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Mechanisms and Machine Science 44

Jaroslav Beran
Martin Bílek
Petr Žabka Editors

Advances in
Design II
Proceedings of the XII International
Conference on the Theory of Machines
and Mechanisms
Mechanisms and Machine Science

Volume 44

Series editor
Marco Ceccarelli
LARM: Laboratory of Robotics and Mechatronics
DICeM: University of Cassino and South Latium
Via Di Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino (Fr), Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
More information about this series at
Jaroslav Beran Martin Bílek

Petr Žabka

Advances in Mechanism
Design II
Proceedings of the XII International
Conference on the Theory of Machines
and Mechanisms

Jaroslav Beran Petr Žabka
Textile Machine Design Department Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Technical University of Liberec Technical University of Liberec
Liberec Liberec
Czech Republic Czech Republic

Martin Bílek
Textile Machine Design Department
Technical University of Liberec
Czech Republic

ISSN 2211-0984 ISSN 2211-0992 (electronic)

Mechanisms and Machine Science
ISBN 978-3-319-44086-6 ISBN 978-3-319-44087-3 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016947391

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

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The international conference on the theory of machines and mechanisms has been
held since 1973 in regular four-year intervals. The expert agenda of the conference
focuses on a wide range of problems including theoretical and practical findings
related to theories pertaining to machines and mechanisms. A person involved in
the creation of this conference was important personality and leading expert in
mechanics and mechanism theories doc. Ing. Jaroslav Charvát, CSc. He was not
only a renowned expert regarding mechanism theories, but he was also an excellent
teacher and promoter of mechanics for the professional and lay public. He
impressed students with his lectures and boosted their enthusiasm for the study
field. His scientific and research activities were focused to a great extent on
mechanisms of textile machines. He has regularly contributed to expert magazines.
He is the author of many monographs and scripts, and he has actively attended
conferences and seminars. He has been responsible to a significant extent for the
development of young technical intelligence and has contributed to the develop-
ment of the field of textile machine mechanics.
The 12th international conference on the theory of machines and mechanisms
was held from September 6–8, 2016, at the Liberec Technical University, Liberec,
Czech Republic. The conference was organized under the auspices of the Czech
National Committee for Theories of Machines and Mechanisms IFToMM, the
Czech Society for Mechanics and VUTS a.s. Liberec. The lectures focused par-
ticularly on the areas of analysis, synthesis of articulated, cam, planar and spatial
A major part included a focus on problems related to the dynamics of machines
and mechanisms as well as mechatronics and biomechanical systems. Robotic
systems were another major focus on the conference.
During the conference, the Meeting of the Technical Committee for Linkages
and Mechanical Controls of IFToMM and the Meeting of the Czech Society for
Mechanics took place.
vi Preface

In this book, contributions from the conference have been included into six main
• General Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Analysis and Synthesis of Planar
and Spatial Mechanisms, Linkages and Cams, Robots and Manipulators
• Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms, Rotor Dynamics
• Computational Mechanics
• Vibration and Noise in Machines
• Optimization of Mechanisms and Machines, Mechanisms of Textile Machines
• Mechatronics, Control and Monitoring Systems of Machines
As it has for more than 48 years, this volume of proceedings offers both a broad
perspective on the state of the art in the field and an in-depth look at its leading edge
research. It is our privilege to be able to offer this collection and we express our
sincere thanks to the contributing authors for making this series a continuing
We appreciate the interest in this conference and believe it will bring many
suggestions for further extension of knowledge in the field of machines and
mechanisms theory and will provide new ideas for international cooperation in this

Liberec, Czech Republic Jaroslav Beran
Scientific Committee

J. Beran—Chairman (CZ)
M. Bílek—Secretary (CZ)
V. Arakelyan (FR)
M. Ceccarelli (IT)
B. Corves (DE)
J.C. Garcia-Prada (ES)
A. Gronowicz (PL)
J. Horáček (CZ)
T. Leinonen (FI)
M. Lima (PT)
E.CH. Lovasz (RO)
K.H. Modler (DE)
V. Natarajan (IN)
L. Pešek (CZ)
Š. Segľa (SK)
J. Stadnicki (PL)
I. Tempea (RO)
H. Terada (JP)
D. Tesar (US)
M. Václavík (CZ)
J. Vimmr (CZ)
J. Zapoměl (CZ)
V. Zeman (CZ)

viii Scientific Committee

The conference is organized under

the patronage of:

Technical University of Liberec

Studentská 1402/2
461 17 Liberec 1
Czech Republic

International Federation for the Promotion
of Mechanism and Machine Science
Czech National Commitee of IFToMM
Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i.
Czech Society of Mechanics Dolejškova 5
Dolejškova 5 182 00 Praha 8
182 00 Praha 8 Czech Republic
Czech Republic

VÚTS, a.s.
Svárovská 619
460 01 Liberec 11
Czech Republic

Part I General Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Analysis

and Synthesis of Planar and Spatial Mechanisms,
Linkages and Cams, Robots and Manipulators
IFToMM in MMS Developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Marco Ceccarelli
General Algorithm for Computing the Theoretical Centering
Precision of the Gripping Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
E.-C. Lovasz, V. Mesaroş-Anghel, C.M. Gruescu, C.E. Moldovan
and M. Ceccarelli
Design and Development of a Heddle Shaft Mechanism
for Air-Jet Weaving Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
F. Schwarzfischer, S. Kurtenbach, J. Onischke and B. Corves
On Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Design Using RRSS
Motion and Axode Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
J. D’Alessio, K. Russell and R.S. Sodhi
On Approach Based on Lie Groups and Algebras
to the Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
L. Rybak, D. Malyshev and A. Chichvarin
Life Estimation of the Contact Surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
M. Hejnová and J. Ondrášek
Calculation of the Contours of a Radial Double Cam
Based on an Approximate Course of the 2nd Derivative
of the Displacement Law of a Working Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
P. Jirásko and M. Václavík
The Elastic Compression in the Contact Region
of a Cam Mechanism General Kinematic Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
J. Ondrášek

x Contents

Design of a Legged Walking Robot with Adjustable Parameters . . . . . . 65

Y. Zhang, V. Arakelian and J.-P. Le Baron
Positioning Control of a Micro Manipulation Robot
Based on Voice Command Recognition for the Microscopic
Cell Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
H. Terada, K. Makino, H. Nishizaki, E. Yanase, T. Suzuki
and T. Tanzawa
Spherical Ultrasonic Motor for Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
U. Nishizawa, S. Toyama and T. Oohashi

Part II Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms,

Rotor Dynamics
Multi-physical Analysis of the Forces in the Flexible Rotor
Supported by the Magnetorheological Squeeze Film Dampers . . . . . . . . 89
P. Ferfecki, J. Zapoměl and M. Marek
Experimental Evaluation of a Rotor Model Based Foundation
Identification Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
M. Yu, N. Feng and E. Hahn
Researching of the Method of Separation of Fine-Grain
Particles by Centrifugation in a Liquid Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
A.B. Kydyrbekuly, L.A. Khajieva and G.E. Ybraev
The Steady State Response of Multi-disc Rotors Damped
by Magnetorheological Squeeze Film Dampers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
J. Zapoměl and P. Ferfecki
Inertia Matrix and Vehicle Driveability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
P. Brabec, M. Malý and R. Voženílek
Unexpected Vibrations of Relatively Simple Cutting Machine
Mechanism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
P. Šidlof, Z. Braier, P. Klouček and J. Ondrášek
Effect of Oil Viscosity on Pulsating Flow in Pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
L. Hružík, A. Bureček and M. Vašina
Experimental Research and Mathematical Modeling
of Scroll Machine in Air Motor Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
V.I. Ivlev, S. Yu. Misyurin and A.P. Nelyubin
Analysis of the Mechanism of the Drill Hammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
M. Konečný
Contents xi

Free Vibration Frequency Spectrum of Four-Planetary

Gearing Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
L. Půst, L. Pešek and A. Radolfová
Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor in Presence
of Sommerfeld Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
A. Bisoi, R. Bhattacharyya and A.K. Samantaray

Part III Computational Mechanics

Various Strategies of Elastic Forces Evaluation in the Absolute
Nodal Coordinate Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
R. Bulín and M. Hajžman
Nonlinear Vibration of Nuclear Fuel Rods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Š. Dyk and V. Zeman
Thermal Field Simulation of Repair Threads in a Hole
in the Cover of a Pressure Vessel by Welding Using Sysweld . . . . . . . . . 191
R. Jančo and P. Élesztős
Simulation of Isothermal Compression Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
I. Matoušek and O. Matúšek
Influence of Bubbles in the Shock Liquid at Its Compressibility . . . . . . . 207
M. Sivčák and T. Hruš
Procedure for Seismic Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks
Using FEM Approach and Analytical Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
M. Sivý and M. Musil

Part IV Vibration and Noise in Machines

Forced Response Reduction of a Compressor Blisk Rotor
Employing Intentional Mistuning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
B. Beirow, A. Kühhorn and J. Nipkau
Flat Flexural Vibration of Drill-String with an Initial Curvature . . . . . . 231
A.S. Sergaliyev and L.A. Khajiyeva
A Design of the Two Architectures of Electromagnetic Vibration
Energy Harvesting Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
M. Maták, M. Gašparík, P. Šolek and M. Margetin
Acoustic Solution for a Car Cab Interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
P. Němeček
Possibilities for Reducing Car Gearbox Vibration and Noise . . . . . . . . . 255
E. Tomeh
xii Contents

Reduced Order Analyses of Multi-stage Coupled Structures

with Main Focus on Disk-Dominated Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
R. Weber and A. Kühhorn

Part V Optimization of Mechanisms and Machines,

Mechanisms of Textile Machines
Composite Production and Industrial Robot Trajectory
Calculation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
T. Martinec, J. Mlýnek and M. Petrů
The Pinion Teeth Temperatures Measured During
the Different Power Levels Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
M. Mazac and M. Maly
A Novel Four Wheel Vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
S. Pramanik and S.S. Thipse
Cam Mechanism for Car Seat Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
P. Srb, P. Kulhavy, V. Fliegel and P. Lepsik
Offset of Natural Frequencies of Toothed Wheel by Means
of Parametric Optimisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
J. Stadnicki and M. Głąbek
Diagnosis of a Common Rail High Pressure Injector System . . . . . . . . . 303
P. Starý
Design of a Tribometer for Piston Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
R. Voženílek, S. Beroun and J. Břoušek
Mathematical Model of Elastic Heald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
M. Bílek, Š. Kovář and J. Skřivánek
Dynamic Model of the Mechanical System of the Needle Bar . . . . . . . . . 323
J. Komárek
Electronic Link Between the Needle Cylinder and the Dial
of the Small Diameter Knitting Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
J. Skřivánek, M. Bílek, O. Baťka and M. Kašpárek
Utilization of Magnetic Accumulators for the Traversing Rod
of the Yarn Winding System on Rotor Spinning Machines . . . . . . . . . . . 337
J. Valtera
Mechatronic Model for Traversing Rod Longitudinal Vibration
Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
P. Žabka
Adaptive Timing of Relay Nozzles of an Air Jet Weaving Loom . . . . . . 351
J. Žák
Contents xiii

Part VI Mechatronics, Control and Monitoring Systems

of Machines
The Testing Stand of the Direct Linear and the Torque
Servo Drives Siemens Controlled by the Simotion C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
J. Antoš
New Method of Contactless Measurement and Analysis
of CNC Machine Spindle Lopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
Z. Braier, P. Šidlof, V. Čejka and P. Žďárek
Smart Rehabilitation Splint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
J. Cernohorsky and M. Cadek
Implementation of Specific Displacement Diagrams
for the Control of Kinetic Sculptures with Yaskawa
Electronic Cams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
P. Dostrašil
Semi-automatic Transmission in a Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
M. Gašparík, M. Černý, P. Šolek and M. Maták
Improvement of Dynamic Characteristics of the Car
in the Light of Technological Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
F. Palčák
Rotary Table Machine Input Parameters Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
A. Richter and J. Ondrášek
Part I
General Theory of Machines
and Mechanisms, Analysis and Synthesis
of Planar and Spatial Mechanisms,
Linkages and Cams, Robots
and Manipulators
IFToMM in MMS Developments

Marco Ceccarelli

Abstract The paper presents IFToMM and its activity as influential in Mechanism
and Machine Science (MMS) and its future developments. IFToMM is the interna-
tional federation of a worldwide community working in MMS with achievements in
research, formation, practice and technological transfer. The role of IFToMM is
discussed as influential not only in aggregating people with commonly shared
activities but also in leading international collaboration for innovative trends in MMS.

Keywords Mechanism and machine science  IFToMM  Trends in MMS

1 Introduction

Two main facts can be highlighted in order to claim that MMS (Mechanism and
Machine Science) is still necessary with a strong activity in formation, research, and
practice, namely they are:
– Human beings operate and interact with their environments and using many
systems with actions of mechanical nature so that mechanical systems will
always be an essential part of systems that assist or substitute human beings in
their actions and other tasks.
– There is a continuous need to update problems and solutions in Technology since
Society continuously evolves with new and updated needs and requirements so
that even mechanical systems are expected to be updated for new and/or updated
functioning through a continuous evolution and update of knowledge, means,
and operation for the successful applications of mechanical systems.

(IFToMM President 2016–2019)

M. Ceccarelli (&)
University of Cassino and South Latium, Cassino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 3

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_1
4 M. Ceccarelli

MMS can be understood as an evolution of TMM with a broader content and

vision of a Science, including disciplines with synergy and integration purposes.
The modernity of MMS has augmented TMM with new vision and means but also
with many new disciplines, of which the most significant can be recognized in
Robotics; Mechatronics; Computational Kinematics; Computer Graphics;
Computer Simulation; CAD/CAM for TMM; Tribology; Multibody Dynamics,
Medical Devices, Micro and Nano Machines, Energy Sustainable Systems, and
Service Systems. In 2000 the evolution of the name from TMM to MMS brought
also a change in the denomination of the IFToMM Federation from “IFToMM: the
International Federation for TMM” to “IFToMM, the International Federation for
the Promotion of MMS” [1].
Aggregation of people in communities is a need and motivation for the success
of activity with common features and purposes. IFToMM as international federa-
tion of national/territory communities is the world aggregation of people working in
MMS with a common vision that collaboration and activity share are helpful not
only to achieve better results but to disseminate efficiently the achievements for a
successful improvement of a peaceful society.
In this paper, a significant role of IFToMM is presented in MMS activities within
technological achievements by using historical outlines and general considerations
that are also based on the author’s experience [2–5].

2 MMS and Its Future Developments

The meaning of MMS can be clarified by looking at IFToMM terminology with the
terms [6]:
– Mechanism and Machine Science: Branch of science, which deals with the
theory and practice of the geometry, motion, dynamics, and control of machines,
mechanisms, and elements and systems thereof, together with their application
in industry and other contexts, e.g. in Biomechanics and the environment.
Related processes, such as the conversion and transfer of energy and informa-
tion, also pertain to this field.
– Machine: mechanical system that performs a specific task, such as the forming
of material, and the transference and transformation of motion and force.
– Mechanism: system of bodies designed to convert motions of, and forces on,
one or several bodies into constrained motions of, and forces on, other bodies.
Today, a modern machine is understood as a combination of systems of different
natures and this integration has led to the modern concept of Mechatronics, Fig. 1.
Thus, most of the recent advances in machinery are sometimes considered to be in
fields other than MMS. But Mechanism Design can still be recognized as a fun-
damental aspect for developing successful systems that operate in the mechanical
world of human beings.
IFToMM in MMS Developments 5

Fig. 1 A scheme for the

mechatronic structure of
modern (mechanical) systems

Future developments in MMS can be summarized with trends and challenges

mainly in:
– 3D Kinematics
– Modeling and mathematization for MMS
– Multi-d.o.f. multibody systems
– Spatial mechanisms and manipulators
– Unconventional mechanisms
– Scaled mechanisms
– System design with multidisciplinary integration
– Bio-mechanical/mimetic systems
– Tribology issues
– Creative design
– Human-machine interactions for user/task-oriented systems
– Reconsideration and reformulation of theories and mechanism solutions.
Those topics and many others in MMS are also motivated by needs for formation
and activity of professionals, who will be able to conceive and transmit innovation
both into production, service frames and diary life.
Formation in MMS requires attention to modern methodologies that can effi-
ciently use computer and software means, which are still evolving rapidly. Thus,
there is a need to update also the teaching means that makes use of simulations and
computer oriented formulation. In addition, mechatronic layout of modern
mechanical systems suggests that mechanisms should be taught as integrated with
other components like actuators and sensors since the beginning of the formation.
The mission of academy needs to be revitalized and better understood as a result
of high expertise of teachers that can be reached also with intense research activity
and links to the professional and industrial world. This requires more attention and
vision not only from the academy but mainly from the society as a whole that
through governing leaders should give more and more support to the formation
system and research institutions.
Activity by professionals asks for novel applications and high performance
machines since they are continually needed in evolving/updating systems and
engineering tasks. In addition, there is a need to make understandable new
methodologies to professionals for practical implementation both in their use and
6 M. Ceccarelli

In general, MMS activity will be directed for further developments by searching

• information and understanding of the functionality and impact of systems
• algorithms for design, operation, and evaluation of systems with
user/task-oriented performance
• performance evaluation and economic merit of systems as constrained by
environmental limits
• transfer of innovation
• human-machine interfaces and interactions.
Thus, mechanical aspects will have a significant role in modern systems mainly
referring to:
– Human-machine interactions and user/task-oriented performance
– Mechanical tasks in motion operations
– Structure design for sizing dimensions.
Therefore, ‘hot’ topics of MMS can be considered:
• to analyze and to investigate operation and performance of modern (mecha-
tronic) systems
• to analyze and to investigate the actions against the environment and within the
mechatronic system.
• to focus on safety and comfort issues both for the system and for the human
• to consider the interactions mainly from mechanical viewpoints
• to size system actions according to task/user oriented requirements
• to consider complex motions such as spatial movement at high acceleration in
novel environments
• to look at integrated systems via suitable modeling of components of other
aspects than of a mechanical nature.
Trends in system composition can be summarized as in the examples in Table 1.
In the future more than today, the presence of mechanical components will be
reduced percentage-wise but nevertheless they will still be necessary and indeed be
fundamental for the use and operation of systems.
An important area demanding new system designs can be recognized for service
operations that can be understood in terms of set of actions and behaviors towards
achieving a service task [2, 3]. Those service actions and tasks can be much more
articulated and varied than traditional industrial applications.

Table 1 Examples of 1960–2010 Mechanics (%) Electronics/informatics (%)

evolution of system
composition Cars 90–50 10–50
Calculators 100–10 0–90
Cameras 100–10 0–90
IFToMM in MMS Developments 7

A service task can be understood as the ultimate goal of the design and operation
of a service machine, that can be conceived not only as a robot. A service task may
be identified with well defined properties and by a large variety of situations. The
multi-disciplinary for a service system is much wider than in any other engineering
fields, since it includes technical aspects, human attitudes (of operators and/or
users), human-machine interactions, and environment issues. Indeed, in developing
and operating service robots, other than technical expertise, it is more and more
necessary that competences from other fields of human life and environmental
considerations be incorporated.
Referring to technical aspects, Fig. 2 summarizes the multi-disciplinary in terms
of interactions with the environment and human beings, and in terms of a careful
consideration of the environment. Those interactions should be understood not only
in terms of engineering issues (mainly mechanical ones) but by looking at more
general aspects, such as for example psychological attitudes and social impacts.
In particular, the main flow of technical design activity is indicated in the central
streamline as referring to data identification in both technical and non-technical
aspects, considerations of technical constraints/issues, analysis of service operation
and goal, design activity and system programming, with final checks by operators
and users. The core character on technical design activity is indicated by aspects
and activities that are grouped in the two lateral blocks concerning with interactions
with human beings and the environment, respectively. Each block will refer to
aspects that even with non-technical concerns must be included in the machine
development with proper models and problem formulation.
All the above considerations can be considered as attaining also to the process of
building and transferring innovation, which will be understood not only as a
technical advance but more widely as an enhancement of the quality of life in all its
aspects with the help and support of technical means.

Fig. 2 A general flowchart

with new peculiarities for
designing and operating
service systems
8 M. Ceccarelli

3 IFToMM and Its Role in MMS

The names of IFToMM and MMS are related to fields of Mechanical Engineering
concerning with mechanisms in a broad sense.
The developments in TMM have stimulated cooperation around the world at
various levels. One of the most relevant results has been the foundation of IFToMM
in 1969, Fig. 3. IFToMM was founded as a Federation of territorial organizations
but as based on the activity of individuals within a family frame with the aim to
facilitate co-operation and exchange of opinions and research results in all the fields
of TMM. Many individuals have contributed and still contribute to the success of
IFToMM and related activity, (see IFToMM webpage: under a
coordination of IFToMM Presidents over time [5].
The foundation of IFToMM was the result of an intense activity for stimulating
and promoting international collaboration, more than what had been done previ-
ously. The process started in the late 1950s’, as documented by several letters that
are stored in the IFToMM Archive at CISM in Udine, Italy. A first World Congress
on TMM (Theory of Mechanisms and Machines) was held in 1965 in Varna,

Fig. 3 The foundation act of IFToMM, the International Federation for the Theory of Machines
and Mechanisms, in Zakopane (Poland) on 27 September 1969 (courtesy of IFToMM Archive)
IFToMM in MMS Developments 9

Bulgaria during which the foundation of IFToMM was planned as later it was
agreed during the Second World Congress on TMM in Zakopane, Poland. The
Congress series was immediately recognized as the IFToMM World Congresses
and in 2015 we have celebrated the 14th event with the participation of delegates
from 47 Member Organizations and from more than 50 countries.
IFToMM activity has grown in many aspects, as for example concerning the
number of member organizations (from the 13 founder members to the current 47
members), the size and scale of conference events (with many other conferences,
even on specific topics, at national and international levels, in addition to the MMS
World Congress), and the number and focus of technical committees working on
specific discipline areas of MMS.
IFToMM was founded in 1969 and today a fourth generation of IFToMMists
starts to be active. Knowing the History of IFToMM and how we arrived at today’s
modus operandi gives a greater awareness of community identity and significance
[2, 3, 5].
The IFToMM community evolved from a family-like structure of few enthusi-
astic pioneers/visionaries and founders into a scientific worldwide community
through the following generations:
• 1950’s–’79 First generation: founding fathers and their friend colleagues up to
the 4-th IFToMM World Congress in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1975 with prof.
Leonard Maunder as Congress Chair.
• 1980–95 Second Generation: students and people educated by founding fathers
and their friend colleagues; up to the 9-th World Congress in Milan in 1995 with
prof. Alberto Rovetta as Congress Chair.
• 1996–2011 Third Generation: educated people in the frame of IFToMM and
within IFToMM activity with 48 national organizations as IFToMM members,
with Prof. Carlos Lopez-Cajùn. As General Chair for 2011 Congress.
• Today–Fourth Generation: educated people in local frames with international
activities that are linked to IFToMM and within IFToMM activity through 47
organizations as IFToMM members.
IFToMM officers (who are the Chairs of IFToMM Member Organizations, the
Chairs of TCs and PCs, and the members of the Executive Council) have con-
tributed and still contribute as leaders for the mission of IFToMM, which is stated
in the 1-st article of the Constitution as: ‘The mission of IFToMM is the promotion
of Mechanism and Machine Science’. A complete list of IFToMM officers over
time is available in [7] and updates in the IFToMM webpage.
The structure of IFToMM is summarized in Fig. 4 with the IFToMM Bodies that
are indicated in IFToMM constitution according to IFToMM mission to provide
leadership for cooperation and development of modern results in the Mechanism
and Machine Sciences by assisting and enhancing international collaboration.
10 M. Ceccarelli

Fig. 4 A scheme for

structure and activity of

The bodies of IFToMM can be described synthetically as:

• General Assembly: it is the supreme body of the Federation and determines its
policy. It is composed of the Chief Delegates of IFToMM Organization mem-
bers (in 2016 they are 47) and members of the Executive Council.
• Executive Council: it manages the affairs of the Federation between the sessions
of the General Assembly. It is elected every four years, meets annually and
works also with telemeetings, and is composed of the President, Vice-President,
Secretary-General, Treasurer, and six ordinary members.
• Permanent Commissions (PCs) and Technical Committees (TCs): Each PC and
TC is composed of a Chairperson, appointed by the Executive Council, Deputy
Chair, a Secretary and members, nominated by the Chairperson and appointed
by the Executive Council. A Chairperson shall not serve for more than two
terms consecutively. The general goals for the work of the PCs and TCs are
aimed at promoting their fields of interest by attracting researchers and practi-
tioners, including young individuals, in order:
– to define new directions in research and development within their technical
– to establish contacts between researchers and engineers;
IFToMM in MMS Developments 11

– to initiate and develop bases and procedures for modern problems;

– to promote the exchange of information;
– to organize national and international symposia, conferences, summer
schools, and meetings.
In 2016 13 TCs are active in the fields of: Biomechanical Engineering,
Computational Kinematics, Gearing and Transmissions, Linkages and Mechanical
Controls, Micromachines, Multibody Dynamics, Reliability,, Robotics and
Mechatronics, Rotordynamics, Sustainable Energy Systems, Transportation
Machinery, Tribology, and Vibrations. Additional TCs are under consideration for
hot topics with an IFToMM significant community. The PCs are on:
Communications, Publications and Archiving, Education, History of MMS, and
Standardization of Terminology.
Main aspects of the IFToMM activity are emphasized in Fig. 4 as related to
Research, Formation, and Collaboration for final goals in R&D frames, Innovation,
and Professionals Formation. Indeed, they are related to each other since a good
teaching for a modern professionals formation needs to be well based on a suc-
cessful research activity that today requires collaborations in teams even within
international frames for shared approaches and results.
IFToMM activity can be summarized mainly in:
– conference events, in wide form and specific subjects not only as linked to TCs,
at local and international frames, within series and in one shot events. A World
Congress is organized every 4 years and the next one is 15th IFToMM World
Congress that is scheduled in June 2019 in Kracow, Poland
– meetings and visit exchanges, including joint teaching
– project collaborations in research programs and in teaching plans
– organization of fields of interests for aggregation of an international community
and planning actions as the above ones
– publications for dissemination purposes of research results and knowledge
transfer. This is achieved at the moment through 5 affiliated journal and two
book series specifically dedicated to MMS and IFToMM community. The
journals are: Mechanism and Machine Theory (,
Open-access Mechanical Sciences (, Chinese Journal
of Mechanical Engineering (, Advances in Vibration
Engineering (, Mechanics Based Design of
Structures and Machines (
The book series are published by Springer on MMS (
series/8779) and on History of MMS (
IFToMM significance can be summarized as being the unique world federation
in MMS with the following motivations:
• Yesterday: To start and facilitate international collaboration between Eastern
and Western countries
12 M. Ceccarelli

• Today: To help and enhance international collaboration and modern results on

• Tomorrow: To leader cooperation and development in MMS Mechanism and
Machine Science.

4 Conclusions

Not everything is new or recently developed in MMS, although innovation seems to

be a priority today. But this does not mean that there is not interest for MMS, nor
that there is no need to work on developing and enhancing knowledge and appli-
cation of MMS. New challenges are determined for MMS in the new needs of
Technology and Society both in term of developing new solutions and updating
past solutions. An awareness of the historical background can give not only a
conscious understanding of past efforts and solutions, including their paternity, but
even more importantly it can help to find/develop ideas for new and updated
problems to be solved. But the rapidly evolving needs of Technology and Society
will require a continuous re-thinking and re-conceiving of methodologies and
solutions in suitable updated applications. Thus, the main challenges for future
success in MMS may be recognized in the community capability of being able to
keep updating the field and therefore in being ready to solve new and updated
problems with new ideas or by refreshing past solutions, as has been done suc-
cessfully in the past. IFToMM is the international body that made MMS very
successful and widespread in the second half o 20th century and it can have still an
influential role in guiding/coordinating future development sin MMS. IFToMM is
the frame that made MMS very successful in the second half of the 20-th century
and it can have still an influential role in guiding/coordinating future developments.

References and Further Reading Sources

1. Ceccarelli, M.: From TMM to MMS: a vision of IFToMM. Bull. IFToMM Newsl. 10(1).
( (2001)
2. Ceccarelli, M.: President Report for IFToMM General Assembly. IFToMM Archive, Udine
3. Ceccarelli, M.: Problems and issues for service robots in new applications. Int. J. Soc. Rob. 3
(3), 299–312 (2011)
4. Ceccarelli, M.: Twenty-five years of activity in IFToMM. J. Theory Mech. Mach. ( St. Petersburg State University 11(2), 3–14 (2013)
5. Ceccarelli, M.: A short account of history of IFToMM and its role in MMS. Mech. Mach.
Theory 89, 75–91 (2015)
6. IFToMM 2003: Special Issue ‘Standardization and Terminology’, Mechanism and Machine
Theory, vol. 38(7–10) (2003)
IFToMM in MMS Developments 13

7. Ceccarelli, M. (ed.): Proceedings of HMM2004 International Symposium on History of

Machines and Mechanisms. Kluwer, Dordrecht (2004)
8. Bautista Paz, E., Ceccarelli, M., Echavarri Otero, J., Munoz Sanz, J.J.: A Brief Illustrated
History of Machines and Mechanisms. Springer, Dordrecht (2010)
9. Ceccarelli, M.: IFToMM celebration for 40-th year celebration. Mech. Mach. Theory 45
(2010), 119–127 (2010)
10. Crossley, F.R.E.: The early days of IFToMM. In: Proceedings of 8-th IFToMM World
Congress, Prague, vol. 1, pp. 4–9 (1991)
11. Koetsier, T.: Mechanism and machine Science: its history and its identity. In: Proceedings of
HMM2000—the First IFToMM International Symposium on History of Machines and
Mechanisms, pp. 5–24. Springer, Dordrecht (2000)
12. Maunder, L.: The progress of IFToMM. Mech. Mach. Theory 15, 415–417 (1980)
13. Maunder, L.: Report: the scientific activity of IFToMM. Mech. Mach. Theory 23, 329–332
14. Morecki, A.: Past present and future of IFToMM. Mech. Mach. Theory 30, 1–9 (1995)
15. Morecki, A.: International friendly thinkers organization (who likes) machines and
mechanisms (IFToMM)—where are we going? In: Proceedings of 10-th IFToMM World
Congress, Oulu (1999)
General Algorithm for Computing
the Theoretical Centering Precision
of the Gripping Devices

E.-C. Lovasz, V. Mesaroş-Anghel, C.M. Gruescu, C.E. Moldovan

and M. Ceccarelli

Abstract The paper shows a study about the theoretical centering precision for
gripping devices. The deviation of the absolute axial centering is taken into account
as a centering precision parameter and a general computing algorithm is developed
for it. For previously developed gripping devices, using parallelogram and four-bar
linkages with coupler driven jaws is computed the variation of the axial centering

Keywords Centering precision  Axial centering deviation  Gripping device 

Four-bar linkage

1 Introduction

The industrial gripping devices usually use a reduced number of jaws 2 or 3 with
equivalent dexterity of 40–90 % in comparison with the human hand having 5
fingers [1]. In [2], the gripping devices are classified in regard with the motion type
of the jaws in translating, rotating (oscillating), planar motion and combinations of
them. Konstantinov in [3] systematized the mechanisms used in gripping devices,
which contains structural linkages, gears and screw-nut mechanisms. In [4] are

E.-C. Lovasz (&)  V. Mesaroş-Anghel  C.M. Gruescu  C.E. Moldovan

Politehnica University of Timişoara, Timişoara, Romania
e-mail: [email protected]
V. Mesaroş-Anghel
e-mail: [email protected]
C.M. Gruescu
e-mail: [email protected]
C.E. Moldovan
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Ceccarelli
University of Cassino, Cassino, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 15

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_2
16 E.-C. Lovasz et al.

shown some examples, which use in addition cam mechanisms in the structure of
the gripping devices.
For all of these gripping devices an important industrial characteristic is the
capability of centering precision. The centering precision is implicitly fulfilled in
the case of the translational jaws and can be minimized for other motion types of the
jaws. This aim is pursued by Qingsen in [5], and Brukher in [6], through proper
designing of the gripping device mechanism provided by Pankin in [7] or through
shaping the jaws. Recent researches develop special gripping devices used in soft
robotics for performing gentle tasks [8] or for handling highly elastic objects [9].
For simple or complex anthropomorphic structures, underactuated grasping devices
are used [10, 11], etc.
In [5], Qingsen presents a study of designing a grooved cam profile for
increasing the centering precision. Simionescu in [12] shows a study of the cen-
tering precision of a conveniently chosen four-bar linkage used for acting a gripping

2 General Algorithm for Computing

the Axial Centering Deviation

The centering is defined as the property of the gripping device to superpose the
characteristic axis of the grasped object with his characteristic axis. The centering
precision implies the computation of the axial centering deviation between the
characteristic axis of the cylindrical grasped object and the characteristic axis of the
grasping device. For this purpose it is considered the bisecting line of the prism in
the top point M of the prism-jaw. The absolute axial centering deviation is the
distance from the intersection of the bisecting line with the Ox-axis to the origin of
the reference system axes xOy, identical with the characteristic axis of the grasping
device (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Axial centering

General Algorithm for Computing the Theoretical Centering … 17

The absolute axial centering deviation Δx computation, based on the notations in

Fig. 1, follows by considering the vector equation:
M ¼ Dx þ  eið#ba=2Þ : ð1Þ

The coordinates xM and yM of the top point of the prism-jaw M and the pose
angle ϑ of the coupler connecting element depend on the structure of the gripping
mechanism. The prism angle of the jaw α (usually α = 120°) and the connection
angle β of the coupler with the jaw are imposed by design conditions.
From the Eq. (1) can be computed the radius of the grasped object and the
corresponding absolute axial centering deviation:

r ¼ yM  ;
sinð#  b  a=2Þ
Dx ¼ xM þ  cosð#  b  a=2Þ:

2.1 Gripping Device Using Parallelogram Linkages

The grapping device contains 2 parallelogram linkages symmetrically placed in

respect with the axial direction of the structure and uses a symmetrical acting chain
[13], as shown in Fig. 2. The motion of the coupler keeps parallel with the axial
direction of the gripping device. The jaws prisms are fixed with the couplers.
The particularity of this parallelogram linkage consists in the constant value of
the coupler angle:

#ðuÞ ¼ p ð3Þ

Fig. 2 Kinematic schema of the gripping device using parallel linkages
18 E.-C. Lovasz et al.

and the same positional angle of the both cranks.

The coupler point M coordinates of the parallelogram linkage in the xOy
coordinate system of the gripping device results from the vector equation:

M ¼ l01 þ l1 þ l4  eiu þ ðl3 þ l31 Þ  ei#ðuÞ ; ð4Þ

and by considering the relationship (3) as:

xM ¼ ðl01 þ l1 Þ þ l4  cos u  ðl3 þ l31 Þ; yM ¼ l4  sin u: ð5Þ

2.2 Gripping Device Using Four-Bar Linkages

This type of gripping device (see Fig. 3) contains also 2 symmetrical four-bar
linkages with coupler driven motion of the jaws and using symmetrical actuating
chains [1, 14].
The positional analysis of the four-bar linkage, used for acting the coupler jaws,
allows the computing of the coordinates of the top point M according to the
kinematic parameters of the linkage. The vector equation of the four-bar linkage
A0ABB0 in its own coordinate system, shown in Fig. 3, is:

l1 þ l4  ei/ þ l5  eið# þ dÞ ¼ l6  eiw : ð6Þ

By considering the complex conjugate equation of the vector Eq. (3) follows the
coupler (5) positional angle ϑ depending on the rocker (4) angle φ:

Fig. 3 Kinematic schema of the grasping device using four-bar linkages with coupler jaws
General Algorithm for Computing the Theoretical Centering … 19

B1 ð/Þ þ A1 ð/Þ þ B1 ð/Þ  C1 ð/Þ
#ð/Þ ¼ d þ : ð7Þ
A1 ð/Þ  C1 ð/Þ


A1 ð/Þ ¼ 2l5 ðl1 þ l4 cos /Þ; B1 ð/Þ ¼ 2l4 l5 sin /;

C1 ð/Þ ¼ l21 þ l24 þ l25  l26 þ 2l1 l4 cos /:

The coordinates of the coupler point M of the four-bar linkage in the gripping
device coordinate system xOy follows from the vector equation:

M ¼ l01 þ l1 þ l4  ei/ þ l51  ei#ð/Þ ; ð9Þ

in the form:

xM ¼ l01 þ l1 þ l4  cos / þ l51  cos #ð/Þ;

yM ¼ l4  sin / þ l51  sin #ð/Þ:

3 Numerical Examples

The numerical examples show the variation of the absolute axial centering devia-
tion in respect with the grasped object radius Δx(r) for the both grasping mechanism
devices, presented in Sects. 2.1 and 2.2.
The considered radii of the grasped cylindrical object are in the range of
2.5–35 mm and the angle of the jaws prisms is chosen α = 120° for both examples.

3.1 Gripping Device Using Parallelogram Linkages

The geometrical parameters of the gripping device using parallelogram linkages are
shown in Table 1.
In Fig. 4a is represented the variation of the absolute axial centering deviation
symmetrically distributed for the considered mechanism. The centering condition is
fulfilled only for one radius of the grasped object (r = 26.66 mm), as expected.

Table 1 Geometrical parameters of the parallelogram linkage

Parameters l1 (mm) l01 (mm) l3 (mm) l31 (mm) l4 (mm) l5 (mm) β (°)
Parallelogram linkage 70 129.5 70 90 50 50 30
20 E.-C. Lovasz et al.

Fig. 4 Absolute axial centering deviation for parallelogram (a) and four-bar (b) linkage

Table 2 Geometrical parameters of the parallelogram linkage

Parameters l1 (mm) l01 (mm) l4 (mm) l5 (mm) l51 (mm) l6 (mm) β (°) δ (°)
Four-bar linkage 100 79.79 117.2 9.1 66.36 26.3 10.84 19.162

3.2 Gripping Device Using Four-Bar Linkage

The geometrical parameters of the gripping device using four-bar linkages are
shown in Table 2 and the design assembly was patented in [15].
Figure 4b shows the variation of the absolute axial centering deviation for the
four-bar linkages. The centering condition is fulfilled for four radii of the grasped
cylindrical object. For these radii the four-bar linkage was computed by using four
pose synthesis in [1, 14].

4 Conclusions

The paper presents a general algorithm for computing the absolute axial centering
deviation, as theoretical precision parameter. Some known gripping devices were
considered and numerically analyzed to validate the proposed algorithm.


1. Warnecke, H.J., Schraft, R.D.: Industrieroboter. Krausskopf-Verlag GmbH, Mainz (1979)

2. Mesaroş-Anghel, V.: Contribution to the synthesis of four-bar linkages used for designing of
the grasping devices of the industrial robots (Contribuţii la sinteza mecanismelor articulate
aplicate în construcţia dispozitivelor de prehensiune ale roboţilor industriali). PhD Thesis,
Politehnica University of Timişoara, Romania (1991). Accessible on
General Algorithm for Computing the Theoretical Centering … 21

3. Konstantinov, M.S., Galabov, W.B.: Kriterien zum Entwurf von Greifmechanismen für
maniupulatoren und Industrieroboter, Maschinenbautechnick, pp. 534–535 (1978)
4. Ceccarelli, M.: Fundamentals of Mechanics of Robotic Manipulation. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht (2004)
5. Qingsen, H.: A linkage mechanism for concentric gripping cylindrical components. In:
Proceedings of the 12 National symposium on Industrial Robots and the 6th International
Symposium on Robotised Technologies, Paris, 9–11 June 1982
6. Brukher, E.: Maschinell betatigte Zange zum Greifen von Rundkorpen, Deutschland, Patent
3717091, 21 May 1987
7. Pankin, E.P.: Universalnoe zahvatnoe ustroino. Mehanizatiea i avtomatizatiea proizvotsva 11,
10 (1989)
8. Zhou, X., Majidi, C., O’Reilly, O.M.: Soft hands: an analysis of some gripping mechanisms in
soft robot design. Int. J. Solids Struct. 64–65, 155–165 (2015)
9. Tilli, J., Brando, A., Fantoni, G.: Gripping device for heavy and deformable materials
handling: concept, design, selection and test. Proc. CIRP 21, 373–378 (2014)
10. Wu, L., Carbone, G., Ceccarelli, M.: Design an under actuated mechanism for a 1 active DOF
finger operation. Mech. Mach. Theory 44(2), 336–348 (2009)
11. Butterfass, J., Grebenstein, M., Liu, H., Hirzinger, G.: DLR-Hand II: next generation of a
Dextrous robot hand. In: Proceedings of the IEEE, International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, Seoul, Korea (2001)
12. Simionescu, I., Ionescu, C.: Optimum design of self centering grippers. UPB Sci. Bull. Ser.
D 73(1), 43–52 (2011)
13. Kovacs, F.W., Varga, S., Pau, V.-C.: Introduction in Robotics (Introducere în robotică).
Printech Publisher, Bucharest (2000)
14. Mesaroş-Anghel, V., Lovasz, E.-C., Gruescu, C.M., Moldovan, C.E.: Optimal Design of a
Grasping Device through Simplified Pose Synthesis of a Four-Bar Linkage, MTM & Robotics
2016. Series: Mechanisms and Machine Science. Springer (2016)
15. Mesaroş-Anghel, V., Mesaroş-Anghel, T., Groza, I.-R., Cioabă, V., Mareş, A., Czika, Z.:
Grasping device with centering (Dispozitiv de prehensiune cu centrare), Brevet
nr.102291/26.06.1989, Romania (1989)
Design and Development of a Heddle Shaft
Mechanism for Air-Jet Weaving Machines

F. Schwarzfischer, S. Kurtenbach, J. Onischke and B. Corves

Abstract Air-jet weaving is the most productive weaving procedure. However, it

is also the most energy-intensive procedure. In order to save energy newly devel-
oped high-volume-low-pressure relay nozzles can be used. The application of these
nozzles requires changes in the heddle shaft movement. The design and develop-
ment of a suitable mechanism to drive the heddle shaft is presented. After the
determination of requirements a structural synthesis is conducted. The outcome of
the structural synthesis is a set of mechanisms which in principal can solve the
motion task. Subsequently a dimensional synthesis is performed to determine the
kinematic parameters of each structure. The different mechanisms are then com-
pared to each other. The most suited mechanism is a combination of a linkage and a
cam mechanism. In order to improve the dynamic behavior of the heddle shaft
mechanism a Fourier analysis of the shaft motion is carried out. The Fourier series
of the shaft motion is then truncated and the disk cam profile is redesigned in order
to drive the shaft with the desired harmonic motion. The result of the design and
development process is a new heddle shaft mechanism for air-jet weaving machines
with high-volume-low-pressure (HVLP) relay nozzles.

Keywords Mechanism design  Cam design  Air-jet weaving machine  Heddle

frame mechanism

F. Schwarzfischer  S. Kurtenbach  J. Onischke  B. Corves (&)

RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
F. Schwarzfischer
e-mail: schwarzfi[email protected]
S. Kurtenbach
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Onischke
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 23

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_3
24 F. Schwarzfischer et al.

1 Introduction

Weaving is one of the oldest techniques for the production of fabric. Sets of yarns
are interlaced at right angles to form cloth. Nowadays weaving is no longer
handcraft but executed automatically by weaving machines. Figure 1 shows the
basic structure of a weaving machine. The warp yarns are unrolled from the warp
beam. Then they are guided through the weaving machine in longitudinal direction.
Each warp yarn is threaded through one heddle eye. The heddle eyes are part of the
heddles, which are mounted on the heddle frames.
The minimum number of heddle frames is two, as shown in Fig. 1. In case of
complex weaving patterns, more heddle frames are required. The heddle frames
move the warp yarns in vertical direction in order to create the shed. At maximum
displacement of the heddle frames, the shed is called “open shed”. The filling yarn
is then inserted at right angle to the warp yarns into the open shed. The reed
performs a rotating motion and beats the filling yarn against the woven cloth that
has already been formed. The heddle frames switch position and the filling yarn is
inserted into the newly opened shed. A new cycle starts. The cloth take-up roll
serves to wind up the woven cloth [1].
Weaving machines can be classified with respect to the method of the insertion
of the filling yarn. Common methods are shuttle weaving, projectile waving, rapier
weaving and jet weaving. Jet weaving uses a fluid to transport the filling yarn
through the open weaving shed and can be subdivided into water-jet and air-jet
weaving. In the latter method the filling yarn is accelerated by a main nozzle and
guided through the open shed by relay nozzles [1].

heddle shed filling yarn


warp beam cloth take-up

Fig. 1 Basic structure of a weaving machine
Design and Development of a Heddle Shaft Mechanism for … 25

Air-jet weaving is the most productive weaving procedure. However, it is also

the most energy-intensive procedure. In order to save energy newly developed
high-volume-low-pressure relay nozzles can be used. The application of these
nozzles requires changes in the heddle shaft movement. This is due to their
increased external dimensions, which require a movement of the relay nozzles [2].
The purpose of this study was the development of a heddle frame mechanism with a
new motion profile to allow the application of the new relay nozzles.

2 Materials and Methods

In order to develop the heddle shaft mechanism, a mechanism synthesis had to be

conducted. The requirements for the mechanism were identified by conducting
measurements on the real weaving machine and by simulating the machine using
the newly developed HVLP relay nozzles.

2.1 Requirement Elicitation

To measure the movement of the reed and the current heddle frame movement an
optical coordinate-measuring device was utilized. The measured reed movement
was used as an input for an existing kinematic model of the weaving machine. The
necessary heddle frame movement to allow the application of the new HVLP relay
nozzles was determined. The input of the measured heddle frame movement into
the kinematic model of the weaving machine showed the need to change the heddle
frame movement. However, the high operating speed should be maintained.

2.2 Design and Development Process

In order to develop the heddle frame mechanism, the motion task was split into
subtasks. This step was carried out according to the procedures outlined in [3].
Following the procedure in [4], a morphological box containing solutions for the
different subtasks was set up. Combining the solutions of the subtasks, solutions for
the complete system were derived. The different solutions for the complete system
were compared using qualitative evaluation criteria. In order to reduce the number
of solutions, only the best assessed solutions were considered for the following
steps. In the next steps, mechanism synthesis had to be carried out for the
subtask-solutions containing mechanisms.
26 F. Schwarzfischer et al.

2.3 Mechanism Synthesis

The mechanism synthesis can be subdivided into the structural and the dimensional
synthesis. The determination of mechanisms that in principle can fulfil the motion
task is the objective of the structural synthesis. The structural synthesis is followed
by the dimensional synthesis. It contains the step of defining the dimensions of the
mechanism, which means choosing the length of the links and the positions of the
joints. The methods described in [5–7] are used to carry out the dimensional
synthesis. In order to determine the dimensioning of cam disks, the Hodograph-
Procedure described in [8] is employed. The result of the procedure is the position
of the axis of rotation of the cam disk as well as its transfer function. The transfer
function of the cam disk is then modified following the procedure outlined in [9,
10]. A so-called high-speed (HS) profile is calculated. Contrary to the normal disk
cam profile, the HS transfer function is continuous as it is built up by a finite
number of harmonics.

3 Results

The motion task of the heddle frame mechanism is defined by the rotational input
motion and the desired output motion, the vertical movement of the heddle frame
(s). Figure 2 shows the structure of the motion task.
The complete heddle frame mechanism is shown in Fig. 3. The vertical motion
of the heddle frame is created by two guiding mechanisms. These mechanisms are

Fig. 2 Structure of the motion task for the heddle frame mechanism
Design and Development of a Heddle Shaft Mechanism for … 27

Fig. 3 Heddle frame mechanism

two four-bar linkages C0–D–E–E0 and C0′–D′–E′–E0′. Both mechanisms are cou-
pled by a four-bar linkage C0–F–G–C0′ to assure a parallel motion. The heddle
frame is connected to the coupler points K and K’. As the four-bar linkages C0–D–
E–E0 and C0′–D′–E′–E0′ are almost similar to the Chebyshev lambda mechanism, K
and K′ perform an approximate straight-line motion. The guiding mechanisms are
driven by another four-bar mechanism B0–B–C–C0. The link B0–B of this mech-
anism is driven by a cam disk, which transfers the input motion.
In order to decrease vibrations of the heddle frame, a harmonic synthesis of the
heddle-frame motion was carried out. Figure 4 shows the heddle frame motion and
its amplitude spectrum.

Fig. 4 Heddle frame motion and modified HS heddle frame motion
28 F. Schwarzfischer et al.

Furthermore, a modified heddle frame motion is depicted. Although only three

harmonics are considered, the modified heddle frame motion is very close to the
desired heddle frame motion.
The developed heddle frame mechanism can fulfil the requirements and allows
the application of the newly developed HVLP relay nozzles. The mechanism is thin
enough to allow the application of various mechanisms in a row, as it is necessary
for complex weaving patterns.

4 Conclusion

Newly developed low pressure relay nozzles can contribute to energy savings in
air-jet weaving. However, the application of these relay nozzles requires changes in
the heddle frame movement of the weaving machine. The design and development
of a suitable heddle frame mechanism was outlined in this paper. The mechanism is
able to fulfil the requirements for the application of the new relay nozzles. In order
to allow the application also for very high operating speeds, transfer function of the
heddle frame mechanism was optimized using a HS cam disk.


1. Adanur, S.: Handbook of Weaving. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2001)

2. Holtermann, T.: Methode zur Bewertung und Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz von
Produktionsprozessen der Textilindustrie. Aachen, Shaker (2014)
3. Koller, R.: Konstruktionslehre für den Maschinenbau. Grundlagen zur Neu- und
Weiterentwicklung technischer Produkte mit Beispielen. Springer, Heidelberg (1998)
4. Pahl, G., Beitz, W., Feldhusen, J., Grothe, K.-H.: Engineering Design. A Systematic
Approach. Springer, London (2007)
5. Kerle, H., Burkhard, C., Hüsing, M.: Getriebetechnik: Grundlagen, Entwicklung und
Anwendung ungleichmäßig übersetzender Getriebe. Vieweg+Teubner, Wiesbaden (2011)
6. Erdman, A., Sandor, G.: Advanced Mechanism Design, Analysis and Synthesis, vol. 2.
Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey (1984)
7. Uicker, J.J., Pennock, G.R., Shigley, J.E.: Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. Oxford
University Press, Oxford (2010)
8. Volmer, J.: Getriebetechnik. Vieweg+Teubner, Wiesbaden (1978)
9. Dresig, H., Vul’fson, I.I.: Dynamik der Mechanismen. Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften,
Berlin (1989)
10. Dresig, H., Fidlin, A.: Schwingungen mechanischer Antriebssysteme. Modellbildung,
Berechnung, Analyse, Synthese. Springer, Heidelberg (2014)
On Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee
Design Using RRSS Motion
and Axode Generation

J. D’Alessio, K. Russell and R.S. Sodhi

Abstract In this work, equation systems for RRSS motion generation and RRSS
axode generation are applied to produce a concept transfemoral prosthetic knee.
First, an RRSS linkage is synthesized to approximate a series of tibial positions
during knee flexion. Next, the fixed and moving axodes of the synthesized RRSS
linkage are generated. Because the coupler motion of an RRSS linkage can be
replicated by rolling its moving axode over its fixed axode, the axodes for the
synthesized RRSS linkage are incorporated as gearing in the concept prosthetic
knee. The resulting prosthetic knee approximates the natural spatial motion of the
tibia during knee flexion and extension (unlike prosthetic knee designs that include
simple pin joints).

Keywords Spatial linkage  RRSS linkage  Motion generation  Axode gener-

ation  Transfemoral prosthesis

1 Introduction

Knee motion in the human leg can be described by three rotations and three
translations in the principle planes of motion, namely the coronal or frontal plane,
the sagittal or side plane and the transverse or horizontal plane (Fig. 1). Natural
knee motion initially was characterized by purely planar motion in the sagittal plane
[1]. It is now well understood natural knee motion doesn’t occur solely in this
plane. A complex motion of the principal rotations and translations has been

J. D’Alessio
Onkos Surgical, Parsippany, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Russell (&)  R.S. Sodhi
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
R.S. Sodhi
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 29

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_4
30 J. D’Alessio et al.

Fig. 1 Planes, rotations and translations for knee motion

documented [2, 3]. Additionally, research has shown that these rotations and
translations can be described by showing how the tibia undergoes screw motion
about the femur [4–7]. The same research has also shown that the position and
orientation of this screw axis (called the finite helical axis) changes continuously
throughout knee motion due to the complex 3D motion occurring in all three
Because knee motion is helical over a continuously-changing axis and does not
occur entirely in the sagittal plane, representing the knee as a simple pin or even a
polycentric joint (where motion is restricted to pure rotation) in a transfemoral
prosthetic leg design results in a prosthesis that does not achieve the natural spatial
motion of the tibia. The user of this type of prosthesis will exhibit an unnatural gait
to compensate for the unnatural prosthetic knee motion.

2 Design Processes and Models

Figure 2 illustrates the three stages in the prosthetic knee design process and the
output from each stage. First, a series of tibial position data are acquired over a
determined knee motion range. Next, this data is incorporated in a model to syn-
thesize a spatial revolute-revolute-spherical-spherical or RRSS linkage to
approximate the tibial positions. After this, the dimensions for the synthesized
RRSS linkage are incorporated in a model to generate its fixed and moving axodes
over the calculated RRSS motion range. Lastly, the fixed and moving axodes are
incorporated into geometry (as gearing) to produce the cam components in the
prosthetic knee.
On Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Design Using RRSS … 31

Fig. 2 Stages in transfemoral prosthetic knee design process

Figure 3 illustrates the workstation used in this work to measure tibial-femoral

positions. The localizer measures and records position coordinates (in spatial
Cartesian form) from trackers. Trackers are mechanically affixed directly to the
tibia and femur bones. A direct tracker-to-bone connection (rather than
tracker-to-skin connection), eliminates the bone position error introduced by the
motion of leg skin tissue and muscle tissue. In this work, a cadaveric leg specimen
was utilized. Not shown in Fig. 3 is the system of pulleys and cables used to
support and actuate the cadaver leg from full flexion to full extension.
Russell and Shen [8] presented a motion generation model to synthesize circuit,
branch and order defect-free RRSS linkages to approximate N prescribed rigid-body
positions. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the tibial position coordinates measured in stage 1
are used as rigid-body positions for stage 2. Given a series of tibial positions, the
RRSS motion generation model will calculate the dimensions and driving link
rotations of a circuit, branch and order defect-free RRSS linkage that approximates
the prescribed tibial positions.

Fig. 3 Tibial-femoral position measurement system
32 J. D’Alessio et al.

Shen et al. [9] presented a model to generate the fixed and moving axodes for the
RRSS linkage. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the RRSS linkage dimensions produced in
stage 2 are used as input for stage 3. Given RRSS linkage dimensions and driving
link rotations, the RRSS axode generation model will calculate the corresponding
fixed and moving axodes. The coupler motion of the RRSS linkage (and subse-
quently the tibial positions achieved by this linkage) is replicated precisely by
rolling the moving axode over the fixed axode [9].
Lastly, the fixed and moving axodes generated in stage 3 are incorporated into
the geometry of a transfemoral prosthetic knee to replicate natural tibial motion.

3 Example

A series of tibial positions was measured using the approach in Sect. 2. Table 1
includes the spatial Cartesian coordinates measured for five tibial positions over
approximately 37.5° of knee flexion (Fig. 4). This flexion range is adequate to
describe the normal range for a standard gait cycle [2].

Table 1 Measured tibial position coordinates

Pos. p (mm) q (mm) r (mm)
1 40.254, 2.718, −146.972 43.729, 2.845, −178.452 22.770, −11.562,
2 36.416, −6.936, −148.370 39.560, −9.379, −179.790 19.747, −26.032,
3 30.931, −34.024, 33.353, −42.460, 14.963, −61.578,
−148.506 −178.936 −180.639
4 25.900, −80.564, 27.553, −97.742, 9.340, −116.529,
−135.789 −162.345 −157.674
5 22.384, −117.358, 23.454, −140.564, 4.615, −157.026,
−114.054 −135.580 −126.60

Fig. 4 Tibial displacement

On Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Design Using RRSS … 33

Table 2 Initial and calculated RRSS linkage dimensions and link rotation values
Variable Initial values Calculated values
a0 −5, −30, −9 −8.277, −30.438, −9.119
a1 −5, −15, 5.5 −2.525, −15.192, 4.150
ua0 1, 0, 0 0.962, −0.194, −0.194
ua1 1, 0, 0 0.962, −0.194, −0.194
b0 −5, −2.8, −6.3 −5.447, −2.581, −5.130
b1 −5, −22, 14.5 −3.407, −18.896, 14.761
θ2–θ5 10°…10° 0.723°, 3.027°, 8.609°, 15.387°
α2–α5 5°…5° −5.062°, −18.387°, −42.512°, −65.086°

Table 3 Tibial position coordinates achieved by the synthesized RRSS linkage

Pos. p (mm) q (mm) r (mm)
1 40.254, 2.718, −146.972 43.729, 2.845, −178.452 22.770, −11.562,
2 37.841, −7.915, −148.309 40.869, −10.034, 20.024, −25.261,
−179.764 −186.103
3 32.360, −35.434, 34.412, −43.217, 14.001, −60.045,
−147.983 −178.614 −181.209
4 25.650, −81.213, 26.658, −97.927, 7.394, −115.776,
−135.511 −162.393 −158.289
5 22.806, −116.926, 23.582, −140.062, 5.629, −157.064,
−113.938 −135.552 −125.80

Next, the measured tibial position coordinates were used to synthesize an RRSS
linkage to approximate these coordinates. Table 2 includes the initial and calculated
values for the RRSS linkage using the RRSS motion generation model [8]. Table 3
includes the actual tibial position coordinates achieved by the synthesized RRSS
linkage (Fig. 5).
Following RRSS motion generation is RRSS axode generation. Figure 5 also
includes the fixed and moving axode sections generated using the RRSS axode
generation model [9]. The tibial positions in Table 3 are perfectly replicated by
rolling the moving axode section over the fixed axode section.
Lastly, the axodes are incorporated in prosthetic knee geometry. In Figs. 5 and 6,
the axodes are expressed as noncircular gears (to eliminate slip during knee flexion
and extension). Figure 6 also includes the Table 3 tibial positions achieved by the
transfemoral prosthetic knee.
34 J. D’Alessio et al.

Fig. 5 Synthesized RRSS linkage with fixed and moving axode sections (left) and exploded view
of transfemoral prosthetic knee (patent pending) with axode sections as gearing (right)

Fig. 6 Assembly view of transfemoral prosthetic knee (patent pending) (left) and achieved tibial
positions in Table 3 (right)

4 Conclusions

Here, the design procedure for a prosthetic knee to achieve natural tibial motion is
presented. Given a group of tibial positions, a defect-free RRSS linkage is first
synthesized to approximate these positions. The fixed and moving axodes of the
synthesized motion generator are calculated next. Lastly, these axodes are incor-
porated as gearing into a prosthetic knee design.
On Transfemoral Prosthetic Knee Design Using RRSS … 35


1. Frankel, V.H., Burstein, A.H., Brooks, D.B.: Biomechanics of internal derangement of the knee.
J. Bone J. Surg. 53-A(5), 945–977 (1971)
2. Benoit, D.L., Ramsey, D.K., Lamontagne, M., Xu, L., Wretenberg, P., Renström, P.: In vivo
knee kinematics during gait reveals new rotation profiles and smaller translations. Clin.
Orthop. Relat. Res. 454(1), 81–88 (2007)
3. Dennis, D.A., Mahfouz, M.R., Komistek, R.D., Hoff, W.: In vivo determination of normal and
anterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee kinematics. J. Biomech. 38(2), 241–253 (2005)
4. Blankevoort, L., Huiskes, R., De Lange, A.: Helical axes of passive knee joint motions.
J. Biomech. 23(12), 1219–1229 (1990)
5. Hart, R.A., Mote, C.D., Skinner, H.B.: A finite helical axis as a landmark for kinematic
reference of the knee. J. Biomech. Eng. 113(2), 215–222 (1991)
6. Sheehan, F.T.: The finite helical axes of the knee joint (a non-invasive in vivo study using
fast-PC MRI). J. Biomech. 40(5), 1038–1047 (2007)
7. Van Den Bogert, A.J., Reinschmidt, C., Lundberg, A.: Helical axes of skeletal knee joint
motion during running. J. Biomech. 41(8), 1632–1638 (2008)
8. Russell, K., Shen, Q.: Expanded spatial four-link motion and path generation with order and
branch defect elimination. Inverse Prob. Sci. Eng. 19(2), 251–265 (2011)
9. Shen, Q., Russell, K., Lee, W., Sodhi, R.S.: On cam system design to replicate spatial four-bar
mechanism coupler motion. Inverse Prob. Sci. Eng. 19(2), 251–265 (2011)
On Approach Based on Lie Groups
and Algebras to the Structural Synthesis
of Parallel Robots

L. Rybak, D. Malyshev and A. Chichvarin

Abstract This paper proposes an approach to the structural synthesis of parallel

robots based on the Lie algebras of the displacement groups. This approach allows
the automation of the synthesis and eliminates the disadvantages of both methods
based on the using of displacement subgroups, and methods based on the screw
theory. Parallel robot is presented consisting of the moving platform and the sta-
tionary base connected via several serial kinematic chains. It is shown that
movement of kinematic chain correspond to Lie subgroups of displacement, called
displacement subgroups generators. These generators play an important role in
determining the possible architectures of parallel mechanisms. Structural synthesis
was performed for the case in which the mobile platform speed relative to the fixed
basement forms a subalgebra of the Lie algebra of the displacement group of
Euclidean space. In this case, we obtain three types of parallel robots. We also
consider the case when the speed of mobile platform relative to the fixed basement
forms a subspace, which is not a subalgebra of the displacement group of Euclidean
space. It is divided into two types of robots. Is discussed case of parallel robot with
serial chains generates Lie subalgebras in displacement space synthesis.

Keywords Parallel robot  Lie group  Lie algebra  Kinematic chain 

Displacement group

1 Introduction

The type synthesis of parallel mechanisms is an important task of the theory of

mechanisms. For synthesis purposes, you can use the formula of mobility, but this
approach causes some difficulties in the synthesis of parallel mechanisms with
degrees of freedom, less 6. The three most common approach to the synthesis of

L. Rybak (&)  D. Malyshev  A. Chichvarin

Belgorod State Technological University Named After V.G. Shukhov,
Belgorod, Russia
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 37

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_5
38 L. Rybak et al.

such mechanisms—an approach based on the use of graph theory, screw theory and
group theory.
Freudenstein first proposed the use of graph theory for synthesis purposes [1]. He
has developed a graph scheme in which vertices correspond to communication
mechanisms, and ribs—the hinges. The first graph theory to the development of new
architectures of parallel robots applied Earle [2]. But when working with parallel
robots graph theory has two major drawbacks: (1) an isomorphism, i.e., the use of
compressed graphs, which implies the absence of a direct correspondence between
the mechanism and its graph, and (2) the widespread use of the mobility of the
formulas are often inapplicable to many spatial arrangements (e.g., parallelograms).
Another currently applied approach is based on the use of groups of motions.
Many movements, representing the rigid body, has the structure of a particular
group, the group of displacements. Such a group uniquely corresponds to a special
matrix of the Euclidean group SE(3). SE(3)—continuous group, and any open set
elements SE(3) uniquely corresponds to an open set in R6. In mathematical terms,
SE(3)—differentiable manifold, called a Lie group. An exhaustive list of subgroups
gave Hervé movements [3]. The importance here is the intersection operation is
obtained when subjected to one of several solid elements subgroups. Movements
Lie subgroups generated kinematic chains, called generators movements subgroups.
These generators play an important role in determining the possible architectures of
parallel mechanisms.

2 Methods of the Structural Synthesis of Mechanisms

Synthesis of parallel robots based on the theory of groups is based on the following
basic principles: (1) the definition of what is a subgroup of S must have a working
body to provide a predetermined number of degrees of freedom; (2) The definition
of all possible subgroups with the relevant kinematic chains, which may consist of a
robot support, the intersection of which gives a subgroup of S; (3) the definition of
motion generator for these subgroups: they are kinematic chains of the robot.
This approach has been used by various researchers, for example, [4–7].
Synthesis based on group theory, it is still an open area of research, as not all groups
of structures are developed.
An approach based on group theory, resulted in the opening of many new possible
structures. However, the group of motions has a specific properties are not reflected
in its structure of a Lie group. Accordingly, an approach based on the theory of
groups hard to apply for specific mobility cases, such as paradoxical mechanisms.
It is possible to extend the concept of the group, considering the tangent space at
the identity element, which is a vector space, called the Lie algebra of a Lie
group. As we proceed from the SE(3), the corresponding Lie algebra se(3) is a
vector space of instantaneous velocity, whose elements—the 6-dimensional vectors
of the form ðX; vÞ, where X—the angular velocity of a rigid body, and v—its linear
speed. These elements are called kinematic screws. Based on the theory of screws
On Approach Based on Lie Groups and Algebras … 39

following synthesis scheme is designed: (1) find a group of power screws S,

mutually desired kinematic screw of the mobile platform; (2) determine the power
screws robot kinematic chains whose union gives S. (3) to determine all the pos-
sible structures of kinematic chains, generating corresponding power screws; (4) as
the considered power and instantaneous kinematic screws (and therefore the syn-
thesis based on the screw theory, called the first-order approach), you must check is
not instantaneous (full) mobility platform.
The disadvantage of this approach is the difficulty of automation, especially
steps 3 and 4. It has the advantage of group theory: after determining the possible
restrictions in Step 2, Step 3 movement generators are easily identified. On the other
hand, by using an approach based on the group theory, the structure can be skipped,
which are not within the sub-Li. However, some authors use this approach to
generate a large number of structures with a number of degrees of freedom at least
6, for example, [8–12].
In this paper, we propose an approach designed to eliminate the disadvantages of
both methods based on the use of submovements, and methods based on the use of
screw groups.
The Euclidean group of motions of the space SE(3) are the following subgroups
(Fig. 1).
RP;^u1 —Rotate around a point P, in a plane perpendicular to the axis ^u1 ; T^u1 —
Linear motion along the axis ^ u1 ; HP;^u1 ;p —screw displacement of the point P axially
^u1 with a parameter p; T^u?1 —linear displacement in a plane perpendicular to the
^u1 ; CP;^u1 —rotate around a point P, situated on the axis ^u1 in a plane perpendicular

Fig. 1 Subgroups of the group of motions of Euclidean space
40 L. Rybak et al.

to the axis and the linear movement along said; T^u1 ;^u2 ;^u3 —linear motion along three
mutually orthogonal axes; G^u1 —linear motion in a plane perpendicular to the axis
^u1 and rotating around this axis; SO —arbitrary rotation in three-dimensional space
around the fixed center O; Y^u1 ;p —linear displacement in a plane perpendicular to the
axis ^
u1 and a helical movement along this axis with a parameter p; X^u1 —linear
motion in space and moving along the screw axis ^u1 (Schoenflies movement).

3 An Example of Structural Synthesis of Parallel Robots

Consider a parallel mechanism consisting of the movable platform and the sta-
tionary base, connected by a k serial kinematic chain. When the type synthesis of
parallel mechanisms consider the case when the mobile platform speed relative to
the fixed base forms a subalgebra of the Lie algebra se(3) of the group of motions of
Euclidean space SE(3). In this case, you can select the type of parallel mechanisms,
for which the required subalgebra AR  seð3Þ is the intersection of subalgebras
generated by a series of connected chains and all these subalgebras are equivalent.
Let AR  seð3Þ—required subalgebra for a given movement. Then
T m=b m=b
AR ¼ Am=b
a ¼ kj¼1 Aj , respectively, Am=b
a  Aj ; j ¼ 1; 2. . .; k
In this case, the required equivalent subalgebra all subalgebras generated serial
kinematic chains,

AR ¼ Aj ; j ¼ 1; 2. . .; k ð1Þ

Subalgebras generated by a series of connected chains, represents the space of

columns of the Jacobian matrix:
2 3 2 3 2 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 0 07 60 0 07 60 0 07
6 7 6 7 6 7
60 0 07 60 0 07 60 0 07
¼6 7 ¼6 7 ¼6 7
m=b m=b m=b
A1 60 A2 A3 ð2Þ
6 0 177
6 1 077
6 0 0x 7
41 0 05 40 0 15 40 1 05
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

It is easy to see that the subalgebra generated by each successive connection

chain, as well as their intersection, defined as
2 3
0 0 0
60 0 07
\ 6 7
3 60 0 07
¼6 7
Am=b ¼ Aj 61 ð3Þ
6 0 077
40 0 15
0 1 0
On Approach Based on Lie Groups and Algebras … 41

Fig. 2 Parallel mechanism

commits linear movement in
space, all serial connection
circuit that generates a
subalgebra spatial movements

They also are equivalent and correspond to spatial movements subalgebra

t^u1 ;^u2 ;^u3 .
An example of such mechanism is shown in Fig. 2.

4 Conclusions

It can be concluded that the analyzed approaches to type synthesis of parallel

mechanisms, based on the screw theory and movements group theory have sig-
nificant drawbacks. The method, based on the, movement group theory, it is dif-
ficult to apply to some specific cases of mobility, using a method based on the
theory of screws, it is necessary to check the instantaneous mobility platform. The
proposed method of type synthesis of parallel mechanisms, based on an analysis of
the subspace and subalgebras of the Lie algebra, eliminates these drawbacks. An
example of structural synthesis of parallel mechanisms for the case, if the mobile
platform speed relative to the fixed base forms a subalgebra of the Lie algebra se(3)
of the Euclidean space, confirming the effectiveness of this approach.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, the agreement
No. 16-19-00148.


1. Freudenstein, F., Dobrjanskyj, L.: On a theory for the type synthesis of mechanisms, invited
contribution. In: Proceedings of Eleventh International Congress of Applied Mechanics,
Springer, Berlin, pp. 420–428 (1966)
2. Earl, C.F., Rooney, J.: Some kinematics structures for robot manipulator designs. J. Mech.
Transm. Autom. Des. 105(1), 15–22 (1983)
3. Herve, J.M.: Group mathematics and parallel link mechanisms. In: 9th World Congress on the
Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, pp. 2079–2082, Milan, 30 Aug–2 Sept 1995
4. Angeles, J.: The qualitative synthesis of parallel manipulators. ASME J. Mech. Des. 126(4),
617–624 (2004)
42 L. Rybak et al.

5. Herve, J.M.: Parallel mechanisms with pseudo-planar motion generators. In: Lenarcic, J.,
Galletti, C. (eds.) Advances in Robot Kinematics, pp. 431–440. Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn
6. Karouia, M., Herve, J.M.: A family of novel orientational 3-dof parallel robots. In: 14th
RoManSy, pp. 359–368, Udine, 1–4 July 2002
7. Li Q.-C., Huang, Z.: Mobility analysis of a novel 3–5R parallel mechanism family.
ASME J. Mech. Des. 126(1), 79–82 (2004)
8. Fang, Y., Tsai, L.-W.: Structure synthesis of a class of 3-DOF rotational parallel manipulators.
IEEE Trans. Robot. Autom. 20(1), 117–121 (2004)
9. Frisoli, A., et al.: Synthesis by Screw Algebra of Translating Inparallel Actuated Mechanisms.
ARK, Piran, 25–29 June 2000
10. Gao, F., et al.: New kinematic structures for 2-,3-,4- and 5- dof parallel manipulator designs.
Mech. Mach. Theory 37(11), 1395–1411 (2002)
11. Huang, Z., Li, Q.C.: Type synthesis of symmetrical lower mobility parallel mechanisms using
the constraint synthesis method. Int. J. Robot. Res. 22(1), 59–79 (2003)
12. Kong, X., Gosselin, C.M.: Type synthesis of 3 DOF translational parallel manipulators based
on screw theory. ASME J. Mech. Des. 126(1), 83–92 (2004)
Life Estimation of the Contact Surfaces

M. Hejnová and J. Ondrášek

Abstract A life estimation of the contact surfaces is an important part of the cam
mechanisms design. The aim of this article is to compare available methods of the
life estimation. Every theory has its own experimental constants. Their influence on
the resulting life estimation is considerable. The real life of the contact surfaces can
be markedly different according to used theory. A solving can be to refine the
theories. It is possible to improve the experimental constants by means of the
experimental testing.

Keywords Cam mechanism  Service life  Contact surface  Rolling contact


1 Introduction

VÚTS, a.s. deals with the design of cam mechanisms and cams production more
than thirty years. This provides us a lot of experience in design and calculation of
both axial and radial cams. In this context, currently we solve the methodology of
the life prediction of the cam surface. On this basis, we can determine the life of the
cam mechanism respectively time when damage occurs. It is possible to use several
methods for life estimation of the cam contact surface. This article deals with two
most used available methods.

M. Hejnová (&)  J. Ondrášek

VÚTS, a.s., Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Ondrášek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 43

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_6
44 M. Hejnová and J. Ondrášek

6 6
Micropitting, steel 14 220, 11x10 cycles Macropitting, steel 14 220, 202x10 cycles

Fig. 1 Pitting

2 Surface Fatigue

The surface fatigue [1], called rolling contact fatigue, occurs in functional surfaces
that are exposed to repeated loading during movement of functional surfaces of
machine components. It may be a relative rolling movement or a combination of
sliding and rolling, what is more common in practice.
Pitting is the mechanism of damage, which can lead to the fatigue fracture damage.
This type of failure occurs in machine elements, which are cyclically loaded [1].
Micropitting [1] is manifested by the presence of microscopic pits on the material
surface in the contact. They are produced due to the repeated cyclic loading of the
contact at which occurs to rolling and sliding and they are formed by plastic defor-
mation of the surface asperities. Micropitting is more often observed at materials with
higher surface hardness [1]. The micropits are small relative to the size of the contact
zone (see Fig. 1), typically 10–20 μm deep and usual size smaller than 100 μm.
Macropitting is presented by cracks formed in a certain depth under the surface
[1], where the shear stress is maximal due to Hertzian pressure. It [1] causes the
formation of large pits (about 1 mm) on the material surface in the contact. These
arise due to the spread of subsurface cracks that leads to flaking larger parts of the
material from the surface.
There are another types of the damage mechanisms, e.g. spalling, galling, scuffing,
scoring and their combinations. Description of these types of damage is in [1].

3 Theoretical Methods for Life Estimation

The commonly used theoretical models are based on the Hertz’s contact theory. On
its basic is given the value of the Hertzian pressure, which is decisive at the
determining of the save load. At this load it will not occur damage of the functional
surfaces of the cam and roller.
Life Estimation of the Contact Surfaces 45

Assumptions of Hertz’s theory are available in the literature [2]. There is a

schematic view of the contact of the two cylinders in Fig. 2. There is a contact of
cam and roller at the cam mechanism. The length of the contact area is denoted l,
the radii of curvature at point of contact are 1ρy, 2ρy and F defines normal reaction
between the particular elements of the pair [2].
Assuming a uniform load distribution over the length l, the load in proportion to
the length unit will be (1).

f ¼ ð1Þ

The deflection between two bodies in contact may produce a flat of width 2b and
length l (see Fig. 2) with coordinates O, x, y, z located in its centre. The flat is
situated at the coordinate plane xy where the axis x coincides with the contact area of
non-loaded bodies. Contact load distribution p(y) along the elliptic cylinder is (2).
 y 2ffi
p¼ 1 ð2Þ
pb b

Hertzian pressure is a maximum compressive stress pH defined as (3).

2f f 2 q y   1 q y
pH ¼ ¼   ð3Þ
pb pðd1 þ d2 Þ1 qy 2 qy 

Unlike the positive radius of curvature of the roller follower 1ρy, the radius of
curvature of the cam surface in contact 2ρy may attain both, positive or negative
values. Actually this fact is defined in relation (3) by quantity |2ρy|.

1  l21;2
d1;2 ¼ ð4Þ

Fig. 2 Contact of cylindrical bodies with parallel axes and pressure distribution in contact
46 M. Hejnová and J. Ondrášek

The quantities δ1, δ2 are the characteristics of elasticity of the elements in the pair
(4), where the Poisson’s ratio and the modulus of tension elasticity are denoted as μ1,2
and E1,2 respectively. Rearranging relation (3) we get the bisected contact area (5).
f ð d 1 þ d 2 Þ 1 qy  2 q y 
b¼2    ð5Þ
p 2 qy   1 qy

The next step is to calculate a reduces stress [2]. The reduced stresses σred (ψ, ς)
are limited by the actual strength condition, written in the form (6), where ψ is an
angular cam displacement and w 2 h0; 2pÞ. and 1 ¼ jzj=b  0.

maxrred ðw; 1Þ\rh ð6Þ

For steel are the usual values rc  0:33 Rm and Re  ð0:550:8ÞRm . However,
since the transitory stress limit is rh  2rc  0:66 Rm , the relation (6) may be
replaced by the inequality (7), where w 2 h0; 2pÞ and 1 ¼ z=b  0. This equation
states that no destructive action of elastic deformation is produced in the general
pair under operation.

maxrred ðw; 1Þ\Re ð7Þ

3.1 Model A

There were derived equation for values of Hertzian pressure pH and reduced stress
σred(ψ, ς) in Chap. 5. In the literature [2] is given a condition, when it will not occur
damage of the contact surface body in form (8),

pH  f ðH Þ; K ¼ 4777 MPa ð8Þ
N 1=6

where a variable N is the life in millions of cycles, parameter H is hardness of the

surface in the contact and a function f ðHÞ is expresses an influence of the surface
hardness on the Hertzian pressure pH ðMPaÞ. This pressure is given by means of
Eq. (3) for cylindrical bodies in contact.
A variable K is the constant empirically determined. The surface hardness H can
be expressed by Brinnell’s as HB or by Rockwell’s as HRC. Thus are for function
f ðHÞ formulated empirical equation (9).

f ðH Þ ¼
f ðH Þ ¼ 0:251 þ 2:74  1:22  0:6
100 100 100
Life Estimation of the Contact Surfaces 47

3.2 Model B

An approach based on a load distribution in the plane contact area of the cylindrical
bodies is in the literature [3]. In this model the main compressive stress rz takes the
highest value for y ¼ 0 mm (10).

rz ðy ¼ 0Þ ¼ pH ¼  ð10Þ

Substituting of equation for bisected contact area b (5) and Eq. (10) and rear-
ranging we get Eq. (11).

r2z ¼ ð11Þ

For the relative load f is valid (12), where the parameter KI is the experimental
load-stress factor (13).

pRe 2
f ¼ r ¼ KI Re ð12Þ
E z
p 2
KI ¼ r ð13Þ
E z

Parameter KI is used to determine safe load F for given number of cycles or for
number of cycles which we can expect to destruction at the given load. There is
dimension of the equivalent modulus of elasticity E  and main compressive stress
rz given by MPa in Eq. (13).
Parameter KI is possible to use in the equation of the load/life curve, called S-
N curve to finding of the expected number of the cycles N at the given load (14).

f  log10 N
log10 ð145:03789  KI Þ ¼ ð14Þ

Stress factors f and k in the Eq. (14) express a slope and an intersection in the S-
N diagram in logarithmic coordinates. The S-N diagram is made from a large
amount of the test data. The constant 145:03789 expresses conversion of the metric
to anglo-american measurement system. Parameter KI is in [3] given in KI ðpsiÞ.
On basis of Eqs. (13) and (14) we can write the condition for the load level, at
which does not occur to damage of the body surface in contact (15).
 f 1k
E 10
pH  : ð15Þ
145:03789  p N
48 M. Hejnová and J. Ondrášek

3.3 Comparison of Results

There is a lot of the tested materials in [3]. In this chapter are presented results for
material 12 024. Material properties of the steel 12 024 are in Table 1. Model A is
calculated by Eq. (8), Model B by Eq. (15). Results are in graph on Fig. 3.
We can see a considerable difference in used methods results in the graph (see
Fig. 3) for load/life curves. Model A [calculation by Eq. (8)] is more on side of the

Table 1 Material Young’s modulus of elasticity E (GPa) 200.0

characteristics of the steel 12
Shear modulus G (GPa) 77.52
Poisson’s ratio μ (–) 0.29
Ultimate strength Rm (Mpa) 400.0
Yield strength Re (MPa) 290.0
Rockwell hardness HRC 55
Stress factor 1 λ (–) 13.20
Stress factor 2 ς (–) 61.06

Fig. 3 Load/life curves for steel 12 024
Life Estimation of the Contact Surfaces 49

4 Conclusions

We have used in most cases only Model A for determination of the material for cam
producing in VÚTS. Model A is more on the side of safety and this give a space for
increasing of the load. Our experience indicate in last time that life estimation only
in dependence on surface hardness is not optimal. This article shows that at the
choice of the material for cam producing is necessary to take into account another
parameters too. On the other side it is difficult to get concrete material parameters,
because experimental test for life testing are very time consuming.

Acknowledgments The research work reported here was made possible by FR-TI4/801- project
supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.


1. Hejnova, M.: Service life assessment of the cam mechanisms. Procedia Eng. 96, 157–163
(2014). doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2014.12.135. Avaliable from:
2. Koloc, Z., Václavík, M.: Vačkové Mechanismy. SNTL—Nakladatelství technické literatury,
Praha (1988). 379 s
3. Norton, R.L.: Cam design and manufacturing handbook. Industrial Press Inc., New York
(2009). ISBN 978-0-8311-3367-2
Calculation of the Contours of a Radial
Double Cam Based on an Approximate
Course of the 2nd Derivative
of the Displacement Law
of a Working Link

P. Jirásko and M. Václavík

Abstract This paper deals with requirements for the production of cam mecha-
nisms or cams that reliably operate in manufacturing machines even for several
decades and currently, it is necessary their replacement due to wear. Those
machines are usually unique in their construction and they meet the demanding
technological requirements of the production even today. The effort of producers or
users is to overhaul those machines and so continue to use them. We meet today
with the requirements for the manufacture of years proven cam mechanisms with an
insufficient or incomplete production documentation. The paper focuses on one
such characteristic case.

Keywords Radial cam and double cam  Cam mechanism  Kinematic analysis
and synthesis  Approximation

1 Introduction

A significant expansion of cams and cam mechanisms occurred in the seventies and
eighties of the last century with the mass deployment of NC machine tools. At that
time, the use of computer technology was very limited and it concentrated in
research centers or at major manufacturers, for example, at those producing
machine tools. The situation in computer technology corresponded to that time with
its unique hardware and software components. The conventional and today wide-
spread PC was not in the world. At that time, VÚTS used calculators and first
computers from Hewlett-Packard and Olivetti. The same situation was also among

P. Jirásko (&)  M. Václavík

VÚTS, a.s., Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Václavík
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 51

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_7
52 P. Jirásko and M. Václavík

major manufacturers of machines using cam mechanisms. In such a way, on

specific HW computing means, there were developed unique and therefore
non-transferable programs with calculation algorithms of production coordinates of
the contours of cams. Production data were archived and transferred to machines
through punched tapes. After the rapid development of computer technology in the
following decades, there often occurred both a loss of production data and “for-
getting” of special algorithms and analytical relations describing unique techno-
logical movements that were implemented by cam mechanisms.
The special customer’s requirement was therefore the manufacture of a cam
based on the schematic description of the 2nd derivative of motion function of the
working link of a cam mechanism. The paper depicts a methodology for calculating
the production coordinates of a radial double cam of that business case.

1.1 General Calculation Methodology of Cam Mechanisms


VÚTS developed the methodology and the associated software to address these
cases. It is a system of two communicating sw means that are APROX programs
(approximation of a discreetly or numerically defined displacement law with an
equidistant step) and KIN (kinematic analysis and synthesis of compound cam
Using the APROX program, it can be approximated a function which is defined
in a one or several discrete intervals—blocks. Inside the selected block, there are
chosen intervals or boundary of intervals. In the intervals, the given function will be
approximated using a polynomial of the fifth or seventh degree. The courses of the
polynomials can be influenced by the position of boundary points or interval
boundaries, boundary values of polynomials or a degree of a polynomial. The
position of the boundary points will be chosen, the boundary values are determined
by the program and they can be then corrected. The correction is to be performed in
the boundary points of the blocks always there when it is necessary to ensure the
mutual sequence of the blocks (in all derivatives according to the degree of the
By kinematic analysis of the basic cam mechanism with conventional cam it is
understood determination of the movement (kinematic quantities) of the working
link with rotary (rocker) or sliding (follower) movement for the given movement at
the input and the defined dimensions of a cam mechanism including the theoretical
profile (path of the roller center). Thus, by an analysis it is determined the motion
function of the working link (rocker, follower) in dependence on time or dis-
placement law depending on the angle of rotation of the cam at a constant angular
velocity equal to 1 (rad/s). The block diagram is in Fig. 1.
Calculation of the Contours of a Radial Double Cam Based … 53

Fig. 1 Block diagram of

kinematic analysis [1, 2]

Fig. 2 Block diagram of

kinematic synthesis [1, 2]

By kinematic synthesis of a basic cam mechanism with conventional cam it is

meant the design of a mechanism for the prescribed rotary (rocker) or sliding
(follower) movement of the working link and for the given movement of a cam. The
result is usually determination of the polar coordinates of the theoretical profile of a
cam (path of the roller center of the basic cam mechanism) following the dis-
placement law of the working link or the rocker or follower depending on the
constant rotation of the cam. The block diagram is in Fig. 2.
In both assignments, linear constraint L1 defines the sense of the cam rotation.
Function block F1 in the case of analysis it is function relation u ¼ uðuÞ of the
polar coordinates of the theoretical profile of the radial cam and in the case of
synthesis it is displacement law y ¼ yðsÞ of the working link (rocker, follower)
depending on the non-oriented uniform angle of rotation s or time. Linear constraint
L2 in the case of synthesis it is transformation (translation, scaling) of displacement
law F1 . The result of the calculation of analysis is according to Fig. 1 kinematic
quantities of the working link (rocker, follower). The result of the calculation of
synthesis according to Fig. 2 is polar coordinates ðu; uÞ of the theoretical profile of
a cam (generally radial, axial, and globoid) iterated to the specified equidistant step
of coordinate u.

2 Specification of the Assignment

By the customer, as production documentation, it is delivered a production drawing

according to which the production technology of the blank of a double cam is
determined, a cutout is in Fig. 3. (For the reasons of the confidentiality of the
customer, merely illustrative cutouts are listed). Other documentation is records for
the calculation and for clarity, they are again given partial cutouts in Figs. 4 and 5.
54 P. Jirásko and M. Václavík

Fig. 3 Cutouts from the drawing of a double cam

Fig. 4 Scheme of the motion function of the working link

Therefore, it is a schematic representation of the motion function of the working

link, which is the rocker of a double cam. Specific usable data for the calculation are
only the values of the acceleration polygon with a very course non-equidistant step
Calculation of the Contours of a Radial Double Cam Based … 55

Fig. 5 Setting values of the

acceleration polygon (partial

of the independently variable and the geometry of the double cam mechanism
(length of the frame, lengths of the rockers of the master and slave cams, roller

3 The Methodology of Calculation of the Production


Due to a limited extent of the paper, we will present only essential documents. Data
of the acceleration polygon (see Figs. 4 and 5) are interpolated and subsequently
per sections twice numerically integrated. The thus obtained data file is to be
approximated per selected sections (sw APROX) by polynomials of the 5th or 7th
degree with the check of a positional deviation according to Fig. 6. The file of
analytic relations describing the displacement law of the rocker (15 sections of the
polynomials) enters the kinematic synthesis of the KIN program according to
Fig. 7. The result of the synthesis is the polar coordinates of any arbitrary
equidistances of both cams (master and slave) according to the scheme in Fig. 2.

Fig. 6 Positional error with respect to the course of the 2nd derivative of the displacement law of
the double cam rocker (15 sections), X-axis (deg), Y-axis (mm)
56 P. Jirásko and M. Václavík

Fig. 7 Displacement law of

the double cam rocker
entering sw KIN, X-axis
(deg), Y0-axis (mm), Y1
(rad/rad), Y2 (rad/rad2)

Fig. 8 Task of the analysis

of the master cam (sw
APROX, sw KIN) with the
synthesis of the slave cam (sw
KIN) [2]

4 Conclusion

The double cam was produced in the required quality and delivered to full satis-
faction of a customer from Western Europe who requires maximum quality. The
contract value was in the order of thousands of euros. It was a double cam made
from the blank of a diameter of 600 (mm) and a weight of about 350 (kg). The
mentioned case is not unique, contracts of a similar type on the basis of insufficient
documentation or based on specific worn cams are becoming more common.
According to Fig. 8, the creation of the double cam production coordinates is from
the measured contour of the master cam by combining kinematic analysis and
synthesis. This can be done even with worn double cams to which no drawing and
calculation documentation is available.


1. Koloc, Z., Václavík, M.: Vačkové Mechanismy. SNTL, Praha (1988)

2. Jirásko, P. a kolektiv autorů: Mechatronika pohonů pracovních členů mechanismů, Monografie
VÚTS, a.s., ISBN: 978-80-87184-63-9
The Elastic Compression in the Contact
Region of a Cam Mechanism General
Kinematic Pair

J. Ondrášek

Abstract The paper deals with the elastic compression in the contact region of a
general kinematic pair. In the case of a general cam mechanism, the general
kinematic pair is formed of the contact of the working surfaces of a cam and a
follower. In technical practice, the contact of the cam and the follower is created by
the cylinders in contact with the parallel axes for one thing and for another, by the
cylinder and the three-dimensional body, which is described locally in contact with
the orthogonal radii of curvature. This issue is solved on the basis of the contact
mechanics. For both cases, the relations for calculating the elastic compression in
the contact regions were defined. This mathematical model is verified through the
experimental identification, the general kinematic pair is carried out using a testing
device. The aim of the tests was to determine the mutual approach of distant points
in the two three-dimensional solids in contact.

Keywords Elastic compression  Contact region  General kinematic pair  Cam


1 Introduction

In some computational analyses of cam mechanisms, an interaction of a cam

contour with a follower has to be considered as a real kinematic pair, i.e. with a
backlash and a friction. This occurs, for example, when bearing rating life of the
cam mechanism roller is determined. In the case of a model creation of a cam
mechanism general kinematic pair, the contact of two cylinders with the parallel
axes or a cylindrical body and a non-conforming body may be substituted for the
interaction of a cam contour with a follower. The cylinder represents a cam or a
cylindrical cam roller and the non-conforming body a crowned cam roller.

J. Ondrášek (&)
VÚTS, a.s., Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 57

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_8
58 J. Ondrášek

Three ways exist for the creation of mathematical models: theoretical, experi-
mental and combination of both. A theoretical mathematical model of the general
kinematic pair requires knowledge of some parameters, i.e. a normal displacement
and a normal stiffness in a contact region. These parameters may be determined on
the basis of a Hertzian contact theory or FEM. In this case, FEM is ineffective.

2 Hertzian Contact Theory

This section gives only basic information on how to determine the compression of
two solids in contact. The Hertzian contact stress theory deals with this issue and
this theory is described in detail in [1].
When two three-dimensional body are brought into contact they touch initially at
a single point or along a line. Under the action of a slightest load, they will deform
and contact is made over a finite area which is small compared with the dimensions
of both bodies. On the basis of a theory of contact, the shape of the contact area is
predicted and the components of deformation and stress in both bodies are calcu-
lated in the vicinity of the contact region. For the Hertzian contact stress theory, the
fundamental assumptions are, see [1]:
– The shape of each surface in the contact region can be described by a homo-
geneous quadratic polynomial in two variables:
1 1 2 1 2
zi ¼  x þ y ; i ¼ 1; 2; ð1Þ
2 qxi qyi

where ρxi and ρyi are the principal radii of curvature of the surface at the
rectangular coordinate system origin, see Fig. 1.
– Contact stresses and deformations satisfy the differential equations for stress and
strain of homogeneous, isotropic, and elastic bodies in equilibrium. The pressure
distribution on the contact area is given by equation:

Fig. 1 Contact of two non-conforming bodies and contact of two cylindrical bodies
The Elastic Compression in the Contact Region … 59

pðx; yÞ ¼ pH 1  ðx=aÞ2 ðy=bÞ2 ; ð2Þ

where a and b are respective major and minor semi-axes of the elliptical contact
area and a maximum value pH is called Hertzian pressure. In the case of the
contact of two cylindrical bodies, the variable y is constant and Eqs. (1) and (2)
are the functions just of the variable x.
– Both contacting surfaces are smooth and frictionless.
– The size of the contact area is small compared with the size of both bodies.
The compressive contact of two bodies is caused by application of a normal load
F and a contact area is formed. Remote parts T1 and T2 of the bodies are approached
each other by a distance δ. Points S1 and S2 on the approaching contact surfaces are
elastically displaced by amount uz1 and uz2, as shown in Fig. 2.
On the basis of the Hertzian contact stress theory, the equation of the normal
displacement of two non-conforming bodies is derived in the following form:
d ¼ d1 þ d 2 ¼ KðeÞ; e¼ 1  ðb=aÞ2 ; a [ b; ð3Þ

where K(e) is complete elliptic integral of the argument e [2], which expresses the
eccentricity of the contact ellipse and E* is the effective modulus of elasticity. The
normal stiffness of the contact region is obtained by differentiating the deflection
with respect to load F to get compliance, then inverting:
@d K ð eÞ 1  l21 1  l22
k¼ ¼ ; E ¼ þ ; ð4Þ
@F paE E1 E2

Fig. 2 Contact of two non-conforming bodies after elastic deformation
60 J. Ondrášek

where Ei and μi are the respective Young’s modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio
of the individual solids. In the case of the two cylindrical bodies contact, the normal
displacement δ and the normal stiffness k are expressed as:
N 1  l2i 4Li
d ¼ d1 þ d 2 ; di ¼   2 ln 1 ; i ¼ 1; 2; ð5Þ
2b pEi a
@d 2bp
k¼ ¼ n1l2 4L 
o; ð6Þ
@F 1
2 ln 1
1 þ
2 ln a 2  1  E1
pE 1 a pE 2

where variable a denotes the half width of the contact area and the constant Li is the
width of the individual bodies, which may be not equal to the length of the contact
area 2b.

3 Testing jig

To the verification of the validity of the Eqs. (3) and (5) and thus the verification of
a general kinematic pair mathematical model, a testing jig has been designed and
implemented, see Fig. 3. The aim of the experiments was the determination of the
vertical distance change of two fitting pins, which are approached under the action
of a normal load F. The lower pin is assigned to the stationary cylindrical body
which represents a cam with the radii of curvature ρx2 = 50 mm and the width
L2 = 25 mm and the upper pin to the body which represents a cylindrical or
crowned cam rollers with the set of diameters d = {30, 35, 47, 62, 80, 90}.

Fig. 3 Testing jig of contact zone deformation of two solids
The Elastic Compression in the Contact Region … 61

The vertical displacement of the upper pin was determined by using the Instron
3369 universal testing machine. The testing jig with the appropriate cam roller and
with the connected uniaxial extensometer Instron 2620-601 to pins was placed
between its compressive jaws. Load cycles carried out between compressive forces
F1 and F2, then strain values were recorded in the interval ee 2 hee1 ; ee2 i [–]. The
measured deformation of the contact region of the cam and the roller is defined by
the equation: δe = l0εe, where l0 = 12.5 mm denotes the distance of extensometer
contact tips. The percentage deviation between measured δe and theoretical δ values
of the deformation is defined by the equation:
Dde de2  de1
p¼  1  100 % ¼  1  100 %
 Dd  d2  d1
de ðF2 Þ  de ðF1 Þ
¼  1  100 %: ð8Þ
dðF2 Þ  dðF1 Þ

The typical load cycles are shown in Figs. 4 and 5 where arrows show the
process of the loading. From these two examples, the hysteretic characteristic of the
load cycle is evident. This is due to the fact that the contacting surfaces are not
smooth and frictionless. In the case of the cylindrical cam rollers, the shape of the
load cycle lower section is caused by the sum of a manufacturing inaccuracy of
individual parts, see Fig. 4. Examples of calculated and measured data are pre-
sented in Table 1.

Fig. 4 Loading cycles of two cylindrical bodies
62 J. Ondrášek

Fig. 5 Loading cycles of three-dimensional body and cylindrical body

Table 1 Contact region deformations of cam and rollers

Dimensions Cylindrical cam roller Crowned cam roller: R = 500 mm
d (mm) L1 (mm) F (kN) Δδ (μm) Δδe (μm) p (%) F (N) Δδ (μm) Δδe (μm) p (%)
30 14 1.5– 3.145 3.806 21.2 200– 1.711 1.794 4.8
3.0 450
35 18 2.0– 3.286 5.050 53.7 200– 1.989 2.706 36.1
4.0 500
47 24 3.0– 4.276 5.525 29.2 200– 3.025 3.988 31.8
6.5 700
62 29 2.0– 7.622 10.750 41.0 200– 3.933 4.825 22.7
8.5 900
80 35 5.0– 5.655 6.706 18.6 200– 4.325 5.969 38.0
10.0 1000
90 35 3.5– 7.398 9.094 22.9 200– 4.726 4.725 0.0
10.0 1100

4 Conclusions

The Hertzian contact theory is an important tool for analysis in cam mechanism
design. It allows for the prediction of compression and stiffness of a contact region
in a general kinematic pair under a load. Then they are used in the definition of a
model of the real general kinematic pair of the cam mechanism using the software
To the verification of the general kinematic pair mathematical model, a testing
jig has been designed and implemented. On the basis of measurements, it is evident
that the measured data are characterized by a greater value than the calculated data
The Elastic Compression in the Contact Region … 63

because the real contact area is formed smaller than the theoretical contact area
under the action of a normal load. This is due to the fact, that the contacting
surfaces are not smooth and frictionless and the real parts of the testing jig are
characterized by a certain degree of manufacturing inaccuracies.

Acknowledgments This paper was created within the work on the project FR-TI4/801—Project
supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.


1. Johnson, K.L.: Contact Mechanics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1985).

ISBN 0 521 34796 3
2. Arfken, G.B., Weber, H.J., Harris, F.E.: Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 7th edn.,
Section 18.8, “Elliptic Integrals”, pp. 927–933, Elsevier, Waltham (2013).
ISBN 978-0-12384654-9
Design of a Legged Walking Robot
with Adjustable Parameters

Y. Zhang, V. Arakelian and J.-P. Le Baron

Abstract In the past decades, an extensive research has been focused on legged
walking robots. One of the most attractive trends in the design of walking robots is
the development of biped robots with reduced number of degrees of freedom. This
paper deals with a new solution of a legged walking mechanism with reduced
number of degrees of freedom. It consists of a driven cam system mounted on the
body frame and connected with feet via pantograph mechanisms. The introduced
adjustable parameters allow one to generate two different steps with variable
heights as well as allow the robot to climb stairs. The efficiency of the suggested
design principle of the legged walking robot is illustrated by numerical simulations
carried out via ADAMS software.

Keywords Mechanism design  Walking robot  Pantograph-leg mechanism 

Mechanism with adjustable parameters

1 Introduction

It is well known that legged locomotion is more efficient, speedy, and versatile than
the one by track and wheeled vehicles when it operates on a rough terrain, steeps,
stairs or avoid obstacles. This research field has attracted great interest of
many research groups and companies in the past few decades.
The pioneering works in the field of legged robots were achieved around 1970
by two famous researchers, Kato [1–3] and Vukobratovic [4, 5]. Both works were
characterized by the design of relevant experimental systems. In Japan, the first

Y. Zhang  V. Arakelian (&)  J.-P. Le Baron

Department of M&CSE, INSA-Rennes, Rennes, France
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Y. Zhang
e-mail: [email protected]
V. Arakelian
IRCCyN, UMR CNRS 6597, Nantes, France

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 65

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_9
66 Y. Zhang et al.

anthropomorphic robot, WABOT 1, was demonstrated in 1973 at Waseda

University. In Yugoslavia, Belgrade, at the Mihailo Puppin Institute, Miomir
Vukobratovic and his team designed the first active exoskeletons and several other
devices. In the next decade, the breakthroughs came from the United States [6–9].
Simultaneously, Robert McGhee and Kenneth Waldron, achieved the design of a
quasi-industrial system able to walk on natural irregular terrain, which was driven
by a human [10, 11]. The idea of studying purely passive mechanical systems was
proposed by McGeer [12]. In this paper, McGeer has showed that there exists a
class of two-legged machines for which walking is a natural dynamic mode: once
started on a shallow slope, such a machine will settle into a steady gait quite
comparable to human walking, without active control or energy input. Several
researchers have followed the tracks open by Tad McGeer.
The end of the millennium was a period of intense technological activities.
Industrial breakthroughs showed to the world that building true humanoids was now
possible. In Japan, the first humanoid robot, P2, was exhibited by Honda in 1996,
followed by several more: ASIMO (Honda), QRIO (Sony), HRP (Kawada), etc.
To create biped robots walking like a human is necessary to use a large number
of actuators. Therefore, these robots are automorphic and flexible. However, there
are several drawbacks: complexities of the design and the control system, low
energy efficiency due to the masses of motors, as well as an overly high price
complicating practical use.
To make a biped robot more attractive, a different methodology can be considered
such as constructing a biped robot with reduced number of degrees of freedom [11–
15]. In the last decade, at the Laboratory of Robotics and Mechatronics in Cassino
University, Marco Ceccarelli and his team have proposed various solutions for
Low-Cost Easy-Operation leg design [16–18]. The Chebichev four-bar linkage has
been successively used for generation a foot trajectory. In order to amplify the pro-
duced motion of the Chebyshev linkage, a pantograph mechanism has been utilized.
This paper is organized as follows. In the first section the leg mechanism is
introduced as consisting of a cam mechanism and a pantograph mechanism. Then,
the kinematic synthesis of legs is discussed. Finally, the results of numerical sim-
ulations are provided.

2 Mechanism Design

The typical walk consists of a repeated gait cycle. The cycle itself contains two
phases: a propelling phase and non-propelling phase [18]. In Fig. 1, the thicker line
represents the supporting leg (right leg) in propelling phase and the thin line rep-
resents the swing leg (left leg) in non-propelling phase. It is known that for design a
one-DOF leg mechanism with back-forth and up-down motion capability, the foot
point should generate an ovoid curve, which is composed of a straight-line segment
and a curved segment (see Fig. 1). The straight-line segment is related to the pro-
pelling phase when the corresponding leg touches the ground and could guarantee
Design of a Legged Walking Robot … 67

Fig. 1 Two-stage step cycle

for human walking gait

stable propelling of the body. The curved segment is related to the non-propelling
phase, which is produced by leg when it swings from back to forth [18].
Such a trajectory can be produced by various linkages (Watt, Evans, Chebichev,
However, these linkages produce only one type of steps with a constant length
and height. In addition, in many cases, they provide walking motion only on a
horizontal surface.
Therefore, in this paper the proposed one-DOF leg mechanism consists of a cam
mechanism with variable angle of inclination connected with a pantograph mech-
anism permitting to amplify the input motion.
Two adjustable parameters are included in the proposed walking robot: an angle
of inclination of the cam mechanism permitting the robot to climb stairs and a
pantograph mechanism having the possible to be fixed in two different axes.
Figure 2 shows motions of the proposed leg mechanism with two different
points of fixation. As seen from Fig. 2a, b, for the same input trajectories of the
point C of the cam mechanism two output trajectories are produced.
The pantograph mechanism is used to amplify the input trajectory of the point C
into output trajectory with the same shape of point A. In the suggested design
concept, the fixed point can be either B1 or B2 . Changing the position of the fixed
point Bi ði ¼ 1 or 2Þ on the body frame allows one to obtain two output trajectories
with different magnitudes. The amplified ratio of the pantograph mechanism
depends on the length of links.
For the first case shown in Fig. 2a, the amplify ratio is k1 ¼ B1 A=B1 C and for
the second case shown in Fig. 2b, the amplify ratio is k2 ¼ B2 A=B2 C. Thus, given
the need of walking, two different possible steps can be produced with small or
large stride length. The choice of adjustable parameters Bi ði ¼ 1 or 2Þ can be
carried out taking into account the size of the obstacles and the imposed speed of
The second adjustable parameter is the angle of inclination of the cam mecha-
nism. The rotation of the axis a-a of the cam mechanism at an angle of α (Fig. 3)
68 Y. Zhang et al.

Fig. 2 Leg mechanism with two output trajectories

Fig. 3 Leg mechanism with

rotated input cam mechanism

allows one to change the orientation of the input trajectory. Such an adjustment
allows the walking robot to climb stairs.
The value of the angle α depends on the stair’s parameters (height and width).
Based on the stair’s parameters, the walking robot can be adjusted with inclination
angle α as well as with small or large stride length.
To illustrate the efficiency of the suggested walking robot let us consider CAD
simulations carried out via ADAMSA software.
Design of a Legged Walking Robot … 69

3 Numerical Simulations

The CAD model of the legged walking robot was created by CATIA and it was then
imported to ADAMS. For the pantograph mechanism, when B1 is the fixed point, the
amplify ratio was 4, and when B2 is the fixed point, the amplify ratio was 1.
The first two simulations were performed when the robot was walking on the
plain road and the fixed point of pantograph mechanism was on B1 or B2 respec-
tively. The two motions were inputted on each side of the rolling bars with a speed
of 36°/s. The power consumption of input motion during leg’s stand phase and
swing phase are shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
The second two simulations were performed when the robot was climbing stairs.
The two motions were executed on each side of the rolling bars with a speed of
36°/s, the angle between two cams and main body of the robot was adjusted to 20°.
Figures 6 and 7 show the power consumption of input motion during leg’s stand
phase and swing phase.

Fig. 4 Power consumption

of input motion during leg’s
stand phase when fixed point
on B1 and B2

Fig. 5 Power consumption

of input motion during leg’s
swing phase when fixed point
on B1 and B2
70 Y. Zhang et al.

Fig. 6 Power consumption

of input motion during leg’s
stand phase when fixed point
on B1 and B2

Fig. 7 Power consumption

of input motion during leg’s
swing phase when fixed point
on B1 and B2

4 Conclusions

In this paper, a one-DOF legged walking robot based on pantograph mechanisms with
adjustable parameter is proposed. The introduced adjustable parameters allow one to
generate two different steps with variable heights as well as allow the robot to climb
stairs. Simulation results showed that the change of fixed point position of pantograph
mechanism can significantly change the speeds of walking and climbing stairs, and it
also can change the power consumption as well. It means the proposed robot can change
its speed and switch to “save energy mode” in some circumstances. On the other hand,
the variation of the angle between cams and main body can let the robot be able to climb
stairs, and the angle can be adjusted to adapt the slope of stairs. Finally, it is important to
note that in the proposed design concept a special attention should be given to the
determination of the pressure angle in cam mechanisms to ensure smooth motion.


1. Kato, I., Tsuiki, H.: The hydraulically powered biped walking machine with a high carrying
capacity. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Extremal Control of
Human Extremities, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, pp. 410–421, Sept 1972
Design of a Legged Walking Robot … 71

2. Takanishi, A., Ishida, M., Yamazaki, Y., Kato, I.: Realization of dynamic walking by the
biped walking robot WL-10RD. In: Japan Industrial Robot Association, N°8, pp. 459–466
3. Takanishi, A., Egusa, Y., Tochizawa, M., Takeya, T., Kato, I.: Realization of dynamic biped
walking stabilized with trunk motion. ROMANSY 7, 68–79 (1988)
4. Vukobratovic, M., Juricic, D.: Contribution to the synthesis of biped gait. IEEE Trans.
Biomed. Eng. 16(1), 1–6 (1969)
5. Vukobratovic, M.: Legged locomotion robots and anthropomorphic mechanisms (in English),
Mihailo Pupin Institute, Belgrade (1975) (also published in Japanese, Nikkan Shimbun Ltd.
Tokyo, 1975; in Russian, “MIR”, Moscow, 1976 in Chinese, Beijing, 1983)
6. Raibert, M.H.: Legged robots that balance. MIT Press, Cambridge (1986)
7. Gubina, F., Hemami, H., McGhee, R.B.: On the dynamic stability of biped locomotion. IEEE
Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME 21(2), 102–108 (1974)
8. McGhee, R.B.: Vehicular legged locomotion. In: Saridis, G.N. (ed.) Advances in Automation
and Robotics, pp. 259–284. JAI Press, New York (1985)
9. Waldron, K.A.: Force and motion management in legged locomotion. IEEE J. Robot. Autom.
2(4), 214–230 (1986)
10. Waldron, K.J., McGhee, R.B.: The adaptive suspension vehicle. IEEE Contr. Syst. Mag. 6, 7–
12 (1986)
11. Song, S.M., Waldron, K.J.: Machines that walk: the adaptive suspension vehicle. The MIT
Press, Cambridge (1989)
12. McGeer, T.: Passive dynamic walking. Int. J. Robot. Res. 9(2), 62–82 (1990)
13. Carbone, G., Ceccarelli, M.: Legged Robotic Systems, pp. 553–576. Cutting Edge
Robotics ARS Scientific Book, Wien (2005)
14. Funabashi, H., Horie, M., Tachiya, H., Tanio, S.: A synthesis of robotic pantograph
mechanisms based on working spaces and static characteristics charts. JSME Int. J. Ser. III, 34
(2) 239–244 (1991)
15. Shieh, W.B., Tsai, L.W., Azarm, S.: Design and optimization of a one-degree-of-freedom
six-bar leg mechanism for a walking machine. J. Robot. Syst. 14(12), 871–880 (1997)
16. Ottaviano, E., Lanni, C., Ceccarelli, M.: Numerical and experimental analysis of a
pantograph-leg with a fully-rotative actuating mechanism. In: Proceeding of the 11th World
Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Tianjin, China, 18–21 Aug 2004
17. Ottaviano, E., Ceccarelli, M., Tavolieri, C.: Kinematic and dynamic analyses of a
pantograph-leg for a biped walking machine. In: 7th International Conference on Climbing
and Walking Robots CLAWAR, Madrid, Paper A019 (2004)
18. Ling, C., Ceccarelli, M., Takeda, Y.: Operation analysis of a one-DOF pantograph leg
mechanism. In: Proceedings of the RAAD 2008, Ancona, Italy, 15–17 Sept 2008
Positioning Control of a Micro
Manipulation Robot Based
on Voice Command Recognition
for the Microscopic Cell Operation

H. Terada, K. Makino, H. Nishizaki, E. Yanase, T. Suzuki

and T. Tanzawa

Abstract In the gene manipulation field, to make a genetically-modified mouse,

the multi micro manipulation pipettes operation is needed. Especially, to realize
more complex cell operations, it is needed that three micro manipulation pipettes
are operated simultaneously. Therefore, to realize the simultaneous operation, a
micro manipulation robot has been developed. This robot consists of a voice
command recognition system and a rectangular-coordinate type structure, and
controls the positioning of the third pipette by voice command without manual
operations. Then, to eliminate the vibration generated by the feedback loop, a
driving actuator uses an oil hydraulic pump which is driven by piezo-electric device
to realize the intermediate stop and positioning. Furthermore, it is confirmed that the
prototype robot can be driven by voice command recognition.

Keywords Robot  Positioning  Micro manipulation  Voice command

recognition  Cell operation

H. Terada (&)  K. Makino  H. Nishizaki  E. Yanase  T. Suzuki  T. Tanzawa

University of Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
K. Makino
e-mail: [email protected]
H. Nishizaki
e-mail: [email protected]
E. Yanase
e-mail: [email protected]
T. Suzuki
e-mail: [email protected]
T. Tanzawa
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 73

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_10
74 H. Terada et al.

1 Introduction

A progress of the gene manipulation technology requires various micromanipula-

tors. Especially, to make a genetically-modified mouse, the multi pipettes operation
is needed [1]. At this case, two micro manipulation pipettes are driven by manual
operation using oil hydraulic joysticks at the microscopic cell operation [2], and it is
required to operate the third micro manipulation pipette. However, an operator
drives two pipettes by both hands and foot pedals. The third pipette cannot be
operated simultaneously. Therefore, to realize the simultaneous operation, a micro
manipulation robot which is controlled by voice command is required.
On the other hand, when the conventional micro manipulation robot systems are
driven by stepping motors or friction drive type piezo actuators, the vibration of the
microscopic levels is remained [3, 4]. In this report, a micro manipulation robot
based on voice command recognition is designed to solve these problems.
Especially, a recognition algorithm is proposed to prevent robot malfunction, and
that is compared the detected voice to the pre-learning language database. In
addition, a prototype robot is tested to verify the reliability of a microscopic motion.

2 Structure of a Microscopic Cell Operation System

with a Micro Manipulation Robot

A structure of a microscopic cell operation system with a micro manipulation robot

based on voice command recognition is proposed as shown in Fig. 1. To coincide
with a manual operation, this robot system consists of a rectangular coordinate
structure which is driven by oil hydraulic pumps. When an operator controls a motion
of two manual operation devices using the manual haptic devices, that robot is
required to hold and to push the cell simultaneously. However, an operator cannot
operate this robot by his/her hand, because both haptic devices are grasped. Therefore,
this robot is controlled by voice command recognition. Furthermore, when we use the
conventional voice coil type micro manipulator, the resolution of a positioning is
restricted to 20 μm [5]. However, in recent cell operation fields, the higher positioning
accuracy is required. To realize these requirements, the oil hydraulic pump is driven
by the piezoelectric actuator which has a displacement magnifying mechanism. Then,
the piezoelectric element is controlled by the displacement feedback. However, to
eliminate the vibration caused by the displacement feedback of the piezoelectric
element, a structure of the oil hydraulic pump is constructed as shown in Fig. 2. This
pump generates an oil hydraulic pressure using the diaphragm deformation, and
eliminates the small vibration by the silicon oil viscosity.
When the input motions of a step function and a ramp function are used, the
response characteristics of the oil hydraulic actuator on the X-axis are shown in
Positioning Control of a Micro Manipulation Robot … 75

Fig. 1 Microscopic cell operation system with a micro manipulation robot based on voice
command recognition

Diaphragm Silicon oil

Non-contact type linear
Deformation Oil hydraulic
displacement sensor pressure

Voice recognition
PC Contact head
Position command Linear motion
Feed-back signal
of linear motion

Piezo driver Piezoelectric-element with a

Amplified DC voltage displacement magnifying mechanism

Fig. 2 Structure of an oil hydraulic pump driven by piezo-electric device

Fig. 3. The resolution of an input signal is the 0.7 μm, and the required resolution
of an operation is 2.0 μm. In case of a ramp function, the pipette on the X-axis can
move very smoothly at 13.0 μm/s, and in case of a step function, the pipette on the
X-axis can move very smoothly, too. Then, both time constants are less than 0.5 s;
these performances are enough to the human response speed. Furthermore, in cases
of the Y-axis and the Z-axis, these response characteristics are the same. However,
this motion speed is not enough for the expert operator, so the voice command
recognition has to be simplified or to be predicted a command.
76 H. Terada et al.

50 50
Command displacement Command displacement
of a piezo actuator of a piezo actuator
40 40
Time constant:
Displiacement [µm]

Displacement [µ m]
30 30 0.46sec.

20 20
Time constant:
0.44sec. 10
10 63.2%
Pipette motion Pipette motion

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-10 -10
Time [sec.] Time [sec.]

a) Input motion of a step function b) Input motion of a ramp function

Fig. 3 Response characteristics of an oil hydraulic actuator. a Input motion of a step function.
b Input motion of a ramp function

3 Algorithm of Voice Command Recognition

Japanese language is a phonogram, and it can be divided to the single set of speech
sounds or the small syllable, and this language has a unique grammar. Therefore,
other language recognition method which is different from the English recognition
has to be investigated. To solve this problem, it is popular that the open-source
software of Japanese large vocabulary continuous speech recognition is used for the
academic research. This open-source is called as “Julius” [6, 7]. It incorporates
major speech recognition techniques, and it can perform a large vocabulary con-
tinuous speech recognition task in real-time. The command voice is converted to
the feature vectors sequence which is shown Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient
[8]. Then, these vectors are matched with the statistic acoustic models. When the
vector is matched with that pattern, the motion signal voltage of the commanded
axis direction is output.
A flowchart of the voice command recognition is shown in Fig. 4. Especially,
under the microscope, the fundamental motion of a pipette is a rectangular coor-
dinate motion, and the arbitrary direction motion on the horizontal plane to adjust
the holding position of the cell is sometimes used. In addition, there is some
hysteresis loss of each axis motion, and the motion length needs to be compensated.
Therefore, in a magnification adjustment, compared with the direction of previous
operation and the next operation, the compensation length and direction are
determined. Considering this point, the voice command of a robot arm motion is
defined as Table 1. In this case, the arbitrary direction on the horizontal plane is
commanded using the clock direction. Especially, considering the resolution of
D/A, the motion of diagonal direction is approximated by the pulse ratio of the
Positioning Control of a Micro Manipulation Robot … 77


Voice command input

Vertical or horizontal No
Reference Extraction of a speech feature
database Yes
using the feature vector
Calculation of the motion Calculation of the motion
length and speed of a length and speed of each
Else selected axis axis, and a motion direction
Comparison of an
acoustic model
Conversion to the piezo Conversion to the piezo
Right actuator motion length actuator motion length

etc. Magnification Magnification
adjustment adjustment

Comparison of a Else Output of the motion Simultaneous output of

language model length of the selected the motion length of all
axis to D/A axes to D/A
Left Motion
Open-Source Speech … data
Recognition “Julius” etc.


Fig. 4 Flowchart of voice command recognition

horizontal pulse to the vertical pulse. Furthermore, the correct motion rate of each
motion is shown, too. Almost direction commands do not have recognition errors.
However, the commands of the speed and the motion range are affected by the word
order, and the error rate of voice recognition sometimes increases. It is similar to the
individual differences in pronunciation, too. Therefore, another word order has to be

Table 1 Main command of a robot arm motion and the correct motion rate
Class Command Command Correct Class Command Command Correct
in motion in motion
Japanese rate (%) Japanese rate (%)
Speed Quickly ha-ya-ku 90.0 Arbitrary One hi-to-ji 100.0
Slowly yu-q-ku-ri 73.3 horizontal Two fu-ta-ji 100.0
Three Sa-N-ji 100.0
Motion Larger mo-q-to 60.0 Four yo-ji 100.0
range Smaller su-ko-shi 83.3 Five go-ji 100.0
Six ro-ku-ji 93.3
Direction Right mi-gi 86.7 Seven na-na-ji 100.0
Left hi-da-ri 100.0 Eight ha-chi-ji 100.0
Up u-e 100.0 Nine ku-ji 100.0
Down shi-ta 100.0 Ten ju-ji 100.0
High ta-ka-ku 100.0 Eleven ju-i-chi-ji 100.0
Low hi-ku-ku 76.7 Twelve ju-ni-ji 100.0
78 H. Terada et al.

Rectangular coordinate type robot

Lighting lens

End point

Pipette Start point

Objective lens
b) Measurement of a pipette motion on the horizon-
a) Rectangular coordinate type robot arm tal plane using the microscopic image processing

Fig. 5 Prototype system. a Rectangular coordinate type robot arm. b Measurement of a pipette
motion on the horizontal plane using the microscopic image processing

Then, at microscopic cell operation, the positioning error of an arbitrary direc-

tion motion on the horizontal plane is measured to evaluate the usefulness of this
type robot arm as shown in Fig. 5a. The positioning repeatability of each axis is
tested using the image processing under the microscope as shown in Fig. 5b.
Therefore, the positioning error of each axis at 10.0 μm linear motion is less
than ±2.0 μm. This performance is enough for the cell holding operations.

4 Conclusions

To realize the multi micro manipulation pipettes operation, the micro manipulation
robot based on voice command recognition has been developed. It is con-firmed
that the operator can control third pipette by voice command smoothly. In future
work, to improve the voice recognition rate and to consider the individual differ-
ences in pronunciation, we have to optimize the word order. Then, to realize higher
response speed, the voice command recognition has to be simplified.

Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Prof. T. Wakayama, Mr. Y. Kitai and Mr.
K. Nakagawa for cooperating to make a control algorithm.


1. Wakayama, T.: The technique of “Takumi” to make a clone. Riken-NEWS 303, 5–7 (2006)
2. NarishigeScientificInstrumentLab.:Three-axisHangingJoystickOilHydraulicMicroma-nipulator.
3. Kudoh, K., Gotoh, T., Sato, K., Yamagata, Y., Furutani, K., Higuchi, T.: Development of piezo
micromanipulator for cell micromanipulation. J. Mamm. Ova Res. 7(1), 7–12 (1990)
4. Miura, M., Kashiwagi, K., Niwa, T.: On the automatic micro manipulator system MMS-10.
Shimadzu Rev. 44(1), 51–58 (1987)
Positioning Control of a Micro Manipulation Robot … 79

5. Kojima, N.: Development of micromanipulator for cell operation. Memoirs Inst. Sci. Technol.
Meiji Univ. 31(5), 67–76 (1992)
6. Kawahara, T., et. al.:
7. Kawahara, T., et al.: Free software toolkit for Japanese large vocabulary continuous speech
recognition. Proc. Int. Conf. Spoken Lang. Process. 4, 476–479 (2000)
8. Sahidullah, Md, Saha, G.: Design, analysis and experimental evaluation of block based
transformation in MFCC computation for speaker recognition. Speech Commun. 54(4),
543–565 (2012)
Spherical Ultrasonic Motor for Space

U. Nishizawa, S. Toyama and T. Oohashi

Abstract In resent years, space satellites have been widely used in the world. They
cause the space debris, which has become a problem because they may collide each
other in space. In our study, we have developed a Spherical UltraSonic Motor
(SUSM) with 3 DOF in space use to drive the satellite thruster and resolve the space
debris problem. When the satellites enter the atmosphere at the end of the life,
SUSM controls thrusters for the right direction in falling down to the earth to burn
in the air. We have made experiments to evaluate torque, durability and lifetime. It
shows that the torque and lifetime meets target value. But durability does not meet
the target lifetime. To resolve it, we have applied a new stator lining materials and
shifted frequency with 0.4 kHz from resonant frequency. Finally we have
succeeded in durability-required specifications.

Keywords Ultrasonic motor  Spherical motor and space application

1 Introduction

Recently many countries launched a lot of space satellites. So, space debris has
become a problem in the world. It is because the space debris causes collision of
satellites. In our research, we apply our 3DOF Spherical UltraSonic Motor (3DOF
SUSM) to resolve this problem. For the use of our motor in outer space, it is
necessary to meet space use specifications such as required output torque and
durability in the high vacuum. Especially heat is serious problem. By reducing
generated heat of the motor by lining material and resonance frequency shift, we are

U. Nishizawa  S. Toyama (&)

Tokyo A&T University, Tokyo, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
U. Nishizawa
e-mail: [email protected]
T. Oohashi
National Institute of Tech-Kisarazu College, Kisarazu, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 81

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_11
82 U. Nishizawa et al.

able to rotate the motor under high vacuum environment more than 120 min. The
specifications of the motor in this research (high vacuum 10−3 Pa, room tempera-
ture) is as follows; maximum output torque 25 mN m, continuous working time
120 min, cycles of working more than 300 times.
The temperature changes from −120 to 200 °C in space. It is very important
specification for the motor. However, it requires not only improvement of materials
but also control method and heat design of it. So, the movement in high or low
temperature is the discussion on next stage. In this research, the authors focus on
durability of vacuum use in only room temperature. It is also important for special
use in space, for example, in the temperature controlled satellite.

2 Spherical Ultrasonic Motor

The 3DOF SUSM used in this study consists of one spherical rotor and three
ring-shaped stators. Figures 1 and 2 show an overview of the 3DOF SUSM and the
characteristics. The stator consists of a metallic elastic body and piezoelectric
elements. When an AC voltage is applied to the piezoelectric vibrator, a standing
wave is generated on the elastic body. By applying two AC voltages with some
phase difference to the positive and negative sections of the piezoelectric elements,
a traveling wave is generated due to combination of the two standing waves. The
amplitude of the traveling wave is controlled by the phase difference of these two
standing wave; phase difference 0 is standing wave and phase difference 90° is
traveling wave with maximum velocity. The velocity of the traveling wave can be
controlled by phase difference precisely with every 1°.
The stators and the rotor are in pressure contact with each other. Three stators are
aligned with 120° each other, but with 7° under horizontal plane. It is because that
the sum of velocity vectors generated by each stator can make arbitrary vector, that
is, the motor can rotate about specified vector in three dimensional space with
specified speed [1–5]. It has three degree of freedom of rotation. However, exactly
speaking, the rotational velocity of the rotor is less than the vector sum due to
friction loss.

Fig. 1 Spherical ultrasonic

Spherical Ultrasonic Motor for Space 83

Fig. 2 Characteristics of SUSM

We have made experiments of SUSM in the vacuum chamber (applied voltage

180 Vpp, applied resonant frequency, air pressure 10−3 Pa) to measure output
torque and rotational speed. An experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 3. We have
applied phase difference 0°, 60°, and −60° to stators to rotate about Y-axis and
measured its rotational velocity and output torque. The results are shown in Fig. 4.

106 degree

Fig. 3 Experiment equipment for measuring rotational speed
84 U. Nishizawa et al.



Rotation speed [rpm] 80


40 Atomosphere Vacuum


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time [min]

Fig. 4 Durability experiment in the atmosphere versus in vacuum

It shows that lifetime is only 4 min in the vacuum environment and maximum
speed is degenerated 17 % comparing to the case in air. But the output torque
increased 20 %. It is because that some materials on the surface of the rotor and
stator are vapored out and the frictional force increased.

3 Lining Material and Resonant Frequency

We have improved the motor materials for use of space. Firstly, we have applied the
new lining material on the surface of rotor as follows; Original (Normal), #1A
(Molybdenum disulfide, Type A), FS-1140 (Fluorine resin, Type B), #815-4
(Fluorine resin, Type C), S-6100 (Fluoridation graphite, Type D). These materials
have good characteristics suited for space use such as low wear, high frictional
force and high durability under high temperature. The experimental results are
shown in Fig. 5. The lifetime is extended. But it is much less than required spec-
ifications (120 min). It is because that generated heat changes the resonant fre-
quency and stator cannot vibrate nor drive the rotor. All motors generated higher
output torque than required specifications.
In order to make lifetime longer, we have applied near resonant frequency
(0.4 kHz higher shift) to the stators so that it may make the vibration amplitude
smaller to resolve frictional heat. The results are shown in Fig. 6. We have found
that it meets the specifications of lifetime.
Generally speaking, the heat source of this motor is contact surface and inside of
piezoelectric ceramics. The contact surface of stator and rotor with high pressure
produces heat by friction. The improved lining materials reduce the frictional heat.
On the other hand, heat generated in the ceramics by inner friction loss with small
grains is reduced by the shift of the resonant frequency to suppress the amplitude of
the vibration.
Spherical Ultrasonic Motor for Space 85

Vacuum(without lining material)
140 Vacuum(FS-1140)
Rotation speed [rpm]





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time [min]

Fig. 5 Durability of motor with lining materials

Type C (S-6100), Type D (Fs-1140), Normal (no lining material)

Fig. 6 Durability experiment. Type C (S-6100), Type D (Fs-1140), Normal (no lining material)
86 U. Nishizawa et al.

4 Conclusions

We have developed a new spherical ultrasonic motor for space use. Applying new
lining materials and resonant frequency shift to the stators, it meets the space
specifications, that is, maximum output torque 25 mN m, continuous working time
120 min, cycles of working more than 300 times. We have succeeded in showing its
potentials for space use.


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Part II
Dynamics of Machines and Mechanisms,
Rotor Dynamics
Multi-physical Analysis of the Forces
in the Flexible Rotor Supported
by the Magnetorheological Squeeze
Film Dampers

P. Ferfecki, J. Zapoměl and M. Marek

Abstract To reduce lateral vibrations of rotating machines, the damping devices

are placed between the rotor and its frame. This is enabled by magnetorheological
squeeze film dampers. To achieve their optimum performance their damping effect
must be adaptable to the current working conditions. In this paper, modelling of the
magnetorheological squeeze film damper is based on the assumptions of the clas-
sical theory of lubrication except that for the lubricant. The model is completed with
the magnetic force acting between the damper rings. Therefore, the magnetostatic
approaches to determining the magnetic field in the damper gap at different dis-
tinguishing levels were proposed and compared. The developed mathematical
model was applied for analysis of a rotating machine with a flexible shaft. The
carried out computational simulations confirmed that the developed magnetorheo-
logical damper arrives at significant suppression of the rotor vibration in a wide
range of running speeds.

Keywords Magnetorheological squeeze film damper  Hydraulic forces 

Magnetic forces  Magnetostatic analysis  Flexible rotor  Vibration attenuation

P. Ferfecki (&)  M. Marek

IT4Innovations, Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Marek
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Zapoměl
Department of Applied Mechanics, Technical University of Ostrava,
Ostrava, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
J. Zapoměl
Institute of Thermomechanics, Prague, Czech Republic

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 89

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_12
90 P. Ferfecki et al.

1 Introduction

Lateral vibration of flexible rotors can be significantly reduced if damping elements

are inserted into its support. For this purpose, magnetorheological (MR) squeeze
film dampers can be applied. Their damping effect is controlled by changing
induction of the magnetic field passing through the film of the MR fluid.
The mathematical model of a short squeeze film MR damper intended for the
analysis of both the steady state and transient rotor vibrations is presented in [1].
Modelling of the MR damper that takes into account both the hydraulic fluid film
and magnetic forces is reported in [2, 3].
The development of the enhanced mathematical model of the MR squeeze film
damper for rotordynamic applications and learning more on the main forces acting
in between the rotor and the MR damping devices are the principal contributions of
this article. For this purpose, two magnetostatic modelling approaches have been
developed, and the semi-analytical relations defining the magnetic forces acting in
the damper were determined.

2 The Hydraulic and Magnetic Forces Between

the Damper Rings

The main parts of MR squeeze film dampers (Fig. 1a) for rotordynamic applications
are two concentric rings between which there is a layer of MR oil. The outer ring is
mounted with the stationary part directly, and the inner one is connected with the
squirrel spring carrying the ball bearing. The spring enables the oscillation of the
inner damper ring in the radial direction and prevents its rotation together with the
shaft. In the damper body the electric coil generating magnetic flux passing through
the lubricating oil is imbedded. As its resistance against the flow depends on
magnetic induction, the change of the electric current makes it possible to control
the hydraulic damping force.

Fig. 1 The scheme of a MR squeeze film damper (a) and the damper (xyz) and the fluid film
(XYZ) coordinate systems (b)
Multi-physical Analysis of the Forces in the Flexible Rotor … 91

The mathematical model of the studied damping element is based on utilization

of the classical theory of lubrication with the exception for the MR oil that is
represented by Bingham material, the yielding shear stress of which depends on
magnetic induction. Then the pressure distribution in the full oil film referred to a
short [1] damper is governed by a Reynolds equation modified for Bingham fluid

h3 p03  3ðh2 sy  4ghZÞp 02
 4s3y ¼ 0 for Z [ 0: ð1Þ

The upper and lower signs in (1) hold for the pressure gradients p′ < 0, p′ > 0,
respectively. Z is the axial coordinate (Fig. 1b), h is the oil film thickness [4], τy, η
are the yield shear stress and viscosity of the Bingham liquid, and () denotes the
first derivative with respect to time. The details on derivation and solution of the
modified Reynolds equation (1) can be found in [1].
The stationary value of the yielding shear stress of the MR fluid needed for
solving the modified Reynolds equation (1) can be approximated with sufficient
accuracy by a power function

sy ¼ ky Bny : ð2Þ

B is the magnetic induction in the damper gap, and ky, ny are the material constants
of the MR oil.
The mutual interaction between the damper rings is accomplished by the
hydraulic and magnetic forces. The hydraulic force is produced due to squeezing
the MR oil film and pushes the rings one from another. Its components are obtained
by integration of the hydraulic pressure distribution around the circumference and
along the length L of the damper

Z 2 Z2p Z 2 Z2p

FMRy ¼ 2RI pd cos ududZ; FMRz ¼ 2RI pd sin ududZ: ð3Þ

0 0 0 0

FMRy, FMRz are the y and z components of the hydraulic force, RI is the inner ring
radius, pd is the pressure distribution in the MR oil film, and φ denotes the cir-
cumferential coordinate (Fig. 1b). In cavitated areas, the pressure of the medium is
assumed to be constant and equal to the pressure in the ambient space.
Contrary to the hydraulic damping force, the magnetic force is attracting and is
induced by the magnetic flux generated in the electric coils.
The 3D approach uses a spatial distribution of the magnetic flux to determine
magnetic induction in the damper gap and the force acting between the rings. As the
damper permanent magnetization is avoided, the saturation of the magnetic flux and
hysteresis are not taken into account. The magnetostatic problem is assumed to be
linear and the finite element method was applied for its solving. The discretization
of the damper body and the surrounding air environment is evident from Fig. 2a.
The total magnitude of the magnetic force acting between the rings in the direction
92 P. Ferfecki et al.

3D, approximated
4 3D

Magnetic force [ N ]

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
a b Relative eccentricity [ - ]

Fig. 2 Discretization of the damper model (a) and the magnetic force in dependence on the
relative eccentricity (b)

of the line of the center was calculated by means of the Maxwell stress tensor and is
drawn in Fig. 2b.
At the lowest distinguishing level (1D approach), the inner and outer damper
rings can be considered as a divided core of an electromagnet. The semi-analytical
relations for the magnetic induction and the magnetic force are based on magnetic
reluctance [5] of the MR fluid film of a sufficiently small angular segment between
two coaxial cylinders

I B2i aLðRI þ RO Þ 2p
Bi ¼ kB l0 lr ; FMA;i ¼ ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; ð4Þ
hi 4l0 lr a

Bi is the magnetic induction in the center of the damper gap and in the center of the
angular segment, FMA,i is the magnetic force between the angular segment of the
inner and the outer damper rings, I is the electric current, RO is the outer damper
ring radius, hi is the oil film thickness in the center of the angular segment of the
damper gap, kB is the design parameter, α is the angular segment of the damper gap
(Fig. 2b), μ0 is the vacuum permeability (4π × 10−7 H m−1), and µr is the magnetic
permeability of the MR fluid.
The design parameter was determined from the value of magnetic induction in
the middle of the oil film obtained by application of the 3D approach to solve the
magnetic problem for the case when the damper rings take a concentric position.
The dependence of the total magnetic force acting between the centers of the
inner and outer damper ring computed by application of the 1D approach on the
relative eccentricity is drawn in Fig. 2b. It is evident that the difference between the
values (Fig. 2b) provided by the 3D and 1D approaches is less than 15 % in the
relative eccentricity range 0.0–0.2 in which the MR damper operates.
Multi-physical Analysis of the Forces in the Flexible Rotor … 93

Fig. 3 The scheme of the

investigated rotor system

3 The Motion Equation of the Investigated Rotor System

The investigated rotor system (Fig. 3) consists of a flexible shaft (SH) and two discs
(D1, D2). The rotor is mounted on a rigid frame (FP), and the squeeze film MR
dampers (MR1, MR2) are inserted into its supports.
The task was to investigate the influence of the magnetic attractive and carrying
hydraulic damping forces on the vibration amplitude of the rotor.
The rotor turns at constant angular speed, is loaded by its weight, and excited by
imbalance of the discs. The mass, diameter, and axial moments of inertia of the
discs are considered. The squirrel springs of both dampers are prestressed to be
eliminated their deflection caused by the rotor weight.
In the computational model the shaft is considered as flexible and is represented
by a beam-like body discretized into finite elements. The discs are assumed to be
absolutely rigid and the MR dampers are represented by springs and nonlinear force
Lateral vibration of the investigated rotor system is described by the equation of
motion that takes the form

€ þ ðB þ gV KSH þ x GÞ q_ þ ðK þ x KC Þ q ¼ f A þ f PS þ f MR þ f MA :
Mq ð5Þ

M, B, K, G, KC, KSH are the mass, damping, stiffness, gyroscopic, circulation

matrices of the rotor, and the stiffness matrix of the shaft, respectively, fA is the
vector of applied and unbalance forces, fPS is the vector of prestressed forces, fMR is
the vector of hydraulic MR forces, fMA is the vector of magnetic forces, q is the
vector of generalized displacements, ηV is the coefficient of viscous damping of the
shaft material, ω is the angular speed of the rotor rotation, and () denotes the
second derivative with respect to time.
A trigonometric collocation method was applied to obtain the steady state
solution of the equation of motion (5).

4 Computational Results of the Rotor Dynamics

The frequency responses depicted in Fig. 4a is referred to the center of D1 disc. The
responses were determined for the cases when no oil was supplied to the dampers
(no damping), and when the MR oil was solidified (over damped).
94 P. Ferfecki et al.

2 250
overdamped 1D-with magnetic force
Vibration amplitude - y [ mm ]

Vibration amplitude - y [ µ m ]
no damping 3D-with magnetic force
200 3D-without magnetic force



0 0
0 300 600 900 1200 1500 0 1 2 3 4
Speed of rotation [ rad/s ] Current [ A ]
a b

Fig. 4 The frequency responses (a) and the vibration amplitude (b) in the horizontal direction

The dependence of the vibration amplitude at location of D1 disc referred to the

angular speed of the rotor rotation of 120 rad/s on the applied current is drawn in
Fig. 4b. The results show that the rising magnitude of the current increases
reduction of the vibration amplitude. The computation of the magnetic force by the
3D approach gives almost the same vibration amplitude, and the difference between
the 1D and 3D approaches is less than 10 %.

5 Conclusions

It was shown that the magnetic attractive force in the MR damper is much smaller
than the hydraulic damping one. The main contribution of this article is the
development of a more accurate mathematical model of a short MR squeeze film
damper and the procedures for determining the magnetic force based on solving a
spatial magnetostatic problem utilizing the finite element method and on application
of a semi-analytical relation.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
from the National Programme of Sustainability (NPU II) project “IT4Innovations excellence in
science—LQ1602”, and by the Czech Science Foundation 15-06621S.


1. Zapoměl, J., Ferfecki, P., Forte, P.: A computational investigation of the transient response of
an unbalanced rigid rotor flexibly supported and damped by short magnetorheological squeeze
film dampers. Smart Mater. Struct. 21, 105011 (2012)
2. Zapoměl, J., Ferfecki, P.: A 2D mathematical model of a short magnetorheological squeeze film
damper based on representing the lubricating oil by bilinear theoretical material. In: Proceedings
of the 14th IFToMM World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan (2015)
Multi-physical Analysis of the Forces in the Flexible Rotor … 95

3. Wang, G.-J., Feng, N., Meng, G., Hahn, E.-J.: Dynamic performance and control of squeeze
mode MR fluid damper-rotor system. Smart Mater. Struct. 14, 529–539 (2005)
4. Krämer, E.: Dynamics of Rotors and Foundations, Springer, Berlin (1993)
5. Knoepfel, H.E.: MAGNETIC FIELDS A Comprehensive Theoretical Treatise for Practical Use.
Wiley, New York (2000)
Experimental Evaluation of a Rotor Model
Based Foundation Identification

M. Yu, N. Feng and E. Hahn

Abstract This paper evaluates experimentally a rotor model based foundation

identification procedure (in terms of foundation modal parameters) for rotor bearing
foundation systems (RBFS). Earlier experimental evaluations used a deficient rotor
model and did not properly consider foundation damping. Demonstrated is the need
for an accurate dynamic model of the rotor. It is shown that the proposed approach
can identify an equivalent foundation which can predict reasonably well the
unbalance response of an experimental RBFS rig over the speed range of interest.
The proposed identification procedure shows promise for field applications, but
further work is required to identify more accurately the modal damping.

Keywords Experimental evaluation  Foundation identification  Modal parame-

ters  Rotating machinery

1 Introduction

Correct modelling of a RBFS is an invaluable asset for the balancing and efficient
running of turbomachinery. A major problem is to properly identify the foundation
of existing installations [1]. The approach investigated here requires an accurate
rotor model and uses motion measurements at select points on the foundation to
identify the modal parameters of an equivalent foundation. Such an approach is

M. Yu
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China
N. Feng
Shandong University, Jinan, People’s Republic of China
E. Hahn (&)
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 97

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_13
98 M. Yu et al.

attractive, as it can utilize existing monitoring instrumentation. Numerical experi-

ments on a simple RBFS indicate that such an approach is feasible [2], but
experimental evaluation is needed to ensure that the approach can cope with the
input measurement errors [3]. This paper describes this experimental evaluation.
To this end, an earlier rig [4], which had been used to evaluate the dynamic
stiffness parameters of the bearing pedestals of a simple multi disk rotor, was
modified to provide a flexible foundation for the rigid bearing pedestals. The
modified rig, its commissioning, and the experimental procedure for obtaining the
required measurements are described in a previous paper [5]. However, the results
in Ref. [5] are only preliminary as they do not properly consider the effect of
foundation damping. Also, they are based on a rotor model which does not account
for rotor damping, resulting in incorrect force excitation input data. This paper
addresses these potentially significant causes of identification error.

2 Notation

F Harmomic excitation force amplitude vector
I Identity matrix
m Modal mass matrix (diagonal); mk = modal mass of the kth mode
X Displacement amplitude vector
U Foundation modal matrix; Uk ¼ kth column of U
k Eigenvalue matrix (diagonal); kk ¼ kth eigenvalue = x2k
X Excitation frequency
x Natural frequency matrix (diagonal); xk ¼ kth natural frequency
n Damping ratio matrix (diagonal); nk ¼ kth element of n

3 The Identification Requirement

For a RBFS with an equivalent foundation having n degrees of freedom (DOF), a

harmonic excitation frequency Ω, and periodic response with fundamental fre-
quency Ω, it can be shown [2] that a knowledge of Fj and Xj at a sufficient number
of frequencies Ω suffices to identify the elements of n; m; k and U, which param-
eters define the desired equivalent foundation. The response is then given by:
e ¼ U½m X2 I þ 2iXxn þ k 1 UT F
X e ð1Þ
Experimental Evaluation of a Rotor Model … 99

4 Experimental Procedure

Full details of the rig are given in Ref. [5] so only a brief summary is given here.
The rig in Fig. 1 consists of a three disc rotor driven via a flexible coupling by a
variable speed AC motor. The motor end of the rotor is supported by ball bearings;
the other end by a plain journal bearing. Both bearings are mounted in aluminium
pedestals which are bolted to an aluminium block which in turn is flexibly con-
nected via steel bars to a heavy steel table. Steel weights bolted to the aluminium
block allowed for some tuning of foundation natural frequencies. Motion mea-
surements used appropriately positioned displacement transducers and accelerom-
eters. Figure 2 shows the accelerometer locations and measurement directions.
Displacement transducers were mounted at the bearings and facing a notch at the
rotor end. Rotor speed, journal bearing oil temperatures and orbit size were mon-
itored. Signals were processed using in house data processing software.
The natural frequencies of the foundation were determined by hammer tests. Six
natural frequencies were found in the frequency range from 0 to 512 Hz with
resolution of 0.125 Hz as shown in Table 1. None of the accelerometers was able to
find all six. There was no longitudinal vibration frequency below 512 Hz. These
natural frequencies formed the yardstick frequencies of the yet to be identified

Fig. 1 Rotor bearing

foundation rig [5]

Fig. 2 Accelerometer
locations and directions [5]

Table 1 Hammer test and FEM natural frequencies (Hz)

Mode 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Hammer test 25.500 31.500 40.625 66.625 229.00 481.00
ANSYS FEM 26.102 29.103 49.602 68.137 242.30 462.69
100 M. Yu et al.

foundation. Also, a finite element model (FEM) of the foundation was used to
estimate the first six undamped natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes
of the foundation. Table 1 compares the hammer test and FEM natural frequencies.
As expected, agreement is only approximate owing to the limited number of ele-
ments which could be accommodated in the FEM; but the results are close enough
to provide a qualitative yardstick for the mode shapes. These mode shapes clearly
showed that the aluminium block exhibited minimal rotation about the Z axis till the
fifth mode and minimal flexure till the sixth mode [5].
The proposed identification procedure presumes a sufficiently accurate dynamic
model of the rotor. A discretized rotor model which assumed zero rotor damping
was initially accepted as adequate [5] since it had previously proved satisfactory
[4]. However, in Ref. [4] all natural frequencies of the rotor were outside the
operating speed range, whereas here the first natural frequency of the simply
supported rotor (64.73 Hz) is within the operating speed range, necessitating the
inclusion of damping in the rotor model to avoid inaccurate excitation force
‘measurements’ at speeds close to this frequency. With the rotor simply supported
in its bearings, its damping ratio was estimated from hammer test signals in the
frequency domain, resulting in a value of 0.020267 for the logarithmic decrement of
internal shaft damping [6]. This value specified the damping in the updated rotor

5 Input Data

As the residual unbalance was unknown, measurements were taken at ‘identical’

speeds for two rotor rundowns over a speed range from 73 to 20 Hz with known
unbalances of 15.189 g mm and 26.81 g mm added to rotor disks 1 and 3
respectively for the second rundown [5]. There were 67 ‘identical’ speeds where
speed differences in the two rundowns were less than 0.2 %. Figure 3 shows the
magnitudes of the displacement differences obtained from the accelerometers while

Fig. 3 Magnitude of
displacement differences [5]
Experimental Evaluation of a Rotor Model … 101

Fig. 4 Magnitude of
excitation force differences

Fig. 4 shows the magnitudes of the transmitted force differences for both the
undamped rotor model (used to obtain the preliminary results in Ref. [5]) and the
now updated rotor model. Hereafter, for the sake of brevity, displacement differ-
ences and force differences will simply be referred to as displacements and forces.
In Fig. 4 one can see the significant effect (at speeds near the rotor natural
frequency) of updating the rotor model on the transmitted forces, and hence on the
force input ‘measurements’. In Fig. 3, it can be seen the longitudinal displacement
of the foundation (curve LX) is very small. The FEM analysis indicated that the
longitudinal natural frequency was well above 512 Hz. Hence, accelerometer 1
signals could be ignored. Also, since x6 (430.75 Hz) was well above the upper
bound of the operating speed range (73 Hz), x6 could also be ignored leaving the
equivalent foundation to have at most 5 DOF. Also, there is minimal difference in
the transverse horizontal displacements at the bearing connection points (curve LZ)
and (curve RZ) so that one has, in effect, a 4 DOF foundation. As indicated in
Fig. 3, peaks in the transmitted forces still occur around the rotor natural frequency
and can be as high as 50 N. To allow for error in the calculated hysteretic damping
in the rotor, acceptable data was restricted to speeds at which the transmitted forces
were less than 10 N. Also, the selected speeds had speed spacings in excess of
2 rad/s to reduce error bias, leaving data for 42 speeds.

6 Results and Discussion

The identification procedure outlined in Ref. [2] was then applied to identify a 4
DOF equivalent foundation. The identified parameters and actual natural frequen-
cies are given in Table 2. Figure 5 compares the predicted unbalance responses
with the measured responses using Eq. (1). The agreement between actual and
predicted responses is quite reasonable though there are large discrepancies
between the responses around the fourth natural frequency (60–65 Hz), suggesting
incorrectly identified damping coupled with error in the identified natural fre-
quency. Even so, the agreement between the responses is far better than that
102 M. Yu et al.

Table 2 Identified modal parameters (frequencies in Hz; masses in kg)

Mode Actual ωk Φ1 Φ2 Φ3 Φ4 ξk mk
1 25.5 29.55 −4.89 −3.10 −2.85 −2.28 −9.24E-02 117.19
2 31.5 36.04 −0.62 −0.74 −1.78 2.46 −4.73E-02 70.65
3 40.625 37.38 0.16 1.68 2.68 −4.20 1.03E-02 −382.32
4 66.625 64.71 5.50 3.99 5.85 −0.53 −1.80E-02 −2311.99

Fig. 5 Measured (EXP) and identified (ID) unbalance responses of the foundation

obtained in Ref. [5] where neither rotor damping nor foundation damping were
properly accounted for.
The results in Table 2 and Fig. 5 suggest that the identification procedure needs
further improvement and/or that there is too much error in the measurement data to
enable better identification. The identified natural frequencies should agree better
with the yardstick values since foundation damping is small. Negative damping
ratios and modal masses indicate excessive round off error, exacerbated by errors in
measurement data. To better understand these results, all modal parameters were
reidentified using a different iterative procedure. Again, some of the identified
damping ratios and modal masses were negative. The difficulty of identifying the
damping ratio is highlighted in this alternative iterative procedure, where the other
modal parameters are identified independently of the damping ratio. Its evaluation
then involves subtracting two relatively large numbers both of which required
extensive computation. Hence further work on perfecting the identification proce-
dure is needed before it can be confidently applied in practice.
Experimental Evaluation of a Rotor Model … 103

7 Conclusions

1. For a laboratory RBFS, a 4 DOF equivalent foundation has been identified

which predicts reasonably well the measured unbalance response over the
operating speed range.
2. An accurate dynamic model of the rotor, which included rotor damping, was
essential to minimise inaccurate force excitation ‘measurements’ at speeds near
the rotor natural frequency.
3. Further work is required to better evaluate the foundation modal damping
parameter, which is very susceptible to computational round off errors.


1. Lees, A., Sinha, J., Friswell, M.: Model-based identification of rotating machines. Mech. Syst.
Signal Process. 23(6), 1884–1893 (2009)
2. Yu, M., Feng, N., Hahn, E.: An equation decoupling approach to identify the equivalent
foundation in rotating machinery using modal parameters. J. Sound Vib. 365, 182–198 (2016)
3. Yu, M., Feng, N., Hahn, E.: Experimental evaluation of a modal parameter based system
identification procedure. Mech. Syst. Signal Process. 68–69, 302–315 (2016)
4. Feng, N., Hahn, E.: Identification of pedestal parameters in rotor-bearing-pedestal systems using
known unbalance, In: Proceedings of ASME DETC’01, 9 p (2001)
5. Yu, M., Feng, N., Hahn, E.: Experimental evaluation of a modal parameter based foundation
identification procedure. In: Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor
Dynamics Mechanisms and Machine Science, 10 p (2014)
6. Lund, J.: Stability and damped critical speeds of a flexible rotor in fluid-film bearings. J. Eng.
Ind. 96(2), 509–517 (1974)
Researching of the Method of Separation
of Fine-Grain Particles by Centrifugation
in a Liquid Medium

A.B. Kydyrbekuly, L.A. Khajieva and G.E. Ybraev

Abstract In this paper developed the analytical methods of research that used in
industrial separation method for the technical rotor installation used for treating a
suspension. In this work, the rotor is installed symmetrically to the bearings, on a
flexible shaft, and rotates with the angular velocity. The rotor is a round disk on
which the cups (tubes) with the suspension are hung symmetrically at a certain
distance from the spinning axis. Tubes are rotatable around its horizontal axis. The
rotor position is determined relative to a fixed coordinate system. The position of
the sample suspension particle is determined relative to the moving coordinate
system, coupled with a rotating cup (tube). Angular spin rate of rotor is high enough
to ignore the suspension gravitation force, which is much smaller than the cen-
trifugal force. In addition, the shape of the particle is spherical; particle mean free
path is much larger than its size; suspension turbulence is absent (laminar mode);
the interaction forces between the particles and the walls of the cup (tube) are
absent; cup (tube) is quite narrow (diameter ≪ length); after settling of on the walls
of the cup the particles stop their motion; the friction force between the cups and
their axis of rotation are ignored; the friction force between the solid particle and the
wall of the cup is also ignored. In contrast to other researcher’s papers, in which the
particles are moving only in the cup axis, this paper explores the spatial motion of a
suspension particle. Suspended containers are symmetrically arranged relative to
each other; however, the mass of suspension in them may be different. The number
of fine particles in them may not be equal, and the time of particle precipitation
differs. All of these factors are the cause of imbalance in the rotor system. For
practical use of mathematical model are offered the individual cases and their
solutions, which are often encountered in practice. For individual cases, determined
the conditions of stability of rotor system using the method of complex amplitudes.

Keywords Suspension  Particles  Rotor system  Suspension separation 

Imbalance in the rotor system

A.B. Kydyrbekuly  L.A. Khajieva  G.E. Ybraev (&)

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 105

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_14
106 A.B. Kydyrbekuly et al.

1 Introduction

Centrifugation method is widely used in many fields of technology and industry.

Separation method is particularly widely used in the fields of medicine, biology,
chemical and agricultural industries. For example, to study the material composition
of ores and soil samples are often used for the separation. Centrifugation is com-
monly called emulsions separation emulsions [1–3]. This process is carried out in a
continuous wall with rotors and can be compared with the process of sedimentation
in the gravity field of emulsions. Examples of this process are the separation of the
cream from the milk, the water from lubricating oils, separation of massecuite, etc.
[4, 5]. Many mathematical models in describing the motion of solids emulsions
were limited to the study of planar motion [6–8], which does not give a complete
picture of the process. Also, experimental studies [9, 10] show the importance of
taking into account fluctuations and their effect on the mechanical system as a
whole. In this regard, it was built a number of different analytical and numerical
models [11, 12] to describe these processes.

2 Statement of the Problem and the Equations of Motion

The rotor is mounted symmetrically about the supports on the flexible shaft,
rotating with the angular velocity x. The rotor is a circular disc on which at certain
distances from the axis of rotation symmetrically suspended containers with
Containers are can rotate around its horizontal axis (Fig. 1). The angle of
rotation is determined by the container from a vertical angle a; X ¼ a—the angular
speed of rotation of the containers, Lcm —distance from the rotor axis to the axis of

Fig. 1 Scheme the rotor system and disc with containers
Researching of the Method of Separation of Fine-Grain Particles … 107

rotation of containers, LM —distance to the particles of the suspension M with a

mass Dm, r—containers radius, g—acceleration of gravity, L—containers length.
The rotor position is determined relative to a fixed coordinate system O1 x1 y1 z1
(Fig. 1). The position of the studied particles M is determined by the relative
moving coordinate system Oxyz. Oy axis is directed along the axis of symmetry of
the container bottom, an Oz axis directed along the rotational axis of the container.
In the calculation the following assumptions were used:
(1) the angular speed of the rotor is large enough so that we can ignore the force of
gravity suspension (g  x2 );
(2) spherical shape of particles assumed;
(3) particle mean free path is much larger its size;
(4) no turbulence suspension (laminar flow);
(5) the interaction forces between the particles and the walls of the container (test
tube) absent;
(6) container (test tube) is rather narrow radius is much smaller than its length
(r0  L);
(7) after deposition of the particles on the wall of the container stop moving;
(8) the friction force between the containers and their axes of rotation, as well as a
change in gravity from the suspensions disregarded containers;
(9) the force of friction between the solid particles and the container wall
Unlike other studies [1, 8, 13], where the movement of the particles only axis of the
container, in this paper we investigate the three-dimensional motion of a particle M.
After determining the acceleration vector of the portable moving coordinate
Wex ¼ x sin a  ½xðx sin a  y cos aÞ  Xz  ðLcm cos a þ xÞðx2 þ X2 Þ >
_ cm cos a þ xÞ  zx_ sin a;
þ XðL >
Wey ¼ x cos a  ½xðx sin a  y cos aÞ  Xz  ðLcm sin a þ yÞðx2 þ X2 Þ
_ cm cos a þ xÞ  zx_ sin a;
þ XðL >
Wez ¼ X  ½xðx sin a  y cos aÞ  Xz  zðx2 þ X2 Þ þ x_  ðLcm þ y sin a þ x cos aÞ:

represent the equation of motion of the particle M in the suspension, taking into
account transportation and Coriolis forces of inertia and the assumptions made in
the form of:
108 A.B. Kydyrbekuly et al.

Dm€x ¼ Dmg sin a  6pgr0 x_ þ DmfðLcm cos a þ xÞðx2 þ X2 Þ  x sin a½xðx sin a >
_ cm sin a þ yÞ þ 2Dmðx  z_ cos a  y_ XÞ; >
 y cos aÞ  Xz  XðL >
Dm€y ¼ Dmg sin a  6pgr y_ þ DmfðL sin a þ yÞðx þ X Þ þ x cos a½xðx sin a =
0 cm
2 2
_ cm cos a þ xÞ þ 2Dmðx  z_ sin a þ x_ XÞ;
 y cos aÞ  Xz  XðL >
Dm€z ¼ 6pgr0 z_ þ Dmfzðx2 þ X2 Þ þ X½xðx sin a >
_ cm þ y sin a þ x cos aÞ  2Dmxð_y sin a þ x_ cos aÞ:
 y cos aÞ  Xz  xðL

where r0 —suspensions particle radius with a mass Dm; g—dynamic viscosity of the
fluid (suspension); 6pgr0 —friction coefficient of the particle M (coefficient of force
environmental resistance) during its movement.
The system (2) is especially nonlinear, since x ¼ xðtÞ; a ¼ aðtÞ; X ¼ XðtÞ.
Moreover the angle of rotation of the container aðtÞ included in the arguments of
trigonometric functions. In view of the above system (2) of the exact solution does
Let us consider the special cases.
1. The rotor is rotated at a constant angular speed,x ¼ const, that is
a 6¼ 0 ¼ const, a_ ¼ X ¼ 0. At first we define the dependence of the angle a of the
angular speed of the rotor x. For this purpose, we draw up the balance of forces
acting on the container (pиc.3). Projecting force in the direction of ss we get
(Fig. 2)

g sin a ¼ x2 ðLcm þ l sin aÞ cos a: ð3Þ

where l—distance from the axis of rotation to center of gravity of the container with
a suspension of. From here it follows that
g  tga
x¼ : ð4Þ
Lcm þ l sin a

Fig. 2 Determination of
Researching of the Method of Separation of Fine-Grain Particles … 109

If x ! 1; a ! p2 or a ! p2 ; x ! 1. i.e. if a ! p2 x ! 1, which follows

from the physical meaning of the problem. From (3) we find the dependence of the
angular speed X of the container in x; a, and other system parameters.

2xeðLcm þ l sin aÞ
X¼ : ð5Þ
g cos a  x2 ðl cos 2a  Lcm sin aÞ

where e ¼ x._ Case of indefinite increase of angular velocity x ! 1 the angular

speed of the container goes to zero X ! 0. As is shown above, if x ! 1; a ! p2;
these conclusions are valid, when the angular speed of the rotor increases
The maximum value of the angular velocity of the container we find the angular
speed of the rotor. We then obtain
g cos a
x2 ¼ :
l cos 2a  Lcm sin a
It follows, that when a ! 4l1 ð L2cm þ 8l2  Lcm Þ, the angular velocity increase
without limit.
Hence, each value of x corresponds to the specific value of a. Then from (2) as
x ¼ const; a ¼ const; X ¼ 0; e ¼ 0 we will have
€x þ 2n_x ¼ x2 cos2 a  x  g sin a þ ðLcm þ y sin aÞx2 cos2 a þ 2x cos a_z; =
€y þ 2n_y ¼ x2 sin2 a  y þ g cos a þ ðLcm þ x cos aÞx2 sin2 a þ 2x sin a_z; ð6Þ
€z þ 2n_z ¼ x2 z  2xð_y sin a þ x_ cos aÞ:

where n ¼ 3pgr0 —friction coefficient. From (6), equating coefficients of the same
functions of time expða0 tÞ and the constant terms, is possible get the system of
algebraic equations for the unknown B1 ; B2 ; B0 ; P1 ; P2 ; P3 , which solution has the

sin a
B0 ¼ sin a  C1  Lcm cos a; B1 ¼  C0 ; B2 ¼  sin a  k0 ; P1 ¼ P2 ¼ P3 ¼ 0:

Considering (7) can be written law of motion of the particle suspensions

sin a >
x ¼ A1 ea1 t þ A2 eb1 t  C0 ea0 t  sin a  k0 t þ sin a  C1  Lcm cos a; =
cos a >
y ¼ A1 tga  ea1 t þ A2 tga  eb1 t þ C0 ea0 t þ cos a  k0 t  cos a  C1  Lcm sin a; >

z ¼ E1 ea1 t þ E2 eb1 t : ð9Þ
110 A.B. Kydyrbekuly et al.

Using the initial conditions of the problem, we find the integration constants
A1 ; A2 ; C0 ; C1 ; E1 ; E2 . For determining A1 ; A2 ; C0 ; C1 we have four algebraic
A1 þ A2  sina0a C0 þ sin a  C1 ¼ x0 þ Lcm cos a; >
a1 A1  b1 A2 þ sin a  C0 ¼ x_  sin a  k0 ; =
ðA1 þ A2 Þtga þ  cos a  C1 ¼ y0 þ Lcm sin a; >
cos a
a0 C 0 >
ða1 A1  b1 A2 Þtga  cos a  C0 ¼ y_  cos a  k0 :

E1 þ E2 ¼ z0 ; a1 E1  b1 E2 ¼ z_ 0 :g ð11Þ

The system of algebraic equations (10) and (11) are solved without difficulty.
Let us write the final value:
b1 b1 þ b2 b1 a 1  b2
A1 ¼ p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; A2 ¼ p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; C0 ¼ k0 þ x_ 0 sin a  y_ 0 cos a; >
2 n2 þ x 2 2 n2 þ x 2
k0 þ x_ 0 sin a  y_ 0 cos a >
C1 ¼ þ x0 sin a  y0 cos a; ;


b1 ¼ x0 cos2 a þ y0 cos a sin a þ Lcm cos a; b2 ¼ x_ 0 cos2 a þ y_ 0 cos a sin a; ð13Þ

z0 b1 þ z_ 0 z0 a1  z_ 0
E1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; E2 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : ð14Þ
2 n2 þ x 2 2 n2 þ x2

From (22) we find the velocity of the particle suspensions in the direction of the
Oy axis:

yjt¼T ¼ a1 A1 tga  ea1 T  b1 A2 tga  eb1 T  a0 cos a  C0 ea0 T þ cos a  k0 ¼ 0:

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
If we consider that b1  a0 ¼ n þ n2 þ x2  2n ¼ n þ n2 þ x2 ¼ a1 ,
a1 þ b1 ¼ 2 n2 þ x2 , and x  n, then ignoring n in exponential functions in
comparison with the ( n2 þ x2 ), we get
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
n2 þ x2 T n2 þ x2 T
a1 A1 tga  e2 þ ðcos a  k0  a0 cos a  C0 Þe  b1 A2 tga ¼ 0: ð15Þ
n2 þ x2 T
If we denote e ¼ n, we obtain from (15) is a quadratic equation in the

an2 þ bn þ c ¼ 0; ð16Þ

where a ¼ a1 A1 tga; b ¼ cos a  k0  a0 cos a  C0 ; c ¼ b1 A2 tga.
Researching of the Method of Separation of Fine-Grain Particles … 111

Here A1 ; A2 and C0 given by (12):

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
b þ b2  4ac b  b2  4ac ln n1
n1 ¼ ; n2 ¼ ; T1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ;
2a 2a n2 þ x 2 ð17Þ
ln n2
T2 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi :
n2 þ x 2

Thus, the determined time separation of suspensions, taking into account the
spatial movement of the solid particles of the suspension.
1. There should be considered a special case, which is more suitable for practical
applications and determine the approximate time of separation.
Movements of suspensions of the particle in the direction of the axis Oy.
Movement of particles of the suspension in the directions Ox and Oz disregarded.
The angular speed of the rotor is large enough so that a ! p2 ; X ! 0. Then the
differential equation of motion of a particle is given by

_ cm cos a:
€y þ v_y  ðx2 sin2 a þ X2 Þy ¼ g cos a þ ðx2 þ X2 ÞLcm sin a  XL ð18Þ

As In the general case x ¼ xðtÞ; a ¼ aðtÞ; X ¼ XðtÞ, Eq. (18) is a differential

equation with variable coefficients and finding its exact solution is very difficult.
Therefore, to find an approximate solution of Eq. (18) we consider the established
mode of the system when x ¼ const and a ¼ const, X ¼ 0. Under these conditions,
Eq. (18) takes the form

€y þ x_y  x2 sin2 a  y ¼ g cos a þ Lcm x2 sin a: ð19Þ

Linear non-homogeneous differential equation (19) has a solution

y ¼ C1 eb0 t þ C2 eb1 t  A0 ; ð20Þ

where C1 ; C2 —integration constants, which are determined from the initial condi-
tions of the problem and will be equal to:
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 9
x x2 x x2 g cos a þ Lcm x2 sin a >
b0 ¼  þ þ x sin a; b1 ¼ þ
2 2
þ x sin a; A0 ¼
2 2
2 4 2 4 x2 sin2 a
b1 ðy0 þ A0 Þ þ y_ 0 b0 ðy0 þ A0 Þ  y_ 0 >
C1 ¼ ; C2 ¼ ; x 6¼ 0; a 6¼ 0: ;
b 0 þ b1 b0 þ b1

Then final expression the law of motion of the particle takes the form

y¼ f½b1 ðy0 þ A0 Þ þ y_ 0 eb0 t þ ½b0 ðy0 þ A0 Þ  y_ 0 eb1 t g  A0 : ð22Þ
b0 þ b1
112 A.B. Kydyrbekuly et al.

From formula (22) define the precipitation suspension. Thus, from formula (22)
we have

ðL þ A0 Þðb0 þ b1 Þ b0 ðy0 þ A0 Þ  y_ 0 b1 T

¼ eb 0 T þ e : ð23Þ
b1 ðy0 þ A0 Þ þ y_ 0 b1 ðy0 þ A0 Þ þ y_ 0

Given that the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (23) by several orders
of magnitude smaller than the first term (b1 [ b0 ; eb11 T ! 0 in x ! 1), that taking
into account this consideration, (23) we obtain an approximate value of deposition
time of suspension:
1 ðL þ A0 Þðb0 þ b1 Þ
T ¼ ln : ð24Þ
b0 b1 ðy0 þ A0 Þ þ y_ 0

Thus, the dependence of the angle of rotation of the cup on the angular speed of
the rotor, defined law of motion a of the particle suspensions and the deposition of it
on the bottom of the cup (while the rotor stops), i.e. the time of separation
More precise separation of suspensions time can be achieved if coefficients
neglected compared with the expression x4 þ x2 sin2 a. Then the coefficients b0

and b1 are equal to those b0 ¼ b1 ¼ x4 þ x2 sin2 a ¼ b. In this case, formula (23)

takes the form n2 þ pn þ q ¼ 0, where

2ðL þ A0 Þb bðy0 þ A0 Þ  y_ 0 p p2
p¼ ; q¼ ; n1;2 ¼  þ q;
bðy0 þ A0 Þ þ y_ 0 bðy0 þ A0 Þ þ y_ 0 2 4
ln n
T¼ :

Consider the case when the rotor shaft is adopted a rigid, but support—elastic,
with a corresponding coefficient of elasticity.
Rotor vibrations occur due to an imbalance of suspended containers (cups, test
tubes, etc.). While containers are positioned symmetrically with respect to each
other, however, the mass of suspensions in them may be different. The number of
particles in finely ground them can not be equal, and the time also differs particle
precipitation, etc. All of these factors may be the cause of imbalance in the rotor
system, which causes oscillation of the rotor.
Figure 3 shows the model is equivalent to the rotor system with containers,
taking into account rainfall the particle suspension. The mass, which creates an
imbalance denote m0 , rotor mass in m. The position of the rotor center of gravity
(the shaft) is determined relative to Oxy. It is assumed that the rotor makes a
plane-parallel movement. The position of the shaft in the Oxy coordinate system
defined by the x and y.
Researching of the Method of Separation of Fine-Grain Particles … 113

Fig. 3 The equivalent model

Let us introduce the dissipative function in the form

v v v
U ¼ ð_x2 þ y_ 2 Þ þ 0 a_ 2 þ 1 _l2 : ð25Þ
2 2 2

Differential equations of motion systems are nonlinear, finding the exact solution
that is very problematic.
In particular, the equations of motion are complicated when the rotation angle of
the cup is a function of time a ¼ aðtÞ, as in the case of a include trigonometric
Consider the special case when the angle of rotation of the container fixed
a ¼ const.
(1) Case x ¼ xðtÞ; y ¼ yðtÞ; l ¼ lðtÞ; a ¼ const; X ¼ 0; 0\a\ p2. In this
case, taking into account (25) we obtain the equations of motion of the system
ðm þ m0 Þ€x þ v_x þ cx þ m0 sin a cos xt€l  2m0 x sin xt sin a_l >
m x2 cos xt sin al ¼ m x2 a cos xt;
0 0
ðm þ m0 Þ€y þ v_y þ cy þ m0 sin a sin xt€l þ 2m0 x cos xt sin al_ > >
m0 x2 sin xt sin al ¼ m0 x2 a sin xt:
sin2 a€l þ 2n1 _l  x2 sin2 al þ ð€x cos xt þ €y sin xtÞ sin a ¼ x2 a sin a þ gð1  cos aÞ:

The system (26) is the equation of motion of a system with periodically varying
coefficients. When there is a periodically varying parameters growing vibrations of
the system, i.e., A so-called parametric oscillation. Eccentricity in this case the
system periodically varies, i.e. changing the force of inertia.
The system of Eq. (26) in the literature has been well studied, although the
actual results were obtained only for some special cases. Of particular interest is the
study of the conditions of stability of the system. For the equation with periodically
114 A.B. Kydyrbekuly et al.

varying coefficients of rigidity has a diagram Ainis-Strett, which can be found using
the conditions of stability of the system.
You can lead one of the solution methods based on the method of complex
amplitudes. The problem is solved in the complex plane, in this case, Eq. (26) will
have the form:
€z þ 2n_z þ k 2 z ¼  1sinþ al €l þ 2ix_l  x2 l eixt þ x2 a ixt
1þl e ; =
€l þ 2n0 _l  x2 l ¼  1 €zeixt þ x2 a ;
sin a sin a þ 1 þ cos a :

v c m v1 v
2n ¼ ; k2 ¼ ; l¼ ; 2n0 ¼ ; 2n1 ¼ 1 ; z ¼ x þ iy:
m þ m0 m þ m0 m0 2
m0 sin a m0

From the system (27) excluding the ð€l  x2 lÞ, obtain the
_l ¼ ðn0 þ ixÞ l€z þ 2ð1 þ lÞn_z þ k ð1 þ lÞz eixt þ a2 :
2ðn20 þ x2 Þ sin a

The vibrations of the rotor in the complex plane can be represented as

z ¼ Aeixt : ð30Þ

Substituting (30) into (29) we find

l ¼ a1 At þ a2 t þ C; ð31Þ

n0 þ ix gðn0 þ ixÞ
a1 ¼ ½lx2 þ 2ð1 þ lÞnix þ k 2 ð1 þ lÞ; a2 ¼ ;
2ðn2 þ x2 Þ sin a 2ðn20 þ x2 Þð1 þ cos aÞ

C—constant of integration.
Substituting (30) and (31) we obtain

a2 g sin a
A¼ ¼ ; ð33Þ
a1 ð1 þ cos aÞ½lx2 þ 2ð1 þ lÞnix þ k2 ð1 þ lÞ

gð1 þ lÞðx2  2nxi  k2 Þ a

C¼  : ð34Þ
x2 ½lx2 þ 2ð1 þ lÞnix þ k2 ð1 þ lÞð1 þ cos aÞ sin a

Substituting (32), (33) and (34) into (30) and (31) we obtain the motion law of
the rotor and the point M of mass т, which moves along the container axis.
Researching of the Method of Separation of Fine-Grain Particles … 115

The law of motion of the rotor in the direction of the axes Ox and Oy:

x ¼ A0 cos xt  A1 sin xt; y ¼ A1 cos xt þ A0 sin xt:g ð35Þ

g sin aðlx2 k2 ð1 þ lÞÞ >
A0 ¼ ð1 þ cos aÞf½lx ;
2 k 2 ð1 þ lÞ þ 4ð1 þ lÞ n2 x2 g >>
2 2

A1 ¼ ð1 þ cos aÞf½lx2g sin að1 þ lÞnx

; ð36Þ
2 k 2 ð1 þ lÞ2 þ 4ð1 þ lÞ2 n2 x2 g >
A ¼ A0 þ iA1 :

gð1 þ lÞfðx2  k 2 Þ½ð1 þ lÞk 2  lx2   2n2 x2 ð1 þ lÞ2  a

l¼C¼  : ð37Þ
x2 ð1 þ cos aÞf½k2 ð1 þ lÞ  lx2 2 þ 4ð1 þ lÞ2 n2 x2 g sin a

From (35) it is obvious that the rotor performs harmonic oscillations. The point
M a mass m0 has a certain position in accordance with (37), that is this point is at a
distance l ¼ C axis of containers rotation.

3 Conclusions

The important results were obtained within the framework of this study. The
problem in this formulation is solved analytically. The analytical dependence of the
angular speed of the container, the angle of rotation as a whole. Certain laws of
spatial motion of a particle suspension and the deposition of it on the bottom of the
container (the stop of the rotor)—the time separation of the suspension. When
account is taken of the rotor vibration at fixed angles of rotation of the container
was conducted stability analysis method of complex amplitudes, which suggests a
harmonic vibration of the rotor.


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6. Please, C.P., Fowkes, N.D., Mason, D.P., Khalique, C.M., Hutchinson, A., Rademeyer, M.C.,
Loubser R., Davis, S.: Extraction of molasses from sugar crystals in a centrifuge. Math.
Modell. Anal. 19(3), 347–358 (2014)
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7. Paтoбыльcкий, B.Ф., Кapaмзин, B.A. и дp.: O мaтeмaтичecкoм мoдeлиpoвaнии

движeния жидкocтнoгo ceпapaтopa,Tpyды BHИЭКИПpoдмaш, Mocквa, 1983, № 59,
c. 87–91
8. Epкoвa, Л.H., Cмиpнoв, H.И.: Cвoбoднoe ocaждeниe твёpдыx cфepичecкиx чacтиц в
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The Steady State Response of Multi-disc
Rotors Damped by Magnetorheological
Squeeze Film Dampers

J. Zapoměl and P. Ferfecki

Abstract A frequently used technological solution for suppressing lateral vibra-

tions of rotors produced by unbalance of rotating parts consists in adding damping
devices to the rotor supports. Their damping effect must be controllable to achieve
their optimum performance. This is enabled by magnetorheological squeeze film
dampers. In the developed mathematical model the number of the rotor system state
parameters is reduced. The steady state solution of the equation of motion is cal-
culated by the trigonometric collocation method. Modelling the magnetorheological
oil by bilinear material, determination of the hydraulic damping forces by means of
the Reynolds equation adapted to bilinear material, reduction of the rotor system
utilizing the influence coefficients determined by the finite element method, and
learning more on suppressing the lateral vibration of flexible rotors by magne-
torheological squeeze film dampers are the principle contributions of this article.
Reduction of the amplitude of the rotor vibration as a result of controlling the
damping force in the supports according to the angular speed was confirmed by
computer simulations.

Keywords Multi-disc rotors  Magnetorheological squeeze film dampers 

Bilinear material  Model reduction  Controllable vibration suppression

1 Introduction

Magnetorheological squeeze film dampers enable to suppress lateral vibrations of

rotors caused by imbalance of rotating parts in a wide range of running speeds [1].
Many journal articles and conference papers deal with their design, function,

J. Zapoměl (&)
Institute of Thermomechanics, Prague, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
J. Zapoměl  P. Ferfecki
VŠB—Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 117

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_15
118 J. Zapoměl and P. Ferfecki

modelling, experimental investigations, and efficiency [2–4]. Zapoměl et al. [5, 6]

reported mathematical models of a short and long squeeze film magnetorheological
damper based on modelling the magnetorheological oil by Bingham material.
Extension of this work is represented by the development of a new and enhanced
model of squeeze film magnetorheological damping devices based on application of
bilinear material to represent the magnetorheological oil [7].
This paper deals with application of magnetorheological squeeze film dampers
for controllable attenuation of vibration of flexible multi-disc rotors. Modelling the
magnetorheological oil by bilinear material; reducing the size of the model rotor
system by means of combination of the influence coefficients and the finite element
method; and learning more on the effect of magnetorheological squeeze film
dampers on suppressing lateral vibrations of complex flexible rotors are the prin-
ciple contributions of this article.

2 The Magnetorheological Damping Forces

The main parts of magnetorheological squeeze film dampers are two concentric
rings between which there is a thin layer of magnetorheological oil. The inner ring
is coupled with the shaft by a rolling element bearing and with the damper housing
by a squirrel spring. Lateral vibration of the rotor squeezes the oil film, which
produces the damping effect. The electric coils, built in the damper housing, gen-
erate magnetic flux passing through the lubricating layer. As resistance against the
flow of magnetorheological oils depends on magnetic induction, the damping force
can be controlled by changing magnitude of the electric current.
Magnetorheological oils belong to the category of fluids with a yielding shear
stress. In the developed mathematical model the oil is implemented by bilinear
material. The pressure distribution in the full oil film determined on assumptions of
the classical theory of lubrication (except for the lubricant) and short dampers is
governed by relations (1)–(3) [7]
@ 1 3 0 _
h p ¼ 12h; ð1Þ
@Z gC
@ 1 3 0 s3C sy s2C 8 s3C
h p þ 3h sy þ 8 02  12 02 
¼ 12h_ _
for h\0; ð2Þ
@Z g p p gC p02

sC h2
ZC ¼  : ð3Þ
6gC h_

p is the pressure, p′ stands for the pressure gradient in the axial direction, Z is the
axial coordinate defining position in the oil film, τy is the yielding shear stress, τC is
the shear stress at the core border, ηC, η are the dynamic viscosities of the oil in and
outside the core area, respectively, h is the oil film thickness, and () denotes the
The Steady State Response of Multi-disc Rotors … 119

first derivative with respect to time. The Reynolds equations (1) and (2) hold for the
extents of the axial coordinates 0 ≤ Z ≤ ZC and ZC < Z ≤ L/2. L denotes the
damper length and ZC is the axial coordinate where the core touches the rings. More
information on solving the modified Reynolds equations can be found in [7].
Based on measurements the dependence of the yielding shear stress on magnetic
induction B can be approximated by a power function

sy ¼ ky Bny ; ð4Þ

where ky, ny are the proportional and exponential material constants. At the simplest
distinguishing level the relation between the magnetic induction, electric current
I and the thickness of the oil film can be expressed

B ¼ kB l0 lr : ð5Þ

μ0, μr are the vacuum and relative permeabilities of the magnetorheological oil,
respectively, and kB is the design parameter.
In areas where the thickness of the oil film rises with time, a cavitation is
assumed. In cavitated regions the Reynolds equation does not hold. The pressure is
estimated to be constant there and equal to the pressure in the ambient space.
The components of the hydraulic damping forces in the y and z directions (Fmry,
Fmrz, respectively) are calculated by integration of the pressure distribution pd
around the circumference and along the length of the damper

Z 2 Z2p Z 2 Z2p

Fmry ¼ 2R pd cos u du dZ; Fmrz ¼ 2R pd sinu du dZ: ð6Þ

0 0 0 0

R is the middle damper gap radius and φ is the circumferential coordinate.

3 Reduction of the Rotor System

In the mathematical model it is assumed that the shaft is flexible and massless, the
discs are absolutely rigid, the support damping elements are massless, and the
damping (except that in the dampers) has a viscous character.
To reduce the size of the model system, the rotor is represented by a set of nodes
coupled by the elements to which elastic and damping properties are assigned. The
nodes correspond to the places where the discs and damping elements are mounted
on the shaft. Moreover, it is assumed that the rotor is loaded only by the point forces
and moments acting in the nodes referred to the discs and rotor journals. The
deformation of the shaft in the nodes is described by displacements and rotations in
two mutually perpendicular directions.
120 J. Zapoměl and P. Ferfecki

Lateral vibration of the reduced rotor is governed by the motion equation

x þ ðBP  xGÞx_ ¼ f M þ f H þ f A :
M€ ð7Þ

M, BP, G are the mass, external damping and gyroscopic matrices of the reduced
system, fH, fA, fM are the vectors of hydraulic damping, applied and inner forces,
respectively, x is the vector of generalized displacements (lateral displacements and
rotations) of the reduced system, ω is the angular speed of the rotor rotation, and ()
denotes the second derivative with respect to time.
The vector of inner forces (fRM) reads in the rotating frame of reference

f RM ¼ BRM x_ R  KR xR : ð8Þ

KR, BRM are the stiffness and material damping matrices and xR is the vector of
generalized displacements, all related to the rotating frame of reference. Elements of
the stiffness matrix KR can be determined by application of the procedure described
in [8].

kij ¼ for i; j ¼ 1; 2; . . .; n ð9Þ

is the element of the reduced stiffness matrix related to the ith row and jth column,
xj is the jth generalized displacement, Qi is the generalized force corresponding to
the ith generalized displacement, and n is the number of degrees of freedom of the
reduced system. The generalized displacement xj is determined by solving the
original (not reduced) system loaded by the force or moment corresponding to the
generalized force Qi referred to the reduced system and for the boundary conditions
expressing that the generalized displacements in the original system corresponding
to xj of the reduced system for j = 1, 2, …, n are zero except for j = i. To determine
the generalized displacements xj the finite element method can be used. The inner
damping matrix is set up in the analogue way.
The resulting equation of motion of the reduced rotor system is obtained by the
transformation of (8) from rotating to the fixed coordinate system and by its sub-
stitution in (7). The transformation utilizes the relationship

v ¼ CRF vR ; ð10Þ

where v and vR are the vectors related to the fixed and rotating frame of reference,
respectively, and CRF is a block diagonal matrix of the orthogonal transformation.
Performing these manipulations arrives in the equation of motion that reads

M€x þ ðBP þ BM  xGÞx_ þ ðK þ xKC Þx ¼ f H þ f A : ð11Þ

BM, KC, K are the material damping matrix, the circulation matrix, and the stiffness
matrix referred to the fixed frame of reference. Because the rotor is axial symmetric,
elements of these matrices are constant.
The Steady State Response of Multi-disc Rotors … 121

Fig. 1 The investigated rotor system

1.4 1.4
Vibration amplitude [ mm ]

Vibration amplitude [ mm ]
1.2 1.2

1 1
0.0 A 0.0 A
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 2.0 A 0.2 2.0 A

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Angular speed [ rad/s ] Angular speed [ rad/s ]

Fig. 2 Frequency response (discs D1—left, D2—right, vibration in the horizontal direction)

4 The Simulated Rotor System

The investigated rotor system (Fig. 1) consists of a shaft and of two discs. The shaft
is coupled with the frame by two magnetorheological squeeze film dampers
mounted on both its ends. The rotor turns at constant angular speed, is loaded by its
weight and excited by the discs unbalance. In the computational model the shaft is
considered as flexible, massless, and the discs as absolutely rigid. The damping
elements are implemented by springs and force couplings.
The task was to investigate influence of the damping force on critical speeds of
the rotor system.
The frequency responses referred to the discs D1 and D2 vibration in the hor-
izontal direction are drawn in Fig. 2. The results show that rising magnitude of the
current enables to reduce the oscillation amplitude.

5 Conclusions

The paper deals with a novel approach to investigation of multi-disc flexible rotors
the vibration attenuation of which is controlled by magnetorheological squeeze film
dampers placed in the rotor supports. The developed mathematical model is based
122 J. Zapoměl and P. Ferfecki

on reduction of the primary model system utilizing the influence coefficients

determined by the finite element method, on assumptions of the classical theory of
lubrication, and representing the magnetorheological oil by bilinear material. The
computational simulations showed that adapting the damping forces to the instant
operating conditions by means of changing magnitude of the damping forces in the
rotor supports enables to reduce the rotor oscillations. The principal advantages of
the presented approach consist in the possibility of performing reduction of rotors
having a complex geometric configuration and in modelling the magnetorheological
oil by bilinear material, which yields stable computational procedures.

Acknowledgments The research work reported here was made possible by the Czech Science
Foundation (project no. 15-06621S) and the National Programme of Sustainability (project
LQ1602—IT4Innovations excellence in science). The support is highly acknowledged.


1. Zapoměl, J., Ferfecki, P., Kozánek, J.: Determination of the transient vibrations of a rigid rotor
attenuated by a semiactive magnetorheological damping device by means of computational
modelling. Appl. Comput. Mech. 7(2), 223–234 (2013)
2. Gong, X., Ruan, X., Xuan, S., Yan, Q., Deng, H.: Magnetorheological damper working in
squeeze model. Adv. Mech. Eng. 6, 410158 (2014)
3. Kim, K.J., Lee, C.W., Koo, J.H.: Design and modeling of semi-active squeeze film dampers
using magneto-rheological fluids. Smart Mater. Struct. 17(3), 035006 (2008)
4. Aravindhan, T.S., Gupta, K.: Application of magnetorheological fluid dampers to rotor
vibration control. Adv. Vibr. Eng. 5(4), 369–380 (2006)
5. Zapoměl, J., Ferfecki, P., Forte, P.: A computational investigation of the transient response of
an unbalanced rigid rotor flexibly supported and damped by short magnetorheological squeeze
film dampers. Smart Mater. Struct. 21, 105011 (2012)
6. Zapoměl, J., Ferfecki, P.: Mathematical modelling of a long squeeze film magnetorheological
damper for rotor systems. Model. Optim. Phys. Syst. 9, 97–100 (2010)
7. Zapoměl, J., Ferfecki, P.: A 2D mathematical model of a short magnetorheological squeeze film
damper based on representing the lubricating oil by bilinear theoretical material. In: Proceedings
of the 2015 IFToMM World Congress (Taipei) (2015)
8. Gasch, R., Nordmann, R., Pfützner, H.: Rotordynamik. Springer, Berlin (2002)
Inertia Matrix and Vehicle Driveability

P. Brabec, M. Malý and R. Voženílek

Abstract This paper summarizes the evidence and results of the research focused
on determining the inertia matrix (ellipsoid of inertia) of a passenger car aggregate.
In the first part of the paper, the measurement results are introduced which are
subsequently used for simulation of the whole vehicle dynamic behaviour.

Keywords Measurement  Inertia matrix  Ellipsoid of inertia  Vehicle dynamics

1 Introduction

For determining moments of inertia, various methods are used. Generally, they are
based on a principle of dependence between the moment of inertia of a body and the
natural oscillation frequency. The basic methods for determining moments of inertia
are based on the principle of a physical pendulum, a torsion suspension or a bifilar
suspension, eventually a trifilar or a quadrifilar one. When measuring it is supposed
that the oscillation is undamped and the time of oscillation is measured [1, 2]. The
aim of this research was to suggest a measurement methodology and pursuant to
this methodology it would be possible to identify the main weight parameters of the
system combustion engine and gearbox (aggregate). When choosing the method for
determining the ellipsoid of inertia of the aggregate, the emphasis was placed
particularly on the accuracy of measurement. Well specified inertia matrix of the
aggregate is very important for further use in computer simulations, such as crash
tests. The aggregate (or eventually motor) weight and centre-of-gravity position
determination was performed on the basis of measuring the tensile force in

P. Brabec (&)  M. Malý  R. Voženílek

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Malý
e-mail: [email protected]
R. Voženílek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 123

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_16
124 P. Brabec et al.

individual fibres on the trifilar suspension. For determining the moments of inertia,
the indirect method of measuring the time of oscillation of the body hung on the
unifilar (torsion) suspension was used. For providing the moments of inertia of
bodies of more complex shapes, special preparations were used. These preparations
enabled to hung the body in various positions onto the torsion suspension.
Therefore, a subframe for gripping the aggregate was used. This aggregate was
gripped into the subframe in a defined way so that the axes of the chosen system of
coordinates of the aggregate were parallel with the axes of the system of coordinates
of the subframe. Because the moments of inertia of the subframe are not
insignificant, it was necessary to perform the measuring twice. The first one was
performed for the assembly of the subframe with the aggregate. In the second case
only the subframe itself was measured by reason of separate parameters evaluation
and determination of elements of inertia matrix of the aggregate and the subframe.
For determining the inertia matrix, at least six measurements are needed. In our
case, at least ten measurements towards an arbitrary axis passing through the
beginning were performed so that we would reach the highest accuracy and sub-
sequent calculation of the size and position of the ellipsoid of inertia. In general, for
n measurements we will get the matrix of n equations with six unknowns. In this
case, these unknowns can be determined from the set of measured data by using the
method of least squares [3]. These unknowns are 3 moments of inertia towards the
relevant axes: Jx, Jy and Jz and similarly 3 deviation moments: Dxy, Dxz a Dyz.
The methodology was verified when measuring several aggregates or motors, in
some cases for more variants of motor accessories layout (thirteen aggregates and
one motor designed for passenger vehicles, one motor designed for a commercial
vehicle). The measurement was always performed without any filling, which means
without (engine) oil and coolant.
In the graphs above, values of axial moments of inertia used for passenger
vehicles are illustrated. These were ordinary multi-cylinder combustion engines
(three- and four-cylinder ones, spark ignition and diesel ones, supercharged and
not-supercharged ones) with both manual and automatic gearboxes. The values are
presented in relation to a referential aggregate which was an ordinary light
three-cylinder spark ignition engine with the volume of 1.2 dm3 with a manual
five-gear gearbox. The system of coordinates to which the values are attributable is
expressed as follows: axis Y is identical with the axis of the crankshaft; axis Z is in
plane of axes of cylinders and vertical to axis Y; axis X is vertical to the plane YZ.
From the graphs in Fig. 1 is obvious that the values sizes of axial moments of
inertia of the aggregate are not linear dependent on the aggregate weight. The
resulting values of moments of inertia and the centre-of-gravity position of the
aggregate influence both the weight and also the position of additional devices and
motor accessories. Neither relatively low physical parts which (regarding relatively
big remoteness) can also influence the size of the overall moment of inertia of the
aggregate cannot be neglected. The influence of the accessories was examined with
careful attention; therefore, variant measuring of aggregates in different configu-
ration with different accessories was also performed.
Inertia Matrix and Vehicle Driveability 125

2,7 2,3

JX / JXr [-]

JY / JYr [-]
1,9 1,7

1,7 1,5

1,1 1,1

0,9 0,9
0,9 1,1 1,3 1,5 1,7 1,9 2,1 0,9 1,1 1,3 1,5 1,7 1,9 2,1
m / mr [-] m / mr [-]

JZ / JZr [-]




0,9 1,1 1,3 1,5 1,7 1,9 2,1
m / mr [-]

Fig. 1 Values of axial moments of inertia of passenger vehicles aggregate, introduced in relation
to the referential aggregate

2 Aggregate and Dynamic Behaviour of a Vehicle

Vehicle driveability—manoeuvrability, comfort, and especially driving stability

belong to the main criteria when designing a vehicle. When buying a vehicle, the
customer chooses both equipment and accessories, and significant role is also drive
unit parameters and the material whole which we have already identified as an
The aim of the performed analyses with a number of laboratory measurements
was to determine what influence this choice will have on the overall value of the
inertia matrix (ellipsoid of inertia) of the whole vehicle and thus on the dynamic
behaviour of the vehicle. For comparing behaviour of two variants of a small
passenger car, two aggregates were chosen: an ordinary light atmospheric
three-cylinder spark ignition engine with the volume of 1.2 dm3 with a manual
five-gear gearbox and an ordinary heavier supercharged four-cylinder diesel engine
with the volume of 2 dm3 with an automatic six-gear gearbox. Then, according to
the found values of vehicles inertia [4–6], a virtual vehicle of its weight parameters
are illustrated in Table 1 was chosen (Fig. 2).
126 P. Brabec et al.

Table 1 Values of the chosen virtual vehicle

Virtual vehicle—choice of Virtual vehicle Virtual vehicle
values for virtual with chosen petrol with chosen diesel
bodywork with a driver engine engine
(without aggregate)
m (kg) 1050 137 265
JX (kg m2) 388 404.6 422.6
JY (kg m2) 1000 1232.6 1408.4
JZ (kg m2) 1275 1503.3 1680.6
DXY (kg m2) 0 −20.9 −36.4
DXZ (kg m2) 100 140.5 171.8
DYZ (kg m2) −10 −12.8 −13.5

Fig. 2 Illustration of an
ellipsoid of inertia for a
virtual vehicle (red—a
vehicle with spark ignition
engine, blue—a vehicle with
diesel engine) (color figure on

3 Influence of Inertia Matrix of a Vehicle on Dynamic

Behaviour of a Vehicle

Mathematical description of the common vehicle movement represents a very

complicated task. For simulations, models which are appropriately simplified are
used. For the first approach, a simplified automobile model (often linear) is usually
used. A simple model can relatively quickly offer quite good results which are
important for a design and a construction of a control system. Then the next level of
the model extension can follow. This extended model includes the possibility to
assign more parameters of the vehicle. From the previous papers and simulations
results it is obvious that for instance a simplified linear simulation model is con-
siderably simpler for modelling. More simplifications were implemented; never-
theless, very good results were reached.
For a comparison, a linear simulation model of a vehicle [7, 8] was used. For
comparing the vehicle behaviour with two different aggregates, an avoidance
manoeuvre with the same value towards the side (around 2.2 m) was chosen. The
vehicle with the diesel engine had bigger lateral force on the front axle and the
wheels of the front axle had to turn at a greater angle. The rest of the outputs from
the simulation model were about the same. In Fig. 3, the results of the simulation
are illustrated. The vehicle with the diesel engine behaves like more understeering.
Inertia Matrix and Vehicle Driveability 127


y [m]


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
x [m]
4 4000

3 3000
steering angle of front wheel [deg]

side force on the front axle [N]

2 2000

1 1000

0 0

-1 -1000

-2 -2000

-3 -3000

-4 -4000
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
time [s] time [s]

Fig. 3 Simulation results of an avoiding manoeuvre when using the simulation model of the
vehicle: bottom left-hand side—angular displacement of the front wheels, bottom right-hand side
—lateral force on the front axle (red—spark ignition engine vehicle, blue—diesel engine vehicle)
(color figure on line)

4 Conclusions

The linear differential motion equations for a simple vehicle model have shown that
the rotational vehicle motions will finish quickly if the vehicle weight is small, the
moment of inertia around the vertical axis is small and the vehicle wheelbase is big.
When dimensioning a motor vehicle, its reaction on both low and high frequencies
of the steering-wheel rotation is important. The frequency characteristic is possible
to discover both experimentally and by calculation. The evaluation of controlla-
bility according to the frequency characteristic process is, among others, performed
according to the position of the amplitude maximum. The amplitude excess is the
more distinct the lower the system attenuation is. For the given vehicle parameters,
the amplitude maximum then depends on the driving speed [9].
It is further noted that on behalf of the fast driving manoeuvre, the amplitude
maximum is supposed to lie at higher frequencies. If there is no amplitude excess
(regarding the high damping), the decline of amplitude characteristics should
appear as long as possible [10]. According to [11] there is no point for the vehicle
resonance region in lying far beyond the value 5 s−1 by reason of the frequency
response of the driver. On the basis of calculations, the assumption was confirmed
128 P. Brabec et al.

that the resonance region position is dependent on design values and operating
conditions: it moves towards the higher frequencies due to the small moment of
inertia of a vehicle around its vertical axis, long wheelbase, use of tires with high
lateral stiffness [9].

Acknowledgments This publication was written at the Technical University of Liberec, Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering with the support of the Institutional Endowment for the Long Term
Conceptual Development of Research Institutes, as provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth
and Sports of the Czech Republic in the year 2016.


1. Tag des Fahrwerks, Institut für Kraftfahrwesen Aachen – RWTH Aachen, 09.10.2006
2. Best, A.: Moment of inertia measurement system. MIMS Description and Specification,
Anthony Best Dynamics (2004)
3. Brabec, P.: Experimentální určení polohy a rozměrů elipsoidu setrvačnosti hnacího agregátu.
Teze disertační práce. Technická univerzita v Liberci (2009)
4. Bárta, M.: Měření momentu setrvačnosti vozidel. Diplomová práce, Technická univerzita v
Liberci (2015)
5. Laumanns, N.: Integrale Reglerstruktur zum effektiven Abstimmung von Fahrdynamiksystemen.
Dissertation, Technischen Hochschule Aachen (2007)
6. Gortz, H.: Identifikation von Fahrzeugträgheitsparametern in Fahrversuchen und auf
Prüfständen, Dissertation, Technischen Hochschule Aachen (2007)
7. Vlk, F.: Podvozky motorových vozidel. Nakladatelství a vydavatelství VLK, Brno (2000)
8. Brabec, P., Malý, M., Voženílek, R.: Simulace řízení zadních kol automobilu, VI.
medzinárodná vedecká konferencia RIADENIE TEKUTINOVÝCH SYSTÉMOV, Žilina
9. Vlk, F.: Hodnocení řiditelnosti motorových vozidel na základě neustálených jízdních stavů.
Časopis Automobil, ročník XXI, SNTL (1977)
10. Kohno, T.: On the Vehicle Response to the Steering Kontrol. SAE-Paper, 69 04 88 (1969)
11. Fiala, E.: Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Fahrzeug und Fater. ATZ, č. 10, s. 345–348 (1967)
Unexpected Vibrations of Relatively
Simple Cutting Machine Mechanism

P. Šidlof, Z. Braier, P. Klouček and J. Ondrášek

Abstract Unexpected vibrations and resonance with frequency three times the rpm
were detected in a relatively simple cutting machine during process of inertia force
reduction (balancing). A knife of the cutting machine is actuated by two identical
crank mechanisms at the ends of a crossbeam. The vibrations induced inertial forces
larger than the considerable machine imbalance. The crank length to connecting rod
length ratio was small enough that the corresponding excitation kinematic accel-
eration overtone component was practically negligible. The vibration characteristics
consisting mainly of the drive shaft gyratory vibrations was determined based on
measurements of forces transferred to floor, accelerations of the mechanisms and on
a CAD model calculation involving the mechanism main members compliances.
Improvements were proposed and tested upon the results with focus on vibrations

Keywords Measurement  Unexpected vibrations and resonance  Balancing

improvement  Inertial forces  Simple cutting machine

1 Introduction

During test measurement of inertia force balancing on a relatively simple cutting

machine resonance vibrations with high amplitudes were detected. Vibration fre-
quency was three times the drive shaft rotation frequency of the crank mechanism.

P. Šidlof  Z. Braier (&)  P. Klouček  J. Ondrášek

VÚTS, a.s., Measurement, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Šidlof
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Klouček
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Ondrášek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 129

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_17
130 P. Šidlof et al.

The machine was used in practice only at frequencies above or below resonance
rpms, since it proved not to work well in this bandwidth.
After the machine was balanced, the resonance frequency increased thus shifting
into the frequency used in practice. Although amplitudes of resonance vibrations
decreased significantly compared to the unbalanced situation, the resonance caused
undesirable increase in the noise.
The problem was solved by measurement and calculation. To measure the
original state of the machine and the balanced state, the machine was settled on
dynamometers for measurement of forces acting to the ground and equipped with
accelerometers measuring the movement of the cutting knife. A laser triangulation
displacement sensor to ascertain deflection of the drive shaft was also used. All
measurements were done as the function of rotation angle of the drive shaft.
Incremental rotary encoder was connected to the end of the drive shaft and mea-
sured also the angular velocity of the shaft. Calculations of resonance frequencies
were carried out on a model of the machine by use of Adams software [1].

2 Measurements and Calculations

Figure 1 shows a schema of the machine placed on multicomponent dynamometers

measuring forces acting on the floor. The electromotor powered from a frequency
converter drives the drive shaft via a V-belt. The drive shaft is mounted in two
bearings. The drive shaft carries a relatively heavy adjustable eccentric placed to the
right of the shaft’s centre. The eccentric powers a light feeding mechanism, which is
not depicted. Flies and cranks are placed on the overhanging ends of the shaft. By
means of long connecting rods these power the crossbeam with the cutting knife
fastened in the centre. The crossbeam is guided by two sleeve bearings and is
symmetrical. The driving crank mechanisms have very long connecting rods and
thus stroke of the cutting knife is almost purely sinusoidal.

Fig. 1 Schema of the cutting

machine settled on
multicomponent force
Unexpected Vibrations of Relatively Simple … 131

2.1 Measurement Before and After Balancing

of the Machine

Four 3-component piezoelectric dynamometers Kistler with excellent dynamic

properties (stiffness in the vertical direction ≈2 kN/µm) were used to measure the
forces acting to the floor. Sensors of vertical acceleration of the cutter crossbeam
were placed near the sleeve bearings. Incremental encoder of angle and angular
speed was attached to the drive shaft.
Figures 2 and 3 show the amplitude multispectrum of the measured horizontal
force X and vertical force Z before balancing of the machine in idle run. The forces
were evaluated as a sum of corresponding components of forces measured in all the
four dynamometers. There are high amplitudes of the fundamental frequency (first
harmonic) in spectrum of the X force, which are caused by rotational imbalance of
the machine. Spectrum of the Z force shows high amplitudes in the third harmonic
with a maximum at 1350 rpm. The plotted spectrum of the cutter acceleration is
very similar to the spectrum of the Z force with the exception of the first harmonic,
only amplitudes of higher than third harmonic are relatively lower.
Figure 4 shows the course of the Z force during resonance depicted depending on
the angle of the shaft. The diagram starts at the top dead centre of the cutting knife.
The first harmonic is significantly phase-shifted due to unbalanced centrifugal for-
ces. With respect to the geometry of the crank mechanism the ideal force Z (without

Fig. 2 Amplitude multispectrum of the resulting X [N] force before balancing of the machine

Fig. 3 Amplitude multispectrum of the resulting Z [N] force before balancing of the machine
132 P. Šidlof et al.

Fig. 4 Resonance force Z (thick line), force Z with filtered-out third harmonic (thin line) and first
harmonic component of the force (dotted) before balancing at 1351 rpm

Fig. 5 Multispectrum of the resulting force Z [N] after balancing of the machine

effects of flexibility and backlash) should correspond to almost exactly its measured
first harmonic, which has an amplitude of 1030 N. The real force, however, has the
peak value almost three times higher. The main culprit here is the third harmonic
with amplitude of 1370 N, which ideally should not be exceeded at all.
The balancing process include lightening of the adjustable eccentric on the drive
shaft, centrifugal forces were balanced and a mechanism with contra-rotating bal-
ancing eccentrics was used to balance the vertical inertial force of the crank
mechanism. Having employed these adjustments we carried out our measurements
again. The horizontal X force practically disappeared. On the vertical inertial force
Z the first harmonic dropped to almost zero (see Fig. 5), but resonance on the third
harmonic remained with a peak at 1450 rpm. Although the maximum amplitude
dropped to 780 N (by 42 %) the resonance frequency was now shifted to the range
of operation rpms of the machine. Figure 6 depicts the Z force during resonance. To
clarify an approximate calculation was carried out.

Fig. 6 Resonance force Z (thick line), force Z with filtered-out third harmonic (thin line) and first
harmonic component of the force (dotted) at 1450 rpm after balancing
Unexpected Vibrations of Relatively Simple … 133

2.2 Calculation of Resonance Vibrations of the Mechanism

With respect to the complicated effects of flexibility and gyroscopic moments

calculation of resonant frequencies of the mechanism was carried out in the Adams
software. As input we used the CAD model of the mechanism, where the drive shaft
with flywheels, the connecting rods and the cross beam with the cutting knife were
considered flexible. First the resonant frequencies with the shaft set at top dead
centre of the cutting knife were determined. The corresponding resonant frequency
was calculated at 74.6 Hz and main deformations on the mechanism consisted
mainly in simple bending of the drive shaft in the vertical plane. Resonant fre-
quency in rotation was determined by use of an approximation approach calculating
run-up to a constant angular speed of the drive shaft. For the vibrations to appear a
very low modal dumping had to be set in the model. Resonant frequency was found
at 72.6 Hz at 1452 rpm, but with amplitudes ten times lower than in reality.
Figure 7 shows the calculated movement of the shaft axes in the place of the
connecting rod axes in vertical direction and Fig. 8 shows this process with
filtered-out first harmonic. Movement of the shaft axis in the middle of machine is
very similar but has an opposite sign and is somewhat larger. The shaft axis moves
to a lower extent also in the horizontal direction.
The derived deflection of the shaft depicted in coordinate system fixed to the
shaft with z axis in direction of the crank is on Fig. 9. Vectors indicating the
concrete deflection have attached a number describing the corresponding angle of
the shaft rotation. During one rotation of the shaft the curve runs twice.
Deflection of the shaft without the first harmonic is depicted on Fig. 10. The
curve, again, runs twice during one rotation of the shaft.

Fig. 7 Calculated movement of the shaft axes in the place of the connecting rod axes in
z direction (vertical) at 1452 rpm

Fig. 8 Calculated movement of the shaft axes in the place of the connecting rod axes in z
direction without the first harmonic at 1452 rpm
134 P. Šidlof et al.

Fig. 9 Deflection of the end

of the shaft at 1452 rpm. The
z axis is in the direction of the

Fig. 10 Deflection of the end

of the shaft without the first
harmonic at 1452 rpm. The
z axis is in the direction of the

3 Conclusions

The unexpectedly strong vibrations of the cutting machine mechanism are probably
not caused by linear effects, since on a linearized computational model it shows
insignificant amplitudes. The vibrations are not random, since they appear also on
other similar machines. The measured unevenness of the angular speed of the drive
shaft, which might cause the vibrations [2, 3] is very low (below 0.2 %). Also
torsional vibration of the shaft is very low. No significant corresponding resonance
amplitudes were found in the frame and the base plate with the electromotor and
beam of the cutting knife bending vibrations are very low. Products of inertia of
imperfectly balanced flywheels, nonlinear effects of backlash in bearings, their
non-linear stiffness and solid friction in guiding of the cutting knife in dead centres
should not have any significant effect on the vibration with third harmonic [2, 3].
To eliminate vibrations increase of diameter of the shaft between the bearings
from the original 35–42 mm had been proposed. The calculated resonance fre-
quency thus increased to 97 Hz at 1895 rpm. Although the calculated frequency for
the shaft at 35 mm corresponded very well with the measurement, a resonance
appeared on the mechanism with third harmonic at 1600 rpm (80 Hz) with the
Z force amplitude of 560 N during tests on a 42 mm shaft.
Unexpected Vibrations of Relatively Simple … 135


1. MSC-ADAMS. User’s Reference Manual. Mechanical Dynamics.

2. Brepta, R., Půst, L., Turek, F.: Mechanické kmitání. Technický průvodce 71. Sobotáles, Praha
3. Juliš, K., Brepta, R. et al.: Mechanika, II. díl: Dynamika, SNTL, Praha (1987)
Effect of Oil Viscosity on Pulsating
Flow in Pipe

L. Hružík, A. Bureček and M. Vašina

Abstract The article deals with the influence of oil viscosity on pulsating flow in a
pipe. A hydraulic resistance is placed at the end of the pipe. A pulsating pressure
signal is generated by proportional directional valve. Time dependencies of pres-
sure drops for different frequencies of the pulsating signal are measured at the
beginning and the end of the pipe. A mathematical model of the hydraulic system is
constructed using Matlab SimHydraulics software. There are simulated time
dependencies of pressures at the beginning and at the end of the pipe. They are
subsequently compared with an experiment.

Keywords Pulsating flow  Oil  Viscosity  Pressure  Pipe  Experiment 


1 Introduction

Pressures, flows and temperatures are important parameters in hydraulics. This

article is focused on investigation of other important parameter, i.e. on effect of
excitation frequency [1].
With respect to a given hydraulic system, it is possible to measure frequency of
pulsations that are generated by elements of the hydraulic system, e.g. by rotary
hydraulic pumps and motors. Furthermore there may be systems with high velocity
changes of working elements [2]. These velocity changes are mainly controlled by

L. Hružík (&)  A. Bureček  M. Vašina

Department of Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Equipment, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33
Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bureček
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Vašina
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 137

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_18
138 L. Hružík et al.

proportional valves and servo valves most frequently in combination with a con-
troller. The controller is used to keep constant velocity, acceleration or position on
an output element and adjusts quickly a valve. It can lead to pressure and flow
pulsations that are subsequently transmitted through hydraulic lines to entire
machine. Higher pressure and flow pulsations cause stress of single elements and
often lead to their lifetime reduction. If excitation oscillations are approaching to
eigenfrequency of a given machine, it can cause resonance of the machine. This
resonance can lead to machine destruction too.
There is described a measurement of pressure pulsations of given frequencies in
a long pipe in this paper. The pressure pulsations are generated by a proportional
control valve. There is also created a mathematical model and performed a simu-
lation of pressure pulsations in the long pipe. Measured and simulated amplitude
frequency pressure characteristics are subsequently compared for two oil

2 Description of Hydraulic System and Measurement

The investigated experimental equipment (see Fig. 1) enables realization of

dynamic processes of the hydraulic system with a long pipe.
A hydraulic aggregate is a pressure liquid source. The aggregate consists of the
fixed displacement hydraulic pump HP, the check valve CV, the relief valve RV
and the tank T. Mineral oil of viscosity class ISO VG 46 was used as the working
liquid in the system. Oil temperature is measured by means of the temperature

Fig. 1 Scheme of experimental circuit
Effect of Oil Viscosity on Pulsating Flow in Pipe 139

sensor TS. It is possible to control the flow by means of the proportional control
valve PV, which is located behind the filter F. Furthermore the circuit consists of
the long steel pipe P, which is equipped by the pressure sensors PS1 and PS2 on its
beginning and end. The throttle valve TV is located behind the long pipe P and
creates resistance to oil movement on the pipe end. The pressure sensors PS3 and
PS4 are located in front of and behind the throttle valve TV. They are used in order
to measure the pressure gradient through the throttle valve TV. The system also
consists of two ball valves BV1 and BV2. By means of these valves it is possible to
ensure the oil flow either directly to the tank T or through the flow sensor FS to the
tank T. The flow sensor FS is used to measure Δp-Q characteristic of the throttle
valve TV [3].
There was generated pulsating flow by means of the proportional control valve
PV in this hydraulic system. A control signal for electronics of the proportional
control valve PV was defined using Matlab Simulink software by means of the I/O
Humusoft MF634 card. It is possible to control the electronics of the proportional
control valve PV by the input voltage U = (0 ÷ 10) V. The values of the control
voltage U for generated pulsating frequencies corresponded to the sine signal with
offset of 2 V and the amplitude of 1.5 V. The pressures p1 and p2 at the beginning
and the end of the pipe P were measured by means of the pressure sensors PS1 and
PS2. The length of the pipe P between the pressure sensors PS1 and PS2 is
l = 56 m in this case. The measurement was performed at pulsations of the fre-
quency f = (0.5 ÷ 8) Hz with the frequency step Δf = 0.5 Hz. These pulsations
were measured within the indicated frequency range at two oil temperatures (i.e. for
tO1 = 30 °C and tO2 = 45 °C). These temperatures correspond to the oil kinematic
viscosities ν1 = 65 mm2 s−1 and ν2 = 32 mm2 s−1.
Δp-Q characteristic of the proportional control valve PV was also measured. The
flow Q through the valve at a given pressure gradient Δp and a given valve flow
area was determined by means of this characteristic. The dependence of the pres-
sure gradient Δp on the flow Q was also measured for the throttle valve TV and
both oil temperatures (see Fig. 2). These characteristics are applied to setting of the
elements PV and TV in a mathematical model.

Q [dm3·min-1]


tO1 = 30°C
tO2 = 45°C
0 20 40 60 80 100
Δp [bar]

Fig. 2 Measured Δp-Q characteristic of throttle valve at the oil temperatures tO1 = 30 °C and
tO2 = 45 °C
140 L. Hružík et al.

3 Description of Mathematical Model of Hydraulic System

The mathematical model of the hydraulic system was created using Matlab
SimHydraulics software (see Fig. 3), which enables a physical access to a mathe-
matical simulation. Single elements of the hydraulic system are added to the model
as mathematical blocks that are described by a system of mathematical equations. In
order to obtain a general scheme of the mathematical model, there are created
subsystems from some blocks.
Similarly as in the case of a real hydraulic system, the constant pressure source is
defined in the form of the hydraulic pump HP and the relief valve RV.
Subsequently there is shown the block of the proportional control valve PV that is
controlled by the block Pulsating Control Signal. The valve PV generates a pul-
sating flow in the pipe P, which is defined by the block P in the mathematical
model. The pipe P is simulated as a segmented pipe. The mathematical model of the
pipe includes expansion of the pipe walls. The pressures are measured at the
beginning and the end of the pipe P by means of the subsystems PS1 and PS2.
Furthermore there are shown the blocks L1 and L2 of a connecting line between the
proportional control valve PV and the pressure sensor PS1 and between the pressure
sensor PS2 and the throttle valve TV in the model. The throttle valve TV is defined
by means of the Δp-Q characteristic in this model. The flow area of the throttle
valve is constant for all measurements and mathematical models. Furthermore the
model consists of the block of the tank T, the block Solver Configuration and the
block Oil. The block Oil demonstrates a liquid mathematical model that takes into
account density, viscosity, bulk modulus and content of free air in oil [4, 5].
An example of the comparison of the measured and simulated time dependencies
of the pressures p1 and p2 is shown in Fig. 4. It is visible that the mathematical
model for the pulsation frequency f = 5 Hz and the oil temperature tO1 = 30 °C is
practically consistent with the experiment.

Fig. 3 Mathematical model of the experimental equipment
Effect of Oil Viscosity on Pulsating Flow in Pipe 141


p [bar] 15
10 p1 - measurement
p2 - measurement
5 p1 - simulation
p2 - simulation
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
t [s]

Fig. 4 Comparison of measured and simulated time dependencies of the pressures p1 and p2 at the
pulsation frequency f = 5 Hz and the oil temperature tO1 = 30 °C

4 Evaluation of Measurement and Comparison

with Mathematical Model

The amplitude frequency characteristics were evaluated from measured time

dependencies of the pulsating pressure p1 in front of the pipe P and the pressure p2
at the pipe end. The pulsation frequency was in the range f = (0.5 ÷ 8) Hz. These
characteristics were subsequently determined by means of the mathematical model.
The experimentally measured and mathematically simulated amplitude frequency
characteristics at the oil temperature tO1 = 30 °C are shown in Fig. 5. The system
eigenfrequency corresponds with the value of the frequency f = 5 Hz. The ampli-
tude pressure ratio Ap2/Ap1 was determined on condition of sine time dependencies



Ap2 / Ap1 [1]

tO1 = 30°C - measurement
0.50 tO1 = 30°C - simulation
0.25 tO2 = 45°C - measurement
tO2 = 45°C - simulation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
f [Hz]

Fig. 5 Comparison of measured and simulated time dependencies of non-stationary components

of the pressure amplitudes p1 and p2 at the oil temperatures tO1 = 30 °C and tO2 = 45 °C
142 L. Hružík et al.

of non-stationary pressure components. Here at the quantity Ap2 means to the

amplitude of non-stationary component of the pressure p2 and Ap1 is the amplitude
of non-stationary component of the pressure p1. The ratio of the non-stationary
pressure components p2 and p1 at the end and at the beginning of the pipe P in the
area of the eigenfrequency is Ap2/Ap1 = 1.2 in this case. It is visible that the
mathematical model corresponds to the experiment.
The experimentally measured and mathematically simulated amplitude frequency
characteristics at the oil temperature tO2 = 45 °C are shown in Fig. 5. The eigen-
frequency f = 5 Hz was not changed during the temperature increasing. The ratio of
the non-stationary pressure components p2 and p1 at the end and at the beginning of
the pipe P in the area of the eigenfrequency was increased to the ratio Ap2/Ap1 = 1.4.
It is visible that the mathematical model corresponds to the experiment.
It is evident (see Fig. 5) that the ratio of the non-stationary pressure components
p2 and p1 at the end and at the beginning of the pipe P was increased with increasing
the oil temperature from tO1 = 30 °C to tO2 = 45 °C, i.e. at the decreasing of the oil
viscosity from ν1 = 65 mm2 s−1 to ν2 = 32 mm2 s−1.

5 Conclusions

The paper was focused on investigation of oil temperature influence on

non-stationary pressure components at pulsating flow in a hydraulic system with a
long pipe. The throttle valve was located at the pipe end. The ratio of non-stationary
pressure components at the end and at the beginning of the pipe was increased with
increasing oil temperature, i.e. at decreasing oil viscosity. The increasing of the
non-stationary pressure components was obtained for all excitation frequencies.
The highest increasing was found in the area of the system eigenfrequency. For this
reason the hydraulic system is more dynamically loaded at the higher oil

Acknowledgments The work presented in this paper was supported by a grant SGS
“Experimentální výzkum v oblasti mechaniky tekutin” SP2016/70.


1. Gorman, D.G., Reese, J.M., Zhang, Y.L.: Vibration of a flexible pipe conveying viscous
pulsating fluid flow. J. Sound Vib. 230(2), 379–392 (2000)
2. Himr, D., Habán, V.: Damping of self-excited pressure pulsations in petrodiesel pipeline. Appl.
Mech. Mater. 630, 375–382 (2014)
3. Hružík, L.: Pulsating flow in pipe. in: Proceedings Engineering Mechanics 2009 (11–14 May,
Svratka), ITAM AS CR, pp. 475–483 (2009)
Effect of Oil Viscosity on Pulsating Flow in Pipe 143

4. Hružík, L., Bureček, A., Vašina, M.: Non-stationary flow of hydraulic oil in long pipe. In: EPJ
Web of Conferences 2014, 67, No. 02042 (2014)
5. MathWorks, The: Matlab simulink user’s guide, simhydraulics user’s guide. The MathWorks
Inc., Natick (2007)
Experimental Research and Mathematical
Modeling of Scroll Machine in Air Motor

V.I. Ivlev, S. Yu. Misyurin and A.P. Nelyubin

Abstract Recently the scroll machine is widely used in air and refrigeration
compressors, vacuum pumps, because it has a small number of moving parts, high
efficiency and low level of noise. The volumetric rotary scroll machine is reversible
and can function in air motor mode without any significant construction modifi-
cation. Scroll air motor is a relatively new concept of pneumatic actuators. There is
no technical data comparison with traditional air motors which now on the market.
In this paper we describe the experimental bench for determining mechanical and
flow performance of scroll air motor under different value of inlet pressure,
mechanical losses and exergy efficiency. Mathematical model contains geometrical
description of the involute scrolls, chamber volumes, radial and tangential leakage
areas as a function of orbital angle; thermodynamical pressure and temperature
differential equations of compressed air; and equation of mechanical torque balance
on motor shaft. The results of experiments and mathematical modeling are pre-
sented and analysed. In the last part of the paper the performances of scroll air
motor are compared with such performances of traditional radial and axial piston,
vane, turbine air motors.

Keywords Scroll machine  Air motor

V.I. Ivlev  A.P. Nelyubin (&)

Mechanical Engineering Research Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: [email protected]
V.I. Ivlev
e-mail: [email protected]
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 145

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_19
146 V.I. Ivlev et al.

1 Introduction

Compressed air is the second by importance energy medium in industry after

electricity. Now about 15–18 % of total consumed electricity in industry is spent to
produce the compressed air [1]. Air motors are one of the main consumers of
compressed air. As compared with electro- and hydromotors they have simpler
construction, light performance weight, high speed ranges, safe explosion, and
relatively low cost. They can function without overheating and damage under high
loading, “start–stop” and reverse modes. This ensures that air motors can be used in
a wide spectrum of applications.
Some demerits which limit use of air motors are their low energy efficiency and
high level of noise. The total energy efficiency of pneumatic systems is often lower
than 20 %. It can be explained as follows: compression–expansion process of air is
essentially irreversible, characterized by a large value of entropy change and lead to
thermodynamics losses. Also air leaks, pressure drops in pipes, mechanical friction
influence the efficiency.
To improve the energy and other performances of air motors the investigation
should be made to search mechanisms, which will be more efficient at conversion
potential energy of compressed air to a power on the shaft. Today scroll machine is
the most perspective device for a progress in this area.
Scroll machine was invented in 1905 [2], but only after appearance of high
precision milling cutter machine tools, they begin intensive put into practice. Now
the scroll technique is widely used in air, refrigeration compressors, and vacuum
pumps. Because they have a small number of moving parts, high efficiency and a
low level of noise as compared with traditional types of compressors (with power
motor to 25–30 kWt). The volumetric rotary scroll machine is reversible and can
function in air motor mode without any significant construction modification. Scroll
air motor is a relatively new concept of pneumatic actuators and is poor investigated
[3, 4]. Most works have mainly focused on application scroll machine like expander
for realization Organic Rankine Cycle for convert waste heat energy to electricity
[5]. In this paper the results of experiments and mathematical modeling of scroll air
motor are presented and analysed. In the last part of the paper the performances of
scroll air motor are compared with such performances of traditional radial and axial
piston, vane, turbine air motors which are on the market. Figure 1 shows a scheme

Fig. 1 Scheme of scroll air

motor. 1 and 5—exhaust
chambers, 2 and 6—scroll
contact points, 3—closed
expansion chambers, 4—fixed
scroll, 7—central chamber,
8—inlet port, 9—moving
Experimental Research and Mathematical Modeling … 147

of scroll motor which has two identical involute scrolls (fixed and moving) and
photo of moving scroll. As the moving scroll travels along the orbit, these two
scrolls can touch at some points and form a series growing chambers. The rotation
of moving scroll is provided by a special mechanism like Oldham couple or other.

2 Test System and Experimental Results

The purpose of experimental test of scroll air motor was to obtain mechanical, air
consumption and energy performances. A special test bench was developed (the
main part of it see on Fig. 2).
The next stationary mode values were measured: input and output pressure and
temperature of compressed air, air consumption, output shaft torque, rotation
speed. The parameters values of scroll air motor under consideration are: base
circle radius = 3.18 mm; scroll thickness = 4.5 mm; scroll pitch = 20 mm; scroll
height = 30 mm; involute starting angle = 43° (0.24π); involute end angle = 945°
(5.25π); orbiting radius = 5.5 mm; radial clearance = 0.015 mm; flank clearance =
0.01 mm.
Figure 3a shows the power performance N against rotation speed ω under the
two constant supply pressure—0.3 and 0.5 Mpa (Tm = 293 K)—curves 1 and 2.
Figure 3b shows the specific air consumption q = G(ω)/N(ω); G—air consumption
bring to normal condition. Figure 3c shows the mechanical ηm and exergy ηe
efficiency. Value ηm = Md/(Md + Mt), Md—output shaft torque, Mt—friction tor-
que, which consists of two components: viscous friction, depending only on ω and
Coulomb friction depending on the normal load acting on moving scroll. These
components of friction torque were determined on another special equipment. Value
ηe = Nmax/GoE; Nmax—maximal output power, Go—mass air consumption under
Nmax, E—specific exergy of input compressed air. Curve 2 corresponds to
pm = 0.3 MPa, curve 3—pm = 0.5 MPa.

Fig. 2 Test bench. 1—scroll

air motor, 2—bellow
coupling, 3—controlled
electro-power coupling,
4—torque sensor
148 V.I. Ivlev et al.

Fig. 3 Power, specific air consumption, energy efficiency performance. N [Wt], q [m3/min kWt]

3 Mathematical Modeling

The mathematical model contains a system of nonlinear differential equations with

variable structure, logical relationships determining the conditions for the connec-
tion of the chambers with a feed line or atmosphere, as well as equations describing
the scroll elements and their interaction. Thermodynamic equations are written on
the basis of the energy conservation law and equation of state for the working
medium in the chamber in differential form. For steady-state operation mode, i.e.
with a constant angular velocity ω, these equations have the form:
dpi k dVi
¼ RTm Gm þ Tj Giþ  Ti G i  p i x
da xVi da
dTi Ti dVi dpi
¼ pi x xVi  RTm Gm  RTj Giþ  RTi G
da xpi Vi da da
Z2p X !
1 dVi
Mc ¼ pi ðaÞ da  Mt ðx; pm Þ
2p i¼1

Here the equation of motion of the shaft for the case of constant ω is a balance of
torques acting on the shaft, Mc is the torque of useful resistance, Mt(ω, pm) is the
total torque of friction depending on the angular velocity and pressure power pm
(see below), pi, Ti, Vi are pressure, temperature and volume of the i–th chamber, k is
the adiabatic constant, R is the gas constant, α—the angle of rotation of the moving
Experimental Research and Mathematical Modeling … 149

scroll, Gm is flow of the working medium from the supply line into the central
chamber, defined by the Saint-Venant equation.
Similarly, the leakages through axial and radial clearances between the scrolls
are calculated: in the chamber of G+i with the temperature of the working medium Tj
and from the chamber G−i . The volume of the chambers formed by the involute
fixed and movable scrolls is determined as follows. The equations of the inner and
outer walls of the fixed scroll are written in parametric form. Similar equations are
written for the movable scroll considering the eccentricity ε and angle α of the
movable scroll. The condition ro = (ε + δ)/π always holds, where ro is the radius of
the initial circle of the scrolls, δ is thickness. I.e. the scrolls do not intersect, but
only touch. The equations of the scrolls are solved simultaneously, and the coor-
dinates of the touch points of the scrolls are obtained as functions of the angle α,
which determines the shape of the chambers. Then the area of the chambers
(the area of the curvilinear trapezoid) Si(α) and respectively the volume Vi = h Si(α)
are determined by Green’s equation as a function of angle α. Here h is the height
of scroll. Also the lengths of the arcs of scrolls are determined that form a cham-
ber for the subsequent calculation of the areas of the channels of leakages. Results
of calculation of the power against rotation speed are shown in Fig. 3a (curves
3 and 4). One may see satisfactory quality of this simple model.

Table 1 Performances of traditional types of air motors

Performances Air motor types
Gear motors Piston motors Vane motors Turbine
Radial piston Axial motors
Power range 0.5–50 0.1–25 0.4–12 0.05–18 0.01–55
Inlet pressure 0.3–0.6 0.4–0.7 0.4–0.6 0.4–0.8 0.3–1
(Nominal/free) 170/400– 750/1600– 400/750– 550/1200– 6000/8500–
speed RPM 3000/5000 1100/2300 2300/4800 9000/21500 (1–1.2) × 105
Specific air 1.1–2.0 0.86–2 0.9–1.7 1.1–2 0.6–4.1
m3/min kWt
Volume 0.23–1.8 0.1–0.45 0.25–0.8 1.05–2.9 Up to 12.5
specific power
Inclination of (0.09–3.3) × 10−2 6 × 10−3–1.2 0.01–2.9 2 × 10−4–0.2 (0.5–3) × 10−3
torque curve
Exergy 14–32 15–33 16–27 12–26 10–45
efficiency (%)
150 V.I. Ivlev et al.

4 Results and Discussion

To estimate the results of test scroll air motor, we must compare its performance
with traditional types of air motors. Table 1 presents analysis data of air motors
performance of more than twenty companies, some of them [6–14].
It should be noted that our scroll air motor has a rather high energy efficiency. The
specific air consumption at 0.5 Mpa was 0.72 m3/min kWt. This is better than the
one of the most efficiency models of piston air motors. Only powerful (40–55 kWt)
two-step turbine air motor gives better results—0.65 m3/min kWt [13]. For turbine
motors of comparable power (1–5 kWt) this value is 0.8–1.2 m3/min kWt.
It has the next main reasons: 1—very small “dead” volume; 2—the leakages
from central chamber pass other chambers before come to atmosphere and take part
in forming moving torque. Nominal speed of scroll air motor is about 2600–4000
RPM and it take position between piston and vane air motors. The specific power
volume is 1.86 kWt/dm3 (under standard supply pressure 0.6 Mpa), like good
models of vane air motors. One important characteristic of air motor is the incli-
nation of its torque curve Km = ΔM(ω)/Δω, which allows us to draw indirect
conclusions about the capabilities of a compressed air inlet and exhaust in motor
chambers. In our case Km = −6.8 × 10−3 Nms (pm = 0.5 Mpa). It is a “hard”
torque curve, unlike piston air motors with a soft characteristic. Also scroll air
motor have a low level of noise and vibration; small pulse of moving torque.
For the most part scroll air motor performance is better (or equal) than traditional
types, except cost. If this limitation will be removed, it will find a wide industrial
application in the near future.
The study was financially supported by the RFBR project No. 16-29-04401.


1. Compressed air technology today is more economical than it has ever been. Deprag Press
Release. May 2013.
2. Creux, L.: Rotary engine. US Patent № 801.182. 1905
3. Wang, J., Yang, L., Mangan, S., Derby, J.: Mathematical modeling study of scroll air motors
and energy efficiency analysis—Part I. IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatron. 16(1), 112–120 (2011)
4. Yanagisawa, T., Fukuta, M., Ogi, Y.: Performance of an oil-free scroll—type air expander. In:
Proceedings of the ImahE Conference on Compressors and their systems, pp. 167–174 (2001)
5. E15H22N4.25. 1 kW Scroll Expander.
6. GAST Air Motors / Gear Motors. Labricated and Non-labricated. ISO 9001. Catalog Final
2012, 41 p.
7. Air turbine motors. Sealed Motor Mount Series.
8. Gardner–Denver Pneumatic Power Motors. Catalog 2011.
9. Deprag Air Motors Customized drive solutions. 2012, 28 p.
10. TONSON Air Motors. Catalog.
Experimental Research and Mathematical Modeling … 151

11. Atlas Copco Air Motors. LZB, LZL vane motor. Catalog. 2012, 75 p.
12. Ingersoll Rand MVR and SM (select) Lub—free reversible air motors. www.
13. Ingersoll Rand Turbine Air Starter. Electronic catalog
14. Pneumatic Rotary Actuators and Air motors. Platform Catalog PDE2613TCUK. Parker
pneumatic division Europe
Analysis of the Mechanism of the Drill

M. Konečný

Abstract This paper describes function of the mechanism of the hammer drill and
solving the impact analysis and determining the contact pressure between the parts
of the mechanism. The computational model was created by Creo Parametric 2.0.,
simulation of dynamic effect by the module Mechanism and stress simulation by the
module Simulate.

Keywords Pneumatic hammer drill  Impact analysis  Contact pressure

1 Introduction

Use of compressed air is now widespread in many sectors. Pneumatic tools have a
high degree of modernization. Manufacturers shall ensure competitiveness, superior
technological performance, low price and especially functionality, which is closely
related with high reliability. Pneumatic devices in these days widespread
throughout the world. It has many advantages over hydraulic mechanisms, electric
and solid mechanisms. The market has found a considerable number of companies
that are engaged in the production of pneumatic mechanisms and machines.

2 The Drill Hammer

Work pneumatic hammers provides compressed air. It must be applied and regu-
lated. The air supply is provided by a hose that connects to the machine by a thread.
Lever built into the handle of the hammer is controlled airflow. The hammer inside
air flows into the two chambers. This ensures the flow valve timing as shown in

M. Konečný (&)
Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 153

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_20
154 M. Konečný

Fig. 1a, numerically labeled from 1 to 3 parts take care to ensure that the com-
pressed air flow in the first phase of the movement in the chamber above the piston.
In the second phase of movement the air flows into the chamber below the piston
indicated in Fig. 1b. This cycle must be repeated continually. In the first case, when
the compressed air flows into the chamber above the piston (red color component
numbers 2), closes the holes in the green part indicated by 3. This process remains
until the piston moving downwards opens the exhaust port. The air pressure sud-
denly in the chamber above the piston drops, part 2 releases closed openings in part
3 and air can flow into the chamber below the piston. To allow air to flow into the
lower chamber, the cylinder of the linear motor drilled holes and recessed exhaust
port, as can be seen in Fig. 1b. Operation of the distribution valve is provided
decreases in pressure in the chamber above the piston and below the piston. The
pressure in the chamber drops each time the shock worker is released and the air
exhaust hole this hole can escape. A certain volume of the escaping gaps in the
exhaust port of the shock worker flows through the tool and blowing debris from
the drilled hole.

2.1 Determination of Dynamic Effects

The goal of this dynamics analysis is to determine the velocity of the shock worker
before impact, the acceleration and kinetic energy. For the calculation of the
dynamic effects used data, which the manufacturer says in the manual of the
hammer. The stroke of the air motor has a size of 35 mm with frequency 3500
numbers of beats per minute. This value is set for the default position of the shock
worker. Technical data was measured at a working pressure of the compressed air
of 6.3 bar. The size of the force acting on the shock worker is determine with using
analysis of the pneumatic motor. Given the size of this double-acting pneumatic
motor and working conditions is the force Fp set at 580 N. Friction between the
cylinder of the linear motor and the shock worker has been neglected.

Fig. 1 Scheme of air distribution (Color figure online)

Analysis of the Mechanism of the Drill Hammer 155

2.1.1 Calculation of Stiffness

In order to perform calculation of impact it is necessary to determine the overall

stiffness of the system. The entire assembly is made up of tools and shock worker.
Boundary conditions simulate the same deposit, as is in fact the deposit of these
parts in real hammer. The end of the tool is used boundary condition fixed. The
boundary condition for receiving the hexagonal part of the tool has been defined
with clearance 0.1 mm in the direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and a
permissible displacement of the axis of movement. For shock worker has been
defined boundary condition for his large-diameter cylindrical surfaces, which
enabled again only a shift in the axis of the tool motion. Boundary conditions for
the shock worker is set up without prescribed. This was done due to the desire to get
closer to real conditions. Material of the tool and shock worker has been set on
hardened steel. Young’s modulus for the hardened steel has a value E = 1.8 × 105
MPa. System is loaded with the general force Fs. The maximal value of the dis-
placement is y = 0.01145 mm.

2.1.2 Calculation of Impact Force

After establishing the stiffness of the system of components which are in mutual
contact during the impact, there was carried out the calculation of the impact force.
For the purpose of this analysis is modified model from the previous analysis. The
model is replenished with the subframe and the spring. The spring is inserting
between the tool and the subframe. The stiffness of this spring is calculated in the
previous stiffness analysis and Eq. (1). The value of stiffness is ks = 43,626 N mm.
The model can be seen in Fig. 2.

Fs ¼ ks  y ð1Þ

Insert the spring in the assembly of the calculated stiffness is one of the ways you
can check the progress of the impact force by means of software. The tool weight
was set to the minimum possible value. This was done because it is already known
to the system overall stiffness and thus the weight of the tool is no longer necessary
to calculate. The spring was supplemented by a shock absorber with low value of
damping. The impact analysis is solved with parameters for the stroke of the
pneumatic motor 35 mm, the force Fp 580N, the stiffness of the spring ks which

Fig. 2 Assembly for the impact analysis, Creo mechanism

156 M. Konečný

Fig. 3 Course of shock forces of the drill hammer, Creo mechanism

replaced the stiffness of the system and on the cam there has been set up the
coefficient of restitution 0.75. The coefficient of restitution has been chosen
according to the table for hardened steel.
The course of impact force approximately corresponded to the theoretical course
of impact force. As the size and course of the impact force cannot determine exactly
is the calculation of certain parts only theoretical. The value of the maximum
resultant forces came 73° 192N (Fig. 3).

2.1.3 The Impact Theory

This phenomenon we associate with the emergence of large forces and sharp
changes in speed. The impact in technical practice we encounter very often. For
example, impact drill, jackhammer, and the like. From a mechanical standpoint it is
a complicated phenomenon, which is influenced by many factors [1]. Shock plot
spreads in waves and its duration is extremely short. It is a time of about 10−4 s. In
this short period of time there are changes in speed almost immediately and forces
acting in the contact area are enormous. For this reason we can be neglected under
the influence of buckling on the long tool. When comparing the course of the force
depending on the time when a theoretical calculation nature can observe a great
resemblance to a graph obtained from the module Creo Mechanism when the
maximal value of the shock force is 73° 192N (Fig. 3).
Analysis of the Mechanism of the Drill Hammer 157

3 Theoretical Analysis of Contact

For resolving the task was chosen a modified equation for the contact of two balls.
The maximum value of the contact pressure was obtained from Eq. (2):
ffiffiffi  2
6 Ered 3 1
po ¼ F3 ð2Þ
p Re

The size of the force F has been selected 73192N. Ered value for two steel balls
of the same material is Ered = 1.153846 105 MPa (E = 2.1 × 105 MPa and
µ = 0.3). Furthermore simplification Re = R1. Size R1 was chosen 75 mm, the
value rounding shock worker (3). The tool was considered plane.
p ffiffiffi  2 p ffiffiffi  2
6 Ered 3 1 3
6 1:153846  105 3 1
po ¼ F3 ¼ ð73192Þ3 ¼ 3224:4 MPa ð3Þ
p Re p 75

The value of the resulting pressure is approximately 1.5 times greater than the
figure recorded in the impact analysis. This value would be correct, assuming that the
area of the shock worker is completely straight. Calculated pressure went higher than
a contact pressure in the analysis. The formula for calculating the contact of two
spheres also does not exactly correspond to the real situation. Due to the fact that the
tool is a hole diameter dd = 7 mm, there is a concentration of the largest voltage at
the border of the hole. It is possible to say that the result of the contact is approx-
imately analysis results counted according to the formulas. To check whether the
counted value analysis is correct, we were made more simplified calculation for
contact with the cylinder surface and the planar surface according to the formula (4).

F 1
p2o ¼ 0:175E ¼ 1;630;185:46 MPa ) po ¼ 1277 MPa ð4Þ
l Re

Again, we consider that the value of Re = R1, is 75 mm. The length l was
considered as a circuit holes l = π  dd. As seen, this value of the contact pressure
according to the formula 4 is closer to values that can be seen from Fig. 4.

3.1 The FEM Analysis of Contact Pressure

After determining the size of the impact force could be created contact analysis in
the module Creo Simulate. The objective of this analysis was to determine the
pressures at the contact point with the shock worker and the tool. The analysis used
the same model as for the calculation of the overall stiffness. In the report were
made slight adjustments. The size of the force has been set at 73° 192N. Defining
158 M. Konečný

Fig. 4 Detailed distribution of pressures on the shock worker and the tool

Fig. 5 Detailed of the real


the contact surface between the tool and the shock worker maintained as the
analysis stiffness. The contact area was been awarded on the tool and the shock
worker 0.2 mm. The size of elements of concentrated mesh can be seen in Fig. 4.
The result of the contact analysis is visualized in Fig. 4. The critical point of
reaching pressure values of almost 2150 MPa in the area of the hole’s edge. In other
locations the pressure is at lower levels and corresponds to the value of the contact
pressure obtained from the formula according to the Hertz theory of contact a ball
with the planar surface (4). The measured results were compared with the actual
wear part (Fig. 5).
Analysis of the Mechanism of the Drill Hammer 159

4 Conclusions

Because of limited extent of the article, it is impossible to describe the concerned

analysis in detail. Owing to high values of contact pressures acting on a relatively
small area, the wear and tear will be fast in the beginning. However, it will result in
an enlargement of contact areas consequently, the force will be distributed to a
larger area, and the contact pressure will drop down. The wear will also result in
toughening of the material, too. The higher will be the wear of the components, the
more slowly it will continue subsequently. It is known character of the distribution
of the contact pressure. On the difference between the theoretical calculation and the
value that are obtained by contact analysis of Creo Simulate probably contributes
simplifying assumptions solution that is between the two general surfaces and not
exactly correspond to reality. Hertz theory is accurate in case of contact tasks such
as spheres with planar surface. The resulting value of the distribution of the contact
pressure also affects the by the mesh quality in the contact area and its surround-
ings. We can see (Fig. 5) that the results come close to the real thing, even if maybe
not concerning the value of the pressure, but concerning the proportion of distri-
bution of operating pressures instead of greatest wear suit incidence of the biggest
pressure identified in the analysis.

Acknowledgments This publication was written at the Technical University of Liberec, Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering with the support of the Institutional Endowment for the Long Term
Conceptual Development of Research Institutes, as provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth
and Sports of the Czech Republic.


1. Medvec, A., Stradiot, J., Záhorec, O., Caban, S.: Mechanics III Dynamic, Bratislava SNTL
Free Vibration Frequency Spectrum
of Four-Planetary Gearing Box

L. Půst, L. Pešek and A. Radolfová

Abstract Dynamic analysis of multi-mesh planetary gearings is very important for

reduction of noise and vibration. Splitting of force flow into several planet wings is
the main advantage of planetary gearings. As it can be devaluated by unequal load
sharing on individual planet stages, the floating sun gear and flexible pins of planet
gears are applied. This paper shows that dynamic model of such a gearing box is
very complicated with many multiple eigenfrequencies. The gained frequency
spectrum with multiple eigenvalues is derived and analyzed.

Keywords Planetary gearing Negative stiffness Frequency spectrum Multiple 

1 Introduction

Modal and spectral dynamic properties of planetary gearboxes are more compli-
cated than parallel-axis gear transmission systems and therefore they need deeper
dynamic analysis. The main advantage of planetary gearing is in splitting of force
flow into several planet stages and so minimizing of weight. In order to prevent
unequal load sharing on planet stages, floating sun gear and flexible pins of planet
gears are applied. Dynamic model of such a gearing box is very complicated mainly
since it has several multiple eigenfrequencies in its spectrum.
In this paper, the solution of spectral properties of the plane type of gearings with
four planetary subsystems and with fixed planet carrier is presented. As the all

L. Půst (&)  L. Pešek  A. Radolfová

Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i., Dolejškova 5,
18200 Praha 8, Prague, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Pešek
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Radolfová
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 161

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_21
162 L. Půst et al.

wheels have helical gearings, fluctuation of teeth contact stiffness over a mesh cycle
can be neglected. Steady contacts in gearings are asserted by means of preloading
due to the constant moment loads on the sun and on outer rig gears.
Application of floating sun gear causes that in addition to the deformations in
mesh contact in the direction of tangent to the base circle there is also a radial
motion component perpendicular to this tangential deformation. Restoring forces at
displacement in this radial direction are usually not taken into account at mathe-
matical modelling. The new radial stiffness of gear contact has been therefore
introduced both for external and internal tooth systems.

2 Type of Investigated Gearbox

The plane type of gearings with four planetary subsystems and with fixed planet
carrier has been solved—Fig. 1. All the wheels have helical gearings. As these
gearings have a very small variation of contact stiffness, teeth contact stiffness is
supposed to be constant. The main aim of the complex study is analysis of influence
of planetary pins compliance (stiffness kc) and of free (or weekly supported, stiff-
ness kc) axis of sun wheel on gearbox dynamic properties. The second aim is to
prepare the theoretical base for evaluation of measurements data gained at the
planned experiments on new gearing box prototype.

3 Radial Stiffness of Two Gearing Wheels

Mutual radial motion of two gearing wheels changes pressure angle a as shown in
Fig. 2, where r3 ¼ r3 cosðaÞ; r2 ¼ r2 cosðaÞ are radiuses of base, (r3 ; r2 of pitch)
circles. The radial shift Dy determines change Da of pressure angle a. The radial
component Fr of the contact force F increases:

Fig. 1 Four-planetary
Free Vibration Frequency Spectrum of Four-Planetary Gearing Box 163

Fig. 2 External mesh

DFr ¼ Fðsinða  jDajÞ  sinðaÞÞ ffi FcosðaÞ sinðjDajÞ ð1Þ

Also the change of radial shift Dy is connected with Da. The approaching of base
circles Dyc and of axes Dya of both wheels are the same Dyc ¼ Dya ¼ Dy:

r3 þ r2 r3 þ r2 ðr  þ r2 Þ sinðaÞ sinðjDajÞ

Dy ¼  ffi 3 : ð1aÞ
cosðaÞ cosða  jDajÞ cos2 ðaÞ

The ratio of DFr and Dy, gives negative radial stiffness kr :

DFr DFr DFr Fcos3 ðaÞ Fcos2 ðaÞ

kr ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼  ¼ : ð2Þ
Dy Dyc Dya ðr3 þ r2 Þ sinðaÞ ðr3 þ r2 Þ sinðaÞ

Similar relations are valid also for the radial contact stiffness between ring and
planetary wheel that is an internal gearing contact, where the pressure angle a
increases Da [ 0 at wheels penetrating Dy ¼ Dyc . In such a case the radial contact
stiffness kr is positive. However, the approaching of base circles Dyc at internal
gearing contact is connected with increase of wheel axes distance Dya ¼ Dyc and
therefore the radial contact stiffness kr ¼ DF Dya of this internal gearing has again

negative sign similar to the external mesh.

In the mesh, there are perpendicular friction forces besides pressure forces.
These forces act along the whole length of pressure line. The friction forces in the
addendum part of the pressure line have opposite direction than in the dedendum
part, they are roughly in balance and therefore the friction forces result is small and
can be neglected in the following solution.
164 L. Půst et al.

3.1 Radial Free Vibration

The first step in solution of dynamics of the four planetary gearing system (Fig. 1)
is analysis of one separate planet wheel. We shall use the same value for external
and internal tooth contacts kr ¼ 40,000 N/m: Equations of motion of free radial
vibration of one planet wing, at assumption that the ring wheel axis is stiff, are

m3€y3  kr ðy3  y2 Þ þ k3 y3 ¼ 0; m2€y2 þ kr y3 þ kc y2 ¼ 0: ð3Þ

It is a 2DOF system, which can serve as a mathematical model of the upper

planet subsystem labeled by a left upper index “ 1 ” in Fig. 1. Mathematical models
of other three planet subsystems labeled by “ 2, 3, 4 ” have similar structure but the
variables must be exchanged according to the orientation of planet wings [1].

3.2 Free Tangential Vibration

Tangential motion and rotation of wheels are influenced by stiffness of tooth

meshes k1 ; k2 and stiffness of flexible wheel’s pins k3 ; kc . As planet and sun wheel
both rotate and translate, the masses of planet and of sun wheel as well their
moments of inertia must be considered. Differential equations of one planet wing
motion are described in [2]. Here the direct derivation of mathematical model of the
entire four planetary gearing box is applied.

4 Free Vibration of Four-Planetary Gearing Box

Mathematical description of free vibration of gearing box can be constructed by

means of Lagrange equations written for n generalized coordinates of motion qj
d @T @T @V
 þ ¼ 0 j ¼ 1; . . .; n ð4Þ
dt @ qj @qj @qj

where T is kinetic energy of investigated system, V is potential energy.

Let us investigate dynamic properties of a gearing box shown in Fig. 1 without
any external driving and braking aggregate. The coordinate vector q is:

q ¼ ½u1 1 y2 1 x2 1 u2 2 y2 2 x2 2 u2 3 y2 3 x2 3 u2 4 y2 4 x2 4 u2 y3 x3 u3 T : ð5Þ
Free Vibration Frequency Spectrum of Four-Planetary Gearing Box 165

Kinetic energy of the four-planets gearing system with 16 DOF is

" #
1 H1 u_ 1 þ m2 ð y_ 2 þ x_ 2 þ y_ 2 þ x_ 2 þ y_ 2 þ x_ 2 þ y_ 2 þ x_ 2 Þ
2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 2
T¼ : ð6Þ
2 þ H2 ð1 u_ 22 þ 2 u_ 22 þ 3 u_ 22 þ 4 u_ 22 Þ þ m3 ð_y23 þ x_ 23 Þ þ H3 u_ 23

Potential energy V of the same 16 DOF gearing system is a function of all

angular and transversal coordinates given in the coordinate vector q and contains
also tooth mesh stiffness parameters k1 ; k2 , stiffness kc of flexible planet pins and
stiffness k3 of sun gear support. The axis of ring wheel is supposed to be sufficiently
stiff with no transversal displacements ðy1 ¼ 0; x1 ¼ 0Þ. Potential energy consists
of radial and potential parts V ¼ Vrad þ Vtan . The complete potential energy is
2 h i 3
k r ðy3  1 y2 Þ2 þ ðx3  2 x2 Þ2 þ ðy3  3 y2 Þ2 þ ðx3  4 x2 Þ2
6   7
6 7
6 þ k r 1 y22 þ 2 x22 þ 3 y22 þ 4 x22 þ kc ð1 y22 þ 1 x22 þ 2 y22 þ 2 x22 þ 3 y22 þ 3 x22 þ 4 y22 þ 4 x22 Þ 7
6 7
16 2 2
6 þ k1 ½ðr1 u1  r2 1 u2  1 x2 Þ þ ðr1 u1  r2 2 u2 þ 2 y2 Þ þ ðr1 u1  r2 3 u2  3 x2 Þ 7
V¼ 6 7
2 6 þ ðr u  r 4 u þ 4 y Þ2  þ k ½ðr u  x  r 1 u þ 1 x Þ2 7
6 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 7
6 7
6 þ ðr u þ y  r 2 u þ 2 y Þ2 þ ðr u þ x  r 3 u  3 x Þ2 7
4 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 5
þ ðr3 u3 þ y3  r2 u2 þ y2 Þ  þ k3 ðy3 þ x3 Þ
4 4 2 2


Introducing expressions (6) and (7) into Lagrange equations. (4) we get 16
differential equations of motion
€ 1 þ k1 r1 ½4r1 u1  r2 ð1 u2 þ 2 u2 þ 3 u2 þ 4 u2 Þ  1 x2 þ 2 y2 þ 3 x2  4 y2  ¼ 0;
H1 u
m2 1€y2 þ ðkc þ 2kr Þ1 y2  kr y3 ¼ 0;
m2 1€x2  k1 r1 u1 þ ðk1  k2 Þr2 1 u2 þ ðk1 þ k2 þ kc Þ1 x2 þ k2 r3 u3  k2 x3 ¼ 0;
€ 2  k1 r2 r1 u1 þ ðk1 þ k2 Þr2 1 u2  ðk2  k1 Þr2 1 x2 þ k2 r2 x3  k2 r2 r3 u3 ¼ 0;
H2 1 u
m2 2€y2 þ k1 r1 u1  ðk1  k2 Þr2 2 u2 þ ðk1 þ k2 þ kc Þ2 y2  k2 r3 u3  k2 y3 ¼ 0;
m2 2€x2 þ ðkc þ 2kr Þ2 x2  kr x3 ¼ 0;
€ 2  k1 r2 r1 u1 þ ðk1 þ k2 Þr2 2 u2 þ ðk2  k1 Þr2 2 y2  k2 r2 y3  k2 r2 r3 u3 ¼ 0;
H2 2 u
m2 3€y2 þ ðkc þ 2kr Þ3 y2  kr y3 ¼ 0;
m2 3€x2 þ k1 r1 u1  ðk1  k2 Þr2 3 u2 þ ðk1 þ k2 þ kc Þ3 x2  k2 r3 u3  k2 x3 ¼ 0;
€ 2  k1 r2 r1 u1 þ ðk1 þ k2 Þr2 3 u2 þ ðk2  k1 Þr2 3 x2  k2 r2 x3  k2 r2 r3 u3 ¼ 0;
H2 3 u
m2 4€y2  k1 r1 u1 þ ðk1  k2 Þr2 4 u2 þ ðk1 þ k2 þ kc Þ4 y2 þ k2 r3 u3  k2 y3 ¼ 0;
m2 4€x2 þ ðkc þ 2kr Þ4 x2  kr x3 ¼ 0;
€ 2  k1 r2 r1 u1 þ ðk1 þ k2 Þr2 4 u2 þ ðk1  k2 Þr2 4 y2 þ k2 r3 y3  k2 r2 r3 u3 ¼ 0;
H2 4 u
m3€y3 þ k2 ½r2 ð2 u2  4 u2 Þ þ 2y3  2 y2  4 y2  þ k3 y3 þ kr ð2y3  1 y2  3 y2 Þ ¼ 0
m3€x3 þ k2 ½r2 ð1 u2  3 u2 Þ þ 2x3  1 x2  3 x2  þ k3 x3 þ kr ð2x3  2 x2  4 x2 Þ ¼ 0
€ 3 þ k2 r3 ð4r3 u3  r2 1 u2  r2 2 u2  r2 3 u2  r2 4 u2 þ 1 x2  2 y2  3 x2 þ 4 y2 Þ ¼ 0;
H3 u
166 L. Půst et al.

These equations of motion can be rewritten into a matrix form

M €q þ K q ¼ 0 ð9Þ

with the coordinate vector q given by (5) and with the diagonal inertia matrix M

M ¼ diag½nH1 ; m2 ; m2 ; H2 ; m2 ; m2 ; H2 ; m2 ; m2 ; H2 ; m2 ; m2 ; H2 ; m3 ; m3 ; H3 n

and with the full stiffness matrix K which is of order 16.

The roots of characteristic determinant
X M þ K  ¼ 0 ð11Þ

give eigen-frequencies of investigated planetary gearbox.

If the parameters of the example of planetary gearbox are:
Tangential mesh stiffness k1 = k2 = 4e + 9 N/m, radial stiffness kr = −4e +
4 N/m, planet pin stiffness kc = 5e + 9 N/m, radiuses r1 = 0.3 m, r2 = 0.12 m, r3 = 0.06 m,
masses m1 = 250 kg, m2 = 42 kg, m3 = 25 kg, moments of inertia H1 = 200 kgm2,
H2 = 0.5 kgm2, H3 = 0.05 kgm2, then by means of program “eig” in system Matlab
we get eigenfrequencies of investigated planetary gearing—see Table 1.
The first eigen-frequency has zero value and corresponds to the revolution of all
gearing wheels. The remaining fifteen non-zero eigen-frequencies correspond to the
vibrations superposed on this rotation. There are three twofold frequencies
856; 2673; 3780 Hz and one fourfold frequency 1779 Hz:
The used program “eig” in Matlab system ascertains corresponding modes of
vibrations in a normalized form. In the case when all the eigenvalues are distinct,
one mode shape orthogonal to the rest of eigenmodes belongs to each one of them.
But there are some multi-fold eigen-frequencies in the planet gearings frequency
spectrum, which need special mode shape procedure [3, 4]. There is no difficulty for
computer programs to extract multiple eigenvalues, but it makes certain compli-
cation in ascertaining of eigenvectors. If the system has a repeated eingen value, we
get a corresponding number of different, independent eigenvectors. Any linear
combination of these vectors is also an eigenvector. Therefore the eigenvector
matrix U is not unique. Different procedures are proposed in literature, the simplest
one seems to be the perturbation method [4, p. 382] based on splitting the multiple

Table 1 Eigen frequencies f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8

Hz 0.0 856 856 1225 1779 1779 1779 1779
f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f15 f16
Hz 2415 2673 2673 2869 2947 3780 3780 5908
Free Vibration Frequency Spectrum of Four-Planetary Gearing Box 167

eigenvalue into several separated eigenfrequencies located close to each other and
having separate mode shapes. If in the above mentioned mathematical model of
planetary gearing is completed with moderately increasing e.g. stiffness kc of
flexible planet pins, then the frequency spectrum differs a little from the original in
Table 1, all eigenvalues are distinct and eigenmodes can be easily determined.

5 Conclusion

It is shown that the solution of vibrations of planetary gearing box with the weakly
supported sun wheel needs to include radial gear mesh stiffness into mathematical
model and that this stiffness is negative. After deriving 16 differential equations of
gearing motion, the free frequency spectrum is ascertained. Several multiple
eigenfrequencies were discovered and the method for ascertaining of adjoined
eigenmode shapes is indicated.

Acknowledgments The work has been supported by the grant project TA04011656.


1. Půst, L., Pešek, L., Radolfová, A.: Negative stiffness in gear contact. Appl. Comput. Mech.
9(2), 141–150 (2015)
2. Půst, L. Pešek, L. Radolfová, A.: Free vibration of planetary gearing. In Proceedings of
Dynamesi 2015, IT ASCR, pp. 45–54. Prague (2015)
3. Newland, D.E.: Mechanical vibration analysis and computation, Longman Scientific and
Technical, Harlow Essex, England (1989)
4. Collatz, L.: Eigenwertaufgaben mit technischen Anwendungen. Akademische
Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig (1949)
Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor
in Presence of Sommerfeld Effect

A. Bisoi, R. Bhattacharyya and A.K. Samantaray

Abstract This paper considers the dynamics of an unbalanced rotor disk which is
supported on a flexible foundation and is driven by a three-phase induction motor
(IM). At resonance, the structural vibration amplitudes of the system are high and
most of the motor power is spent to excite the structural mode of vibration. If the
motor is improperly sized then it may not be possible for it to drive the rotor
through this resonance. Even if the motor is sufficiently powerful, it first approaches
the natural frequency and then suddenly jumps to a much higher value. This classic
phenomenon is called the Sommerfeld effect. IM control laws often neglect this
phenomenon. We develop a controller for such situation. The source-structure
interaction involving the power transfer mechanism is modeled through bond graph
and simulation results are presented.

Keywords Sommerfeld effect  Induction motor  Bond graph  V/f control

1 Introduction

During an experiment on an unbalanced motor placed on an elastic table, Arnold

Sommerfeld came across a peculiar phenomenon. He found that near the structural
resonance, there is considerable motor power consumption without much change in
rotor speeds and at a critical power input, the motor speed jumps to a high value and
keeps increasing with increase in voltage. This jump phenomenon was later named
as Sommerfeld effect [1]. Sommerfeld effect at the stability threshold of a non-ideal
system with DC motor was studied in [2, 3]. Bond graph technique [4] is very

A. Bisoi  R. Bhattacharyya (&)  A.K. Samantaray (&)

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
e-mail: [email protected]
A.K. Samantaray
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Bisoi
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 169

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_22
170 A. Bisoi et al.

useful for modelling multi-disciplinary systems and has been used in the past for
motor-rotor interaction modelling [5].

2 Model Description

Here, dynamics of a system with a 3-phase squirrel cage motor (see Fig. 1) attached
with an unbalanced disk mounted on a flexible foundation is studied.
The disk’s mass centre at C is at distance e from the geometric centre of disk at
G. The total mass of the disk is denoted by m. The geometric centre of the disk is
coupled with the motor and the rotor is supported by a bearing offering constant
viscous resistance Rb . The foundation is flexible. The mass, stiffness and damping
coefficients of the foundation are M, Kf and Rf , respectively. Parameters considered
for this system are listed in Table 1.

Fig. 1 Motor on a flexible

foundation e θ

kf Rf

Table 1 The system parameters, their descriptions and values

Parameter Description Value
Kf Stiffness coefficient of foundation 15  104 N/m
Rf Damping coefficient of foundation 100 Ns/m
Kpad Stiffness coefficient of pad 1  1010 N/m
Rpad Damping coefficient of pad 1  103 Ns/m
m Mass of the disk 8 kg
M Total mass of the foundation 20 kg
Ip Polar moment of inertia of disk 0.1 kgm2
e Eccentricity in rotor disk 0.005 m
Rb Bearing rotational damping coefficient 0.0002 Nms/rad
Rs Stator resistance 0:55 X
Rr Rotor equivalent resistance 0:568 X
Is Stator coil inductance 0:0048 H
Ir Rotor equivalent inductance 0.0025 H
Lm Mutual induction 0:1 H
TL Initial load torque 0:01 Nm
Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor in Presence … 171

2.1 Equations of Motion

Let the position of the mass center G be (xm ; ym ) and geometric center C be (x; y). It
follows from Fig. 1 that ym ¼ y þ esinðh þ dÞ and y_ m ¼ y_  ecosðh þ dÞh_ where,
h ¼ xt is the angle between the x-axis and the line passing from the geometric
centre through the mass centre of the rotor, x is the rotor speed, and d is an arbitrary
phase angle. The equations of motion of the system may be written as (2, 3, 5)

ðM þ mÞ€y þ Rf y_ þ Kf y ¼ mex2 cosðxtÞ þ me€h sinðxtÞ ð1Þ

Ip €h ¼ TðhÞ
_  Rb h_ þ me€y sinðhÞ ð2Þ

_ is the output torque from the motor. From Eq. 1, natural frequency
where TðhÞ
xn ¼ Kf ðM þ mÞ. Substituting y ¼ Acosðxt  /Þ in Eq. (1) yields

xRf mex2
tanð/Þ ¼ and A ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 2  2ffi ð3Þ
Kf  ðM þ mÞx2
xRf þ Kf  ðM þ mÞx2

where A is the vibration amplitude of the foundation and / is a phase.

Bond graph modelling of the system
An existing model of three phase six pole induction motor is used here (5).
According to Maxwell-Faraday equation
@B @B
r  Es ¼  as seen from stator r  Er ¼  as seen from rotor
@t @t

where Es and Er are stator electric field and rotor electric field, respectively, B is the
magnetic field, and U is the magnetic flux. For number of turns ns , we get potential
differences (5) across terminals as
_ _ 2p _ 2p
V1s ¼ ns U1s ; V2s ¼ ns U2s cos þ U3s sin ;
3 3
_ 4p _ 4p
V3s ¼ ns U2s cos þ U3s sin
3 3

Three phase voltage supply and delta connection sub-models which are used in
the integrated model are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. Here, TF moduli
ld1 ¼ cos xt, ld2 ¼ cosðxt  2p=3Þ and ld3 ¼ osðxt  4p=3Þ.
In Fig. 3, e=o and e=i are the output and input voltage ports. The integrated bond
graph model of the squirrel cage induction motor attached with an unbalance rotor
placed on a flexible foundation is shown Fig. 4 where ia and ib are the currents in
172 A. Bisoi et al.

0 TF

0 TF 0 Se :

0 TF

Fig. 2 The 3-phase supply sub-model


e/o 0 0 e/o

1 0 1

Fig. 3 Delta connection sub-model

Fig. 4 Integrated bond graph model

the rotor in x and y directions, i110 , i220 and i330 are the currents in the 3 different
phases of stator side. The equivalent rotor inductance equivalent rotor resistance are
reduced as Ir ¼ ðns =nr Þ2 Ir0 and Rr ¼ ðns =nr Þ2 Rr0 where Ir0 and Rr0 are actual rotor
inductance and actual rotor resistance of the motor, respectively, and ns and nr are
number of stator and rotor poles. In case of squirrel cage induction motors, ns ¼ nr .
Three phase voltage supply to two phase supply transformation is given as
Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor in Presence … 173

pffiffiffi  2 3
iar 2 cos 0 cos 2p=3 cos 4p=3 4 5
¼ pffiffiffi is2 ð6Þ
ibr 3 sin 0 sin 2p=3 sin 4p=3

Thus, the values of transformer moduli used in bond graph model are
a1 ¼ sec 2p=3, b1 ¼ csc 2p=3, a2 ¼ sec 4p=3, b2 ¼ csc 4p=3. Contribution of
voltage from mutual inductance is modeled by GY elements. Moduli of Gyrators
are given as g1 ¼ Lm dib =dt and g2 ¼ Lm dia =dt. More details of this model are
available in (4, 5).
Simulation results
Using the data in Table 1, xn ¼ 73:1 rad/s. The variables used to plot the results are
normalized transverse displacement of foundation A ¼ 2x2n A=ðp2 gÞ and normal-
ized shaft spin speed x ¼ x=xn , where g is the acceleration due to gravity. For
supply voltage Vs = 53.3 V and frequency 60 Hz (377 rad/s), the rotor speed gets
stuck at the resonance as shown in Fig. 5. The corresponding results for
Vs = 53.4 V are shown in Fig. 6, where vibration amplitude reduces and rotor
speed jumps to near synchronous speed (372 rad/s).

Fig. 5 Transient response

during coasting up for
Vs = 53.3 V

Fig. 6 Transient response

during coasting up for
Vs = 53.4 V
174 A. Bisoi et al.

3 Speed Control of Induction Motor

Generally there are two types of speed control methods for induction motor. One is
scalar control and the other is vector control method. Volts-per-hertz, commonly
called V/f is the most popular method of IM control. It is widely used in industrial
and domestic applications. In pure V/f approach, the voltage and frequency ratio is
kept constant; the constant being specified according to motor rating in order to
avoid coil burnout. Some transient simulations with V/f control of IM are shown in
Figs. 7 and 8 with V/f constant chosen as 1 (f is in rad/s). In Fig. 7, the reference
speed is 60 rad/s, supply voltage Vs = 60 V. The simulation results show that the
motor speed reaches nearly the synchronous speed. Similar result is obtained when
the reference speed is set to 80 rad/s (Vs = 80 V) and the steady speed reached is
nearly the synchronous speed as shown in Fig. 8. Thus, the resonance is passed
without the system being caught at it.
When the reference speed is kept just above the resonance speed, the response
does not settle to any steady value. This happens due to Sommerfeld effect which
excludes some speed zones from stable operation. Such cases for reference speed of
74 rad/s (resonance is at 71.3 rad/s) are shown in Figs. 9 and 10.

Fig. 7 Transient response

during coasting up for
reference speed of 60 rad/s

Fig. 8 Transient response

during coasting up for
reference speed of 80 rad/s
Speed Control of 3-Phase Induction Motor in Presence … 175

Fig. 9 Transient response

during coasting up for
reference speed of 74 rad/s

Fig. 10 A zoomed part of

rotor speed response at
reference speed of 74 rad/s

4 Conclusions

Many engineering applications require speed control of unbalanced rotors driven by

induction motors. One example is a heavy-duty vibration generator where use of
peizo-elements can be expensive. We show that passage through resonance can be a
problem by simple voltage variation approach due to the existence of Sommerfeld
effect. The v/f speed controller is shown to be able to regulate the rotor speed even
in the regimes near the structural resonance.


1. Sommerfeld, A.: Beiträge Zum Dynamischen Ausbau Der Festigkeitslehe, Physikal Zeitschr 3,
266 (1902)
2. Samantaray, A.K.: Steady-state dynamics of a non-ideal rotor with internal damping and
gyroscopic effects. Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 56(4), 443 (2008)
176 A. Bisoi et al.

3. Karthikeyan, M., Bisoi, A., Samantaray, A.K., Bhattacharyya, R.: Sommerfeld effect
characterization in rotors with non-ideal drive from ideal drive response and power balance.
Mech. Mach. Theory 91, 269 (2015)
4. Mukherjee, A., Karmakar, R., Samantaray, A.K.: Bond graph in modeling, simulation and fault
identification. CRC Press (2012)
5. Mukherjee, A., Karmakar, R., Samantaray, A.K.: Modelling of basic induction motors and
source loading in rotor-motor systems with regenerative force field. Simul. Pract. Theor. 7, 563
Part III
Computational Mechanics
Various Strategies of Elastic Forces
Evaluation in the Absolute Nodal
Coordinate Formulation

R. Bulín and M. Hajžman

Abstract This paper deals with the description of the absolute nodal coordinate
formulation (ANCF) which is suitable for the flexible bodies modelling considering
large deformation. As it is shown for beam ANCF elements, this formulation leads
to the nonlinear expression of elastic forces, which could be the main disadvantage
of the ANCF. The evaluation of these forces can be done by numerical integration
in each computational step or by analytical derivation with the help of a software
for symbolic operations. The computational performance of various elastic forces
evaluation strategies is investigated using a benchmark problem of falling flexible

Keywords Absolute nodal coordinate formulation  Elastic forces  Benchmark 

Flexible beam

1 Introduction

An absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) [3] is a suitable approach to the

modelling of beams, cables, wires and fibers in the framework of robot, manipulator
and mechanism design. The ANCF is based on the usage of global displacements
and slopes as nodal coordinates. It belongs to the modern approaches of flexible
multibody dynamics and allows to model flexible bodies performing a large motion
including deformation.
Dynamical models employing ANCF are characterized by constant mass
matrices and highly nonlinear stiffness matrices. Therefore the issue of the for-
mulation of elastic forces is very important and it is the motivation for the work
presented in this paper. There are several types of ANCF beam elements [2]. This

R. Bulín (&)  M. Hajžman

University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Hajžman
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 179

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_23
180 R. Bulín and M. Hajžman

paper is focused on a lower order ANCF element, which can be used for modelling
of thin cables, fibers and wires. This element respects bending and axial stiffness
and can be also extended by adding torsional stiffness [4].

2 Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation

A spatial lower order ANCF element of length l with two nodes uses components of
position vector r of nodes and its derivation with respect to local parameter x 2
h0; li (slopes) as the nodal coordinates. This can be expressed as
h i
ðiÞT ðjÞT T
e ¼ rðiÞT ; r;x ; rðjÞT ; r;x ; ð1Þ

where e is the vector of nodal coordinates, rðiÞ is the position vector of node i and
ðiÞ ðiÞ
r;x ¼ @r@x ¼ sðiÞ represents the slope at node i (note, that each element has node
i and j). This implies that each element has 12 degrees of freedom, 6 at each node.
Global position r ¼ rx ; ry ; rz of an arbitrary beam point determined by parameter
x can be written as

rð xÞ ¼ Sð xÞe; Sð xÞ ¼ ½s1 I; s2 I; s3 I; s4 I; ð2Þ

where S is the global shape function matrix of size 3  12, I is the identity matrix of
size 3  3 and the shape functions can be derived in the form
s1 ¼ 1  3n2 þ 2n3 ; s2 ¼ l n  2n2 þ n3 ;
s3 ¼ 3n2  2n3 ; s4 ¼ l n2 þ n3 ; n ¼ x=l:

It must be noted, that a cubic polynomials in x are employed to describe all three
components of the displacement and the element can be considered as
Standard procedures (e.g. the Lagrange equations or the principle of virtual
work) can be used in order to derive a mathematical model of the spatial ANCF
element. Kinetic energy of the element with material density q is

Zl Zl
1 1 1
Ek ¼ qA_rT r_ dx ¼ e_ T qAST Sdx e_ ¼ e_ T Me e_ ; ð4Þ
2 2 2
0 0

where Me is the element mass matrix.

Strain energy Ep of the element is used for the derivation of elastic forces in the
ANCF beam model and the form of an adopted elasticity model determines the
complexity of the whole model. The most common approach employs the
Various Strategies of Elastic Forces Evaluation … 181

separation of the strain energy of longitudinal deformation Epl and the strain energy
of transverse (bending) deformation Ept as

Zl Zl
1 1
Ep ¼ Epl þ Ept ¼ EAe2x dx þ EIj2 dx; ð5Þ
2 2
0 0

where E is the Young modulus, A is the area of the cross-section and I is the second
moment of the area about a transverse axis. In this particular case, it is assumed that
the second moments of the area for both transverse axes z and y are equal, so it is
applied I ¼ Izz ¼ Iyy . The axial strain ex and the curvature j can be in general case
expressed as [2]
1 T  1   d r r ;x  r ;xx

ex ¼ r;x r;x  1 ¼ f 2  1 ; j ¼  2  ¼  3 ; ð6Þ
2 2 ds r;x 

where f ¼ ddxs represents the deformation gradient for longitudinal strain and ds is
the infinitesimal arc length. Note, that the axial strain is defined by Green strain
tensor. The strain energy leads to nonlinear elastic forces that must be evaluated in
each integration step.

3 Evaluation of Elastic Forces

Based on the general expression of axial strain (6), the vector of longitudinal elastic
forces of the element e has the form

Z l
@Epl @ex
Qel ¼ ¼ EA ex dx
@e @e
Zl   1  
¼ EA ST;x S;x e eT ST;x S;x e  1 dx ¼ Kl ðeÞe: ð7Þ

The integral in Eq. (7) can be derived analytically or by using some software for
symbolic operations (MATLAB R2012a was used in this work). It can be shown
that the resultant nonlinear longitudinal stiffness matrix is a full matrix and its
elements are quadratic functions of the nodal coordinates. The evaluation of such a
vector of elastic forces in each time step can be computationally demanding. That is
why it is suitable to approximate the integral in (7) by using the Gaussian
quadrature. As it is noted in [1], the matrix Kl ðeÞ is not unique and another
derivation of this matrix in case of planar ANCF beam is shown there. It is based on
182 R. Bulín and M. Hajžman

the separation of vector of nodal coordinates e to sum of two vectors—arbitrary

rigid-body displacement and flexible deformation. This approach leads to simpler
form of matrix Kl ðeÞ in case of planar elements and is referred to as L2 model.
The vector of transverse elastic forces of element e has the form

Z l
@Ept @j
Qet ¼ ¼ EI j dx: ð8Þ
@e @e

Since the general expression of curvature j in Eq. (6) is of a complex form, the
integral in Eq. (8) is difficult to solve even with the help of the software for
symbolic operations. But, as it is mentioned in [2], the derivation of curvature @j
can be obtained in closed form. The vector of transverse elastic forces can be then
evaluated using Gaussian quadrature with the use of several precomputed terms. As
it is described in [1], significant simplification can be achieved when the longitu-
dinal deformation within the element is assumed constant while developing the
vector of transverse elastic forces. Then, the deformation gradient f ¼ ddxs has a
constant value f and the curvature can be simplified as
 2   2 
 d r   d r d2 x  1 1
j ¼  2  ¼  2  2  ¼ 2 r;xx ¼ 2 S;xx e:
ds dx ds f f

This approach is referred to as T2 model and it is recommended to use sufficient

number of elements to meet the mentioned assumption.

4 Benchmark Problem of a Flexible Pendulum

An in-house software for the numerical simulation of chosen mechanical systems

with flexible beams modelled by spatial lower order ANCF beam elements was
created in MATLAB. A falling flexible pendulum as a standard benchmark
example for the testing of the created code was implemented and several simulation
results are described in this section. The scheme of the pendulum is in Fig. 1 and its
parameters are l = 2 m, ρ = 4000 kg m3, a = 0.01 m, E = 108 Pa, g = 9.81 m s−2.
The simulation time is 2 s. The equations of motion were solved using ode23t
function in MATLAB with implicit error settings. The numerical solution was
performed using HP Compaq Elite 8300 with Intel Core i5-3570 CPU and 16 GB
Three strategies of the elastic forces evaluation were tested. First model denoted
as GL-T uses Gaussian quadrature to evaluate both longitudinal and transverse
elastic forces (L is the number of Gaussian points used for determination of Qel and
T is the number of points for Qet ). Second model denoted as ST2 uses symbolically
determined longitudinal elastic forces and T2 model [1] for transverse forces. The
Various Strategies of Elastic Forces Evaluation … 183

Fig. 1 The scheme of the flexible pendulum with its cross-section and the visualization of the
pendulum in discrete time steps

last model is denoted as L2T2 and the strategy of evaluation of the elastic forces is
evident from the name of the model and corresponds with [1].
The visualization of the flexible pendulum obtained from solution of the G10-10
model is shown in Fig. 1. The computational times for each model and maximum
difference over time from G10-10 model are summarized in Table 1. It is obvious,
that results from G2-2 model are rather different, because it uses only two Gaussian
points to approximate cubic terms in general. Other differences between models are
rather small. It seems reasonable to use more Gaussian points for longitudinal force
approximation (5 points), because their evaluation is relatively fast. The vertical
displacement of the pendulum tip for selected models and the difference of vertical
displacement of the tip is shown in Fig. 2.

Table 1 The summary of computational demands for various approaches to elastic forces
Model Number Computational Computational Computational Maximum
of time (s) time for time for difference from
elements longitudinal transverse G10-10 model
forces (s) forces (s) (m)
G2-2 10 107.5 14.6 60.5 3.36 × 10−1
G3-3 10 185.7 26.3 116.1 4.16 × 10−3
G4-4 10 233.4 33.8 154.1 1.84 × 10−4
G5-5 10 285.2 42.2 192.9 3.29 × 10−5
G10-10 10 492.5 76.5 367.2 Reference model
ST2 10 355.0 261.1 48.1 1.02 × 10−4
L2T2 10 109.8 14.8 50.3 1.02 × 10−2
L2T2 20 481.4 67.5 233.4 7.72 × 10−3
184 R. Bulín and M. Hajžman

Fig. 2 The vertical displacement of the pendulum tip for selected models and the difference of
vertical displacement of the tip for selected models

5 Conclusions

In this paper, the ANCF beam element suitable for problems of flexible multibody
dynamics was described and various strategies of evaluation of the elastic forces
were shown. According to resultant computational times of various models it is
recommended to use five Gaussian points to approximate longitudinal elastic forces
and at least three points for transverse forces. Another option for transverse force
evaluation is to use T2 model [1]. The symbolical evaluation of longitudinal forces
leads to full stiffness matrix, whose evaluation is relatively slow.

Acknowledgments The first author was supported by the project LO1506 of the Czech Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports and the second author was supported by the project 15-20134S of
the Czech Science Foundation.


1. Berzeri, M., Shabana, A.A.: Development of simple models for the elastic force in the absolute
nodal co-ordinate formulation. J. Sound Vib. 235, 539–565 (2000)
2. Gerstmayr, J., Shabana, A.A.: Analysis of thin beams and cables using absolute nodal
co-ordinate formulation. Nonlinear Dyn. 45, 109–130 (2006)
3. Shabana, A.A.: Dynamics of Multibody Systems, 3rd edn. Cambridge UP (2005)
4. Yoo, W.-S., Dmitrochenko, O., Park, S.-J., Lim, O.-K.: A new thin spatial beam element using
the absolute nodal coordinates: application to a rotating strip. Mech. Based Des. Struct. Mach.
33, 339–422 (2005)
Nonlinear Vibration of Nuclear Fuel Rods

Š. Dyk and V. Zeman

Abstract From mechanical point of view, nuclear fuel rod (FR) is a complex
system consisting of two subsystems—fuel rod cladding (thin walled zirconium
tube) and a fuel pellets stack placed inside the cladding placed with a small radial
clearance. Both subsystems are beam-type continua that possibly impact-interact
during the vibration caused by fuel assembly support plates motion. The FR is
supported at eight levels by prestressed spacer grid cells. The paper focuses on
complex mathematical modelling of such a system including all the nonlinearities
given by possible impacts between cladding and fuel pellets stack and possible
loose of contact between cladding and spacer grid cells due to low prestress. In all
the contact points, friction-vibration interactions respect three possible phases—
stick, slip and separation—depending on the slip velocity and normal contact force.
The model is used for estimation of a fretting wear of the cladding in contact with
spacer grids.

Keywords Nuclear fuel rods  Nonlinear vibration  Impact  Friction forces 


1 Introduction and Model Description

A fuel rod (FR) is a key part of nuclear fuel assembly as it is the component where
the nuclear reaction occurs. Basically, there are two types of FAs—hexagonal and
square-type, where the type refers to shape of FA’s cross section. The paper deals
with modelling of hexagonal-type FAs (see Fig. 1) that consists of 312 FRs, 18
guide thimbles, one centre tube and six angle-pieces that stiffen the FA’s con-
struction. At eight levels, regularly placed on the axis of the FA, there are spacer

Š. Dyk (&)  V. Zeman

NTIS, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
V. Zeman
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 185

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_24
186 Š. Dyk and V. Zeman

Fig. 1 A hexagonal-type fuel assembly—side view (a) and cross-section (b)

grids (SGs) that fix all the components in hexagonal cross section. Whole FA is
submerged into coolant liquid (in case of VVER reactors, there is water as a
coolant). In VVER-1000 reactors, there are 163 FAs in a reactor core that are fixed
in lower and upper mounting plates. Due to pressure pulsations of coolant, the
mounting plates are excited and their motion can be computed using global reactor
model [1]. A SGs motion is investigated using linearized model of the chosen FA
[2]. Obtained kinematical excitation is used in a detailed nonlinear model of one
chosen FR.
A fretting wear of Zr FR cladding has been analysed in [3], but the modelling of
FR vibration did not include friction forces in contact points whose effect was
approximated by proportional damping. Friction forces can significantly influence
results of numerical simulation. In the model described in this paper, friction and
impact forces are fully considered.
A mechanical scheme of a nuclear fuel rod is shown in the Fig. 2. It consists of a
FR cladding (C) in the form of long thin-walled Zr tube and fuel pellets stack
(P) placed inside the C. The subsystem P is axially coupled with the C by
hold-down fixation spring. Between both subsystems, there is a little radial clear-
ance d; that is considered to be constant through whole length of the FR. Both
subsystems C and P are fixed at the bottom-end to the lower piece that is fixed in
the moving lower FA support plate. At eight levels g, the cladding is supported by
three spacer grid cells as shown in the Fig. 2.
Both subsystems are modelled using finite element method (FEM) for
Euler-Bernoulli type one-dimensional continua. In each discrete node, all the six
degrees of freedom are respected (axial displacement and two lateral displacements,
Nonlinear Vibration of Nuclear Fuel Rods 187

Fig. 2 Schematic mechanical model of the FR in side-view and a cross-section of the FR at the
level of spacer grid g

torsional rotational angle and flexural bending angles). The mathematical model of
the system including all above mentioned nonlinearities can be written in the form
of set of second order ordinary differential equations
" ðCÞ
#" # " #" #
MF 0 €FðCÞ
BF 0
q_ F
0 MF €FðPÞ
q 0 BF
" ðCÞ #" ðCÞ # ! " FðCÞ # "  #
KF 0 qF f L ðtÞ f SG qF ; q_ F ; t
þ þ Kfix ¼ ðPÞ þ
0 KF
qF f L ðtÞ 0 ð1Þ
2   3
f P;C qF ; q_ F ; qF ; q_ F
6 7
þ4   5;
f C;P qF ; q_ F ; qF ; q_ F

where qF ; X ¼ C; P are vectors of generalized coordinates of the free nodes
i ¼ 1; 2; . . .16, see Fig. 2, matrices MF ; BF ; KF ; X ¼ C; P; are mass, damping
and stiffness matrices, respectively, of both subsystems and Kfix is stiffness matrix
of fixation spring. At the right hand side of (1), there are vectors f L ðtÞ; X ¼ C; P of
kinematical excitation by motion of the lower node L, and vector f SG qF ; q_ F ; t
express forces caused by all the SGs. Last vector in (1) is vector of impact forces
between subsystems P and C. The latter two vectors include both generalized
displacements and generalized velocities of the subsystems which expresses
188 Š. Dyk and V. Zeman

nonlinear character of the contact forces. The model (1) can be formally rewritten
into standard matrix form

qðtÞ þ B_
M€ _
qðtÞ þ KqðtÞ ¼ fðqðtÞ; qðtÞ; tÞ; ð2Þ

that can be solved numerically after transformation to the form of the set of double
number of first order equations.

2 Application and Results

The computational model of the system was implemented in MATLAB software.

To describe a qualitative and quantitative changes in fuel rod vibration during an
operational cycle, five states were determined, see Table 1. The initial state (I) is
characterized by maximal radial clearance, maximal prestress of SG cells and
minimal force of fixation spring. During the operational-cycle, the fuel pellets swell
and thus the radial clearance is getting smaller and at the end (state V), there is a
zero clearance. Due to swell effect, the fixation spring force is getting larger as the
prestress grows. The prestress of SG cells is getting smaller due to wear in contact
points. Between these two states, the parameters are considered to change linearly,
see Table 1.
The fretting wear of the fuel rod cladding in the cell j ¼ 1; 2; 3 and at the level of
the spacer grid g ¼ 1; 2; . . .8 can be estimated in the form [3]

f ðxÞ
Dmj;g ¼ l Wj;g ð3Þ

where l is loss of FR cladding mass in one contact surface generated by the work of
friction force 1 J at the excitation frequency x; f ðxÞ is experimentally obtained
friction coefficient at the same frequency [4], f0 is calculated friction coefficient and
Wj;g is the work of friction forces.
Figure 3 shows the fretting wear per a steady state part of simulation domain
(0,3 s) and its evolution during an operational cycle of the reactor. The work offriction
forces in (3) is obtained using nonlinear response of the system described by (1).

Table 1 Combination of system parameters considered for different states during reactor
operational cycle
State Radial clearance between C Prestress of SG Fixation spring
number and P (μm) cells (N) hold-down force (N)
I 65 20 5
II 48.75 16.25 6.25
III 32.5 12.5 7.5
IV 16.5 8.75 8.75
V 0 5 10
Nonlinear Vibration of Nuclear Fuel Rods 189

Fig. 3 Fretting wear per the simulation time at all the SG levels and in all the contact points
190 Š. Dyk and V. Zeman

3 Conclusions

The contribution describes mathematical model of fuel rod in hexagonal-type fuel

assembly that respects all the mechanical nonlinearities; impact and friction forces
between fuel pellets stack and fuel rod cladding and between fuel rod cladding and
spacer grid cells. Numerical simulation in time domain was performed to estimate
the fretting wear of Zr cladding and its wall thickness that is very important for
judgement of fuel operational-life left. The analysis shows the evolution of the wear
during an operational cycle of the reactor based on estimated evolution of
mechanical parameters such as a clearance between P and C, fixation spring force
and prestress of spacer grid cells.

Acknowledgments This publication was supported by the project LO1506 of the Czech Ministry
of Education, Youth and Sports.


1. Hlaváč, Z., Zeman, V.: Vibration of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies: Modelling, Methods,
Application. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbruecken (2013)
2. Zeman, V., Hlaváč, Z.: Dynamic response of nuclear fuel assembly excited by pressure
pulsations. Appl. Comput. Mech. 6, 212–230 (2012)
3. Zeman, V., Dyk, Š., Hlaváč, Z.: Mathematical modelling of nonlinear vibration and fretting
wear of the nuclear fuel rods. Arch. Appl. Mech. 86, 657–668 (2016)
4. Pečínka, L., Svoboda, J., Zeman, V.: Fretting wear of the Zr fuel rod cladding. In: Proceedings
of the 2014 22nd International Conference of Nuclear Engineering ICONE22 (2014)
Thermal Field Simulation of Repair
Threads in a Hole in the Cover
of a Pressure Vessel by Welding
Using Sysweld

R. Jančo and P. Élesztős

Abstract This paper deals with the analysis of residual strain and stress after
welding. It was done using the SYSWELD software, which is based on the finite
element methods. The welding solution has been divided into two phases. In our
simulation we have used the Goldak model for a heat source. After the correct
allocation of all inputs the process can be initiated. The results of this phase of the
solution are the distribution of the thermal fields and the percentages of the separate
metallurgical phases. The results of these solutions are presented in this paper.

Keywords Welding  Goldak model  Finite element method  SYSWELD

1 Introduction

The use of numerical, mainly finite elements and experimental approaches to

characterize weld residual stresses is fairly widespread, but limitations to these
methods are not fully known and they need to be recognized. However, when the
two approaches are combined, and the results corroborate each other sufficiently
well, the resulting residual stress distribution can be confidently used for
The use of numerical techniques to simulate the welding process is not new and
the increase in computing power has seen the size and complexity of the models
Simulation of the welding process, considering the moving electrode, is actually
a three-dimensional problem requiring a lot of computer time and effort. Alternative

R. Jančo (&)  P. Élesztős

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Applied Mechanics
and Mechatronics, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,
Nám. Slobody 17, 812 31 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Élesztős
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 191

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_25
192 R. Jančo and P. Élesztős

two-dimensional, quasi-steady state models based on simple transformations are

widely used instead of the three-dimensional unsteady welding process. The
two-dimensional problem involves the analysis of the thermal and stress distribu-
tions in the normal plane to the weld direction in the case of thick plate components
and on the surface for thin plate configurations. The accuracy of the two-
dimensional cross-sectional model increases as the weld speed increases, which
corresponds to simulating the condition of a negligible temperature gradient in the
direction of the weld [1, 2].
An algorithm for the analysis of non-linear heat transfer was presented by Bathe
and Khosgoftaar [3] with an iterative solution procedure for time integration for a
general three-dimensional configuration. This has been used by researchers for
obtaining transient temperature distributions during a welding process by modeling
heat input due to a weld torch as an internal heat generation or as a surface
boundary condition. Goldak [4] demonstrated the application of elliptical power
density distribution of heat flux input with reference to two-dimensional in-plane,
cross-sectional and three-dimensional geometric configurations. This concept of
weld heat input has been used by many researchers [5, 6].
This paper describes a finite element analysis of the repair threads in a hole in the
cover of a pressure vessel by welding using the commercial finite element packages
SYSWELD [7]. The geometry of the symmetry part of the cover of pressure vessels
has been modeled in 3D. The heat source is defined by the Goldak model [2]. Some
results from this analysis are presented in this paper

2 Heat Transfer Analysis

The use of analytical, mainly finite elements and experimental approaches to

characterize weld residual stresses is fairly widespread, but limitations to these
methods are not fully known and they need to be recognized. However, when the
two approaches are combined, and the results corroborate each other sufficiently
well, the resulting residual stress distribution can be confidently used for assess-
ment. To determine the thermal field during the welding process, two different
analyses are required, namely heat conduction and phase transformation analyses.
The most significant factors affecting both analyses are the heat input rate, the
moving speed of the heat source and the thickness of the base material.
The fundamental behavior of heat conduction is that a flux [8]. Q00 (W/m2), of
energy flows from a hot region to cooler regions, linearly dependent on the tem-
perature gradient, rT:

Q00 ¼ krT ð1Þ

where k is the thermal conductivity of the material. The energy required to change
the temperature of the material is defined by specific heat c or enthalpy H. The
conservation of energy is expressed in differential form having the terms for specific
Thermal Field Simulation of Repair Threads … 193

heat, thermal flux and a distributed volume heat-source term Q000 (W/m3) and it is
given as
qcT_  r(krT)  Q00 ¼ 0 ð2Þ

where T_ ¼ @T=@t with t being the time parameter and ρ the density of the materials.

3 Finite Element Analysis and Model

In the FEM analysis, the boundary conditions are applied to the model by speci-
fying the value of the heat transfer coefficient and the surrounding temperatures at
the elements and nodes, respectively, of the “skin elements” by creating a mesh at
the boundaries of the domain studies.
When applied to the heat Eq. (2), the finite element method involves the solution
of a system of differential equations [8]:

CT_ þ KT ¼ Q ð3Þ

The above Eq. (3) can be written as

R ¼ Q  CT_  KT ¼ 0 ð4Þ

where R is a vector containing all the residual nodal forces (temperature). For
non-linear analysis, Eq. (4) is to be solved by an iterative method at each time
step. T is the nodal temperature vector, T_ is the time derivative of the temperature,
C is the specific heat matrix, K is the conductivity matrix and Q is the vector of
nodal power equivalent to an internal heat source and boundary conditions.
A 3D model for transient analysis is shown in Fig. 1. This model contained
120356 linear elements.

Fig. 1 3D model for finite

element analysis
194 R. Jančo and P. Élesztős

3.1 Material Properties

The temperature dependent value of thermal conductivity, specified heat capacity,

thermal expansion coefficient and Young’s modulus can be found in Table 1.
Density was assumed to be 7700 kg m−3 and Poisson’s ratio to be 0.3, both
independent of temperature. Other material properties are in [9].

3.2 Heat Source Model

In this model the heat source distribution is comprised of two different ellipses in
Fig. 2, i.e. one is in the front quadrant of the heat source and the other is in the rear
quadrant. The power densities of the double-ellipsoidal heat source, qf (x, y, z) and

Table 1 Thermo-mechanical properties

Temp (°C) Weld Parent Weld Parent Weld Parent
Specific heat Coefficient of Young’s modulus
(kJ/kg/°C) thermal expansion (GPa)
×106 (1/K)
20 0.460 0.428 14.0 14.6 171 195
100 0.468 0.468 15.0 15.4 165 191
300 0.486 0.559 16.3 16.9 150 179
500 0.503 0.690 18.2 17.8 135 164
900 0.540 0.650 23.6 19.0 97 116
1000 0.547 0.670 24.7 19.3 83 100
1400 0.593 0.670 29.5 20.2 1.7 2.0
1500 0.593 0.670 30.9 20.4 1.5 1.8

Fig. 2 Goldak model of heat

Thermal Field Simulation of Repair Threads … 195

qr (x, y, z) describe the Goldak heat flux distribution inside the front and rear
quadrant of the heat source and can be expressed as [2]:
pffiffiffi 2
6 3 f f Q 3x22 3y22 3ðzvðstÞÞ
qf (x; y; z) ¼ pffiffiffi e a e b e c2
f ð5Þ
abcf p p
6 3 f r Q 3x22 3y22 3ðzvðstÞÞ 2

qr (x; y; z) ¼ pffiffiffi e a e b e c2r

abcr p p

where Q is the energy input rate, ff and fr are the fractional factor of the heat deposit
in the front and rear quadrant, a, b, cf and cr are heat source parameters, v is welding
rate and τ is total time of welding. Parameters of heat source are in [9].

4 Results

In the numerical simulation the Goldak heat source moves along the helical with 91
screw-threads. Total time of transient thermal and mechanical analysis for one-layer
welding is 21160 s. Results from thermal analysis are the thermal fields in Figs. 3
and 4, and phase distributions in Figs. 6, 7 and 8. In Fig. 5 the temperature change
is along the depth of the neighbor hole and a selected point in the outside surface of
numerical model (top and lateral surface).
In Fig. 8 the result for mechanical analysis with consideration of thermal field
and metallurgical phase fractions from thermal analysis is presented. In the
mechanical solution the isotropic hardening model for plastic deformations was

Fig. 3 Temperature field in

time 16090 s of welding
196 R. Jančo and P. Élesztős

Fig. 4 Temperature field in time 1000 s of welding

Fig. 5 Change of temperature along the length of the repair hole with cooling phase of solution
Thermal Field Simulation of Repair Threads … 197

Fig. 6 Distribution of sorbite

phase after welding of first

Fig. 7 Distribution of
tempered martensite phase
after welding of first layer

Fig. 8 Von Mises stress after

welding of first layer
198 R. Jančo and P. Élesztős

5 Conclusions

Parameters of the Goldak model of heat source were determined from experimental
measurements in selected points using thermocouples. Good agreement was
obtained between the measurement and numerically calculated value in thermal and
mechanical results. In this paper one of the methods of repair is presented for a hole
with an incorrect screw-thread by using welding. After creating welding layers in
the repair hole in the cover of pressure vessels we cut a new screw-thread. An
isotropic hardening model was used for the solution of mechanical stress, which
leads to an over-conservative estimate of stress.

Acknowledgments The publication is the result of the project implementation: Research of

friction stir welding (FSW) application as an alternative to melting welding methods no.
26240220031 supported by the Research & Development Operational Programme funded by the
ERDF. The paper was supported by a grant from Grant Agency of VEGA no. 1/0740/16.


1. Argyris, J.H., Szimmat, J., Willam, K.J.: Computational aspects of welding stress analysis.
Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng 33, 635–666 (1982)
2. Goldak, J., Chakravarti, A., Bibby, M.A.: A new finite element model for welding heat sources.
Metall. Trans. 15B, 299–305 (1984)
3. Bathe, K.J., Khoshgoftaar, M.R.: Finite element formulation and solution of non-linear heat
transfer. Nucl. Engng Des. 51, 389–401 (1979)
4. Goldak, J., Bibby, M., Moore, J., House, R., Patel, B.: Computational modeling of heat flow in
welds. Metall. Trans. 17B, 587–600 (1984)
5. Leung, C.K., Pick, R.F., Mok, D.H.B.: Finite element modeling of a single pass but well. Weld.
Res. Coun. Bull. 256, 1–10 (1990)
6. Sonti, N., Amateau, M.F.: Finite element modeling of heat flow in deep penetration laser weld
in aluminium alloys. Numer. Heat Transf. Part A 16, 351–370 (1989)
7. SYSWELD v2004. ESI Group
8. Frewin, M.R., Scott, D.A.: Finite element model of pulsed laser welding., Weld J. 78, 15–22
9. Voštiar, V., Jančo, R., Élesztös, P.: Numerical simulation of repair of coil nest by welding, In:
Proceedings 7th International scientific conference on Mechanical Engineering 2013, ISBN
80-227-1960-9, Bratislava (2003)
Simulation of Isothermal Compression

I. Matoušek and O. Matúšek

Abstract Paper deals with an issue of computer simulation of glass pressing.

Attention is paid to accuracy of numerical outputs. Simple forming process—
isothermal compression of a glass cylinder is chosen for virtual modelling. The
constitutive behaviour of shaped glass is assumed to be nonlinear viscoelastic,
based on general Maxwell model. Both viscoelastic response and relaxation
behaviour of samples made of lead crystal are evaluated. Computer outputs are
verified with experimental measurements in the viscosity range of 107–1010 Pa s. In
this paper results at temperature 611 °C (corresponding viscosity 107.4 Pa s) and
587 °C (viscosity 108 Pa s) are presented. Uniaxial deformation was carried out at
various constant pressing rates (in the interval 0.1–8 mm s−1).

Keywords Glass melt  Isotropic compression method  FEM  Viscoelastic

material model

1 Introduction

Virtual modelling of technological processes has been already regarded as a

powerful tool for research and development. Its application in pre-manufacture
stage allows reducing physical testing, the rate of rejects and material waste as well
as accelerating cost-effective product development. Fundamental problem of virtual
modelling of glass forming processes is accuracy of numerical outputs.
Critical factor is not only a definition of boundary conditions (heat transfer on
the outside of formed glass melt, etc.) but also a specification of material properties
of glass melt to be formed. Though glass melt is a viscoelastic material in the whole
range of the forming, in the range of temperatures above transition interval the

I. Matoušek (&)  O. Matúšek

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
O. Matúšek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 199

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_26
200 I. Matoušek and O. Matúšek

elastic part of deformation is supposed to be almost negligible—and therefore glass

is usually allowed to be generally incompressible Non Newtonian fluid.
To get more realistic outputs of virtual modelling the non-linear viscoelastic
model of a general Maxwell type is used for description of constitutive glass melt

2 Experimental Equipment

For the investigation of viscoelastic behaviour of glass melt (in the temperature
range corresponding to the viscosity of 107–1010 Pa s) the simplest practically
relevant process: uniaxial isothermal compression method was used. The principle
of this method is simple. The glass sample is compressed in defined manner by
working piston and its force response dependence on constant piston velocity and
temperature is measured.
The measurement was realised on a benchtop tensile tester LLOYD 50 LR [1]
with a maximum piston load 50 kN and maximum piston speed 8 mm s−1. To get
reliable outputs strictly isothermal conditions had to be ensured during the exper-
iment. Therefore forming tools and glass samples were heated up in a cylindrical
laboratory furnace. That is an integral part of a laboratory pressing apparatus.
Temperature of pressing plates and glass samples was held constant by an elec-
tronic temperature controller. Actual temperature was monitored by thermocouples
(type K—chromel-alumel), two of them were soldered into the working surfaces of
pistons and third one was located close to the free cylindrical surface of the glass
sample. To avoid sticking of the glass melt 0.24 mm thick mica foils were put in
between the glass and working surfaces.

3 Experimental Results

As a result of experimental measurements the set of curves describing viscoelastic

response of glass samples to applied loading was obtained (measurements were
realised in the viscosity range of 107–1010 Pa s) [2]. In Fig. 1a viscoelastic
response of glass sample (diameter D = 20 mm, height h = 20 mm) made of lead
crystal (24 % PbO) to the constant piston speed (from the interval of 0.1–8 mm s−1)
at temperature 611 °C (corresponding to the viscosity 107.4 Pa s) is shown (an
independent variable is true, respectively real compression, i.e. displacement after
its correction on system deformation [3]). Experimentally determined viscous-
elastic response of glass allows direct evaluation of some technological and material
characteristics, such as true strain rates (Fig. 1c), or instantaneous values of the
elastic moduli (Fig. 1b). Instantaneous Young elastic modulus E(t) was evaluated
by means of equation:
Simulation of Isothermal Compression Test 201

Fig. 1 Viscoelastic response (a), instantaneous elastic modulus (b) and true compression speed
(c) versus real sample compression under various piston speeds: curves (1)—0.1; (2)—0.3; (3)—
0.5; (4)—1; (5)—2; (6)—4; (7)—6; (8)—8 mm s−1, viscosity 107.4 Pa s (lead crystal)

drðtÞ dðFðtÞ=AðtÞÞ
EðtÞ ¼ ¼ ð1Þ
deðtÞ dðDhðtÞ=hðtÞÞ

where F(t) is the pressing loads at time t, h(t) the sample height at time t; A(t) an
actual value of the cross section; Δh = h0 − h(t) is an instantaneous altitudinal
deformation and h0 is an initial height.
Actual value of instantaneous elastic modulus depends markedly on the com-
pression rate, it tends to the constant value E(∞) asymptotically. The course of the
instantaneous elastic modulus on piston speed at viscosity 107.4 Pa s is shown in
Fig. 2—elastic modulus E(∞) was evaluated to be approx. 1.15 GPa (value ca.
1 GPa was measured with ultrasonic method).
Besides the analysis of the elastic response the attention was also paid to the
evaluation of relaxation behaviour of glass melt. The course of stress relaxation
curves depends markedly on the level of compression of shaped sample (Fig. 3) and

Instantaneous modulus [MPa]





0 2 4 6 8
Piston speed [ms ]

Fig. 2 Dependence of instantaneous elastic modulus on the applied piston speed (strain rate)
202 I. Matoušek and O. Matúšek

a. - true compression Δh= 3.72 mm
A=0.93, B=0.07, t01=0.09, t02=1.35
0,8 b. - Δh= 7.6
A=0.26, B=0.07, t01=0.74, t02=0.11
Normalised stress [-]
c. - Δ h= 9.6
0,6 A=0.30, B=0.70, t01=0.59, t02=0.15



0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6
Time [s]

Fig. 3 Normalised curves of the stress relaxation for different Δh at v = 2 m s−1 and
η = 107.4 Pa s

piston speed. Measured data can be described by a multiple Maxwell model—in our
case by coupling two Maxwell elements in parallel [4]:

rt ¼ r0 ½A expðt=t01 Þ þ B expðt=t02 Þ; ð2Þ

where σt is the stress at time t, σ0 is initial stress, t0i is the relaxation time.

4 Computer Modelling

Virtual model was created in customized commercial code MSC MARC. The
constitutive behaviour of shaped glass is assumed to be of non-linear viscoelastic,
based on the general Maxwell model. Due to lower sample stiffness the working
pistons were regarded as a rigid body. The lead crystal glass material properties
specified in the model are: E = 1.15 × 109 Pa (Young’s elastic modulus), ν = 0.36
(Poisson’s ratio), cp = 1182 J kg−1 K−1 (specific heat), ρ = 2780 kg m−3 (density
at temperature 611 °C).
Friction conditions between pistons working surfaces and sample were defined
through the shear-based model (frictional stress is a fraction of the equivalent stress
in the formed material) [5]. Samples were subjected to the true compression rate
(Fig. 1c). Friction coefficient was changed in the whole range of values (0–1)
Simulation of Isothermal Compression Test 203

Computations were performed for three different cases:

• no mechanical heating,
• total viscous heat dissipation,
• real viscous heat dissipation incl. friction, heat flux out of outer surface:

Qdis ¼ fp ðg; h; dh=dtÞ FðtÞ dt ð3Þ

where Qdis is dissipated heat, ζp(η, h, dh/dt) is a variable fraction of viscous

work converted into heat (function comes from complex analysis of relaxation
behaviour—see Fig. 3), F(t) is an actual force, dh/dt actual compression rate, t is
After compression load the shape of the sample is changed, except idealised
frictionless case, from the cylindrical at the beginning to the barrel-shaped later on
gradually (Fig. 4a). Values of friction coefficient influence sample shape do-
minantly in the initial stage, later the final shape is settled with the flow of material
in the area of sample casing. Enlargement of initially contact surface (base of
cylinder) does not exceed value of 1 mm in diameter (for maximum compression—
9 mm—under real friction conditions—Fig. 4b). Time behaviour of the force
response to applied piston velocity 2 mm s−1 (compression rate defined in accor-
dance with Fig. 1c) for all mentioned cases is drawn up in Fig. 5. Curves 2 and 3
correspond to the extreme cases—without (curve 2) and with (curve 3) consider-
ation of total heat dissipation. Total (theoretical) dissipated viscous heat for com-
pression 9.6 mm at piston speed 2 mm s−1 exceeds value of 128 J that corresponds
to the theoretical average temperature growth ca. 6.3 °C; 45 J or 2.2 °C

Original cylinder edge position and its change during sample compression

a. b.

Fig. 4 Progression of the sample shape made of lead crystal at viscosity 107.4 Pa s for piston speed
2 mm s−2, incl. identification of change of position of original cylinder edge: a FEM model—initial
state, compression 5 and 9.6 mm, b real sample
204 I. Matoušek and O. Matúšek

9000 2
7000 3
Force [N]

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

True compression [mm]

Fig. 5 Viscoelastic response of lead crystal at viscosity 107.4 Pa s for the piston speed 2 mm s−2:
1 experimental data, 2 FEM—without consideration of energy dissipation, 3 FEM—with
considering of total viscous heat dissipation, 4 FEM—real process simulation, 5 FEM—without
mechanical heating and without friction

(Δh = 9.6 mm, v = 1 mm s−1); 15 J or 0.8 °C (Δh = 9.6 mm, v = 0.5 mm s−1)
and 327 J and 15.8 °C respectively at compression 7.6 mm and piston speed
4 mm s−1.
In all cases mentioned above the friction coefficient supposed to be 0.9. However
the value of friction coefficient, except idealised—frictionless case (curve 5), does
not influence time behaviour of the force response significantly. Difference between
extreme cases—friction coefficient f = 0 and f = 1 does not exceed value of 10 %.
Curve 4 approximates real time behaviour of the force response very well
although only Newtonian viscosity was considered in this case. However, it is
evident that above compression 8 mm curve 4 starts to deviate from experimental
data. At higher compression acceleration of this process is expected due to shear
The results of virtual modelling of lead glass viscoelastic response to various
compression rate—piston speed respectively—from the interval 0.5–4 mm s−1 are
presented in Fig. 5. For all cases analysed (used identical conditions as for piston
speed 2 mm s−1—curve 4 in Fig. 5) the obtained data are in good accordance with
experiment realised (Fig. 6).
Simulation of Isothermal Compression Test 205

12000 4
FEM model

8000 3
Force [N]



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

True compression [mm]

Fig. 6 Viscoelastic response of lead crystal at viscosity 107.4 Pa s for variable piston speeds:
0.5 mm s−1 (1), 1 mm s−1 (2), 2 mm s−1 (3), and 4 mm s−1 (4) respectively

5 Conclusion

In the paper the viscoelastic response of samples made of lead crystal at viscosity
107.4 Pa s are analysed by means of FEM. For definition of glass melt constitutive
behaviour viscoelastic model of Maxwell type was used. Realised experimental
results prove relatively high accordance with simulated outputs of viscoelastic
response. Although curves describing viscoelastic response of glass sample to
subjected load have tendency to deviate from experimental measurements at higher
compression critical values for initiation of shear thinning behaviour were not
exceeded in the range of strains applied during the experiment.

Acknowledgments This publication was written at the Technical University of Liberec as part of
the project “Research and development in the field of glass-producing machines, industrial and
service robotics” (SGS 21128/115) with the support of the Specific University Research Grant, as
provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in the year 2016.


1. Vítová, M.: Forming process and rheological properties of glass. In: Proceedings of 12th
International Conference on Glass Making Machinery, 2006, p. 173 (in Czech)
2. Vítová, M., Matoušek, I.: Rheological response. Ceram. Silikáty 53(1), 59 (2009)
3. Bruckner, R., Yue, Y., Habeckm, A.: Load-dependent flow behaviour of silicate glass melts.
Glastechnische Berichte 67(5), 114 (1994)
4. Sobotka, Z.: Reologie hmot a konstrukcí, Academia (1981) (in Czech)
5. MSC Marc 2008. User manual
Influence of Bubbles in the Shock Liquid
at Its Compressibility

M. Sivčák and T. Hruš

Abstract The article elaborates simplified thoughts of the effect of the size of the
air bubbles and their interactions on the shock fluid compressibility. When fluid
flows through the throttle hole, pressure drop occurs and the dissolved air is
released from the liquid in the form of bubbles. These bubbles can influence the
stiffness of the liquid. If such effect occurs e.g. in a hydraulic shock absorbers, than
the damper stops perform its function. This phenomenon is called the delay.
Releasing the air into the liquid can be observed even at low piston speed of the
damper. However for low piston speeds the delay does not occur, the liquid and
containing air bubbles behave as incompressible.

Keywords Air bubbles  Shock liquid  Cavitation  Delay

1 Introduction

The aim of this work is to verify the possibility of formation of the delay [1] in the
damper using elementary physical laws. We assume that the delay is created by the
compression of free air bubbles in the shock liquid. Releasing the air into the liquid
can be observed even at low piston speed of the damper. However for low piston
speeds the delay does not occur, the liquid and containing air bubbles behave as
incompressible. We want verify whether the fluid stiffness depends on bubble
radius and whether the bubbles are grouping into the bigger assemblies.

M. Sivčák (&)  T. Hruš

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
T. Hruš
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 207

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_27
208 M. Sivčák and T. Hruš

2 Volume-Stiffness of the Bubbles

The set of n equal bubbles (each with radius Rn , pressure pn and volume Vn ) is
described by three simple equations
1. the ideal gas law

pn nVn ¼ p0 V0 ; ð1Þ

2. the relation between surface tension, radius and pressure

ðpn  pk ÞRn ¼ 2r; ð2Þ

3. the equation for volume of the bubble

Vn ¼ pR3n : ð3Þ

By substituting pn from (2) and Vn from (3) into (1) we can obtain the ideal gas
law in this form

2 pffiffiffi 2
3npk Vn þ 2  63 3 pnrVn3  3p0 V0 ¼ 0: ð4Þ

This enables us to find volume of bubble Vn as a function of pressure pn . Volume

stifness kn of the bubble is given by
dVn 1
kn ¼ : ð5Þ

A set of n bubbles has a lower stiffness given by equation

1 kn
Kn ¼ ¼ : ð6Þ
n k1n n

An important question is the change of volume stiffness by changing the number

of bubbles n

RATIO ¼ : ð7Þ

Exact forms of Eqs. (5), (6) and (7) are very complicated and not
Influence of Bubbles in the Shock Liquid at Its Compressibility 209

Fig. 1 Stiffness of a set of n equal bubbles (Kn) compared with stiffness of one bubble (K1). The
mass of gas in the bubbles is the same

Assuming values

r ¼ 40  103 N=m; ð8Þ

pk ¼ 105 Pa; ð9Þ

R0 ¼ 3 mm; ð10Þ

we get the numerical result shown in Fig. 1. By decreasing number of bubbles, the
volume stiffness of the gas is growing.

3 The Equilibrium State of Two Bubbles

The equilibrium position of two connected bubbles occurs if their potential energy
is minimal. For this expression it is necessary to derive dependency of the potential
energy on the distance between midpoints of the bubbles s12. The minimum must
be subsequently applied as follows

dEpðs12 Þ
¼ 0: ð11Þ

Potential energy of two connected bubbles will be equal to sum of surface and
pressure energy.
210 M. Sivčák and T. Hruš

Ep ¼ Sr þ p1 V1 þ p2 V2 ; ð12Þ

where S is total surface of the bubbles. Gas pressure energy inside the bubble is
constant (we assume the validity of the equation of state) and thus irrelevant for
searching of the energy minimum, just as surface tension.
Therefore the relation is determined by the equation

¼ 0: ð13Þ

Let’s introduce the marking (Fig. 2) where index 1 is spherical cap of the small
bubble, index 2 for spherical cap of the bigger bubble and index 3 for spherical cap
belonging to both bubbles.
Provided that formula (1) is valid, the following is true for our bubbles:

pi0 Vi0 ¼ pi Vi : ð14Þ

The initial state of the two bubbles is determined by their size before merging
4pR3i0 2r
Vi0 pi0 ¼  pk þ ; i ¼ 1; 2 ð15Þ
3 Ri0

Fig. 2 Interaction between two bubbles

Influence of Bubbles in the Shock Liquid at Its Compressibility 211

Pressure inside the bubble pi is sum of pressure of surrounding fluid and addition
due to surface tension

pi ¼ pk þ ; ð16Þ

Volume Vi is dependent on volumes of individual spherical caps.

pvi 3rv2 þ h2i pv3 3rv2 þ h23
Vi ¼  ð1Þi ; ð17Þ
6 6

where hi, h3 are heights of the spherical caps and rv is spherical cap radius

h1 ¼ R1 þ v1 ; h2 ¼ R2 þ s12  v1 ; h3 ¼ R3  s13  v1 ð18Þ

rv ¼ R21  v31 : ð19Þ

On the basis of force equilibrium it is possible to derive that radius R3 is function

of radii of outer spherical caps.

2R1 R2
R3 ¼ ; ð20Þ
R2  R1

distances s13 and v1 are derived from the geometry on the Fig. 2 as follows
s13 ¼ v1 þ v21  R21 þ R23 ; ð21Þ

R21  R22 þ s212

v1 ¼ : ð22Þ

The bubble surface will be calculated as a sum of surfaces of individual spherical

caps, where the surface of the third cap must be counted twice.

S ¼ 2pR1 h1 þ 2pR2 h2 þ 4pR3 h3 : ð23Þ

By substituting Eqs. (15)–(22) in the Eqs. (14) and (23) we get a system of three
equations which are depending only on R1, R2 and s12.

pi0 Vi0 ¼ pi ðR1 ; R2 ; s12 Þ  Vi ðR1 ; R2 ; s12 Þ; ð24Þ

S ¼ SðR1 ; R2 ; s12 Þ; ð25Þ

212 M. Sivčák and T. Hruš

Differentiating (25) by s12 with respect to (13) we get

dS @S @S dR1 @S dR2
¼ þ þ ¼ 0: ð26Þ
ds12 @s12 @R1 ds12 @R2 ds12

We express unknown derivatives of radius by distance implicitly using deriva-

tives of expressions (24). Because the solutions are difficult to read we call them f1
and f2.
dð23Þ dR1 dR2
¼ 0 ¼ fi R1 ; R2 ; s12 ; ; : ð27Þ
ds12 ds12 ds12

Equations (24), (26) and (27) form a system of five nonlinear algebraic equations
with solution of equilibrium state

s12 ¼ R1 þ R2 : ð28Þ

4 Conclusions

It is theoretically confirmed (Fig. 1) that stiffness of fluid with smaller bubbles is

higher than the same amount of air in a smaller number of larger bubbles. The
assumption that bubbles in fluid are clustering and, therefore, the stiffness of fluid is
decreased, was not confirmed. The result (28) means that two bubbles located in
fluid tend not to merge. Because bubbles in fluid do merge, the reason for drop of
stiffness will be more complicated and we will focus on this phenomenon further.

Acknowledgments This publication was written at the Technical University of Liberec, Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering with the support of the Institutional Endowment for the Long Term
Conceptual Development of Research Institutes, as provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth
and Sports of the Czech Republic in the year 2016.


1. Šklíba, J., Svoboda, R.: On the problem of dependence of damper force on the concentration
of free air in working liquid. In: Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vibrations Problems,
ICOVP-2007, 2008. ISBN 978-1-4020-9091-2
Procedure for Seismic Analysis of Liquid
Storage Tanks Using FEM Approach
and Analytical Models

M. Sivý and M. Musil

Abstract Liquid storage tanks are important components of liquid transmission

and distribution systems and therefore should be properly designed to withstand
various loadings. One of which is seismic excitation. The paper deals with the
seismic analysis of the flexible circular vertical ground-supported liquid storage
tank with the aim to determine the dynamic properties (e.g. natural frequencies and
their respective mode shapes of the tank and the liquid) and the seismic charac-
teristics (e.g. hydrodynamic pressure distribution, base shear, overturning moment
and maximum wave height). During seismic activity, a specific interaction occurs
between the tank and the liquid. It is expressed as a vibration of the tank and
contained liquid. One (lower) part of liquid moves in unison with the structure, the
second (upper) part representing the free surface tends to experience a sloshing
effect. The paper is also dedicated to comparing the acquired results from the
seismic analysis computed by FE method (ANSYS) with methods using analytical
models (spring-mass and pendulum) and Eurocode 8, respectively.

Keywords Liquid storage tanks  Eurocode 8  Spring-mass model  Seismic


1 Introduction

Large capacity tanks are used as storage for liquid, non-flammable, non-toxic liq-
uids to highly flammable, toxic chemicals with explosive nature before subsequent
treatment or application. They are widely used almost in the industrial sector (e.g.
nuclear power plants). Storage tanks should be properly designed to withstand static
or dynamic loadings. One of them, which is of interest to many researchers, is the

M. Sivý (&)  M. Musil

Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Musil
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 213

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_28
214 M. Sivý and M. Musil

seismic excitation. Past earthquakes and their destructive consequences, e.g.

breakdown of water supplies, uncontrolled fires with subsequent ignition to adja-
cent tanks and buildings, clouds of toxic chemicals, resulted in a huge effort to
describe tank behaviour during a seismic event in an effort to prevent pollution,
radiation or loss of human lives etc.
The aim of the investigation has been to develop methods to evaluate earthquake
resistance of liquid storage tanks and to provide codes for engineers engaged in the
construction of these systems. Some of the proposed procedures and recommen-
dations have been underlain in international (AWWA, ACI, API, Eurocode 8 etc.)
or national standards (PNM34080183).

2 Seismic Analysis of Liquid Storage Tank

Dynamic analysis of a tank containing liquid is a complex problem involving

fluid-structure interaction. Following numerous studies, simplified equivalent
models were proposed which provide a satisfactory solution. Fundamental scientific
findings of the seismic effects were published by Housner [1]. The tank-liquid
system is simplified by a spring-mass model (two SDOF systems) in which the total
liquid mass is divided into two zones—impulsive and convective. The impulsive
part represents effects of the portion of the liquid which moves in unison with the
tank. It behaves like a mass rigidly connected to the tank wall. The convective part
represents the free surface which causes the sloshing effect (Fig. 1).
This procedure is valid only for rigid tanks on rigid foundations. Whereas the
walls of rigid tanks move in unison with the ground, motion of flexible tanks is
different. Flexibility affects the hydrodynamics effects and may increase the seismic
characteristics significantly. The wall deflection configuration of tanks does not

Fig. 1 Model of investigated liquid storage tank and equivalent mechanical model
Procedure for Seismic Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks … 215

remain the same but vary from the base to the top of the tank. Flexibility of the
tank-liquid system must be taken into account in simplify the equivalent models
using an additional flexible mass connected to the tank wall with springs of
appropriate stiffness [2, 3]. All formulations of the necessary model parameters can
be found in the referenced publications.
The following subchapters are focused on the determination of seismic char-
acteristics using procedures presented in Eurocode 8—section four dedicated to
earthquake resistance of tanks. The investigated model is a flexible (steel) cylin-
drical tank of diameter D (32 m), height H (20 m) and wall thickness t (0.025 m). It
is filled to a height of HL (16 m) with water. The base is fixed to a rigid foundation
and is assumed to be excited by a 1 m s−2 horizontal component of ground
acceleration with an importance factor of III with respect to Eurocode 8.

2.1 Basic Seismic Characteristics

The total base shear is defined as the total dynamic force exerted by the liquid on
the tank wall and can be defined as
Q ¼ ðmi þ mw þ mr ÞSe Timp þ mc Se ðTcon Þ ð1Þ
where mw and mr represent the wall and the roof mass, Se Timp and Se ðTcon Þ are
spectral accelerations, obtained from the elastic response spectrum, respectively.
Hydrodynamic overturning moments immediately above or below the base of a
structure (representing the total dynamic force exerted by the liquid on the tank)
may be determined as follows
M ¼ ðmi hi þ mw hw þ mr hr ÞSe Timp þ mc hc Se ðTcon Þ
M 0 ¼ mi h0i þ mw hw þ mr hr Se Timp þ mc h0c Se ðTcon Þ

where hw and hr are the heights of wall and roof centers of gravity, respectively.

2.2 Hydrodynamic Pressure

According to Eurocode 8, hydrodynamic pressure of flexible tanks is usually

expressed as the sum of three contributions, namely rigid impulsive, flexible and
convective. The flexibility of the tank wall has a direct impact on the impulsive
liquid that experiences accelerations that may be greater than peak ground accel-
eration (flexible component varies with response acceleration whilst the rigid
impulsive component varies only with a ground acceleration). The flexible com-
ponent of the hydrodynamic pressure has a tendency to shift a peak ordinate from the
216 M. Sivý and M. Musil

Fig. 2 Contributions of hydrodynamic pressure along the free surface height

base to the top. Due to a weak coupling between the second and third component of
hydrodynamic pressure, the flexible component may be determined independently.
During lateral base excitation, the tank wall is subject to lateral hydrodynamic
pressure. The spatial-temporal distributions of rigid impulsive, flexible and con-
vective pressures are given respectively by

pi ðn; 1; h; tÞ ¼ Ci ðn; 1ÞqL HL Ag ðtÞ cos h

X 1
pf ð1; h; tÞ ¼ qL HL w cos h dn cosðvn 1ÞAfn ðtÞ
n¼0 ð5Þ
pc ðn; 1; h; tÞ ¼ qL wn cos hðkn c1ÞJ1 ðkn nÞ cos hAcn ðtÞ

where Ag ðtÞ denotes the ground acceleration time-history, Acn ðtÞ is the acceleration
time-history of SDOF oscillator with natural frequency ωcn and Afn (t) is the
pseudo-acceleration function with the natural frequency of the tank-liquid system.
The rest of the parameters are introduced in [3]. Figure 2 presents the maximum
contributions of hydrodynamic pressure along the free surface height of the model.
Procedure for Seismic Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks … 217

2.3 Natural Frequencies and Modes of Vibration

Natural frequencies of impulsive and convective responses are taken as

pffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffi
Ti ¼ Ci pffiffiffiffiffiffiffipffiffiffiffi Tc ¼ C c R ð6Þ
t=R E

where qL is the density of the liquid, E is a modulus of elasticity of the tank

material. Ci and Cc represent coefficients for their respective slenderness HL =R.
When liquid oscillates in unison with the tank, an impulsive frequency occurs. It
represents the most unfavourable response to the system, which behaves like a
cantilever beam with a mass equivalent to the mass of the tank and liquid. The
response of the investigated system (Fig. 3) occurs at 5.629 Hz (in ANSYS
5.505 Hz).
Sloshing of the convective liquid can rupture the roof or top of the tank. Hence,
the freeboard between free liquid surface and top of the tank must be designed
assuming a maximum displacement of sloshing wave within the calculations.
Sloshing is described by infinite antisymmetric mode shapes. Figure 4 presents the

Fig. 3 Mode of vibration at the impulsive frequency of the investigated liquid storage tank

Fig. 4 First three modes of vibration of the convective liquid mass

218 M. Sivý and M. Musil

Table 1 Comparison of the ANSYS Eurocode 8 Pendulum model

natural frequencies (Hz) (Hz) (Hz)
considering the first
convective liquid mass 1 0.1649 0.1648 0.1734
2 0.2883 0.2877 0.2877
3 0.3659 0.3641 0.3641

first three theoretic and computed eigenmodes of the model. These modes of
vibration occur at the frequencies listed in Table 1 and are compared with methods
using Eurocode 8 (spring-mass model) [3] and pendulum model [4], respectively.

3 Conclusions

The aim of this paper was to perform a seismic analysis on a model of circular
vertical ground supported liquid storage tank according to Eurocode 8. Seismic
analysis was one of the analyses which should be carried out to provide satisfactory
performance of tanks, especially in earthquake prone regions.
Due to the different responses (wall flexibility), rigid and flexible tanks should be
appropriately distinguished. This difference is significant especially when investi-
gating the hydrodynamic pressure and tank oscillation. On the other hand, response
of the convective liquid mass and its contribution to hydrodynamic pressure is not
affected by wall flexibility. For design purposes, these effects can be evaluated by
considering the tank to be rigid. But the seismic characteristics of the flexible tank
assumed that the tank was rigid can be non-conservative.
The situation, when liquid oscillates in unison with the tank, represents an
unfavourable response to the system. Due to the sloshing effect, it is necessary to
determine the sloshing wave height to prevent ruptures and fluid spilling.
The seismic analysis was performed using Matlab and ANSYS. Results were
compared with procedures presented in Eurocode 8 (spring-mass model) and
pendulum model. The results between each solution represented good conformity.

Acknowledgments The paper was supported by the grant from Grant Agency of VEGA no.
1/0742/15 entitled “Analysis for seismic resistance of liquid storage tanks with nonlinear and
time-dependent parameters”.


1. Housner, G.W.: Earthquake Pressures on Fluid Containers. California Institute of Technology

2. Veletsos, A.S.: Seismic Response and Design of Liquid Storage Tanks. Guidelines for the
Seismic Design of Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems. Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake
Engineering (ASCE) (1984)
Procedure for Seismic Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks … 219

3. Eurocode 8: Design of Structures for Earthquakes Resistance: Part 4—Silos, Tanks and
Pipelines. CEN (2006)
4. Ibrahim, R.A.: Liquid Sloshing Dynamics Theory and Applications. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge (2005)
Part IV
Vibration and Noise in Machines
Forced Response Reduction
of a Compressor Blisk Rotor
Employing Intentional Mistuning

B. Beirow, A. Kühhorn and J. Nipkau

Abstract Using the example of a compressor test blisk with 29 blades different
sources of mistuning and their consequences for the forced response are analysed
under consideration of aeroelastic effects. In particular the impact of superimposing
intentional structural mistuning by both random structural mistuning and aerody-
namic mistuning is studied. For this purpose reduced order models of the blisk are
adjusted for different mistuning distributions. The mistuning itself is characterized
by assigning individual stiffness parameters to each blade. The aeroelastic coupling
is included employing aerodynamic influence coefficients. By means of genetic
algorithm optimizations, structural mistuning patterns are found which yield a
mitigation of the forced response below that of the tuned design reference. Ideally a
nearly 50 % reduction of maximum response magnitudes is computed for the
fundamental bending mode and large mistuning. The solutions found have been
proven to be robust with respect to additional random and aerodynamic mistuning
in case of large intentional structural mistuning.

Keywords Blade vibration  Blisk  Mistuning  Forced response  Compressor

1 Introduction

The fabrication of aero-engine compressor rotors as one piece has become

increasingly significant in recent years, since it allows for higher rotational speeds
associated with higher pressure ratios and an enhanced efficiency. However,
regarding the forced response computation of these blade integrated disks (blisks)
due to aerodynamic excitation, engineers are exposed to a number of particularities.

B. Beirow (&)  A. Kühhorn

Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Nipkau
Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co KG, Blankenfelde-Mahlow, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 223

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_29
224 B. Beirow et al.

Apart from the extremely low structural damping level of blisks due to the lack of
frictional damping, small but unavoidable differences of mechanical characteristics
from blade to blade, which are denoted as mistuning can cause severe amplifica-
tions of the forced response compared to the ideal design with identical blades.
Typical sources of mistuning are geometric deviations due to manufacturing tol-
erances, wear, damage or even strain gauge instrumentation. Engineers have been
concerned with the mistuning phenomenon of bladed disks for about 50 years. As
long ago as 1966 Whitehead [1] introduced a theoretical limit for an estimation of
the maximum displacement amplification only depending on the number of blades.
Martel and Corral [2] formulated a modified and less conservative limit in which
the number of blades is replaced by the number of active modes in order to take into
account the degree of modal coupling within a family of blade modes. In addition
Figaschewsky and Kühhorn [3] assume normally distributed individual blade fre-
quencies with a chosen standard deviation of mistuning. In doing so the mistuning
strength is taken into account generally yielding a more realistic calculation of the
forced response amplification due to mistuning. Petrov and Ewins [4] used opti-
mization algorithms to find the worst forced response of bladed disks in terms of
academic studies. However, the majority of analyses measured or preset mistuning
patterns yielded amplification factors from 1 to hardly greater than 2 as exemplarily
reported in [5].
Aiming at a reduction of vibration amplification amplitudes one idea has been to
design blisks with intentional mistuning. Here the intention is to take advantage of
the dependence of aerodynamic modal damping ratios on the inter-blade phase
angle, which can yield an increased resulting damping level and lead to a reduction
of the forced response level for particular engine order excitations even below that
of the tuned counterpart [6]. In the current paper the effect of intentional mistuning
is addressed with respect to a mitigation of the forced response. Reduced order
models based on the subset of nominal system modes (SNM) [7] are employed in
which mistuning is quantified by stiffness variations. Aeroelastic coupling effects
are considered employing the method of aerodynamic influence coefficients
(AIC) which are put into the SNM-model as described in [8]. Mistuning patterns
which are derived from genetic algorithm optimizations are exemplarily analyzed
for a 29-bladed high pressure compressor blisk rotor (Fig. 1a) with focus on the

a) b) c)

Fig. 1 a High pressure compressor blisk, b finite element sector model and c fundamental blade
mode shape (1st flap)
Forced Response Reduction of a Compressor Blisk Rotor … 225

fundamental blade bending mode. Additional random mistuning is superimposed in

order to evaluate the robustness of the forced response reduction. Finally, the effect
of aerodynamic mistuning is analysed.

2 Numerical Model

Aiming at a preparation of a numerical model for the forced response computation,

a finite element sector model is set up in a first step representing the tuned and
cyclic symmetric blisk with identical blades (Fig. 1). Subsequently an eigenvalue
analysis is carried out in order to gain the relevant information about the basic
vibration characteristics and blade mode families. Focusing on the frequency range
around the first fundamental blade mode family, a basic SNM-model with just 31
degrees of freedom is derived. This basic modal model can be easily adjusted to
arbitrary blade frequency mistuning by means of a stiffness adjustment of every
blade, for details please refer to [7, 8]. These models are valid as long as no change
of blade mode shapes appears. Hence, the SNM is well suited for quick forced
response computations e.g. within probabilistic analyses.
Assuming small blade displacements and linear conditions, the AIC-technique is
well suited to cover effects of fluid structure interaction in a simple way [8]. The
computation of AIC starts with unidirectional coupled CFD-/FEM-calculations for
an assembly of identical blades and stationary flow conditions. Only one blade, the
reference blade, is forced to vibrate in a particular blade mode causing flow dis-
turbances and consequently unsteady surface pressure distributions on all blades in
the assembly. Subsequently, the modal forcing acting on each blade is computed
and normalized with the modal displacement of the reference blade. This normal-
ization yields the AIC which finally have to be transformed from blade individual
coordinates into coordinates of the subset. In this way the whole aeroelastic
information is considered in the aerodynamic impedance matrix Z appearing in the
equation of motion as follows:

½X2 M þ jXD þ K þ ZqðjXÞ ¼ FF : ð1Þ

M, D and K denote modal mass, modal structural damping and modal stiffness
matrices, FF the vector of external modal forcing and q the vector of modal dis-
placements. If external forcing and structural damping are neglected, Eq. (1) rep-
resents an eigenvalue problem which yields the aeroelastic natural frequencies and
aerodynamic damping values given in Fig. 2. Note that if a tuned blisk is excited in
a particular engine order only one mode characterized by a particular number of
nodal diameters (ND) and assigned to one aerodynamic damping ratio is
responding. In case of a mistuned blisk the response is composed by a linear
combination of several ND-modes so that the resulting aerodynamic damping
deviates from the ‘regular’ value of a pure response in only a single ND.
226 B. Beirow et al.

Fig. 2 Aerodynamic 3.5

damping versus inter-blade 3 1F

phase angle φ and nodal 2.5

diameter (maximum take off 2

conditions) 1.5

-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 ϕ[°] 150

-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Nodal Diameter

3 Real and Intentional Structural Mistuning

The real mistuning distribution has been experimentally determined for the blisk
shown in Fig. 3a by use of a patented approach via blade by blade ping tests [6]. It
was found that the blade to blade stiffness variation is ranging between ±0.75 %.
However, the maximum forced response amplification of the tuned reference is
appearing moderately with an 8 % (γ = 1.08 at EO 26) rise in the worst case
(Fig. 3c). On the contrary large alternating intentional mistuning (ΔE = ±6.09 %,
Fig. 3b) comes along with tremendous differences (Fig. 3c): extreme values are a
115 % rise (γ = 2.15 at EO 13) and a drop of about 40 % (γ = 0.60 at EO 25). Such
a behavior is explainable by a modified aerodynamic damping level. In the latter
case an EO 25 corresponds to an aliased EO-4 excitation, which excites a ND 4
mode in case of a tuned system. However, since strong mistuning is present, other
NDs are involved which contribute more aerodynamic damping (Fig. 2) and hence
strongly increase the resulting aerodynamic damping level. Obviously this
increased damping contribution works against the commonly response amplifying

a) b)
0.5 5
ΔE [%] ΔE [%]
0 0

-0.5 -5

5 10 15 20 25 Blade 5 10 15 20 25 Blade

c) 2.25
1F, measured reference
γ 2
1.75 1F, alternating mistuning

1.5 1F, optimized mistuning

0 5 10 15 20 25 EO

Fig. 3 a Measured and b alternating mistuning patterns, c maximum amplification of mistuned

forced response versus engine order (EO)
Forced Response Reduction of a Compressor Blisk Rotor … 227

a) 1.2

γ 1
optimized + prob. mistuning (95 % fractile)
ΔEi ±6.09%
optimized + prob. mistuning (worst)
0.6 measured reference

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
b) 1.3
γ 1
ΔEi ± 2.01%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Fig. 4 Amplification of max. blade displacements—optimized intentional mistuning combined

with additional random mistuning (50000 samples): a large, and b small intentional mistuning

effect of mistuning and even causes a mitigation of forced response below that of
the tuned counterpart. Similar results are achieved with intentional mistuning pat-
terns (ΔE = ±6.09 % allowed) being individually optimized for each EO via
genetic algorithms [6]).
Uncertainties within the manufacturing process cannot be avoided even in case
of intentional mistuning. For that reason it is assumed that additional and evenly
distributed random mistuning (ΔE = ±1 %) will be present in order to prove the
robustness of the optimized intentional mistuning patterns to reduce the forced
response. Again considering large intentional mistuning (ΔE = ±6.09 %), the gain
achieved for mistuning patterns optimized with respect to EO-excitations from 21 to
28 is the same since the responses remain always below that of the measured and
largely below the tuned reference (Fig. 4a). However, this is not the case for small
intentional mistuning (ΔE = ±2.01 %) where the benefit of the optimization gets
widely lost and hence the robustness is not given (Fig. 4b).

4 Aerodynamic Mistuning

Apart from structural mistuning additional aerodynamic mistuning is considered via

small random perturbations of AICs. Hence, small perturbations of features like
blade stagger angles or the distance of adjacent blades are taken into account.
Similar to the approach presented in [9] random perturbations are included in the
impedance matrix of Eq. (1) considering three different maximum random devia-
tions: 1, 3 and 10 %. In combination with large intentional mistuning patterns
228 B. Beirow et al.

γ 1
0.8 optimized + 1% Aero-mistuning (worst)
optimized + 3% Aero-mistuning (worst)
optimized + 10% Aero-mistuning (worst)
measured reference

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
optimized + 10% Aero-mistuning (best)
optimized + 10% Aero-mistuning (worst)
0.6 measured reference

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Fig. 5 Amplification of maximum blade displacements—optimized intentional mistuning com-

bined with additional aerodynamic mistuning (50000 samples): a varying, b 10 %

(ΔE = ±6.09 %) 1 and 3 % aerodynamic mistuning only marginally affects the

forced response (Fig. 5a), which agrees with the findings shown in [9]. Whereas
allowing 10 % aerodynamic mistuning both, a partly significant rise and drop of the
forced response may occur (Fig. 5b). Nevertheless, the gain achieved with opti-
mized, large intentional mistuning is retained between EO 21 and 28, since the
maximum response amplification is never exceeding that of the measured reference.

5 Conclusions

The use of intentional mistuning has been analysed for a compressor blisk rotor in
terms of a mitigation of the forced response. It could be shown that even a response
reduction beneath the level of the tuned counterpart design is possible for particular
engine order excitations for optimized mistuning patterns. In case of large inten-
tional mistuning the potential of encouraging reduced forced response levels has
been proven to be robust with respect to additional moderate but realistic random
structural and aerodynamic mistuning.

Acknowledgments The research was conducted as a part of the joint research program
“COOREFLEX-turbo (AG Turbo)”. The work was supported by the Bundesministerium für
Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) under FKZ 03ET7021. The authors gratefully acknowledge AG
Turbo and Rolls-Royce Deutschland for their support and permission to publish this paper. The
responsibility for the content lies solely with its authors.
Forced Response Reduction of a Compressor Blisk Rotor … 229


1. Whitehead, D.S.: Effect of mistuning on the vibration of turbomachine blades induced by

wakes. J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 8, 15–21 (1966)
2. Martel, C., Corral, R.: Asymptotic description of maximum mistuning amplification of bladed
disk forced response. J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power 131, 1–10 (2009) (022506–1)
3. Figaschewsky, F., Kühhorn, A.: Analysis of mistuned blade vibrations based on normally
distributed blade individual natural frequencies. In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2015,
GT2015-43121, Montréal, Canada, 13–19 June 2015
4. Petrov, E.P., Ewins, D.J.: Analysis of the worst mistuning patterns in bladed disk assemblies.
J. Turbomach. 125, 623–631 (2003)
5. Chan, Y.-J., Ewins, D.J.: The amplification of vibration response levels of mistuned bladed
disks: its consequences and its distribution in specific situations. J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power 133
(10), 1–8 (2011) (Paper 102502)
6. Beirow, B., Kühhorn, A., Giersch, T., Nipkau, J.: Optimization-aided forced response analysis
of a mistuned compressor blisk. J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power 137(1), 012504 (2015)
7. Yang, M.T., Griffin, J.H.: A reduced-order model of mistuning using a subset of nominal
system modes. J. Eng. Gas Turb. Power 123, 893–900 (2001)
8. Giersch, T., Hönisch, P., Beirow, B., Kühhorn, A.: Forced response analysis of mistuned radial
inflow turbines. J. Turbomach. 135(3), 031034-1-9 (2013)
9. Besem, F.M., Kielb, R.E., Key, N.L.: Forced response sensitivity of a mistuned rotor from an
embedded compressor stage. J. Turbomach. 138(3), 031002-1-10 (2016)
Flat Flexural Vibration of Drill-String
with an Initial Curvature

A.S. Sergaliyev and L.A. Khajiyeva

Abstract Drill-string vibration is one of the major causes for a deteriorated drilling
performance. It is crucial to understand the complex vibrational mechanisms
experienced by a drilling system in order to better control its functional operation
and improve its performance. This work is devoted to modeling of nonlinear
dynamics of the drill-string taking into account initial curvature and finiteness of
deformations. The drill-string is considered as a one-dimensional rod of a sym-
metric cross-section compressed by an axial force applied at the top end of the rod.
The equation of motion is derived using the theory of finite deformations of V.V.
Novozhilov and the Hamilton–Ostrogradsky’s variational principle. The initial
curvature is modelled as a random shape that can be approximated by a finite series
of smooth functions. All numerical calculations are carried out in the environment
of symbolic mathematical computations—Wolfram Mathematica. The obtained
results allow to study the influence of initial curvature on excited flexural vibrations
in the drill-string in order to improve its performance and avoid of severe and
destructive oscillations.

Keywords Drill-string  Dynamics  Flexural vibration  Finite deformations 

Nonlinear model

1 Introduction

Intensive development of the Earth’s interior is characterized by the growth of oil

and natural gas production. Construction of vertical wells by drilling is the most
widespread way of production of oil products in countries with developed mining
industry. It is safe and effective in a variety of geological conditions. However, the

A.S. Sergaliyev  L.A. Khajiyeva (&)

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
e-mail: [email protected]
A.S. Sergaliyev
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 231

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_30
232 A.S. Sergaliyev and L.A. Khajiyeva

practice of construction of oil and gas wells shows that there are cases when there
are some factors, which jeopardizes the possibility of its use. One of these factors
can be geometrical imperfections of structural elements.
As mentioned in [1] the real structural elements can have an initial curvature, for
this reason attached forces act with a certain eccentricity. These factors can sig-
nificantly affect the behavior of the system. The study of such systems with initial
imperfections is important, first of all, from a practical side as allows us to approach
mathematical models to real structures. Of course the listed factors are usually
random, therefore reasonably it is possible to estimate their effect only with
attraction of statistical methods.
Theoretical study of influence of initial imperfections on the dynamic behavior
of the structure is developing in two directions. The first direction—deterministic,
based on the fact that the amplitude and shape of the initial geometric imperfections
are known for each case. The second direction—it is assumed that the initial per-
turbations are random field [2, 3]. In this paper the nonlinear dynamics of a
drill-string with a random shape of initial curvature is investigated.

2 Problem Statement

The problem of flat bending of the drill-string of length l with an initial curvature is
studied. The drill-string is considered as an isotropic rod of circular cross-section
compressed by an axial force N(t) applied at the top end of the string. Due to the
small cross-sectional size relative to the length of the drill-string, it is represented as
one-dimensional rod where the axis of OZ is directed along a rod axis.
The model of elastic deformation of the drill-string is based on the nonlinear
theory of elasticity of Novozhilov [4]. The second system of simplifications by
V.V. Novozhilov and the hypothesis of flat cross-sections is applied to components
of strain tensor. According to the last cross sections of the rod at deformation
remain flat and perpendicular to its deformed axis, and normal tension on planes
parallel to the rod axis are negligible. In this case, equations of elastic displace-
ments, relative elongations and rotation angles of the rod elements have the form:

Uðx; y; z; tÞ ¼ uðz; tÞ þ u0 ðzÞ;

Vðx; y; z; tÞ ¼ 0;
@uðz; tÞ du0 ðzÞ
Wðx; y; z; tÞ ¼  xþ x;
@z dz

where U ðx; y; z; tÞ; V ðx; y; z; tÞ; W ðx; y; z; tÞ—displacement components along the
axes OX, OY, OZ, respectively; uðz; tÞ—a complete bending that occurs during
deformation; u0 ðzÞ—initial curvature.
Flat Flexural Vibration of Drill-String with an Initial Curvature 233

The functional of elastic deformation have the form:

G 1
U¼ ð1  mÞe2zz þ ezz x2y þ x4y ; ð2Þ
1  2m 2

where m—Poisson’s ratio, exx ; eyy ; ezz —relative elongations parallel to the axes OX,
OY, OZ, respectively; exy ; eyz ; ezx —shifts; xx ; xy ; xz —rotation angles around
respective axes.
To derive the main differential equations of movement defining transverse dis-
placements of the drill-string, relative to its initial undeformed position, methods of
the variation principle of Ostrogradsky-Hamilton is used [5].
The potential energy of deformation is defined as follows:

Zl "  2   #
G @ 2 u d 2 u0 F @u du0 4
U0 ¼ ð1  mÞJ  2 þ  dz: ð3Þ
1  2m @z2 dz 2 @z dz

The potential of external loading is defined as work of the external loading force
on mutual shift of the ends of the rod to the direction of force of N. Then the
potential of external loading have the form:

Zl "    #
1 @u 2 du0 2
P¼ N  dz: ð4Þ
2 @z dz

The kinetic energy of the rotating rod in global system of coordinates is defined
as follows:

Z l "  2  2 2 #
1 @u @ u
Tkin ¼ q F þJ dz; ð5Þ
2 @t @z@t

where F—area of cross section of the drill-string, J—axial moment of inertia.

Applying the variational principle of Ostrogradsky-Hamilton:

dQ ¼ d ðTkin  U0 þ PÞdt ¼ 0: ð6Þ
234 A.S. Sergaliyev and L.A. Khajiyeva

the main equation of movement of the drill-string is obtained:

@2u @4u @ @u @4u
q F 2 þ J 2 2  N  EJ 4
@t @z @t @z @z @z
 3 ð7Þ
EF @ @u du0 4
d u0
þ  ¼ EJ 4 ;
ð1  mÞ @z @z dz dz

where E—Young’s modulus.

The equation of movement (7) has the nonlinear character caused by geometrical
nonlinearity of the drill-string and consider the influence of its initial curvature on
behavior of the system.

3 Solution Method and Shape of an Initial Curvature

Well known the Bubnov-Galerkin’s variational method of separation of variables

was used to determine the solution of (7) with a simply-supported boundary con-
ditions. In [6] has been shown that this method allows to successfully analyze the
behavior of drill-strings used for oil production in the vertical and deviated wells.
According to the Bubnov-Galerkin’s method the solution of the system is defined

uðz; tÞ ¼ fi ðtÞ sin ; ð8Þ

where fi(t)—unknown functions of time, sinðipz=lÞ—modes of flexural vibrations of

the rod.
It is obvious that initial curvature has the smooth form. Thus, it can also be
represented as the same series of trigonometric functions. Considering that it
guessed that the initial curvature has a random shape it assumed the coefficients of
the trigonometric series have a random character.

u0 ðz; nÞ ¼ Ai ðnÞ sin ; ð9Þ

where Ai(ξ)—are independent Gaussian random coefficients.

After substitution of the series (8), (9) in Eq. (7) the nonlinear system of dif-
ferential equations of the second order with respect to the unknown functions fi(t) is
Flat Flexural Vibration of Drill-String with an Initial Curvature 235

4 Numerical Results

The implementation of the Bubnov-Galerkin method and the further numerical

solution were made in the applied program for symbolic computation—Wolfram
Mathematica 10. The stiffness switching method was applied to implement the
numerical solution of the equations.
Numerical calculations were carried out for the steel drill-string at the following
values of parameters: E = 2.1 × 105 MPa, ρ = 7800 kg/m3, ν = 0.28, outer
diameter of the rod D = 0.2 m, inner diameter d = 0.12 m, F = 2.01 × 10−2 m2,
N = 2.2 × 103 N, J = 6.84 × 10−5 m4, l = 200 m. In addition, it is assumed that a
compressive load is constant and distributed along the length of rod.
Calculations were carried out up to 12 modes and it can be seen that the main
contribution to the dynamics of vibrations make the first modes. With the growing
number of modes its contribution is reduced (Fig. 1). Moreover, if there is no the
initial curvature it can be shown that the flexural vibrations will not appear on the
even modes [1]. Figure 2 shows four simulations at fixed cross-section (z = 0.5 l),
where u1(t) solution of (7) in case of no initial curvature and other u2(t), u3(t),
u4(t) are solutions with random shape of curvature. Maximum of amplitudes of
random shapes lie in the range from 0.5 to 2 cm. Figures 3 and 4 show the same

Fig. 1 First five modes at

fixed cross-section

Fig. 2 Four simulations at

fixed cross-section
236 A.S. Sergaliyev and L.A. Khajiyeva

Fig. 3 Four simulations

along the entire length at
t = 200 s

Fig. 4 Four simulations

along the entire length at
t = 600 s

solutions along the entire length at t = 200 s and t = 600 s, respectively. It can be
seen that a small initial curvature slightly affects the amplitude of vibration of the
system, but it considerably affects the frequency characteristics.

5 Conclusions

In this paper the spatial movement of compressed drill-strings with no restrictions

on the size of their deformations was modelled. The model is based on application
of the Ostrogradsky-Hamilton variation principle and the theory of finite defor-
mations of V.V. Novozhilov. The Bubnov-Galerkin method was applied for con-
verting the original system of nonlinear equations with distributed parameters in a
system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The initial curvature is mod-
elled as a random shape approximated by a finite series of trigonometric functions.
The calculation procedure of the mathematical model was developed and imple-
mented in the environment of Wolfram Mathematica 10.
It was observed that small initial curvature leads to slightly increasing of the
amplitude of vibrations and considerably affects the frequency characteristics of the
system, thereby there is no destructive oscillations. However, the picture could
change significantly if we consider the real initial curvature of structural elements.
Flat Flexural Vibration of Drill-String with an Initial Curvature 237

Nevertheless, the developed approach will allow to estimate it, it is only need to
make other assumptions about the nature of distribution of random coefficients
based on statistical data. This may serve as further development of this work. It is
also planned to consider the non-flat case when the drill-string is rotating at a
constant angular velocity.

Acknowledgments This research work has been done within the framework of the “Development
of nonlinear dynamic models of deformable media and their practical application for solution of
drilling problems in oil and gas industry taking into account ambiguities, complicating factors and
influence of the environment” scientific project (2015–2017), funded by the Ministry of Science
and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


1. Sergaliyev, A., Umbetkulova, A.: Numerical simulation of drill-string dynamics with an initial
curvature. Appl. Mech. Mater. 799–800, 523–527 (2015)
2. Wenbin, Y., Hodges, D.H., Volovoi, V., Cesnik, C.E.S.: On Timoshenko-like modeling of
initially curved and twisted composite beams. Int. J. Solids Struct. 39, 5101–5121 (2002)
3. Kala, Z.: Stability problems of steel structures in the presence of stochastic and fuzzy
uncertainty. Thin-Walled Struct. 45, 861–865 (2007)
4. Novozhilov, V.V.: Foundations of the Nonlinear Theory of Elasticity. OGIZ, M.-L (1948)
5. Kudaibergenov, A., Kudaibergenov, A., Khajiyeva, L.: Stability analysis of drill rods as shells
in the gas stream. Appl. Mech. Mater. 665, 593–596 (2014)
6. Vaz, M.A., Patel, M.N.: Analysis of drill strings in vertical and deviated holes using the
Galerkin technique. Eng. Struct. 17, 437–442 (1995)
A Design of the Two Architectures
of Electromagnetic Vibration Energy
Harvesting Devices

M. Maták, M. Gašparík, P. Šolek and M. Margetin

Abstract This paper presents two architectures of electromagnetic vibration

energy harvesters. The first presented architecture of vibration energy harvester is
comprised by a coil rotationally moving in magnetic field. Design goal is to produce
the harvester capable of effective operation in wide range of frequencies and able to
utilize vibrations from all directions in one plane. This architecture is capable of
utilizing the low frequency vibrations as well. During the experiment, a peak
voltage of approximately 1.2 V has been measured at 25 Hz harmonic excitation.
The second architecture is comprised by cylindrical magnet moving inside the
PMMA tube, along the axis of a coil wound around this tube. Magnetic mass of the
harvester is suspended on magnetic springs on both sides. Ease of manufacture and
customization of the harvester are emphasized in the design to allow fitting the
parameters of the harvester to existing condition of vibration source.

Keywords Vibration energy harvesting  Electromagnetic induction  Energy


1 Introduction

Energy harvesting (or energy scavenging) is process of transformation of ambient

energy into useful electric energy. In past decade, energy harvesting has become a
viable source of power for low-powered systems. These systems include various

M. Maták (&)  M. Gašparík  P. Šolek  M. Margetin

Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Gašparík
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Šolek
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Margetin
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 239

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_31
240 M. Maták et al.

sensors and devices operating in remote areas. Utilizing the energy from ambient
sources greatly enhances usability of such devices by making them practically
maintenance-free and fully autonomous.
Sources of ambient energy that can be artificially harvested an their respective
available power densities are: solar energy—approximately 15000 μW/cm2 (out-
door, sunny day), mechanical vibrations—375 μW/cm3, fluid flow—380 μW/cm3,
temperature variation—40 and 1 μW/cm3 for both acoustic and radio frequency
energy [1, 2].

2 Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting Devices

The source of ambient mechanical energy can be either movement of industrial

structure due to its operation, movement of human body or fluid flow. The fre-
quency of mechanical motions depends on its source and in general can be con-
sidered less than 10 Hz for human movements and approximately 30 Hz for
machinery vibrations [1].
From point of view of transduction mechanisms used to transfer the kinetic
energy of vibrations to electricity, four options are available: piezoelectric, elec-
tromagnetic, electrostatic and magnetostrictive. According to various authors [3, 4],
piezoelectric generators are best suited for microscale applications, while for situ-
ations where miniature dimensions are not necessary, electromagnetic generators
are preferred because no smart materials are required and electromagnetic gener-
ators are robust and sturdy.

2.1 Principle of Operation

From point of view of mechanics, most vibration energy harvesters are 1DOF
systems with base excitation (Fig. 1). From point of view of mathematics, the
system is described by 2nd order differential equation.

M€z þ b_z þ kz ¼ m€y ð1Þ

Multiplying Eq. (1) by relative velocity z_ we get the flow of mechanical power
in the system. In Eq. (2), the first member represents the change of kinetic and

Fig. 1 Physical model of

electromagnetic generator
A Design of the Two Architectures … 241

potential energy, and the second member represents the power dissipated by the
damper [5]. The members on the right side represent the power flow into system
through spring and damper.
d m_x2 kðx  yÞ2
þ þ bð_x  y_ Þ2 ¼ bðx_  y_ Þ_y þ kðx  yÞ_y ð2Þ
dt 2 2

Damping in system is provided either by mechanical damping inherent to the

structure and by electromagnetic damping, which occurs during transduction of
mechanical energy to electric energy.

b ¼ b m þ be ð3Þ

The expression b_z2 in Eq. (2) represents all the power drawn from the system
and only portion of it is available for transfer to electric power.
For harmonic excitation and steady state solution, we get following expression
for the amplitude of relative displacement

mx2 Y r2 Y
Z ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð4Þ
ðk  mx2 Þ2 þ b2 x2 ð1  r 2 Þ2 þ ð2nrÞ2

The average power draw from the system is defined as

mx30 Y 2 nr 6
Pav ¼ ð5Þ
ð1  r 2 Þ2 þ ð2nrÞ2

The maximum power draw from the system occurs at frequency ratio r defined
rmax ¼ 2  4n2  16n4  16n2 þ 1 ð6Þ

Maximum power draw from the system with given parameters occurs at frequency
defined in Eq. (6). However, in design process, more important question is not the
frequency ratio at which is the power output maximal for given generator, but the
frequency ratio of harvester generating maximum power at given frequency of base
excitation specific for the source. The generator should be tailored for the vibration
source and not otherwise [3]. Using Eqs. (4) and (5) to redefine the average power Pav
as a function of spring stiffness k, the r of the optimal generator is defined as:
rmax;k ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð7Þ
1  2n þ 2 n4  n2 þ 1
242 M. Maták et al.

As Eqs. (6) and (7) show, the optimal generator for given frequency of source is
operating at frequency ratio r [ 1. A clear conclusion can be drawn from Eq. (5)
that the higher angular frequency of the generator ωn and larger amplitude of base
excitation Y, the higher average harvested power. This means that it is much easier
to get serious amount of power at higher frequency and therefore direct comparison
of generator designs using only generated power as criterion is not always appro-
priate. Since machine vibrations occur at lower frequencies [6], it is important to
present generator design capable of utilizing these vibrations effectively

2.2 Architectures of Generators

The vast majority of vibration generators use the effect of resonance to get the
maximum possible power output. This fact makes them inherently narrowband [3].
The use of nonlinear springs to widen the resonance bandwidth is common. Design
intent of both presented architectures is to produce a generator with broad band-
width and the ability to operate effectively at low frequency.

2.2.1 Architecture 1

The architecture 1 is an attempt to produce generator capable not based on reso-

nance principle with the added benefit of being able to harvest energy equally from
all directions in plane of the generator. It is in concept similar to generator presented
in [7], but with different arrangement. The generator uses the movement of the coil
in magnetic field and its layout resembles the hard disk drive actuator arm. The
generator is depicted on Fig. 2b. Two variants of this architecture (marked as type 1
and type 2) have been assembled and tested, the only difference between them
being the arrangement of the magnets.

Fig. 2 Architectures 1 and 2

of proposed harvesters
A Design of the Two Architectures … 243

Fig. 3 Amplitudes of
harmonic excitation

2.2.2 Architecture 2

The second architecture is a translational generator utilizing the motion of magnet

inside the coil. The repelling force of neodymium magnets has been used as a
nonlinear spring [8]. The generator has been designed with adjustable preload of
magnetic springs and various configurations of inner magnets has been considered
as well. Two samples (marked V1 and V2) with different dimensions and inner
magnetic members has been assembled and tested. The layout of harvester is pic-
tured in Fig. 2a.

2.3 Measured Results

Both architectures of generators have been tested on hydraulic actuator. Since our
interest lies in low frequency range, the harvesters has been excited by harmonic
signal with frequency range from 5 to 25 Hz. The measured data have been
obtained using the NI myDAQ device. Measured physical parameter was voltage.
The amplitudes of excitation are depicted in Fig. 3. Figure 4 shows the raw mea-
sured data for both architectures and variants. After processing the measured data
using Matlab, average harvested voltages and powers have been calculated for both

Fig. 4 Raw measured data

244 M. Maták et al.

Fig. 5 Processed results for architectures 1 and 2

types of generators for both architectures. Average voltages and powers for
architectures 1 and 2 are shown in Fig. 5.

3 Conclusion

As the measured results show, both harvesters of architecture 1 struggle to get

usable voltage. On the other hand, architecture 2 has performed above expectations
with V1 harvester even exceeding the voltage limit of NI myDAQ used to measure
the output voltage. The results shown in this article are from initial testing, there is a
solid potential for further growth.

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Education of SR for
financially supporting this research under contract VEGA 1/0742/15


1. Priya, S., Inman, D.: Energy Harvesting Technologies. Springer Science+Business Media, New
York (2009). ISBN 978-0-387-764463-4
2. Galchev, T.V.: Energy Scavenging from Low Frequency Vibrations. University of Michigan
3. Spreeman, D., Manoli, Y.: Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesting Devices:
Architectures, Design, Modeling and Optimization. Springer Science+Business Media
(2012). ISBN 978-94-007-2943-8
4. Chalasani, S., Conrad, J.M.: A survey of energy harvesting sources for embedded systems. In:
IEEE Southeastcon 2008. ISBN 978-1-4244-1883-1
5. Stephen, N.G.: On energy harvesting from ambient vibration. J. Sound Vib. 293, 409–425
6. Sardini, E., Serpelloni, M.: An efficient electromagnetic power harvesting device for
low-frequency applications. Sens. Actuators A 172, 20161 (2011)
A Design of the Two Architectures … 245

7. Spreeman, D., Folkmer, B., Mintenbeck, D., Manoli, Y.: Novel non-resonant vibration
transducer for energy harvesting. PowerMEMS (2005)
8. Tan, Y.K.: Sustainable Energy Harvesting Technologies. InTech, Rijeka (2011). ISBN
Acoustic Solution for a Car Cab Interior

P. Němeček

Abstract The paper describes a process focused on sound acoustic issues inside a
car cab (“enclosed space”). The problem is solved experimentally with the use of
noise measurements and interior-panel-vibration measurements with the aim to
reduce noise at such a level that would allow a comprehensive communication
among passengers.

Keywords Car interior Noise   Language comprehension  Verbal communi-

cation among passengers

1 Introduction

Noise solutions in “enclosed space” represent a wide topic—covered mainly by so

called “Building acoustics” and are defined by specific quantities and solutions,
which are based on insulating materials. In the view of Acoustics, the car interior is
quite specific space. Its “particularity” is defined by relatively small dimensions and
space volume, space design based on structural principles, defined “acoustic”
surfaces (e.g. glass panels), objects (e.g. seats), people and noise-sources location
(e.g. engine, wheels etc.), commercially lead “interior” design (an esthetic issue),
a certain similarity of car interior designs and quite contradictory requirements of a
structural interior design [1, 2].

1.1 Physical Ground

Technical acoustic is based on measurements and data processing mainly. Exact

and quality measurements are a ground for modelling and value(s) definitions used

P. Němeček (&)
Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 247

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_32
248 P. Němeček

further on for data evaluations. Most of such models are based on equations
mentioned below (1) and (2). Acoustic pressure at any point within certain space
must meet the wave equation:

@2p @2p @2p 1 @2p

þ 2 þ 2 ¼ 2 2: ð1Þ
@x2 @y @z c @t

The relation between acoustic velocity and acoustic pressure in the direction of
r “carrier” within certain space is described by the motion equation:

@u 1 @p
¼  ð2Þ
@t q @r

Equations (1) and (2) arise from the acoustic energy spread theory and put
together acoustic pressure and acoustic velocity depending on environmental con-
stants and on time. Equations (1) and (2) are usable for theoretical solutions but in real
applications they cope with unavailability of an acoustic pressure description (a
concrete one) and its dependency on “the” location and “the” time. Nevertheless,
these equations are valid in a universal point of view—thus for the car interior, as
Than it is necessary to define two theoretical forms of a sound field. A sound
field is space through which sound waves are spread out.
1. Free Sound Field—a sound is spread out from a sound-source in the form of
waves, where levels of acoustic pressure, acoustic velocity and sound intensity
are equilibrated in relation to the “size” of relative values):

LP ¼ LM ¼ LI ð3Þ

2. Diffusion Field—represents an omnidirectional sound-wave incidence. Levels

of acoustic quantities are not equilibrated:

LP 6¼ La 6¼ LI ð4Þ

2 An Acoustic Situation Inside a Car-Cab

It should be noted that the self-supporting coachwork is composed of flexible

components, which have significant resonance frequencies, components of 2D or
3D symmetry (bonnets, roofs)—so that modal characteristics (locations of nodes
and antinodes) are exacerbated—and of cavities through which acoustic energy
spreads out easily. So, we can observe that supporting parts without acoustic
(anti-noise) modifications exacerbate noise conditions. A vehicle can be divided
into 3 sections as regards acoustic (anti-noise) modifications. We consider a car
Acoustic Solution for a Car Cab Interior 249

with an engine in the front, with a front-wheel drive and a separate trunk in the rear,
so the mentioned sections are:
(1) Engine Space
(2) Car-cab (the interior space)
(3) Trunk (the luggage space)
There are sound-absorbing materials “used” with a car. They are applied (prac-
tically) inside the whole car and are thought for inner-and-outer noise reduction.
Generally speaking, sound-absorbing materials represent a compromise for contra-
dictory requirements as regards their applications (e.g. a vehicle weight/a vehicle
price/further processing/ecological issues—like disposal, design features etc.).

3 Interior Measurement Possibilities

3.1 RASTI Method

The car interior is designed for passenger transport (primarily) aiming at comfort
and safety issues. An easy-communication requirement is in fact a minimal
language-signal disturbance requirement. The RASTI (RApid Speech Transmission
Index) method represents a universal method that is used to evaluate a concrete
(artificial) language-signal in a noisy background in relation to the speaker location.
The RASTI Index (in the range of 0–1) “classifies” an interior according to its
sound quality—and places the interior into one of 5 groups (1 is for excellent
comprehension, 0 is for bad comprehension).

3.2 Articulation Index

The index arises from a mathematically processed noise-spectra measurement at a

given point of an interior. It evaluates only the “state” at the given point (not the
transmission or the source). The space is not “aroused” by a special signal (as with
the RASTI Method), but its features are evaluated through masking a frequency
spectrum of a speech-signal by a background noise.

4 Solution Steps

4.1 Problem Definition

The anti-noise applications in the car cab are based on a combination of sound-
absorbing materials and objects according to given requirements—criteria as
250 P. Němeček

Fig. 1 Flow chart of an acoustic solution made for a car cab interior

regards functions, a safety and an operation of a vehicle. The noise evaluation is

made after the a.m. criteria are met. A problem of such noise is its “changeability”
in source acoustic performance as regards sound-level and frequency (an engine,
wheels, air-conditioning etc.). (Fig. 1).
Acoustic Solution for a Car Cab Interior 251

4.2 Proposed Procedure

(1) To determine targets to be achieved

(2) To use all noise-reducing possibilities primarily (in a vehicle). It means to use
components of low-acoustic performance, low vibration levels, flexible
mounting etc.
(3) To accept the interior design
(4) To describe the features of an interior with the use of acoustic quantities
(5) To propose measures to improve acoustic parameters
(6) To realize such proposals/applications
(7) To verify impact of the final realization/applications
An important complication for such acoustic improvements and applications is
the interior design. Its shape, dimensions and location of glass panels and limita-
tions in use of anti-noise (acoustic) materials. We can recommend a measurement
of 5 “crucial” quantities to describe a car interior:
(1) Levels of acoustic pressure dB (A) and third octave sound frequency spectra.
Articulation indexes and other needed data can be derived from such measured
values. The measuring points are located above passenger heads.
(2) RASTI values for individual couples of communicating passengers. As in the
previous case, it is not an “established” value.
(3) Sound termination time (a direct criterion of sound-absorption α) is crucial for
next steps
(4) Sound-absorption measurements—A—of individual interior panels
(5) Transmission Coefficient Measurement σ—calculating vibration change of
boundary surfaces into acoustic energy
Physical restriction of a technical solution:
• Engine speed revolution frequency and doubled harmonic revolution frequency
are both within the range of 50 to 100 Hz. To reduce acoustic features of these
frequencies we would need a material of 900 to 1700 mm thickness—which is
unthinkable. So, “acceptable” primarily modifications of engine and its
mounting are recommended.
• Considering a concrete insulation material thickness to be e.g. 20 mm, we can
work with frequencies above 5 kHz. Nevertheless, objects of a higher thickness
are applied in the vehicle e.g. passenger seats, sound absorption of which,
cannot be determine with α.

4.3 Procedure Application

(1) It is necessary to determine the reference point (the center of front seats at the
level of passenger heads).
252 P. Němeček

(2) Noise level and sound intensity at the reference point (in 3 directions) with
reference revolutions (mostly 3000 min−1) and RASTI index are measured
(3) The Articulation Index and The Reactivity Index are determined from acoustic
pressure levels and sound intensity.
(4) An estimate of component acoustic absorption is derived from the Reactivity
I would like to point out that the correlation of AI and RASTI is very good in car
cab (“enclosed space”).

5 Sound Transmission Estimate of Vibrating Panels

Noise coming from individual sources (engine, wheels and their suspensions etc.)
gets into the car cab directly through coachwork parts or it is indirectly transmitted
by panel(s) vibrations. These panels must be identified and their primary insulating
features must be evaluated. It is recommended to cover them with a material that
will increase their inner acoustic (it is a material, which will muffle them). We work
on the assumption that acoustic power is proportional to acoustic impedance of air,
surface, Square of effective vibration velocity and transmission coefficient σ. The
coefficient is increasing with increasing frequency and therefore it is necessary to
decrease that at higher frequencies. It is possible with the use of shape modifications
like ribbing or breaking surface symmetry or applying highly muffling materials on
panel surfaces.

6 Conclusion (Solution Summary)

A problem was defined in the given space (a car cab interior) and a procedure of a
possible solution was described. Concrete steps represent a combination of objec-
tive methods to describe acoustic field in the car cab interior. The targeted outcome
is a comprehensive communication of passengers and thus improvement of their
safety. A comprehensive communication will be “arranged” with the use of suitable
and appropriate insulating materials and by their right application.
Acoustic Solution for a Car Cab Interior 253


1. Apetaur, M., Ráfl, J.: Konstrukce automobilů díl I – Hluk motorových vozidel. Vydavatelství
ČVUT, Praha (1994). ISBN 80-01-01224-7
2. Stěnička, J.: Šíření a vyzařování hluku konstrukcemi. ČSVTS, Praha (1990). ISBN
Possibilities for Reducing Car Gearbox
Vibration and Noise

E. Tomeh

Abstract This article deals with the possibilities for reducing car gearbox vibration
and noise in connection with the production quality of its parts on machine tools. The
technical condition of these machine tools is monitored by vibration
diagnostics. The article explains as well the method of gear pinion machining. The
accuracy of manufacture, installation and adjustment of the gearbox mechanisms
and the method of machining gearbox pinion (grinding or superfinishing) contribute
significantly to the overall level of car gearbox vibration and noise. The location of
gears and bearings has also a similar effect. The level of production, assembly and
the superfinishing method in processing the gearbox pinion are shown in the
vibration spectrum as affecting the reduction of gearbox noise and vibration.

Keywords Vibration  Noise  Gearbox  Grinding  Superfinishing

1 Introduction

The technical diagnostics of machines and equipment is mainly based on vibration

measurements and analysis of all critical components of these machines for pre-
defined operation conditions and at the stage of installation of the new machine and
its subsequent operation. One of the possible noise sources in the car is the drive
system, which includes the gearbox.
Frequency analysis of vibration spectra is a modern tool for the process of
identifying the mechanical defects that affect the quality of production, assembly
and overall noise in car gearboxes. The analysis of vibration spectra is performed
using frequency analysis methods and means of technical diagnostics that monitor
the influence of gears and rolling element bearings in a complex gearbox.
The article deals with the possibilities of reducing car gearbox vibration and noise
in connection with various methods of machining the pinion (grinding, superfin-
ishing) with bearing diameter 32h5 (see Fig. 1). The bearing is fitted to the diameter

E. Tomeh (&)
Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 255

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_33
256 E. Tomeh

Fig. 1 Grinded pinion diameters

Grinding Superfinishing

Fig. 2 The difference in machining a gearbox pinion

32h5 without an inner ring, so that the cylindrical pin serves as the inner rolling
surface of the bearing. The difference in machining a grinded and super-finished
pinion is shown in Fig. 2.

2 Measurements Analysis

On the stand (see Fig. 3) and using a measuring instrument—the vibration analyser
—the noise of the gearbox with an accordingly machined gear pinion was evalu-
ated. The next steps were to remove the pinion from the gearbox, then to

Fig. 3 Determination of measuring points

Possibilities for Reducing Car Gearbox Vibration and Noise 257

Table 1 Resulting overall Velocity Pinion grinding aef Pinion superfinishing

values of bearings noise [Gs]—envelope aef [Gs]—envelope
amplitude method method
In Backward In Backward
traction traction
1 0.216 0.192 0.034 0.028
2 0.163 0.144 0.023 0.021
3 0.164 0.181 0.025 0.020
4 0.187 0.201 0.025 0.029
5 0.200 0.258 0.029 0.045

Fig. 4 Graphical comparison of noise for a grinded and super-finished pinion

super-finish it on the superfinishing machine, to mount it back in the gearbox, to

measure it and to evaluate the gearbox noise once more. The analysis of the spectral
envelope measurements shows that superfinishing a cylindrical diameter of 32h5
has decreased gearbox noise (see Table 1 and Fig. 4).

3 Measurement Protocols of Gear Parameters

The gearing involute profile and pitch helix curves were measured including the
nominal values of the above parameters. The measurement informed us about the
components kinematics (throw, pitch). The drawing tolerance of the parameters is
also included in the measurement protocol.
258 E. Tomeh

4 Example of Measured Noise Spectra

The first example refers to the first gearing speed level, where gearing noise tol-
erance parameters didn’t significantly comply. The parameters fHβ exceeded by
about 50 μm and fHα by about 10 μm. Figure 5 shows measured spectrum—MIX
—In Traction.
The picture shows the difference between this case (the red curve) and the serial
measurement of non-defective gearboxes of the same day (black line).
The measured spectrum shows the whole continuous spectrum as relatively
elevated. The first harmonic frequency (Ord 14), corresponding to the first gearing
speed level, is within the norm in comparison with non-defective gearboxes. But the
second (28 Ord) and the third (42 Ord) harmonic frequencies of this gearing are in
comparison with others increased by up to 10 dB.
The second example relates to the missing process. On the assembly line, a gear
of the third speed level was released without performing the final process of teeth
finishing (grinding)—the gear was therefore only milled. This defect was very
much reflected on the gearbox measured spectra. The noise level was increased not
only when the mention third gear was loaded (Fig. 6) but also in all other gears,
even when the third one was not loaded. In the measured spectrum of the third gear,
increased component harmonic frequencies are displayed including their sidebands.
In the other gears, the harmonic frequencies belonging to the mentioned third
speed level were evident.
As a demonstration, here is noise spectrum MIX for the fifth speed level In
Traction (Fig. 7). It is evident that the manifestation of the first (35 Ord—106 dB)
and the second (75 Ord—103 dB) harmonic frequencies of the defective gear are
identical to that when the gear was loaded.

Fig. 5 Noise spectrum 1-S (MIX)

Possibilities for Reducing Car Gearbox Vibration and Noise 259

Fig. 6 Noise spectrum 3-S (MIX)

Fig. 7 Noise spectrum 5-S (MIX)

The grinded pinion on stand showed increased noise at all speed levels and for In
Traction and Backward (Fig. 8). The green curve is for the super-finished pinion,
the black one is for the grinded pinion.
260 E. Tomeh

Fig. 8 Order analyses for 4th and 5th speed levels in traction and backward

5 Conclusions

The article discusses the influence of the processing methods (grinding or

super-finishing) for a pinion with a 32h5 bearing diameter on the resulting car
gearbox noise. For both mentioned technologies, measurements of the overall
vibration levels on the stand, as well as the frequency and envelope analyses were
evaluated for each gear speed.
The most effective influence on decreasing the overall vibration levels in a
gearbox appeared in the analysis of spectral envelopes on a pinion of 32h5 diam-
eter, which serves as inner ring of bearing. It was reduced by 86 % on average.
Furthermore, comparing orders analyses on the stand, the noise was reduced on the
Possibilities for Reducing Car Gearbox Vibration and Noise 261

Fig. 8 (continued)

super-finished pinion by up to about 15 dB in some orders. For these reasons, it is

possible to state that superfinishing has a great impact on the overall noise of car

Acknowledgments The paper has been elaborated with financial support of TUL in the frame-
work of specific university research competition.
262 E. Tomeh


1. Tomeh, E.: Technická diagnostika: vibrační diagnostika strojů a zařízení. Skripta TU v Liberci,
p. 220 (2015). ISBN 978-80-7494-174-0
2. Tomeh, E.: Identify the sources of vibration and noise on cars gearbox by spectral analysis. In
54th International Conference of Machine Design Departments, p. 6, Sept 2013. ISBN
3. Tomeh, E.: Diagnostic Methodology of Rolling Element and Journal Bearings, p. 66.
Textbook TU in Liberec (2007). ISBN 978-80-7372-278-4
4. Moravec, V.: Konstrukce strojů a zařízení II. Montanex a.s. (2001)
Reduced Order Analyses of Multi-stage
Coupled Structures with Main Focus
on Disk-Dominated Modes

R. Weber and A. Kühhorn

Abstract Rotors manufactured as blisk (Blade Integrated Disk) has become

state-of-the-art in turbomachinery. This integral design saves a lot of mass and
enables higher rotational speeds allowing for higher pressure ratios and hence an
increased efficiency. The advantage comes along with the drawback that the struc-
tural damping level is extremely low. Nowadays, the dynamics of single-stage rotors
is well-investigated, as dynamical analysis of cyclic structures is one of the most
important subjects in applied research in turbomachinery. However, the
stage-to-stage coupling effect is neglected in most cases. The importance of proper
interstage treatment is obvious for adequate multi-stage analyses. Hence the struc-
tural dynamics of a multi-stage assembly has recently become an important area of
research. In this paper, some multi-stage effects are discussed and three different
reduced order techniques are summarized and demonstrated on a multi-stage
assembly of academic blisks. The findings are compared to a FE-solution. Particular
attention must be paid to disk-dominated modes, which are highly affected by
multi-stage behavior. Mistuning modeling is not considered, because it mainly
influences blade-dominated vibrations.

Keywords Turbomachinery  Blisk vibration  FEM  Reduced order model 

Multi-stage coupling

1 Introduction

In turbomachinery, rotating structures are assessed by dynamic analyses of their

operating behavior. Dynamic analyses of high pressure compressors assume some
simplifications. First of all, it is common to fulfill stage by stage analyses. It is then
possible to investigate the complete cyclic structure by analyzing an elementary

R. Weber (&)  A. Kühhorn

Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Kühhorn
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 263

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_34
264 R. Weber and A. Kühhorn

Fig. 1 Elementary sectors (rotor 1 and 2) and multi-stage assembly

sector using cyclic symmetry boundary conditions [1]. However, due to manu-
facturing or material tolerances, there are no identical blades. In order to consider
small mistuning and to estimate resulting amplification factors, various reduced
order models (ROMs) are invented [2, 3], adapted and advanced.
Since stage methods will not predict dynamic behavior of the assembled com-
pressor with adequate accuracy. Stage-to-stage coupling effects may significantly
impact eigenfrequencies and modes. A priori, disk-dominated modes are highly
affected whereas blade-dominated modes hardly contribute to interstage coupling [4].
This paper summarizes different methods [2, 5, 6] to calculate Multi-stage modes
at moderate costs. Aiming at a drastic reduction of the DOF-number, different
reduced order models are applied. These techniques are demonstrated by means of
academic sample rotors, shown in Fig. 1. Since every ROM implies errors com-
pared to a full FE-model, results from a full analysis are used as reference.
First, the dynamic of the assembly is characterized and interesting modes, which
demonstrate the need of a Multi-Stage analysis, are identified. Since the main focus of
this paper is on disk-dominated Multi-Stage modes and blade individual mistuning
particularly modify blade-dominated modes, mistuning is neglected here. However,
there are ways to consider small deviations (e.g. material property), if the interaction
between blade induced mistuning and stage-to-stage coupling were discussed.

2 Dynamics of the Multi-stage Assembly

Figure 1 depicts a two staged academic compressor, which is evaluated in this

paper. The geometry is quite simple; however basic characteristics (e.g.
blade-dominated, disk-dominated modes and interactions) appear.
Although Rotor 1 consists of 9 blades and Rotor 2 is composed of 13 blades, the
assembled mesh is compatible. Thus, FE-meshes of both rotors are matching along
Reduced Order Analyses of Multi-stage Coupled Structures … 265

Fig. 2 Influence of interstage coupling: a eigenfrequency versus periodic index map b relative
stage participation (Color figure online)

the interstage boundary. If the meshes are incompatible, multipoint constraints are
used to ensure interstage coupling.
The dynamics of the assembled structure is determinate by a modal analysis.
Furthermore, single stage modal analyses with cyclic symmetry boundaries of both
rotors are performed. Figure 2a shows the eigenfrequencies versus the corre-
sponding periodic parameter (cyclic symmetry mode). Even though single stage
modal analyses yield passable results in blade-dominated mode families, there are
critical inaccuracies in disk-dominated regions (e.g. green mark in Fig. 2a).
Figure 2b reflects the relative participation of stage 1. The Participation Factor
k [4] expresses the portion of elastic strain energy for the kth mode of stage (s).
Values around 1.0 indicate that main fraction of elastic energy is concentrated on
stage 1. Values near 0.0 imply stage 2 dominated modes. Obviously, there are mode
families localized on a single stage, but there are mixed modes as well. One can find
that mixed modes tend to be badly predicted in single stage analyses (e.g. Modes
29–33 are non-represented in the single stage cyclic symmetry analyses of Fig. 2a).

3 Reduced Order Model of Multi-stage Structures

Every ROM presented subsequently uses the mass and stiffness information from
one elementary sector of each stage to build a reduced equation of motion of the
unreduced assembly. The damped equation of motion (EOM) can be written as

M€x þ Cx_ þ Kx ¼ f e : ð1Þ

The coupling of both stages is the cornerstone. It can be achieved by introducing

geometrical constrain A between interstage degrees of freedom (DOF)
266 R. Weber and A. Kühhorn

DC x ¼ A  C xð1Þ  C xð2Þ ¼ 0: ð2Þ

3.1 Multi-stage Multi-level Craig-Bampton Approach

Basically, this ROM (msmlcb) [2] differentiates between inner i x and outer b x DOF.
Here, the outer DOF contain left and right boundary DOF as well as interstage
DOF. The EOM of an elementary sector is rearranged as
 ii   i   ii  i 
m ib m €x k ib k x
bi  b€ þ  b ¼ 0: ð3Þ
m bb m x bi
k bb k x

The inner DOF can be expressed by eigenmodes U. Constraint modes W are

introduced to ensure the static solution. The reduction is executed as

hM; KiCB ¼ TTCB  hM; Ki  TCB ð4Þ

U W x2  ii m  U ¼ ii k  U
TCB ¼ while ð5Þ
0 I x ¼ ii k1  ib k  b x ¼ W  b x

Once the reduction step is completed, the single stage system can be synthesized
with another Boolean that connects adjoining sectors [2]. Both stages are reduced,
but still uncoupled. However, there is a huge amount of DOF in b xðsÞ , which are
useless from now on. Therefore a second Craig-Banpton reduction can be per-
formed. Thereby only the interstage boundary DOF are obtained physically.
Equation 2 yields a constraint to the multi-stage system Eq. 6.
0 1
0 1 ! I00
I 0 0 0 ð1Þ B0I0C
hM; KiCB 0
hM; Ki ¼ @ 0 I 0 AT A  ð2Þ B
C ð6Þ
0 0 I 0 0 hM; KiCB

On that account the DOF in Eq. 1 are sorted as

x ¼ qð1Þ C x qð2Þ : ð7Þ

3.2 Multi-stage Cyclic Symmetry Method

This method (called mscsm) [5] forgoes physical DOF and transforms Eq. 2 in
cyclic symmetry modes [1]. Prior to this, left intersector DOF of each sector l x are
eliminated with respect to the corresponding nodal diameter n
Reduced Order Analyses of Multi-stage Coupled Structures … 267

x ¼ ej2pn=N  r x: ð8Þ

The matrices are reduced in an equal way. The physical coordinates of the
complete blisks are obtained by
x ¼ en  ~xn with en ¼ 1 ej2p=N . . . ejðN1Þ2pn=N : ð9Þ

Assuming different numbers of sector N(1) and N(2), one find corresponding
equivalent nodal diameters nðpÞ [5]. Considering Eq. 2, the dynamics of the
multi-stage structure of one nodal diameter p can be expressed as

! ð1Þ
MnðpÞ 0 €~xp þ T KnðpÞ 0
Tp   Tp    Tp  ~xp : ð10Þ
Mpð2Þ Kpð2Þ
0 0

The transformation matrix Tp is defined by

0 1     
I 0 0
B0 I 0C Bp ¼ eN ð2Þ ;p  I  A  eN ð1Þ ;nðpÞ  I
Tp ¼ B
C with  T ð11Þ
0 IA ð1Þ
~xp ¼ i ~xnðpÞ xnðpÞ i ~xpð2Þ
0 Bp 0

3.3 Multi-stage Modified Modal Domain Analysis

This analysis (msmmda) starts straightly in Eq. 1 by reading all information of

mass, damping and stiffness from the Multi-Stage FE-model. Nevertheless, solving
the problem itself is still too expensive. Rather, DOF are reduced with eigenmodes,
calculated with elementary sector models extended with an additional connecting
ring [6], which automatically guarantees mesh compatibility.

Uð1Þ Uf 0 0 xð1Þ
y¼Ux¼  : ð12Þ
0 0 Uð2Þ
Uf xð2Þ

UðsÞ denote eigenmodes of the stage (s) with the connecting ring having free end
and Uf are eigenmodes with the connecting ring having fixed end [6]. Equation 1
is written as

U  M  U  €y þ U  C  U  y_ þ U  K  U  y ¼ U  f e : ð13Þ
268 R. Weber and A. Kühhorn

Fig. 3 Comparison between full 360° FE versus msmlcb (red), mscsm (blue) and msmmda
(green) eigenfrequency and relative error in eigenfrequency versus full 360° FE-solution (Color
figure online)

4 Conclusions

Three different ROM are presented in this paper. Figure 3a shows the eigenfre-
quencies from every ROM and full FE-solution. There are—even not in evidence—
minute deviations. Figure 3b summarizes the relative error in eigenfrequency. As
shown, the ROM implied error is extremely small. Depending on the individual
task, one of the presented methods satisfies the requirements best. The msmlcb
yields the best results, but is due to the constraint modes the most expensive one.
The mscsm works quite fast and affords acceptable quality, but is limited to
one-to-one nodal diameter modes. The msmmda represent a comfortable ROM,
because all modes are implied and commercial FE-tools are intensively used.
Moreover even geometric mistuning is conceivable.


1. Thomas, D.L.: Dynamics of rotationally periodic strucutres. Int. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 14(1),
81–102 (1979)
2. Craig, R., Bampton, M.: Coupling of substrucutres for dynamic analysis. AIAA J. 6(7),
1313–1319 (1968)
3. Yang, M.-T., Griffin, J.H.: A reduced-order model of mistuning using a subset of nominal
system modes. J Eng. Gas Turb. Power 123(4), 893–900 (2001)
4. Bladh, R., Castanier, M.P., Pierre, C.: Effects of multistage coupling and disk flexibility on
mistuned bladed disk dynamics. J Eng. Gas Turb. Power 125(1), 121–125 (2003)
5. Laxalde, D., Lombard, J.-P., Thouverez, F.: Dynamics of multistage bladed disks systems.
J Eng. Gas Turb. Power 129(4), 1058–1064 (2007)
6. Bhartiya, Y., Sinha, A.: Reduced order model of a multistage bladed rotor with geometric
mistuning via modal analyses of finite element sectors. J. Turbomach. 134(4),
041001-1–041001-8 (2012)
Part V
Optimization of Mechanisms
and Machines, Mechanisms
of Textile Machines
Composite Production and Industrial
Robot Trajectory Calculation

T. Martinec, J. Mlýnek and M. Petrů

Abstract This paper discusses the problem of composite production. Composites

often supplant traditional materials such as steel, iron, wood, etc. The most
important advantages of composites are their high strength and flexibility, low
weight, long lifespan and minimum maintenance. The technology used in this
article is based on a winding of a carbon (or a glass) filament rovings on a poly-
urethane core which is a frame shape in 3D space with a circular cross section. The
polyurethane frame is fastened to the robot-end-effector of the robot arm and during
the winding process goes through a fiber-processing head on the basis of the
suitably determined robot-end-effector trajectory. The fiber-processing head is fixed
in robot working space and is composed of three guide lines with coils of carbon
rovings. Quality production of described type of composite depends primarily on
the correct winding of fibers on a polyurethane frame. It is especially needed to
ensure the correct angles of the fibers winding on a polyurethane frame and the
homogeneity of individual winding layers. The polyurethane frame is specified in
the local Euclidean coordinate system E3, the origin of this system is in the
robot-end-effector. We use the matrix calculus to enumerate the trajectory of the
robot-end-effector to determine the desired passage of the frame through the
fiber-processing head. A practical example of the passage of a polyurethane frame
through fiber-processing head is dealt with in the article. Of course, the determining
calculation of the robot trajectory can be used in other applications of industrial
robot use.

Keywords Robot trajectory planning and control  Composite manufacturing 

Robotic fiber placement Euler angles of rotations  Software implementation

T. Martinec (&)  J. Mlýnek  M. Petrů

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Mlýnek
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Petrů
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 271

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_35
272 T. Martinec et al.

1 Introduction

There is a many possibilities how to make the composite materials and how to use
it. Some analyses and, case studies and material properties are presented in [1, 2].
Composites are used in many areas, like in automotive industry, aircraft industry [3]
or in space industry [4]. Specific area of composites production technologies are
technologies, which uses the robots for fibers placing. Robots allows to produce
specific composite products very effective [3]. In generally it is possible to use one
of two different ways, how to make a composite using robots. For products with
large open surfaces is suitable to use a prepreg tape. It is possible to activate the
prepreg tape by pressure and temperature immediately after placement [5] and it is
no needed moulding anymore. This article will discuss the other way, the winding
technology. It follows the article [6], where winding technology is described. The
computation method for offline trajectory planning and practical example with
open-shaped core is also described in [6]. In this article we will discuss how to use
this method for core with closed-frame shape.
First advantage of used method is fact, that it can be used in many program
languages and development environments (because it is simple and it don’t need
special mathematical libraries or computation performance). Second great advan-
tage is that we can generate variables, which are necessary to control the technology
itself. In our case we needed to control also robots external axes. This three axes are
to control of the winding speeds of three independent guide lines with coils (see
Fig. 1). Positions of this guide lines along the main core defines the winding angles
of fibers in all of three layers.

3 1

Fig. 1 Picture (on left side) and diagram (on the right side) of the winding solution principle of
the working head: 1 non sliding core, 2, 3, 4 rotating guide lines with coils for winding at desired
angles, 5 guiderings, and 6 moving core for winding controlled by the robot
Composite Production and Industrial Robot Trajectory Calculation 273

2 Trajectory Calculation

In the first step of algorithm is necessary to find such set of transformations

(translational and rotational), which ensures identity between the vectors (h1, h2)
and (b1, b2) for selected point Bi (see Fig. 2). The final transformation is generally
the product of translated matrix Li and rotation matrix Qi , i.e.

Ti ¼ Li  Qi : ð1Þ

We perform the calculation of the Euler angles of effector local coordinate

system rotation in relation to robot basic coordinate system by decomposition of
matrix Ti . Each rotation matrix can be written as a product of the matrices of
rotation around the coordinate axes z, y and x, i.e.

Qi ¼ Rotðz; ai Þ  Rot ðy; bi Þ  Rotðx; ci Þ ð2Þ

where matrices Rot ðz; aÞ; Rot ðy; bÞ and Rot ðx; cÞ are in form
0 1 0 1
cos ai  sin ai 0 0 cos bi 0 sin bi 0
B sin a 0C B 0 0C
B i cos ai 0 C B 1 0 C
Rotðz; ai Þ ¼ B C; Rotðy; bi Þ ¼ B C;
@ 0 0 1 0A @  sin bi 0 cos bi 0A
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
0 1
1 0 0 0
B0  sin ci 0C
B cos ci C
Rotðx; ci Þ ¼ B C
@0 sin ci cos ci 0A
0 0 0 1

and a, b, c are the corresponding Euler angles. We note that the determination of
Euler angles a, b and c is not unique [6]. Euler angles of rotation matrix

Fig. 2 Geometric scheme of the working head (on the left) and cross-section of the core (on the
274 T. Martinec et al.

0 1
q11 ðiÞ q12 ðiÞ q13 ðiÞ 0
B q21 ðiÞ q22 ðiÞ q23 ðiÞ 0 C
Qi ¼ B
@ q31 ðiÞ
q32 ðiÞ q33 ðiÞ 0 A
0 0 0 1

can be determined by following relations (in detail see [6])

ai ¼ ATAN2ðq21 ðiÞ; q11 ðiÞÞ;

bi ¼ ATAN2ðq31 ðiÞ; q11 ðiÞ cos ai þ q21 ðiÞ sin ai Þ; ð3Þ
ci ¼ ATAN2ðq13 ðiÞ sin ai  q23 ðiÞ cos ai ; q22 ðiÞ cos ai  q12 sin ai Þ:

When calculating the angles of rotations ai, bi and ci in relation (3) we use the
ATAN2 function (part of the library of most programming languages), which
calculates the value of the function arctangent for argument arg1 =arg2 from two
input parameters arg1 and arg2 . Moreover, the signs of both input parameters are
used to determine the quadrant in which the resulting value function is located (it is
valid that p\ATAN2ðarg1 ; arg2 Þ  p).
Based on the knowledge of the translated matrix Li and Euler angles we can
determine a new tool-center-point position TCPi . This position contains six values—
three coordinates in Cartesian system (X, Y and Z) and three rotation angles (A, B
and C). This values we can store in the robot native language. Described routine
must be done for each of Bi points, 1 ≤ i ≤ N. Range for variable N depends on the
length of the axis o of the core and also on the distance between points (see [6]).

3 Practical Example

The considered composite with the closed frame-shaped profile (see Fig. 3a) serves
for fastening of the window to the fuselage of the helicopter. This core is only 2D
shape, so it is easy to show and understand how the algorithm works. But in general
it is possible to use it also for 3D complicated shapes.
There are the basic measurements of the core on Fig. 3 and also there are marked
values of the l variable. This variable is distance between start point B1 (where
l = 0, see Fig. 3a) and the selected point Bi. Distance is measured along the axis
o. This variable helps us to determine proper positions of the guide lines with fiber
coils (which are connected as an external axis of the robot). The winding angles and
core diameter are given, so we can easily evaluate the external axis position for each
Bi point, using l value for this point.
We used described algorithm of robot-end-effector trajectory calculation and
generated source code in robot language. For our example we used a KUKA KR16
robot with KUKA KRC 4 controller. We implemented the algorithm in Delphi
(Pascal language) and we generated source code in KRL (KUKA Robot Language).
Generated code we tested in the KUKA Sim Pro software simulator first (see Fig. 5)
Composite Production and Industrial Robot Trajectory Calculation 275

a, b,

axis o

Fig. 3 Closed-frame-core—the sizes (on the left) and in the frame core connected to the
robot-end-effector (on the right)

Fig. 4 Diagram showing the course of the TCP during the passage of the frame through the
fibre-processing head—values of the first three parameters (on the left side) and values of the TCP
angles (on the right side)

Fig. 5 Graphic simulation of

the position of the robot and
the frame during winding at
selected points of the
276 T. Martinec et al.

and then on the robot in laboratory (see Fig. 3b). Obtained values are visualised on
Fig. 4.

4 Conclusions

The described algorithm allows offline calculating the 3D trajectory of the

robot-end-effector of the industry robot during the production of composites using
the dry fiber winding technology on a core. The algorithm can be applied to any
manufacturing process where it is necessary to determine the 3D trajectory of a
robot-end-effector. Especially, this algorithm can be successfully used in the
industrial production of specific composites, where is necessary to generate also
trajectory for external equipment. The use of the described algorithm is completely
independent of the type of production robot and software tools. The procedure for
determining the trajectory of the robot-end-effector induces virtually no additional
costs to the manufacturer and can significantly speed up the determination of the
desired trajectory of the robot-end-effector.

Acknowledgments The research work reported here was made possible by project LO1201
financed with co-funding from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports as part of targeted support
from the “National Sustainability Program I” programme, and “GESHER/MOST LJ14005—New
applications in production technology and the use of composite frames fiber reinforced composites”.


1. Gay, D., Hoa, S.V.: Composite Materials—Design and Applications, p. 550. CRC press, Taylor
& Francis Group London (2007). ISBN 978-1-4200-4519-2
2. Agarwal, B.D., Broutman, L.J., Chandrashekhara, K.: Analysis and Performance of Fiber
Composites, 3rd edn., p. 576 (2006). ISBN 978-0-471-26891-8
3. Groppe, D.: Robots improve the quality and cost effectiveness of composite structures. Ind.
Robot: Int. J. 27(2), 96–102 (2000)
4. Hana, P., Inneman, A., Daniel, V., Sieger, L., Petrů, M.: Mechanical properties of carbon fiber
composites for applications in space. In: Proceedings of SPIE 9442, Optics and Measurement
Conference 2014, 7 Jan 2015. doi:10.1117/12.2175925
5. Shirinzadech, B., Cassidy, G., Oetomo, D., Alici, G., Ang, M.H.: Trajectory generation for
open-contoured structures in robotic fibre placement. Robot. Comput.-Integr. Manuf. 23,
380–394 (2007)
6. Martinec, T., Mlýnek, J., Petrů, M.: Calculation of the robot trajectory for the optimum
directional orientation of fibre placement in the manufacture of composite profile frames. Robot.
Comput.-Integr. Manuf. 35, 42–54 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2015.02.004
The Pinion Teeth Temperatures
Measured During the Different
Power Levels Operation

M. Mazac and M. Maly

Abstract This paper deals with the temperatures of the automobile gearbox final
drive pinion teeth during the performance in constant power levels. The tempera-
tures are measured in the teeth of the pinion of the gearbox MQ100 final drive. The
temperatures were measured during the mostly real operation conditions of the
gearbox. The special temperature measurement equipment was used. The perfor-
mance of the gearbox on the special designed testing stand was realized. The
measurements were performed during many different power levels. The power
levels were defined by torque and RPM. The temperatures measured during same
power levels were compared. The main goal of this paper is comparing of the
average temperature of the final drive pinion gearing measured during different
power levels.

Keywords Gearbox  Temperature  Measurement  Teeth  Pinion  Final drive

1 Introduction

During the mechanical power transformation by gears a part of energy is dissipated.

The quantity of dissipated energy can be a transformation quality parameter. Part of
the energy is dissipated into heat. The dissipated energy changed the temperature of
a gearbox parts. The question is a behavior of a gearbox parts during the higher
temperature operation. The second question is the influence of mechanical power
parameters on the temperature of gears. The final drive pinion gearing as a point of
temperature measurements was chosen.
For the temperature measurements to design and manufacture the special
equipment was necessary. The measurements were performed on commercial pro-
duced mechanical automobile gearbox MQ100 Škoda Auto a.s.. The temperature

M. Mazac (&)  M. Maly

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Maly
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 277

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_36
278 M. Mazac and M. Maly

was measured during several mechanical power levels. The several different torque
and RPM were set during measurement, but ever power level was constant.
The main aim of this short paper should be description of experimental deter-
mination of final drive pinion gearing temperatures.

2 Equipment for Gearbox Loading

The special equipment for operating and loading was designed and manufactured.
The stand is designed for the operating of gearbox in mostly real condition. The
common combustion engine for the powering of the stand is used. All of the stand
parts are connected by the shafts for the lowest temperature impacts. The gearbox is
mounted on an engine block for the similar rigidity as in a car operation. The final
loading of gearbox is realized by the electric dynamometer. The gearbox cooling by
the electric fan is realized. The stand for testing is deeply described in papers [1, 2].
The stand and his main parts is depict on Fig. 1.

3 Equipment for Temperature Measurements

For the temperature measurements the special equipment was designed and man-
ufactured. The temperature measurement on a rotating shaft is possible with this
equipment. The NTC thermistors for the temperature measurement are used. The
wires for the connection of NTC sensors are located in the middle hole of the shaft.

Fig. 1 The laboratory stand for automobile gearbox loading

The Pinion Teeth Temperatures Measured … 279

Fig. 2 The equipment for the temperature measurements—rotating parts (left side), static parts
(right side)

Fig. 3 The NTC sensors position in the teeth of the final drive pinion

The data about temperature are transported by the infrared optic method. The
infrared diode is on the rotating part mounted in the axis of rotation. The static parts
of equipment for temperature measurements are mounted in front of the infrared
diode. The data from the static part are transported by USB to PC and loaded to the
data file. For the final processing of the data the special program is used. All this
equipment in the [3–5] is fully described. The equipment (rotor and stator) is on
Fig. 2.
The temperature sensors were mounted to the teeth of the final drive pinion. The
temperature was measured by the eight mounted NTC sensors. The position of
every sensor is defined and it is depict on the little Fig. 3. The mounting of tem-
perature sensors is described in [6].

4 Measurements

The measurements were realized in 9 power levels. Every power level is defined by
torque and RPM. The difference between torque and RPM was due to the shifted
gear—the temperatures were measured during the operation in all five possible
shifted gears. The table of the power levels is on Fig. 4.
280 M. Mazac and M. Maly

Fig. 4 The table of the power levels with their parameters (Torque, RPM)

The 15 min measurement cycles was realized in all power levels. The values of
temperatures from the last 1 min of the cycle for the final evaluation were used.
Only average value from the temperatures measured by the seven sensors was
The gearbox was cooled by the constant air flow from the electric fan. The
temperature of air in the room with the stand was regulated and it was 20 °C (68 °F).

5 Temperatures of the Pinion Gearing

The final measured data were evaluated by the special software and the final charts
were created. All of the final charts are set for one constant power level. The final
charts contain the RPM, torque and average temperature values. For all five pos-
sible set gears the measurements are realized. The parameters (RPM, torque,
temperature) of all gears on the final charts are depicted. The charts for the lowest
and the highest power levels are on Fig. 5.
The ranges of the average gearing temperatures are on Fig. 6. The border
temperatures of the depicted gearing temperatures ranges are beginning and final
temperatures of 15 min measurement cycles.

Fig. 5 The samples of the final charts of the average gearing temperatures measured during
different power levels, minimal and maximal power level charts are depict
The Pinion Teeth Temperatures Measured … 281

Fig. 6 The chart of the final drive pinion gearing average temperature ranges measured during the
power levels

6 Conclusions

This short paper describes the temperature measurements realized in the final drive
pinion gearing. The measurements were possible to realize due to special equipment
for gearbox operating and for temperature measurements. The temperatures were
282 M. Mazac and M. Maly

measured in several places of the pinion teeth. The measurements were realized
during a few power levels operation. The beginning temperatures and the final
temperatures measured during the 15 min cycle are summarized in the chart. The
temperatures measured during the described test regimes are not danger for the
condition of oil. The described measurement methodology is useful for other future

Acknowledgments This publication was written at the Technical University of Liberec as a part
of the project 21127 with the support of the Specific University Research Grant, as provided by the
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in the year 2016.


1. Mazac, M.: Stand for measuring temperatures of the main gears of automobile differential. In:
54th International Conference of Machine Design Departments, Hejnice, Czech Republic,
10–12 Sept 2013. ISBN 978-80-7372-986-8
2. Mazac, M.: Stand for measuring temperatures of the main gears of automobile differential. In:
Sevcik, L., Lepsik, P., Petru, M., Masin, I., Martonka, R. (eds.) Modern Methods of
Construction Design, Book Series: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 139–144.
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05203-8_20 (2014)
3. Mazac, M., Herajn, P., Svoboda, M.: the equipment for temperature measurements near a gear
tooth flank. In: 55th International Conference of Machine Design Departments (ICMD2014),
Beroun, 9–12 Sept 2014. ISBN 978-80-01-05542-7
4. Mazac, M., Herajn, P., Svoboda, M.: The gear tooth flank temperature measurements system.
In: Transactions on Electrical Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 27–30 (2015). ISSN 1805-3386
5. Mazač, M.: Měření teplot ozubených kol v reálném provozu. Studentská vědecká a odborná
činnost 2014, TUL, 28 May 2014. ISBN 978-80-7494-071-2
6. Mazač, M.: Zařízení pro měření teplot v blízkosti boků zubů ozubených kol – konstrukční
řešení a stavba zařízení, Studentská vědecká a odborná činnost 2015, 3. červen 2015 Liberec.
ISBN 978-80-7494-209-9
A Novel Four Wheel Vehicle

S. Pramanik and S.S. Thipse

Abstract A new arrangement of wheel location has been considered for a four
wheel vehicle so that the turning radius can be reduced greatly. The front axle is to
use one wheel only instead of two wheels of a conventional vehicle. The middle
axle is to use two wheels and the rear axle is to use one wheel. The single wheels of
the front and rear axle will be placed at the mid position so that the arrangement
becomes symmetrical. This arrangement helps us to follow the law of correct
steering for all angular positions. The steering mechanism will be such that the front
and rear wheels will rotate equal amount but in opposite directions. A crossed four
bar mechanism has been used to rotate the front and rear wheel while the vehicle is
taking a turn. The rotation of each wheel will be 30° and the maximum steering
error is 0.2° only. The wheels on the middle axle will not be rotated due to steering
but are connected to the differential gear box to transmit motion. The intersection of
the front and rear wheel axis will be always on the axis of the middle axle. Hence
pure rolling will take place while the vehicle is taking a turn. The design enhances
the life of the tires and parking of this vehicle will be easier. Each wheel of the
middle axle shall have two tires so that it can bear more load and increases stability
of the vehicle while taking a turn.

Keywords Kinematic synthesis  Steering mechanism  Hooke and Jeeves

optimization Four wheel vehicle

S. Pramanik (&)
Symbiosis International University, Pune, India
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Pramanik
College of Military Engineering, Pune, India
S.S. Thipse
The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune, India
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 283

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_37
284 S. Pramanik and S.S. Thipse

1 Introduction

Kinematic synthesis methods can be broadly classified into two categories: exact
point approach and optimization techniques. In the exact point approach there are
some precision points at which the function generated is exactly same as the
required function. At other points there are deviations from the required function.
This deviation is called the structural error. In order to reduce the structural error the
number of precision points has to be increased. Generally the number of precision
points is equal to the number of design parameters. The design parameters are the
link length ratios and the angles used to define a mechanism.
A four-bar steering mechanism is generally used in buses and trucks. The
mechanism is placed behind the front axle. This mechanism is called Ackermann
steering. This mechanism is simple but has a drawback that there is divergent end
behavior in the steering error curve. Fahey and Huston [1] modified a four-bar
mechanism to an eight-bar mechanism in order to remove the divergent end
behavior in an extended range of motion. They used an iterative method to achieve
the final solution from the initial solution. But one link of the mechanism was small
compared to other links. The wear in this small link joint may affect the accuracy of
the mechanism greatly. The eight-bar mechanism provided seven precision points
but is very complex.
De-Juan et al. [2] carried out optimal synthesis of function generation in steering
linkages. They considered rack-and-pinion steering, four-bar steering, six-bar
steering and double four-bar steering mechanism. In all these cases they considered
leading configuration, trailing configuration, mixed-leading configuration and
mixed-trailing configurations. However, they did not consider the mixed leading-
and-trailing configuration of the four-bar mechanism. The present work is con-
cerned about this mixed configuration and design of a new mechanism.
Zhao et al. [3] considered a planar five bar mechanism with two incomplete
noncircular gears for steering of an automobile. The mechanism is able to follow
the Ackermann equation exactly because the gears are designed in such a way. But
the mechanism is mainly suitable for light carriages.
All the above works were done to reduce the steering error. But the present work
uses a new arrangement of wheels so that the steering error can be eliminated
completely and turning radius can be reduced greatly.

2 Crossed Four-Bar Mechanism

A crossed four-bar mechanism AGFB has been shown in mean position in Fig. 1.
In this mechanism the links AG and BF are equal in size. These links are inclined to
the lateral axis of the vehicle by equal angle β when the vehicle moves along a
straight path. The angles GAK and FBH are equal to β. The extreme position of the
A Novel Four Wheel Vehicle 285

Fig. 1 A crossed four-bar

steering mechanism during
left turn of the vehicle

mechanism is shown by AG′F′B. Since the arms AG and BF rotate in the opposite
directions the wheels at A and B will rotate in opposite directions due to steering.

3 Optimization Method

Figure 2 shows two wheels, front wheel A and rear wheel B. The steering mech-
anism AGFB has two design parameters. These are angle KAG (β) and steering arm
length AG (r). The front wheel has been rotated by angle α (angle GAD) and then
the rotation of the rear wheel (angle FBE) has been found out. Then the steering
error has been calculated as follows.
The initial straight ahead position has two equal angles KAG and FBH. The two
steering arms AG and FB are equal to r. The distance between the front wheel A
and rear wheel B has been designated by d. The length of the coupler has been
found as
GF ¼ ðd  2r sin bÞ2 þ ð2r cos bÞ2

Fig. 2 Steering mechanism

to be optimized
286 S. Pramanik and S.S. Thipse

The distance DB is given by

DB ¼ fd  r sinða þ bÞg2 þ fr cosða þ bÞg2

The angle DBE is given by

" #
ðDBÞ2 þ r 2  ðGFÞ2
Angle DBE ¼ cos1
2  DB  r

The distance DF is given by

DF ¼ fd  r sin b  r sinða þ bÞg2 þ fr cos b þ r cosða þ bÞg2

The angle DBF is given by

( )
1 ðDBÞ2 þ r 2  ðDFÞ2
Angle DBF ¼ cos
2  DB  r

The rotation of the rear wheel is given by

Angle FBE ¼ Angle DBE  Angle DBF

The correct angle of rotation of the inner wheel is given by

Angle FBEcorrect ¼ a

The steering error is given by

Error ¼ Angle FBE  Angle FBEcorrect

The objective function is given by

Obj Fun ¼ ðErrorÞ2

The Hooke and Jeeves optimization method has been used to minimize the
objective function using the initial estimate as r = 2 units and β = 23.6°. The length
(r) of the steering arm has been found as 2.147 units where the distance between
hinge joints A and B is 10 units. The inclination (β) of the steering arms with the
vehicle lateral axis is 24.069°. The steering error curve has been plotted in Fig. 3.
The crossed four-bar steering mechanism has maximum steering error 0.2° at 30°
rotation position of the front wheel.
A Novel Four Wheel Vehicle 287

4 Result

Figure 3 shows the steering error in Ackermann steering as well as in the proposed
steering mechanism. The Ackermann steering mechanism produces a maximum
steering error of 0.7° for inner wheel rotation up to 40°. But the wheel rotation in
this proposed vehicle has been limited to 30° and the maximum steering error up to
that is 0.2°. The steering error in the proposed mechanism is less than that of the
Ackermann steering mechanism.
Figure 4 shows proposed vehicle wheel positions while turning. The size of the
vehicle has been assumed considering the track to wheelbase ratio of four-tenth.
The distance between front and rear wheel i.e. distance AC has been assumed as
five meters. The axis of middle wheels is at a distance of 2.5 m from wheel A and
C. At maximum rotation of 30° of front and rear wheels the angle IAC and angle
ICA are 60°. Hence for maximum rotation position the triangle IAC is an equilateral
triangle and side IA and IC are 5 m each. Hence the turning radius of the front left
corner of the vehicle is (5 + 1.414) or 6.414 m. Here it has been assumed that the
front wheel A is 1 m behind the front end of the vehicle and width of the vehicle
is 2 m.
In Fig. 5 the existing Ackermann steering mechanism has been considered. The
inner wheel rotates by 40° maximum. The rotation of the outer wheel is obtained
32° using Ackermann relation for track to wheelbase ratio four-tenth. The vehicle
takes a left turn and the angle IDE is the rotation of the inner wheel. The rotation of
the outer wheel is angle IAE. The instant centre of rotation is I for maximum wheel
rotation position. The turning radius of the vehicle is the distance AI plus one meter

Fig. 3 Steering error curves

Fig. 4 Arrangement of wheel

of the proposed vehicle
288 S. Pramanik and S.S. Thipse

Fig. 5 Arrangement of wheel

of vehicle with Ackermann

approximately. The wheelbase AB is five meters. Hence the distance AI is

5/Sin 32° i.e. 9.435 m. Hence turning radius is 10.435 m. Therefore, the reduction
in the turning radius is 4.291 m and is 41 %.

5 Conclusion

The proposed steering mechanism is better than the conventional Ackermann

mechanism because the steering error is less and the turning radius has been
reduced by 41 %. The arrangement of the wheels has made the proposed vehicle
capable of turning within smaller area and parking of the vehicle will be easier.


1. Fahey, S.O.F., Huston, D.R.: A novel automotive steering linkages. ASME J. Mech. Des. 119,
481–484 (1997)
2. De-Juan, A., Sancibrian, R., Viadero, F.: Optimal synthesis of function generation in steering
linkages. Int. J. Autom. Technol. 13(7), 1033–1046 (2012)
3. Zhao, J.-S., Liu, X., Feng, Z.-J., Dai, J.S.: Design of an Ackermann-type steering mechanism.
Proc. IMechE Part C: J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 227(11), 2549–2562 (2013)
Cam Mechanism for Car Seat Testing

P. Srb, P. Kulhavy, V. Fliegel and P. Lepsik

Abstract This paper deals with optimization of a device designed for long-term
dynamic testing of car seats. This kind of tests is important for car seat innovation
with respect to improving safety and comfort of passengers. This type of testing is
based on linear periodic movement of a car seat cushion on which a weight rep-
resenting a passenger is placed. Movement of seat is generated by a cam mecha-
nism. Several cam profiles were proposed by a computational software, in order to
achieve acceleration occurring during a real car driving. Based on this information
concept of the whole device was proposed. Thereafter the static and dynamic FEM
analysis were carried out. Finally an optimization of the cam mechanism and the
whole device was accomplished in order to achieve the best compromise of
conflicting requirements of large acceleration at low frequencies.

Keywords Cam  Mechanism  Car seat  Cushion

1 Introduction

Testing of automobile seats and their parts is very important for increasing safety
and comfort of passengers, but also for development of new design solutions.
Evaluating of car seat comfort is a very complex issue because of great individual
personal differences, like body structure, road conditions etc. Other important
perceptions include visibility from the car, reachability of controls, vibrations,
noise, temperature, humidity etc.
Among all these factors there are vibrations, one of the most important factors
affecting the overall assessment of comfort and related safety. The whole body
vibration (WBV) [1] manifests itself when a support of human body forms vibrant
surfaces. The passenger sitting on a car seat is a typical example of the WBV

P. Srb (&)  P. Kulhavy  V. Fliegel  P. Lepsik

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 289

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_38
290 P. Srb et al.

exposure. The vibrations are transmitted to the torso through the seat and the
backrest, to hands through the steering wheel and to legs through the car floor [2].
Good automobile car seats should provide particular support to passengers under
all driving conditions and reduce vibration transmission from the car to human the
body. Although the tolerance of the same level of vibration is individual for each,
it turns significant increase of sensitivity in the frequency range 2–10 Hz [3] which
corresponds to the natural frequencies of the vital organs, higher frequencies have a
negative impact on the nervous system. The exposure of a human body to such
vibration is contrary to the sense of comfort of the passengers, and negatively
affects the concentration which is closely connected with safety. For these reasons
design a car seat so as to provide comfort and safety parameters in sufficient amount
for its entire lifetime is very important. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out
endurance tests. However, to make this kind of tests in real conditions and with the
entire car is expensive and very time consuming.
A testing device that will simulate real traffic loads is appropriate to create for
these tests. These devices can operate continuously for long time and thus simulate
loading of a car or its parts in less time.

2 Testing Device

The prototype testing device [4] (Fig. 1) was designed and built in cooperation with
an international company producing car seats.

Fig. 1 First concept of

testing device
Cam Mechanism for Car Seat Testing 291

Fig. 2 Cam mechanism and lift, velocity and acceleration curves

A mounted frame made of aluminum profiles is the base part. On a base plate a
sliding bracket is placed. On the sliding bracket an electric step motor is fastened
which is connected to a camshaft module by a flexible coupling. The camshaft
module contains three changeable eccentric cams. Into the frame a movable plate is
inserted which is guided in four points. In the middle of the plate a support with a
roller cam follower is placed which transfers rotation of the camshaft to recipro-
cating movement of the plate. On the plate a whole seat or a sample of polyurethane
foam can be mounted. Additional weights representing the passenger load are
placed on seat. During test it is possible to record position or acceleration of the seat
frame and weights. An eccentric cam with diameter 80 mm and a rotating follower
with diameter 90 mm were used in the first version. The eccentricities were 1, 2.5
and 5 mm, curves are shown in Fig. 2. To prevent bouncing of the follower from
the cam the device was operated up to 120 rpm.

3 New Cam Designs

Later, the design requirements on the process of vibrations were defined more
precisely: achieving pulses of acceleration 25 ms−2 with frequency of repetition 1–
5 Hz. After considering several possibilities it was determined that for acceleration
25 ms−2 at the frequency 1 Hz a cam with diameter of hundreds mm is required and
the whole device would be too heavy on a real engine power. For these reasons the
requirements were revised and a compromise solution was proposed that there
would be used three cams for three frequency bands. In this solution the initially
required acceleration 25 ms−2 is achieved only at the frequency 15 Hz, but the
requirements on the size of the device and engine power are acceptable [4].
The detailed design of the cam mechanism was made using a Design Accelerator
which is integrated in the software Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015. The
course of acceleration was chosen so that there will be two pulses of positive
292 P. Srb et al.

Fig. 3 Acceleration curves of new cams [4]

acceleration during one rotation of the cam, that are symmetrically distributed by
180° rotation of the cam as shown in Fig. 3.
From the viewpoint of force ratios on the whole structure the tangential force
component on the follower is the most important. In Fig. 4 a force situation is
shown where G is an action force from weight, N and T are component forces,
angle φ is given by the shape of the cam and depends on the cam angle ψ.
The course of the tangential force T on the largest (the most unfavorable cam) is
shown in the following graph Fig. 5.

Fig. 4 Forces on cam mechanism

Cam Mechanism for Car Seat Testing 293

Fig. 5 Course of the tangential force

4 FEM Simulations

The simulations were performed in software CATIA V5. Guiding bearings were
fixed and between bearings and guiding rods a frictionless contact was applied. The
center of the top plate was constrained by a vertical movement. On the center of the
follower a force was applied 300 N in the tangential direction and 1200 N in the
vertical direction. The design was optimized after a first draft simulation where the
values of deformation were unacceptable. The second simulation (Fig. 6) shows
much better results, the maximal stress was 16 MPa and deformation was 0.2 mm
on the holder of follower.

Fig. 6 Result of simulation

294 P. Srb et al.

Fig. 7 Example of recorded data

5 Conclusions

The device for durability testing of automobile seats was optimized for increasing
of stiffness of structure based on the FEM simulations. The new cam mechanism
was designed by software Inventor. On Fig. 7 an example of measured values is
shown where the dotted line represents the course of lifting of the car seat and the
full line represents horizontal movement of the weights placed on the seat.

Acknowledgments The results of this project LO1201 were obtained through the financial
support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the framework of the targeted support of
the “National Programme for Sustainability I”.


1. Mackie, R.R.; Miller, J.C.: Effects of Hours of Service, Regularity of Schedules and Cargo
Loading on Truck and Bus Driver Fatigue, Report HS 803 799. US Department of
Transportation, Washington, DC, USA (1978)
2. International Standard Origination ISO 2631-1. Mechanical Vibration and Shock-Evaluation of
Human Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration, Part 1: General Requirements (1997)
3. Barak, P.: Magic numbers in design of suspension for passenger cars. SAE Paper 911921
4. Srb, P., Fliegel, V.: Vibration device for long-term testing of car seats. In: Modern Methods of
Construction Design, Proceedings of ICMD 2013, Springer, New York, p. 189 (2014)
Offset of Natural Frequencies
of Toothed Wheel by Means
of Parametric Optimisation

J. Stadnicki and M. Głąbek

Abstract During the final stage of designing a toothed wheel which is exploited at
different rotational speeds, it is occasionally necessary to offset natural frequencies
from frequencies of excitations. The way of solving this problem by means of
parametric optimisation of the toothed wheel profile, assuming small changes of its
shape, is discussed in the paper. The problem is solved using finite element model
with regard to monolithic toothed wheel of an aircraft gear.

Keywords Modal analysis  FEM  Parametric optimisation  Toothed wheel

1 Introduction

In high-speed aircraft gears, toothed wheels are often monolithic and, owing to the
need to reduce the deadweight, shafts of such wheels are hollowed. An exemplary
wheel form is shown in Fig. 1.
When designing a toothed wheel, gear teeth parameters, shape and dimensions
of the envelope and the shaft are determined on the basis of the results of verifi-
cation calculations, with consideration mainly to the criteria of safety, durability
and design considerations. Compliance with these requirements sometimes results
in the design of a toothed wheel whose natural frequencies are within the ranges of
excitation frequencies which result from the ranges of the wheel rotational speeds
occurring during operation, i.e. they lie in the areas of resonance. This applies
particularly to gears that operate at different working speeds, for example, aircraft
gears. Due to the fact that the wheel meets the requirements of safety, durability and
design, there arises a problem of how to change the natural frequencies which lie in
the areas of resonance, in other words, to offset some natural frequencies from
excitation frequencies. Since solving this problem inevitably leads to changes in the
shape and dimensions of the toothed wheel, whose project is already well advanced,

J. Stadnicki (&)  M. Głąbek

University of Bielsko-Biala, Bielsko-Biała, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 295

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_39
296 J. Stadnicki and M. Głąbek

Fig. 1 An exemplary
monolithic toothed with a
hollowed shaft

such a solution is being looked for that minimally changes the design of the wheel.
In practice, these parts of the wheel are indicated whose change does not affect the
already fulfilled requirements of safety, durability and accepted design

2 Modal Analysis of Toothed Wheel of Aircraft Gear

Modal analysis of a toothed wheel of an aircraft gear (Fig. 1) provides a set of

frequencies and forms of free vibrations, called a modal model. The analysis was
carried out using the finite element method in the NX Nastran 9 environment [1].

2.1 Finite Element Model of a Toothed Wheel

Figure 2 shows the FEM model of a toothed wheel. The FEM model of a toothed
wheel (Fig. 2a) consists of CHEXA 8-node solid elements. Support of the shaft in
rolling bearings (Fig. 2b) was modelled with the use of RBE3 elements with
dependent nodes on the circuit of the shaft cross section in the plane of the bearing
rolling elements and with an independent node on the symmetry axis of the shaft. In
points, where dependent nodes for the left and right bearing are located, coincident
node pairs were formed and linked by zero-dimensional CELAS1 elements with
three translational stiffnesses (in X, Y, Z direction) and one rotational stiffness
(around X axis). Numerical values of the stiffnesses were assumed as large enough
(respectively 1 × 1010 N/mm and 1 × 1010 N mm) to be treated as rigid when

Fig. 2 a FE model of a toothed wheel of an aircraft gear, b the model of support

Offset of Natural Frequencies of Toothed Wheel … 297

ω ω ω ω

ω ω ω ω

Fig. 3 Forms of free vibrations

compared to the shaft. Afterwards, one of the nodes of CELAS1 elements was
deprived of all degrees of freedom. This way of support properly reflects real
working conditions of a toothed wheel and eliminates over-rigidity of the FEM
model. The developed model of a toothed wheel has 46 095 degrees of freedom.
The result of modal analysis of a toothed wheel FEM model is a set of eigen-
frequencies and eingenforms of free vibrations. The values of a few of the first
natural frequencies, important due to the possibility of resonance, and corre-
sponding forms of vibration are shown in Fig. 3.
Natural frequencies and firms were determined according to xki —the convention
where i is the ordinal number, whereas k is the number of nodal diameters around
which there occurs the motion of the toothed wheel rim during vibrations. It can be
noticed that the pairs of frequencies x01 and x02 ; x41 and x51 ; x27 and x28 are the same
natural frequencies with the same corresponding forms shifted in a phase. At the
same time, the phase shift in pairs x41 and x51 ; and x27 and x28 causes rotation of the
form of vibrations of the toothed wheel rim around the axis of the wheel rotation,
which is important for further analysis.

2.2 Campbell’s Diagram

Engineering practice uses Campbell’s diagram to compare the results of modal

analysis of a toothed wheel—rotor with its rotational speeds which are the excita-
tions of vibrations [2]. In the diagram, natural frequencies xki in Hz are given on the
y-axis whereas rotations of excitation n are given in rpm on the x-axis. The analysed
toothed wheel of an aircraft gear is operated at rotations corresponding to the fol-
lowing stages of operation: (minimum) nmin ¼ 5500 rpm, (flight) np ¼ 8500 rpm,
(climb) nw ¼ 9500 rpm (maximum) nmax = 11,000 rpm (limiting 105 % max)
298 J. Stadnicki and M. Głąbek

ngr = 11,550 rpm. Campbell’s diagram, shown in Fig. 4, shows the line of excita-
tion by toothed wheel rotations (rotations growing from 0 to ngr in Hz) and a line of
excitation from meshing (for 35 wheel teeth, growing from 0 to 35  ngr in Hz). The
lines on the diagram corresponding to natural frequencies x14 , and x27 are not hor-
izontal like the other lines but include a certain range of natural frequencies (there are
pairs of straight lines inclined at small angles). This is caused by the rotation of the
toothed wheel—the rotor around its own axis. If the toothed wheel remained
motionless, the lines of natural frequency would remain horizontal in the diagram.
However, due to rotations of the toothed wheel, centrifugal force caused by the
rotations of the wheel around its own axis affects the wheel movement relative to the
nodal diameter. Depending on whether these actions are consistent or opposite in
phase, the result is an increase or decrease of natural frequency. This phenomenon is
observed by analysing the result of modal analysis. If different phase-shifted ein-
genforms, for which one can indicate nodal diameters, correspond to the same
frequency of free vibrations of the toothed wheel (rim), we are dealing with the
change of natural frequency caused by rotations of the wheel (this is called the
stiffening effect cased by centrifugal forces). Then, in Campbell’s diagram such an
eigenfrequency is represented by two straight lines diverging from one point, with

xki ðnÞ ¼ xki ð0Þ  k  n ð1Þ

In Campbell’s diagram in Fig. 4, two points marked □ were identified, where

there is a potential risk of resonance. More specifically, the lower straight line of
resonance frequency x27 intersects the straight line of excitation from meshing in
point 1 whose abscissa differs from the rotational speed during the climb nw by
1.89 % of its value. However, the straight line of resonance frequency x06 intersects
the straight line of excitation from meshing in point 2 whose abscissa differs from
the rotational speed during the flight np by 2.12 % of its value.

Fig. 4 Campbell’s diagram of a toothed wheel

Offset of Natural Frequencies of Toothed Wheel … 299

3 Parametric Optimization of a Toothed Wheel

Shape—Offset of Resonance Frequencies

Since according to the adopted assumption, the offset of resonance frequencies must
be performed with the least possible interference in the wheel envelope shape, the
problem was solved using NX Optimizer for parametric optimization of the NX 9
programme. The toothed wheel, with an accuracy of gear teeth that cannot be
changed, is axisymmetric. Parameters defining the profile in radial section of the
wheel were assumed as decision variables of optimization problem. Figure 5 shows
these profile parameters that will be subject to changes during optimization
(p51 ¼ x1 , p52 ¼ x2 , p53 ¼ x3 , p82 ¼ x4 , p55 ¼ x5 ) and their initial values in mm.
It should be noted that in order to maintain the profile integrity during the changes,
suitable constraints are necessary. They are indicated in Fig. 5.
Since the eigenform for frequency x27 and the forms for frequencies x06 and x14
are the result of deformation of the toothed wheel rim, one can expect that these
eigenfrequencies will be linked more strongly to one another than to the other ones.
The offset of frequency x27 from the climb rotations nw can be obtained by
increasing or decreasing this frequency. Since the decrease causes the risk of res-
onance with maximum rotations nmax , a better solution is to reduce x27 , which also
gives the chance to offset the frequency x06 from the flight rotations np . Thus, the
criterion for optimization problem can be minimization of frequency x27 :

Q1 ðxÞ ¼ x27 ðxÞ ! min; where x ¼ ½x1 ; x2 ; . . .; x5 T ð2Þ

Solution to the problem (2) gave the following resonance frequencies:

x01 ¼ 2830 Hz, x03 ¼ 3608 Hz, x14 ¼ 3381 Hz, x06 ¼ 4417 Hz, x27 ¼ 5420 Hz.
After having placed these values in Campbell’s diagram (Fig. 4), one can notice
that the adverse effect of the profile optimisation is the risk of resonance between
frequency x14 (bottom line) and minimum rotations nmin . In addition, optimisation

Fig. 5 Profile
300 J. Stadnicki and M. Głąbek

Fig. 6 a Campbell’s of a toothed wheel after optimisation, b the profile—before and after

results confirmed the thesis that frequencies x14 , x06 and x27 , corresponding to
eigenforms caused by the deformation of the rim, are interrelated. Taking into
account the above conclusions, the following optimization problem was formulated

Q2 ðxÞ ¼ x14 ðxÞ ! max; with limitations ð3Þ

5540  x27  5550 Hz, ☐ 1 (Fig. 4) halfway between the flight and the climb,
x06  4700Hz, ☐ 2 (Fig. 4) sufficiently offset from flight rotations.
Figure 6a shows Campbell’s diagram after the second optimisation whereas
Fig. 6b presents the comparison of the toothed wheel profiles before and after
optimisation. Numerical values of decision variables—profile parameters after
optimisation and their percentage changes (%) in relation to the initial values
are as follows: x1 ¼ p51 ¼ 5:34 mm (−4.6 %), x2 ¼ p52 ¼ 5:76 mm (−10 %),
x3 ¼ p53 ¼ 2:61 mm (−10 %), x4 ¼ p83 ¼ 0:98 mm (−2 %), x5 ¼ p55 ¼ 5:78 mm
(+7 %).
The toothed wheel with optimum profile dimensions met the requirements of
security and stability as well as design requirements and in no range of operating
rotations is there a risk of resonance.

4 Conclusions

The problem described in the article allows to draw the following conclusions:
– if the implemented project is in its final stage of development and yet it does not
meet a particular requirement, such design parameters of the project should be
Offset of Natural Frequencies of Toothed Wheel … 301

looked for that can be changed in a certain (usually small) range in order to
meet all the requirements of the project,
– surfaces that are not dimensioned with fits and tolerances—free surfaces have
the best chance to solve the problem of a small shape change in the final stage
development of the project,
– a good way of introducing minor changes in the shape of the part in the final
stage of the project development is parameterization of the part profile and then
formulating and solving the problem of the optimal selection of the profile
parameter according to the adopted criteria,
– modern tools for computer-aided design provide powerful tools for solving a
parametric optimisation problem with the use of the FEM models of the project.


1. NX9 Nastran user’s guide.

2. Swanson, E., Powell, C.D., Weissman, S.: A practical review of rotating machinery critical
speeds and modes. S&V 39(5), 10–17 (2005)
Diagnosis of a Common Rail High
Pressure Injector System

P. Starý

Abstract This article deals with the diagnosis of a Common Rail high pressure
injector system and the determination of the causes of unstable fuel dosing in
relation to operating temperature. The high-pressure injector is tested in a laboratory
environment on an experimental stand, which able to detect the motion of the
solenoid armature and the needle lift of the injector. This work is performed in two
stages. The first stage involves a variability study and the second stage proposes
design changes. Therefore, this paper does not provide a design solution that could
lead to the removal of the high inter-cycle variability of the injector and incorrect
fuel dosing at elevated operating temperatures.

Keywords Common rail  Injector  Experimental stand

1 Introduction

In recent years, Common Rail injection systems have increasingly been used in
diesel engines. Due to greater demands on the minimization of harmful exhaust gas
emissions it has been necessary to further develop the system of precise dosing of
fuel into the cylinder.
The high pressure part of the Common Rail system ensures that the fuel pressure
is regulated in the high pressure pump, this high pressure is maintained in the Rail
and the volume of fuel in the injector is precisely measured.
The main task of the Rail is to supply enough fuel to the injector, the volume of
which very rapidly compensates for any possible decrease in pressure in the injector

P. Starý (&)
Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 303

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_40
304 P. Starý

during injection and the design of which equalizes pressure impulses when opening
and closing the injector needle to prevent any further spread towards the
high-pressure pump or other injectors.
This ensures efficient delivery of fuel to the individual injectors with a minimum
drop in pressure during the injection. The injection itself is then provided by the
system’s control unit, which precisely sets the time that the injector solenoid is
activated. This helps achieve very accurate fuel dosing.

2 Measurement Description and Methods

During the testing of one of the developmental injectors on an combustion engine

[1], and experimental stand [2–4], thermal instability of up to 30 % was determined
when fuel was dosed at temperatures between 25 and 90 °C. The temperature was
measured at the outlet of the waste dose from the injector. The flow of fuel heats the
injector to its operating temperature of 80–90 °C. This heating changes the oper-
ating conditions of the injector either through dilation of individual parts or changes
in the viscosity of the fuel used. However, a well-functioning injector should not
react negatively in any way to these changes in operating conditions.
Due to the thermal instability, the injector becomes unmanageable in terms of
the engine testing and cannot be run for the given engine tests. For these reasons, it
was necessary to determine the cause of these instabilities which lead to further
structural changes and eliminate the inter-cycle variability of the injector.
Micro Epsylon, LS 04 and Balluff BAW M08EI-UAD15B-BP03 sensors were
installed on the high-pressure injector. Needle and armature lift measurements were
taken on a single timeline in order to detect any time nuance from the values
required by the unit when opening and closing the injector needle. Further variables
i.e. voltage and current supplied to the solenoid coil, dynamic pressure on the inlet
to the injector and in the Rail with a sampling rate of 0.2°CA and fuel temperature
on the overflow, were measured to provide the overall conditions of the injector.
Before installation, the average fuel dose cycles were measured in an opening time
range of 200–1000 microseconds and pressure range of 600–1600 bar, see Fig. 1.
The injector was tested for 1000 microseconds at 1600 bar. The results of the
measurements were evaluated taking into account the various injector temperatures
i.e. 25, 50 and 88 °C (Fig. 2), which was the highest temperature reached on the
injector overflow. The variability of the armature lift was also evaluated, see Fig. 3.
The results of the measurements show that an increase in temperature in the
injector does not affect the total time for the armature to reach the solenoid or the
value of the armature lift, which corresponds to 0.08 mm for the whole measure-
ment duration. In terms of variability, no inter-cycle nuance was determined, which
Diagnosis of a Common Rail High Pressure Injector System 305

Injector characteristics
Pressure 1000 bar
Pressure 1200 bar
Pressure 1400 bar
Fuel charge (g/cycle)

Pressure 1600 bar




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (μs)

Fig. 1 Graph showing the average dose cycles

Comparison lifting armature

0.08 88°C

Armature Lift (mm)



15 20 25 30 35 40


Fig. 2 Comparison of the armature lift in relation to the fuel temperature

shows that the armature has no temperature dependence on the open-close interval.
The results show significant changes in the movement of the armature after it lands
and subsequently rebounds when the ball valve is closed. This armature rebound
movement occurs with an increasing operating temperature of the injector, see
306 P. Starý

Variability 88°C
0.12 cycle 1
cycle 2
0.1 cycle 3
cycle 4
cycle 5
Armature Lift (mm)

cycle 6
0.06 cycle 7
cycle 8
0.04 cycle 9
cycle 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Fig. 3 Variability of the armature lift in 10 cycles

Armature and needle lift

0.09 0.45
Armature Lift (mm)
0.08 Needle Lift (mm) 0.40
0.07 0.35
Armature Lift (mm)

Needle Lift (mm)

0.06 0.30
0.05 0.25
0.04 0.20
0.03 0.15
0.02 0.10
0.01 0.05
0.00 0.00
-0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 -0.05

Fig. 4 Course of the armature and needle lift without solenoid armature rebound movement

Fig. 5. Therefore, it was necessary to also examine the behaviour of the needle lift.
The results clearly show that even a small armature rebound movement when
closing the ball valve can have an enormous effect on the total time it takes to open
the main injector i.e. tens of percent, see Fig. 5.
Diagnosis of a Common Rail High Pressure Injector System 307

Armature and needle lift

0.09 0.45
Armature Lift (mm)
0.08 Needle Lift (mm) 0.40
0.07 0.35
Armature Lift (mm)

Needle Lift (mm)

0.06 0.30
0.05 0.25
0.04 0.20
0.03 0.15
0.02 0.10
0.01 0.05
0.00 0.00
-0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 -0.05

Fig. 5 Course of the armature and injector needle lift with solenoid armature rebound movement

3 Conclusions

Figure 4 shows the course of the solenoid armature and needle lift without armature
rebound movement at a temperature of 25 °C. Figure 5 shows the behaviour of the
armature at elevated temperatures of the waste dose in the range of 70–90 °C. The
measured results show a significant effect on the dose cycle when the solenoid
armature rebounds at elevated operating temperatures. This has an enormous effect
on the opening time of the main injection nozzle and hence the total fuel dose. For
these reasons, the injector becomes unstable and cannot be effectively operated on
an internal combustion engine. Further development and measuring work on the
injector will include a more detailed analysis of the basic operating parameters
necessary to remove the problematic behaviour of the armature when closing the
ball valve.

Acknowledgments The results of this project LO1201 were obtained through the financial
support of Education, Youth and Sports in the framework of the targeted support of the “National
Programme for Sustainability I” and the OPR&DI project Centre for Nanomaterials, Advanced
Technologies and Innovation CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0005.
This paper was originated in cooperation with company Motorpal. It provided development and
injector portion of the measured data.
308 P. Starý


1. Starý, P., Popelka, J.: Laboratory testing of a high-pressure common rail injection system. In:
The 5th International Conference on Mechanics, Simulation and Control (ICMSC 2015) St.
Petersburg, Russia (2015)
2. Scholz, C., Starý, P.: Experimental stand for research of common-rail injectors. In: XLI
International Scientific Conference of Czech and Slovak Universities Departments and
Institutions Dealing with the Research of Combustion Engines, Liberec, pp. 277–287 (2010).
ISBN 978-80-7372-632-4
3. Scholz, C., Starý, P.: Common rail injector leak testing. J. Middle Eur. Constr. Des. Cars—
MECCA XI(03), 22–28 (2013). ISSN 1214-0821, ISSN 1804-9338
4. Scholz, C., Starý, P.: Experimental study of common rail injection diesel engine fuelled with
RME and diesel fuel. In: XLII International Scientific Conference of Czech and Slovak
Universities Departments and Institutions Dealing with the Research of Combustion Engines,
Zilina, pp. 277–287 (2011). ISSN 1337-8996
Design of a Tribometer for Piston Rings

R. Voženílek, S. Beroun and J. Břoušek

Abstract Reducing the energy loss associated with offsetting friction losses
occurring on the contact surfaces of mutually moving parts is an important factor
when correctly designing structures. A typical case of reciprocating sliding motion
with significant friction losses on the overall mechanical losses of a machine is a
piston group of internal combustion engines or compressors. One way to reduce
friction is to use modern coatings on the surface of the friction pairs. Special testing
equipment i.e. a tribometer is used to obtain information on the benefits of these
coating layers. This paper deals with the design and verification of the functions of
a special tribometer for identifying the losses of piston rings.

Keywords Tribometer  Piston ring  Stribeck curve  Mechanical losses

1 Introduction

Increasing the efficiency of machinery and equipment is associated with reducing

the lost energy necessary to offset friction losses arising on the contact surfaces of
mutually moving parts. The size of the friction losses depends on the load of the
contact surfaces. At the same time, a significant role is played by the quality of the
surface of the contact areas and the presence of lubrication between the “contact”
surfaces of moving parts, as well as the relative speed of the moving parts (the
dependence of these factors can be shown a in general form using a so-called
Stribeck curve).

R. Voženílek (&)  S. Beroun  J. Břoušek

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Beroun
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Břoušek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 309

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_41
310 R. Voženílek et al.

In cases where mutually moving pairs operate in a state of steady movement it is

possible to achieve low friction losses using a suitable lubricant (i.e. to achieve an
operating state using effective hydrodynamic lubrication)—such cases mostly
concern rotational movement. In the design of machines, however, there are many
cases where the sliding movement between pairs is at variable speeds and rapidly
alternating directions. In these cases, the contact surfaces of the moving parts pass
from marginal to hydrodynamic friction. In some cases of reciprocating sliding
movement it is not possible to safely ensure that the movement between the pairs is
under hydrodynamic friction—dry or semi-dry friction—then the friction loss
increases and in these cases the quality of the surface of the contact area (surface
roughness and coefficient of dry friction) significantly decreases due to these fric-
tion losses (Fig. 1).
A typical case of reciprocating sliding movement with significant friction losses
on the overall mechanical losses of the machine is a piston group (piston with
piston rings) in a piston combustion engine or in a piston compressor (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1 Modified Stribeck curve and operating region of friction couples [1]

Fig. 2 Distribution of mechanical energy and friction losses [2]

Design of a Tribometer for Piston Rings 311

It has been proven through experimentation that in spark ignition reciprocating

internal combustion engines the piston group contributes to an overall mechanical
losses in the engine of approximately 45 %, for diesel engines the share of the
piston group is around 50 % of the total losses. It is therefore logical that in order to
reduce mechanical losses in a reciprocating internal combustion engine one should
focus on finding possible measures to reduce friction losses in the piston group. As
a result, coating the sealing (friction) surfaces of piston rings and the friction parts
of pistons offers a promising solution.

2 Tribometer Construction

Prior to designing the construction of the tribometer, research was performed on the
test equipment, which involved testing friction properties and in particular a pair of
piston rings and a cylinder engine. The test equipment works with a linear recip-
rocating motion with variable speed and only a cutout of an engine block and part
of the piston ring were used for the test, as shown in Fig. 3.
The test equipment for measuring friction losses across the piston ring was
structurally designed and physically implemented at the Technical University of
Liberec. A Parker—PowerRod Actuator was used to create the linear reciprocating
motion with variable speed. Therefore, no crank mechanism was used. The drive is
created by connecting the rod with the piston and piston rings through the designed
reduction. The cutout of the engine block is placed together with a base plate on a
linear line with an extremely low friction coefficient. The base plate is connected to

Fig. 3 Piston ring tribometer—VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland LTD [3]
312 R. Voženílek et al.

Fig. 4 Design and implementation of the construction of a tribometer with linear reciprocating

Table 1 PowerRod PRA38 drive parameters [4]

Parameter Value
Peak force (at 25 °C ambient temperature) for 1 s (N) 1488
Continuous stall force (at 25 °C ambient temperature) (N) 276.2
Peak acceleration (based on a 33 mm stroke, without payload) (m/s2) 391
Maximum speed (based on triangular move over maximum stroke, without payload) 2.6

the frame of the structure through a force sensor. The whole of the test equipment is
placed behind an aluminum profile frame to facilitate making adjustments when
changing the test components. Oil circulation was also mechanically prepared for
the system of external lubrication of the tested friction pairs, and can be used when
needed (Fig. 4; Table 1).
A data collection system was created for the test equipment using an MGCplus
(Hottinger) data logger, which records information about the strength of the rod axis
motion (force sensor), the rod position (linear magnetic sensor) and temperature at
selected points.
Design of a Tribometer for Piston Rings 313

3 Verification of the Functions of the Tribometer

and Selected Measurement Results

The measurements performed to-date indicate high repeatability and stability of the
linear reciprocating motion on the measured sample. The graphs show the course of
the force depending on the position. The maximum possible length of movement of
the piston is given by the construction of the block of the internal combustion
engine. The first tests of the test equipment were carried out with a stroke of
87 mm. For the selected combination of engine block cutout of the internal com-
bustion engine, piston and piston rings, the electromagnetic actuator can be set at
different levels of velocity in a range from 0 to 1.25 m/s. However, in order to
ensure the required constant speed of the piston over a longer distance of its
movement in the cylinder a lower speed is preferable during the measurement
(Fig. 5).
Special software was prepared to evaluate the results, which calculated the
average force in a given position or speed from multiple strokes, and subsequently
only forces in the selected range are evaluated based on the selected criteria. This
application will be used to evaluate different designs of rings and different ring
surfaces used to reduce friction.

Graph - position - force

force [N]

-10 -20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

position [mm]

Graph - position - speed

speed [m/s]

-10 -0,5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

position [mm]

Fig. 5 Demonstration of the position/force and position/velocity of the measurement on the

testing device (shown are measurements more cycles)—0 mm position is relative to the top dead
314 R. Voženílek et al.

4 Conclusions

The test equipment may be used for different sizes of piston groups. The advantage
of the test equipment is the possibility to rapidly adjust the components for the
different sizes of tested samples. The test equipment can also be used to measure
individual piston rings separately, and it is therefore possible to determine the
impact of the individual rings on the mechanical losses. Such measurements can be
beneficial even for the verification of models of piston rings using different types of
simulation software. In contrast to the real environment, however, forces caused by
the combustion in the combustion chamber do not act on the piston rings. One
advantage can be that a linear actuator is used for the linear reciprocating move-
ment, which prevents the formation of normal forces on the piston during move-
ment. These may arise due to imperfect mounting of the components on the test
equipment. However, they can be determined by measurement and subsequently
subtracted during the measurements with piston rings. A certain disadvantage of the
test equipment (tribometer) may be the limited speed range, as the mean velocity of
the piston in a conventional internal combustion engine can reach values of up to
one order of magnitude higher.

Acknowledgments The results of this project LO1201 were obtained through the financial
support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the framework of the targeted support of
the “National Programme for Sustainability I” and the OPR&DI project Centre for Nanomaterials,
Advanced Technologies and Innovation CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0005.


1. Priest, M., Taylor, C.: Automobile engine tribology—approaching the surface. Wear 241(2),
193-203 (2000). ISSN: 0043-1648
2. Basshuysen, R., Schäfer, F.: Internal Combustion Engine Handbook, Chapter 9. Vieweg
Verlag, Berlin (2002)
4. Catalog PARKER: PowerRod—Actuators and components: 192-570006 N2/UK Version 2,
Mathematical Model of Elastic Heald

M. Bílek, Š. Kovář and J. Skřivánek

Abstract The paper is concerned with description of the mathematical model

meant for an analysis of the movement of healds during the weaving cycle. The
paper deals with the assessment of the current construction design fastening the
heald into the heald shaft. The present condition is characterized by the increased
heald loading which is caused by its impact on the supporting wire. As a result of
this, the healds get considerably worn out and their service life of the heads is
reduced. There is a possibility for passive resistance involvement to reduce the
velocity of the heald impact on the supporting wire. In this variant of the solution,
the friction between the heald and the supporting wire is used for the decreasing of
the impact.

Keywords Weaving loom  Heald  Mathematical model  Shedding motion

1 Introduction

The means for realization of the paper objective has been a complex description of
the system elastic heald—supporting wire, employing a verified mathematical
model. Regarding the wide spectrum of diverse arrangement options for the system
individual parts, the article does not intend to suggest any particular parameters of
the construction design. However, the primary aim is to specify possible ways,
which lead to its optimization.
It is not possible to find a larger amount of the papers which are focused on this
theme in the case of the shedding motion analyzes. Some of them have been dealt

M. Bílek (&)  Š. Kovář  J. Skřivánek

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Š. Kovář
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Skřivánek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 315

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_42
316 M. Bílek et al.

Fig. 1 Shedding mechanism

theoretically or experimentally with emphasis on the analysis heald frame [1, 2] or

shedding motion [3, 4].
In general, the shedding mechanism can be classified into two sections: the
driving section and the transforming section. In most cases the transforming section
of the shedding mechanism involves joint mechanisms, which convert the rotational
motion of the driving section into reciprocating motion of the heald shaft. Heald
frame motion characteristics depend on the type of shedding motion.
The heald shaft is the frame in which there are fastened the healds operating
warp threads (Fig. 1). The healds are fastened in this frame with a necessary
designing play. Because of textile technology reasons, this play must enable axial
displacement of the heald along the supporting wire. As the heald shaft performs
reciprocating movement, the system of healds gets transferred during the weaving
cycle. This transfer produces a load on the supporting wire upon which the healds
impact, bringing as a consequence an increased stressing of the whole shedding

2 Mathematical Model of the Elastic Heald

The studies realized up to now [5, 6] have shown that the heald is one of the most
important part of the shedding motion and it exerts an important effect upon its
dynamic loading. Because of this reason, it also constitutes one of the limiting
elements, which impede the increase in its operational revolutions.
The heald is subjected to many forces, which determine the connection with the
supporting wire. The most important ones are the dynamic forces of the heald, the
warp forces in the sense of the shaft movement and the heald weight.
The analysis of the heald behaviour during the operating cycle has been realized
using derived models of the heald. The motion equations describing the movement
of the heald during the weaving process are complemented with motion equations
of the shedding motion. In all compiled models, the mass of the heald mn is
Mathematical Model of Elastic Heald 317

concentrated in one particle. The force To from the warp operates in the position of
the thread eyelet. The action point of this force is located in one particle. It is
possible to disregard the bowing of the heald due to its lateral loading. The derived
models proceed from the assumption that the movement of the particle substituting
the heald is carried out on a straight line.
At present, there are used flat healds made of a flat steel band by pressing
process. The healds are contoured in the positions of their suspension eyes; how-
ever, it reduces their stiffness. Because of this reason, mathematical models have
included different rigidities of the upper and lower sections of the heald (knD, knH)
and different damping (bnD, bnH). In the mathematical model of the heald,
Newtonian impact theory is employed. The drop description of the heald upon the
supporting wire employs the presumption of a perfectly elastic impact.
There is a possibility for passive resistance involvement to reduce the velocity of
the heald impact on the supporting wire. In this variant of the solution, the friction
between the heald and the supporting wire is used for the decreasing of the impact.
The proposal of the structural design using friction force for reducing the relative
velocity of heald with respect to supporting wire is mentioned in [7] and scheme is
on Fig. 2. In the referred design proposal, parts of inner surfaces of end eyelets are
curved concavely, in order to create conditions for a slip of the end eyelet along a
convex surface formed on the supporting wire. The relative velocity of the heald is
reduced by effect of the friction force, and at the same time, the direction of the
heald movement changes. In the solved case, there has been taken into account the
calculation of the friction force according to this design proposal. In the following
text, this mathematical model is referred to as the model 4.

Fig. 2 Scheme of the design

using friction force
318 M. Bílek et al.

Fig. 3 Schematic model of the system shedding motion—elastic heald

The mathematical model of the system with the impact damping of heald upon
supporting wire is obtained by modification of the preceding model [5, 6]. The
whole solved system can be represented schematically according to the Fig. 3. The
motion equation describing the behavior of the heald during a revolution of the
weaving loom has been complemented with a term characterizing the magnitude of
the friction force.
The motion equation of this case can be written in the following form:

mn  €yin ¼ To  mn  g þ H  knH  ðyh  yn Þ þ H  bnH  ð_yh  y_ n Þ

 D  knD  ðyn  yd Þ  D  bnD  ð_yn  y_ d Þ þ H2  Fty

The constants H, D and H2 determine which members of the equation will be

applied in the calculation.
The initial conditions of the solution proceed from the presumption that the
heald is held on the upper supporting wire, and both its velocity and acceleration are
identical with those of the upper supporting wire. The individual mathematical
models has been solved using derived software. The solution of compiled differ-
ential equations describing the shedding motion coupled with an analysis of the
heald movement during the weaving cycle has been effected by the Runge-Kutta
method of the 4th order [5]. During the calculation, there have been studied the
courses of the principal kinematic and force quantities of the system. The control
algorithm of the calculation checks the position of the heald with respect to the
supporting wire of the heald shaft. As mentioned above, there can arise six possible
states which have been studied and on the basis of which there has been realized the
calculation of the heald movement (Fig. 4).
Mathematical Model of Elastic Heald 319

Fig. 4 The courses of velocity and acceleration of the heald shaft and of the heald for the
operating velocity of the shedding motion 300 rpm

3 Conclusions

In order to reduce the impact velocity of heald on supporting wire, the friction
between the heald and the supporting wire can be used, too. The friction force
brings into the system a force effect, which causes a reduction of relative movement
of the heald with respect to the supporting wire. In this order, the friction force does
not affect the heald after its separation from the supporting wire, because the normal
force between the heald and the supporting wire in this moment amounts to zero.
The use of passive resistances for reducing the velocity of heald impact upon the
supporting wire proves to be less effective than the usage of a damping element [6].
The effect of the friction force is more significant with lower operating velocities.
With increasing operating velocities, the effect of the friction force on the reduction
of the maximum value of heald acceleration decreases.
320 M. Bílek et al.

Table 1 Maximum values of heald acceleration after its impact on upper support wire
150 rpm of the shedding 300 rpm of the shedding 450 rpm of the shedding
motion (m s−2) motion (m s−2) motion (m s−2)
Model 2 1.220 1.340 1.477
Model 3 746 963 1.066
Model 4 984 1.160 1.313

Table 2 Acceleration of heald after its impact on lower support wire (m s−2)
150 rpm of the shedding 300 rpm of the shedding 450 rpm of the shedding
motion (m s−2) motion (m s−2) motion (m s−2)
Model 2 671 906 1.080
Model 3 294 533 711
Model 4 567 783 955

Tables 1 and 2 shows maximum and minimum values of the heald acceleration
after its impact upon upper and lower supporting wires, ascertained by means of the
models 2 (without damping and friction force [5]), model 3 (heald with damping
element [6]) and model 4 (design of heald with friction force). If we compare the
courses of the heald acceleration obtained via the individual mathematical models,
it is possible to state that the maximum reduction is achieved when employing the
damping element [5, 6]. From the analysis there follows that the use of the friction
force also reduces the maximum values of acceleration in comparison with a system
without damping; however, this reduction is less significant than in case of the
damping element.

Acknowledgments This publication was written as part of the project “Research of the processes
of textile and single-purpose machines” with the support of the Specific University Research Grant
and also the Institutional Endowment for the Long Term Conceptual Development of Research
Institutes, as provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.


1. Lee, D.G., Lee, C.S., Oh, J.H., Jeon, H.S.: Composite heddle frame for high-speed looms.
Compos. Struct. 47(1–4), 507–517 (1999). doi:10.1016/S0263-8223(00)00012-X
2. Xu, S., Feng, Z.: Modal analysis of heald frame and experimental verification. J. Soochow
Univ. Eng. Sci. Ed. 28(2), 34–36 (2008)
3. Guha, A., Amarnath, C., Kurien Issac, K., Talukdar, M.K., Joshi, S.: Linkage driven dobby with
dwell. Text. Res. J. 79(9), 804–809 (2009)
4. Eren, R., Aydemir, A.: Kinematic design method for six-bar linkage sley drive mechanisms in
weaving. Indian J. Fibre Text. Res. 30(3), 243–251 (2005)
Mathematical Model of Elastic Heald 321

5. Bílek, M., Skřivánek, J.: Mathematical modeling of the system shedding motion—heald—
warp. AUTEX Res. J. 14(2), 42–46 (2013). ISSN 1470-9589
6. Bílek, M., Skřivánek, J.: Mathematical model of the heald with damping element. AUTEX Res.
J. 15(1), 2–7 (2015). ISSN 1470-9589
7. Technical University of Liberec, Bílek, M., Kovář, Š.: Nitěnka pro tkací stroj (Loom heald),
patent, CZ 305126
Dynamic Model of the Mechanical System
of the Needle Bar

J. Komárek

Abstract The paper deals with description of dynamic behaviour of the mechan-
ical system of the needle bar on the basis of mathematical modelling. The equation
of motion of the system which is a part of a sewing machine are described by
Lagrange equations of second order. Contacts between individual parts of the
system are described using boundary conditions based on the geometry of the
mechanical system. The equations were solved using the software Matlab Simulink.
The knowledge obtained from the dynamic analysis can be used in the optimisation
of the mechanical system of the needle bar.

Keywords Mathematical model  Dynamic analysis  Needle bar  Sewing


1 Introduction

Requirements of manufacturers of sewing machines aim to reduce the time of the

sewing process and increase the productivity. Other important requirements that
should fulfil today’s sewing machines are silent running, minimum vibration, long
lifetime and easy to operate. A sewing machine which contains the mechanical
system of the needle bar uses the floating needle system to produce a hand stitch
represented in Fig. 1.
The floating needle system uses a double pointed needle with an eye in the
middle as represented in Fig. 2. By the use of two mechanical systems of the needle
bar, one above and one below the work plate, a threaded needle is passed through
the material on every stitch. The mechanical system of the needle bar performs a
rectilinear reverse movement which is realized by a cam mechanism. However, in
case of high operating speeds machines produce high level of noise and vibrations.
This unfavourable effect should be reduced. The dynamic model described in this

J. Komárek (&)
Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 323

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_43
324 J. Komárek

Fig. 1 Hand stitch types

Fig. 2 Double pointed needle

article enables the analysing of the mechanical system of the needle bar and it will
help with its optimization. A detailed description of the sewing machine is included
in the work [1].

2 Description of the Mechanical System of the Needle Bar

The cross-section of the mechanical system of the needle bar is shown in Fig. 3.
The floating needle 20 is held by collets 12 inside the mechanical system of the
needle bar. The collets are made up of two balls whose axial movement is con-
trolled by a cylinder 4. The balls are pushed into a conical hole in a shell 2 due to
the pressing force of the springs 11, 15. This situation is shown in Fig. 3a. The
release of the needle is started in a moment when the control element (assembled
from parts 1, 3, 6, 10, 11, 16, 17) collides with the machine frame 18. The impact is
absorbed by the rubber pad 10. The influence of stiffness of the rubber pad on
absorbing of the impact is described in [2]. After the impact, the shell 2 continues
its movement towards the bottom dead centre position, whereby the balls are
released in the enlarged area of the conical hole. This situation is shown in Fig. 3b.
A more detailed description of the mechanical system of the needle bar is in [1].
There has been carried out an experimental measuring of compression of springs
in response to applied force for the purpose of determining the stiffness of the
springs. There has been obtained values of stiffness of the spring 11 k2 = 900 N/m
and the spring 15 k3 = 690 N/m. There has been also experimentally determined
dependence of deformation of the rubber pad in response to the applied force. The
dependence is nonlinear and its obtained values has been approximated by a
polynomial of third degree (1), where x20 denotes the deformation of the rubber pad
and F20 the applied force. The values of damping of the springs and the rubber pad
has been determined by the actual behaviour of the mechanical system of the needle
bar which corresponds to the high-speed camera recording. The values of damping
of the spring 11 b2 = 13.15 N s/m, the spring 15 b3 = 3.32 N s/m and the rubber
pad b20 = 28.5 N s/m. Obtaining of values of stiffness and damping is described in
detail in [3].
Dynamic Model of the Mechanical System of the Needle Bar 325

Fig. 3 Cross-section of the mechanical system of the needle bar a Holding position, b Release

F20 ¼ 15;739  108 x320 þ 445;150x20 ð1Þ

3 Description of the Dynamic Model

The dynamic model of the mechanical system of the needle bar is illustrated in
Fig. 4. The real system has been simplified to six bodies of masses m1, m2, m3, m4,
m5 and m6. The body 1 represents the shell, the body 2 represents the control
element, the body 3 represents the collets, the body 5 represents needle and bodies 4
and 6 represent needle guides. The individual parts of the model are considered as
rigid bodies with the mass concentrated in one point. Gravitational acceleration is
neglected. The springs and rubber pad are described by means of stiffness k2, k3, k4,
k6, nonlinear stiffness k20 and damping b2, b3, b4, b6, b20 and their masses are
neglected. Modelling of contacts between bodies is based on the idea that due to
contact between bodies occurs the reflection that is caused by the elasticity of real
bodies. In the model, the elasticity of the bodies is replaced by the spring. The
transformation of the part of kinetic energy to deformation energy is simulated
using a damper. The values of stiffness and damping have been chosen so that the
behaviour of the dynamic model as close as possible to the real system.
Using Lagrange equations of second order [4] were compiled equations of
motion of the system in the form:
326 J. Komárek

Fig. 4 Scheme of the mechanical system of the needle bar

m1€x1 ¼ k2 x1  x2 þ l20  lp2  k4 x1  x4 þ l40  lp4
þ L21 k21 ðx2  x1 Þ  L13 k13 ðx1  x3  PÞ þ L31 k31 ðx3  x1 Þ
 L14 k14 ðx1  x4  RÞ  b2 ðx_ 1  x_ 2 Þ  b4 ðx_ 1  x_ 4 Þ
þ L21 b21 ðx_ 2  x_ 1 Þ  L13 b13 ðx_ 1  x_ 3 Þ þ L31 b31 ðx_ 3  x_ 1 Þ  L14 b14 ðx_ 1  x_ 4 Þ
m2€x2 ¼ k2 x1  x2 þ l20  lp2  k3 x2  x3 þ l30  lp3
 L20 15; 739  108 ðx2  H Þ3 þ 445; 170ðx2  H Þ  L21 k21 ðx2  x1 Þ
þ L32 k32 ðx3  x2  N Þ þ b2 ðx_ 1  x_ 2 Þ  b3 ðx_ 2  x_ 3 Þ
 L20 b20 x_ 2  L21 b21 ðx_ 2  x_ 1 Þ þ L32 b32 ð_x3  x_ 2 Þ

m3€x3 ¼ k3 x2  x3 þ l30  lp3  L32 k32 ðx3  x2  N Þ þ L13 k13 ðx1  x3  PÞ
 L31 k31 ðx3  x1 Þ  L35 k35 ðx3  x5 Þ þ b3 ðx_ 2  x_ 3 Þ
 L32 b32 ðx_ 3  x_ 2 Þ þ L13 b13 ðx_ 1  x_ 3 Þ  L31 b31 ðx_ 3  x_ 1 Þ  L35 b35 ð_x3  x_ 5 Þ

m4€x4 ¼ k4 x1  x4 þ l40  lp4 þ L14 k14 ðx1  x4  RÞ  L45 k45 ðx4  x5 Þ
þ b4 ðx_ 1  x_ 4 Þ þ L14 b14 ðx_ 1  x_ 4 Þ  L45 b45 ð_x4  x_ 5 Þ

m5€x5 ¼ L35 k35 ðx3  x5 Þ þ L45 k45 ðx4  x5 Þ  L56 k56 ðx5  x6  U Þ þ L35 b35 ðx_ 3  x_ 5 Þ
þ L45 b45 ðx_ 4  x_ 5 Þ  L56 b56 ð_x5  x_ 6 Þ

m6€x6 ¼ k6 x6 þ L56 k56 ðx5  x6  U Þ  b6 x_ 6 þ L56 b56 ð_x5  x_ 6 Þ ð7Þ

Dynamic Model of the Mechanical System of the Needle Bar 327

where l02, l03, l04, l06 are lengths of the unloaded springs and lp2, lp3, lp4, lp6 are
lengths of the springs after installation. Positions of individual objects are labelled
in equations as x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 and x6. The Fig. 4 shows the system in the initial
state, where the distances between the contacts are lettered H, N, P, R, U, M. The
distances are also taken into account in the equations of motion.
The states when contacts between bodies occur are described by the boundary

If x2  H  0 then L20 ¼ 1; If x2  H\0 then L20 ¼ 0 ð8Þ

If x2  x1  0 then L21 ¼ 1; If x2  x1 \0 then L21 ¼ 0 ð9Þ

If x3  x2  N  0 then L32 ¼ 1; If x3  x2  N\0 then L32 ¼ 0 ð10Þ

If x1  x3  P  0 then L13 ¼ 1; If x1  x3  P\0 then L13 ¼ 0 ð11Þ

If x3  x1  0 then L31 ¼ 1; If x3  x1 \0 then L31 ¼ 0 ð12Þ

If x3  x1 þ M  0 then L35 ¼ 1; If x3  x1 þ M\0 then L35 ¼ 0 ð13Þ

If x1  x4  R  0 then L14 ¼ 1; If x1  x4  R\0 then L14 ¼ 0 ð14Þ

If x4  x5  0 then L45 ¼ 1; If x4  x5 \0 then L45 ¼ 0 ð15Þ

If x5  x6  U  0 then L56 ¼ 1; If x5  x6  U\0 then L56 ¼ 0 ð16Þ

If the condition Ln is equal to 1, then there is contact between the bodies. The
numbers in a lower index of conditions n correspond to the bodies that are in

4 Results

The system is kinematically excited at the body 1. As stroke function the modified
sine acceleration was selected. The stroke function corresponds to 250 rpm of the
sewing machine. The equations of motion were solved using the software Matlab
Simulink. To illustrate the results of the solution, the dependence of velocity of the
bodies 1 and 2 is shown in Fig. 5. The influence of stiffness of the spring k2 in
response to velocity of the control element in the moment its collides with the
machine frame is investigated. The instant value of velocity influences the value of
kinetic energy in the moment of collision. The decreasing stiffness k2 significantly
increases maximum value of velocity of the control element. A graph with a cor-
responding acceleration is shown in Fig. 6.
328 J. Komárek

Fig. 5 Velocity of bodies 1

and 2

Fig. 6 Acceleration of
bodies 1 and 2

5 Conclusions

The dynamic analysis of the mechanical systems of the needle bar can be inves-
tigated using the described dynamic model. It can examine the influence of various
parameters on the dynamic behaviour of the system. For example, the influence of
weight parameters or the influence of stiffness of individual parts. The dynamic
model may be useful in selecting an appropriate stroke function. The knowledge
obtained from the analysis can be used for design optimisation of the system, for
example, the optimisation of the stiffness of the springs.

Acknowledgments This publication was written at the Technical University of Liberec, Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering as part of the project “Research of the processes of textile and
single-purpose machines” with the support of the Specific University Research Grant and also the
Institutional Endowment for the Long Term Conceptual Development of Research Institutes, as
provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic in the year 2016.
Dynamic Model of the Mechanical System of the Needle Bar 329


1. Komárek, J., Beran, J., Lima, M., Machado, J., Silva, J.: Finding the optimal setting of the
sewing needle transfer mechanism using simulation software. In: Proceedings of TRS 2012, the
41st Textile Research Symposium, pp. 401–404. Guimaraes, Portugal, 12–14 Sept 2012. ISBN
2. Komárek, J.: Influence of the rubber pad stiffness on the noise of the needle transfer mechanism.
In: Proceedings of IV International Conference Mlodzi Naukowcy, pp. 135–139. Jelenia Góra,
19–20 May 2010. ISBN 978-83-61719-86-1
3. Pejchar, K., Beran, J.: Optimization of the needle bar mechanism. In: Proceedings of X.
International Scientific Conference Transfer 2009, pp. 44–49. Trenčín, Slovak Republik, 17–18
Nov 2009. ISBN 978-80-8075-414-3
4. Juliš, K., Brepta, R.: Mechanika. Díl 2., Dynamika. Technický průvodce 66. SNTL, Praha
Electronic Link Between the Needle
Cylinder and the Dial of the Small
Diameter Knitting Machine

J. Skřivánek, M. Bílek, O. Baťka and M. Kašpárek

Abstract The article is focused on verification of the applicability of individual

drives in the design of small diameter knitting machines. The current arrangement
of the drive ensures the mechanical transmission between the needle cylinder and
the dial is via a central servomotor; this mechanical link raises limitations in terms
of efficient utilisation of these elements of the machine. The new drive system
eliminates the mechanical link and allows separate operation of the individual
aggregates used in the knitting process. From the technical viewpoint, it is neces-
sary to ensure compliance with the manufacturer’s prescribed maximum deviation
of rotation between the needle cylinder and dial during the working cycle. For this
reason, the article discusses an experiment verifying the capability of the new drive
system to achieve the above-stated rotation deviation.

Keywords Drive  Position  Knitting machine  Mechanical link  Knitting


1 Introduction

Improvement of the mechanical structure of the machines is currently progressing

far much more slowly and with much more difficulty than development in the areas
of electronics, control and computer technology. This faster development of elec-
tronics creates an opportunity for deployment of electrical control drives on knitting

J. Skřivánek (&)  M. Bílek  O. Baťka  M. Kašpárek

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Bílek
e-mail: [email protected]
O. Baťka
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Kašpárek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 331

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_44
332 J. Skřivánek et al.

machines and hence elimination of mechanical transmissions. These transmissions

are already at the limit of their possibilities and as compared to the past, they are
becoming a limiting factor in the area of increase of dynamics and precision. Every
small improvement of their properties is counterweighted by very high develop-
ment costs and efforts, while in the electro-technical field, development is far much
more dynamic. Further, when considering the trends to reduce not only the pro-
duction, but also operating costs, the expansion of the electronic base of the
machine pays off for many design applications since the use of long kinematic
chains increases machine input while the power transmission efficiency declines.
Further, the huge importance of the use of unit drives consists in the actual sim-
plification of the design due to the reduction of mechanical transmissions [1, 2].
The article builds on the study solved in [3], where the first of the two basic
knitting modes was examined, specifically, the return run of the already new
knitting system in terms of the drive, resulting in the considerable simplification of
the structure of the entire drive system, reduction of electric input and dynamic
effects and achievement of higher efficiency in the use of the needle cylinder, dial
and circular cutting blades. The cited modification of the system has a constraint
consisting in the electronic replacement of the mechanical link since at present the
transmission of power is, on standard basis, being realised through a system of
gears and shaft, which ensure not only the transmission of the power to the needle
cylinder and dial, but also their correct mutual setting, which is fundamental in the
second basic knitting mode, specifically during synchronous rotation during the
operation known as simultaneous transfer. The value of the maximum position
deviation between the needle cylinder and the dial, in the relay of working speeds
corresponding to the solved mode, should not reach more than 0.3° for this type of
The arrangement of the drive in Fig. 1 shows the new structure of the small
diameter knitting machines. From the viewpoint of the main drive, this drive can be

Fig. 1 New drive system for

small diameter knitting
Electronic Link Between the Needle Cylinder and the Dial … 333

divided into three basic driving aggregates. In the first aggregate, the needle
cylinder (V) is driven by a servomotor (M1) and gears (0, 1). In the second, the
servomotor (M2) drives the dial (8) and in the last, a stepped motor (M3) drives the
circular cutting blade used to cut the ends of the threads. Since the article discusses
only the motor synchronisation mode during the simultaneous transfer, the solved
area is only focused on the drives (M1) and (M2) and the aggregates, which they
drive. The replacement of the mechanical links with the electronic links was already
solved in the past and described in articles [4, 5].

2 Test Equipment for Simulation of the Drive of a Small

Diameter Knitting Machine

Figure 2 shows the test equipment, which consists of three main parts. Part one
(1) is the power part and contains the drives on which the flywheels are installed (2
and 3). The second part (4) contains the power supply and control of the drives by
means of frequency converters. The last part (5) is the controller, where the essential
input parameters are entered via PC.
The test equipment in Fig. 2 is used to simulate two motion regimes, in which
the knitting process runs. The first regime is the return run of the system based on
the assumption of the required motion of the flywheel (2) according to the applied
stroke dependence based on the entered position of the needle cylinder. In the
second regime, i.e. steady rotational motion (synchronous run of the needle cylinder
and dial), which is represented by the flywheel (3), the monitored parameter at the
moment of deployment of the dial is compliance with the maximum position
deviation at the constant rotation speed of both flywheels.

Fig. 2 The apparatus used during the measurement—measurement workstation

334 J. Skřivánek et al.

The measuring equipment, unlike the real machine, does not have any gears. In
order to affect this gear between the needle cylinder and the dial, flywheel
(2) representing the needle cylinder rotates at six-fold the angular speed of the
flywheel (3) representing the dial. The results obtained from the following mea-
surements shall be related to the needle cylinder as the main working element using
the gear between the needle cylinder and dial.

3 Measurement in Synchronous System Regime

Verification of the use of unit drives within the framework of modification of the
drive of the small diameter knitting machine was done by measurement of the
mutual position deviation between the needle cylinder and the dial at constant
rotation speed of both components. During the measurements, various simultaneous
transfer speeds typical for these machines were tested, i.e. from 100 to 220 rpm in
steps of 20 rpm; for experimental reasons, the speeds of 300 and 400 rpm were
tested. In the real case, the standard speeds are in the range of 160–200 rpm, where
the specific speed is derived from the mechanical properties of the material used for
knitting. The stepped build-up of machine speed was chosen for experimental
reasons as an extreme state for the system and subsequent possibility to assess the
stabilisation of the position deviations.
A demonstration of the behaviour of the position of the needle cylinder for a
simultaneous transfer speed of 180 rpm is given in Fig. 3, which shows the overall
measured behaviour and detailed part of the behaviour of the synchronisation of
motion between the needle cylinder and the dial. The visualisation already includes
the gears between these working elements.
Figure 4 shows the details of the behaviour of the position deviation at standard
speed range during simultaneous transfer. It is possible to state that the servomotors
are capable of maintaining the mutual position settings in relation to the maximum

Fig. 3 Behaviour of the position of the needle cylinder and dial at a speed of 180 rpm
Electronic Link Between the Needle Cylinder and the Dial … 335

Fig. 4 The behaviour of the position deviation of the needle cylinder and dial for the applied

permissible deviation. In the real knitting machine system, a component of the drive
is an in-line gear from the servomotor on the needle cylinder, thanks to which the
resultant value is expanded by the value of tooth play in the gear.

4 Conclusions

Within the framework of the verification of the possibilities of application of virtual

electronic cams to the new knitting machine structure, the possibility of precision
synchronisation of two electronically linked drives with embedded virtual gearbox
was experimentally verified. Precision was tested both in terms of the range of the
normally used rotation speeds as well as at higher rotation speeds of the needle

Fig. 5 Dependence of the amplitude of the position deviation on a speed of 120–400 rpm, during
simultaneous transfer, after settling of the transition phenomenon
336 J. Skřivánek et al.

cylinder (up to 400 rpm). With regard to the drives used with a working speed
range of 4000 rpm, their suitability for use in low-speed applications with a
requirement for high precision and uniformity of speed was proven. With increasing
working drive rotations, the synchronisation deviation dropped and at the used
speeds and higher speeds, the requirement for the maximum permissible deviation
was fulfilled.
The graph in Fig. 5 clearly shows that the position deviation declined with
increasing speed up to a speed of 180 rpm. This phenomenon can also be attributed
to the more suitable operating conditions of the drives, particularly for the drive of
the dial, which rotates at six-fold the speed of the drive of the needle cylinder.

Acknowledgments The paper has been elaborated with the financial support of TUL in the
framework of specific university research competition.


1. Skřivánek, J., Bílek, M.: New structure of the drive of small-diameter knitting machines.
AUTEX Res. J. 12(1), March 2012 © AUTEX (2012). ISSN 1470-9589
2. Skřivánek, J., Bílek, M.: Analysis of dynamic model of the drive of small diameter knitting
machines Ange 18.1. Acc J. XVII 2011, Liberec, 2011 (2011). ISSN 1803-9782
3. Skřivánek, J., Bílek, M., Kašpárek, M.: Control optimization of the new drive of small diameter
knitting machines. AUTEX Res. J. 17(3), September 2016 © AUTEX (2016). ISSN 1470-9589
[ahead of printing]
4. Vaclavik, M., Jirasko, P.: Research and application of displacement laws of electronic cams. In:
Proceedings of the 13th IFToMM World Congress, Besancon, France, 18–21 June 2007
5. Tesar, D.: Intelligent mechanical systems, plenary paper. In: Proceedings of the 11th IFToMM
World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Tianjin, China, 1–4 Apr 2004
Utilization of Magnetic Accumulators
for the Traversing Rod of the Yarn
Winding System on Rotor Spinning

J. Valtera

Abstract The paper focuses on utilization of magnetic springs to the central

traversing system of the yarn winding system that is used on rotor spinning
machines. The aim of this research is to reduce the longitudinal deformation of the
traversing rod in the dead centres of its rectilinear motion with variable stroke. For
this purpose, a magnetic system with specific repelling force characteristic was
designed. At the same time, the mathematical model of the traversing rod equipped
with sets of these magnetic systems was created and a dynamic analysis of this
system was carried out. The distribution of the magnetic system on the traversing
rod was analysed for a range of operating speeds. The most promising variant, from
minimal deformation and number of used magnetic sets point of view, was chosen
for experimental verification. Both the tests and the dynamic analyses proved the
magnetic system to contribute significantly to deformation reduction. In conclusion,
the potential of this non-contacting means of dynamic force reduction for modern
high-performance rotor spinning machines was discussed.

Keywords Rectilinear motion  Magnetic spring  Magnetic accumulator 


1 Introduction

The central traversing system on rotor spinning machines provides the guidance of
yarns, which are wound upon the output cross-wound bobbins [1, 2]. The required
rectilinear movement of the traversing rod is delivered from the central drive unit,
which is placed at one side of the machine. The traversing rod is formed out of
serially-coupled one-section-length rods and reaches a length over 50 m. Despite of
using rods made of advanced materials (carbon composite or high-strength

J. Valtera (&)
Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 337

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_45
338 J. Valtera

aluminium alloy [3]), the excessive dynamic force limits this system for modern
machines with more sections and/or high operational traversing speed [2, 4].
Therefore several systems of dynamic force reduction of traversing rod [5–7] are
investigated and analysed. This article describes the utilization of a new magnetic
system and its optimal distribution on the rotor spinning machine in order to
enhance its dynamic behaviour at high operational speeds.
The traversing reciprocating motion is characterised by linear and transition
sections. The latter one is defined by the parameter γ which describes the necessary
length of the stroke (or virtual cam angle) for the moving elements to deaccelerate
towards the dead-centre position and accelerate from it. Generally, the traversing
motion consists of the main stroke of e.g. 148 mm and additional one, called the
reversal point shift (RPS). It provides slight shift of the end of the traversing stroke
from the inner reversal point (rpin) towards the outer reversal point (rpout). This
additional motion is commonly described by means of harmonic function with the
amplitude of e.g. 4 mm and enables diminution of the negative impact of non-zero
transition section on winding quality [8]. Generally, there are two basic types of
RPS on rotor spinning machines. The conventional type of RPS is generated by
means of e.g. cam mechanism supplemented with additional crank mechanism. The
stroke boundaries of this type are shown in Fig. 1a. In Fig. 1b, the variable RPS is
generated by means of electronical control of e.g. a belt mechanism or a linear
Previous results of carried-out analyses with sets of magnetic-mechanical
accumulators proved that the implementation of this system enables significant
reduction of the dynamic force and total deformation [7]. However, it also showed a
new negative phenomena of losing the value of RPS with inappropriate distribution

rpout rpout

rpin rpin
stroke S [mm]

stroke S [mm]

rpin rpin

rpout rpout
0 γ 1/2π π−γ π π+γ 3/2π 2π−γ 2π 0 γ 1/2π π−γ π π+γ 3/2π 2π−γ 2π
a) virtual cam angle φ [rad] b) virtual cam angle φ [rad]

Fig. 1 Modification of the traversing movement due to the reversal point shift (RPS) [from the
inner reversal point (rpin) to the outer one (rpout)]. a Conventional. b Variable [7]
Utilization of Magnetic Accumulators for the Traversing Rod … 339

of accumulators on the traversing rod. For further implementation of this system it

is therefore essential to define appropriate setting of magnetic accumulators for
defined range of traversing speed.

2 Magnetic Accumulator

The scheme of the magnetic accumulator [9] in a symmetrical arrangement is

shown in Fig. 2. The system consists of the moving parts (rod 2, magnet 4L, fixing
element 3 and magnet 4R) that form a magnetic spring with left and right static parts
(the static parts consist of the frame 1, magnets 5L, 5R and pole pieces 6L, 6R). All
permanent magnets are magnetized axially: parts 4L and 4R with the same direc-
tion, while the magnets 5L and 5R are magnetized with opposite direction to the
magnets 4L and 4R. Figure 3 shows the end-stroke detail of the repelling magnetic

Fig. 2 Scheme of magnetic accumulator for the traversing rod of the rotor spinning machine



Desired chracteristic
Repelling magnetic force F

Mg - sim
Mg - mea

rpin rpout
-50 -6.5 -1.5 0
Magnet distance [mm]

Fig. 3 The force characteristic of the magnetic spring of the magnetic accumulator
340 J. Valtera

force characteristic of the analysed model (MG-sim) and measured prototype

(MG-mea). Due to the specific geometry of magnets (obtained by magnetic analysis
[9]), the repelling force increases to certain maximum value, from which it
decreases slightly. Due to that, the force difference ΔF within the RPS is only 10 %
of the maximal value and thus it partially respects the desired force characteristic of
the mechanical system. The geometry of magnets and their force characteristic was
designed with respect to measurement results of the traversing system with
20-section long rod and a cam mechanism (with the γ = 32°), while the layout of
one magnetic system per section was chosen.

3 Dynamic Analysis of the Traversing System

For the mathematical description of the studied system, the discrete model of the
traversing rod was used. The model, created in MSC Software, module Adams
View is described in [3]. For the purpose of cam mechanism, kinematic excitation
describing the required motion by means of the defined acceleration of the first
element was used. The force characteristic Fm(x) of the devised geometry of
magnets was solved in the model carried out in software Ansys/Maxwell and
applied to appropriate rod elements as displacement-depended force. The mathe-
matical description of the model can be expressed by differential Eq. (1), where
matrices (with size 320 × 320) represents: M—elements mass, B—viscous damp-
ing, K—stiffness, vectors Fv—passive resistance and x—element displacement. The
presumptions of the model are: the difference in ideal-stiff excitation of the model
and cam mechanism can be neglected; dynamic magnetic effects between the static
permanent magnets and translating rod sections which are made of conductive
material are neglected.

M  €x þ B  x_ þ K  x þ Fv þ Fm ðxÞ ¼ 0 ð1Þ

Dynamic analyses were carried out for the range of traversing speeds from 100
to 200 dspm (1.6–3.3 Hz) (dspm—double-stroke per minute).
There were several various layouts of magnetic systems analysed. Out of them
the one with 9 systems applied in the middle of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th,
15th and 18th section was evaluated as the most promising one. The evaluation was
based on the minimal reaction force, minimal total deformation and minimal losing
of RPS point of view. Results of dynamic analysis of this layout are shown in
Fig. 4. Figure 4a illustrates the reaction force F along the traversing rod with
respect to the traversing speed and RPS. Figure 4b then illustrates the difference in
the dead end position DP along the traversing rod with respect to traversing speed
and RPS.
Utilization of Magnetic Accumulators for the Traversing Rod … 341

Fig. 4 Dynamic analysis results: parameter dependence on the section number with respect to the
traversing speed and RPS. a Reaction force. b Difference in dead centre position

4 Experiments

Measurement of the traversing rod was carried out on the test rig with 20
section-length rod. As the driver a new system with linear drive was used. The
measurements was carried out for two variants of traversing rods: 1: traversing rod
without any magnetic systems (v0), 2: traversing rod with magnetic systems in
layout according to the selected variant from dynamic analyses (v9). In Fig. 5,
comparison of results of these two types for both the simulation and the mea-
surement is shown. Figure 5a illustrates the maximal force Fmax with respect to the
traversing speed. Figure 5b shows the maximal difference of the dead centre
position DPmax.
342 J. Valtera

Fig. 5 Comparison of measurement and analysis results: selected parameters dependence on the
traversing speed with respect to RPS and traversing system type (v0—without any magnetic
system, v9—with 9 magnetic systems) a Maximal force, b Maximal difference in dead center

5 Conclusion

The simulation and the measurement results show the relative equal decrease of
both evaluated parameters when applying the magnetic systems to the traversing
rod in the selected layout. At the speed 200 dspm, the DPmax was reduced from
approximately 3.3 mm to values bellow 1.75 mm. The average value of the max-
imal difference of DPmax due to the RPS change is in both cases bellow 0.55 mm,
which is within 7 % of the given overall RPS stroke. Despite of that, the model
results does not fully corresponds to the measurements, which may be caused by the
different stiffness of the linear drive and ideal kinematic excitation of the model.
Improving of the mathematical description of the system will be therefore the
subject of the further work.
However, presented paper shows, the magnetic systems applied to the central
traversing system of the rotor spinning machine in the appropriate layout improves
the dynamic behaviour considerably. Similar approach can be applied to modern
high-performance machines with more spinning units and higher operational
Utilization of Magnetic Accumulators for the Traversing Rod … 343

Acknowledgments The research presented in this article was supported by the Ministry of
Education, Youth and Sports in the framework of the targeted support of the “National Programme
for Sustainability I” LO 1201 and the OPR&DI project “Centre for Nanomaterials, Advanced
Technologies and Innovation”, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0005.


1. Ernst, H.: The Reiter Manual of Spinning—Rotor Spinning, vol. 5. Rieter Machine works Ltd.
ISBN 13 978-3-9523173-3-4 (2014)
2. Kaniok, J.: New trends in mechanisms for the distribution of yarn in textile machines. In:
Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference Transfer (2004)
3. Valtera, J., Beran, J.: Mathematical model of the long traversing rod with a discrete flexible link
utilization. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Transfer (2011)
4. Černohorský, J.: Extreme dynamics on eCAM linear drive. In: Proceedings of 14th International
Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference EPE-PEMC (2010)
5. Foune, F., et al.: The influence of magnetic accumulators equipped with permanent magnets on
the drive of a mechanical system with the periodical reciprocating movement and its behaviour.
In: Proceedings of 10th International conference of Vibration problems ICOVP (2011)
6. Valtera, J., Beran, J.: Magnetic-mechanical accumulator of kinetic energy. Autex Res. J. 14(1),
1–6 (2014). doi:10.2478/v10304-012-0038-0
7. Valtera, J., Žabka, P., Beran, J.: Enhanced central system of the traversing rod for
high-performance rotor spinning machines. Autex Res. J. (2015). doi:10.1515/aut-2015-0038,
8. Beran, J, Valtera, J.: Yarn distribution process during winding thereof onto a bobbin located in a
winding mechanism of a textile machine workstation and apparatus for making the same, patent
number: 304685 (2014)
9. Valtera, J.: Design of magnetic spring characteristic with finite element method utilization. In:
Proceedings of the conference Výpočty konstrukcí metodou konečných prvků MKP (2015)
Mechatronic Model for Traversing Rod
Longitudinal Vibration Analysis

P. Žabka

Abstract The paper deals with analysis of vibration of traversing rod on rotor
spinning machines. The rod is part of winding system and it should provide a
precise motion in order to ensure quality package. However the rod is subject of
dynamic load that excites detrimental longitudinal vibrations. In order to better
understand the behaviour of the rod a mathematical model in Matlab/Simulink is
used to describe the system. The traversing rod was described using finite element
method while a dq model was used for the permanent magnet synchronous motor
description. To verify the mathematical model the simulation results were compared
to experimental data. Results from the simulation proved the model to be well
suited for the system description.

Keywords Traversing rod  Longitudinal vibration  Yarn winding  dq model

1 Introduction

The paper deals with analysis of vibration of traversing rod on rotor spinning
machines. The rotor spinning is after ring spinning the second most used tech-
nology in yarn production [1]. Once the yarn is produced it is stored in packages by
winding mechanisms that are incorporated directly into rotor spinning machines.
The machines are equipped either with individual winding mechanisms or with
central winding system. The winding process consists of two motions: rotation of
the package and traversing motion of a yarn guide. When a central system is used
the traversing motion is generated by a central mechanism and it is distributed along
the machine by the traversing rod.
The traversing rod is assembled from sections of aluminium alloy rods and
carbon composite rods. It is placed along the whole length of the machine that can
reach almost 50 m. With the diameter of 12 mm the length to diameter ratio of the

P. Žabka (&)
Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 345

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_46
346 P. Žabka

rod reaches 4000. During the operation the rod is subject to dynamic load and
longitudinal vibrations are excited. These vibrations can have detrimental effect on
the quality of output packages and the lifetime of the system [2].
To obtain cross wound package the yarn guide must follow a periodical recti-
linear motion, see Fig. 1. Each period consist of section with constant velocity and
motion reversion near dead-centres. In order to ensure high quality package, two
additional motions are included: anti-patterning and stroke displacement.
Anti-patterning ensures that the yarn does not create pattern zones that are hard to
unwind while stroke displacement compensates for yarn accumulation near package
edges [1]. Both of these additional motions are slow compared to the main
traversing motion [3].
Several systems can be used for generating the required traversing motion such
as cam mechanism, belt mechanism or mechanism with linear motor [4, 5]. For the
analysis of the rod a system with crank mechanism was used. The scheme of the
winding system is shown in Fig. 2.
The traversing rod is placed along the packages that are shown on the right side.
The main motor marked with M is a permanent magnet synchronous servomotor. It
ensures main traversing motion along with anti-patterning motion. Because the
crank mechanism has fixed dead-centre positions an additional motor with an
eccentric is used for stroke distortion.

Fig. 1 Stroke, velocity and acceleration diagrams of the required motion (for 150 rpm)

Fig. 2 Scheme of the traversing system with crank mechanism

Mechatronic Model for Traversing Rod Longitudinal … 347

2 Mathematical Model

In order to better understand the behaviour of the system a mathematical model in

Matlab/Simulink was created. Traversing rod is described using finite element
method while for description of the servomotor a dq model is used. The overall
structure of the model is shown in Fig. 3.
Where MS is a master system, AP is an anti-patterning mechanism, SD is a
stroke displacement mechanism, DR is a driver, SM is the servomotor with regu-
lation, CM is the crank mechanism and TR is the traversing rod. The forward
arrows represent kinematic actuation while the arrows in backward direction rep-
resent force feedback.
The model was created with several assumptions and simplifications such as
omitting temperature influence. However the main simplification is that the rod is
considered to be 1D body in 1D space. It means that the model does not cover
transverse vibration of the rod.
The traversing rod is described by a differential equation:

M€x þ Bx_ þ Kx þ f ¼ 0 ð1Þ

where M is a mass matrix, B is a damping matrix, K is a stiffness matrix, f is a

vector of external passive forces and x is a vector of node positions.
For description of the permanent magnet synchronous motor a dq model [6] was
used. The equations were simplified with assumption that the servo driver ensures
zero current in the direct direction Id ¼ 0. With this consideration the motor torque
is defined by equation:
M ¼ pp UB Iq ð2Þ

where pp is number of pole pairs, UB is permanent magnet flux linkage and Iq is

current in q direction witch can be obtained from differential equation:

Uq ¼ RS Iq þ Lq þ pp U B x ð3Þ



Fig. 3 Scheme of the Simulink dynamic model structure

348 P. Žabka

where RS is the stator phase resistance and Lq inductance in q direction and ω is

rotor angular velocity. Once the motor moment is known the rotor angular accel-
eration can be computed:

dx M  MZ
¼ ð4Þ
dt J

where MZ is load torque on the shaft and J is rotor moment of inertia.

The equations describing crank mechanism express the ratio between input and
output position of the mechanism. Moreover the dynamic forces from the move-
ment of the mechanism are included.

3 Experiment

In order to verify the mathematical model the simulations results was compared
with an experiment [2]. The measuring set-up is shown in Fig. 4. A rod of 20
sections was used with the overall length of 47 m. The system was measured with
speeds in range from 100 to 190 rpm. The stroke was 148 mm and for the sake of
simplicity anti-patterning and stroke displacement motions were disabled during the
The measured parameters were the position and acceleration on selected sections
along the rod and the force on the first section between the rod and the crank
mechanism. For measuring acceleration inductance sensors were used while the
force was measured by means of industrial force transducer. Beside that several
parameters such as crank position and motor current were read from servo drive.

Fig. 4 Measuring set-up with long traversing rod

Mechatronic Model for Traversing Rod Longitudinal … 349

Fig. 5 Acceleration of the first section (for 150 rpm)

4 Results

Number of data was obtained from the measurement as well as from the simulation.
To enable comparison of the mathematical model with the measurement, the
mathematical model was provided with parameters of the testing set-up. Even the
masses of sensors were included. For obtaining all the necessary parameters
additional tests were performed.
Results of acceleration on the first section are shown in Fig. 5. One plot depicts
the measurement data while the other shows results of the mathematical simulation.
The acceleration is selected because the differences between both plots as well as
the appearance of residual vibrations are best noticeable.
From Fig. 5 a good match could be seen between the measurement and the
simulation. The peak values are matched almost precisely. Some difference is in the
frequency of residual oscillation where the mathematical model exhibits higher
frequency than the measurement.

5 Conclusion

A mathematical model of a system with the traversing rod was created. The model
includes both servomotor and the traversing rod. The complexity of the model is
important as both parts influence dynamic behaviour of each other.
350 P. Žabka

In order to verify the model the simulation results were compared with mea-
surement on testing set-up. Results of comparison provided a good match in all
measured quantities. It means that the model properties were set correctly and all
assumptions were appropriate for the purpose. The simulations proved to provide a
reliable description of the real system.
The created model can be used for understanding of the behaviour of current
systems as well as for designing new systems. Results of the simulation are fast and
inexpensive compared to an experiment. The model can be employed in design
modification, dimensions optimization or servo-drive control testing.

Acknowledgments The research presented in this article was supported by the Ministry of
Education, Youth and Sports in the framework of the targeted support of the “National Programme
for Sustainability I” LO 1201 and the OPR&DI project “Centre for Nanomaterials, Advanced
Technologies and Innovation”, CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0005


1. Ernst, H.: The Rieter Manual of Spinning—Rotor Spinning, vol. 5. Rieter Machine Works Ltd.,
Winterthur (2014). ISBN 13 978-3-9523173-5-8
2. Žabka, P., Valtera, J., Beran, J.: Dynamic properties of traversing rod. In: XI International
Conference on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, TMM2012, p. 469. Springer, Liberec
(2012). ISBN 978-94-007-5124-8
3. Valtera, J., Beran, J.: Magnetic-mechanical accumulator of kinetic energy. Autex Res. J. 14(1),
1–6 (2014). ISSN (Print) 1470-9589. doi:10.2478/v10304-012-0038-0
4. Beran, J., Valtera, J., Žabka, P.: New trends in yarn distribution systems on spinning machines.
In: STRUTEX 2008, Liberec, 2008, p. 579 (2008). ISBN 978-80-7372-418-4
5. Černohorský, J.: Extreme dynamics on eCAM linear drive. In: Proceedings of 14th International
Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference EPE-PEMC (2010)
6. Rydlo, P.: Řízení elektrických střídavých pohonů. TUL, Liberec (2006). ISBN 80-7372-117-1
Adaptive Timing of Relay Nozzles
of an Air Jet Weaving Loom

J. Žák

Abstract In this paper we present our approach to optimize air jet usage by using
an adaptive timing of nozzles, with some excursion to the general theory of air jet
weft insertion. Our algorithm of adaptive timing of relay nozzle valves relies on this
theory of weft introduction. By exploiting only the potential of digital control of the
loom and without any single change to its mechanics, we succeeded in saving of
about 20 % of compressed air. In addition, other textile technology parameters,
such as number of weft breaking, also went increasing.

Keywords Air jet loom  Energy saving

1 Introduction

The first task was to provide both air consumption of individual systems of weft
introduction and the impact of these systems on its quality. When determining
consumption of main nozzles and relay nozzles we started from previous mea-
surements made in VÚTS earlier. Moreover, it was possible to use certain analogies
and similarities for the tandem nozzle (hereinafter identical to main nozzles) and for
so-called “auxiliary weak-jet” and for the tensioning nozzle. It was therefore con-
cluded that the air consumption of each individual nozzle in a steady mode
depending on the air pressure was known. It was also necessary to determine the
sensitivity of weft introduction on the input parameters. For evaluation of quality of
the pick weft arrival time was chosen, more precisely the angle of the machine in a
circular diagram (terms of “time” and “angle” further used indifferently thus). This
value is provided as a statistical average of an arbitrarily large set of data of weft
arrival time acquired by the control system of the loom. Variable input parameters
were the pressure on the individual nozzles and their opening times. At the very
beginning we have rejected the possibility of changing the position of the nozzles

J. Žák (&)
VÚTS, a.s. Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 351

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_47
352 J. Žák

and their possible shape optimization. This has been done many times before, both
in VÚTS, as well as by other manufacturers or research institutes, and it was clear
that textile-technological constraints would not allow any major breakthrough in
this domain.

2 Analysis of the Problem

At this stage, experiments were performed to determine the sensitivity of the quality
of the pick on the fore mentioned parameters. The measurements became the basis
for a deeper analysis of the influence of variable parameters on the movement of the
weft in the shed, the results, however, fall out of the scope of this work.
Due to the number of relay nozzles (up to 36, divided into 5–7 independently
timed sections) the overall sensitivity (Jacobian) matrix of the pick was not eval-
uated analytically. This analysis was done in a very simplified manner by gradually
shutting down of individual sections.
The performed sensitivity analysis has given the following conclusions:
– Main nozzle pressure sensitivity is high. However, this fact is known and is used
to control the time of weft arrival to satisfy the textile-technological require-
ments by setting this pressure.
– Sensitivity to the opening time of main nozzle is surprisingly low.
– The pressure at the inlet to the relay nozzles (the same for all sections) and the
time of their opening have minimal influence on the angle of arrival.
In carrying out the experiments, however, it became clear that chosen pick
quality criterion, this is angle of arrival, is not sufficient. Especially when sensitivity
measurements of parameters of relay nozzles being carried out the repetitive “short
pick”, i.e. incomplete introduction of the weft into the shed, happened frequently,
although the statistical average angle of arrival t remained at the required value, it
was not influenced by changes of parameters of relay nozzles. It was therefore
necessary to establish additional criteria of pick quality. For this criterion the
standard deviation was selected:
r¼ ðti  tÞ2

Given the global air consumption analysis, sensitivity analysis, and also with
regard to the technical limitations we made the following conclusions, which were
the basis for the next steps:
– Pressure on main nozzle will remain independent parameter, as a mean of
automatic regulation the angle of weft arrival; although its impact on con-
sumption is not negligible, it is the only parameter by means of which weavers
can control the textile-technological requirements of the pick.
Adaptive Timing of Relay Nozzles of an Air Jet Weaving Loom 353

– Pressure on the relay nozzles has a big impact on overall air consumption, costs
associated with the installation of an electronically controlled throttle valve on
new machines, however, are high and this is a hardly realizable modification on
existing machines. In the future, there is likely to use it, for now this option was
– Air consumption of all nozzles is directly proportional to the time of opening of
the relevant nozzle valves. Their timing is controlled by a digital control system
and it is therefore relatively easy to vary this timing to reduce air in comparison
with a fixed setting. This fixed valve timing has to cover all the possible timings
of the weft being driven into the shed. The quality of the weft, however, changes
with time, e.g., depending on the unwound length of the yarn or on the wear of
the reed and on changes of its aerodynamic characteristics, or is subject to
mechanical errors of other picking devices, such as feeder or weft brake (ABS).
Our goal, thus, will be to adjust adaptively the timing of the relay nozzles so that
at any moment of the pick only the necessary number of valves be open, and this
depending on the actual operating conditions.

3 Mathematical Model of the Weft Introduction

To be able to optimize nozzle timing for each picking jet, we need to know at any
moment the position of the weft in the channel. For a description of the movement
of the weft pick at the air we came out of the work [1, 2]. Basically, to solve the
motion equation for the position of weft head L versus time:
cD  qðn; tÞ  cðn; tÞ  L_ dn ¼ ðk þ fO Þ  L_ þ L  L


Given that α, λ and cD in this equation are the material constants of the weft at a
given time, describing its inertial properties and interaction with the air jet; in
general it would be necessary to determine them for each type of weft. Furthermore,
the density ρ (ξ, t) and speed c (ξ, t) are difficult to determine, either in position and
either in time varying parameters of the airflow. Parameter fO describes simply the
empirically determined drag of the feeder and ABS. Analytical solution of this
integral-differential equation is therefore virtually impossible.
Actual procedure of solving this equation of motion, used in the machine control
system, was presented at 30th conference Computational Mechanics 2014 in
Železná Ruda, see [3], here let us mention only the resulting relationship, used in
the next presentation:
354 J. Žák

LðtÞ ¼ v1  t  2  B þ eB  ðt þ 2  BÞ

Meaning of the parameters of this function is obvious: v1 is the finite speed of

weft and B is a certain time constant.

4 Adaptivity of Relay Nozzles Timing

As previously stated, our goal was to enable the control system continuously
respond to changes in the quality of the pick. The first step was to integrate an
algorithm evaluating the quality of the pick into the existing control system. As
mentioned above, for the quality measure standard deviation of angle was chosen.
As our goal was to respond to constantly change in the pick quality, the values of t
and σ are calculated as the floating value of the last n values.
It should be noted that the time of arrival of the weft does not meet exactly
normal probability distribution. However, since the values of n are chosen suffi-
ciently high, normally n ≅ 50, the normal probability distribution can be used.
To find the actual optimum settings we accepted the following considerations:
– The main propulsive force in introducing the weft is the drag of the main nozzle.
Relay nozzles create a sort of “dragless” environment in picking channel. But
then, it is just sufficient to open only those relay nozzles over which the head of
the weft is moving. However, the problematics is somewhat more complicated,
more profound analysis lies out of scope of this abstract.
– Theoretical position of the current weft pick is known at any time due to the
approximation of the measured values of coil times by using the function (2),
see also [3].
– Times of arrival of individual picks differ and analogically differ the times of
passage of weft over individual relay nozzles. The time probability distribution
of passage over a given point will also follow a normal probability distribution.
Standard deviation from nominal mean value increases linearly from 0 for the
L = 0 up to σ for L = width of picking.
To derive the algorithm of relay nozzle timing it was still necessary to solve the
problem of fast calculation of v1 and B. As mentioned above, it is possible to use
some of regression techniques, but this practice is not suitable due to nonlinearity of
function (2). During the theoretical calculations, however, it was found that it
should be possible to find values sufficiently accurately approximating as follows:

LN1  L2
v1 ¼ ð3Þ
TN1  T2
1 LN1
B ¼  TN1  ð4Þ
2 v1
Adaptive Timing of Relay Nozzles of an Air Jet Weaving Loom 355

In these relationships N is the total number of coils, L2 and LN1 are the posi-
tions of the weft head after unwinding 2 and N − 1 coils (known total length of the
windings up to 2 and to N − 1) and T2 and TN1 are the times of passage over these
positions (values read by the sensor on the feeder) respectively. This approximation
is based on the fact that conventional wefts, at least wefts woven on air looms,
achieve the speed v1 very quickly, practically during the first coil unwinding. For
extremely heavy, slowly accelerating wefts or for small width, for which N could be
less than 4, it would be necessary to modify this approximation.
The implementation itself into the control system utilizes certain geometrical
properties of the construction of the loom; these values are available in the control
system. Relations (3) and (4) then take the form:
N þ q12  1
v1 ¼ L
N  ð aD  a0 Þ
q12  1
B¼ L
N  v1

Here L is the woven width, q12 is the ratio between the duration of the first and
second coil. a0 and aD are times (angles) of the beginning and the end of the pick
(time of arrival of the weft). Theoretical transit time through the position Li for
i ≥ 2, this is for second and subsequent coils, then is:
Ti ¼ a0 þ þB

Given the assumption of a normal distribution probability of passage of the weft

head over a given point, this is the mean value of the time passage. If we want to
“cover” the entire confidence interval of passage of the weft head p ≥ P,
P = 1 − 1/n, where n is the number of reliably introduced wefts, it is necessary to
extend the interval of opening of the respective valve by k-times σ according to the
empirical rule of k − σ. If we choose e.g. k = 4, then will be n = 15,787. The value
of σ increases linearly with the value Li . As the requirements for operational reli-
ability of the weft introduction are in the magnitude of about 1 short pick to 10,000
picks, the choice is obvious. Then time (more precisely angle) interval of the
opening of the nozzle is:

Li Li
Ti  k  r  ; Ti þ k  r 

Note: Implementation of the algorithm into the control system of VERA and
CAMEL looms was somewhat more complicated, since it was necessary to take
into account the grouping of relay nozzles into sections with different numbers of
nozzles per valve. In addition, because of the conservatism of some users it always
allows manual entry of additional opening times, both before and after automati-
cally calculated minimum interval. The following Fig. 1 shows an example of
timing of a pick.
356 J. Žák

Position [m]

Angle [deg]

Fig. 1 Example of relay nozzles timing

5 Results and Conclusions

A theoretical estimation of air saving, particularly for the case of relay nozzles
grouped into sections, is difficult to quantify, however, without knowledge of the
exact scatter of weft properties and thus without knowledge of changes of σ during
weaving. Bigger the scatter of weft properties is and thus σ is high, bigger the air
saving can be.
This algorithm has been implemented into the existing control system of 10
weaving machines CAMEL, installed by a customer. After performing operational
tests of 5 weeks of continuous duty it was achieved a saving of around 20 % of the
compressed air while maintaining or improving other quality indicators.

Acknowledgments The research work reported here was made possible by the program LO
1213-Excelentní strojírenský výzkum (2013-2018 MSMT), LO-NPÚ 1.


1. Pilipenko, V.A.: Pněvmatičeskije mechanismy prokladyvanija niti. Legkaja industrija, Moskva

2. Škop, P.: Kontrolní, informační a řídící systémy prohozních ústrojí vzduchových tryskových
tkacích strojů, Kandidátská dizertační práce. Vysoká škola strojní a textilní, Liberec (1985)
3. Žák, J., Kolář, J.: Simulation of an air jet weft pick. In: Book of Extended Abstracts of
Computational Mechanics 2014, pp. 157–158. University of West Bohemia, Plzeň (2014)
Part VI
Mechatronics, Control and Monitoring
Systems of Machines
The Testing Stand of the Direct Linear
and the Torque Servo Drives Siemens
Controlled by the Simotion C

J. Antoš

Abstract Conception of ball screw, gearbox, pinion and rack are commonly used
for linear and rotary axes of machine tools. Issues of these applications are back-
lash, increased moments of inertia and friction. These disadvantages can be elim-
inated by using of direct drive motors. In this case, it has to be taken into account
that the entire mechanical stiffness of the axis is formed only by closed loop control.
Before using of this technology, required properties and behavior of motors has to
be practically tested in specific situations on real device. The first goal of this
project was design and implementation of unique stand for testing of direct linear
and direct torque drive motors in order to use in special-purpose machine tools. The
second goal was design and implementation of complete control system for testing
of dynamics and position accuracy. Both of the test stand and the control system
based on Siemens Simotion C controller were successfully constructed and
implemented in accordance with the design. Created solution allows measuring of
position accuracy, speed and torque for standardized displacements law and it can
be done in manual or automatic mode. It also allows developing and evaluating the
quality of the control system. Attention was paid to the new method of transmission
data of displacement law from the USB flash memory to the controller based on the
Client-Server communication. Result of this project is decision about recommen-
dation of this concept for practical application for special-purpose machine tools.

Keywords Direct linear drive Direct torque drive Simotion Displacement law

1 Introduction

Demands for linear movement with high dynamic performance and for accuracy
and elimination of backlash and increased moments of inertia caused by conven-
tional mechanical conceptions can be solved by usage of linear motor. Linear

J. Antoš (&)
VÚTS, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 359

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_48
360 J. Antoš

motors simplify mechanical design, increase affordability and durability and

improve handling of the machine by elimination of mechanical transmission ele-
ments. Direct torque motor which transfers force not trough gearbox but directly on
the workpiece was already successfully used by VÚTS Company for BRV300
radial cam grinder [1]. First issue is if replacement of Mechanical transmission
elements by direct servo drives is effective option for particular application of single
purpose machine-tools. Second issue is if control system and created application
meet demands for dynamics testing of both servo drives. The benefit of this concept
is to study and identifying the behavior of electric motors on the real equipment for
research in cooperation with the Technical university of Liberec. Tests is already
underway feedforward regulation on this machine. Especially, the benefit of using
the knowledge from this concept in a dedicated new CNC machine tool with direct
drives follow-up to this project. Direct drive components have been designed,
engineered and manufactured to order in our research institute. For example a
sliding surface of the linear model holding the probe following the cam. This
metallic cam has also been produced in VÚTS.

2 Mechanical Part

The flywheel has a function of load as well as reduction for cam clamping on
Siemens 1FW3150 [2]. Stroke length of the linear motor is 450 mm and is deter-
mined by six permanent magnets Siemens 1FN3050. Feedback from absolute
encoder by using Heidenhain LC483 is indispensable for closing of control loop [3]
(Fig. 1). Measuring probe MSL50.152KA is used for accurate measuring of the
length coordinate in short measuring range. Measuring step is 5.0 µm. Siemens
Simotion C control system was selected because of this system satisfies demands
for controlling of multiaxis systems with possibility of design and modification of
displacement laws within program execution. Speed and current loop control are
closed here [4]. Specific requirement is controlling of the motors by pendant control
station with hand wheel. General safety supplemented by special circuit for safe

Fig. 1 3D model of the testing stand of the direct servo drives Siemens and real stand
The Testing Stand of the Direct Linear and the Torque … 361

servo drives switching off by safety integrated. Double motor module uses enable
pulse which determines if sequence of functions like timer and OFF3 will be started.
Function OFF3 ensures safe stop of servo motor via ramp function.

3 Software Part

Software architecture is decomposed into manual mode, the operator of cam panel
and automatic mod. Monitoring of position, speed, positioning, jog, homming,
enable axes, synchronization the virtual and the real axis alllows manual mode.
Upload displacement law with USB portable memory, display it for inspection and
then exported to the memory controller allows cam panel. All synchronization of
the three axes are using the gear and cam handles automatic mode. The whole
system is controlled by a single virtual axis. Virtual gear rotational axis is attached
virtual axis. Displacement law between the rotational axis and a linear is use. First,
parameters and hardware configuration were set during program initialization.
Then, the stops were solved. Real system contains mechanical stops which are
supplemented by virtual ones 10 mm earlier and programmed ones 20 mm before
real stop. That means triple protection against collision between linear and torque
motor. In the case of program error and moving into virtual stop, motor goes
immediately into disable state. Remedy is deleting of position error, putting motor
in enable state and leaving the restricted area with negated speed. This information
is displayed by LEDs on electrical switchboard and on HMI panel throughout
remedy. Errors can be acknowledged on HMI panel. Conventional total stop on
electrical switchboard and on pendant control station is supplemented by software
stop. The safety integrated function is activated during emergency stop of the motor
and it executes delayed switching off. This makes possible to stop motor with
defined deceleration.
Visualization and controlling by using Weintek 8070iH HMI and Simotion PLC
are based on Client-Server communication. Although these two systems do not
support each other, because the motion control system Simotion uses the indirect
(symbolic) addressing, bidirectional communication can be established by means of
this application. Application of “Client-Server” based on functions in a develop-
ment environment EasyBuilder and Siemens Scout is described in report
Client-Server application for the operator panel Weintek and the control system
Siemens Simotion [5].
Source data of displacement law are saved in controller memory. That is stan-
dard practice. Large attention is paid to the new method for displacement law data
transfer via USB to the Simotion controller memory. This transfer is based on
mentioned unique Client-Server communication and on Weintek HMI panel usage.
This new technique allows user friendly data transfers from any USB flash memory
directly into Simotion memory. Simotion unlike Weintek uses indirect addressing
and so this option is not standardly possible. Typical situation for dynamic tests is
displacement law modification on system input. Within few seconds, displacement
362 J. Antoš

Fig. 2 Operator panel direct servomotors—main panel and cam panel

law can be uploaded, displayed for checking and exported into the controller during
RUN mode and without any change of programme in the PLC. That is possible
thanks to the Client-Server method [5].
Application for the testing stand of the direct linear and the torque servo drives
Siemens is divided into the three basic windows: Main panel, Cam panel (Fig. 2)
and Control panel. The first window (Main Panel) is responsible for: axes posi-
tioning, actual position and speed showing, axes homming, axes enabling, syn-
chronization between three axes and activate of pendant mode. Particular axes,
theirs multiple of position, jog and hand wheel are possible to be selected on
pendant control station. Because of security, operator has to use both hands and be
pushing enable pulse button with defined pressure.
The second window (Cam Panel) is designed to select one of the predefined
displacement laws for the electronic cam. Electronic cam is alternate option to the
conventional mechanical cams. Quick change of displacement law is one of the
biggest advantages of the electronic cam. Solving of cam movement dynamics is on
the contrary disadvantage. Periodic type of cam from VDI 2143 standard was used
for electronic cams dynamics testing [6]. This cam has high dynamics and interval
with constant nonzero speed. Relation between positions of master and slave axes
(displacement law) is saved in *.xls format and sampling step of master axis is 0.5°.
Therefore, one displacement law in 0–360° range with two axes with mentioned
sampling period needs 1440 elements. Data file on USB flash memory has to be in
*.emi format and its name has to be in range EM0-EM9. Conversion from *.csv
format to *.emi format is done by Recipe Editor [7]. Particular elements of the data
field are in float type and the file is saved into root of USB flash memory. After this,
the data are ready to be connected into HMI panel. After connection of the flash
drive to the panel, this memory is as accessible as inner memory with EM0-EM9
attributes. File saving is done by data transfer function with definition of source
(EM0.emi), destination for saving into HMI panel memory registers (LW514),
uploaded data size (1440) and mode (touch trigger). Afterwards, the USB flash
memory can be removed without losing of data. Rendering of the electronic cam
displacement law on the HMI screen is done by plot function with definition of
rendered data size. Four bytes are necessary for every position value. Information
about displacement law is carried by slave axis so 2880 elements are necessary.
The Testing Stand of the Direct Linear and the Torque … 363

Fig. 3 Position and following error of torque motor

Size of the field is always used as a multiple of 512. Here is divided into 6 parts
with size of 512 due the limitation of maximal field size during Client-Server
communication. Displacement law which is saved in the inner HMI panel registers
is saved into field of 3072 size. Afterwards, two times nested for loop is used for
sending the packets of 512 Byte size. Communication channel on the 9001 port is
reserved for this.
The third window (Control panel) allows showing of actual position and speed
of all axes, showing and acknowledging of errors of the axes selected electronic
cam type. This window defines the master axis speed set point and active automatic
mode and finally switching the main contactor in front of the frequency converter.
This mode is block of instructions that are executed automatically. Initial
assumptions are successful enable of the motor with zero errors and activated active
line module contactor. Two automatic modes were used in this project. First one
tests dynamic parameters of both motors. These parameters are position, speed,
torque and position error of standardized VDI 2143 displacement law with 1800
values per one revolution. These points are linearly interpolated. Testing system has
virtual master axis. This axis is rotating at a constant speed 125°/s and is syn-
chronized with real torque axis by displacement law. Resulting graph on the Fig. 3
presents displacement law of linear and torque motor.
Second automatic mode simulates machining for measuring the zero position
error of the measuring probe. Synchronization of particular axes (real and virtual) is
done by displacement law. Whole process is separated into approach, machining
simulation and departure. Approach and departure is done by moving at 120°/s into
the safe distance. Then the speed is decreased at 3°/s due to the safe movement on
required position.
Synchronization of all three axes is realized during this process. Double syn-
chronization is made for machining simulation. Entire system is controlled by
master axis speed which revolves real torque axis via gearbox with 1:1 ration.
Electronic cam defined by 1800 values is between torque and linear motor. Real
steel asymmetric cam was manufactured thanks to known x and y coordinates and it
was placed directly on the torque motor. Linear motor was mounted with measuring
probe. Torque motor rotates at constant speed 3°/s and linear motor copies contour
of the cam.
364 J. Antoš

4 Conclusions

The first goal of the project, assembling of the stand, was successively and com-
pletely accomplished. The biggest attention was paid to the perpendicularity of
linear rails and to the accuracy of air gap between primary and secondary section in
whole range. Concept of contact between measuring probe and cam is area where
further development is required. Radial stress acting on measuring probe is bigger
than 0.2 N. That can bring difficulties during higher speeds. Solution of this issue
can be application of measuring probe with roller, contactless measuring, etc.
Nevertheless, the used concept of measuring probe with sphere was fully sufficient
for required speeds.
The second goal of the project, design and implementation of complete control
system for testing of dynamics and position accuracy, was successfully accom-
plished. The biggest attention was paid to the safety and to the transmission of
displacement law. This new transmission method facilitates and speeds up manu-
facturing process. Its next application can be transfer via company network from
office computer to the production hall using the same principle.
Fulfillment of these goals had allowed testing of dynamic properties of motors in
real situations. It also proved that replacement of conventional conception by direct
motors is proper solution and that control system fulfills all demands and therefor
can be recommended.


1. Jirásko, P.: Metodika aplikací elektronických vaček v pohonech pracovních členů mechanismů
výrobních strojů. Liberec (2010). Available from:
2. Souček, P.: Servomechanismy ve výrobních strojích. Vydavatelství ČVUT, Praha (2004).
3. Heidenhain: linear encoders for numerically controlled machine tools. Measuring principles
[online]. 2016 [cit. 2016-04-18]. Available from:
4. Lindr, D.: Řízení servopohonů v dynamicky náročných aplikacích. Liberec (2011)
5. Antos, J., Busek, M.: Client-server application for the operator panel weintek and the control
system Siemens Simotion. Mechatronika. VÚTS a.s. Liberec [online]. (2014) [cit. 2016-04-18].
ISBN 978-1-4799-3527-7. Available from:
6. VDI 2143, Bl. 1: Blatt 2 Motion rules for cam mechanisms; practical application.
VDI-Fachbereich Getriebe und Maschinenelemente (2002)
7. Weintek: Professional in human maschine interface [online] (2012) [cit. 2016-04-18]. Available
New Method of Contactless Measurement
and Analysis of CNC Machine Spindle

Z. Braier, P. Šidlof, V. Čejka and P. Žďárek

Abstract This article is focused and describes a system of a contactless measure-

ment and analysis of a spindle lopping of CNC machines with horizontal axis
orientation. The spindle lopping is caused by changes of spindle and headstock
deformation during the spindle longitudinal travel and it has a considerable
importance for precise CNC machine. The measurement system results from the
research and development of a contactless measurement method using a laser source.
The laser source is mounted in the CNC machine spindle and rotates together with
the spindle. The laser beam goes to the sensor box placed at a specific distance from
the spindle. Inside the sensor box, the beam is split into two paths and their traces are
recorded by two cameras situated in a position that the beam path total length is
different for each camera. The spindle lopping is calculated and analyzed from the
camera records using appropriate software equipment. The form and application of
the new measurement method is protected by patent CZ305542 (B6).

Keywords Measurement  Contactless method  CNC machine  Spindle

lopping Laser beam

1 Introduction

During extension of a horizontal spindle out of a headstock, the spindle sinks due to
the effect of gravity force—i.e. the bending of the spindle and change of defor-
mation of its mounting occurs. These inaccuracies are significant especially in the

Z. Braier (&)  P. Šidlof  V. Čejka  P. Žďárek

VÚTS, a.s., Measurement, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Šidlof
e-mail: [email protected]
V. Čejka
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Žďárek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 365

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_49
366 Z. Braier et al.

case of precise production. At present, the process of lopping is usually measured

with respect to a clamping table of a particular machine [1]. However, during that
process errors occur, caused by the inaccurate position of the original axis of the
spindle with respect to the clamping table, as well as by inaccuracies of the
clamping table or its shifting. Another disadvantage is also the fact that the process
of lopping of a spindle cannot be measured until the headstock is installed on a
particular machine tool and until it is adjusted.
According to new principle, a laser beam source is mounted to the spindle of the
CNC machine and laser beam traces are scanned by sensors in the specific position
from the spindle end for several spindle extensions. Spindle lopping and angle are
evaluated from the differences of point of laser beam incidence. In order to increase
accuracy the spindle is rotated during measurement and the center of path tran-
scribed by laser beam is evaluate.
The principle practical realization demands solution a few problems, some of
them are: (a) The laser source must be battery powered due to the spindle rotation
and the laser beam diameter should be minimized in wide range of distances. It is
difficult to realize such requirement, therefore the laser beam is focused in a specific
distance and the beam diameter increases out of this point. Therefore the laser beam
image is relatively large. (b) Interference stripes are detected due to various factors.
(c) The laser beam source outputs polarized light and additional partial polarization
happens after reflection at mirrors and semi permeable mirrors in the sensor box.
The laser beam intensity is varied during the spindle rotation.
These problems are solving in hardware or software. For example, the laser
beam records are filtrate using two dimensional FFT for elimination of the inter-
ference stripes and the software evaluation is using many image processing prin-
ciples. The measurement and evaluation principle is still being improved.

2 Measurement and Evaluation Method

The measurement and evaluation of the spindle lopping is calculated for various
spindle extensions and for various weights simulating the spindle mass load at the
end. At first the reference measurement is made without weights and fully retracted
spindle state. Then, the measurement is repeated for partial or full spindle exten-
sion. The same scheme is used for the weight influence measurement. Figure 1
shows fully extended spindle with weights 50 kg, info and details of CNC machine
and measurement are described in [2]. Each evaluation of the spindle lopping is
compared with the reference measurement without weights.
Schematic illustration of the spindle inclination and lopping measurement prin-
ciple including dimensions for calculation is shown in Fig. 2. The laser beam, which
is skew to the spindle rotation axis in general, transcribes a rotational hyperboloid
during the spindle rotation. The cuts of hyperboloid by recording planes have
elliptical shape (in Fig. 2 shown in rotated state). The centers of ellipses are eval-
uated from paths of laser beam at the sensor and changes of their position after
New Method of Contactless Measurement and Analysis of CNC … 367

Fig. 1 Photo of extended spindle of CNC machine with weights and laser beam battery source

Fig. 2 Schema of measurement principle with scanning of laser beam paths by two cameras
(indexes 40, 42)

extension are marked y1 and y2. The centers of ellipses are not identical with the
intersection of the spindle axis in the recording plane, but errors are maximally in
hundredths of μm under given conditions. Therefore the results of the spindle
inclination α and spindle lopping y are calculated according to the Eqs. (1) and (2).
y2  y1
tan a ¼ ð1Þ
y2  y1
y ¼ y1  ðb  xÞ tan a ¼ y1  ðb  xÞ ð Þ ð2Þ
368 Z. Braier et al.

Fig. 3 Schematic figure of sensor box with two cameras (indexes 40, 42) and laser beam trace

The laser beam paths are a little complicated in the real sensor box, which is
schematically shown in Fig. 3. Input laser beam is split into two paths in first
semipermeable mirror. The first camera (index 40) is situated in nearer optical
distance from spindle. Distance of laser beam trace to the second camera (index 42)
is extended by using another two mirrors.
Images from both cameras are pre-processed (two dimensional FFT filter,
finding the optimal brightness value, image defects elimination, etc.), then the laser
beam traces centroid is evaluated by software with focus on threshold parameters
and changes of image intensity. Two dimensional matrix of the centroids coordi-
nates is approximated by a general ellipse using SVD method (Singular Value
Decomposition) for linear regression. The deviation (diffusion) of points and ellipse
parameters (center, the length of semi axis, the angle of main axis) can be extracted
from the SVD.

3 Measurement and Evaluation of Results

Measurement, analysis and evaluation were prepared and realized with minimal
rpm of the CNC machine spindle. An example of the laser beam traces evaluation
of the camera 42 sensor (in retracted and extended states) is shown in Fig. 4. One
pixel is 2.2 µm. Measured points, fitted ellipses as well as their major axes indi-
cating the ellipses centers are drawn. Calculation were carried out from 620 points
(images of each camera) measured at approximately 5 rpm of spindle. It is evident
that a small displacement occurred even in the horizontal direction. The overall
spindle lopping evaluation with 50 kg load from 0 to 800 mm extension is dis-
played in Fig. 5.
New Method of Contactless Measurement and Analysis of CNC … 369

Fig. 4 Example (zoom) of laser beam trace at camera 42 sensor. Large ellipse corresponds to
retracted state, small ellipse corresponds to extended state of spindle. Ellipses major axes are

Fig. 5 Spindle lopping versus extension for 50 kg load

370 Z. Braier et al.

4 Conclusions

New method of contactless measurement and analysis of CNC machine spindle

lopping was tested on a real machine. Crucial factor for precise and accurate
measurement and analysis is sufficient quality of laser beam and necessary quality
optics of the sensor box with cameras. It is also important to set the camera
exposure time adequately to the spindle extension. It is equally important to
eliminate distortions and process of laser beam trace on camera sensor by software,
where opportunities for improvement are still open. The described method also
allows an inverse way of measurement, e.g. a table machine with attached sensor
box is moving (sliding) instead of the spindle. However, the performed measure-
ments and analyses show applicability and usefulness the new methods of mea-
surement and analyses in practice. The form and application of the new
measurement method is protected by patent [3].

Acknowledgments The research work reported here was made possible by the Czech Ministry of
Education, Youth and Sports, project LO1213.


1. Česká technická norma ČSN ISO 230-1, 20 0300, Test code for machine tools—Part 1:
Geometric accuracy of machines operating under no-load or quasi-static conditions, ISO
230-1:2012, ÚNMZ, (2014)
2. Richter, A., Vencl, T., Škop, P., Braier, Z., Žďárek, P.: Modulová řada vřeteníkových jednotek
obráběcích strojů nové generace. Program TIP, ev. no. of project FR TI4-182, Zpráva o řešení k
17.8.2015 v rámci projektu TIP, report no. AUT-01/2015, VÚTS, a. s. (2015)
3. Patent CZ305542 (B6): Šidlof, P., Škop, P.: Method of determining lopping and/or lopping
characteristic and/or determining angle of incline and/or incline characteristic of horizontal or
skew spindle, especially machine tool horizontal or skew spindle, and pick-up device for
making the same, VÚTS, a.s., publication info 25 Nov 2015
Smart Rehabilitation Splint

J. Cernohorsky and M. Cadek

Abstract In the scientific papers there are various mechatronic devices, with smart
sensors, biofeedback systems and high end components. These system are mostly
designed like replacement after amputation. The second are aim to exoskeleton
concept, where the human capability is increased. Our rehabilitation device aim to
area of temporary rehabilitation or recondition. The conventional motorized splint has
limited possibilities for advance control and typically has no diagnostic functions.

Keywords Splint  Rehabilitation  Knee  Motion control

1 Introduction

The rehabilitation process is very important process, with two basic aspects. At first,
the return of the post traumatic patient to active life, which have financial aspects
for him as well as for the society and psychical aspect, that active movement and
physical load produce endorphins that help patient to be motivated and also
influence him and his surroundings.
The conventional physiotherapeutic care is irreparable, in one hand, because
physical contact and human care also helps the patient psychical mood at the other
the skilled personnel use own perception system and own muscular system to use
proper forces and movement limits according to actual possibilities of the patient.
The mechatronics systems in rehabilitation are more and more popular nowadays;
the motivation is mainly physiotherapist overload and independent validation of
rehabilitation progress.

J. Cernohorsky (&)  M. Cadek

Technical University of Liberec, Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Cadek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 371

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_50
372 J. Cernohorsky and M. Cadek

2 The Anatomy and Modelling of Knee Joint

The knee is the biggest joint in human body with quite complicated anatomical
structure, include bones, cartilages, muscles and ligament, skin and other structures.
There are tree bones are femur, tibia and patella (Fig. 1).
This joint can be segmented into femorotibial and femorpaterlar part. The
femorotibial jon hase medial and lateral part with meniscus divided to femor-
omenikal and meniskotibial part.
In the literature there are many models of joints generally and knee joints as
well. The releology model is one of used and this model is easy to understand to
people with technical knowledge, because it is based on terms like stress, stench,
viscosity, plasticity and deformation. This description has usually time varying
parameters, therefore the overall description is more difficult to e.g. metallic
material description [2].
The knee joint is one of the most loaded joint in human body. The flat ground
walking is described in many papers, the load depends a little on movement
stereotype [3].
The phases of the motion can be described by diagram. The motion start with
heel strike (HS), than slide flexion to reduce the shock during impact to floor up to
maximum stance flexion MSF, and then extension to maximum stance extension
MSE. In this part of the motion the most of the torque is applied. After this phase,
the two “passive” phases are followed which moves leg to start position to next heel
strike to start new cycle. These swings operates with leg mass, not with human
body mass, therefore the torque are lower. This description is suitable only for flat
surface, in case of stairs or even knee bend exercise is load much higher then Fig. 2.
The next problem is in locomotion speed, where dynamic of movement influence
overall energy.
The movement stereotype are slightly different person to person too, but overall
gait cycle description in general is well known. In our further design we focus to
rehabilitation device, the highest demands are similar or lower to regular flat gait.

Fig. 1 Skeletal and

musculovascular description
of knee joint [1]
Smart Rehabilitation Splint 373

Fig. 2 Motion diagram of one step [3]

3 Rehabilitation Devices

The post traumatic therapy is very important phase in healing, there are two general
goals, to increase the limited movement abbilitity to pre traumatic state. The
bending limits are extended in proper way, e.g. the people can place the leg to next
stair. The second goal is enhance the performance of the joint, where pretraumatic
limits are reached at least with little limitation, e.g. the people is able to move the
mass to healed leg and go up-stairs without help. The dynamic movement, running,
volleyball spikes are really long term processes. The combine injury with neural
system illness is a problem, the special devices combine locomotion and functional
electrostimulation is applied. The multichannel electro stimulators are capable to
emulate electrical signal in channels to create the step forward. In our case we
focused to simple mechatronic device, which can helps with rehabilitation and
measure the progress of exercises.
There are several types of exoskeletons on the market, which are worth to mention.
For instance ReWalk, which is wearable robotic exoskeleton, which belongs between
untethered, active, lower-body exoskeletons. ReWalk is licensed by the FDA in the
USA, it has CE mark and it is licensed in Canada. This exoskeleton has motors at knee
and hip joints and it’s designed for people suffering from spinal cord injury. Suit
should enable people with this kind of injury to stand, turn around, walk and even run
or climb stairs. Unfortunately the climb stairs function is not currently available in the
US. ReWalk offers two versions of exoskeleton, personal for use at home and reha-
bilitation for use at specialized ReWalk clinics. Both devices are controlled by remote
wrist-worn control (Fig. 3).
374 J. Cernohorsky and M. Cadek


Fig. 3 ReWalk exoskeletons [4]

4 Design of Rehabilitation Splint

The key element of rehabilitation splint is electric motor. We have selected Maxon
motor ECDC flat motor. This motor has high moment of inertia to other non-flat
motors, but low profile, with is important for mechanical design. The output torque
is about 0.5 Nm and speed less than 3000 RPM. The motor is equipped with
harmonic gearbox with ratio 100. It means, that we are able to fulfill the load during
gait cycle with one motor. The encoder system is built-in and has 3600 puls/turn
resolution. The motor controller is Maxon Epos 2, that is not programmable motion
controller, but there is option to control the drive via CANopen. The main control
system can be arrange like PC based system or industrial controller. We have used
the entry level PLC made X20CP1380. The main benefit of this system is low
power consumption and wide spread of input and output modules.
In our first design of rehabilitation splint we assume to use two motors, each
from one side of the splint and use drives without gearboxes for low torque
rehabilitation. In current version with gearbox we suppose to use only one drive for
knee, node id2, the second motor node id3 will be implemented for hip joint.
Mechanical design depends on the type of the device. Currently, there are two
types of exoskeleton like devices being developed. Both are designated for reha-
bilitation, both are untethered and for the lower-body. First has two EC flat motor
concentric with a knee joint. Second has one motor, which is located on the outside
of a knee joint. Another motor is located at the hip joint. Work on the second kind
of design is still in progress and it’s not part of this paper. Both designs uses
Maxon EC flat motors combined with Maxon harmonic gearboxes. Such harmonic
drives and motors allows the design to be light and compact with appropriate
Smart Rehabilitation Splint 375

Fig. 4 Robotic orthosis composite and metallic variant

There are currently two pre-designs of wearable robotic orthoses with two
motors being concentric at the knee joint. Design of orthosis (Fig. 4 left) is based
on composite materials, such as carbon fiber, which could be shaped to achieve
ergonomic surfaces as on the CAD model below. Another advantage of such
materials is indisputably strength/weight ratio, which could be very high compared
to metallic materials. The alternative solution (Fig. 4 right) is based on cheaper
metallic materials and cheaper manufacturing process.
The final version of the design is modular, which means that modules with gearbox
and motor can be easily replaced by joint with bearing. The orthosis can be easily
adjusted for left or right leg and the motor is on outer side of the orthosis. The
configuration of positive motion and other adjustment is made in configuration menu.

5 Control of Rehabilitation Splint

The control algorithm has several operation modes. The first of them is simple
passive mode. The splint is fixed to patient knee and after that the patient and
physiotherapist set motion limits, the maximal flexion and extension. The limit
values are displayed in HMI interface and can be freely modified.
The next operation mode is conventional motorized splint mode, where number
of cycles is set. The velocity and acceleration of this motion can be adjusted
according to patient feeling. The special feature is the continual torque measure-
ment, where e.g. spasm can be detected.
The other operation mode is the releology diagnostic mode, where the load is
applied to patient leg and the output data are torque characteristic of the knee.
This characteristic has hysteresis shape and the hysteresis can be used for per-
formance description.
The multi task system is one feature of used PLC system, however in our case
we use only two task. One for drive control via CANopen thru PDO objects. The
376 J. Cernohorsky and M. Cadek

basic configuration via SDO object is made in special program this program is in
longer task. The visualization realized in 400 ms task class. The response of the
visualization interface in not very impressive thanks to low computing power of
PLC, where the visualization is processed in idle time. The key communication
interface is CANopen. The Maxon Epos and used Maxon Epos2 used CANopen,
Epos3 is EtherCAT based. The CANopen communication is quite simple and
thanks to process data object are important data cyclically updated. The PDO
configuration can be made inside Automation Studio.

6 Conclusion

The control software uses position control and torque diagnostic is made, the
mechanical design is made in two variants. The manufacturing process in now in
progress. The overall concept is validated in no load operation. In the future must
there must be designed the battery pack and model is ready for higher model
predictive control to utilize the orthosis to actual motion stereotype, walk, stairs and

Acknowledgments The results of this project were obtained through the financial support of the
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in the framework of the targeted support of the “National
Programme for Sustainability I LO1201” and the OPR&DI project “Centre for Nanomaterials,
Advanced Technologies and Innovation CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0005”.


1. The knee joint [online]: Jointace C2 [cit. 2016-02-28]. Available from:

2. Martinez-Villalpando, E.C., Herr, H.: Agonist-antagonist active knee protehesis: a preliminary
study in level–ground walking. J. Rehabil. Res. Dev. 46, 361 (2009)
3. Sifta P, Bittner V.: Measurement of reologic properties of soft tissue (muscle tissue) by device
called myotonometer. In: 6th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2010), vol. 31, p. 1020
(2010) WOS:0003067161100260
4. ReWalk 6.0 [online]: © 2016 ReWalk Robotics [cit. 2016-02-28]. Available from:
Implementation of Specific Displacement
Diagrams for the Control of Kinetic
Sculptures with Yaskawa Electronic Cams

P. Dostrašil

Abstract Electronic cams are used for different manufacturing systems, but in
terms of displacement diagrams, they have common characteristics. The emphasis
is usually placed on maximum accuracy, the machine cycle time and the dis-
placement diagram has a simple shape. This paper addresses a completely different
case, which shows that the use of electronic cams is very diverse. A Yaskawa’s
electronic cam was used to control the kinetic art sculptures. It was necessary to
develop an implementation that will be able to accommodate a large number of very
long and complex displacement diagrams. Sculptures contained up to 150 inter-
polating axes and their programs took up to half an hour. The proposal builds on the
basic animation and designer’s demands, but it must comply with all limits of the
mechanism (maximum speed, torque, etc.). The classic electronic cam uses a data
table and interpolation function. This approach has been replaced with a new
feature that composes the movement from polynomial of the 5th order. For this
purpose, it was developed an independent software tool. The final displacement
diagram is composed by defining the 0th, 1st, and 2nd derivatives at the key points.
This method of design has proved to be very effective, and in addition, this
implementation brought a significant saving of memory and reducing of compu-
tational complexity.

Keywords Electronic cam  Displacement diagram  Polynomial function

1 Introduction

For production systems, displacement diagrams are usually supplied by the con-
tracting authority or generated by specialized software tools (in VÚTS, we use our
own tools KINZ and KINZ2 [1]). Displacement diagrams (Fig. 1) can be composed

P. Dostrašil (&)
VÚTS a.s., Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 377

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_51
378 P. Dostrašil

Fig. 1 Displacement diagram used e.g. for rotary table

from different functions (higher order polynomials, trigonometric functions, expo-

nential, and combinations thereof). In the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller),
data are stored in a table where the first column contains the coordinates of inde-
pendent variables, i.e. the virtual master (hereinafter referred to as VM). The second
column represents rotation of the output shaft of the motor. The next columns
contain higher derivatives which are used to improve the regulatory process. A step
of the VM can be constant or variable.
In the system of Yaskawa electronic cam, it is for proper operation necessary to
know the values of displacement for any rotation of VM. It uses the internal FGN
function that implements binary search in the field of input data and then linear
interpolation between the nearest points.
Based on the contract for the controlling of kinetic sculpture [3], it was necessary
to revise the above approach. Displacement diagrams were supplied in the form of
data, but it cannot be directly used for the electronic cam. Data were created in
graphic software tools, so they did not apply continuity of higher derivatives (ve-
locity and acceleration) and they did not take into account the physical limits of the
mechanism (maximum speed, etc.). In total, there were up to 75 servo motors
controlled by one PLC and the whole scene lasted nearly half an hour. The
approach used for production machinery would exceed the computational and
memory capabilities of the PLC.

2 Division on Polynomials

The displacement diagram was divided into sections which were replaced with
individual functions. As a general replacement, it was chosen to the 5th degree
polynomial. The function is determined by conventional notation [2].
Implementation of Specific Displacement Diagrams … 379

y ¼ c5 x5 þ c4 x4 þ c3 x3 þ c2 x2 þ c1 x þ c0 ð1Þ

For implementation in the control system, it is used notation according to Horner


y ¼ ððððc5 x þ c4 Þx þ c3 Þx þ c2 Þx þ c1 Þx þ c0 ð2Þ

This implementation guarantees the most effective method of calculation. It used

only 5 additions and 5 multiplications, the computational complexity in the control
system is lower than, for example, calculation of the sine function.
The 5th degree polynomial can also be very intuitive and easy to define using the
boundary conditions. Practically, it is about to enter the 0th, 1st and 2nd derivatives
at the endpoints. Sharing these points between the adjacent functions ensures the
continuous shape resulting displacement diagram, including the first two deriva-
tives. Calculation of individual coefficients using the boundary conditions is
demonstrated by the following relations (3) to (8), where boundary points are
labeled 0 and 1.

c 0 ¼ y ð 0Þ ð3Þ

c 1 ¼ y ð 0Þ 0 ð4Þ

c2 ¼ ð5Þ
1 y ð 1Þ  y ð 0Þ 2yð1Þ0 þ 3yð0Þ0 00
c3 ¼ 20  4 þ yð1Þ 3yð0Þ00
2ðxð1Þ  xð0ÞÞ ð x ð 1Þ  x ð 0Þ Þ 2 x ð 1Þ  x ð 0Þ
1 y ð 1Þ  y ð 0Þ 7yð1Þ0 þ 8yð0Þ0
c4 ¼ 30 þ2  2yð1Þ00 þ 3yð0Þ00
2ð x ð 1Þ  x ð 0Þ Þ 2 ðxð1Þ  xð0ÞÞ2 x ð 1Þ  x ð 0Þ
1 y ð 1Þ  y ð 0Þ y ð 1Þ 0 þ y ð 0Þ 0
c5 ¼ 12 6 þ yð1Þ00 yð0Þ00 ð8Þ
2ðxð1Þ  xð0ÞÞ3 ðxð1Þ  xð0ÞÞ 2 x ð 1 Þ  x ð 0 Þ

A specific example composition of displacement diagrams from two polyno-

mials is shown in Fig. 2, which was captured directly from the applications
developed for the design of displacement diagrams.
380 P. Dostrašil

Fig. 2 Creating of displacement diagram by folding polynomials

3 Implementation in the Control System

Based on the data from the customer’s animation software, physically realizable
displacement diagrams were created by specialized software tools. Curves are
usually made up of many functions (in some cases up to 60 functions) of the 5th
order polynomial. The software tool also implements a library with a Modbus TCP
communication protocol, which allows direct communication with the PLC, as
shown in Fig. 3. Displacement diagrams or more precisely parameters of functions
are directly transmitted as data frames, stored in a predefined format (see Fig. 4)
into the PLC memory. For a definition of one polynomial, there are necessary seven
coefficients (x-coordinate of the end point and 6 polynomial coefficients).
The control program in the PLC in the first step (before starting the electronic
cam) searches the currently used polynomial by the position of the VM.
Subsequently, displacement is calculated according to (2) until the interval of the
current polynomial is exceeded. Due to the length of polynomials and the step size
of the VM, we can safely assume that we always change no more than one

Table of function Implementation

Creating a physi-
Design sculpture's Data table parameters of calculation
cally realizable
motion in customer's displacement dia-
displacement di- Modbus TCP
animation software CSV file gram in the PLC
agram data packets

Fig. 3 Data flow diagram in the creating of displacement diagram

Polynomial 0 Polynomial 1 …
x1 c00 c01 c02 c03 c04 c05 x2 c10 c11 c12 c13 c14 c15 …

Fig. 4 Transmitted data frame

Implementation of Specific Displacement Diagrams … 381

Fig. 5 Practical demonstration creating of displacement diagram (green stroke, blue motor speed,
red motor shaft torque) (Color figure online)

Consider the already mentioned situation when we want to control the 75 drives.
The displacement diagram has a shape as shown in Fig. 5 and it is replaced by 5
polynomials. If we calculate similar complexity also for other axes, we can estimate
the overall memory demands according to the following relation (9) to the 2625

num: of coeff: ¼ 7  num: of polynomials for displacement diagram

 num: of controlled axes ð9Þ

Although the reduction of memory demands is clear, we cannot objectively

compare these numbers because it is always an approximation of the original
displacement diagrams. Determining when it is a sufficient approximation and when
not is always subjective, especially in this case when the aim is the artistic
impression rather than accuracy.

4 Conclusion

The realization of kinetic sculptures brought completely new requirements for

implementation of displacement diagrams. In place of a simple but strictly defined
displacement diagram, it was necessary to effectively implement complex move-
ments whose purpose is not to create a product, but the artistic impression.
382 P. Dostrašil

At first, the developed method divided the displacement diagram to individual

sections which are replaced by the 5th order polynomial. This approximation is
sufficient to preserve the character of the movement and also very efficient from a
technical perspective. The displacement diagram keeps continuity to the second
derivative (acceleration) and its memory and computational requirements are rel-
atively small.
The practical outcome is a graphical software tool for a rapid assembly of a
displacement diagram based on data from the customer graphical tool. It also
implements a communication library for the direct memory access to control the
system of electronic cams which realized calculation of displacement. Everything
has been practically applied in the implementation of two kinetic sculptures and is
ready for use in other similar systems.


1. Dostrašil, P.: Kinetostatic synthesis of stepping mechanism with a classical and electronic cam.
Liberec 2014. Dissertation, Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Mechatronics,
Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies (2014)
2. Koloc, Z., Václavík, M.: Cam Mechanisms, 1st edn. Elsevier, Amsterdam (1993). ISBN
3. Lasvit: Supernova [online]. [cit. 2016-04-06].
Semi-automatic Transmission in a Car

M. Gašparík, M. Černý, P. Šolek and M. Maták

Abstract Automatic clutch may be seen as the latest achievement of the modern
times, however this is not always the case. The history of automatic and semi-
automatic transmission is as extensive as the history of the car itself. Nowadays
there are many different solutions for clutch control in cars with manual trans-
mission. The clutch control system described in this paper is particularly unique
with very specific properties. There is a similar device to the aforementioned which
allows automatic control of the clutch pedal and is mainly used for physically
disabled drivers. However, this concept has never been selected for mass produc-
tion. Electro-hydraulic cylinder will be connected to the original hydraulic clutch
system without impairing its functionality. This will enable the driver to select the
mode in between the conventional pedal clutch control and an automatic intelligent
clutch control. This article discusses the different measurement methods of input
parameters of the control system and different ways of controlling the clutch
mechanism. The first part of the article is focused on measurement of the force
applied directly to the gear shift stick when shifting gears manually. The subsequent
parts will address the measurement of the gear shift stick position, measuring chain
principle, processing of the measured values and the design of a control unit for
controlling the clutch mechanism.

Keywords Clutch Gearbox Clutch control  Strain gauge  Accelerometer 

Electro-hydraulic cylinder Measuring chain

M. Gašparík (&)  M. Černý  P. Šolek  M. Maták

Technical University of Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Černý
e-mail: [email protected]
P. Šolek
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Maták
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 383

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_52
384 M. Gašparík et al.

1 Introduction

Automatic clutches may seem to be a product of modern times, however this is not
always the case. History of automatic clutches is as wide as history of automobiles
itself. Some of the car manufacturers are moving not only towards automatic
gearboxes but also towards cheaper versions called sequential gearboxes. These are
ordinary manual gearboxes. The only difference is that moves such as controlling
the clutch stick or mechanical clutch are not controlled by humans and are instead
controlled by the control unit with electric motors. This idea of controlling the
manual clutch is used by a number of companies. Those companies are making and
installing the equipment into the cars with manual clutches in order to make cheap
cars available for people with physical disabilities.
Following the aforementioned content about devices allowing the automatic
control over the clutch pedal in cars for people with physical disabilities, this article
will discuss the different measurement methods for the control systems and clutch
mechanisms [1].
Nowadays there are many solutions out there to operate clutch in a vehicle with
manual gearbox. Clutch control system mentioned in this article is unique with
specific properties. Figure 1 shows the connection between electro-hydraulic
cylinder and original hydraulic clutch system without overriding its functionality.
This gives the driver the ability to choose between control of clutch by using pedal
or intelligent clutch control without requiring driver to intervene. The present article
is looking at the development of a measuring system, which could estimate and
determine the position and force action of controlling gearstick for following
control of clutch system. The device will be based on electro-hydraulic cylinder
which will be controlling hydraulic clutch system. Control and display panel,
measuring system and control unit for processing and operation of the whole
process are also critical parts of the system. Block assembly schematics for all
required electronic components can be seen on Fig. 2. In the process of collecting
experimental data, it is necessary to assemble the measuring chain so that the
measured data meet the demands of accuracy and temporal association signal.
A metered chain consists of measuring card NI 9215 accompanied with acceleration

Fig. 1 Hydraulic system.

1 Liquid container, 2 main
clutch cylinder,
3 electromechanic clutch
cylinder, 4 auxiliary clutch
cylinder, a–b parallel
connection to native system
Semi-automatic Transmission in a Car 385

Fig. 2 Electronic system.

1 3 Accelerometer, 2 strain
gauges, 4 clutch pedal,
5 controller,
6 electromechanic clutch
cylinder, 7 engine control
unit, 8 display panel,
9 ECU of clutch system

sensor MMA7361L and unified signal from the strain gauges to measure force. In
addition to this, input/output interface for PID controller and program controller
itself to control the hydraulic cylinder were also designed [2].

2 Design of Measurement System on a Gear Stick

Physical value is a value defined by physical law. Electric measurement of physical

value, in general implements measure chain shown in Fig. 3. Measure chain is
based on two separate parts and those are sensor of measured value, which is in
direct contact with measured object and device to process electric signal.

2.1 Measuring the Force Exerted on the Gear Stick

Resistive sensor converts the measured value to change the electrical resistance. Its
main advantage is the ease of transformation. The electrical resistance increases by
the prolongation of the metal wire. Magnitude of the change depends on the
geometry size and material properties. This phenomenon is used for resistive strain
gauge [3]. Input power on the gear stick is the human hand. It influences many
factors when choosing the right method of measuring the power load on the gear
stick. The gear stick has seven different positions, causing different values of
operating uniaxial strength. The arrangement of the gears of the letter H indicates
that it is sufficient to measure the force required for changing gear in one direction.

Fig. 3 Block schematics of measuring chain

386 M. Gašparík et al.

For measuring on the gear stick, it will be used the special Wheatstone-bridge
assembly for measuring the deformation clamped beam. This connection is used for
the measurement of small loads. This is a simple cantilevered beam with four strain
gauges in which the two are fixed to the upper surface of the beam and two on the
lower surface of the beam. All four strain gauges are parallel to the axis of the
beam. Given that the change in resistance of strain gauge is very small and therefore
it has small change in voltage, voltage signal must be amplified. It is more con-
venient to measure the change in voltage with differential amplifier. It is possible to
use any operational amplifier. To accurately measure it is recommended to use an
integrated circuit INA122 displayed in Fig. 4. The advantage of such devices is that
they have the necessary components and filter built directly inside the circuit. Small
integration ensures little interference from the environment and increases accuracy.
In the mentioned circuit, it is simple to alter its amplification with resistor R1 and
set offset with resistor splitter R2 and R3. This way, the output signal transforms
into a voltage signal between 0 and 5 V, with a median 2.5 V which determines idle
Omega strain gauges will be used on the gear stick, which are originally attached
to a custom aluminum profile. The principle of operation as well as the measuring
member is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 4 INA122U circuit


Fig. 5 Test design of

measurement system. 1 Force
created by operators hand, 2
gear stick attachment, 3
accelerometer, 4 idle state
setting screw, 5 crumple
element, 6 signal adjustment,
7 a, b strain gauges
Semi-automatic Transmission in a Car 387

Fig. 6 Graphical view of

layout of the gravitation force
on gear stick

Fig. 7 Description of the

measurement chain in
practice. 1 Energy source,
2 force and acceleration
sensor, 3 signal processing,
4 analog measurement card,
5 PC-data evaluation

2.2 Measuring the Gear Stick Acceleration

For easy determination of the position of the gear stick, two accelerometers are
used. Their property of measuring direction of gravitational force in idle state will
be used. The first accelerometer is attached to the body of the car and the car will
measure acceleration in three axes. The second accelerometer is mounted on the
gear stick to measure its acceleration. A simple comparison of the measured values
and subsequent subtraction shows precise acceleration of the gearstick in an uneven
movement of the car. The gear stick trajectory describes letter H. In the neutral
position, the gravitational force is parallel to the axis of the accelerometer and
therefore the value of the X and Y axes are zero. In other positions of the gear lever,
R, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the force of gravity is distributed among the x, y, z axis. Processing
and comparison of these values determines exact position of the gear stick by
application program. Figure 6 is the visual layout of gravity force in two axes of N,
3 and 4 gears. When the selected gear is 1, 2, 5, R, the power is distributed to the
third component y. Figure 7 shows the entire measurement system that is equipped
on a gear stick.

2.3 Evaluation Method of Measured Data

The chosen application program for evaluation of measured data is LabView. Given
that programing environment is very intuitive, it was easy to experiment with
measured data. In order to visibly interpolate the measures, all four analog inputs
were adjusted with simple filters [4].
388 M. Gašparík et al.

Fig. 8 Gear stick position in

the coordinate system x, y

Fig. 9 Graphical illustration

of power when shifting gears

Measured data were saved to.txt file, from where the measured characteristics
have been drawn. The following graphs—Figs. 8 and 9—are the expected objec-
tives of this measurement. They interpret the force action of a human hand on a gear
stick and also gear stick position in gear units.

3 Conclusions

The present article is a contribution towards improved understanding of power

interactions when shifting gears in the car. It explains a proposal for design of the
measuring system of a device, which is able to measure the effects of power and
acceleration of human hand on gear stick in its linear movement. Simultaneously, it
critically assesses the numerous issues raised when processing and evaluating the
measured data collected from different types of sensors.


1. Minh, V.T., Rashid, A.A.: Automatic control of clutches and simulations for parallel hybrid
vehicles. Int. J. Aut. Technol. 13(4), 645–651 (2012)
2. Wang, X., Xie, X., Wu, X., Yu, T.: Precise position tracking control based on adaptive neuron
PID algorithm for automatic clutch driven by DC motor. In: IEEE Vehicle Power and
Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Harbin, China, 3–5 Sept 2008
Semi-automatic Transmission in a Car 389

3. Klement, J., Plánička, F., Vlk, M.: Modelová podobnosť, elektrická oporová tenzometrie,
experimentální určování zbytkový chnapětí, vyhodnoceníe xperimentálně získaných dat.
Fakulta aplikovaných věd, Plzeň (2004)
4. Klementev, I., Kyška, R.: Elektrické meranie mechani kých veličín. Alfa, Bratislava (1990)
Improvement of Dynamic Characteristics
of the Car in the Light of Technological

F. Palčák

Abstract The Member States of European Union are required to enact the
Vibration Directive [4] into national legislation. This paper describes the devel-
opment of car technology aiming to reduce the impact of unwanted forced vibration
on a change of position of the chassis when car is passing over bumpy road. It is
about the transition from the preset (passive) mechanical suspension to the adaptive
(active) mechatronical suspension. The new breakthrough solution without com-
promises uses the rules, procedures and tools of the TRIZ approach. Adaptive car
provides the best ride comfort and driving safety at the same time.

Keywords Dynamics  Ride comfort  Driving safety  TRIZ approach

1 Effect of Vibration on the Car Driver

Despite constant improvements to passenger and commercial vehicles, the number

of accidents caused by driver drowsiness is increasing, even though the requirement
for enforced resting time has been complied with. The reason that the driver gets
tired while driving and while waiting at the border with the engine idling may also
be that the low-frequency forced vibration from the road (below 8 Hz) and high
frequency forced vibration of the engine at idle speed (above 20 Hz) acts on him
If forced vibration were located in the spectrum of natural frequencies of the
internal organs (eyes 20–25 Hz, stomach: 3–8 Hz,…), even though the driver is
unaware of the internal organs attempt to reduce their amplitudes, a few hours of
vibration exposure results in fatigue and a reduction of the driver’s attention suf-
ficient enough to cause a crash. The driver is most sensitive to vibration in the band
4–8 Hz, therefore, an essential requirement for car dynamic characteristics in terms
of ride comfort is that vibration frequency should be outside this area.

F. Palčák (&)
Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 391

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_53
392 F. Palčák

Vertical ride comfort describes the ability of the vehicle to absorb road excitation
so, that car body vibration is minimized. The basic evaluation measure for ride
comfort criteria in ISO 2631 [1] is the root-mean-square value RMSðaw Þ of
weighted acceleration aw :
u N
u1 X
RMSðaw Þ ¼ t a2 ð nÞ ð1Þ
N 1 w

where N denotes the total length of the signal of segments n,

a2w ¼ ki2 a2wi ð2Þ

ki is the weighting factor for different position

awi ¼ t /i ðxÞdx ð3Þ


/i ¼ Ci2 Wi2 ðxÞjHi ðxÞj2 Gu ðxÞ ð4Þ

is modified PSD, C is the factor for the stochastic excitation, Wi is frequency

weighting function, Hi is the transfer function from the tire patch to the i position
and Gu is the power spectral density of the excitation from the road. The accepted
ride comfort has a value RMSðaw Þ\0:315 m/s2 according to British Standard
(BS) 6841. In the Fig. 1a the ride comfort is denoted as normalized body accel-
eration A ¼ aw =g.
Driving safety, denoted on Fig. 1b as B ¼ FzD =FzS , depends on the normalized
tire load variation is FzD =FzS , where FzD is dynamic normal tire force, and FzS is
static tire force. The normal tire force FzD is calculated using the formula:
FzD ¼ mwh g þ c lf uy  uz þ d lf u_ y  u_ z ð5Þ

where mwh is the wheel mass, g is the acceleration of gravity, lf is the distance from
the center of mass to the front axle, c is the suspension spring constant, and d is the
suspension damping constant, uz , resp. u_ z is the vertical displacement, resp. velocity
of the center of gravity of the car body, uy is pitch angle and u_ y is pitch angular
velocity (Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5).
The driver is most sensitive in the bandwidth 1–2 Hz (eigenfrequency of car
body-sprung mass) and about 6–8 Hz (eigenfrequency of wheel
suspension-unsprung mass), so this low ride comfort is in contradiction with high
Improvement of Dynamic Characteristics of the Car in the Light … 393

Fig. 1 Target conflict between ride comfort A and driving safety B for a passive suspension, and
for b active suspension

Fig. 2 PSD of the

normalized tire load

Fig. 3 The two mass passive

394 F. Palčák

Fig. 4 Vertical vibration

exposure curve

Fig. 5 Car frequency

response function

driving safety due to the highest values of PSD of normal tire force [2]. Peaks in
frequency response PSD of normal tire force are unwanted, because they cause
discomfort to the driver. The damping of the main shock-absorber has the main
influence on the ride comfort (70 %), while for driving safety the tire stiffness is
actually the most sensitive parameter (70 %) [3].
Vehicle suspension system performance is typically rated by its ability to pro-
vide improved road handling (driving safety) and improved passenger ride comfort.
The fixed setting of passive suspension properties is always a compromise between
ride comfort and driving safety for given road conditions on the one hand and
payload suspension parameters on the other. When developers attempt to improve
car driving comfort (A) so that no sudden changes in the position of the car body
(under minimum acceleration), this deteriorate driving safety (B) in the form of
undesirable jumps of the wheels. Thus arose the concept of family car that has good
ride comfort (AD) on Fig. 1a, but bad driving safety (BZ) and sports car that has
good driving safety (BD), because it maintains the wheels in constant contact with
the road (without jumps), but it has poor ride comfort (AZ).
The only possible solution for improving the dynamic properties of a car has
long been regarded the optimization, but it results in compromise: either optimal
family car (AO), or optimal sports car (BO). The main objective of suspension
systems is to reduce movement of the car body (sprung mass). Then the challenge
for breakthrough perfectioning of driving performance of a car is to overcome the
Improvement of Dynamic Characteristics of the Car in the Light … 395

contradiction (opposing ride comfort and driving safety) and to achieve the best
possible ride comfort and driving safety (AP ≡ BP) in Fig. 1b simultaneously.

2 Laws and Procedures of the TRIZ Approach

The acronym TRIZ means Theory of the resolution of invention-related tasks.

Altshuller developed the TRIZ approach after study of patterns of invention in the
global patent literature [4], and today a lot of problem-solving, analysis and fore-
casting tools is derived from it. An important mission of the TRIZ approach is to
reveal patterns of evolution expressed on the Law of least action. Thus, everything
in nature has an innate desire to get as close to the unreachable goal, which is
perfect efficiency as a result of perfect purposefulness and perfect economy (Fig. 6).
TRIZ approach allows to drive the problem solving process with higher effec-
tiveness and efficiency, because of its logic oriented towards the overcoming of
conflicts rather than accepting trade‐offs among requirements. In the TRIZ approach
the essence of the generic steps (need, benefits, procedure, and use) for systematic
perfection of creations is to recognize and remove contradictions:
– The managerial-administrative contradiction on the level of intention for a
change: the director will invite developers to enhance the driving characteristics
of the car to be successful in the market. This is contradiction between the
requirements to improve the car and the absence of the conditions to do so (need
to identify the targets, acquire knowledge of the process and ensure proper
resources). The principle for overcoming the managerial-administrative con-
tradiction is to seek out and remove the global-technical contradiction.
– The global-technical contradiction on the system level of creation is the
conflicting relationship between the features of the parts of the whole creation
when improving one part (driving comfort A on the level of car body) worsens

Fig. 6 The value of creations

is a measure of cost
effectiveness for the
fulfillment of their function
396 F. Palčák

Fig. 7 The individual steps for breakthrough improvement of car suspension

the second part (driving safety B on the level of wheel). The overall principle for
overcoming global contradiction is to search and remove the local-physical
contradiction when one part satisfies conflicting properties simultaneously.
– The local-physical contradiction on the single part level: the suspension of the
car body has to ensure zero change in the force transmitted to the car body for its
desirable zero heave, and at the same time to ensure non-zero change in the
force which pushes the wheel onto the road. Then the car provides the best
possible ride comfort and driving safety (AP ≡ BP) on Fig. 1b simultaneously.
An expert on cars, who works without knowledge of the TRIZ approach, uses
only his area of knowledge, therefore he tries to remove a local conflict through
new resources (additional equipment to produce force). The result is of high value
but high costs (Fig. 6) Magic Body Control system [5] with a camera which scans
irregularities of the road ahead. Then the Active Body Control system uses a
hydraulic piston to act on each steel coil spring to quickly and independently adjust
the suspension on each wheel and provide the best possible ride comfort and
driving safety (AP ≡ BP) on Fig. 1b simultaneously. The Master of the TRIZ
approach has the mission to guide the car expert how to intentionally search for
initiatives in successful patents from all areas of knowledge and warns that the
removal of local conflict has to be to take advantage of local resources (drive and
braking torque) which makes it possible to achieve high value at low cost (Fig. 6).
Figure 7 shows the transition from preset (passive) features of a mechanical
suspension to a hydraulic suspension with self-adaptable change of a magneto
rheological fluid properties, to a hydro-pneumatic suspension, to the adaptable
(active) suspension with electronic management of features, toward the recent
removal of unwanted movements of the car body (vertical heave, yaw, roll and
pitch) for desirable ride comfort by quick control of the drive and braking torque
acting on the wheel motors (LEAF [6]) and ensuring necessary wheel load

3 Conclusions

The example of the use of the TRIZ approach for improving the dynamic of the car
in this paper explains why successful universities and companies have already
integrated Computer Aided Innovation (CAI) based on the TRIZ approach into
education and research. The benefit of the TRIZ approach is that it leads to the
Improvement of Dynamic Characteristics of the Car in the Light … 397

creation a necessary interdisciplinary overview, and to better systemization and

exploitation of existing knowledge. The cooperation of company experts with
Masters of the TRIZ approach results in a breakthrough and patentable innovations.

Acknowledgments This work was written within the objectives of the Civic Association TRIZ
SK ( thanks to the support of the company SOVA Digital, Inc., Bratislava.


1. Mechanical vibration and shock—evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration—Part

1: general requirements, ISO 2631, Directive EU 2002/44/EC—vibration (1997)
2. Strandemar, K.: On Objective Measures for Ride Comfort Evaluation, Royal Institute of
Technology (KTH), ISSN 1404-2150, Sweden (2005)
3. Kvasnička, P., Palčák, F.: Optimization of the suspension damper on a quarter car model using
ride comfort criteria in a multiobjective function, Strojnícky čas. 55(2), 15 (2004)
4. Altshuller, G.S.: 40 Principles: TRIZ Keys to Technical Innovation. Translated by Lev Shulyak,
Technical Innovation Center, Worcester, MA (1998)
and (2013)
Rotary Table Machine Input Parameters

A. Richter and J. Ondrášek

Abstract This paper deals with a mechatronic model of a rotary table machine. An
ideal course of movement of the carousel plate during the working cycle is obtained
by modification of the input parameters of the servo drive. The simulation also
shows power and torque demands and bearing loading.

Keywords Rotary table machine  Mechatronic system  Optimization  Axial


1 Introduction

Growing demands on the production efficiency require very fast and precise
machines. In our case, a demand for a rotary table machine (Fig. 1.) with an accuracy
of 40 µm and a positioning time 0.5 s. Diameter of the table is 1000 mm and total
moment of inertia is 100 kg m2. For such a short positioning time, there is a problem
how to determine a proper drive with a suitable control to avoid residual oscillation
at the end of the cycle.
The carousel machine serves as a base of a multifunction machine tool. On the
carousel plate, 16 beds for clamping workpieces are symmetrically distributed.
Within 0.5 s the carousel moves to the exact position (rotation by 22.5°). Then
follows a 0.5 s milling period, during which the carousel is stationary. The total
cycle of the machine is 1 s. What is important is the positioning accuracy in
establishing the plate before machining.

A. Richter (&)  J. Ondrášek

VÚTS, a.s., Liberec, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Ondrášek
e-mail: [email protected]

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017 399

J. Beran et al. (eds.), Advances in Mechanism Design II,
Mechanisms and Machine Science 44, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44087-3_54
400 A. Richter and J. Ondrášek

Fig. 1 Model of rotary table machine

2 Design of the Rotary Table Machine

From many design proposals, a variant was chosen that meets the criteria of high
precision and short times—a cam mechanism.
The first estimates and calculations were based on the required parameters of the
machine combined with the knowledge and experience of the designer with the
problem. From the parameters affecting the dynamic properties of the system, the
ideal gear and demands on the drive were determined using preliminary (no contact,
no elastic links) calculations.
In order to ensure the accuracy of operation and programmable control, a ser-
vomotor was chosen. The motor drives the axial cam by a backlash free reduction
belt gear. The cam rotates the carousel plate also with a reduction gear. When the
theoretical ideal running, the dependencies of rotation (motor, cam, plate) are as
follows: uM ¼ 1:25uC ¼ 40uP . Angular velocity is ω, acceleration is α (Fig. 1).
The main problem of the design was to correctly calculate and model the axial
cam (Fig. 2). For the calculation, relations for the production coordinates [1] were
used. The size of the axial cam was determined according to the static load and the
stress-strain analysis (outer diameter 140 mm, length 326 mm, diameter of the
rollers 30 mm). The resulting data, i.e. the coordinates of the points of the curves x,
y, z were transferred into the SOLIDWORKS design program and a 3D model of
Rotary Table Machine Input Parameters Optimization 401

Fig. 2 Cam model, calculated (grey), designed (black)

the axial cam was modeled, as well as that of the carousel. The entire structure of
the carousel machine was sufficiently dimensionally stiffened and strengthened for
long durability.

3 Mechatronic Model

When creating a mechatronic model, design data from the SOLIDWORKS program
were used and converted into MSC.ADAMS through a neutral format. Static
members and assemblies that do not affect the dynamic properties of the system
were neglected and excluded from the model. An elastic belt as well as friction in
the main bearing were considered in the simulation of the contact between the axial
cam and the rollers.

3.1 Mathematical Model of Drive

The scheme of a 3-phase motor comprises 3 identical subsystems whose effect is

determined by a relative rotation by an electric angle of 2p=3. The basic voltage
equations supplemented by the interaction of the adjacent coils by mutual equally
sized inductances M for each winding are, see [2, 3]:
diU diV diW
uU ¼ UEU þ Rs iU þ Ls þM þ ;
dt dt dt
diV diU diW
uV ¼ UEV þ Rs iV þ Ls þM þ ; ð1Þ
dt dt dt
diW diU diV
uW ¼ UEW þ Rs iW þ Ls þM þ
dt dt dt
402 A. Richter and J. Ondrášek

where Ls is leakage inductance of the stator winding, i is the current and Rs

expresses the resistance of one phase of the stator winding. The Eq. (2) for internal
induced voltage UEt of each coil with respect to the relative position of stator and
rotor, which is expressed by an electrical angle θ are:
2 4
UEU ¼ KE x0 sin h; UEV ¼ KE x0 sin h þ p ; UEW ¼ KE x0 sin h þ p ð2Þ
3 3

where KE is the voltage constant of one coil of the motor and it is the same for all
three coils. The relation between the electrical angular velocity x0 —rotational
speed of magnetic field of the stator and mechanical angular velocity ω—rotational
speed of the motor rotor is given by the equation:

x ¼ x0 =pp ð3Þ

in which pp indicates the number of pole pairs of the electromotor. Electrical angle
θ is bound to mechanical angle φ by the number of pole pairs pp by the equation:
u ¼ h=pp , which is based on the integration time of the dependence (3) of
mechanical speed ω on the angular frequency of supply voltage x0 . The expression
for the resulting electromagnetic torque MElMg is:
2 4
MElMg ¼ KM iU sin h þ iV sin h þ p þ iW sin h þ p ; ð4Þ
3 3

where KM represents the torque constant of one coil of the motor and it is the same
for all three coils. The mathematical model of the synchronous servomotor is
defined on the basis of Eqs. (1)–(4).

3.2 Controlled Mechanical System

In the vector control of this electromotor type, the cascade arrangement of the
control circuit with three hierarchically arranged feedbacks: current, speed and
positional, is almost exclusively used, see Fig. 3. Holding of the required value of
position u , angular velocity x and current i is ensured by PID linear controllers.
The control of the output quantity is done by the sum of the proportional, integral
and derivative components of the controller. The relation between the output
quantity—action (control) quantity uðtÞ and the input quantity—control deviation
eðtÞ is defined by the equation:
0 1
1 deðtÞA
uð t Þ ¼ K @ e ð t Þ þ eðsÞds þ Td ; eðtÞ ¼ wðtÞ  yðtÞ: ð5Þ
Ti dt
Rotary Table Machine Input Parameters Optimization 403

Fig. 3 Block diagram of cascade control loop with controllers

The proportional component of the PID controller is equal to K, the integral one
is equal to the ratio K=Ti and the derivative one is equal to the product K  Td .
Constant Ti expresses the integral time constant of the controller and Td the
derivative time constant. The control deviation eðtÞ is given by the difference
between the desired quantity ðwðtÞ  u ; x ; i Þ and the actual output from the
system—controlled quantity ðyðtÞ  u; x; i).
The Ziegler-Nichols experimental method was used for setting individual con-
stants of the regulators, see, e.g. [4].

4 Input Parameters Optimization

To control the position of rotation of the carousel, the following motion functions
were used: cycloidal, parabolic and fifth degree polynomial. Each of the control
functions has its advantages and disadvantages. In terms of the smallest demands on
starting torque, the best function is parabolic. However, it has the lowest positional
accuracy and requires higher engine output. It is preferable to use the fifth degree
polynomial. It has the lowest demands on engine performance and enables the
carousel positioning most accurately in the given time.
By default, the parameters of the regulator caused a carousel deviation of
0.2 mm from the correct position. It was insufficient. By tuning the proportional
component of the PID regulator (i.e. gradually increasing its value), a significantly
higher accuracy was achieved, but at the cost of larger oscillations of the system.
Eventually, a positional deviation of up to 0.01 mm with acceptable oscillations
was attained (Fig. 4).
404 A. Richter and J. Ondrášek

Carousel Plate Position Error

0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5

-0,02 Cycloidal
Fifth degree polynomial
Time [s]

Fig. 4 Carousel plate position error versus time

Table 1 Power parameters of the drive

Control function Driving torque (Nm) Input power (kW)
Cycloidal 41 1.9
Fifth degree polynomial 38 1.6
Parabolic 30 2.0

Demands on the maximum torque and drive performance according to the

individual starting functions are shown in Table 1. The SGMGV-44A engine from
the manufacturer Yaskawa was chosen based on these results [5]. The simulation
also showed the load on the bearings. The highest load was 2500 N in the axial
direction and 1600 N in the radial direction.

5 Conclusions

A mechatronic model of a carousel machine with its control was created. Due to a
proper setting of parameters of the controller and choosing the appropriate control
function, the specified requirements for the machine cycle and its accuracy can be
met. According to the simulation of required the drive maximum torque and power,
a suitable servomotor was chosen. An appropriate bearing was chosen based on the
calculated load of the bearings.
Rotary Table Machine Input Parameters Optimization 405


1. Koloc, Z., Václavík, M.: Cam Mechanisms, Elsevier, ISBN 0-444-98664-2 (1993)
2. Souček, P.: Servomechanismy ve výrobních strojích, Vydavatelství ČVUT, ISBN 80-01-
02902-6, Praha
3. Bimal, B.K.: Modern power electronics and AC drives, Prentice-Hall, Inc. ISBN 0-13-016743-6
4. Åström, J.K., Murray, M.R.: Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers,*murray/FBSwiki

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