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Ege University

School of Foreign Languages

Exemption Exam (Sample II)
Total Points: 100 Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes

Part I: Use of English (50 points)

Choose the correct answer for each question.

Jason : Can you come to my office tomorrow, Greg?

Greg : Sorry, I __ (1) __. I have an important meeting in the office tomorrow.
Jason : __ (2) __ meeting at the weekend?
Greg : That would be nice.

a. can’t
b. have to
c. don’t have to
d. can
a. Do you like
b. Would you like
c. Let’s
d. How about

Sam : __ (3) __ bread for sandwiches?

Sally : Not much. Buy some when you go out, please.

a. Are there any
b. Is it any
c. Are they any
d. Is there any

The children feel very tired today because they __ (4) __ at a party last night.

a. was
b. wasn’t
c. were
d. weren’t
Dan : __ (5) __ to China?
Sam : Yes, she has. She __ (6) __ there two years ago.

a. Is Kate going
b. Has Kate been
c. Does Kate go
d. Did Kate go
a. is going
b. has gone
c. goes
d. went

Choose the correct answer for each question.

My cousin Bianca is a motor mechanic. She absolutely loves __ (7) __ cars and she likes everything
about the job. She works in a busy garage in the middle of the town. She always goes to work on
foot __ (8) __ it is about five minutes' walk from home. All the other mechanics are men at the
garage, and she has a good relationship with them. Her husband Gianni works as an accountant for
an international company. The company is outside the town. As he doesn’t have a car, every day he
__ (9) __ travel to work by bus. He is thinking of buying a car, but he hasn’t decided which model
to buy __ (10) __.

a. repair
b. repaired
c. repairing
d. to repairing
a. so
b. because
c. so that
d. in order that
a. can
b. will
c. might
d. has to
a. already
b. yet
c. just
d. ever

Choose the correct answer for each question.

Dan : Who (11)__ from? Maybe from Paul?
Matt : No, it (12)__ be from Paul. He never writes letters.

a. is this letter
b. this letter is
c. letter this is
d. letter is this
a. can
b. can’t
c. must
d. mustn’t

Choose the correct answer for each question.

Oprah Winfrey is the presenter of a very popular talk show. She was born in the rural town of
Kosciusko, Mississippi, on January 29th, 1954. In spite of being __ (13) __ rich and successful
now, she had a difficult childhood. She __ (14) __ live in great poverty. She spent her first years on
her grandmother's farm in Kosciusko while her mother __ (15) __ for work in the North. After
college, she chose __ (16) __ in the media, and got her first job as a news anchor for a local TV
station. Her personality didn’t match well with the news programme. For this reason, she __ (17) __
to a daytime chat show by programmers. After that, she started her own programme, The Oprah
Winfrey Show in 1986. __ (18) __ then, she has been presenting this show successfully. The Oprah
Winfrey Show is one of __ (19) __ TV programmes of all time.

a. much
b. more
c. enough
d. very
a. would rather
b. had better
c. used to
d. ought to
a. looks
b. has looked
c. is looking
d. was looking
a. to work
b. work
c. working
d. that she worked
a. transfers
b. transferred
c. is transferred
d. was transferred

a. Until
b. By the time
c. Since
d. For
a. good
b. the best
c. better
d. well

Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the given sentence.

20. I would have tidied the living room if I had known you were coming.
a. I tidied the living room because I knew you were coming.
b. I didn’t tidy the living room because I didn’t know you were coming.
c. I knew you were coming, so I had tidied the living room.
d. I didn’t know you were coming, so I tidied the living room.

21. The passengers are waiting for the train. It is arriving in 10 minutes.
a. The passengers who are waiting for the train are arriving in 10 minutes.
b. The passengers are waiting for the train which is arriving in 10 minutes.
c. The train is waiting for the passengers who are arriving in 10 minutes.
d. The train which is arriving in 10 minutes is waiting for the passengers.

22. The National Free Bank made bad investments and then they went bankrupt.
a. Before the National Free Bank made bad investments, they had already gone
b. Until the National Bank made bad investments, they went bankrupt.
c. After the National Free Bank had made bad investments, they went bankrupt.
d. By the time the National Free Bank made bad investments, they had already gone

There is one mistake in the sentence. Choose one of the underlined word or phrase that
has the mistake.
23. Last week Mrs Murphy was waiting for the train when her bag stole.
a. Last week
b. was waiting
c. when
d. stole
Choose the correct answer for each question.

My favourite rock band Radiohead are giving a concert in London this Saturday. There is usually a
long queue for concert tickets. Last year, I __ (24) __ buy a ticket to get into their concert in New
York because all the tickets were sold out. I hope I can get a ticket this time.

a. wasn’t allowed to
b. wasn’t supposed to
c. wasn’t likely to
d. wasn’t able to

Mrs. Jackson : Sasha! Someone __ (25) __ the doorbell! My hands are dirty. __ (26) __ the door for
Sasha : Of course not. I’ll do it right away.
Mrs. Jackson : Thank you.

a. rings
b. had rung
c. is ringing
d. was ringing
a. Do you open
b. Could you open
c. Do you mind if I open
d. Would you mind opening

Librarian : __ (27) __ ?
Tony : A monolingual dictionary. I need to look some phrasal verbs up in it.
Librarian : Well, we have a dictionary of phrasal verbs. Let me show it to you.

a. What are looking for you
b. What are you looking for
c. What you are looking for
d. For what you are looking for

Martin wondered when he would find a job.

“__ (28) __ ?”, Martin thought.

a. When will he find a job
b. When will I find a job
c. When does he a job
d. When do I find a job
Mary : “I can help you with the housework, mom.”
Mary __ (29) __.

a. said that he can help her with the housework
b. told her mom that she could help you with the housework
c. told that he can help you with the housework
d. said to her mom that she could help her with the housework

Read the following texts below and choose the correct answer for each question.

Graffiti is words or drawings that we see on walls or other surfaces in public places. It has __.(30).
different types and they usually contain funny, rude or political messages. Today, spray paint and
marker pens have become commonly used graffiti materials.
The history of graffiti is __ (31) __ longer than most of us realise. It has existed since
ancient times. People started to paint on walls thousands of years ago. Although the paintings
__(32) __ for religious purposes at that time, artists also wanted to express their personality at the
same time.
These days, we see graffiti almost everywhere, from the New York metro to the walls of
houses in Beijing. However, in most countries, marking or painting property without the property
owner's permission is considered vandalism, __ (33) __ a punishable crime. Also, as the cleaning
process is not easy and costs a lot of money to remove graffiti, most of the time it is not appreciated.
For example, last year The London Underground __ (34) __ spend over £5 million in cleaning its
stations. Unfortunately, the stations do not remain clean for very long.
Since more and more people are enjoying graffiti as an art form, some people __ (35) __
having some private graffiti areas. They __ (36) __ that this will give the artist the chance to draw
without causing any trouble.

a. all
b. a lot
c. none
d. several
a. far
b. most
c. more
d. very
a. are done
b. have been done
c. were done
d. are being done
a. that is
b. which is
c. whose it is
d. it is
a. due to
b. likely to
c. managed to
d. had to
a. offer
b. regret
c. suggest
d. deny
a. think
b. thought
c. thinking
d. are thinking

Read the following texts below and choose the correct answer for each question.

YouTube is a very popular video sharing website created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed
Karim in 2005. In only about a year and a half of the site being online, the creative team sold it to
Google for almost 2 billion dollars, __ (37) __ the three founders billionaires in their mid-twenties.
Maybe, the three founders __ (38) __ extremely rich today if they __ (38) __ YouTube.
The company was founded in a small office above a pizza restaurant and a Japanese
restaurant in San Mateo, California. The three founders __ (39) __ to find an easy way to share
large video files with each other online for so long when they came up with the idea of creating the
website. It is well-known that YouTube started with just one video: Me at the zoo.It is a short clip of
founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo.
Nowadays, YouTube is so popular that its daily bandwidth cost is around one billion dollars.
It is currently number four in the list of the most visited websites and has an approximately one
billion views per day all over the world. Similarly, it is estimated that by the end of next year, that
number __ (40) __ over a billion.

a. made
b. making
c. to make
d. that made

a. won’t be / doesn’t create
b. wouldn’t be / hadn’t created
c. weren’t / didn’t create
d. wouldn’t have been / hadn’t created
a. are trying
b. have been trying
c. had been trying
d. were trying
a. reached
b. has reached
c. will be reaching
d. will have reached

Part II: Reading (50 points)

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

There are many different kinds of parrots. Some are quite big. Others are very small. Many people
like them because they can talk. They do not usually know what they are saying. They are only
making sounds. However, they know and say some words, such as “Hello!”, “Goodbye” and their
Most parrots live in hot countries. They eat nuts, fruit and plants. They shouldn’t eat fatty
and salty foods like cheese because such foods are harmful for them.

41. There are many different kinds of parrots.

a. True
b. False

42. Many people like parrots because __________.

a. they are quite big
b. they can fly
c. they can talk
d. they can play games

43. According to the text, parrots know and say __________.

a. the names of colours
b. their names
c. the numbers
d. the names of food

44. Parrots should NOT eat __________.

a. fruit
b. nuts
c. cheese
d. plants

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

A Japanese businessman had a big surprise last Sunday when he got the wrong bus to the airport
and missed the flight.
Zenko Kajiyama, 32, wanted to catch the bus to Edinburgh airport. He had a meeting the
next day in London and he wanted to catch the evening flight. When he saw a bus coming, he got
on it. Unfortunately, the bus was for people going to a birthday party.
The people on the bus helped Mr Kajiyama with his bags and found him a seat. He thought
he was on the right bus until they stopped at a pub and everyone got off. They asked Mr Kajiyama
to join their party and so he followed them into the pub. When he looked at his watch, he saw it was
too late and that he had missed his plane. At first he was very worried, but then he decided to stay in
the pub and had a good time. He had a drink and danced to the music with the other members of the
party. In the end, he went back to the house of one of his friends and he slept on the sofa. The next
morning he took a taxi to the airport and flew to London, but he was too late for his meeting.

45. Zenko Kajiyama took the wrong train to the airport.

a. True
b. False

46. The bus was for people going to a __________.

a. birthday party
b. football match
c. marriage ceremony
d. shopping centre

47. Which of the following is FALSE about the people on the bus?
a. They asked Mr Kajiyama to join their party.
b. They found him a seat on the bus.
c. They told him it was too late to catch the plane.
d. They helped him with his bags.

48. Which of the following is TRUE about Mr Kajiyama according to the text?
a. Mr Kajiyama enjoyed the party.
b. He slept at the airport after the party.
c. One of his friends took him to the airport.
d. He arrived at the meeting on time.

49. What is a suitable title for this text?

a. The Wrong Bus
b. A Terrible Flight
c. Business Life
d. Japanese Culture

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

Every day lots of people visit London and they buy lots of things. There are over 300 shops there.
You can find designer stores in Regent Street and Bond Street. Sloane Square is also a good area
and there are hundreds of little shops in Covent Garden market.
Oxford Street is the most important street in London. It is renowned for its shopping
centres. The most known is John Lewis Store, but it is not the only one. Selfridges is another
shopping place in Oxford Street. It sells a wide range of designer labels. Liberty is another one. It
mixes the traditional with the modern.
All shops open between 9.00 and 10.00 a.m. and they close at 6.00 p.m. It is unusual for
shops to close for lunch and on Thursdays they stay open late, until 8.00 p.m.
You cannot leave London without going to one of its many street markets. The best ones are
in Covent Garden, Portobello Road, Camden, and Petticoat Lane. You don’t need to buy anything
here; it is fun just to look at the variety of things for sale.

50. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a good place for shopping in London?
a. Regent Street
b. Bond Street
c. Sloane Square
d. Knightsbridge Square

51. “renowned” (line 4) is closest in meaning to __________.

e. similar
f. famous
c. regular
d. safe

52. “It” (line 6) refers to __________.

a. Selfridges
b. Covent Garden Market
c. John Lewis Store
d. Liberty

53. Which of the following is FALSE about the shops in London?

a. They are usually closed for lunch.
b. They open between 9.00 and 10.00 a.m.
c. They close at 6.00 p.m. except one day a week.
d. On Thursdays they are open until 8.00 p.m.

54. All of the following are mentioned as street markets in London EXCEPT__________.
a. Portobello Road
b. Camden
c. Petticoat Lane
d. Oxford Market

Read the following passages and find the irrelevant sentence in each paragraph.
55. (I) New Zealand is a country in the South Pacific. (II) The capital city is Wellington. (III).
January and February are the warmest months of the year. (IV) Other important cities are Auckland,
Christ Church and Hamilton.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV

56. (I) There are some reasons why tourists prefer Bodrum as one of the most popular holiday
places. (II) First of all, it offers many opportunities for swimming and sailing. (III).Secondly, it has
important historical places such as Bodrum Castle. (IV) Therefore, it is an industrialised place
where various goods are produced.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV

57. (I) Lennon was born on October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, England. (II) Every year thousands
of people meet in New York’s Central Park to remember him. (III) When he was a child, he
listened to the music of rock and roll singers. (IV) He especially liked Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee
Lewis and Little Richard.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV

Choose the correct sentence that completes the meaning of each paragraph.

58. Steve had paid a lot of money for his car insurance and his holiday, so he ran out of money.
He soon realised that he would have to work more hours to make up for all the spending. He
decided to talk to his boss and tell him about the situation. __________. So, within just a couple of
months he worked hard and started saving again.
a. He was told it was easy to arrange longer hours and overtime payments
b. This was unusual because it was normally a quiet time of year for the company
c. They discussed the matter but came to no conclusion
d. However, the boss said he didn’t have enough time to talk to him

59. Nowadays, sales is an increasingly popular and well-paid option for people choosing a
career. It has the advantages of close contact with the public, greater opportunities for promotion
and fairly often, the ability to travel with your work. __________. They must be presentable, able to
communicate effectively and, above all, they must have the power to convince customers that they
need what is on offer.
a. Despite its positive aspects, it is still a high-pressure job
b. Only hard-working and dedicated employers can solve problems effectively
c. There are a wide number of competitive, international companies that sell quality
d. No matter what product they are selling, the same qualities are required for all sales

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

To many people life on a submarine may sound fascinating. However, it is, in fact, horribly boring.
Except for the commanding officers, a day aboard a submarine consists of six hours on duty, six
hours off, day after day, for months. This being the case, every effort is made to ensure that the
lives of the men are as pleasant as possible. The meals are exceptionally good, dance and music
shows are organised and there is a daily film, shown at a specific time, on television around the
submarine. In return, the crew is always expected to perform all the time. A mistake is quite
unforgivable. In fact, a favourite saying is “There is room for everything on a submarine except for
a mistake”.

60. It is stated in the passage that, contrary to what a lot of people expect, __________.
a. there is nothing to do on a submarine
b. boredom is a major problem for the crew of a submarine
c. there is comparatively little work to be done on a submarine for the crew
d. the commanding officers on a submarine share the same duties as the other members
of the crew

61. __________ is NOT a way to make the lives of the crew more pleasant.
a. Serving good meals
b. Showing a daily film
c. Organising competitions
d. Organising dance and music shows

62. The writer of the passage emphasises that, on a submarine, __________.

a. the crew has a weekend holiday
b. watching TV is impossible
c. performance of the crew is paid extra
d. everything is to be done unmistakingly

63. What is a suitable title for the text?

a. Commanding Officers
b. Life on a Submarine
c. An Unforgivable Mistake
d. Rooms on a Submarine

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

Nobody knows when fiction began. Maybe the first story-teller was a prehistoric mother trying to
explain the world to her children. Or perhaps it was a hunter telling about his adventures around the
camp fire. Who can tell? What we do know, though, is that story-telling was a purely oral activity
until around 800 BC. Myths and tales were passed down by word of mouth and had to be learned
orally by each new generation of story-tellers. This oral tradition only changed when ancient people
started to keep written records of certain stories. The earliest surviving examples of these are the
epics of Homer, a blind professional story-teller, who lived in the eighth century BC. His epics are
the foundations to today’s western literature and they are still studied in faculties of Humanities and
Letters at various universities.

64. It is stated in the passage that story-telling __________.

a. was first introduced by Homer in ancient times
b. possibly began in prehistoric times
c. began as a written activity in antiquity
d. became far more popular with the invention of writing

65. “it” (line 2) refers to __________.

a. the first story-teller
b. the world
c. fiction
d. the prehistoric mother

66. Which one is TRUE about story-telling?

a. Oral tradition went on for a short time.
b. Story-telling was certainly started by a hunter.
c. Oral tradition changed when nobody remembered the stories.
d. Story-tellers had to memorise myths and tales.

67. According to the passage, the Homeric epics __________.

a. were among the first stories to be written down
b. were passed down only orally
c. emerged after western language
d. are not appreciated any more today

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

Icelandic is spoken by 200.000 inhabitants in Iceland, which has a population of almost 300.000. It
is somehow similar to Old Norse, the language of the Vikings, which was brought to Iceland from
Norway in the ninth century. Whereas the other Scandinavian languages have been strongly
influenced by those of neighbouring countries, Icelandic has retained its purity over the
centuries. As a result, Icelandic schoolchildren today have no difficulty reading the great epics
written in Old Norse. Their language afflicted other languages and it is a sort of parent tongue to
the other modern Scandinavian languages. It also has many features in common with Old English,
the result of the Viking invasions of Britain in the ninth century.

68. It is stated in the passage that Icelandic __________.

a. is exactly the same language that the Vikings used
b. was originally spoken by Norwegians
c. has been greatly influenced by other languages through time
d. is spoken by more than half of the people in Iceland

69. “Icelandic has retained its purity over the centuries.” (lines 4-5) means __________.
a. parents teach Icelandic to their children
b. Icelandic hasn’t changed much over time
c. interest in Icelandic has never diminished
d. Icelandic has become widespread over the years

70. “afflicted” (line 6) is closest in meaning to __________.

a. caused
b. influenced
c. imagined
d. indicated

71. It is stated in the passage that present day Icelandic __________.

a. has certain similarities to Old English
b. was the language spoken in Britain in the ninth century
c. was learnt as a second language in nearby countries
d. is completely different from other modern Scandinavian languages
Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

For centuries the vibrant colours, extra-ordinary perspectives and strangely distorted figures of El
Greco’s paintings were hardly understood and appreciated by many people. While some critics
attributed these characteristics to a defect in the artist’s eyesight, others saw them as an expression
of El Greco’s unique artistic vision, which is not realistic at all. He was affected by Renaissance
period and Mannerism. He was a pioneer of Expressionism and Cubism. Not much is known of El
Greco’s early life, his family or his artistic training. By his own testimony, Domenikos
Theotokopoulos was born in about 1540 on the island of Crete. In 1570, the first documented date
in his life, he arrived in Rome already an accomplished artist. According to Roman contemporaries,
he had come from Venice. In Italy he was nicknamed “El Greco” or “the Greek”, the name by
which he is still known.

72. It is stated in the passage that __________.

a. the paintings of El Greco are notable for their realism
b. El Greco’s early life shaped his artistic outlook
c. the unusual style of El Greco wasn’t comprehended for a long time
d. El Greco had hearing defect

73. El Greco __________.

a. had already become a successful artist before he came to Rome
b. avoided painting colourful pictures
c. was only affected by naturalism
d. was against Expressionism and Cubism

74. The passage states that El Greco __________.

a. was always admired by many people
b. received his artistic training in Rome
c. was not the artist’s real name
d. spent all of his life in Venice

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

In Italian cinema, neorealism started as a reaction to the escapism that had previously been
favoured. Neorealism enabled people to take a realistic look at the difficult conditions in post-war
Italy. It was a new style and it attracted world’s attention. Umberto D may be the leading neorealist
film. It is the real story of a poor old man who, in the loneliness of the new society, is forced to beg
to survive. It was not a commercial success. Yet, even in the apparent quietness of its action, it is
perhaps the most severe attack against the new post-war values. It was one of the best
representations of neorealism.

75. “It” (line 3) refers to __________.

a. Umberto D
b. Post-war Italy
c. Escapism
d. Neorealism

76. Umberto D was not seen by many people when released.

a. True
b. False

77. Which of the following is FALSE about Umberto D according to the text?
a. It is not a movie which contains large amount of action.
b. It may be regarded as the best neorealist film.
c. It is an imaginary story.
d. It criticises the new post-war values.

Read the text below and choose the correct answer.

The Falklands are a group of small islands in the South Atlantic close to Argentina with a
population of 1,200 British citizens. They have been British territory since 1892. Disputes about
who owns the islands go back to the 18th century. Argentina has long claimed that these islands,
which they call the “Malvinas”, belong to them. They occupied the islands in April 1982 and the
Falklands War lasted until July 1982 when British forces won them back. The Falklands War had
an enormous impact on Britain and is still controversial. Some people see it as a restoration of
Britain’s old imperial power.

78. It is pointed out in the passage that both Britain and Argentina __________.
a. regard the Falklands as their own territory
b. think that these islands are of no importance to anyone
c. prefer to use the name “Malvinas” for these islands
d. only laid claim to the islands after 1892

79. According to the passage, the Falklands War __________.

a. was being fought, on and off, between 1892 and 1982
b. was largely ignored by the British public
c. was followed by a withdrawal of most British citizens from the islands
d. broke out after the islands were invaded by Argentina

80. One may conclude from the passage that, even today, Britain’s hold over the Falklands
a. could, in all likelihood, lead to another war between Britain and other powers
b. causes more problems than benefits to the British public
c. is felt by some people to be a revival of the British imperial rule
d. has not been accepted anywhere but in Argentina
Part I: Use of English
1. A
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. D
16. A
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. C
23. D
24. D
25. C
26. D
27. B
28. B
29. D
30. D
31. A
32. C
33. B
34. D
35. C
36. A
37. B
38. B
39. C
40. D
Part II: Reading
41. A
42. C
43. B
44. C
45. B
46. A
47. C
48. A
49. A
50. D
51. B
52. A
53. A
54. D
55. C
56. D
57. B
58. A
59. D
60. B
61. C
62. D
63. B
64. B
65. A
66. D
67. A
68. D
69. B
70. B
71. A
72. C
73. A
74. C
75. D
76. A
77. C
78. A
79. D
80. C

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