostatic release unit (HRU)
6 Stability clip
7 Grounding screw
8 Catapult
9 Grounding plate
10 Docking module
11 Cotter pin
Table 3 Tron 40VDR components

6.2 Main module

The main board includes all electronic circuitry and the main switch.

6.3 Antenna
The antenna in the Tron 40VDR is omnidirectional and includes a LED flash
at the top.

6.4 Battery module

The battery module supplies the EPIRB with power to keep the EPIRB
transmitters active for 168 hours when activated, and for test sequences.
The battery module is integrated within the product.
Two water detectors are mounted in the battery module. These two metal
contacts are located on the back of the battery housing.

Do not touch the metal contacts as this can be detected

as water and activate the EPIRB.

6.5 FB-40 float free bracket

The FB-40 float free bracket is a covered bracket with a hydrostatic release
unit (HRU). The HRU releases the Tron 40VDR if the bracket is submerged
to a depth of 2-4 meters when a ship is sinking.

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7 Installation
The Tron 40VDR must be installed and stored as described in this manual.

Do not install the EPIRB near strong magnetic fields,

otherwise the EPIRB may be activated.

7.1 Brackets
Brackets should be mounted in a well protect area from environmental
conditions such direct water spray, chemicals, oil, exhaust and vibrations.

7.1.1 Mounting the FB-40 float-free bracket

Refer to the Tron 40VDR FF Capsule Installation manual for steps regarding
how to complete the mounting of the FB-40 float-free bracket.

7.1.2 Mounting the EPIRB in the FB-40 float-free

To mount the Tron 40VDR in the FB-40, do the following:
1. Verify the bracket is properly mounted.
2. Verify the bracket is not damaged.
3. Place the EPIRB on the docking module and gently press it into
the stability clip, verify no gapping.

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Gapping will occur if the bracket is not mounted
correctly on a flat surface. If there is a gap between the
docking module and the storage module then
communication between the two will either be
intermittent or non-existent.
4. Place the cover on the bracket bottom first, use the groove along
the edge of the cover.

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5. While fitting the black plug into place, gently press the cover.

6. Using the cotter pin, secure the cover.

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If the hole is not visible or it is not easy to push the cotter
pin through, do not force the pin or press the cover,
remove the cover, and try again.

7.2 Replacing the battery

The Tron 40VDR battery must be changed at a Jotron shore based
maintenance (SBM) authorized workshop to be GMDSS compliant.
If your Tron 40VDR is not under any international or national regulations,
the battery can be change by authorized Jotron representatives/partners/

8 Operation instructions
Tron 40VDR is designed to be operated either manually or automatically.
The EPIRB will automatically start to transmit when immersed into water.
The Tron 40VDR has an internal safety switch which prevents inadvertent
activation through moisture and water spray when located in the bracket.
The EPIRB battery lasts for 168 hours from activation.
This EPIRB should only be used in an emergency. Should an EPIRB be used
for any other reason, the user will be held responsible.

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Replace the battery after the EPIRB is operated for any
purpose other than a test.

8.1 Manual operation

Keep the EPIRB in an open area and away from metal
objects to ensure best performance (this includes ship

Do not tie the lanyard to a ship during an emergency,

this prevents the EPIRB from functioning if the ship

To manually operate the Tron 40VDR, do the following:

1. Remove the cotter pin from the bracket.

2. Remove the cover.

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3. Remove the EPIRB from the bracket.

4. Pull the safety ring.

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5. Push and move the main switch to the ON position.

The LED indicator located at the top of the antenna will

start to flash. This indicates that the EPIRB is

6. Tie the EPIRB lanyard to yourself or the survival craft.

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To stop transmission, move the main switch to the ready
position and secure the safety pin in place.

8.2 Automatic operation from the FB-40 float-

free bracket
During automatic release the following will occur:
1. When the bracket reaches a water depth of 2-4 meters or 6-13
feet the EPIRB will automatically be released.
2. The EPIRB will then float to the surface and start transmitting.
3. Transmission is indicated by the flashing LED and will continue
until the EPIRB is lifted out of the water and dried off.

The transmission can also be stopped by placing the EPIRB

back into the FB-40 bracket.

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Figure 5 Illustration - automatic operation of a FB-40 float free bracket

8.3 Wrist strap

In an emergency the EPIRB can be carried using a Jotron wrist strap. Use
the strap when it is necessary to have both arms free.
To use the wrist strap, do the following:
1. Pull the wrist strap out of the pocket.

2. Place your arm through the loop of the strap.

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It is not possible to put the wrist strap back into the
pocket after use.

9 Maintenance
The Tron 40VDR requires the following maintenance:

Timing Requirements
Both the EPIRB and the bracket should be inspected. The EPIRB
should be self-tested in the bracket. Perform inspection and
testing following with steps outlined in this manual.
Every 4th month, perform an extended self-test (GPS test)
instead of the self-test.
Test in accordance with MSC. 1040, the annual performance test.
In addition to the regular yearly inspection and testing, the HRU
Every 2
should be replaced including the plastic bolt. Mark the new expiry
years date on the label.

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The battery must be replaced and changed at a Jotron SBM
Every 4-5 authorized location (to be GMDSS compliant). Test in accordance
years with MSC. 1039 SBM. The SMB is decided by the flag state
Every 10 Jotron recommends that the EPIRB and FB-40 float free bracket
years are replaced at this time.
Table 4 Tron 40VDR maintenance requirements

9.1 Inspection
The lifetime of any equipment depends on how well you take care of it.
Inspect both the Tron 40VDR and the FB-40 float free bracket for defects.
To inspect, do the following:
1. Ensure the bracket cover is not blocked (this hinders the release
functionality of the EPIRB).
2. Ensure the EPIRB and bracket are clean (no paint, oil and other
3. Verify the lanyard is attached (on the EPIRB and not the vessel)
4. Verify the expiry date of EPIRB battery.

5. Verify the expiry date of HRU (month/year)

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9.1.1 Yearly additional requirements
Once a year the Tron 40VDR must meet these additional requirements.
To complete the additional requirements, do the following:
1. Remove and clean the old grease from both the docking module
and the storage module.
2. Apply a thin layer of Jotron silicone grease evenly inside the areas
marked with a green boarder.

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The function of the grease is to prevent ingress of water
between the docking module and the storage module,
this ensures good data transmission.

If the layer of grease is too thick, it may have a negative

effect on the VDR performance. Only use Jotron grease.

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9.2 Testing
It is important to perform regular testing of equipment to ensure proper
operation. This also ensures the EPIRB is in good working order and
therefore ready for use in a potential emergency.

9.2.1 Self-test
The purpose of a self-test is to verify that the EPIRB functions as it should.
During this test, a short test signal on 121,5MHz and 406,037MHz are sent
to test the output of the transmitter and operation of the EPIRB. While
transmitting the test signal, the battery voltage and status, output power
and phase lock are tested. When testing the 406MHz transmitter a test
message is transmitted, this test message is coded with a special
synchronization code that will not be recognized as an actual alert by the
Cospas-Sarsat satellites.
There are two types of tests:
1. Self-test
2. Extended self-test including GPS test

Testing should be completed within the first 5 mins of

an hour as the satellite EPIRB emits a 121,5MHz signal
during testing.

To perform a self-test, do the following:

1. Move the switch from the ready position to the test position and
hold for 15 seconds.

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Keep hands and/or other objects away from the

2. Release the switch.

A single flash indicates a passed test. If this is not the

result, refer to the error codes. Error codes (flashes)

If the self-test detects an error in the EPIRB module, one or more of the
following will occur:
Number of
Error codes
2 Low power on 406MHz transmitter
3 Low battery voltage
4 Low power on 121.5MHz transmitter
5 PLL on 406MHz transmitter out of lock
6 PLL on 121.5MHz transmitter out of lock
EPIRB module not programmed or programming not
Table 5 Tron 40VDR self-test error codes (flashes)

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9.2.2 Extended self-test (GPS test)
Upon completion of an extended self-test, a self-test will automatically
occur. However, only when the extended test is successful. During an
extended self-test, a GPS position is received. During the automatic self-
test, the position is sent on 406.037 MHz. An EPIRB tester can be used to
verify the GPS position during a self-test.

Limit this test to a maximum of once a month as this

testing reduces the lifetime of the EPIRB battery. The
Tron 40VDR can only complete 60 GPS tests during the
lifetime of 1 battery.

To perform an extended self-test including GPS, do the following:

1. Move switch to the test position twice within 3 seconds and
release back to the ready position.

The EPIRB will beep shortly every 3 second until the GPS
position is acquired.

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Keep hands and/or other objects away from the

2. A self-test will automatically take place after a successful GPS test

and position transmission on 406.037 MHz. The GPS position may
be received on an EPIRB tester for verification.

2 beeps and a single flash indicates as passed test. If this

is not the result refer to the error code tables for either
flashes or beeps. Error codes (beeps)

If the GPS test detects an error, one of the following will occur:
Number of
Error codes
5 Did not acquire GPS positioning
10 Number of GPS test above limit (>60)
Table 6 Tron 40VDR GPS test error codes (beeps)

10 Replacing the hydrostatic release unit

A replacement HRU must be purchases separately and is supplied in a kit.
The HRU kit includes a special bolt and fittings.

Only a Jotron approved hydrostatic release unit kit must

be used, as it is type approved.

To replace the release mechanism, do the following:

1. Remove the cotter pin from the bracket.

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2. Remove the cover.

3. Remove the EPIRB from the bracket.

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4. Press down and hold in place the spring-loaded catapult, then
remove the HRU by sliding it out of the locking slot.

5. While holding the catapult down, slide the new HRU into the
locking slot.

6. Place the EPIRB back in the bracket.

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Ensure that the top cover is locked into place at the
bottom and that the top end is fixed at the hydrostatic
release mechanism rod.

7. Verify no gaping between the bracket and cover.

8. Close and secure the top cover using the cotter pin.

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11 Test and maintenance records
Below is an overview of all test and control details.
Date B/N/T* Signature Inspector name

*B=New battery, N= New EPIRB installed, T=Test

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12 Battery safety information
Type: Primary lithium metal
Lithium metal content: Below 1gram lithium pr battery cell
Approximate weight: 510grams
Chemical system: Lithium-thionyl chloride
Designated for recharge: No
For information regarding the physical and chemical properties, the
potential health and safety measures and the environmental effects of the
battery used with this product, refer to the manufacturer’s safety
information documentation.
The safety information is available for download at - product.

12.1 Handling and storage

This product should be stored in a cool and well-ventilated area. Elevated
temperatures can result in a reduction of battery life. Locations that handle
large quantities of lithium batteries must ensure the batteries are isolated
from combustibles. A short circuit for a few seconds will not seriously affect
the battery. A prolonged short circuit will cause the battery to lose energy,
generate significant heat and can cause the safety release vent to open.
The contents of an open battery, including a vented battery, when exposed
to water, may result in a fire and/or explosion. Crushed or damaged
batteries may result in a fire. A battery that is disassembled or exposed to
water, fire or high temperatures can explode or leak causing burns.

12.1.1 Transportation
The product described in this manual is subject to follow special packing
instructions and/or transportation regulations. Information regarding these
regulations (in accordance with ICAO/IATA, IMDG code and/or ADR/RID) is
included in the product safety information (PSI) and/or in the test summary
report (TSR) (in accordance with UN test 38.3.5) and available for download
at - product.

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13 Technical specifications
13.1 Product specification
Battery type: Lithium-thionyl chloride
Battery capacity: 7.2V/18Ah
Housing material: Glass reinforced polycarbonate
Unit dimensions (H/W/D): 400mm x 200mm x 200mm
Weight: 1900grams
Compass safe distance: 0,8meters
Temperature operating: -20°C to + 55°C (-4°F to +131°F)
Temperature storage: -30°C to + 65°C (-22°F to +149°F)
Operating life: Minimum 168 hours at -20°C
Lanyard length: >5 meters
Lanyard strength: >25kg

13.2 COSPAS-SARSAT transmitter

Frequency: 406.037MHz ±2ppm
Output power: 5W
Protocols: Location protocols (maritime, serialized)
Modulation: Phase modulation 1.1rad ±0.1rad
Data encoding: Bi Phase L
Stability: Short term: ≤ 2x10e-9 Hz
Medium term: ≤ 1x10e-9 Hz
Residual noise: ≤ 3x10e-9 Hz
Bit rate: 400bps
Antenna: built-in omnidirectional

13.3 Navigation device

Type: 56 channel GPS receiver
Antenna: Internal antenna
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13.4 Homing transmitter
Frequency: 121.500MHz
Output power: Up to 100mW
Modulation: A9, AM sweep tone between 300Hz and
Sweep range: 700Hz
Sweep rate: 2.5Hz
Stability: 10ppm over temperature range
Antenna: Omnidirectional

13.5 Brackets
13.5.1 FB-40 float-free bracket
Materials: Glass reinforced ASA (acrylonitrile styrene
Dimensions (H/W/D): 553mm x 215mm x 236mm
Weight: 2900grams
Release mechanism: Jotron HRU
Temperature operating: -30°C to + 65°C (-22°F to +149°F)
Temperature storage: -30°C to + 65°C (-22°F to +149°F)

13.5.2 FBH-40 float-free bracket

Materials: Glass reinforced ASA
Dimensions (H/W/D): 553mm x 215mm x 236mm
Weight: 3600grams
Release mechanism: Jotron HRU
Heating cable power supply: 220-240V AC
Cable length to thermostat: 0,8m
Power consumption: 60W
Temperature operating: -30°C to + 65°C (-22°F to +149°F)
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Temperature storage: -30°C to + 65°C (-22°F to +149°F)

14 Optional accessories
For an overview of the available optional accessories for this product, refer

15 Spare parts
For an overview of the available spare parts for this product, refer to

15.1 Counterfeit spare parts

Ensure that all spare parts being fitted to this product are only original
spare parts manufactured or approved by Jotron.
Any use counterfeit parts will invalidate the product type-approval

16 Recycling and disposal

This product should not be disposed as normal waste and must be handled
in accordance with the applicable federal, state and local waste disposal
regulations in the country where the equipment is used.

17 Warranty
All Jotron products are warranted against factory defects in materials
and/or workmanship during the warranty period.
Refer to the sales terms and conditions for specific warranty information
regarding this product.

18 Service
All services such as testing, installation, programming, replacement,
marking and battery exchange are provided by an authorized Jotron service
Improper service or maintenance may destroy the functionality and/or
performance of this product.
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Jotron does not accept any responsibility for the dismantling or
reassembling of any Jotron product that occurs externally from a Jotron
authorized facility and/or is handled by someone other than an authorized,
training and certified person.

18.1 Service agents

Refer to for an overview of Jotron partners and distributors.

Doc. No.: 87634 Rev. G Page 45 of 48

19 Document revision log
Document revision log
Rev Date Reason for Issue Author
A 07.05.2014 New Manual (Total 32 pages) SEH
B 06.06.2014 Adjusted text (Ch 2.2 & 4.2) SEH
C 29.10.2014 Added new spare part number WB
D 22.12.2014 Front/back covers updated & added 1.2 WB
E Not released WB
F Updated mounting description of bracket ØB
22.10.2018 cover, operations instructions. New layout
and minor adjustments.
G 16.12.2021 Updated content, revised text structure in WB
a new documentation design and layout
in accordance with new company profile.

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20 Emergency instructions
This is an overview of how to operate a Tron 40VDR during an emergency.

Figure 6 Emergency instructions overview

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Jotron AS Jotron USA, Inc Norway Jotron AS Beijing
Ringdalskogen 8 6300 Rothway Street, Suite C Representative Office (ATC business)
3270 Larvik, Norway Houston, TX 77040, USA No. 1204 room, building D
Tel: +47 33 13 97 00 Tel: +1 713 268 1061 Tiejian plaza,
Chaoyang district Beijing 100012 China
SINGAPORE UK Tel: +86 10 5619 6464
Jotron Asia Pte. Ltd. Jotron UK Ltd.
10 Ubi Crescent, Ubi Techpark Crosland Park, Cramlington
Lobby B, #05-11/12, Singapore 408564 NE23 1LA, UK
Tel: +65 65 42 63 50 Tel: +44 1670 712000 [email protected]

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