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Put the verbs into Simple Past or Simple Present Perfect

1. I ________________(be) ill last night so I______________________ (not go) to the cinema.
2. Look! The train________________________ (just /leave).
3. When ___________________the train_________________ (leave)?
4. How long________________________(he/be) here?
5. How long ago____________________________(you/meet) him?
6. She _____________________________(give) me some nice flowers.
7. I can't find my umbrella. _______________you ___________________(see) it?
8. He____________________________(study) hard the last few weeks.
9. Thank God! I ______________________________(finish).
10. ____________________(you/be) at home when I ___________________________(telephone)?
11.______________you___________________ (see) Tom last week?
12. I _______________________________ (not eat) anything all day today.
13. It_____________________________ (not snow) yet this winter but last winter it
_____________________(snow) hard.
14. Who_________________ you _________________(go) to the theatre with yesterday?
15. When______________________ Mr. Brown___________________ (fly) to N.York?
16. _______________________________(you/ ever/see) a tiger?

B. Put the verbs into Simple Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
1. We______________ just____________________ (open) the letters.
2. How long____________________ you______________________ (see) each other?
3. He______________________________ (wait) for the bus for ten minutes.
4. Who____________________________ (use) my pen?
5. How long___________ he __________________________(study)? He_________________________ (study)
since he came back.
6. What __________you______________________________ (eat)? Your lips are black.
7. He________________________________ (work) hard lately, he will get ill.
8. How many letters ________________________you_______________________ (write) so far?
9. They ________________________________(already/send) a lot of invitations.
10. It_________________________________ (rain) for hours. I hate it.

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