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Good health

1 Label the picture with body

parts. The first letters are given. 2 Complete the sentences with the
missing words. There is one space
for each missing letter. The first
0 forehead
two letters are given.
0 After getting hit in the face with a
ball, I’m afraid I will ha v e a
black eye.
1 I have a br_ _ _ _ on my hand
because I hit it with a hammer.

2 It is common for runners to sp _

___ an ankle while running
on a trail.

3 I was bi _ _ _ _ by a spider and

now I have a red spot on my arm.

4 As a footballer, he is likely to
di _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a shoulder if he
falls the wrong way.

5 I never go skiing because I don’t

1 e_____________ want to br _ _ _ my leg if I fall!
2 c_____________ 6 The coffee is very hot, so be
3 n_____________ careful not to bu _ _ your
4 w_____________
5 e_____________

6 t_____________

7 t_____________

8 a_____________

9 t_____________

3 Complete the sentences with the 2 they / live / next to a pool →
names of body parts.
they / go / swimming / more often.
0 The answer was on the tip of her
tongue but she remembered it only
after the test was over. ___________________________

1 The audience laughed its ___________________________

_____________ off from the very ________________
first minute.
3 you / have / a nosebleed → you /
2 I couldn't believe my
go to hospital?
_____________ when I realised
that my car had been stolen.
3 Jerry broke his mother's ___________________________
_____________ when he dropped ___________________________
out of university.
4 Can you give me a
4 John / know how to cook → he /
_____________ with the suitcase?
It's really heavy. not / eat / those unhealthy frozen
5 I'm so sorry. I promise I won't pull meals.
your ___________ again. I'll only
tell you the truth.
4 Use the prompts to make Second ________________
Conditional sentences.
0 I / have / some money → I / buy / ____/8
something to drink.
If I had some money, I would buy
something to drink. 5 Choose the correct option.

1 I / be / you → I / put / some ice / 0 It's raining heavily. If only I

on your hand. would have / had an umbrella with
1 Everyone knows that I don't like 0 If Goran hadn't fallen (not fall)
trying new things. I wish I were / badly, he wouldn't have broken
weren't a bit more adventurous. (not break) his leg.
2 The last episode of my favourite
1 If her friend 1_________________
series is next week. I wish I had
(not be) sick with malaria, Kylie
to / didn't have to wait six more 2
____________ (not learn)
3 I need a job and this café is
anything about this disease.
looking for a cook. If only I
would cook / could cook well. 2 I don't think that I

4 That's the last piece of birthday

___________________ (enjoy)

cake. If only we have / had some the concert more if more people

more! It's delicious.

____________________ (attend)

5 George has been trying to solve it or if it 5____________________

this Maths problem all day but it's (take) place at a different

very difficult. location.

He wishes he finished / could 3 If Oscar 6__________________

finish it before the weekend. (know) that it was your birthday
6 I love rock climbing. If only my on Saturday, he
grandparents lived / would live in 7
the mountains. (bring) you a present.
7 Sam gets so upset about small
things. I wish she doesn't
take / didn't take everything so
6 Complete the sentences in the
Third Conditional.

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