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Mindanao State University

Malabang Community High School

Tubok, Malabang Lanao del Sur
S.Y. 2022 - 2023

Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: ______________ Score: __________

 Read the instructions carefully.
 RIGHT MINUS WRONG (Score equals the number of right answers minus the number of wrong
 Any forms of erasures or alterat GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
 Use BLACK ballpen to write your answers.
 Do not write anything on this paper except for your names, grade and section, and your answer.

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following sentences. Write the letter of your choice on the blanks provided
before the number. (2 pts. each)
_______ 1. Which of the following terms is synonymous with the word ‘investigation’, which you tend to ask
questions to probe and examine something but it does not involved any stages?
a. Research b. Inquiry c. Education d. Variable
_______ 2. It is a scientific, experimentation, or inductive manner of thinking. This also involves asking
questions but it will follow series of stages that cannot be interchanged?
a. Research b. Inquiry c. Education d. Variable
_______ 3. It is your way of obtaining knowledge about your surroundings?
a. Research b. Variable c. Education d. Learning
_______ 4. What characteristic of research states that it must take place in an organized and orderly manner?
a. Clarity b. Systematic c. Relevance d. Timeliness
_______ 5. What characteristic of research states that it must deal with facts, not with mere opinions arising
from assumptions, generalizations, predictions or conclusions?
a. Systematic b. Relevance c. Objectiveness d. Accuracy
_______ 6. This requires non-numerical data, which means that the research uses words rather than numbers
to express the results, the inquiry or investigation?
a. Quantitative Research c. Primary data
b. Qualitative research d. Secondary data
_______ 7. These are obtained through direct observation or contact with people, objects, artifacts, paintings,
a. Primary data c. Positive approach
b. Secondary data d. Naturalistic approach
_______ 8. Some people think of quantitative research as complex because of its use of _____?
a. Hypotheses b. Numerical data c. Factual data d. Theories
_______ 9. It is a method of research that aims at knowing what a big number of people think and feel about
some sociological issues?
a. Survey research c. Quasi-experimental research
b. True experimental research d. RRL
_______ 10. A study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way is ________.
a. Correlational study c. Quasi-Experimental research
b. Descriptive research d. Experimental research
_______ 11. A research that applies systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via
statistical, mathematical or computational techniques.
a. Qualitative research c. descriptive research
b. quantitative research d. Experimental research
_______ 12. Research is asking a question and _____________________________
a. writing a research paper c. computing data
b. finding out answer d. experimenting
_______ 13. Quantitative method of research in which you have 2 or more quantitative variables from thesame
group of subjects, & you are trying to determine if there is a relationship
a. Correlational study c. Quasi-Experimental research
b. Descriptive research d. Experimental research

_______ 14. Quantitative research is important because it is reliable and ________________

a. special b. objective c. bias d. descriptive
_______ 15. A quantitative research presents research findings in this manner.
a. Many prefer to study with textbooks.
b. Students fin textbooks indispensable or necessary.
c. Perhaps, 30% consider textbook unnecessary in their studies.
d. Out of 100 college students, 90 find textbooks beneficial to their studies.
_______ 16. Which of the following statements does not describe a Quantitative Research?
a. Quantitative research makes you focus your mind on specific things by
means of statistics.
b. You tend to inflate something in a quantitative research because of your
c. Quantitative research uses numbers and figures to denote a particular thing.
d. Doing quantitative research tend to exclude your own thoughts and feelings
about the subject or object of the study.
_______ 17. People inclined to doing a quantitative research wants to discover truth in ______.
a. An exact manner c. an indirect way
b. A careful way d. a personal way
_______ 18. Which of the following is NOT an ethical guideline for conducting research with humans?
a. Getting informed consent of the participant
b. Telling participants they must continue until the study has been completed.
c. Keeping participants’ identity anonymous
d. Telling participants they are free to withdraw at any time
_______ 19. In validating, the data gathered it is important forthe researcher to maintain _________ of the
results of the interview or focus group discussion.
a. Anonymity b. Confidentiality c. Discretion d. Ethics
_______ 20. Which of the following statement does NOT describe the importance of Quantitative Research?
a. A quantitative studyenables people to study their surroundings as objective as
they can (Muilis, 2011).
b. A quantitative research lies generally in the production of results that should
reflect precise measurement and an in-depth analysis of data (Gray, 2012).
c. A quantitative research is useful in obtaining a subjective understanding of people,
things, places and events in this world.
d. A quantitative research gives accurate and exact meanings to objects or subjects.
_______ 21. This part of research includes the area of concern, context of the problem and information would
focus attention on the importance and validity of the problem (Rationale).
a. Background of the study c. Significance of the study
b. Scope and delimitation d. Statement of the Problem
_______ 22. In this section of research study, the researcher defines who will benefit out of the findings of the
study and describe how the problem will be solved.
a. Background of the study c. Significance of the study
b. Scope and delimitation d. statement of the problem

For number 23 – 26:

The main purpose of the study is to provide information regarding metro-sexuality and
how being a metrosexual affects the lifestyle of the student. The study considers the student’s
personal information such as name (optional) gender, age and section.

The researchers limited the study to 80 male and female secondary education students
enrolled in the second semester of school year 2015-2016 of the Technological Institute of the
Philippines. Each of the respondents given a questionnaire to answer. The students selected
came from four different sections to prevent bias and get objective perceptions.

_______ 23. The text above explains what part of the research study?
a. Background of the study c. Significance of the study
b. Rationale d. Scope and delimitation
_______ 24. Which of the following Research title below best describe the text above?
a. Technological Institute of the Philippines
b. The lifestyle of Metrosexual
c. The lifestyle of a student
d. Perception towards Metrosexual
_______ 25. Which of the following statement of the problem appropriate to the above text?
a. What is the lifestyle of the students in Technological Institute of the Philippines?
b. How being a metrosexual affects the lifestyle of the student?
c. What is the relation of metro-sexuality to the personal information of the University?
d. What is the importance of metrosexual in the second semester school year 2015-2016?
_______ 26. What type of Quantitative research does the author used?
a. Descriptive Research c. Correlational Research
b. Experimental Research d. Quasi-Experimental Research
_______ 27. Which of the following best describes a Research question?
a. A well-articulated research question provides you and your readers with broad information
about your study.
b. The Research question helps readers to know the general subject matter you will be
c. A good research question defines the focus of your research study.
d. Developing research questions is a deductive process evolving with the research study.
_______ 28. The statement, “This research will educate will educate clients in deciding on whether the industry
is really fulfilling its responsibility to the community or is just showing off to promote business”, is
an example of _________________.
a. Scope and delimitation c. Scope and limitation
b. Background of the study d. Significance of the study
_______ 29. It is a statement to be proven or disapproved.
a. Research Question c. Research title
b. Scope and limitation d. Hypothesis
_______ 30. Which of the following does NOT explain a Statement of the Problem?
a. The statement of the problem is the focal point of any research study.
b. A good statement of the problem is just one sentence with several paragraphs of
c. The description of the issue that can be address after the conduct of the study will be
the problem statement.
d. A good problem statement will originate from inquiry, observation, a literature review
and your own preliminary data.
_______ 31. It is a compilation, classification and evaluation of what other researchers have written on a
particular topic.
a. Literature review c. Limitations and delimitations
b. Research Topic d. References
_______ 32. The following statements below are the purpose of literature review EXCEPT;
a. Place an original piece of research in the context of existing literature.
b. Describe relationship of each work to the others without consideration.
c. Place each work in the context of its contribution to the subject under review.
d. Identify ways to interpret, and shed light on any gaps in, previous research.
_______ 33. It is an analytical tool with several variations and contexts, a blueprint that provides outline of how
you plan to conduct the research study.
a. Research design c. Research Method
b. Conceptual framework d. Rationale
_______ 34. Which of the following statement EXPLAIN a Conceptual Framework?
a. Conceptual framework is primarily a conception or model of what is out there that you
b. Conceptual framework does not link to the research problem.
c. Conceptual framework sets the stage for presentation of the significance of the study.
d. Conceptual framework is used to modify the statement to be proven or disapproved.
_______ 35. The following statement described a hypothesis EXCEPT;
a. A hypothesis is an educated prediction that can be tested.
b. A hypothesis is used in an experiment to define the relationship between two variables.
c. A hypothesis will force the researcher to think about what results he should look for in
an experiment.
d. A hypothesis must be testable, taking into account current knowledge and techniques,
and be idealistic.
_______ 36. What should a researcher do when he cites an author within the text of the paper?
a. State the first and the last names of the author
b. Use the author, date citation method
c. Use an asterisk and a footnote.
d. Insert the complete citation in parenthesis.
_______ 37. Which of the following references is the appropriate referencing format for theeducation and
social science research?
a. APA b. MLA c. Chicago d. Harvard
_______ 38. Which if the following is true when doing a systematic review or a methodological review of
related literature and studies?
a. It is a summary of all researches.
b. It is a question-driven methodology and uses deductive style
c. It is a traditional method that uses deductive style of presentation of facts.
d. It is a question-driven methodology that requires open-ended and subjective questions.
For number 39:

In a certain study, a group of students was subjected to aroma therapy using essential oils while
reading and another group read under normal conditions, then after a month both groups took a reading
comprehension test (Faltado,, 2016)

_______ 39. What kind of Quantitative Research does the author used in the study?
a. Causal-comparative Research c. Experimental Research
b. Descriptive Research d. Survey Research
_______ 40. Statistical analysis is heavily focused in making a final report of a ____________.
a. Qualitative research c. Ethnographic study
b. Quantitative research d. Phenomenological study
_______ 41. In an event that the researcher wanted to know more about the cause and effect relationship
however the cause already exists and cannot be manipulated, the type of research design
appropriate for this is;
a. Descriptive c. Causal-Comparative
b. Correlational d. Experimental
_______ 42. This is another type of quantitative research design wherein the researcher wanted to know about
the cause and effect relationship between variables, where the cause is being manipulated and
respondents are chosen by choice not by chance.
a. Experimental c. Quasi-experimental
b. Causal-comparative d. Correlational
_______ 43. What sampling technique is used when the researcher would like to consider giving an equal
chance to the member of the accessible population being selected as part of the study?
a. Simple Random Sampling c. Systematic Sampling
b. Stratified Sampling d. Cluster Sampling
_______ 44. What is the main objective of using stratified random sampling?
a. sample was chosen proportionately drawn from the different categories of the population
b. sample is taken from an accessible population than the target population
c. every individual will be given an equal chance to be selected
d. those who will possibly respond to treatment are chosen
_______ 45. What is the sampling method used in the given situation?
Teacher Joan wants to know if the new learning modalities of the school effects on the
academic performance of students in the science curriculum. He took the list of students and
selected every 8th name in each class list as participant.
a. Stratified Random Sampling c. Systematic Random Sampling
b. Simple Random Sampling d. Cluster Sampling

and identify the Related Studies and Literature base on the text. Choose the letter inside the parenthesis
and write it on the blanks provided. (1 pt. each)

Reaching the Unreached: A Challenges for Filipino Educators

Helen Bihag-Boholano & Mary Lou C. Go Puco

Education is one of the necessary elements for progress, a means of rising above poverty, bridging
the social gaps, improving living conditions and health, and promoting wellness and a better life. It is
required so that positive contributions to the global community may be addressed. (A) Globalization is
seen by teachers in the effects that it produces by following and economic business-oriented model of the
world that changes the classroom environment (Barron, Odell & Mercier, 2006). This oversight is a source
of concern since the (B) Philippine Constitution of 1987 expressly provides for free and compulsory
elementary and secondary education. Education for All (EFA) recommends working with international
agencies like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to devise programs to reduce
povertyrelated barriers to learning (Goldstein, 2004). From another perspective, (C) Sparkes (1999)
posited that the ability to participate effectively in the labor market, and its inverse – unemployment, are
strongly affected by the realization of basic literacy and numeracy skills. (D) In terms of labor market
access in the Philippines, only one in every 50 jobs is open to those without basic entry-level skills and
only 50% of jobs are open to those with skills only at entry level (Moser, 1999).

46. Foreign Studies ________________________________

47. Local Studies __________________________________
48. Foreign Literature ______________________________
49. Local Literature ________________________________
III. DOING CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. Read the sample text explanation below and make a Conceptual
Framework base on the text. Choose the letter inside the parenthesis and write it on the boxes provided
below. (1 pt. each)

Improving Critical Thinking through Systemic Functional Grammar

Helen Bihag-Boholano & Mary Lou C. Go Puco

(A) As assumed by this study, Systemic Functional Grammar or SFG is a modern language theory
which states that man’s critical thinking increases whenever he uses language. (B) Pre-test will be given to
the respondents to determine critical thinking analysis. SFG concepts will be use during teaching-learning
process such as (C) multi-functionality of clauses, (D) Grammar structures linked with communicative
functions (E) stressed macro-function of language and (F) Use of discourse as the dominant language
structure. These would all trigger off (G) reasonable logical and critical thinking. (H) Post-test will be given
to the respondents after the treatment to determine the significant improvement of the critical thinking of
the respondents. (I) Feedback will be discussed during the post-con in every observation.


50. 51. 52.



To earn an extra point, you may share a hugot, a meme, or a simple doodle related to RESEARCH. Your work
should show originality. Use the box provided to write or to doodle your answer. Good luck and have fun!

-Ma’am Zen 😊

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