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B While Reading
4 a White Fang changes his home many times in the story. As you read, keep a record of where he is
living, who he is living with and how he feels in each place.

Where is he Who is he How does he feel in this place?

living? living with?

In the cave, in With his He feels safe in the cave and afraid to leave it. As he learns, he
the Wild mother, Kiche starts feeling stronger and excited by the life inside him and
the freedom of? the Wild.

b H
 ave you always lived in the same place or have you changed your home? Who have you lived with
and where? In which place were you happiest?

5 The pictures show two important, but different, moments in the story and the life of White Fang.
Write a paragraph describing how White Fang is feeling and what he is thinking in each picture. Say
what he is going to do (or what you think he is going to do) after these two moments.

Macmillan Readers White Fang 

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Elementary Worksheet

C After Reading
6 a A
 s a cub, White Fang learns many new things. In the box below, write a list of the things that he
learns as he gets older.
Then write a list of things that you remember learning when you were a child, in the second box.

What White Fang learns What you learnt as a child

to hunt for food to read and write

 re the two lists very different? Do young animals and children need to learn some of the same
b A
things? What do you think is the best way to learn new things: from a teacher? from parents? from
trying and making mistakes? from books or the Internet?

7 When Weedon Scott is leaving by boat for Santa Clara and he agrees to take White Fang with
him, he says:
“Goodbye, Matt. You don’t need to write to me about the wolf. I’ll write to you about him.” (page 48)
Write a letter from Scott to Matt telling him about White Fang’s life with him in Santa Clara. Mention:
- how White Fang is changing
- how White Fang saved them from Jim Hall
- Collie and the new puppies

8 a Read the sentences below and tick (3) ‘agree’, ‘disagree’ or ‘it depends’ to show your opinion.

agree it depends disagree

Animals should live in the Wild, not in houses or zoos

People should never hit or hurt an animal

Animals are cleverer than people

People should not eat animals

Animals become similar in some ways to the person/

people they live with

 hoose one of the sentences from the table and write a short paragraph saying why you agree or
b C

Macmillan Readers White Fang 

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