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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia




Ministry of Education
August 2012
Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision
Occupational Code: EIS HRS4


EIS HRS4 01 0812 EIS HRS4 02 0812 EIS HRS4 03 0812

Review Human Recruit, Select, Support Performance
Resources Functions Promotion and Induct Management Process
EIS HRS4 04 0812 EIS HRS4 05 0812 EIS HRS4 06 0812
Implement Address Customer Manage Human
Organizational Needs Resource Operations
Relations Procedures

EIS HRS4 07 0812 EIS HRS4 08 0812 EIS HRS4 09 0812

Design and Develop Manage Human Plan Human Resource
Complex Text Resource Training and
Documents Development Programs
EIS HRS4 10 0812 EIS HRS4 11 0812 EIS HRS4 12 0812
Manage Employees Monitor and Maintain Plan and Organize
Movement and Records in an Online Work
Separation Environment

EIS HRS4 13 0812 EIS HRS4 14 0812 EIS HRS4 15 0812

Migrate to New Establish Quality Develop Individuals and
Technology Standards Team

EIS HRS4 16 0812 EIS HRS4 17 0812 EIS HRS4 18 1012

Utilize Specialized Manage and Maintain Manage Continuous
Communication Skills Small/Medium Business Improvement System
Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV
Unit Title Review Human Resources Functions
Unit Code EIS HRS4 01 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to undertake research that supports work across a range of
human resources functional areas.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Research human 1.1 Clarify human resources issues
functions 1.2 Local, state/territory, national and international human resources
networks are identified for human resources professionals
1.3 Information sources are identified for human resources data and
1.4 A research strategy suitable to the topic is selected
1.5 Relevant personnel are consulted
1.6 Research are undertaken
1.7 Research findings are reviewed
2. Review policy 2.1 Identify Policies and procedures relevant to the research topic
and procedures
frameworks 2.2 Analyze Strengths and weaknesses of policies and procedures
2.3 Legislation, regulations and standards that apply to the policies,
procedures and the research topic are considered
3. Apply ethical 3.1 Review ethical requirements associated with the human resources
framework function under review.
3.2 Ethical obligations of human resources personnel working in the area
under review are considered
3.3 Behaviors associated with working are documented ethically in the
area under review
4. Report on 4.1 Key findings of the review are collated/ordered, analyzed and
research documented
4.2 Report on outcomes of research is written
4.3 Recommendations are developed for future activity

Variable Range
Human resources  Human Resource Management (HRM)
issues may include:  human resources information systems (HRIS)
 change management
 employee assistance programs
 organizational relations
 learning and development
 performance management
 rehabilitation and return to work schemes
 remuneration
 selection and recruitment
 succession planning
Research strategies  interviews
may involve:  literature searches of print and online resources
 statistical analysis
 surveys
 websites

Relevant personnel  experienced human resources practitioners

may include:  training and development staff
 managers and team leaders
 industry experts or spokespersons

Ethical requirements  addressing improper behavior

may include:  application of company values
 Code of Conduct
 confidentiality
 principles such as fairness, respect, impartiality and integrity
 reporting processes

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Recruit, Select, Appoint/Promote and Induct Staff
Unit Code EIS HRS4 02 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to
execute tasks associated with the recruitment cycle.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Determine job 1.1 Clarify time lines and role requirements for appointment
1.2 Prepare job descriptions which accurately reflect the role requirements in
accordance with organizational procedures and rules and regulations, cod
and national standards
1.3 Consult relevant personnel about job descriptions
1.4 Make sure job descriptions do not contravene rules and regulation
requirements of the organization.
1.5 Obtain the approvals to advertise position

2. Plan for 2.1 Vacancies are advertised for staffing requirements in accordance with
selection organizational policies and procedures
2.2 Relevant personnel are consulted to convene selection panel and to develop
interview questions
2.3 Short list applicants are selected
2.4 Interview questions which do not breach rules and regulation requirements
are ensured
2.5 Interviews and advise relevant personnel of times, dates and venues are

3. Assess and 3.1 Conduct Interview process

applicants 3.2 Assess candidates against agreed selection criteria
3.3 Assessment is discussed with other selection panel members
3.4 Any biases or deviations are corrected from agreed procedures and
negotiated for preferred candidate
3.5 Referees are contacted for referee reports
3.6 Selection report is prepared and recommendations are made to senior
personnel for appointment
3.7 Unsuccessful candidates of outcomes are advised and responded to any
3.8 All necessary documentation is completed in accordance with
organizational procedures
3.9 Agreement of preferred candidate is secured

4.Appoint/hire 4.1 Successful candidate is provided with employment contract and other
and induct documentation
candidate 4.2 Managers and staff are advised of starting date and necessary administrative
arrangements made for pay and employee record keeping
4.3 Manager and work team of new appointment are advised
4.4 Induction is arranged in accordance with organizational policy

Variable Range
Job descriptions  Attributes/characteristics
may include:  job or person specifications
 competencies required by staff
 necessary skills and knowledge
 qualifications
 selection criteria
 job title and purpose of position
 tasks or duties associated with the position

Rules and regula  award and enterprise agreements, and relevant organizational instruments

tions, and  relevant organizational rules and regulation practice
national  relevant rules and regulation from all levels of government that affects
standards may business operation, especially in regard to HRM and environmental issues,
include: equal opportunity, organizational relations and anti-discrimination
Advertising may  electronic or print
include:  internal or external
 outsourcing
Staffing  permanent, temporary, full-time, part-time or casual
may include:
Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV
Unit Title Support Performance Management Process
Unit Code EIS HRS4 03 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to assist in the effective implementation of a performance
management system and to facilitate employee performance.
It involves review performance management system/infrastructure,
promote/facilitate performance management system, and
collate/organize performance management data.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Review 1.1. Ensure all current position descriptions specifying key requirements
performance of the role.
infrastructure 1.2.Ensure that managers have provided reports with performance
indicators that are consistent with the position description
1.3. Check that performance appraisal meetings are held in accordance
with organizational timeframes, that correct documentation has been
completed and that all necessary parties have recorded agreement.
1.4. Check that appropriate organizational procedures have been
followed for rewarding good performance.
1.5.Check that appropriate organizational procedures have been followed
for addressing under performance
1.6. Provide advice and support where there are decisions on about
performance appraisal outcomes.

2. Promote 2.1. Clarify goals and methods of the performance management system
management 2.2.Address any questions from employees about the performance
system management system
2.3.Arrange and deliver training/instruction in how to use the
performance management system
2.4. encourage ongoing and regular feedback on performance as well as
formal performance appraisals

3.Collate/organize 3.1. Review performance management documentation to establish trends

performance or problem areas which require attention
data 3.2. Policies or procedures are revised if necessary
3.3. Review patterns in all skill or performance gaps and requirements
and options are considered for performance development
3.4 .Improvements are suggested to the performance management system

Variable Range
Position descriptions  duty statements
may also be termed,  role statements
or include:  job specifications
Performance  any qualitative or quantitative measurement of performance
appraisal meetings  data from tailored software
may consider:  feedback from peers, reports, customers or clients
 key performance indicators
 perspectives of the manager and the person being reviewed
Rewards may  bonuses
include:  incentives
 salary increment
 salary packaging opportunities
 Non-monetary rewards such as workshop, training, etc.
Performance  action learning sets
development may  job rotation
include:  training
 mentoring or coaching
 pairing with more experienced staff
 Shadowing/Investigating

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Implement Organizational Relations Procedures
Unit Code EIS HRS4 04 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to work with organizational relations policies and procedures.
This involves communicating and implementing organizational relations
policies and procedures, assisting in minimizing organizational relations
conflict and enhancing organizational relation.
Elements Performance Criteria
1. Communicate 1.1 Relevant legislation, agreements, policies and procedures are sourced
and implement and disseminated to all relevant persons and groups
organization’s 1.2 Strategies are developed to effectively communicate with relevant
organizational persons and groups on organizational relations matters
relations 1.3 The organization’s organizational relations procedures are promoted to
policies and relevant persons and groups
procedures 1.4 Agreements, policies and procedures are implemented in accordance
with work place, organization and statutory requirements
1.5 The organization are represented appropriately in discussions with key
2. Assist in 2.1 The implementation of organizational relations policies and procedures
minimising is monitored.
organizational 2.2 process and report management activities on potential organizational
relations conflict relations conflicts
2.3 Prepare and forward documentation to management and other
relevant parties about potential organizational relations conflicts.
2.4 Conjunction with managers is worked to contain/obtain organizational
relations conflicts.
2.5 Employees are worked to resolve personal grievances and to prevent
escalation of organizational relations conflicts
3. Enhance 3.1 Strategies are trialed and implemented to:
organizational  monitor the implementation of the organizational relations policies
relations and procedures
 facilitate feedback on the organizational climate
 strengthen relationships with relevant persons and groups
3.2 provide information and feedback to management on organizational
3.3 provide Information and advice to relevant persons and groups

Variable Range
Relevant legislation, include:
agreements, policies  Different leave rules and regulation
and procedures  employment contracts
 enterprise agreements and workplace agreements
 organizational awards, orders and decisions
 organizational relations
 HRM policies and procedures
 reasonable adjustments for workers with a disability

Persons and groups include:

 employee representatives
 employer/ manager representatives
Work place, refer to:
organization and  award mechanism
statutory  dispute settlement procedures
requirements  grievance mechanisms
 relevant industry codes of practice
 relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects business
operation, especially in regard to HRM and environmental issues, equal
opportunity, organizational relations and anti-discrimination
 reporting channels and procedures
Management  may include:
 chief executive officer, Board and other senior managers
 Organizational relations/human resources manager
 line managers

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Address Customer Needs
Unit Code EIS HRS4 05 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to manage the ongoing relationship with a customer that
includes assisting the customer to articulate their needs, meeting
customer needs and managing networks to ensure customer needs. The
customer relationship would typically involve direct interaction for a
number of times over an extended period.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Assist customer 1.1 Ensure customer needs are fully explored, understood and agreed
to articulate needs
1.2 Available services and products are explained and matched to
customer needs
1.3 Rights and responsibilities of customers are identified and
communicated to the customer as appropriate
2.1 Possibilities are explained for meeting customer needs
2. Satisfy complex
customer needs 2.2 Customers are assisted to evaluate service options to satisfy their
2.3 Preferred actions are determined and prioritised
2.4 Potential areas of difficulty are identified in customer service
delivery and appropriate actions taken in a positive manner
3.1 Establish effective regular communication with customers
3. Manage networks
to ensure 3.2 Relevant networks are established, maintained and expanded
customer needs 3.3 Ensure that decisions about targeting of customer services are done
are addressed based on up-to-date information about the customer, and the services
3.4 Ensure that referrals are based on the matching of the assessment of
customer needs and availability of services.
3.5 Records of customer interaction are maintained in accordance with
organizational procedures

Variable Range
Customers may include:
 customers with routine or specific requests
 in person, computer based and telephone customers
 internal and external customers
 people from a range of social, cultural or ethnic backgrounds
 people who may be unwell, drug affected or emotionally distressed
 people with varying physical and mental abilities
 Regular and new customers.
Rights and may include:
responsibilities of  fulfillment of external obligations
customers  Informed consent.
Effective regular may include:
communication  giving customers full attention
 handling sensitive and confidential issues
 maintaining eye contact (for face-to-face interactions), except where
eye contact may be culturally inappropriate
 speaking clearly and concisely
 using active listening techniques
 using appropriate language and tone of voice
 using clearly written information/communication
 using non-verbal communication e.g. body language, personal
presentation (for face-to-face interactions)
 Using open and/or closed questions.
Services may include:
 ideas
 Private or public sets of benefits.
Organizational may include:
procedures  procedural manuals
 quality systems, standards and guidelines

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Manage Human Resource Operations
Unit Code EIS HRS4 06 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required in planning
and managing human resource operations. It may be applied to a small
independent operation or to a section of a large organization.
Elements Performance Criteria
1. Develop work 1.1 Objectives are set and stated as measurable targets with clear time
plans & frames consistent with goals/aims of organization.
strategies 1.2 Support and commitment of team members are reflected in the
objectives according to organization’s policy.
1.3 Tasks/work activities to be completed are identified and prioritized
as directed.
1.4 Resources are allocated as per requirements of the activity
1.5 Work plan is finalized to provide a clear and coherent direction in
accordance with the organizational goals and objectives
1.6 Performance measures, operational targets and quality assurance
issues are developed to conform with the work plan
2. Implement work 2.1 Identify Work methods and practices in consultation with personnel
plans concerned.
2.2 Coordinate Schedule of work activities with personnel concerned.
2.3 Work plans are implemented in accordance with set time frames,
resources and standards
3. Monitor work 3.1 Monitor and compare work activities with set objectives.
3.2 Monitor work performance following work procedures and
3.3 Deviations from work activities are reported and recommendations
are coordinated with appropriate personnel in accordance with set
3.4 Reporting requirements are complied with in accordance with
recommended format.
3.5 Timeliness of report is observed according to schedule.
3.6 Files are established and maintained in accordance with standard
operating procedures.
3.7 Emerging problems are handled efficiently and in accordance with
organizational standards
4. Review and 4.1 Work plans, strategies and implementation are reviewed based on
evaluate work accurate, relevant and current information.
plans and
activities 4.2 Review is based on comprehensive consultation with appropriate
personnel on outcomes of work plans and reliable feedback
4.3 Results of review are provided to concerned parties and formed as
the basis for adjustments/simplifications to be made to policies,
processes and activities.
4.4 Necessary reports and documentation are accomplished on time and
in accordance with standards guidelines
5. Evaluate staff 5.1 Performance appraisal is conducted in accordance with organization
performance rules and regulations
5.2 Performance appraisal report is prepared and documented regularly
as per organization requirements.
5.3 Recommendations are prepared and presented to appropriate
5.4 Feedback mechanisms are implemented in line with organization’s
Variable Range
Objectives 

Resources 
Personnel  Supplies and materials

Equipment and  Sources for accessing specialist advice
technology  Budget
 Services
Work plans  Daily work plans
 Project plans
 Program plans
 Organization strategic and restructuring plans
 Resource plans
 Skills development plans
 Management strategies and objectives
Work methods and may include but not limited to:
practices  Legislated regulations and codes of practice
 Industry regulations and codes of practice
 HRM rules and regulations practices
Schedule of work  Daily  Regular
activities  Work-based  Confidential
 Contractual  Disclosure / Non-disclosure
Standards  Performance targets
 Performance management and appraisal systems
 National competency standards
 Employment contracts
 Client contracts
 Discipline procedures
 Workplace assessment guidelines
 Internal quality assurance
 Internal and external accountability and auditing requirements
 Training Regulation Standards
 Safety Standards

Appropriate May include but not limited to:

personnel/ authorities  Management
 Line Staff
Feedback May include but not limited to:
mechanisms  Verbal feedback
 Informal feedback
 Formal feedback
 Questionnaire
 Survey
 Group discussion

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Design and Develop Complex Text Documents
Unit Code EIS HRS4 07 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to design and develop business documents using complex
technical features of word processing software.
Elements Performance Criteria
1. Prepare to produce 1.1. Safe work practices are used to ensure ergonomic, work
word processed organization, energy and resource conservation requirements are
documents addressed
1.2. Document purpose, audience and presentation requirements are
identified, and clarified with relevant personnel as required
1.3. Organizational requirements are identified for text-based business
documents to ensure consistency of style and image
1.4. Complex technical functions of the software are evaluated for
their usefulness in fulfilling the requirements of the task
1.5. Document requirements are matched with software functions to
provide efficient production of documents
2. Design complex 2.1Document structure and layout are designed to suit purpose,
documents audience and information requirements of the task
2.2. Document is designed to enhance readability and appearance, and
to meet organizational and task requirements for style and layout
2.3. Complex software functions are used to enable efficient
manipulation of information and other material, and ensure
consistency of design and layout
2.4. Manuals, user documentation and online help are used to
overcome problems with document design and production
3. Add complex 3.1. A standard table is inserted into document, changing cells to meet
tables and other information requirements
3.2. Rows and columns are formatted as required
3.3. Images and other data, formatting are inserted as required
4. Produce 4.1. Complex operations are used in the development of documents, to
documents achieve required results
4.2. Documents are previewed, adjusted and printed in accordance with
organizational and task requirements
4.3. Documents are named and stored in accordance with
organizational requirements and exit the application without
information loss/damage
4.4. Documents are prepared within designated time lines and
organizational requirements for speed and accuracy
Variable Range
Ergonomic  avoiding radiation from computer screens
requirements may  chair height, seat and back adjustment
include:  document holder
 footrest
 keyboard and mouse position
 lighting
 noise minimization
 posture
 screen position
 workstation height and layout
 equipment that is reasonably adjusted to meet personal needs, in
appropriate circumstances
Work organisation  exercise breaks
requirements may  mix of repetitive and other activities
include:  rest periods
Energy and resource  double-sided paper use
conservation  recycling used and shredded paper
requirements may  re-using paper for rough drafts (observing confidentiality
include: requirements)
 using power-save options for equipment
Complex documents  call outs/label
may include:  captions
 concordance files
 different odd and even pages
 document protection
 drawing
 forms with fields
 hyperlinks
 linked and/or embedded objects
 long documents
 mail merge data documents
 master documents
 MS WordArt
 multiple headers and footers
 multiple sections
 multiple users
 primary mail merge documents
 subdocuments
 templates
Organizational  company color scheme
requirements may  company logo
include:  consistent corporate image
 content restrictions
 established guidelines and procedures for document production
 house styles
 observing copyright legislation
 organization name, time, date, document title, filename, etc. in
 templates
Complex technical  Alignment
functions may include:  data transfer
 display features
 embedding
 exporting
 fields
 form fields
 formulae
 importing
 index
 linking
 macros
 merge criteria
 page and section breaks
 sort criteria
 style sheets
 table of contents
 templates
Design choices may  balance
include:  diversity
 relative positioning of graphics and headings
 simplicity
 text flow
 typography
Structure and layout  boxes
may include:  color
 columns
 drawing
 graphics
 headings
 letter and memo conventions
 page layout
 photographs
 typeface
 white space
Consistency of design  annotated/explained references
and layout may  borders
include:  bullet/number lists
 captions
 consistency with other business documents
 footnotes/endnotes
 indentations
 page numbers
 spacing
 typeface styles and point size
Formatting rows and  auto distribute
column may include:  fills/shading
 lines and borders
 merge cells
 sorting contents
 split cell
 text direction
Other data may  clip art
include:  data from other software applications
 digital photographs
 files
 graphics
 quotes
 references
 scanned photographs and logos
 tables, graphs and charts
Formatting of other  color
data may include:  cropping
 layout
 position in relation to other text
 size
Printing may include:  print merge
 print to file
 to fit specific number of pages
 with comments
 with drawing objects
 with field codes
 with hidden text
Naming and storing  authorized access
documents may  file names according to organizational procedure e.g. numbers
include: rather than names
 file names which are easily identifiable in relation to the content
 File/directory names which identify the operator, author, section,
date etc.
 filing locations
 organizational policy for backing up files
 organizational policy for filing hard copies of documents
 security
 storage in folders/sub-folders
 storage on hard/floppy disk drives, CD-ROM, tape back-up
Designated time lines  time line agreed with internal/external client
may include:  time line agreed with supervisor/person requiring spreadsheet
 organizational time line e.g. deadline requirements

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Manage Human Resource Training and Development Programs
Unit Code EIS HRS4 08 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed in manage
human resource training and development programs. It includes making
use of new technological innovations and consideration of developing a
globally competitive human resource.
Elements Performance criteria
1. Supervise 1.1 Organizational policies are identified and confirmed for training
awareness creation and development program.
1.2 Organizational human resource policies and procedures are
ensured to be documented and maintained for training and
development according work procedures.
1.3 Training centers and development programs are introduced to
employees following work guideline.
1.4 Training and development techniques to be implemented are
identified and ensured to be followed.
1.5 Feedback mechanisms are identified and used in accordance with
work guideline.
1.6 Administration of commitment forms is monitored to program
2. Lead assessment
2.1 Organizational performance standards are developed and
of training and
needs 2.2 Organization policies are developed and presented for the analysis
of performance level of the human resource for approval.
2.3 Performance gaps are reported and documented as determined in
relation to the performance standards.
2.4 Reasons for the existence of performance gap are identified as
caused by inappropriate standards or by lack of required
competence in the particular level of work.
2.5 Needs for using new technologies and new working procedures
within the organization are identified and reported according to
work place communication line.
2.6 Training and development needs that have been identified are
reported following work procedure and guidelines.
3. Monitor
3.1 Potential trainees are identified according to workplace guideline.
implementation of
training and 3.2 Trainer is identified to provide training in line with pre set criteria.
development 3.3 Training methodology and facility are identified based on training
programs requirements.
3.4 Date and venue are identified and approved for the training.
3.5 Process of training and development is monitored.
3.6 Feedback obtained from the training program is monitored and
4. Monitor 4.1 Performance level of the trainees on similar responsibility area is
evaluation of measured after the conduct of training and development programs.
training and
development 4.2 Deviations in the performance level of the trainees before and after
programs the training are identified based on preset standard.
4.3 Corrective measure is taken based on deviation identified.

Variables Range
Organizational policies Policy manuals and procedures used in deciding as to who will
refers to: participate in the training and development program, who will give
the training, what mode/ techniques of the training process will be
used and the decision on the site of the training.
Centre for the training  The working environment itself
may include:  Organization own training centers
 External training institutes
 Colleges and universities
Training and  On the job training such as:
development  Coaching
techniques may  Apprenticeship/ Internship etc.
include:  Off the job training or simulated training such as:
 Case studies
 Role playing
 Group discussion/sensitivity training etc.
Performance standards Predetermined performance levels of the human resource as
refers to: expected by management in a particular competency
Performance gap refers The perceived fall of the actual performance of the individual
to: worker as compared to the performance standards set for a particular
Inappropriate standards Standards of performance that are set by management body usually
refers to: without taking in to account factors beyond the control of the
individual, yet hinders his/her performance and cause un-
attainability of the standards.
Potential trainees refers Individuals expected to participate in the training and development
to: program.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of  The integrated demonstration of all elements and their performance
Competency criteria
 A full range of human resource documentation and clear
communication of explanations to management and staff
 The ability to apply human resource training and development
policy issues
Underpinning  Relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
Knowledge borganizational operation, especially in regard to HRM and
environmental issues, equal opportunity, and organizational relations
 Personnel training and development.
 Reviewing and analysing of documents for selecting potential
 Evaluation of the performance capacity of the trainees before and
after training.
Underpinning skill  Perform awareness creation regarding Train and development
 Assist in the assessment of training and development needs
 Facilitate the implementation of human resources training and
development program
 Facilitate the evaluation of the outcome of the training and
development program
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and information on
workplace practices
Method of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / written test
 Simulation or demonstration/Observation
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting
Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV
Unit Title Plan Human Resource
Unit Code EIS HRS4 09 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required to
determine overall projection of demand and supply of human resource.
It includes development strategies to fill the gap so that the goal of the
organization would be attained.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Conduct job 1.1 Organization policies are identified and understood for
analysis conducting job analysis following work procedure.
1.2 Organizational human resource policies and procedures are
maintained for conducting job analysis based on guideline.
1.3 Job analysis issues/criteria are developed and communicated
using appropriate tools/equipment.
1.4 Job analysis is conducted based on the preset criteria.
1.5 Analyzes are confirmed with the appropriate personnel.
2. Forecast Human 2.1 Organization policies and methods are identified for human
Resource resource forecasting in line with work requirement.
2.2 Assessment is undertaken to forecast the HR requirement
following organizational guideline.
2.3 Anticipated demands of human resource are identified according
to work requirement.
2.4 Reports are prepared and maintained as per workplace guidelines.
3. Scan internal and 3.1 Organizational environment are identified and understood.
environment 3.2 Identified information are obtained and evaluated based on
organizational policies and procedures.
3.3 Availability of human resource is determined according to
obtained information.
3.4 Result of environmental scan is reported for approval.
3.5 OHS is observed throughout the process
4. Reconcile 4.1 Requirement and availability of HR are compared based on
demand and organization’s guideline.
supply of HR
4.2 Net human resource requirements are identified in line with
compared demand and supply.
4.3 Recommendations are reported to the authorized personnel.
5. Design and 5.1 All necessary documents (organizational policies, human resource
implement forecasting, etc.) are organized following work procedures.
Human resource
plan 5.2 Human resource plan is prepared and confirmed based on
5.3 Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are carried out following
work procedure.
5.4 Final human resource plan is prepared and ready for recruitment
and selection.

Variable Range
Tools and Computers and other accessory materials, relevant soft wares, office
Equipment equipments and supplies and stationeries.
Occupational health Ergonometric ally designed furniture, ample working space, ventilated
and safety (OHS) adequately and appropriately illuminated room, emergency evacuation
procedures, fire extinguishers, first aid kit and computer screen shutter.

Guideline may  Policy documents and manuals

include :  Rules and regulation on Human Resource
 Contractual agreement
 Collective agreement

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  conducting job analysis
 human resource forecasting
 identifying net human resource requirement
 preparing and implementing human resource plan
Underpinning  Relevant legislation from all levels of government that affects
Knowledge organizational operation, especially in regard to HRM and
environmental issues, equal opportunity, and organizational
 Job analysis techniques and procedures
 Forecasting Human Resource (Demand and Supply)
 Planning and designing techniques and procedures
 Knowledge of organizational policies, in regard to:
 Human resource planning, Job analysis, internal and external
 Management tools
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 Analyze job
 Forecast workforce requirements and availability
 Scanning internal and external environments of the organization.
 Reconcile demand and supply of manpower
 Develop human resource plan
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and information on
workplace practices and HRM practices.
Assessment Methods Competency may be assessed through:
 Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
 Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting
Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV
Unit Title Manage Employees Movement and Separation
Unit Code EIS HRS4 10 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit covers knowledge, attitudes and skills required to perform
employee movement. It includes human resource administration
functions which are particular to the role of a human resource manager
with regards to movement and separation of employees in the

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Administer 1.1 Internal candidates are identified and recruited in accordance with
promotion organizational policies.
1.2 Criteria for promotion are developed and validated according pre
set criteria.
1.3 Decisions are made in selecting employees from internal
candidates according to organization’s regulations.
1.4 Internal candidates are received an offer stating such things as
new salary, starting date, etc.
1.5 Promotion activities are monitored and evaluated in accordance
with organizational policies development process.
2. Carryout transfer
2.1 Transfer policies, procedures and practices are identified.
of employees
2.2 The need for transfer is determined in accordance with policy of
2.3 Decisions are made in transferring employees based on
organizational policy and procedure.
3. Administer 3.1 Policies, legal requirements, procedures and practices are
demotions identified in relation to demoting an employee.
3.2 Reasons are identified for demoting an employee based on
organizational regulations.
3.3 Reasons are analyzed for demoting an employee in accordance to
organization polices and legal requirement.
3.4 Decisions are made in demoting an employee based on
organization’s regulations.
3.5 An employee is received a letter stating the position demoted to,
salary and starting date, etc following work procedures.
4. Handle
4.1 Employees are identified for layoff in accordance to
employees layoff
organizational policies and legal requirements.
4.2 Employees to be laid off are notified following work procedures.
4.3 Retained employees are assigned to new jobs based on
organization’s guideline.
4.4 Benefits and assistance to be given to lay off employees are
determined and provided as per the organizational policies and
legal requirements.
5. Manage
5.1 Policies and procedures are identified for discharge and
discharge and
retirement following work procedures.
5.2 Employee and the organization are agreed on redeployment
procedures as per the contract of employment.
5.3 Communication systems are established which provide all
necessary information about termination procedures, and ensure
early notification of discharge, retirement or resignation.
5.4 Dismissals for incapacity to perform or misconduct are carried
out in accordance with organizational policies and legal
5.5 Reports are generated regularly indicating the retirement
intentions of employees in the ground of age.
5.6 Outplacement assistance is provided in accordance with
organizational policies and legal requirement.
5.7 Exit interview are conducted with separated employees based on
5.8 Feedback from exit interview is collected and used as an input to
performance improvement processes throughout the organization.
5.9 Separation/termination procedures are regularly reviewed and
evaluated, and improvements introduced in accordance with the
evaluation and organizational policies.

Variables Range Statement

Promotions may include :
 Upward internal movement in an organization that usually involve
greater responsibility and authority along with increases in pay,
benefits, and privileges
Transfer  may include :
 Movement of employee horizontally to different similar level of
position or movement of an employee from one position or area to
another often resulting from an organizational shut down or a
reduced need for certain skills and usually coupled with training for
the transition to new job skills and responsibilities
Demotions may  Down ward internal movement in an organization that usually
include : involves cuts in pay and reduced status, privileges, and
Layoff may include :
 Layoff is temporary removal of the employee from the payroll as a
result of surplus of employee due to structural change,
technological or other changes.
Retention may include :
 Initiatives taken by management to keep employee from leaving,
such as rewarding employees for performing their jobs effectively,
ensuring harmoniously working relationships between employee
and mangers’ and maintaining a safe, healthy work environment.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of The integrated demonstration of all elements and their performance
Competence criteria. Performing employee movement and separation according to
the organizational policies and legal requirement.
Underpinning  Knowledge of organizational policies, in regard to promotion,
Knowledge demotion, transfer, retirement, discharge and termination
 Performance evaluation
 Decision making
 Interpreting information
 Report writing and documentation
 Legal issues and concerns in discharge / termination
Underpinning skill  Perform awareness creation regarding employee movement and
 Facilitate the implementation of human resources movement and
separation activities
 Interviewing
 Obtaining, checking and evaluating information
 Writing reports
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and information on
workplace practices
Method of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / written test
 Simulation or demonstration/Observation
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Monitor and Maintain Records in an Online Environment
Unit Code EIS HRS4 11 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the identification and assessment of records for
storage and the maintenance and monitoring of electronic business

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Confirm 1.1 System procedures are identified and confirmed for capturing and
requirements for managing records
recordkeeping in
an online 1.2 Organizational and risk management requirements are identified
environment and verified for classifying and storing online information
1.3 Legal, business, financial, socio-historical, and security
requirements are identified for recording online business
1.4 An organizational checklist is prepared in accordance with
organizational requirements for use in assessing which
electronic information should be captured, for how long and in
what format
2. Identify and 2.1 Incoming and outgoing information are categorized in terms of
assess records key activities and responsible personnel
for storage
2.2 Information are assessed against the organizational checklist and
records identified for capture
2.3 Information not to be stored is disposed in accordance with
organizational procedures
2.4 Storage methods and media are determined in accordance with
retention requirements
3. Monitor and 3.1 Records are classified, sentenced and linked with other records in
maintain the system in accordance with system rules and organizational
business records procedures
in an online
environment 3.2 Unique identifiers and register records are assigned into the
recordkeeping system in accordance with system rules and
organizational procedures
3.3 Access and security status and disposal requirements of records
and records are determined in accordance with organizational
3.4 Records on required media are stored in accordance with
organizational and record retention requirements
3.5 Migration of records sis carried out from one medium to another
in accordance with organizational procedures
3.6 Archiving or disposal of records is/are done and recorded in
accordance with disposal schedule and organizational procedures
3.7 Records are maintained in a usable and accessible form in
accordance with security conditions and legislative requirements

Variable Range
Systems relating to  archival control systems
online records may  business systems
include:  cash register-based systems
 characteristics relating to:
 aggregations
 context
 entities
 metadata
 current business or records systems
 ERDMS (Electronic Records and Document Management
 informal
 paper-based accumulation and card systems
 PC-based accounting systems, employee and tax records systems
 proprietary recordkeeping package
 storage facilities systems
Records may include:  digital, such as:
 remote drives
 servers
 CDs
 DVDs
 imaging systems
 PC-based applications
 mainframe
 server
 physical, such as:
 audio-visual or multimedia
 graphic
 microform
 paper-based (acid free or multiple copies
 a variety of sources, such as:
 already in the custody of the organization
 in the process of being transferred between organizations
 different stages of use, e.g.:
 active
 archival
Risk management  backup and recovery procedures
requirements may  policy and procedures for checking the accuracy and currency of
include: data
 remote storage for backup data
 secondary storage requirements
Organizational  business
requirements may  financial
include:  legal
 security
 socio-historical
Storage may include:  migration of records from one medium to another eg tape to
compact disc
 off-line
 off-site
 online
 on-site
 outsourced
Storage media may  audiotape
include:  audiovisual
 compact disc
 computer tape
 diskette
 film
 hard drive
 imaging systems
 mainframe
 microform
 multimedia
 paper based
 server
 video
Retention  long term storage media for information / records
requirements may  most cost-effective storage media for ephemeral or short term
include: records
 remote storage of backup data in case of fire or other incidents
Access and security  confidential
status may include:  high security (restricted)
 open
Migration of records  from about-to-be superseded media e.g. 5¼" disks
may include:  from tapes, which may deteriorate over time
Disposal of records  destruction of paper based records e.g. shredding
may include:  permanent deletion from electronic media
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  monitoring usage of online business or records system
 monitoring application of system procedures
 managing records as they are created, updated, migrated and
disposed of
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  overview knowledge of key provisions of relevant legislation,
Attitudes regulations, standards and documentation that may affect relevant
aspects of business operations, such as;
 ethical principles
 codes of practice
 privacy and freedom of information
 archives and records legislation
 occupational health and safety
 general principles and processes of records management and
records management systems, including, but not limited to ;
 systems of control
 records continuum theory
 mandate and ownership of business process
 online recordkeeping environment including location and nature
of transactions
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 communication skills to identify organizational requirements for
recordkeeping in an online environment
 technology skills to address online access and security issues
 literacy skills to read and interpret record content, functions and
 problem-solving and analysis skills to identify requirements of
business or records system
 culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from
diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilities
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on
workplace practices and HRM practices.
Methods of Competency may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test / Oral Questioning
 Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting
Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV
Unit Title Plan and Organize Work
Unit Code EIS HRS4 12 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required in planning
and organizing work activities in a production application. It may be
applied to a small independent operation or to a section of a large
Elements Performance Criteria
1. Set objectives 1.1 Objectives are planned consistent with and linked to work activities
in accordance with organizational aims.
1.2 Objectives are stated as measurable targets with clear time frames.
1.3 Support and commitment of team members are reflected in the
1.4 Realistic and attainable objectives are identified.
2. Plan and 2.1 Tasks/work activities to be completed are identified and prioritized
schedule work as directed.
activities 2.2 Tasks/work activities are broken down into steps in accordance
with set time frames and achievable components.
2.3 Task/work activities are assigned to appropriate team or individuals
in accordance with agreed functions.
2.4 Resources are allocated as per requirements of the activity.
2.5 Schedule of work activities is coordinated with personnel
3. Implement work 3.1 Work methods and practices are identified in consultation with
plans personnel concerned.
3.2 Work plans are implemented in accordance with set time frames,
resources and standards.
4. Monitor work 4.1 Work activities are monitored and compared with set objectives.
activities 4.2 Work performance is monitored.
4.3 Deviations from work activities are reported and recommendations
are coordinated with appropriate personnel and in accordance with
set standards.
4.4 Reporting requirements are complied with in accordance with
recommended format.
4.5 Timeliness of report is observed.

4.6 Files are established and maintained in accordance with standard

operating procedures.
5. Review and 5.1 Work plans, strategies and implementation are reviewed based on
evaluate work accurate, relevant and current information.
plans and 5.2 Review is done based on comprehensive consultation with
activities appropriate personnel on outcomes of work plans and reliable
5.3 Results of review are provided to concerned parties and formed as
the basis for adjustments/simplifications to be made to policies,
processes and activities.
5.4 Performance appraisal is conducted in accordance with
organization rules and regulations.
5.5 Performance appraisal report is prepared and documented regularly
as per organization requirements.
5.6 Recommendations are prepared and presented to appropriate
5.7 Feedback mechanisms are implemented in line with organization
Variable Range
Objectives May include but not limited to:
 Specific
 General
Resources May include but not limited to:
 Personnel
 Equipment and technology
 Services
 Supplies and materials
 Sources for accessing specialist advice
 Budget
Schedule of work May include but not limited to:
activities  Daily
 Work-based
 Contractual
Work methods and May include but not limited to:
practices  Legislated regulations and codes of practice
 Industry regulations and codes of practice
 Occupational health and safety practices
Work plans May include but not limited to:
 Daily work plans
 Project plans
 Program plans
 Resource plans
 Skills development plans
 Management strategies and objectives
Standards May include but not limited to:
 Performance targets
 Performance management and evaluation systems
 Occupational standards
 Employment contracts
 Client contracts
 Discipline procedures
 Workplace assessment guidelines
 Internal quality assurance
 Internal and external accountability and auditing requirements
 Training Regulation Standards
 Safety Standards
Appropriate May include but not limited to:
personnel/ authorities  Appropriate personnel include:
 Management
 Line Staff
Feedback May include but not limited to:
mechanisms  Verbal feedback
 Informal feedback
 Formal feedback
 Questionnaire
 Survey
 Group discussion
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  set objectives
 planned and scheduled work activities
 implemented work plans
 monitored work activities
 reviewed and evaluated work plans and activities
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  organization’s strategic plan, policies rules and regulations, laws and
Attitudes objectives for work unit activities and priorities
 organizations policies, strategic plans, guidelines related to the role of
the work unit
 team work and consultation strategies
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skill to:
 plan
 lead
 organize
 coordinate
 communicate
 inter-and intra-person/motivation skills
 present
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on
workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting.
Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV
Unit Title Migrate to New Technology
Unit Code EIS HRS4 13 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to apply skills and
knowledge in using new or upgraded technology. The rationale behind
this unit emphasizes the importance of constantly reviewing work
processes, skills and techniques in order to ensure that the quality of
the entire business process is maintained at the highest level possible
through the appropriate application of new technology. To this end, the
person is typically engaged in on-going review and research in order to
discover and apply new technology or techniques to improve aspects
of the organization’s activities.
Elements Performance Criteria

1. Apply existing 1.1 Situations are identified where existing knowledge can be used as
knowledge and the basis for developing new skills.
techniques to 1.2 New or upgraded technology skills are acquired and used to
technology and enhance learning.
1.3 New or upgraded equipment are identified, classified and used
where appropriate, for the benefit of the organization.
2. Apply functions of 2.1 Testing of new or upgraded equipment is conducted according to
technology to the specification manual.
assist in solving 2.2 Features of new or upgraded equipment are applied within the
organizational organization
2.3 Features and functions of new or upgraded equipment are used
for solving organizational problems
2.4 Sources of information relating to new or upgraded equipment
are accessed and used
3. Evaluate new or 3.1 New or upgraded equipment is evaluated for performance,
upgraded usability and against OHS standards.
technology 3.2 Environmental considerations are determined from new or
performance upgraded equipment.
3.3 Feedback is sought from users where appropriate.

Variables Range
Environmental May include but is not limited to:
Considerations  recycling, safe disposal of packaging (e.g. cardboard, polystyrene,
paper, plastic) and correct disposal of waste materials by an
authorized body
Feedback May include but is not limited to:
 surveys,
 questionnaires,
 interviews and meetings.

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Competence must confirm the ability to transfer the application of
Competence existing skills and knowledge to new technology
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Broad awareness of current technology trends and directions in the
Attitudes industry (e.g. systems/procedures, services, new developments,
new protocols)
 Knowledge of vendor product directions
 Ability to locate appropriate sources of information regarding metal
manufacturing and new technologies
 Current industry products/services, procedures and techniques with
knowledge of general features
 Information gathering techniques
Underpinning Skills Demonstrate skills of:
 Research skills for identifying broad features of new technologies
 Ability to assist in the decision making process
 Literacy skills in regard to interpretation of technical manuals
 Ability to solve known problems in a variety of situations and
 Evaluate and apply new technology to assist in solving
organizational problems
 General analytical skills in relation to known problems
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on
workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting.

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Establish Quality Standards
Unit Code EIS HRS4 14 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to establish
quality specifications for work outcomes and work performance. It
includes monitoring and participation in maintaining and improving
quality, identifying critical control points in the production of quality
output and assisting in planning and implementing of quality assurance
Elements Performance Criteria
1. Establish quality 1.1 Market specifications are sourced and legislated requirements
specifications for identified.
product 1.2 Quality specifications are developed and agreed upon
1.3 Quality specifications are documented and introduced to
organization staff/personnel in accordance with the organization
1.4 Quality specifications are updated when necessary
2.Identify hazards 2.1. Critical control points impacting on quality are identified.
and critical control 2.2. Degree of risk for each hazard is determined.
2.3. Necessary documentation is accomplished in accordance with
organization quality procedures
3.Assist in planning 3.1 Procedures for each identified control point are developed to
of quality ensure optimum quality.
3.2 Hazards and risks are minimized through application of
appropriate controls.
3.3 Processes are developed to monitor the effectiveness of quality
assurance procedures.
4. Implement 4.1 Responsibilities for carrying out procedures are allocated to staff
quality assurance and contractors.
procedures 4.2 Instructions are prepared in accordance with the enterprise’s
quality assurance program.
4.3 Staff and contractors are given induction training on the quality
assurance policy.
4.4 Staff and contractors are given in-service training relevant to their
allocated safety procedures.
5. Monitor quality 5.1 Quality requirements are identified
of work outcome 5.2 Inputs are inspected to confirm capability to meet quality
5.3 Work is conducted to produce required outcomes
5.4 Work processes are monitored to confirm quality of output and/or
5.5 Processes are adjusted to maintain outputs within specification.
6. Participate in 6.1 Work area, materials, processes and product are routinely
maintaining and monitored to ensure compliance with quality requirements
improving quality 6.2 Non-conformance in inputs, process, product and/or service is
at work identified and reported according to workplace reporting
6.3 Corrective action is taken within level of responsibility, to
maintain quality standards
6.4 Quality issues are raised with designated personnel
7. Report problems 7.1 Potential or existing quality problems are recognized.
that affect quality 7.2 Instances of variation in quality are identified from specifications
or work instructions.
7.3 Variation and potential problems are reported to
supervisor/manager according to enterprise guidelines.

Variable Range
Sourced May include but is not limited to:
 End-users
 Customers or stakeholders
Legislated May include but is not limited to:
requirements  Verification of product quality as part of consumer legislation or specific
legislation related to product content or composition.
Safety procedures. May include but is not limited to:
 Use of tools and equipment for fabrication/production/ manufacturing
 Workplace environment and handling of material safety,
 Following occupational health and safety procedures designated for the
 Respect the policies, regulations, legislations, rule and procedures for
manufacturing/production/fabrication works

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspect of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  Monitored quality of work
 Established quality specifications for product
 Participated in maintaining and improving quality at work
 Identified hazards and critical control points in the production of
quality product
 Assisted in planning of quality assurance procedures
 Reported problems that affect quality
 Implemented quality assurance procedures
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge  work and product quality specifications
 quality policies and procedures
 improving quality at work
 hazards and critical points of operation
 obtaining and using information
 applying federal and regional legislation within day-today work
 accessing and using management systems to keep and maintain
accurate records
 requirements for correct preparation and operation
 technical writing
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 monitor quality of work
 establish quality specifications for product
 participate in maintaining and improving quality at work
 identify hazards and critical control points in the production of
quality product
 assist in planning of quality assurance procedures
 report problems that affect quality
 implement quality assurance procedures
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on
workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting.

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Develop Individuals and Team
Unit Code EIS HRS4 15 0812
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
determine individual and team development needs and facilitate the
development of the workgroup.
Elements Performance Criteria
1. Provide team 1.1 Learning and development needs are systematically identified
leadership and implemented in line with organizational requirements
1.2 Learning plan to meet individual and group training and
developmental needs is collaboratively developed and
1.3 Individuals are encouraged to self-evaluate performance and
identify areas for improvement
1.4 Feedback on performance of team members is collected from
relevant sources and compared with established team learning
2. Foster individual 2.1 Learning and development program goals and objectives are
and identified to match the specific knowledge and skills
organizational requirements of Competence standards
growth 2.2 Learning delivery methods are made appropriate to the learning
goals, the learning style of participants and availability of
equipment and resources
2.3 Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/ mentoring
assistance are provided to facilitate individual and team
achievement of competencies
2.4 Resources and timelines required for learning activities are
identified and approved in accordance with organizational
3. Monitor and 3.1 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and
evaluate implement improvements in future learning arrangements
workplace 3.2 Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are assessed and
learning recorded to determine the effectiveness of development programs
and the extent of additional support
3.3 Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of learning
3.4 Records and reports of competence are maintained within
organizational requirement
4. Develop team 4.1 Open communication processes to obtain and share information is
commitment and used by team
cooperation 4.2 Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its agreed
roles and responsibilities
4.3 Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the team
5. Facilitate 5.1 Team members are actively participated in team activities and
accomplishment communication processes
of organizational 5.2 Individual and joint responsibility is developed by teams
goals members for their actions
5.3 Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain organizational goals
Variable Range
Learning and May include but is not limited to:
development needs  Coaching, monitoring and/or supervision
 Formal/informal learning program
 Internal/external training provision
 Work experience/exchange/opportunities
 Personal study
 Career planning/development
 Performance evaluation
 Workplace skills assessment
 Recognition of prior learning
Organizational May include but is not limited to:
requirements  Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
 Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
 Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and requirements
 Safety policies, procedures and programs
 Confidentiality and security requirements
 Business and performance plans
 Ethical standards
 Quality and continuous improvement processes and standards
Feedback on May include but is not limited to:
performance  Formal/informal performance evaluation
 Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues
 Obtaining feedback from clients
 Personal and reflective behavior strategies
 Routine and organizational methods for monitoring service
Learning delivery May include but is not limited to:
methods  On the job coaching or monitoring
 Problem solving
 Presentation/demonstration
 Formal course participation
 Work experience and involvement in professional networks
 Conference and seminar attendance
Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  identified and implemented learning opportunities for others
 gave and received feedback constructively
 facilitated participation of individuals in the work of the team
 negotiated plans to improve the effectiveness of learning
 prepared learning plans to match skill needs
 accessed and designated learning opportunities
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  coaching and monitoring principles
Attitude  understanding how to work effectively with team members who
have diverse work styles, aspirations, cultures and perspective
 understanding how to facilitate team development and
 understanding methods and techniques to obtain and interpreting
 understanding methods for identifying and prioritizing personal
development opportunities and options
 knowledge of career paths and competence standards in the
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 read and understand a variety of texts, preparing general
information and documents according to target audience; spell with
accuracy; use grammar and punctuation effective relationships and
conflict management
 communicate including receiving feedback and reporting,
maintaining effective relationships and conflict management
 plan and organize required resources and equipment to meet
learning needs
 coach and mentor skills to provide support to colleagues
 report to organize information; assess information for relevance
and accuracy; identify and elaborate on learning outcomes
 facilitate and conduct small group training sessions
 relate to people from a range of social, cultural, physical and
mental backgrounds
Resource Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implications including work areas, materials and equipment, and to information on
workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Interview / Written Test
 Observation / Demonstration with Oral Questioning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated work
Assessment place setting.

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Utilize Specialized Communication Skills
Unit Code EIS HRS4 16 0812
Unit Descriptor
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to use
specialized communication skills to meet specific needs of internal and
external clients, contribute to the development of communication strategies,
facilitate group discussions, and conduct interviews.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Meet common 1.1 Specific communication needs of clients and colleagues are identified and
and specific met
communication 1.2 Use different approaches to meet communication needs of clients and
needs of clients colleagues
and colleagues
1.3 Conflict is addressed promptly and in a timely way and in a manner
which does not compromise the standing of the organization

2. Contribute to 2.1 Strategies for internal and external dissemination of information are
the developed, promoted, implemented and reviewed as required
development of 2.2 Channels of communication are established and reviewed regularly
communication 2.3 Coaching is provided for effective communication
2.4 Work related network and relationship are maintained as necessary
2.5 Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies are used where required
2.6 Communication with clients and colleagues is appropriate to individual
needs and organizational objectives

3. Represent the 3.1 When participating in internal or external fora, presentation is relevant,
organization appropriately researched and presented in a manner to promote the
3.2 Presentation is made clear and sequential and delivered within a
predetermined time
3.3 Appropriate media is utilized to enhance presentation
3.4 Differences in views are respected
3.5 Written communication is made consistent with organizational
3.6 Inquiries are responded in a manner consistent with organizational
4.1 Define and implement mechanisms which enhance effective group
4. Facilitate group 4.2 Use strategies which encourage all group members to participate
discussion 4.3 Set and follow objectives and agenda for meetings and discussions
4.4 Provide Relevant information to group to facilitate outcomes
4.5 Evaluate group communication strategies to promote participation of all
4.6 Identify and address specific communication needs of individuals
5. Conduct 5.1 Use a range of appropriate communication strategies in interview
interview situations
5.2 Effective questioning, listening and nonverbal communication
techniques are used to ensure that required message is communicated
5.3 Different types of interview is conducted in accordance with the
organizational procedures
5.4 Record and maintain interviews in accordance with organizational

Variable Range
Strategies for internal May include but is not limited to:
and external  Recognizing own limitations
dissemination of  Utilizing techniques and aids
information  Providing written drafts
 Verbal and non-verbal communication

Effective group May include but is not limited to:

interaction  Identifying and evaluating what is occurring within an interaction in a
non-judgmental way
 Using active listening
 Making decision about appropriate words, behavior
 Putting together response which is culturally appropriate
 Expressing an individual perspective
 Expressing own philosophy, ideology and background and exploring
impact with relevance to communication

Interview situations May include but is not limited to:

 Establish rapport
 obtain facts and information
 Facilitate resolution of issues
 Develop action plans
 Diffuse potentially difficult situation

Types of Interview May include but is not limited to:

 Related to staff issues
 Routine
 Confidential
 Evidential
 Non-disclosure
 Disclosure
Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV
Unit Title Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
Unit Code EIS HRS4 17 0812
Unit Descriptor Managing and maintaining small/medium business operations cover the
operation of day-to-day business activities in a micro or small business. The
strategies involve identifying daily work requirements, monitoring and
managing daily work activities, developing effective work habits, and interpret
financial information, and evaluating work performance and adjusting work
schedules as needed.
Elements Performance Criteria
1. Identify 1.1 Work requirements are identified for a given time period by taking into
daily work consideration resources and constraints
1.2 Work activities are prioritized based on business needs, requirements and
1.3 Allocate works to relevant staff or contractors to optimize efficiency

2. Monitor and 2.1 Coordinate people, resources and/or equipment to provide optimum
manage daily results.
work activities
2.2 Communicate staff, clients and/or contractors within a clear and regular
manner, to monitor work in relation to business goals or timelines
2.3 Apply Problem solving techniques to work situations to overcome
difficulties and achieve positive outcomes

3. Develop 3.1 Identify work and personal priorities and achieve a balance between
effective work competing priorities using appropriate time management strategies
habits 3.2 Develop and refine new ideas and approaches- seek and use input from
internal and external sources to this purpose.
3.3 Business or inquiries are responded to promptly and effectively
3.4 Information is presented in a format appropriate to the industry and
4. Interpret 4.1 Identify relevant documents and reports
information 4.2 Read and understand documents and reports and any implications
discussed with appropriate persons
4.3 Data and numerical calculations are analyzed, checked, evaluated,
organized and reconciled
4.4 Daily financial records and cash flow are maintained correctly and in
accordance with legal and accounting requirements
4.5 Invoices and payments are prepared and distributed in a timely manner
and in accordance with legal requirements
4.6 Outstanding accounts are collected or followed-up on
5. Evaluate 5.1. Opportunities for improvements are monitored according to business
work demands
5.2. Work schedules are adjusted to incorporate necessary modifications to
existing work, or changing needs and requirements
5.3. Proposed changes are clearly communicated and recorded to aid in future
planning and evaluation
5.4. Relevant codes of practice are used to guide an ethical approach to
workplace practices and decisions
Variable Range
Resources May include but is not limited to:
 staff
 money
 time
 equipment
 space
Business goals May include but is not limited to:
 sales targets
 budgetary targets
 production targets
 reporting deadlines
 team and individual goals

Problem solving May include but is not limited to:

techniques  gaining additional research and information to make better informed
 considering related problems or those from the past and how they were
 eliminating possibilities
 identifying and attempting sub-tasks
 looking for patterns
 collaborating and asking for advice or help from additional sources

Time May include but is not limited to:

management  prioritizing and anticipating
strategies  short term and long term planning and scheduling
 creating a positive and organized work environment
 clear timelines and goal setting that is regularly reviewed and adjusted as
 breaking large tasks into smaller tasks
 getting additional support if identified and necessary
Internal and May include but is not limited to:
external sources  staff and colleagues
 management, supervisors, advisors or head office
 relevant professionals such as lawyers, accountants, management
 professional associations

Occupational Standard: Human Resource Supervision Level IV

Unit Title Manage Continuous Improvement System
Unit Code EIS HRS4 18 1012
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to sustain and develop an environment in which continuous
improvement, innovation and learning are promoted and rewarded.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Review programs, 1.1 Strategies are established to monitor and evaluate
systems and processes performance of key systems and processes
1.2 Detailed analyses of supply chains, operational and
product/service delivery systems is undertaken
1.3 Performance measures, and assessment tools and techniques
are identified, and their effectiveness is evaluated
1.4 Performance reports and variance are analyzed from plans
for all key result areas of the organization
1.5 Changing trends and opportunities relevant to the organization
are identified and analyzed
1.6 Advice is sought from specialists, where appropriate, to
identify technology and electronic commerce opportunities
2. Develop options for 2.1 Groups are briefed on performance improvement strategies
continuous and innovation as an essential element of competition
improvement 2.2 Creative climate and organizational learning are fostered
through the promotion of interaction within and between work
2.3 New ideas and entrepreneurial behavior are encouraged,
tested and recognized where successful
2.4 Failure of an idea is accepted during trialing, and success are
recognized, celebrated and embedded into systems
2.5 Risk management and cost benefit analyses are undertaken for
each option/idea approved for trial
2.6 Innovations are approved through agreed organizational
3. Implement innovative 3.1 Sustainability/continuous improvement is promoted as an
processes essential part of doing business
3.2 Impact of change and consequences are addressed for people,
and transition plans are implemented
3.3 Objectives, timeframes, measures and communication plans
are ensured in place to manage implementation
3.4 Contingency plans are implemented in the event of non-
3.5 Failure is followed-up by prompt investigation and analysis of
3.6 Emerging challenges and opportunities are managed
3.7 Continuous improvement systems and processes are evaluated
3.8 Costs and benefits of innovations and improvements are
communicated to all relevant groups and individuals
Variable Range
Supply chains  network of facilities that procures raw materials, transforms
them into intermediate products or services and then finished
goods or service, and delivers them through a distribution
 procurement, production and distribution, viewed as interlinked
not as discrete elements
Performance reports May include but is not limited to:
 budget or cost variance
 customer service
 environmental
 financial
 quality
 other operating parameters
Sustainability/continuous May include but is not limited to:
improvement  addressing environmental and resource sustainability initiatives,
such as environmental management systems, action plans, green
office programs, surveys and audits
 applying the waste management hierarchy in the workplace
 complying with regulations and corporate social responsibility
considerations for sustainability to enhance the organization’s
standing in business and community environments
 determining organization’s most appropriate waste treatment,
including waste to landfill, recycling, re-use, recoverable
resources and wastewater treatment
 implementing ecological footprint
 implementing environmental management systems, e.g. ISO
14001:1996 Environmental management systems life cycle
 implementing government initiatives,
 improving resource and energy efficiency
 initiating and maintaining appropriate organizational procedures
for operational energy consumption
 introducing a green office program - a cultural change program
 introducing green purchasing
 introducing national and international reporting initiatives,
 introducing product stewardship
 reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
 reducing use of non-renewable resources
 referencing standards, guidelines and approaches, such as
sustainability covenants and compacts or triple bottom line
 supporting sustainable supply chain
Sector: Economic Infrastructure
Sub-Sector: Business and Finance

We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business, industry,

academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise to the development of

this occupational standard.

We would like also to express our appreciation to the Staff and Experts of Federal TVET

Agency, Ministry of Education (MoE) who made the development of this occupational standard


This occupational standard was developed in August 2012 at Bishoftu, Debre Zeit Management


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