Viva Questions in Orthodontics

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1. What are three types of Orthodontics?

2. Define Orthodontics?
3. What are three planes of growth?
4. Difference between GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT?
5. Difference between CHRONOLOGICAL and BIOLOGICAL age?
6. What is Craniometry?
7. What is Anthropometry?
8. What is the full form of CT Scan?
9. What is CBCT? Why its radiation dose is less?
10. Role of different genes in growth? (names of genes)
11. Name the orthodontic problems with genetic basis?
12. Why interstitial growth is not possible in hard tissues?
13. Difference between INTRACARTILAGENOUS and INTRAMEMBRANOUS ossification?
14. What is endochondral ossification?
15. In intramembranous ossification bone is laid at what? (Ans: at mesenchymal cells)
16. Difference between drift and displacement?
17. What is tipping?
18. What are the divisions of malocclusion? (Ans: 3 divisions 1. INTRA-ARCH 2. INTERARCH 3.
19. Angles classification is based on? (Ans: Maxillary first molar and Line of occlusion)
20. Define line of occlusion?
21. Advantages of Angles Classification?
22. Disadvantages of Angles Classification?
23. Which line of reference is taken to measure Pitch?
24. Which line of reference is taken for Roll?
25. Difference between GROWTH SITE and GROWTH CENTRE?
26. Growth of palate?
27. What is the fate of Meckel’s Cartilage?
28. Why growth control theory was rejected?
29. Which is the most acceptable theory of growth? (Ans: Moss Functional Theory)
30. Define buccal corridors?
31. Define smile arc?
32. Mandatory radiographs in orthodontics?
33. What do you mean by standardization in lateral cephalogram?
34. Goals of lateral cephalogram?
35. Advantages of lateral ceph?
36. Distance of source from patient in lateral ceph? (Ans: 60 cm)
37. Distance of film from patient in lateral ceph? (Ans: 15 cm)
38. What are full mouth periapicals (radiograph) used for?
39. How can you determine skeletal age of patient?
40. What does CBCT stands for?
41. Name different extraoral and intraoral radiographs?
42. What are the effects of sucking habits on dentition?
43. Stages of tooth eruption?
44. How does the arch creates enough room for large permanent incisors?
45. Why incisal liability is more in mandibular arch?
46. How do you overcome incisal liability?
47. Name the space management protocols?
48. What are the ways to regain space?
49. ALD for space maintenance?
50. ALD for space regaining?
51. ALD for space supervision?
52. ALD for serial extraction?
53. What happens as a result of early loss of C’s?
54. What is active lingual arch?
55. What are 2 types of space maintainers?
56. Name the removable appliances for space regaining?
57. Considerations for space supervision?
58. Patient has mesial step terminal plane relationship. Space supervision for that?
59. Shapes of both jaws at birth?
60. Natal teeth?
61. Neonatal teeth?
62. Pre-emergent teeth?
63. Eruption sequence of deciduous teeth?
64. What are the features of early mixed dentition? Which teeth are present?
65. Why do we only include the mesial side of molar in arch width and not the whole molar?
66. Difference between lateral ceph. and lateral head projection?
67. Define leeway space?
68. Leeway space in maxilla and mandible?
69. Why do we get more leeway space in mandible as compared to maxilla?
70. Why do we consider distal marginal ridge in flush terminal plane?
71. Establishment of occlusion of 6’s?
72. Mesial step never ends in? (Ans: Class 2 molar relationship)
73. Early mesial shift of 6?
74. Difference between early and late mesial shift of 6?
75. Which structures of entire craniofacial region develops as a result of ‘V’ principle?
76. Which planes of growth should be treated first and why?
77. What is matrix rotation and intra-matrix rotation in ortho?
78. Define internal rotation?
79. Why net rotation is 2-4 degrees?
80. What is the magnitude of external rotation?
81. Eruption potential in tooth when root forms?
82. Juvenile occlusal equilibrium?
83. Features of dental age 8?
84. Features of dental ages?
85. Normal variation in eruption sequence?
86. Causes of late mandibular incisor crowding?
87. Treatment modalities in orthodontics?
88. Position of patient during orthodontics?
89. Define Teratogens?
90. Effects of different teratogens?
91. Effects of Thalidomide and Isoretinoin?
92. Stage III of embryonic development?
93. Space supervision for flush terminal plane?
94. Indications for serial extractions?
95. What is ugly duckling stage?
96. Importance of distal step in occlusion?
97. Standard edgewise appliances?
98. Molar relation according to Andrew’s six keys of occlusion?
99. Features of dental age 9?
100. Features of mixed dentition?
101. Classify orthodontic forces according to magnitude?
102. Earthworm radiograph? (Ans: Submentovertex view)
103. Curve of spee?
104. Indications of upper occlusal radiograph?
105. Most commonly missing teeth?
106. Etiology of midline diastema?
107. Difference between orthopedic and functional appliances?
108. Define functional appliances?
109. Which muscle produces condylar dispostition?
110. Effect of functional appliances on maxilla and mandible?
111. Classification of crossbite?
112. Difference between skeletal and dental crossbite?
113. Causes of dental crossbite?
114. Dental emergency in ortho?
115. Classification of functional appliances according to different systems?
116. What is the advantage of prefunctional appliances?
117. Describe first ever designed/oldest functional appliance?
118. What is Bionator?
119. Why do we not use heavy or rapid palatal expansion?
120. What are different types of expanders?
121. What is traumatic bite?
122. Extraoral features of deep bite?
123. Goals of adjunctive treatment?
124. Limitations of surgical orthodontics?
125. Which teeth are extracted in in Bi-incisal proclination?
126. Class 3 or reverse bionator?
127. Difference between bionator and activator?
128. What is scissors bite?
129. Types of Frankel appliances?
130. Jasper Jumper is flexible due to?
131. Dental cause of class 3 malocclusion?
132. What is disto-occlusion in class 3?
133. Divisions of class 2 malocclusion?
134. What is Sunday bite?
135. Difference between class 2 div. 1 and class 2 div. 2?
136. 3 basic approaches to correct class 2 div. 1?
137. Methods of camouflage in class 2 treatment?
138. What is decompensation before surgery?
139. Why upper incisors do not retrocline in natural compensation of class 2?
140. Types of headgears?
141. Thumbsucking treatment?
142. Difference between space supervision and serial extraction?
143. Difference between adjunctive orthodontics and comprehensive orthodontics?
144. Difference between orthopedic (skeletal) and orthodontic (dental) forces used in head gears?
145. Classification of forces according to force of magnitude?
146. What is hyalinization? What are its microscopic features?
147. Compensation of straight wire?
148. Define cortical drift?
149. What is microesthetics?
150. Theory of ortho movement?
151. Postemergent stages?
152. Extraction pattern in dental class 2 and 3?
153. Advantages of removable ortho appliances?
154. Disadvantages of removable ortho appliances?
155. What is yaw, roll and pitch?
156. What are Theorems of retention in orthodontics?

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