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The rules apply to all employees working PT. Iam Smart Generation, in order to carry out the
functions / tasks / operations optimally positions, and the creation of a working environment that is
safe, orderly and organized in this company. This is in accordance with the statutory provisions in
force in Indonesia Every employee is obliged to comply with applicable regulations and did his best
to avoid actions or behavior that is contrary to the rules of work at the company.

1. Working hours in the company is at least 40 hours of work per week in accordance with the
Decree of the Minister of Manpower No.. 102/VI/2004. Normal working hours for employees is 5
(five) working days Monday - Friday, 09:00 to 18:00 pm. The break is at 14-00 - 15:00 pm.
2. Every employee must be present and working at a predetermined time schedule works.
3. Ignoring liability for work hours is considered to be absent or on leave, except if there is an
explanation like illness (doctor's note), business travel, and others.
4. Calculation of attendance can be the basis for assessing the performance of the employee
concerned, money order, and for the application of administrative sanctions where necessary.
5. Money order given if the employee within 1 week of entry in accordance with a specified
schedule and the employee only if the first time does not correspond to the working hours, the
money order is not granted. The amount of money order will be agreed between the employee and
the employer.
6. Delays for work up to 30 (thirty) minutes and arrive late or more than three (3) times in one (1)
month of violating the order, and will receive administrative sanctions unless it has notified and
received permission from the immediate supervisor.
7. Absence without notification will be penalized Administration.

Public order
1. Each employee shall comply with the provisions of the Employment Agreement, Regulation of the
company, this work discipline, and its implementation regulations.
2. Each employee shall comply with the orders of her superiors, insofar as the order is given to the
3. Every employee must carry out their duties as best as possible, and with full responsibility.
4. Every employee is expected to look neat, well-maintained and wearing clothes that showed
professional working attitude.
5. Mandatory maintaining order, cleanliness and tidiness in the Company.
6. Every employee shall behave good and polite, according to the general manners association.
7. Every employee are required to respect and appreciate each and every guest company.
8. Prohibited to use or manipulate the Company's facilities for personal interests or interests of
other groups outside the Company.
9. Any information regarding the internal activities of the Company can be found on the bulletin

1. Every employee shall be smoothed and secured his place before leaving the workplace.
2. Every employee is responsible for working equipment used.
3. Employees are not allowed to carry, move, and lends corporate documents and tools equipment
work without authorized permission.
4. Every employee must follow and adhere to the overall guidelines and work instructions given by
his supervisor or the head of the authority to give directions or instructions the work
5. Every employee is not allowed to accept or perform other work in the official working hours.

1. Every employee is required to report changes relating to personal data to the company. The data
are, among others;
a. Change of residential address
b. Changes in family structure
c. Changes in family status
d. And Others
2. Reports these changes must be submitted to HR no later than 1 (one) month after the change
occurs. Omission or delay to report such changes may lead to the employee concerned shall be
liable to cancellation of the rights associated with such changes.
3. When an employee is required to make a report, then he should make a true statement. Creating
reports with intentionally incorrect data, or falsified, regarded as the act of manipulation can be
4. Workers must keep confidential company documents and safety, which is entrusted to him.


1. Confidential Company, the Company shall mean the secret is all the information either in the form
of data, documents, images, or other matters relating to the Company, which should not be notified
to parties who are not entitled to know, based on safety considerations Company, a competitor
effort or because of considerations of propriety (ethical).
2. Secrets of Job, What is meant by a secret is a secret office of the Company that are known by an
employee because of his position or because of his job.
3. Workers shall keep confidential the Company, and when he occupied a position, he or she must
keep secret office bears. Divulge company secrets or confidential positions is an offense which can
be penalized.


Oral Warning
In the event of poor performance or minor violations of the rules in force, the employee will be
reprimanded and advised by the head or authorized corporate officer must show evidence of a
shortage of employees concerned and ask the employee to make improvements for the shortage.

Written Warning
In cases of more serious offenses against the regulations or unsatisfactory work performance of an
employee continues, companies are required to issue a warning letter. The warning letter should be
detailed load short-staffed through the following steps:
First Warning Letter
Issued by the company for the employees concerned and is valid for 6 (six) months from the date

Second Warning Letter

Issued if the employee concerned after receiving the first warning letter still failed to correct
deficiencies, and or conduct violations or rules and regulations of other companies in the enactment
of the First Warning Letter. Second Warning Letter issued and valid for 6 (six) months from the date

Third Warning Letter

Issued if no improvement is achieved by the employee after receiving and Second Warning Letter,
and or conduct violations or rules and regulations in the life of the Company's Second Warning
Letter. Third Warning Letter must be approved by the CEO and shall be valid for 6 (six) months from
the date of issuance. When the Third Warning Letter is still no improvement of the employee in
question, then the Termination action may be taken by the PT. Iam Smart Generation.

Termination of Employment
Companies can conduct Termination employee who committed serious violations. As below;
1. Doing theft / embezzlement.
2. Doing persecution of family or fellow employees.
3. Invite co-workers to do something that violates the law or committing crimes
4. Damaging intentionally or due to carelessness of the Company so that the Company suffered a
5. Hangover, gambling and fighting in the workplace;
6. Insulting rough or threaten boss, other employees or co-workers.
7. Dismantling / unlock the secrets of the Company.

            Defined in Surabaya
            Dated June 1, 2014

            Noor Dewansyah Hamidy


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