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‫‪Group GE1‬‬

‫‪ -1‬منتظر مهدي اسماعيل‬

‫‪ -2‬علي سمير عزيز‬
‫‪ -3‬حسين سمير غافل‬
‫‪ -4‬علي عبد اللطيف شكر (استضافة صباحي )‬
‫‪ -5‬علي عبد النبي ياسين‬
Real gas and Ideal gas

The three states of matter that are recognised by their characteristics are
solids, liquids and gases. Solids have definite mass and shape due to the
strong molecular attraction. In liquids the molecules are moving so they result
in taking the shape of the container. In gases the molecules are free to move
anywhere in the container. Two types of gases exists. Real gas and Ideal gas.
As the particle size of ideal gas is extremely small and the mass is almost
zero and no volume Ideal gas is also considered as point mass. The
molecules of real gas occupy space though they are small particles and also
has volume.

Ideal gas:
Ideal gas is defined as a gas that obeys gas laws at all condition of pressure
and temperature. Ideal gases have velocity and mass. They do not have
volume. When compared to the total volume of the gas the volume occupied
by the gas is negligible. It does not condense and does not have triple point.

Real gas:
Real gas is defined as a gas that does not obey gas laws at all standard
pressure and temperature conditions. When the gas becomes massive and
voluminous it deviates from its ideal behaviour. Real gases have velocity,
volume and mass. When they are cooled to their boiling point, they liquefy.
When compared to the total volume of the gas the volume occupied by the
gas is not negligible.

Real and Ideal Gases

An ideal gas is one that follows the gas laws at all conditions of
temperature and pressure. To do so, the gas would need to completely abide
by the kinetic-molecular theory. The gas particles would need to occupy zero
volume and they would need to exhibit no attractive forces whatsoever toward
each other. Since neither of those conditions can be true, there is no such
thing as an ideal gas. A real gas is a gas that does not behave according to
the assumptions of the kinetic-molecular theory. Fortunately, at the conditions
of temperature and pressure that are normally encountered in a laboratory,
real gases tend to behave very much like ideal gases.

Under what conditions then, do gases behave least ideally? When a gas is
put under high pressure, its molecules are forced closer together as the empty
space between the particles is diminished. A decrease in the empty space
means that the assumption that the volume of the particles themselves is
negligible is less valid. When a gas is cooled, the decrease in kinetic energy
of the particles causes them to slow down. If the particles are moving at
slower speeds, the attractive forces between them are more prominent.
Another way to view it is that continued cooling of the gas will eventually turn
it into a liquid and a liquid is certainly not an ideal gas anymore (see liquid
nitrogen in the figure below). In summary, a real gas deviates most from an
ideal gas at low temperatures and high pressures. Gases are most ideal at
high temperature and low pressure.

Figure : Nitrogen gas that has been cooled to 77K has turned to a liquid
and must be stored in a vacuum insulated container to prevent it from rapidly
vaporizing. (CC BY-NC; CK-12)

The figure below shows a graph of PVRT plotted against pressure

for 1mol1mol of a gas at three different temperatures - 200K, 500K, and 1000
\: \text{K}\). An ideal gas would have a value of 1 for that ratio at all
temperatures and pressures and the graph would simply be a horizontal line.
As can be seen, deviations from an ideal gas occur. As the pressure begins to
rise, the attractive forces cause the volume of the gas to be less than
expected and the value of PVRTPVRT drops under 1. Continued pressure
increase results in the volume of the particles to become significant and the
value of PVRTPVRT rises to greater than 1. Notice, that the magnitude of the
deviations from ideality is greatest for the gas at 200K200K and least for the

gas at 1000K.

Figure: Real gases deviate from ideal gases at high pressures and low
temperatures. (CC BY-NC; CK-12)

The ideality of a gas also depends on the strength and type of intermolecular
attractive forces that exist between the particles. Gases whose attractive
forces are weak are more ideal than those with strong attractive forces. At the
same temperature and pressure, neon is more ideal than water vapor
because neon's atoms are only attracted by weak dispersion forces, while
water vapor's molecules are attracted by relatively stronger hydrogen bonds.
Helium is a more ideal gas than neon because its smaller number of electrons
means that helium's dispersion forces are even weaker than those of neon.

To make you understand how ideal gas and real gas are different from each
other, here are the some of the major differences between ideal gas and
real gas:

Difference between Ideal gas and Real gas


No definite volume Definite volume

Elastic collision of Non elastic collision

particles of particles

No intermolecular Intermolecular
attraction force attraction force

Does not really exists It really exists in the

in environment and is environment
a hypothetical gas

High pressure Pressure is less

when compared to
Ideal gas

Does not obey gas Obeys gas laws at

laws at all conditions high temperature
of pressure and and low pressure

Independent Interacts with others

Obeys PV = nRT Obeys p +

((n2 a )/V2)(V –
n b ) = Nrt

These were some of the important difference between real gas and ideal

 The properties of real gases and their deviations from ideality are

 CK-12 Foundation by Sharon Bewick, Richard Parsons, Therese

Forsythe, Shonna Robinson, and Jean Dupon.
 Kondepudi, D. K.; Prigogine, I. (1998). Modern thermodynamics: From heat
engines to dissipative structures. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-97393-
 Hsieh, J. S. (1993). Engineering Thermodynamics. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 978-0-
 Walas, S. M. (1985). Fazovyje ravnovesija v chimiceskoj technologii v 2
castach. Butterworth Publishers. ISBN 978-0-409-95162-2.
 Aznar, M.; Silva Telles, A. (1997). "A Data Bank of Parameters for the
Attractive Coefficient of the Peng-Robinson Equation of State". Brazilian
Journal of Chemical Engineering. 14 (1): 19–39. doi:10.1590/S0104-
 Rao, Y. V. C (2004). An introduction to thermodynamics. Universities
Press. ISBN 978-81-7371-461-0.
 Xiang, H. W. (2005). The Corresponding-States Principle and its Practice:
Thermodynamic, Transport and Surface Properties of
Fluids. Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-08-045904-2.


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