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Course Code: CRI 186

Course Title: Technical English 1

Teacher’s Guide: Module #22

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number:______

Section: ______________________ Date:_____________

Lesson Title: Recollection of the Basic Concepts with Materials:

Summative Assessment Student Activity Sheets
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this module, the student should be able to: References:
1. make an outline on concepts of every module; and Modules 1-21
2. recall the basic concepts of this course.

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to

remember from time to time that nothing that is worth
knowing can be taught.
-Oscar Wilde-

Introduction (2 mins)

Good day to all! We are now in the concluding stage of our discussions. Hope you are all
done reading your modules and are fully equipped with ideas and knowledge about the subject
matter. With this, it is time for us to fully evaluate yourself on how far you understand the
subject-content of our modules.
For today’s activity, first you will answer the 20-item multiple choice and on the second
part I would like you to recall and recap all the topics that we discussed covering all the
modules. From all the modules that we discussed, I like you to:
 Write all the topics based on what you can recall, you can write it in your own
words and understanding;
 If ever you cannot recall everything, meaning those are only the ideas that you
retained in our discussion,
 If so, go back again to your notes/modules then read it again until such time that
it can be retained in your memory.
 Remember, by doing this, you can now evaluate yourself on up to what extent
that you learned in your class, and most importantly, we are preparing for the big
 Your Board Exam, since this course Technical English is already included in the
said exam!

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: CRI 186
Course Title: Technical English 1
Teacher’s Guide: Module #22

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number:______

Section: ______________________ Date:_____________

Part I. Multiple Choice (1 point each). Instructions: Before the blank space of each number, place
the letter of the correct answer. Do not superimpose letters. Superimposition of letters and any form of
erasure make the answer invalid.
C___1. A report of investigation is an ________ statement of the investigator’s findings.
A. subjective
B. opinion
C. objective
D. ideal

D___2. This means reporting all the facts which were discovered in the course of investigation.
A. Brevity
B. Factual
C. Concise
D. Complete

C___3. An identified event that produces injury, death, or damage.

A. Approach Angle
B. Approach Speed
C. Car Crash
D. Crush Evaluation

A___4. A statement which can be proven because it is based on any or all of our five physical senses
of sight, taste, smell, touch and hearing is called as-
A. Objective
B. Report
C. Fact
D. Jargon

A___5. An expression that is considered unprogressive, obsolete, outworn, overused and stale.
A. Jargon
B. Fact
C. Report
D. Overused words

D___6. These questions include the complete and correct name of all those who were involved in the
incident such as the victim/s, suspect/s, witness/es and whosoever may be listed as present
during the incident, or may not be present, but have knowledge about the said incident.
A. What
B. When
C. Where
D. Who

C___7. These questions are concerned with the geographical location of the crime scene, property, or

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: CRI 186
Course Title: Technical English 1
Teacher’s Guide: Module #22

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number:______

Section: ______________________ Date:_____________

evidence. Describe in detail where the incident exactly happened.

A. What
B. When
C. Where
D. Why

A___8. The purpose of this report is to inform an immediate chief (as SOP, considering that whatever
happens in said area is a command responsibility), or that one from a higher headquarters or office,
regarding the details relative to a particular occurrence.
A. Spot Report
B. Progress Report
C. After operation
D. Final Report

C___9. It is an accounting of the actions or series of actions undertaken in relation to an ongoing

investigation of a case.
A. Police report
B. Spot report
C. Progress report
D. Blotter report

B___10. It is an immediate initial investigative or incident report addressed to Higher Headquarters

pertaining to the commission of the crime, occurrence of natural or man-made disaster or unusual
incidents involving loss of lives and damage to properties.
A. Police report
B. Spot report
C. Progress report
D. Blotter report

C___11. It refers to any written matter prepared by the police involving their interactions with the
community. It provides a record of incidents requiring police response.
A. Police Blotter
B. Report
C. Police Report
D. Investigation Report

A___12. It refers to a record of daily events occurring within the territory/jurisdiction of a given police
unit or command.
A. Police Blotter
B. Police Report
C. Report
D. Police Files

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: CRI 186
Course Title: Technical English 1
Teacher’s Guide: Module #22

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number:______

Section: ______________________ Date:_____________

B___13. What is the size of a police blotter?

A. 11” by 15”
B. 12” by 16”
C. 10” by 11”
D. 6” by 12”

C___14. Police Blotter is generated daily for the previous ___ hours period.
A. 12
B. 36
C. 24
D. 48

A___15. The ______ of a police blotter shall contain the name or designation of the police force and
particular police district/station, together with the designation of the specific police unit or sub-
station, the volume or book number, the series number and the period covered.
A. Front cover
B. Back cover
C. Cover
D. Record

B___16. Who will handle the reported incident and will take immediate action?
A. Chief Investigator
B. Investigator-on-Case
C. Station Commander
D. Chief of Police

A___17. If you cannot identify the suspect at least try to remember the physical attributes and
____ estimation.
A. age
B. tattoo
C. mole
D. birthday

A__18. It is also known as the essential elements of information.

A. 5 Ws and 1H
B. Police blotter
C. Spot Report
D. Progress Report

C__19. It is the portion of an investigation report where you can find the detailed narration of facts.
A. Authority
B. Matters to be investigated
C. Facts of the case

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: CRI 186
Course Title: Technical English 1
Teacher’s Guide: Module #22

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number:______

Section: ______________________ Date:_____________

D. Conclusion

A__20. Portion of the investigation report where you can find the purpose and subject of the
A. Matters to be investigated
B. Facts of the case
C. Recommendation
D. Conclusion

Part II. Below are the activities which will serve as the parameter to
measure and to evaluate yourself with regard to your knowledge,
comprehension and retention to the subject matter.

Let us start the activity and enjoy answering!


Let us start to recall the concepts of Modules 1-5:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: CRI 186
Course Title: Technical English 1
Teacher’s Guide: Module #22

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number:______

Section: ______________________ Date:_____________


Try to recall all the concepts under Modules 6-10:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: CRI 186
Course Title: Technical English 1
Teacher’s Guide: Module #22

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number:______

Section: ______________________ Date:_____________


Let’s gauge what you retain in Modules 11-15:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Course Code: CRI 186
Course Title: Technical English 1
Teacher’s Guide: Module #22

Name:______________________________________________________ Class number:______

Section: ______________________ Date:_____________


To conclude, let us try to write what we recall under Modules 16-21:

Instruction: Check the emoticon that best represents your dominant feeling of the day and
explain in one word why you choose that emoticon.

Answer: ________________

Congratulations! That’s enough for today; study Modules 1-22 since the coverage of the final exam
starts from the very beginning: 50% of the exam comes from P1 and P2 period and the other 50%
comes from the P3 period. Thank you!

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


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