MAPEH 7 Badminton

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COURT – although courts can be set outdoors, competitive badminton is generally played indoor
where the wind and other elements will not affect the shuttle. The official badminton court is 20 ft.
wide, while the singles court is17 ft. wide.
DUAL SPORTS is a type of sports that are played by two people playing against each other.

BADMINTON is a racket sport played by two opposing players using rackets to hit a shuttlecock
across a net, it can be played in singles or doubles game.

Objective of the game:

To hit the shuttlecock across the net and let opponent fail to return it.

Badminton was originally developed in India known as “Poona”. The British army officers
sheltered and present at that time it was played. When they saw the game, they became to love
it. When british officers returned home in 1875 they introduced the game to guests at Duke of
Beaufort's Badminton House in Gloucestershire, where a grand buffet was served. They saw how
interesting and fun the game was, and they changed the name to BADMINTON. It became an official
sport, and they FIRST open badminton tournament held at Guildford, England in 1898. Then
FIRST All England Badminton Championships was held the following year.


4. POST – should stand 1.55m (5 ft. 1 in) in height from the surface of the court. They must be placed
on the double’s sidelines. For singles as well as for doubles, they must also be firm to take the
1. RACKET – is quite light and can be made of wood,
necessary tension when the net Is strained across to its full height. There should be no gap between
aluminum, metal or synthetic materials such as
the post and the net through which a shuttle could pass. This can be ensured by the use of hooks
graphite or carbon. Asynthetic racket is quite
down the inside of the ports and a draw-cord along the bottom of the net.
popular now because of its extreme lightness and
strength.A badminton racket weighs roughly 98-
100 grams (3 ½ oz), and is 68 cm. in length.

2. SHUTTLECOCK – Is the official name given to

the shuttle or bird. It is made up of 16 goose
feathers and is firmly fixed in a leather covered
cockhead. It weights from 4.74 – 5.50g (75-
85grains) it may be made of feathers, plastic or 5. NET – At all times this should be strained tightly so that its height from the floor is 1.524m(5ft) long,
nylon. should be kept by the umpire’s chair to facilitate regular testing to ensure that the net is still at its
correct central height and has not sagged.
BASIC SKILL IN PLAYING BADMINTON 4. STANCE - While returning strokes from the opponent, the stance is a crucial skill required in
1. GRIP - Like any racquet game, having a proper grip in badminton is essential. The correct grip will badminton. Proper posture will allow you to return the opponent’s strokes efficiently and enable you to
allow you to have more control and will help you dictate where you place your shot. There are get an advantage in rallies.
numerous ways of holding a badminton racket depending on whether your shot is forehand or There are three basic stances in badminton:
backhand.  Defensive stance - You can use the defensive stance to defend opponent’s smashes. To
 Forehand grip: Anything on your racquet side (right side if you’re right-handed, left side if take the defensive posture, face the net with your body and put the racquet at about your
you’re left-handed) whether it be overarm or underarm. waist height. You can also use this stance to perform a high clear since you’ll need to make
 Backhand grip: Anything to your non-racket side (left side if you’re right-handed, right side if a fast, unconscious decision when returning the shot. Using the defensive stance, you could
you’re left-handed) whether it be overarm of underarm. perform a lift to buy some time. This time will help you regain your posture and prepare for
 Universal grip: A type of backhand grip where your thumb has moved to the edge of the the opposing player’s reply. Lifts allow the opponents to send a return smash but this
fatter face of your grip. This is used for backhand cross-court net shots, backhand clears, doesn’t make them an ineffective defensive stroke. By using the lift from a defensive stance,
and backhand straight drop shots from the rear court. you can look for the perfect opportunity to counter-attack your opponent, such as by playing
 Panhandle grip: Where your thumb and the finger pinch the top of the racket in order to a net shot.
tap/net-kill the incoming shuttlecock.\  Attacking stance - will allow you to return a short or high lift from your opponent. To utilize
2. the attacking stance, try to get behind the shuttlecock, raise your arm, and then transfer your
body weight to your racquet leg, and hit the shuttlecock as a smash.
By utilizing the attacking stance, and depending on the opponent’s stroke, you can also
a drop shot. Drop shots can be used when receiving the shuttlecock from the front or back
part of the court.
 Net stance - in badminton is used to return the opponent’s stroke after sending a net shot.
Place your racquet foot forward and your other foot backwards. Place the racquet in front of
your body slightly above your waist for the net stance. One way to get into the net stance is
by first using a tumbling net shot. The tumbling net shot makes the shuttlecock tumble and
spin right above the net and into your opponent’s court. After sending a tumbling net shot,
your body will naturally put itself in the net stance. When you are in the net stance, get ready
to perform a net kill move to an attacking stance to perform a winning smash.

5. STROKE - Strokes are fundamental to becoming a good badminton player and executing superior
SERVE -A good serve is likely to get you points and may give you some advantage during the rally. shots.
There are two types of services used in badminton: There are four basic strokes in badminton:
 High serve is used when you want to force your opponent to run to the back of the court by  Forehand Stroke - Forehand shots should be played when the shuttlecock is on your racket
hitting the shuttlecock toward the rear end of the court (sometimes the corner). A good high side. Your index finger will control the forehand stroke as you swing overarm or underarm.
serve will usually save you from receiving a smash from your opponent. Swing the wrist along with your index finger as support to play a forehand stroke.
 Low serve is used to bring the opponent forward by hitting the shuttlecock toward the front of  Backhand stroke - Backhand shots should be played when the shuttlecock is on your non-
the court. If you managed to send a fabulous low serve, the opponent would have to dash racket side with your thumb controlling the strokes. While playing badminton, your light grip
forward and move under the shuttle to return it. Depending on the quality of the return, you will mean you’ll be able to switch between the forehand and backhand grip at ease. To play
might be able to return the shot with a net kill/smash. a backhand shot, hold the racquet with the back of your hand in front and swing your wrist
forward while using your thumb as support.
3. FOOTWORK - Footwork is another vital skill for badminton.  Overhead stroke - The overhead stroke is prevalent and is used the most times while
You have to continually adjust your speed according to the speed of the shuttlecock. playing the game. Should be played when the shuttlecock goes beyond your position.
The players have limited space to move around, so good footwork is imperative. Requires a lot of power to perform its effectively.
With proper footwork, you will be able to conserve energy and face shots coming toward you from any  Underarm stroke - The underarm forehand badminton stroke is done when an opponent
direction. shoots a drop shot towards you. It is not hard to inject enough power into underarm strokes.
This type of stroke does not need a lot of strength. A gentle swing coupled with the right
technique will be enough to generate a quality shot. A forehand grip is needed for the
underarm forehand stroke.

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