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“Working on Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop

Management System”
Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree
B.E. in Computer Science & Engineering

Adarsh P G 4BD19CS004
Amrutha G S 4BD19CS010
Soumya Arun Joshi 4BD19CS102
Vidya P T 4BD19CS118


Dr. Chetana Prakash Ph.D, Mr. Santosh Navale,
Professor, Program manager,
Department of CS&E, i sans technology,
B.I.E.T., Davanagere Bengaluru

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Davangere- 577004
Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology
Davanagere- 577004

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

This is to certify that Adarsh P G, Amrutha G S, Soumya Arun Joshi and Vidya P T bearing USNs
4BD19CS004, 4BD19CS010, 4BD19CS102 and 4BD19CS118 respectively of Computer Science
and Engineering department have satisfactorily submitted the Internship Project Report entitled
"Working on Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System" in the partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in
Computer Science & Engineering, under the VTU during the academic year 2022-23.


Dr. Chetana Prakash Ph.D.

Dr. Arun Kumar G H Ph.D. Dr. Nirmala C R Ph.D. Dr. H B Arvind Ph.D.
Internship Co-ordinator Head of the Department Principal

External Examination

Name of the Examiners Signature with Date

1. 1.
2. 2.
Bapuji Educational Association (Regd.)

Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere-577004

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Vision and Mission of the Department

To be a center of excellence in imparting state-of-the-art technology in the field of
Computer Science and Engineering education enabling the students to become professionally
sound and ethically strong.


M1 Adapting best teaching and learning techniques that cultivates Questioning and
Reasoning culture among the students.

M2 Creating collaborative learning environment that ignites the critical thinking in students
and leading to the innovation.

M3 Establishing Industry Institute relationship to bridge the skill gap and make them
industry ready and relevant.

M4 Mentoring students to be socially responsible by inculcating ethical and moral values.


The graduates will be able to

PEO1 To apply the skills acquired in the field of computer science and engineering in solving
the societal and industrial problems with technology intervention.
PEO2 To continue their career in industry, academia and to pursue higher studies and
PEO3 To become successful entrepreneurs, innovators and job creators to design and develop
software products and services to meet the societal, technical and business challenges

PEO4 To work in diversified environment by acquiring leadership qualities with strong

Communication skills along with professional and ethical values

PSO1 Analyze and develop solutions for problems that are complex in nature but applying
the knowledge acquired from the core subjects of this program.

PSO2 To develop secure, Scalable, Resilient and distributed applications for industry and
Societal requirements.

PSO3 To learn and apply the concepts and construct of emerging technologies like
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, Big Data Analytics, IOT,
Cloud Computing, etc for any real time problems.

Salutations to our beloved and highly esteemed institute, “BAPUJI INSTITUTE OF

ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY” for having well-qualified staff and labs furnished with
the necessary equipment.

Foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Santosh Navale,
Program manager, isans technology, Bengaluru, for what he has guided and taught us throughout
this journey to carry out the internship project work successfully.

We express our sincere thanks to our guide Dr. Nirmala C R who is also our respected
H.O.D of Department of Computer Science & Engineering for giving us constant encouragement,
support and valuable guidance throughout the course of the project without whose stable guidance
this project would not have been achieved.

We express wholehearted gratitude to our Internship Coordinator Dr. Arun Kumar G

H. We wish to acknowledge him, who made our task easy, by providing with his valuable help and

We also express our whole hearted gratitude to our principal, Dr. H B Aravind for his
moral support and encouragement.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all staff of Department of Computer Science
and Engineering for the help and support rendered to us. We have been benefited a lot from the
feedback, suggestions given by them.

Adarsh P G 4BD19CS004
Amrutha G S 4BD19CS010
Soumya Arun Joshi 4BD19CS102
Vidya P T 4BD19CS118
Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

Internship Certificate
This is to certify that

Adarsh P G
has successfully completed the Internship program on Cloud, AWS and DevOPs from 22 August
2022 to 16 September 2022 and fulfilled the Internship work requirements.

Certificate ID: Int-CAD-2023-0001

September 16, 2022

Santosh Navale
Issued Date
Program Manager
Internship Certificate
This is to certify that

Amrutha G S
has successfully completed the Internship program on Cloud, AWS and DevOPs from 22
August 2022 to 16 September 2022 and fulfilled the Internship work requirements.

Certificate ID: Int-CAD-2023-0001

September 16, 2022

Santosh Navale
Issued Date
Program Manager
Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

Internship Certificate
This is to certify that

Soumya Arun Joshi

has successfully completed the Internship program on Cloud, AWS and DevOPs from 22
August 2022 to 16 September 2022 and fulfilled the Internship work requirements.

Certificate ID: Int-CAD-2023-0001

September 16, 2022

Santosh Navale
Issued Date
Program Manager
Internship Certificate
This is to certify that

Vidya P T
has successfully completed the Internship program on Cloud, AWS and DevOPs from
22 August 2022 to 16 September 2022 and fulfilled the Internship work requirements.

Certificate ID: Int-CAD-2023-0001

September 16, 2022

Santosh Navale
Issued Date
Program Manager
Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

This project report describes the implementation of DevOps practices for a Dairy-Farm-Shop
Management System. The Dairy-Farm-Shop Management deals with the management of milk and
milk products and to create communication between rural area people and dairy management. The
main goal is to develop this application to encourage the dairy industry to go online and tech ready.
It is a software application to maintain day to day transactions in a Dairy Farm Shop. The objective
of this project is to automate the complete operations, make the present manual system more
interactive, speedy and user friendly of the Dairy Farm Shop Management System by implementing
DevOps practices.

Agile is a method of software development that aims to deliver functional software consistently
through brief iterations. Dairy Farm Shop Management System project implemented the agile to
deliver in sprints. Team has collected requirements and created product backlog. Sprint planning has
been done by team, user stories delivered in sprints. Database size estimations and peak operations
size has been identified.

The project involved the creation of a continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline
for the Dairy Farm Shop Management System. The pipeline included various stages such as code
compilation, testing, packaging, and deployment. The pipeline was implemented using popular
DevOps tools such as Git, Jenkins and cypress.

To ensure the quality of the Dairy Farm Shop Management System, several automated tests were
integrated into the pipeline using cypress. These tests included unit tests, integration tests, and
acceptance tests. The pipeline was also configured to trigger automatic builds and deployments
whenever changes were made to the source code repository.

The cloud computing known for on-demand availability of computer system resources, data storage,
and processing power. Virtual instance on AWS is been used to deploy the application.

As a result of this project, the Dairy Farm Shop Management System achieved faster and more
reliable releases, with reduced deployment time and increased productivity. The project
demonstrated the benefits of DevOps practices in improving the software development and
deployment processes.

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Chapter 1: Introduction 01-03

1.1 About the Company

1.2 Agile Methodology

1.3 DevOps

1.4 Cloud Concepts

1.5 AWS Introduction

Chapter 2: Tasks Performed 04-06

2.1 Task Performed in Week 1 and 2
2.2 Task Performed in Week 3 and 4
2.3 Task Performed in Week 5 and 6

Chapter 3: System Requirements 07

3.1 Tools and Technologies Identified

3.1.1 Hardware Requirements

3.1.2 Software Requirements

3.1.3 Tools Identified

Chapter 4: System Design 08

4.1 System Architecture
4.2 Flow Diagram
Chapter 5: Methodology 09-11

5.1 Description of the Project Work

5.2 Steps to be followed

Chapter 6: Results and Discussion 12-14


Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

1.1 About the Company/ Resource Person

iSans Technologies is into software consulting which handles system migration and
maintenance of legacy systems as consultants, Also into data analysis of the systems to create
dash boards using business intelligence tools. It provides a platform for the students that bridge
the gap in the transition phase from academics to workplace.

Santosh Navale is an entrepreneur leader with Twenty plus years of experience in data
analytics, bigdata, development of innovative products and solutions and traditional databases
in Telecom and Financial verticals. He has good knowledge in SDLC, agile & lean
methodologies, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and cloud services. He was
working with Huawei in a technical architect role. He is one of the co-founders of Fresher
Profiles Private Limited; he held director Technology Strategy position. He Holds degrees BE
and MBL (National Law School).

1.2 Agile Methodology

Agile is an iterative method of project management and software development that

supports teams in providing value to their clients more quickly and with less stress. An agile
team produces work in small, digestible increments as opposed to placing all of their eggs in
one massive "big bang" launch. Teams naturally have a method for reacting to change fast
because requirements, plans, and results are regularly evaluated.
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development. The programmers outlined a new
method for developing software in this document, along with 4 essential qualities they felt
should be prioritized over other considerations. As they put it, agile software development
teams should value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

1.3 DevOps

The most effective way to describe DevOps is as a team effort to create, develop, and
quickly deliver secure software. With automation, teamwork, quick feedback, and iterative
improvement, DevOps principles allow software development (dev) and operations (ops)
teams to expedite delivery. A DevOps process builds on the cross-functional strategy of
creating and releasing applications in a quicker and more iterative manner and stems from an
Agile approach to software development.
By choosing to use a DevOps development method, you are deciding to enhance the
functionality and value delivery of your application by fostering a more collaborative
atmosphere across the whole development cycle. A shift in the IT culture may be seen with
DevOps. DevOps places an emphasis on incremental software development and quick product
delivery by building on top of Agile, lean approaches, and systems theory. Success depends on
the capacity to foster an environment of shared accountability for business goals, enhanced
collaboration, empathy, and empathy.

1.4 Cloud Concepts

Cloud Computing is a network of remote servers hosted on the internet for storing and
retrieving data. The cloud provides a number of IT services such as servers, databases, software,
virtual storage, and networking, among others. Companies that offer all the services are called
cloud providers. This allows users to use resources from remote data centers instead of having
them located on their premises.
It also allows businesses to access software and data from remote servers instead of
installin it on their internal systems. This provides many benefits, including increased efficiency
and cost savings. There are two main types of cloud architectures: Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and SaaS (Software as a Service). Infrastructure as a service
(IaaS) is a cloud computing service model by means of which computing resources are supplied
by a cloud services provider. The IaaS vendor provides the storage, network, servers and
virtualization (which mostly refers, in this case, to emulating computer hardware). This service
enable users to free themselves from maintaining an on-premises data center. The IaaS provider
is hosting these resources in either a public cloud (meaning users share the same hardware,
storage, and network devices with other users), private cloud (meaning users do not share these
resources), or hybrid cloud (combination of both).

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System
Platform as a service (PaaS) or platform-based service is a category of cloud computing services
that allows customers to provision, instantiate, run, and manage a modular bundle comprising
a computing platform and one or more applications, without the complexity of building and
maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching the
application(s); and to allow developers to create, develop, and package such software bundles.
Software as a service (SaaS) is a software distribution model in which a cloud provider
hosts applications and makes them available to end users over the internet. In this model, an
Independent Software Vendor (ISV) may contract a third-party cloud provider to host the
application. Or, with larger companies, such as Microsoft, the cloud provider might also be the
software vendor.

1.5 AWS Introduction

Amazon Web Services offers a broad set of global cloud-based products including
compute, storage, databases, analytics, networking, mobile, developer tools, management
tools, IoT, security, and enterprise applications: on-demand, available in seconds, with payas-
you-go pricing.
Few Services are utilized during internship program are listed below
Compute Services
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
Elastic Beanstalk
Storage Services
S3 (Simple Storage Service)
Elastic Block Store
Database Services
Amazon Aurora
Amazon RDS

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System


2.1 Task Performed During Week 1 and 2

Learned about waterfall software lifecycle method

• Understood the requirements of the project "Dairy Farm Shop Management System" and
create a requirement list for waterfall and agile methods

Learned about Agile software lifecycle method

• Understood the requirements of the project " Dairy Farm Shop Management System" and
create a requirement list for agile methods

Learned about creating product backlog with master requirement list

• Understood the " Dairy Farm Shop Management System" requirement and create a product
backlog using the template

Learned about sprint backlog

• Created sprint backlog from product backlog using the same template.

Prepared the story board and Trello

• Created Story board in Trello for sprint handling

Performed sprint planning meeting exercise

• Conducted sprint planning meeting and pickup the stories for sprint 1

User Stories

• Created user stories with acceptance criteria

Standup meeting exercise

• Daily Standup Meeting

Creation of story card in Trello

• Created story cards in Trello in To Do status

Status of cards

• Move the cards to Doing, Done based on progress

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System
Calculate DB size

• Table size and average row size calculation using Mysql commands

2.2 Task Performed During Week 3 and 4

Learned cloud concepts IAAS, PAAS, SAAS

o Ec2 instance specification determination using AWS

DB size and Application hardware and software requirement analysis o

Use Price calculator for EC2 cost estimate

Learned virtualization at platform level o Understood

Creation Of EC2 Virtual machine

AWS EC2 understanding o Creation of EC2 instance with


Understood features Virtual Private cloud

o Assignment of Security groups and VPC to instance

Operating the virtual machines

o Launch of instance and start and stop instance

Connect virtual machine over network

o Connecting to EC2 instance via Remote Desktop

Analyzed Requirements and prepare list o

Understood DevOps requirement flow

o Written a detailed design for all requirements

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System
Understood version control and tool o Created a

github account or use existing

Install GIT

o Download and install Tortoise GIT

o Download"

GIT command execution and understand code commit

o Perform or execute Git bash commands

Creation of repository in GIT

o Create a new repository in github for " Dairy Farm Shop Management System"

Code add and check in

o Add " Dairy Farm Shop Management System" code to repository using Git Bash

2.3 Task Performed During Week 5 and 6

Setup Cloud environment o Install XAMPP in cloud for

production environment

Setup of Local test setup o Install Cypress in local for system

test environment o Install Jenkins in local

System Testing process o Written system Test cases using

test case sheet o Executed all test cases manually

Learned Automation Testing using Cypress o Written

Automation scripts for all test cases o Analyzed
and Submitted the Test Report

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System
Learned Usage of CI and CD (by the following steps) o Create a Freestyle Project
in Jenkins to prepare data base environment o "Create a Freestyle Project
in Jenkins to fetch files from
o git fetch"
o Create a Freestyle Project in Jenkins to copy files to \htdocs folder o Create
a Freestyle Project in Jenkins run cypress automation script

Learned flow of customer change request and implement o

Provided the requirement analysis and Design

Learned customer change request to change in title (performed the following steps)
o Change heading in index.php o Commit and push in Git thru git bash o
Observe the task execution jenkins o Observe the changed Heading in the

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System


3.1 Tools and Technologies Identified

3.1.1 Hardware Requirements

The hardware required for the development of this project is:

• Processor : Intel 5 generation(i3)
• Processor Speed : 2.4 GHz

• RAM Size : 4GB

• Hard Disk Capacity : 250 GB(min)

• System Type : X64-based Processor

3.1.2 Software Requirements

The software required for the development of this project is:
• Operating System : Windows 10(and any other higher version)

• Cloud Computing Service : AWS Cloud services

3.1.3 Tools Identified

• Git
• Jira
• Trello
• VS Code
• Jenkins
• Cypress
• AWS Console

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System



4.1 System Topology

Fig 4.1 System Topology

Figure 4.1 shows the system architecture of the project.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

4.2 Flow Diagram

Fig 4.2: Flow diagram The

figure 4.2 describes the process flow of the project.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

4.3 Schema Diagram

Fig 4.3:Schema diagram

The figure 4.3 describes the database schema of Dairy Farm Shop Management System

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System


5.1 Description of the Project work

The main objective of the project is to know fundamental concepts and can work on Agile
methodology and DevOps frameworks, to gain a broad understanding build cycles.
The project flows as users create multiple projects in Jenkins to fetch the code, build, prepare data
in database, run the automation tests, and deploy the code webserver.

To accomplish this, we have to complete the activities and tasks like Requirement analysis, User
Story creation, and Story board on Trello, Write automation tests in Cypress, create projects in
5.2 Steps to be followed

The following steps are used for each activity under each method:
Method Activities Task Description
Understand the "Dairy Farm Shop
Management System" requirements and
create a
requirement list for waterfall and agile
Understand the " Dairy Farm Shop
Requirement Analysis Management System" requirement and
create a product backlog using the template
Create sprint backlog from product backlog
using the same template.
Waterfall and Agile Create Story board in Trello for sprint
concepts handling

Conduct sprint planning meeting and pickup

the stories for sprint 1

Sprint Preparation, Design and Create user stories with acceptance criteria
Implementation Daily Standup Meeting
Create story cards in Trello in To Do status
Move the cards to Doing, Done based on

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

Table size and average row size calculation

using MySql commands

Ec2 instance specification determination

using AWS price calculator

Understand Creation Of EC2 Virtual machine

Creation of EC2 instance with OS, RAM, CPU
Basic Cloud Concepts Assignment of Security groups and VPC to
AWS Services Introduction
and Implementation instance
Launch of instance and start and stop
Connecting to EC2 instance via Remote

Analyze Requirements and prepare list

Plan phase Write detail design for all requirements

Create a github account or use existing

Download and install Tortoise GIT

code Perform or execute Git bash commands
Version control and
DevOps Concepts and Create a new repository in github for " Dairy
Static Code Check Review
Implementation Farm Shop Management System"
Add " Dairy Farm Shop Management System"
code to repository using Git Bash

Install XAMPP in local for dev and test

Build Install / Check Mysql or MariaDB
Setup Dev, Test Environment Create all tables in DB
Install XAMPP in cloud for production

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Create a Freestyle Project in Jenkins to fetch

Release files from git fetch

Create a Freestyle Project in Jenkins to copy

Deploy files to \htdocs folder
Create a Freestyle Project in Jenkins run
Run Cypress Test cypress automation script
Record the deleted members in
other table Provide the requirement analysis and Design
Change heading in index.php
Customer Request
Commit and push in Git thru git bash
Observe the task execution jenkins
Change the title Observe the changed Heading in the portal
Install Cypress in local for system test
Install Jenkins in local
Write system Test cases using test case sheet
Execute all test cases manually
Write Automation scripts for all test cases
Analyze and Submit the Test Report
Create a Freestyle Project in Jenkins to
Environment Setup
prepare data base environment
Table 5.1: Task and activity Table

5.2.1 Waterfall Method

Sl No. Requirements Description Requirement Priority Responsible

1 ADMIN LOGIN This entity stores GUI, Backend, High Soumya Arun
the information DB Joshi
about admin who
registers and logs
in using his
usernmae and
2 DASHBOARD dashboard to GUI, Backend, High Adarsh P G
display diffrent DB
categories of the

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System
3 SCREEN TO It should contain GUI, Backend, High Adarsh P G
DISPLAY the information DB
CATEGORIES about the
categories like
4 SCREEN TO It should contain GUI, Backend, High Soumya Arun
DISPLAY the information DB Joshi
COMPANY about the
DETAILS company like
5 SCREEN TO It should contain GUI, Backend, High Amrutha G S
DISPLAY the information DB
PRODUCT about the products
DETAILS like company
name ,product
name product
6 SCREEN TO It should contain GUI, Backend, High Vidya P T
DISPLAY the information DB
DETAILS OF about the orders
number ,payment
7 CART PAGE The admin can frontend Medium Vidya P T
add product to the
cart and generate
the invoice.

5.2.2 Agile Method

Sl No. Requirements Description User Acceptence Requirement Priority

Stories Criteria Type
1 ADMIN Provide an As an admin Valuated GUI High
LOGIN interface for the I must be the
users to enter able to enter credentials
userid and into the
password application
by entering
my details
Redirect to System I should be GUI, High
dashboard page should logged in to Backend

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System
validate the the admin
credentials page
and redirect
2 DASHBOARD dashboard to As a admin Deatails of GUI, High
display diffrent I want to see
the Backend
categories of the the different
application categories of
should be
the available in
application the
3 SCREEN TO Allow admin to As a admin Entered GUI High
DISPLAY add categories I must be categorie
CATEGORIES able to add details
categories should be
in the table
It should contain As an admin The details GUI, High
the information I should be of category Backend
about the able to view table
categories like categories of should be
name,code,posting the product available
date. In the
4 SCREEN TO Allow admin to As a admin Accept the GUI High
DISPLAY add companies I must be entered
COMPANY able to add company
DETAILS companies details
It should contain As an admin Details of GUI, High
the information I should be companies Backend
about the able to view should be
company like the displayed
company company in the
name,posting details company
date. table
5 SCREEN TO Allow admin to As a admin Accept the GUI High
DISPLAY add products I must be entered
PRODUCT able to add product
DETAILS products details
Allow admin to As a admin Entered GUI, High
manage the I must be details of Backend
products able to products
manage the should be
products added or

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System
Allow admin to As an admin Products GUI, Medium
search the I must be should be Backend
available products able to available in
search the the
products in database
It should contain As an admin Details of GUI, High
the information I should be products Backend
about the products able to view should be
like company the products displayed
name ,product details in the
name product product
price. table
6 SCREEN TO It should contain As an admin Order table GUI High
DISPLAY the information I want to should be
DETAILS OF about the orders view the displayed at
THE ORDERS like details of one press
quantity,invoice the order
number ,payment
7 CART PAGE Allow admin to As an admin Accept the GUI High
add items to the I want to entered cart
cart add items to details
the cart
Allow admin to As an admin Invoice GUI, High
generate the I want to should be Backend
invoice generate a generated
bill for the at one press
The admin can As an admin Accurate GUI, High
add product to the I want a bill invoice Backend
cart and generate to be should be
the invoice. generated displayed
for every

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

5.2.3 Steps to Create EC2 instance in AWS

1. Visit . Provide all the specified information based on requirements to

determine the price of EC2 instance.
2. Log in to AWS account and go to the EC2 dashboard.
3. Click on the "Launch Instance" button.
4. Select an Windows server from the list provided.
5. Choose an instance type. AWS provides a variety of instance types with varying CPU,
memory, and storage capacities. We select the instance type that best meets our needs.
6. Configure the instance details. Here we can select the number of instances we want to launch,
the VPC and subnet to use, and the security groups to apply to the instance.
7. Add storage. We can specify the size and type of storage to attach to our instance.
8. Configure security groups.
9. Review instance details and launch. Click the "Launch" button.

10. Once our instance is launched, we can access it using Remote Desktop.

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5.2.4 Version Control

Sl Requiremen Responsible Codepath

No ts
1 ADMIN Soumya Arun
LOGIN Joshi ent_System/blob/main/logout.php
2 DASHBO Adarsh P G
ARD ent_System/blob/main/dashboard.php
3 SCREEN Adarsh P G
TO ent_System/blob/main/add-category.php
CATEGO ent_System/blob/main/edit-category.php
4 SCREEN Soumya Arun
TO Joshi ent_System/blob/main/add-company.php
COMPAN ent_System/blob/main/edit-company.php
DETAILS ent_System/blob/main/manage-companies.php
5 SCREEN Amrutha G S
TO ent_System/blob/main/add-product.php
PRODUC ent_System/blob/main/edit-product.php
DETAILS ent_System/blob/main/manage-products.php
6 SCREEN Vidya P T
TO ent_System/blob/main/sales-report-details.php
DETAILS ent_System/blob/main/sales-report-ds.php
7 CART Vidya P T
PAGE ent_System/blob/main/view-invoice.php


5.2.5 Cypress Automated Testing

• Create a new spec file inside e2e folder of CypressAutomation folder.

• Write the test cases in the new spec file.
• Open command prompt and execute “npx cypress open” command.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

• Select E2E testing.

• Select the spec file to run the test cases.
• Verify the results.

5.2.6 Jenkins CI/CD Implementation

1. Job to pull code from github:

• Open Jenkins and create a new item with name “DairyFarmShopManagementSystem” .

Select free style project.
• Go to Source code management and select git. Specify the url for github repository. Edit ther
default branch name to “main”. Save the job.

2. Job to Deploy code into apache server:

• Open Jenkins and create a new item with name “DairyFarmShopManagementSystem

Deploy” . Select free style project.
• Inside build projects select “Build after other projects are built”.
• For „projects to watch‟ select DairyFarmShopManagementSystem‟ job.
• Inside „Build steps‟ select „execute windows batch commands‟ and add below

mkdir C:\xampp\htdocs\files1
copy C:\ProgramData\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\DairyFarmShopManagement\

• Save the job

3. Job to run Automated Testing:

• Open Jenkins and create a new item with name “DairyFarmShopManagementSystem

Test” . Select free style project.
• Inside build projects select “Build after other projects are built”.
• For „projects to watch‟ select „DairyFarmShopManagementSystem Deploy‟ job.
• Inside „Build steps‟ select „execute windows batch commands‟ and add below

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

cd /d E:\CypressAutomation
npx cypress run --browser chrome --spec

• Save the job

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System




Fig 6.1: Jenkins Dash Board

The figure 6.1 shows the free style projects executed on Jenkins dash board.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

Fig 6.2: Automation test results in Cypress

The figure 6.2 shows that execution status of cypress test of the project

Fig 6.3: Story Board on Trello

The figure 6.3 shows story board on trello

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

Fig 6.4: AWS Ec2 Price Calculation

The figure 6.4 price calculation for Ec2 instance is shown

Max size of each row in No of total size required in table in

Table Name rows bytes tables bytes
Admin 5 60 1 300

Category 30 15 1 450

Company 6 190 8 54720

Product 100 140 1 14000

Order 6 190 100 114000

Cart 100 150 1 15000

Total 198470

Fig 6.5: Database size estimation for EC2

The figure 6.4 DB size estimation

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

Fig 6.6: Commits on repository

The figure 6.6 showing commits made by teammates.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

Fig 6.6: Apache and MySQL server

The figure 6.6 showing initialization of apache and mysql server using xampp.

Fig 6.7: Jenkins Dairy Farm Shop Mangement job

The figure 6.7 showing the output for Jenkins job to pull code from github.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

Fig 6.8: Jenkins Dairy Farm Shop Mangement Deploy job

The figure 6.7 showing the output for Jenkins job to put code into xampp-apache server.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System

In this internship task/activity the end to end flow of DevOps process over agile methodology has
been implemented through a DBMS application with PHP. We are able to know fundamental
concepts and can work on DevOPs, gain a detail understanding of CI and CD concepts. We are
able to know fundamental concepts and can work on cloud concepts, gain a broad understanding
of important AWS services.

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Cloud, AWS and DevOps with Dairy Farm Shop Management System



Text books:
• DevOps for Beginners – Joseph Joyner
• Effective DevOps with AWS: Implement continuous delivery and integration in the AWS environment, 2nd
Edition – Yogesh Raheja
• Modern DevOps Practices: Implement and secure DevOps in the public cloud with cutting-edge tools, tips,
tricks, and techniques – Gaurav Agarwal

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