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Abuno National High School


March 17-19, 2023

(In circle Formation)

Chief Trainer/ Camp Director together with the Asst. Camp Director to light the fire

“As the flames point upward, So be our aims,

As the red logs glow, so be our endeavors
As the good fire warms and circles
So may our ideas warm the world?”

Campfire Songs (Round Songs)

Campfire Opening
Come, come light up the fire,
Come, come join in the ring
Here find dreams to inspire,
Stories to tell, music to sing

Campfire’s Burning
Camp’s burning (2X)
Draw nearer, draw nearer
In the gloaming, in the gloaming
Come sing and be merry.
Oh How lovely Is the Evening
Oh, How lovely is the evening, is the evening
When the bells are swiftly ringing, swiftly ringing
Dingdong (4X)

Kumbaya My Lord
Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya (3x) Oh Lord, Kumbaya
Someone’s singing Lord, Kumbaya (3x) Oh Lord, Kumbaya
Someone’s praying Lord, Kumbaya (3x) Oh Lord, Kumbaya
Someone’s sleeping Lord, Kumbaya (3x) Oh Lord, Kumbaya

Day is done, gone the sun
From the sea, from the hills
From the sky
All is well, safely rest
God is nigh.

Closing Prayer
May the Great Spirit
In the future, as in the past
Be in our hearts
As in our prayer.

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