#3011 Luindor PDF

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Creation: - Gabriele Quaglia, Cory Rushton

Correction, modification, compilation & design cover/interior: Cirdann de Felrive & Lindorïe de Felrive (January 2021)
Drawing : annamare & alystraea, E. Pidhainyi, L. Staniec, A. Sarychev, T. Nasmith, T. Edlin, U. Sljivic

Table of contents
1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................4

2 OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................................................4
2.2 A NOTE ON NAMES ..................................................................................................................................4
3 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................5
3.1 A BRIEF HISTORY ......................................................................................................................................5
3.1.1 THE ELDER DAYS .....................................................................................................................................5
3.1.2 THE FIRST AGE OF THE SUN .......................................................................................................................6
3.1.3 THE DEMON’S RETURN .............................................................................................................................7
3.1.4 HOARMÛRATH AND THE KINGDOM OF URD .................................................................................................7
3.1.5 THE THIRD AGE .......................................................................................................................................8
3.2 TIMELINE ................................................................................................................................................8
3.2.1 SECOND AGE ...........................................................................................................................................8
3.2.2 THIRD AGE ........................................................................................................................................... 10
4 THE LAND...................................................................................................................................................11
4.1 TAUR LUIN............................................................................................................................................11
4.2 THE FALATH ..........................................................................................................................................11
4.3 HITHAELIN ............................................................................................................................................12
4.4 PINNATH PAER....................................................................................................................................... 12
4.5 EMYN PEITH .......................................................................................................................................... 12
4.6 NORTHERN MARCH ...............................................................................................................................13
4.7 EASTERN MARCH ...................................................................................................................................13
4.8 NÎN-I-RAMRAN ...................................................................................................................................... 13
4.9 AEARERYN ............................................................................................................................................ 13
5 FLORA AND FAUNA ..................................................................................................................................14
5.1 FLORA ..................................................................................................................................................14
5.2 FAUNA.................................................................................................................................................. 14
5.3 SPECIAL CREATURES ...............................................................................................................................15
6 THE ELVES .................................................................................................................................................. 16

6.1 THE MITHRYEDELI .............................................................................................................................. 16

6.2 THE HWENDI ........................................................................................................................................16

6.3 THE LUINDRIM ....................................................................................................................................16

7 POLITICS AND POWER ............................................................................................................................. 19

7.1 KING ERYNGON ..................................................................................................................................... 19
7.2 QUEEN ARÛTHIL ....................................................................................................................................20
7.3 PROFESSIONS .........................................................................................................................................21
7.3.1 THE GUARDIANS ....................................................................................................................................21
7.3.2 THE GARDENERS .................................................................................................................................... 21
7.3.3 THE HERDERS........................................................................................................................................22

7.3.4 THE HUNTERS .......................................................................................................................................22

7.3.5 THE WEAVERS ....................................................................................................................................... 22
7.3.6 THE SMITHS...........................................................................................................................................23
7.3.7 THE CRAFTERS ......................................................................................................................................23
7.3.8 THE MINSTRELS .....................................................................................................................................23
7.4 OTHER IMPORTANT CHARACTERS .............................................................................................................24
7.4.1 ALIARIN ................................................................................................................................................ 24
7.4.2 AROTHIR ..............................................................................................................................................24
7.4.3 PAURCALM ............................................................................................................................................ 25
7.4.4 LÒMIRON.............................................................................................................................................. 26
7.5 RELATIONS WITH THE OUTSIDE WORLD .....................................................................................................27
8 SITES OF NOTE ...........................................................................................................................................27
8.1 CYBRETHIL ............................................................................................................................................27
8.2 SÙLOND................................................................................................................................................28
8.3 PAUROND .............................................................................................................................................28
8.4 SARN GIRITH .........................................................................................................................................29
8.5 CABED-I-THYN ......................................................................................................................................29
8.6 CIRITH LAMMOND..................................................................................................................................29
9 ADVENTURES .............................................................................................................................................30
9.1 THE SPEAR OF THE HUNTER .................................................................................................................... 31
9.2 THE SLAYING OF THE BEAST .....................................................................................................................32
9.3 THE MOULDER OF SHAPES....................................................................................................................... 33
10 TABLES ...................................................................................................................................................34
10.1 HERB TABLE .......................................................................................................................................... 34
10.2 MASTER NPC TABLE ..............................................................................................................................34
10.3 MASTER MILITARY TABLE ........................................................................................................................35
10.4 ADOLESCENCE SKILL TABLE ..................................................................................................................... 36

1 Introduction beautiful gardens, protected by glass walls and

roofs: here young and ancient Elves live their
” The following file is the work of amateurs, intended endless life, enjoying the beauty of their land,
to be an amusement for themselves, and hopefully, an crafting items with exceptional skill, studying
aid to other roleplayers and gamemasters. It is subjects of lore, and watching outside their
conceived to be a non-official module for closed borders, where the Shadow once again
MERP/Rolemaster, set in Middle Earth. All the gathers its forces to steal their freedom.
references to these roleplaying systems, and to While the wardens guard the limits of Luindor,
Tolkien’s Middle Earth are copyright of ICE, a silent war of diplomacy, spy-game and
Decipher, or Tolkien Enterprises. All the other stuff is assassinations is waged since ancient days, to
invented by the authors, and therefore cannot be protect Elven happiness and destroy any threat
published or used for moneymaking without the to it, at any cost. The Rantir, envoys of the
authors’ permission. Elvenking, roam the whole North, as deadly
This work is exclusively intended to be used as a play- shadows who hunt the servants of the Enemy.
aid for role-players in their games, who already own Now that the Plague has plunged the Empire of
all the excellent Middle Earth products. Urd into chaos, the occasion has to be taken: if
Thanks to Eric Dubourg, Fu Xin & Oliver Schick”. the power of the North King can be destroyed,
the Elves may have peace – but if they fail, then
Gabriele Quaglia there is no hope for Luindor, last free land in all
the North.

2 Overview 2.2 A Note on Names

Elves love to talk and play with language, and
2.1 Summary give many different names to the same thing.
Luinbeth is the original dialect of the Avari
Luindor (S. "Blue Land") is an Avar realm
followers of Lindor in the Elder Days, but it has
bordering on Urd and the Sea of Thilluin. It is a
been modified by some external influences,
cool and pleasant land - like all realms blessed
mainly Sindarin and Urdarin, and, in a smaller
with the presence of the Firstborn. Widely
part, Khuzdul and Shartarin. The Elves
considered one of the most civilized Avarin
commonly communicate in such tongue, but
realms - thanks to the visit of Noldorin and
when they write or deal with subjects of lore,
Sindarin wanderers across its history - Luindor
invariably prefer the use of more noble Sindarin,
is the sworn enemy of Urd. Though subject for
which developed some differences with
more than 1000 years in the Second Age to the
Western one, as Ages passed.
rule of the Ice King, the Luindrim retain their
This note connects some of these names:
strong independent spirit, fighting their enemies
Taur Luin (Lu. “Torlùn”) – the Luindrim
without quarter.
divided the northern forests, naming them by
the prevalent hue of their landscapes. So, their
Among all the Elven realms in Northern Middle
home became Taur Luin, Blue Forest, and
Earth, Luindor stands as the most beautiful,
Luindor, Blue Land.
powerful and rich in both goods and lore.
Taur Lhûen (Lu. “Torlhûen”) – south of Taur
Founded before the rise of the Sun and Moon,
Luin there is the Blue-Green Forest: lhûen being
under the skies lit by Elbereth’s stars, this
an Avarin word, with no translation in the noble
kingdom has experienced a troubled history,
Sindarin, this name is mainly used in
threatened by terrible enemies, sometimes too
conversation. On the other side, written or
powerful for the Elves, but in the end not able
educated form prefer another name, Aereryn.
to hold power on the Blue Forest forever.
Taur Galûr (Lu. “Torglûr) – another Avar word
Among the great trees stand high flats and

for a colour is galûr, dark green. Educated form 3 Background

is Beleryn or Taur Beleg (Lu. “Torbleg”), Great
Forest of Urd.
Taur Mith (Lu. “Tormise”)– see Mitheryn
3.1 A brief history
Taur Morn (Lu. “Tormorne”) – morn means
dark, gloomy. Taur Morn is the modern name 3.1.1 The Elder Days
of Taur Lòmi, Forest of Dark Evening in the At the beginning of Arda, a great war was fought
Elder Days. between the Powers. In the North, Melkor built
Mitheryn (Lu. “Misrien”) – mith means grey, as his great fortress of Utumno; to the West, he
in Sindarin. Usually, Mitheryn is preferred to placed Angband, stronghold against the Valar;
Taur Mith for mere euphony. and into the East he created a third, smaller than
Aeareryn (Lu. “Tengrien”) – ‘sea of trees’, the others, which was called Gorogrod (S., Lu.
noble name of Taur Lhûen. “Cavern of Terror”), to watch over Eastern
Beleryn (Lu. “Blegrien”) – ‘great forest’, noble Middle Earth, and plague both Elves and Men
name of Taur Galûr. with its presence. Mùar the Balrog, also called
Aear Thilluin (Lu. “Tengr Selùn”) – ‘sea of the Shadow Flame, reigned over the stronghold.
silver-blue light’, the sea East of Luindor, To protect his lands, Melkor raised a huge
sometimes called Small Sea of Illuin. mountain chain, the Iron Mountains (S. “Ered
Sidhaer Rhûn (S. “Peaceful Sea of the East) – the Engrin”), tall and dark, and filled them with
name Nùmenorean gave to the Sea of Thilluin Orcs.
when they first sailed it.
Ered Engrin (Lu. “Erdo Engrin”, Q. During the captivity of Melkor, an era of peace
“Oronangri”) – Sindarin name of the Iron came to Middle Earth. It was in this time, under
Mountains. the light of the Stars, that a group of Avari Elves
Drùhar-shatûr (Kh. “Head of Drùhar”) – the found their way to the untamed and cold forests
capital of the northern Dwarves is named after west of the Sea of Thilluin. They were led by
the shape of the mountain it is built under, Lindor, who was the first to discover the
resembling the profile of their First King. Elven beautiful forest of Luindor, and to give it its
name is Nogodhol (S. “Dwarfhead”, Lu. name. Lindor became the King of his people,
“Kasdol”), or Nogodhrond (S. “Dwarf Delving”) who settled the wilderness rejoicing of its savage
Belzâram (Kh. “Encircled Lake”) – name of the beauty and stillness. But a good part of his
ruined Dwarf city that became the lair of the people soon moved westwards, roaming in the
Dragon Lamthanc; also, the name of the lake at forests with no permanent home.
the centre of Uul. Sindarin name is Pelaelin, In these times, a group of Dwarves came to the
Luinbeth is Plaelin. Mountains, too. They were a band of Barin’s
Shartax (Sh. “Beyond the Forest”) – the Mannish Folk, and they founded their new home on the
lands east of Luindor. Elven name is Thartaur southern slopes of the Ered Engrin, calling it
(Lu. “Thrator”). Drùhar-shatûr (Kh “Drùhar’s Head”, Lu.
Angclax (Ang. “Beyond the Angranit”) – plains “Nogodhol”).
east of the river Angranit, Elven Angrant (S.,
Lu. “Iron Stream”). Elven name is Tharangrant However, their peace was threatened by the
(Lu. “Thrarangran”). proximity of Gorogrod, where the Orcs lived.
Sometimes, they made raids into Elven and
Dwarven lands, plundering and taking slaves to
mine the deeps of the mountains in search for
Elves and Dwarves were soon forced to become

friends and ally against the threat, and in spite of But some men were attracted by the power
the Orcs, they traded their goods and learned showed by Darkness. They feared the Dark
one from the other. Battles were fought, with Flame that dwelt in Gorogrod, and they started
alternate success, but no major events marked to worship Him, as Lord and Master.
these ancient times.
So, it happened that Men split among
themselves, some siding with Shadow, and
3.1.2 The First Age of the Sun others with Dwarves and their allies, the Elves.
Bloody wars and great battles followed, for Man
The rising of the Sun and the Moon was a great was easy to anger and took the sword and spear
marvel to all the peoples of the North, and the light-heartedly. And, for a time, it seemed that
Orcs hid from the light in the sky, giving the the Shadow of the Iron Mountains was about to
Free Peoples the hope of a better future. vanquish its enemies, when Drùhar-shatûr was
But the main event of this age was certainly the overrun, and its inhabitants fled in the north-
coming of the Second-born. They followed the eastern wastes, founding the cities of Belzâram
trail of the Sun, coming from southeast, and (Kh. “Encircled Lake”, S. “Pelaelin”) in Uul and
exploring the wild forests at the shadow of the Murtûnin (Kh. “North Haven”, S. “Forond”), or
Iron Mountains. fell slaves of the Orcs. Many nomad Elves had to
The Elves were suspicious of the newcomers: flee the central forests, crossing the Forbesir (S.
they were weak in body and will, violent and “Great River of the North”), and taking haven in
warlike, easy to forgot their words, and to the forests beyond it, that became to be known
desire the possessions of someone other. The as Taur Lòmi (S. “Forest of Dark Evening”) and
Dwarves developed better contacts, and taught Mitheryn (S. “Grey Trees”).
the secret of iron to their friends, fighting
together the Orcs. However, hope came from the West. The first

was a beautiful and sad lady, of the noble kin of 3.1.3 The Demon’s return
the Noldor: she called herself Helkalòmë, and About 1000 years passed, and Men forgot about
she stopped her march East in Luindor. Lindor the Shadow and returned to their ancestral cult
fell in love with her, and she gave him two of the spirits, administered by the priestesses of
babies, Doronar and Elewen. She was also a the Urdar. No one disturbed the Far North, for
master of the ways of weather, and she wrote it was a poor and cold land, mostly inhabited by
the Book of Icelore. By her creation, the barbaric peoples, so that neither the
Luindrim were able to control the weather in Nùmenoreans nor the Womaw found interest in
their lands, and use it against their enemies, establishing colonies.
covering them with snow or weakening with However, the Shadow Flame had been only
hail. Luindor became the only safe land, in a defeated for a time, not destroyed. He slept
world roamed by bands of Orcs and Fell Men, under the Mountains, in the ruins of Gorogrod.
all ruled by the Shadow Flame. It was an Umli, searching for revenge against the
Elves, that stirred the Balrog, and awakened His
Eventually, another traveller came to Luindor: wrath.
he was a minstrel from Beleriand, and sad he was Mùar burned of shame for His defeat, and was
like Helkalòmë. But his songs stirred the hearts full of hatred towards all His enemies and their
of the Luindrim and their King, that took descendants. He gathered a huge horde and
courage and decided that the only way to have destroyed most of the Dwarven cities, including
peace was to defeat the Dark Flame. Calling for the capital of Drùhar-shatûr, persecuted the
allies, he received the help of the Dwarves of eastern Men, and killed many Elves including
Belzâram and those of Murthûnin, and three Doronar, King of Luindor. Ironically, it was
tribes of Men, who bore hatred for Mùar and his Sauron’s malice who saved the Free Peoples of
rule. To everyone’s surprise, even Great Eagles the North: in 1130, Mùar left for Ruurik,
came from Western Lands, to help the Free leaving ruins behind Him.
Peoples in their struggle. The War of the Dark
Flame lasted many years, but in the end The following centuries were years of
Gorogrod was besieged and then broken. In the decadence for all the peoples of the east, and
final battle, Mùar was confronted by Lindor, their power diminished. In the west, the Urdar
Helkalòmë, and the best warriors of the Free still fought between themselves, only stopping
Peoples. The Demon was sealed under the ruins every now and them to raid their neighbours. It
of his stronghold, but Lindor had died, and was in such a situation that Hoarmûrath came to
Helkalòmë lost her will to live, and passed out power in his tribe.
with him.

Thus, ended the First Age in the Far North. 3.1.4 Hoarmûrath and the kingdom
of Urd
Doranar became King of Luindor, the Dwarves Hoarmûrath was an exceedingly gifted Man,
reoccupied the halls of Drùhar-shatûr, and the both in mind that in word. He was born the son
three tribes of Men were awarded a new home, of the Urdarin matriarch, and could not hope for
high in the Mountains, with the friendship of any power among his people. However, the
Eagles and the bless of the Valar. Some Elves of Luindor, among them Curlalf the
cataclysms troubled the land, burying Gorogrod Keeper of the Book, trained the mortal, giving
once and for all, and delving a deep firth in the him every possible help, in the hope of bringing
north. peace and order to the divided and warlike
Urdarin tribes.
Hoarmûrath brought them decades of troubles

and civil war. Corrupted by the lust for power, power spread, taking profit of the Elven attacks
he finally submitted all of the Urdar, took the that let him took the leadership of Urdarin
name of Ice King, and started new wars to tribes. In the following centuries, his Empire
become the King of all northern Men. retook all its old lands, including Iskahù.
Eventually, he refused Elven ingerence in his In 1640, only Luindor still resisted. But it was
decisions, and requested their submission as only a matter of time.
well. A great war followed, and the Ice King,
seeing only one possibility to survive and have 3.2 Timeline
his victory, summoned the help of Sauron of
Mordor, and accepted one of the Rings of 3.2.1 Second Age
5 The Elves of Taur Lòmi flee their land towards
The War of the Woods, between the Urdar and
Mitheryn. The forest changes its name to Taur
the Elves lasted more than fifty years:
eventually, by the betrayal of Camthalion-i-
15 The three tribes of Men are led to Ôm, and
Lhûg, Curlalf was murdered and the Book of
they found their new kingdom.
Icelore stolen and brought to the Ice King.
50 Tyrani peoples settle in Myr and Iskahù,
Luindor fell the following year, after a bloody
driving out their Mornerin inhabitants. The
battle. Many Elves fled eastward, founding the
latter, moving north, trigger a series of petty
kingdom of Tharsitaur in Rùbor. Hoarmûrath
wars for territory.
took the throne of Taur Luin and passed it to a
1100 c. Mùar stirs in Uab and starts gathering
dynasty of Half-King (S. “Pererein”, Lu.
Orcs for a huge army.
“Prekrein”), descendants of the Ice King with an
1101 Mùar’s Orcs conquer Kheledh-dûm.
Elven maiden.
1102 Mùar’s army storms Angclax and besieges
By treachery and the joined attack of Men and
1104 Battle at Nan Drùhar. Death of Doronar
Orcs, the Elves fell, and Hoarmûrath completed
and defeat of the Free Peoples.
his conquest of the Far North. From that
1106 Fall of Drùhar-shatûr.
moment on, he spread the Dark Religion and
1123 Mùar’s host attacks Luindor
humiliated all his enemies.
1127 The Orcs withdraw from wounded
The kingdom of Urd lasted for nearly twelve
centuries. Its decay began with the uprising of
1128 A messenger from Sauron of Mordor
the Elves, in 3261, and ended with the fall of
informs Mùar about Ruurik
Sauron and his Ringwraiths, at the end of the
1130 Mùar’s host leaves for Ruurik. Lamthanc
attacks Belzâram and make it its lair.
1135 Curlalf becomes Keeper of the Book of
3.1.5 The Third Age Icelore.
1550 An embassy from Eregion visits Luindor.
Peace came again to the North, but it was clear
1720 Curegam, Lindemar and Helruin return to
that this was the time of men, and the power of
Luindor, fleeing the destruction of Eregion.
Elves and Dwarves was waning. For 1000 years
1954 Hoarmûrath is born in the Forest of Dìr
the far North remained secure, under the
1962-1975 Wars between the Urdar and the
vigilance of the Elves. Then, Shadow returned.
1973 Emûrath, Matriarch of the Urdar, is slain;
Hoarmûrath reappeared in his citadel of
her daughter Amûrath succeeds her.
Kibeïdûkh and immediately tried to rebuild hid
Hoarmûrath becomes Master of his Household.
kingdom, under the name of North King. He
He starts to deal with Elves, eager to learn their
was faced by the Elves and the Istari, but the
knowledge of Nature.
latter soon had to go away, and the Ringwraith’s

1977 Hoarmûrath meets with Curlalf, who sees Threatened by Elven assassins, Hoarmûrath
the mortal as the one who could bring order to sends messengers to a fabled King, Sauron of
the warlike Urdar. He starts to train him Mordor, to ask for his support against the
personally, and to teach him the lore of other Luindrim.
cultures, suggesting him indirectly to covet the 2000 A messenger of Sauron, called Khamûl,
power. Soon, Hoarmûrath develop a desire to visits Hoarmûrath and offers him a Ring of
rule and order Men, and starts to quarrel with Power, with the promise of power and the
his sister on political matters. immortality of the Firstborn. The King of Urd
1985 Hoarmûrath’s supporters attack the becomes the Sixth Ringwraith, taking the name
Angcla, thus triggering a war. Amûrath orders of Ice King.
his brother exiled, but Hoarmûrath refuses to 2002 Hoarmûrath leads his army to Luindor,
leave. starting the War of the Woods, opposing the
1986 As soon as the war is over, Amûrath tries Book of Icelore with his power. He soon enlists
to drive out her brother from Urd. This triggers the aid of the Mountain and Ice Orcs, and
a series of violent acts between the supporters knowledge brought from Mordor, to burn the
of the valiant warrior and those who obey the wooden fortresses of the Luindrim. The conflict
priestesses. rages for more than fifty years, exacting a high
1987 In an escalation of violence, a group of tribute of blood from both the Elves and their
warriors, loyal to Hoarmûrath, slay the enemies.
Matriarch. Hoarmûrath declares himself King of 2053 Camthalion, disciple of Curlalf, allies with
Urd, and faces civil war against most Urdarin Hoarmûrath, murders his master and steals
tribes. He enlists the support of Luindrim away the Book of Icelore. Deprived of their
warriors sent by King Thonaran under counsel main instrument of defence, the Elves are
of Curlalf, and the power of the Book of Icelore broken, and their kingdom is conquered. King
to control the weather and use it in his favour. Thonaran is slain; Elewen leads a large group of
1992 After many years of war, Hoarmûrath Elves southeast, but Eryngon remains, vowing
pacifies Urd and sets himself as King, banishing to free his people from the Urdar yoke, and
the last Priestesses who survived. To keep the reclaim his father’s crown. He lives with few
tribal militia at bay, he sends them to the companions in the woods, attacking small
borders, starting a series of campaigns to submit Urdarin groups.
the Angcla and the Myri, and weaken the Hoarmûrath submits Luindor and humiliates its
Mountain and Ice Orcs. people with the Half King tradition. He starts
In this period, the Elves start to trade with the building a centralised kingdom, accumulating
Urdar, as the woods are cleaned of Trolls and power in the hands of his closest minions, each
other Evil creatures. ruling over a stone citadel, symbol of the King’s
1997 Hoarmûrath completes the conquest of power.
Myr. Realising that Curlalf is trying to make a 2055 Elewen founds the Elven kingdom of
puppet ruler of him, the King of Urd coldens his Rùbor.
ties with the Elves, expelling their counsellors 2060 Hoarmûrath gifts the Dwarves of the city
from his court. of Drùhar-shatûr, dislodging the Orcs. The
1999 Incapable to restrict the activity of Elven Dwarves accept to pay a tribute to him in
spies and watchers in the woods, and jealous of exchange of their ancient capital. The Ice King
their power and riches, Hoarmûrath turns orders Camthalion to found an order of male
against the Luindrim, requesting them to priests to spread the Dark Religion.
acknowledge his rule. In the battles of Sarn 2070 The building of Kibeïdûkh, with the help
Girith and Cabed-i-Thyn, the Urdar are heavily of the Dwarves of Drùhar-shatûr, is completed.
defeated by Elven guardians and the power of 2250-3261 Hoarmûrath leaves the government
the Book of Icelore. to his minions, among which Camthalion, and

travels to Mordor, returning every now and 1068 Itharcon and Nòlglen, having heard about
then to his kingdom to overview the situation. trouble in the East, leave the Far North, leaving
2674 Eryngon and his band slay an Half-king and to Telcontar the burden of fighting
his first son. The Urdar retaliates upon the Hoarmûrath.
Elves. Eryngon starts travelling outside 1080 Aewidil (Aiwendil) visits the Far North.
Luindor. That same year the forces of Hoarmûrath are
3032 Eryngon is taken captive by the Urdar, and defeated near Igelkûk. Telcontar leaves for the
taken to Sediakh. East.
3241 Randae is born, from Celedhen heir of 1085 Aiwendil returns to Western lands,
Lindor. preoccupied about Greenwood.
3260 Randae begins his quest for the Book of 1090 Hoarmûrath takes Igelkûk. He is attacked
Icelore and his brother Aldaron. by the Elves.
3261 Uprising of the Luindrim. Led by Randae, 1092 Hoarmûrath is able to forge an alliance of
and with the might of the Book of Icelore, they Urdarin tribes against the Elven invasion.
throw off the Urdar’s yoke. Randae is Eryngon withdraws his troops.
proclaimed King. 1100 Hoarmûrath launches another campaign of
3441 Sauron is defeated by the forces of the Last conquests in the North.
Alliance. Hoarmûrath passes into the Shadow, 1120 Hoarmûrath crushes the last Urdar
and his kingdom quickly splits. Camthalion flees opposers, with the help of loyal clans. Eryngon
to Kibeïdûkh, where he gathers the last faithful orders the Book of Icelore used against him.
priests. 1160 The Ice King submits Angclax.
1230 Conquest of Myr.
1290 By this time, the Dark Religion has spread
3.2.2 Third Age widely, and nearly all Mannish peoples of the
1 Elves from Tharsitaur start returning to their North have developed a strong hatred for Elves
ancient homeland in Luindor. and their control of ‘bad’ weather. The
3 Eryngon is freed by his prison, and returns to Luindrim close their borders to everyone
Luindor. However, he does not dare to claim approaching their forests. Camthalion is sent to
for his title, knowing that his people love Angmar.
Randae. 1336-1340 Second Invasion of Luindor. Thanks
130 Randae dies without offspring, and passes to the Book of Icelore and the help of the Wizard
the crown to Eryngon. Telcontar, the Urdar and their allies are
1050 Hoarmûrath returns to Kibeïdûkh, where defeated, but the Elves lost many warriors.
he finds Camthalion still ruling over a small but 1380 The Urdar submit the Agnican tribes.
strong force of dark priests. 1404 Nomads from Lu Tyr Su start troubling
1052 Hoarmûrath re-establish his rule upon the Myran and Iskahù borders.
Dìr. Rumours of the return of the Ice King 1472 The Urdar conquer Iskahù.
spread throughout the North. 1542 Nomads from Lu Tyr Su ravage Iskahù
1062 Three Wizards visit the Far North, and during winter, helped by the exceptionally good
learn about the rumours. Itharcon (Curunìr), weather conditions.
Telcontar (Alatar) and Nòlglen (Pallando) are 1544 Revolt in Angclax
honoured by Eryngon and Arûthil. Itharcon 1545 Revolt in Myr. Iskahù divides in two
resides for a while in Luindor, while the other kingdoms, Iskanor and Tyrnalt.
roam the land, organising defence against the 1601 The Urdar conquer Iskanor
Úlair. 1606 Fall of Tyrnalt. The nomads are turned
1067 Itharcon visits the Dwarves of Murthûnin away from Iskahù after many years of war
and the Men of Ôm, exhorting them to fight the 1634 The Great Plague strikes all the Empire of
rising Shadow. He obtains less than hoped. the North. Disorders break out in all the

1644 Urd wholly pacified
1657 Fall of Sufkupik in Iskahù. The Empire
1676 The assault on Luindor is renewed.
1692 Rhaveryn, son of Eryngon, is born.
1699 The Book of Icelore is stolen again by
Gorthog the Whisperer. Third Invasion of
Luindor, by a huge horde of Evil Men and Orcs.
1703 Eryngon falls in battle at Cabed-i-Thyn.
Cybrethil is razed, and Queen Arûthil flees with
1704 Luindor pacified, a new line of Half Kings,
this time supported by Orc guards around them.
3019 The death of Hoarmûrath triggers strife
for power in Urd. The Luindrim kill the last
Half-King, Aravath, and proclaim a new
kingdom. Rhaveryn becomes Sixth King of

4 The Land
The forest of Luindor is the most pleasant place
in the Far North. Thanks to the presence of the
immortals, their care of nature, and the
warming power of the Book of Icelore, Luindor (S. “Birch Bows”, Lu. “Cybreseil”), where the
enjoys good weather and mild seasons if King and Queen live. No real roads do exist in
compared to the surrounding lands. Although Luindor, for defence reasons.
the Elves mainly live in the Blue Forest, Luindor
has many peculiar areas, that deserve their own 4.2 The Falath
description. The Sea East of Luindor is called by many names
among the Elves: Aear Minuial (S. “Sea of
4.1 Taur Luin Dawn”, Lu. “Tengr Minyla”), Aear Anoron (S.
The Blue Forest’ takes its name from the colour “Sea of Rising Sun”, Lu. “Tengr Kalord”),
of its trees, that makes Taur Luin unique among Belcheldor (S. “Land of Mighty Ice”, Lu.
the northern woodlands. The Blue Pine and the “Blegeldor”), but the most common name, used
Northern Larch grow among many kinds of often by other peoples is Aear Thilluin (Lu.
conifers: pines, firs, beeches, with occasional “Tengr Silùn”), Sea of Silver-blue light, for the
spots of birches and yews, that the Elves favour shine of the pale northern Sun, among the rain-
for their telain tree-houses. carrying clouds, so common above those
A running creek, the Girithrant (S. “Shivering waters.
Stream”, Lu. “Gridrant”), cuts the forest in two, Aear Thilluin is actually a bay of the Ekkaia (S.
but it can be easily crossed for most of its upper “Echaear”), the Encircling Sea, that was formed
course, and at the ford of Sarn Girith (Lu. in ancient times, as shards of the northern lamp
“Sarnegrid”). of the Valar fell on the Arda. Still today, the
The Elves live in small villages connected by Elves say that its broken roots lie on the islands
hidden trails. The main settlements is Cybrethil of Urtlagga (S. “Calthrond”), at the center of the

bay. These waters are not much warmer than

those of the Helkëar, and ice imprisons them 4.4 Pinnath Paer
from early October to late March, leaving
The Pinnath Paer (S. “Cliffs of Copper”, Lu.
icebergs for the rest of the year.
“Pened Paur”) are the main source of ores of the
The seashore of Luindor is low and sandy, often
Elves, who maintain no less than three mines of
beaten by wet and cold winds coming from the
copper and tin. The hills are grassy, with few
Sea. Few Elves live here, in scattered fishing
vegetation, and form a natural border that
villages. In summer they sail on long and light
separates Luindor from Urd. No Elven
ships, and in winter they make holes in the ice
settlements exist here, only hidden outposts
for fishing. They also like to skate, a practice
from where the wardens can spot any trespasser
that they learned from the Sharta. The only large
at several hundred metres of distance.
settlement is Sùlond, a small haven at the mouth
of Girithrant
4.5 Emyn Peith
4.3 Hithaelin These hills form the south-western border of
Luindor. The Emyn Peith (S. “Hills of Larches”,
A small lake not far from the coast, the Hithaelin
Lu. “Myein Pesi”) take their name for the
(S. “Lake of Mist”, Lu. “Hisaelin”) deserves its
abundance of this trees. In summer the
name, as its neighbourhoods are often clouded
vegetation is no less than elsewhere, but in
in thick fog. No Elves reside on its wet shores,
winter the larches lose their foliage, outlining
but they like to visit it, for its mysterious
their presence between the Taur Luin and the
atmosphere, or just to fish its good sweet water
Taur Galûr (S. “Dark Green Forest”), which the
fish. In early and late winter, skating contests
Urdar call Great Forest. A few settlements exist
are held, attracting hundreds of visitors from all
in hidden vales; much more numerous are the
warden outposts that watch over the shadows of
Hithaelin has a circular shape, about 2 km in
the Great Forest of Urd, and the black fortress
diameter. Its waters are cold and deep, reaching
of Takhar, home to the undead spirits of Men.
40 m at the deepest point.
The Emyn Peith are more wild and rugged than
the Pinnath Paer, and the only way to easily

cross them is the Cirith Lammond

(S. “Crevice of Echoing Stone”, S.
“Krid Lamond”), a narrow pass
among the hills, with steep and
bleak walls that forbid to leave the
path. Here ambushes are far too
easy for the Luindrim., and they
have many watchers at critical
points of the pass.

4.6 Northern March

Luindor’s northern march stretches
between the Pinnath Paer and the
Sea, in a narrow stripe that
becomes, near the mouths of the
Angrant (S., Lu. “Iron River”), the
forest of Mulìr. In ancient times, a road ran
along the coast, towards the Dwarven capital of respectfully avoid the Elven borders, never
Drùhar-shatûr, but since the coming of the Ice crossing the Tûlerant (S., Lu. “Stream of
King, it has become a guarded path not enough Poplars”).
wide for a cart.
Precipitation is common, along with fog. Many 4.8 Nîn-i-Ramran
wardens watch the borders for Urdar The “Wetlands of the Wandering Wings” are
trespassers; sometimes, they dash into Mulìr, seashore swamps, which are home to
attacking the caravans of supplies for the border uncountable migratory birds.
forts of the North King, or those carrying the The frozen ponds that look like a desert of icy
tributes from Angclax (Ang “Beyond the reeves, transform in summer, as they fill with
Angranit”, S. “Tharangrant”). white cranes, swans, ducks, geese, and other
graceful flyers, who feed on the insects and fish
4.7 Eastern March of the area.
The eastern boundaries of Luindor are not
narrowly defined. However, the eastern march 4.9 Aeareryn
is by far the less troubled side of the Elven Though not properly a part of the kingdom of
forest. This woodland is rich in birches, and Luindor, the immense Aeareryn (S. “Sea of
even occasional oaks and poplars can be found. Trees”, Lu. “Tengrien”) is a wild taiga where the
The Emyn Peith lower, to the Lhûen Gap, that only intelligent creatures are scattered groups of
leads to the homonymous taiga. nomadic Elves, that roam the wilderness
Then, new hills rise into the Emyn Pelaelin, that between Taur Luin and Thartsitaur, trading or
Men call ‘hills of Uul’, wild heights that no one herding their animals. Another name the Elves
dares to cross for fear of the Dragon Lamthanc call it is Taur Lhûen, as opposed to Taur Luin to
(Lu. “Forked Tongue”), and his accursed the north. Lhûen is a curious word, strictly
offspring that roams the woods of that land. belonging to the Luindrin dialect and impossible
Woods stretch from these hills to the sea, to translate in Sindarin: it defines a colour which
separating Luindor from Shartax (Sh. “Beyond is not blue nor green, but a middle hue between
the Forest”, S. “Tharsitaur”): sometimes Sharta the two, just the colour of the Aeareryn
hunters roam the area, but know that the elves landscape.
don’t desire contact with mortals, and

Like the Great Forest to the west, Aeareryn is 5.1 Flora

mostly a flat taiga, but it enjoys a particular
Blue Pine – this evergreen is very common in
atmosphere, that Men would call ‘magical’ or
Luindor, contributing to give the forest its
bluish hue. It grows quite common also in the
Pleasant, with a milder climate than
Taur Lhûen. The cones are large, bearing big
surrounding lands, often clad in a thick mist that
pine nuts; they are nutritious, but taste quite
hides images and silence noises, it is mainly
acid, if they are not cooked properly. Its wood
formed by evergreens like pines, firs and
is valued due to the high tannic acid content,
larches, and many birches. Less common but
which acts as a natural preservative: structures
not rare are elms and poplars. Winter is cold,
built with Blue Pine can last twice as long as
with heavy snowfall, especially in September-
October, and March-April. In summer,
Northern Larch – a deciduous conifer, this
migratory birds crowd the swamplands, and
large green-blue tree is quite rare, save on the
many animals stir from winter lethargy, filling
Hills of Larches. As it loses its foliage in winter,
the forest with teeming life.
it is associated to death and rebirth. Urdar
A few Iskahr and Kùbor hunters seldom venture
healers burn its bark to heal wounds.
into it, but they are mostly scared by
Snowdweller – a small, white-green flower
superstitions about Elven magic (most of them
that dud in early spring, in the snow. It is quite
being only legends).
rare, usually growing near woods. Urdarin
herbalists can brew its petals to heal frostbite,
enhancing the recovery speed.
5 Flora and Fauna Iskukäl – a bluish flower that grows in woods,
Luindor displays a variety of plants and animals, it can be brewed to heal 2-20 hits; +20 RR vs.
that cannot be found in the surrounding lands, disease.
save in some parts of Aeareryn. Basically, it is a Latha – these reeds grow near the Hithaelin and
cold taiga, and most of its trees are evergreens, in the Nin-i-Ramran. They are reduced to
broken by birches and other occasional powder, mixed with water and brewed into a
deciduous trees. Lichen and musk are common, mild analgesic, god for headaches, toothaches
especially on the Pinnath Paer, among short and colds (+10 RR vs. disease). It heals 12 hits.
greyish grasses. Water Smeller – a grass that grows in the Nin-
Large predators have been driven out from i-Ramran, it is used in summer by fishers, to
Luindor, and brown bears, wolves, wolverines keep insects away. It must be pasted on the
and tigers remain only in Aeareryn. The only body, and it releases a foul odour. It is likely that
threat to people is the Rhaveryn, the dreaded also animals will stay away from the foul-
Tree Lion. Smaller carnivores are the wild cat smelling character, this why hunters never use
and the weasel, together with the otter. Seals it.
may be found on beaches. Holly – brought from Eregion, this plant grows
Large herbivores are mainly deers and elks, with in thick shrubs of dark green, with thorn-leaves
some rarer reindeers, bisons and boars. Much and red berries. It is ideal for enclosures, so that
more common are small game like rabbits, rats, even animals may have problems to cross it:
pheasants. Migratory birds are common: many inner villages are enclosed with such
swallows, cranes, ducks, swans. Gulls live on fence.
the shores.
Sweet waters are teemed with trouts, salmons, 5.2 Fauna
crabs and shrimps.
Aeareryn, being wilder, is also inhabited by Wild Cat (Lu. “Châs”) – this predator is rare, a
beavers and wild horses. Its fauna is rich and smaller version of the large wild cat of Urd; it
abundant. preys on young deers and small game, and never

attacks Elf-sized creatures. 70-100 cm long, 5.3 Special Creatures

with a furry tail, its grey hide is pointed with
Giant Spider (S. “Belungol”, Lu.
black spots.
“Blungol”) – The Giant Spiders of the Far
North are different from those who live in
Forest Tiger (S. “Arrhav”, Lu. “Karav”))– the
most dreaded predator of the northern taiga, the
They were spawned in distant lands by
Forest Tiger can reach 2 m in length, excluding
Ungoliant, and migrated to the North in early
the long tail. It preys on large game, mainly
First Age, where they plagued woodlands and
deers, reindeers, elks, or even bisons, but even
mountains. After the defeat of the Shadow
Elves or Men are suitable food. The warm and
Flame in the late First Age, the Elves were able
furry tiger hide is the most prized in all the far
to slay most of the woodland spiders.
North, valued up to 2 gp, or more, each. Forest
However, some of them still live today, mainly
Tigers live mainly in Aeareryn and the Great
on the Mountains, but sometimes even in the
Forest; the wardens hunt them or drive them
Great Forest.
out, as the predators are a danger for everyone.

Tree Lion (S. “Rhaveryn”, Lu. “Ravrien”) – the

only large predator that lives in Luindor, this
wild cat looks like a mix between a lynx and a
tiger. 100-120 cm long, with a short tail and
pointed ears like a lynx, it has a reddish hide
with black strips, like that of the tiger. Feeding
mainly on deers or small game, the animal can
also attack Elven children and domestic animals
like goats or ponies. It is extremely aggressive,
and it moves with incredible agility on the
branches of trees, from where it falls on its
victims. The Elves hunt it whenever they find
The wardens organise expeditions to steal their
one in their kingdom, but they cannot prevent
silk. However, when they live too near to the
some sneaking through the warden’s watch.
forest, they drive them away, killing them if
they get too large and dangerous.
Sea Eagle (S. “Aearthoron”, Lu. “Tengresor”)–
Northern Spiders are large – from 2 to 3 m long
a brown-yellowish bird, with bright yellow beak
– with thick armour, and strong legs. They have
and talons, it lives on the shores of the Sea of
grey, dirty fur around their body, and eight
Thilluin, where it feeds on fishes by diving into
orange eyes.
They favour caves and holes, from which they
dash against large preys. In addition, they attach
Sibinchi –an aggressive boar, furry and small,
thick webs to trees and on the ground, to catch
more common in the Great Forest
smaller animals. They are intelligent, and speak
their own language.
Blackhead Crane (S. “Mordhol”, Lu.
They often have powers linked to Essence’s
“Mrotir”) – this beautiful and tall crane lives
Perception, Lesser Illusions, Unbarring Ways, Guises,
only in the wetlands of Luindor, Taur Lhûen and
Darkness, Mind Speech.
Tharsitaur from May to late September. Its
plumage is snow white, but the head, the beak
and the legs are black.

6 The Elves for their fierce loyalty to their .

Thûrlornar (Av. "Wind Forest") was a vast
forest, situated to the west of Vothrig, to the
The Hwendi were a people of Avari Elves. They
east of Ûlish, and to the north of the coasts of
were supposed to have been the ancestors of
the Sea of Storms.
both the Windan and the Hwenti. The
Its name came from its numerous storms, and
remaining Hwendi were divided into three
the frequency of the pirates attacking
Númenorean, Ulshyan or Wômaw trade ships.
It was inhabited by the Hwendi, Tatyarin
Avarin herders and hunters, who had settled
6.1 The Mithryedeli there under the light of the Stars.
They fought against all who wanted to enter
The Mithryedeli or Mizdelai were a semi- uninvited in their forest, except when humans
nomadic and somewhat primitive tribe of Avari had peaceful intentions (just like the Ulshyans).
who inhabited the lands of Myr, Urd, and Dír. Other than that, they were hostile
They were the most numerous and widespread to Orcs and Evil Men
of the Ice Elves, though very secretive. They
somewhat payed homage to Morwened's
Queenship, but it was more of a tradition than a 6.3 The Luindrim
firmly held belief in her. Their loyalty changed The “Blue-Elves (Av. “Luindrim”), or Ice-
with the names of their tribal leaders. Elves (Av."Ugni'imi", "Blue Host") were
an Avarin People on the northern
Located east of the Gulf of Ûtum, Myr was the peninsula of Middle-earth. They were the
northernmost plain in central Endor. It was inhabitants of the land Luindor but some groups
populated by the Tyran-speaking Myri. also lived in Myr and Urd, especially in the
Ûrd (D.S."Keep") lay in the Far North of forest of Dir.
Middle-earth, along the southern edges of the
Ered Engrin (S. "Iron Mountains"). An
extremely cold and rocky land, it was inhabited
by Urdarin-speaking Hildor called the Urdar.
Scattered bands of Umli lived in the higher
reaches along its northern and eastern flanks.
The Urdar called them "Half-dwarves," and
hunted them with zealous abandon.
The Forest of Dír (A. "Shackle") was one of the
great taiga-forests of the Farthest North. It was
home to the Dírian people and a number of
Umli and Urdar tribes.

6.2 The Hwendi

The Hwendi of Thûrlornar were a small and
secluded sect of Avari living in the forest
of Thûrlornar, just east of the Iron Mountains.
Adept warriors, originally part of Morwened's
guerilla movement and taught by Dwarves early
in smithing and stonework. They were known

Racial origins fighting in the forest, move silently watching the

The Luindrim are Avari Elves that left borders, and ambush trespassers. They are
Cuiviènen after the Great Journey of the Eldar. lightly armed, wearing leather jerkins, and
They wandered many years in northern Middle- bearing a kynac and a long bow.
Earth, until their leader Lindor settled in In times of war, all able males are called to
Luindor. They also call themselves Foredhil (S. battle, fighting the wardens’ way, supported by
“Northern Elves”), or Iaurwaith (S. “Old Folk”). the power of the Book of Icelore.

Social structure Currency

Society is informal and not structured; if The Luindrim mint a few coins, the most
excepted the two rulers, status depends on valuable in silver. However, most of their
personal qualities, most important among them simple economy works through barter. Trade
wisdom and skill in one’s work. with outsiders is rare, and usually it is dealt
Most Elves are members of a profession: this through barter, too.
implies nothing more than a sense of Elven coins depict on one face the ice-flower,
community, so that members of the same symbol of Helkalòmë and the Luindor, or else
profession help one another and discuss together the Harp of the Queen. The other bears the Bow
in assemblies in times of trouble. of the Kings, or his Crown.
Each profession is equally honourable, although Coins minted under Urdarin domination bear
those who need a longer apprenticeship (as on one side the profile of the Peraran, on the
minstrels and smiths) enjoy a higher respect. other the Dìr Leaf, symbol of the Hoarmûrath.
Family is informal, too: weddings are celebrated
by the King and the Queen, and usually last Appearance
forever. Children live in their parents’ house The Luindrim are an Avar folk, those Elves who
until at full age, then they are free as any other never began the voyage to Aman. Males are 1,75
Elf. Males and females enjoy equal respect and m tall, female, 1,70 m, of slight and athletic
rights; nonetheless a division of tasks is generally build. They are fair-skinned, and their hair is
acknowledged by all (e.g. female hunters or
warriors are rare, as male weavers or healers
Few disputes divide the Luindrim, and these are
resolved by tradition, applied by the King, who
decides after hearing the counsel of the
representatives of the interested professions.

Military structure
Luindrim learned soon to fight for survival:
consequently, all males are able to use the long
bow and the kynac, the Elven long dagger, and
often females, too, have a basic familiarity with
these weapons.
Skilled warriors have their own profession,
under the King’s command. Among them,
about one every four is a guard, wielding spear
and shield and wearing iron armour. Their task
is to protect the royal palace and the main
All other warriors are wardens, trained at

usually dark, or only rarely sandy. Eyes are

black, green or blue.
They favour long dresses or more practical
tunics and woollen pants, dyed blue, green or
deep yellow; silk is rarer, as it must be imported
from Rùbor.
Their feet wear leather shoes or boots. When
they are outside settlements, they wear heavy
mantles, usually woven to mimetise just like
Lòrien’s ones (+20 Hiding).
Ornaments, displayed by both males and
females, are usually feathers, or carven bone
figures. Gold and silver jewels are rarer, and
they often bear gems. The best of them come
from the Dwarves of Nogodhrond (Kh.
“Drùhar-shatûr”) and Pelaelin (Kh. “Belzâram”).

They build two level settlements: wooden huts
and small stone buildings, with pointed roofs,
lie on the ground, hosting stores, stables and (hazels, chestnuts).
hen-houses. The Elves distil the Ûrel, a strong liquor
Higher among the branches, there are telain, obtained from roots. Its properties are fabled as
wooden platforms, often closed with wooden much as those of the miruvor, more famous in the
walls and elaborate and fine carvings; they have west.
small windows with glasses. This is the living
level, where the Elves sleep, eat and socialise, Religion
under beautiful gazebos, surrounded by thin The Luindrim, as the Eldar, revere the Valar
wooden columns, and sometimes even glass with informal prayers, or meditate on the One.
walls. Formal celebrations are but a few in a Luindor
Settlements are usually protected by a hedge, Elf’s life: the naming by his father, marriage
although border villages prefer wooden officed by the King and Queen, end the goodbye
palisades. ceremony after the death of some friends.
Informal feasts are held at solstices, bound to
Diet seasons, and usually they are dedicated to
Elven diet is not much varied, and its base are Ivannië (Yavanna), Araw (Oromë) and Elbereth
milk products: goat or horse milk, cheese and (Varda).
Hens and geese provide eggs, too. However, all Talents and flaws
meat comes from wild animals: deers, rabbits, They are very resistant to cold (+10 DB and
pheasants, trushes and swamp birds. Swamps RR). Being superb woodsmen, they have +10
and creeks offer also trouts, salmons, shrimps, to Stalk and Hide.
crabs, pikes and sturgeons. Sea fishers are few, They are strong enough to travel for a day
and they usually fish in holes in the icepack. without stops. In addition, they need to sleep
Vegetables and fruit don’t play a big part in only 4 hours a day. Their sleep is a sort of
Elven diet: the Luindrim cultivate it in small meditation from which it is very difficult to be
glasshouses. Among them are apples (from awakened.
which is produces mead), pears and dry fruit

They are immune to disease and don’t age. They He fought valiantly in the War of the Woods,
can die only for wounds or sorrow. but in the end the Luindrim were defeated. His
Like all Elves, they have good sight and hearing: father slain, and his kingdom conquered,
at night-time they can see nearly as during the Eryngon was offered to join the runaways led by
day. If there is a small source of light, they can Elewen. He refused the crown of a new
see up to 30 m. Their hearing is three times kingdom in exile, and remained with some
keener than Men’s. faithful wardens, living as bandits who preyed
Their voice is naturally musical (+10 to upon Urdar bands inside Luindor, with the
Singing). protection of the locals.
However, in 2674, the bandits dared to ambush
7 Politics and Power the very Half-king, slaying him and his firstborn.
The Luindrim are traditionally ruled by a King The Urdar retaliated on the Luindrim,
and a Guardian. The King is the chief figure, and punishing everyone suspected to have sheltered
presides over justice, war and order, while the the outlaws, and raising the tributes. In spite of
Guardian, which is often the Queen, is the the prince’s dreams, the Elves did not dare to
responsible of the Forest, of its animal and openly revolt against the Ice King, and he left,
plants, guiding the actions of those who deal wandering the North in search of the stolen
with it: hunters, woodsmen, and the like. Book of Icelore.
In addition, there is a Keeper of the Book of
Icelore: she is often the Queen, but under In the following centuries, he visited almost
Doranar’s and Thonaran’s reign the Book was every corner of the North, from Mitheryn to the
Kept by Curlalf, Guardian of the Wood. The borders of Ôm, and from Ushashasir to Rùbor.
Keeper is the only Elf in all Luindor who have Obsessed by his failures, he dared more and
the key of the Chamber of the Book in more, trying finally, in 3032, to ambush
Cybrethil; his task is to watch over the tome, Camthalion and interrogate him. His attempt
and tap to its power in situations of danger. failed, and while many of his companions were
There are eight professions in Luindor. Every slain, Eryngon was captured and brought to
profession elects informally a representative, Sediakh, where he was imprisoned in the
that counsel the King and the Guardian in their citadel’s dungeon.
decisions. Yet, Hoarmûrath chose not to kill him, both for
cruelty and the hope to extort information
7.1 King Eryngon about his companions. On more than one
occasion, the Ice King used the Elven prince as
Eryngon was born in SA 1372, only son of a trap for his friends, come to rescue him. They
Thonaran and his Queen, Celwen. He was all found death.
educated to be a King, but as Thonaran still
remembered his father’s death at Nan Drùhar, Eryngon never gave up, refusing to speak and
he wanted to make of his son a skilled warrior enduring every pain. His captivity lasted nearly
and a good leader. He succeeded perfectly, as four centuries. He was found by Randae
Eryngon was unrivalled with the kynac, and Linvairë, in TA 3, after the conquest of Sediakh
respected and loved by his wardens. and the hasty flight of Camthalion. The Half-Elf
King saved Eryngon, and announced him the
From 1987 to 1992, he fought in support with end of the Ice King’s rule.
Hoarmûrath, following his father’s orders, and
for a time really trusted the Urdar lord. Then, The Elven prince recovered in Luindor, but
when things got worse, Eryngon searched for though he saw his kingdom free once again, he
vengeance upon the betrayal of the Luindrim, was deprived of the crown he had fought for for
but was never able to confront the King of Urd. nearly fourteen centuries. He was convinced

that his people did not desire another King: Flute 50, Public Speaking 70, Stalk & Hide 90,
however, Randae chose the Gift of Men, and in Swashbuckling 60, Read Runes 30, Star Gazing
TA 130, Eryngon became the Fifth King of 65, Swimming 60, Tactics 80, Tracking 100
Luindor. Languages: Luinbeth S8/W8, Sindarin
S6/W6, Quenya S5/W6, Urdarin S7/W7,
He then ruled on a reborn kingdom, watching Angcla S7/W6, Sharta S6/W6, Ôma S5/W5
and preventing evil to return to the North. RM Spells: 32 (96) PPs. All base Ranger 30th,
However, his efforts were not enough. When all open Channeling to 5th.
the Shadow returned, Eryngon could only fight
to slow its rise. After the Plague, the Elvenking Heirlooms of the King
is taking profit of Urd’s weakness, Crown of Luindor – A gift from the Elves of
strengthening the defences of the kingdom, Eregion, the crown is gold in the shape of holly
while at the same time use spies and the Book of leaves, with red ruby berries. Continuous Mind
Icelore to help the revolting peoples against the Speech Mind Speech (300m). +30 to all Influence
Urdar. The Rantir still roam the North, skills.
gathering information and helping isolated Thindagol (Lu. “Grey Mantle”) – woven by
groups of rebels and bandits in Urd and other the best weavers of Luindor, this mantle gives
lands. +90 to hiding in any woodland.
Cuthon (Lu. Pine Bow”) – the long bow of
Eryngon stands 1,90 m, weighs 85 kg, with Thonaran was recovered from the battlefield
quick and strong muscles on all his body. He has and brought to Eryngon, who kept it as a
dark hair and eyes and fair skin. At his palace he reminder of his father. +40 OB. Can fire every
wears silk clothes and boast a kingly attitude round without penalty.
towards all who visit him. Outside the palace, Arcil (Lu. “Noble Blade”) – a +30 kynac forged
he changes, becoming a perfect leader, both by Curegam in mid Second Age.
charismatic, trust-inspiring, witty. He wears the Ring of Eregion – one of the first Lesser Rings
clothes of the wardens, green and brown. of Power made in Eregion, this was a gift from
that kingdom to the King of Luindor. Designed
Level: 32 of mithril, with an amethyst set, it allows the
Race: Avar (Noldo) wearer to resist the presence of Great demons,
Profession: Ranger and protects wearer against all spells as if he was
Home: Cybrethil 30 levels higher than actual.
Aka: Reinkon (Lu. “Tree Captain”), Fifth King
of Luindor, Thalion (S. “The Steadfast”) 7.2 Queen Arûthil
RM Stats: St-95, Qu-101, Em-83, In-86, Pr- Arûthil was born in SA 2060, seven years after
93, Ag-99, Co-94, Me-86, Re-93, SD-101 the fall of Luindor, and five since the foundation
MERP Stats: St-95, Ag-99, Co-94, Ig-93, It- of Tharsitaur. She was daughter of Elenthil,
86, Pr-93 second daughter of Elewen, thus sharing the
Appearance: 92 blood of Lindor and Helkalòmë. The girl was
Hits: 150 educated by her grandmother, to the high
Melee OB: 130bs language of the Noldor, and the lore of stars.
Missile OB: 170lb She showed her great intellect since childhood,
AT (DB): SL/7(40) and spoke more often with loremasters than
Skill bonuses: Ambush 15, Attunement 40, with children of her age.
Basic Math 40, Dancing 60, Diplomacy 50,
Foraging 80, Horse Mastery 80, Hunting 90, In TA 150, she came to Luindor, now ruled by
Leadership 100, Martial Arts sweeps 50, Eryngon, and by Elewen’s will she married the
Military Organisation 80, Observation 90, Play

King, uniting again the blood of the ancient long bow, with silver leaf inlaid. Fashioned in
Kings. She had great affection for Eryngon, but Tharsitaur. +20 OB, string made of Elven hair,
never loved him, as they were separated by their never breaks.
ideal lives. Eryngon sought glory and majesty, Queen’s Robes – very beautiful and
while the Queen loved lore and knowledge. comfortable white silken robes, with mantle;
Nonetheless, she obeyed him, being a good may become grey travel clothes at will, +20
Queen, loved by her people, a worthy Guardian Hiding outdoor, +10 DB and RR against cold.
of the Forest, and a discreet Keeper of the Book Crown of Aeareryn – a diadem of silver wires
of Icelore. and leaves, with a single sapphire on the brow;
grants knowledge of Animist Animal Mastery
Arûthil stands 1,81 m, weighing only 50 kg. She and Plant Mastery to 20th level (only within the
is thin and graceful, with the long raven hair of borders of the Forest). PPsx3 (Channeling).
the Noldor, and black eyes. Her skin is almost Made by Helruin, as a gift for the Queen of
white. She dresses long robes of silk or wool, Luindor.
usually white or silver. Silver flask and cups – grant knowledge of
Open Channeling Purifications, on the water
Level: 10 they contain.
Race: Avar (Noldo) Mrotir Brooch – a silver and lacquer brooch
Profession: Astrologer in the shape of a mrotir crane. +20 DB, +10 RR.
Home: Cybrethil A gift from Elewen.
Aka: Rûsila (Lu. “White Light of the East”), Harp of the Queen – a large golden harp,
Queen of Luindor, Tindòmiel (S. “Morning fashioned by Randae the minstrel for Queen
Star”) Helkalòmë. +15 Play Instrument and Music. X2
RM Stats: St-68, Qu-83, Em-99, In-91, Pr-95, range to all Bard spells.
Ag-82, Co-73, Me-73, Re-91, SD-97
MERP Stats: St-68, Ag-82, Co-73, Ig-91, It-
91, Pr-95 7.3 Professions
Appearance: 103
Hits: 46 7.3.1 The Guardians
Melee OB: 22ky The profession of the Guardians is formed by all
Missile OB: 49lb who defend the peace of Luindor. They are the
AT (DB): SL/6(40) guards, the wardens, and the Rantir. Master of
Skill bonuses: Play Harp 50, Singing 55, the Guardians is Amaras, who is also Captain of
Poetry 55, Climbing 40, Perception 50, the Guards; he was a companion of Eryngon in
Diplomacy 50, Leadership 55, Public Speaking the wilds, during the Half-Kings’ domination.
55, Region (any in the Far North) Lore 50, 1,90 tall, 90 kg, with dark hair and dark blue
Horse and Crane Mastery 50, Attunement 50, eyes, he is the only Elf capable of matching the
Basic Math 40, Stalk and Hide 50, Second Aid King in a fight. The Guardians’ profession is
40. very hierarchical, with few decisional meetings;
Languages: Luinbeth S9/W9, Sindarin they are under the direct command of the King.
S6/W6, Quenya S6/W6, Urdarin S6/W6,
Angcla S6/W6, Sharta S6/W6 7.3.2 The Gardeners
RM Spells: 37 (111) PPs. All base Astrologer
The first Gardener was Queen Helkalòmë, who
10th, 2 open Channeling to 10th, 2 open
taught the arts of growing things to the
Mentalism to 5th. Base OB is 10, direct OB is 40.
Luindrim. She had learned them in Aman, from
Yavanna, and possessed great knowledge and
Heirlooms of the Queen
skill, most of which was unfortunately lost with
Cwain (Lu. “Holy Bow”) – a Holy (Vàna) beech

her death. The Gardeners obtained the grade of in TA 150, together with Curegam and other
profession after 1720, when the refugees from refugees led by Elewen and Palanorn. Linderyn
Eregion brought with them knowledge of is 1,85 m tall, of medium built; he has dark hair
glasshouses, thus permitting to grow many and eyes, and dresses with simple woollen
plants that would not normally resist the cold clothes of his goats.
northern climate.
The Gardeners have always been few, mostly 7.3.4 The Hunters
living near Cybrethil. Their Master is Calenë, One of the most important professions, the
who learned in her youth directly from the First Hunters are virtually the only providers of meat
Queen. Calenë is 1,80 tall, lean, with short in the forest. The Elves hunt for eating, never to
sandy hair and light blue eyes. She likes dressing collect furs or to entertain themselves –
in bright green. Friend to the Queen, she helps although these two aspects are not excluded by
her in the task of Guardian of the Forest. A lover them. Luindor is rich in fauna, but the Master
of all things that grow, Calenë is by far the and the Queen are always wary of the balances
greatest Animist and herbalist of the North. that rule the forest, so that no species is
threatened of extinction. Sometimes hunters
7.3.3 The Herders travel to the great Forest or Aeareryn, where
they are free, without risk of altering the balance
of such huge woodlands. Luindrim hunters
favour bow and arrows, and they don’t like the
practice of trapping, as it is not selective of the
Fishers are comprised in this profession, too.
Tordlal is the Master of the Hunters. A
renowned ranger, he is a master with the bow.
Born in early Second Age, he fought in the War
of the Woods, but went into exile when his
homeland was conquered. Joining for a brief
time Eryngon and his band, he eventually turned
to Tharsitaur. He is 1,75 m tall, with dark hair
and dark blue eyes.

The Elves of Luindor herd a number of animals: 7.3.5 The Weavers

goats for milk and wool; horses for milk and Together with the Gardeners, the Weavers are
steeds; hens and geese for eggs and plumes. the only profession to be mainly composed of
Most animals wander freely, and none of them female Elves. As the Gardeners, they derive
is killed for meat. While they usually stand much of their knowledge from the First Queen.
inside the villages during the night, some Elven Elven weavers work mainly with goat wool,
herders love to wander, even to Aeareryn, although they can produce fine textiles with
returning home to sell their products, for the plants, or Giant Spider silk. These are,
rest of the year enjoying a nomadic life. however, difficult to weave and get, and they
Linderyn, Master of the Herders, is one of are only fashioned for special occasions. Elves
these. He is famous for his ability with the flute, dye wool with a variety of plant colours.
and his wanderings. One of the first Elves that Sliebrin is Master of the Weavers. She was born
came to the North, together with Lindor, he in mid Second Age, and became Master after her
wandered for many years, until in SA 900 he mother’s death during the Uprising of SA 3261.
accepted the title of Master; in 2053 he left She is 1,70 m tall, of normal build, with long
Luindor, living in Aeareryn. He returned only

brown hair and green eyes. She is a friend of the Skill bonuses: Attunement 90, Basic Math 70,
Queen, and wife of Paurcalm. Climbing 50, Dancing 70, Diplomacy 50,
Engineering 80, Glass-blowing 110, Leadership
7.3.6 The Smiths 70, Metal (various) Craft 90, Metal Lore 100,
Founded in SA 1720, the profession of the Mining 50, Observation 80, Play Xilophone 70,
smiths comprises all who craft metal and glass. Public Speaking 50, Read Runes 60, Stalk&Hide
They live mostly in Cybrethil, where they work 50, Star Gazing 65, Stone lore 70, Swimming 50
in the local forges. Elven artisans craft the most Languages: Luinbeth S8/W8, Sindarin
beautiful creations of the North, although their S7/W7, Quenya S6/W6, Urdarin S6/W6,
lore cannot match that of the Dwarves. Glass in Sharta S5/W5
a craft for which Luindor is famous all across the RM Spells: 30 PPs. All base Alchemist 30th, all
North: objects of art, tools, windows, open Essence to 5th.
glasshouses for gardens, even gems and weapons
can be crafted by them (although the last two are Curegam’s principal items
so expensive that it is not profitable to make Dagorimbor (S. “Battle Arm”) - +30 white
them). eog warhammer, made in Eregion.
Curiously, also miners belong to this profession. Armour – Pl/18 in Dwarven steel (Adarcer),
They extract copper and tin in the Pinnath Paer, made in Hadhodhrond during the Second Age.
providing the smiths with metals. Most of the +15 DB
other ores come from the Dwarves or the
Sharta. 7.3.7 The Crafters
Only one of the three original founders of the All the artisans that don’t work as smiths nor
profession remain in Luindor. Lindemar died in weavers are Crafters: all those who work with
2053, and Helruin remains in Tharsitaur. wood, stone or leather. Elven craft is
Curegam leads the Smiths from TA 150. 1,80 comfortable, durable and beautiful.
tall, of strong build, with dark hair and eyes, he Curinbor is the Master of Crafters. 1,75 m tall,
spends most of his time at his forge at Cybrethil. of normal build, with dark hair and eyes, he is
He loves his work, and tries to reply the glory an engineer who projects buildings. He is
he saw in Eregion in his youth, when he learned married with Pelniloth, a maiden of the
his art from the Mìrdain. Weavers, and has two young children.

Curegam 7.3.8 The Minstrels

Though few, the Minstrels are among the most
Level: 30 respected professions. Most of them are simple
Race: Avar entertainers: though nearly all Elves can sing,
Profession: Alchemist play and dance, they are professional dancers,
Home: Cybrethil musicians, story-tellers, etc. Artists such as
Aka: Master of the Smiths, Belgrimbor (Lu. sculptors or painters are comprised among the
“Strongarm”) crafters; instead, poets belong to the Minstrels.
RM Stats: St-96, Qu-82, Em-89, In-92, Pr-88, A few of them are considered ‘Keepers of Lore’,
Ag-93, Co-92, Me-97, Re-92, SD-88 as they collect a very ancient oral tradition made
MERP Stats: St-96, Ag-93, Co-92, Ig-92, It- of songs, lays and ballads who tell the history of
92, Pr-88 the northern lands.
Appearance: 88 Guimav is the Master of the Minstrels. 1,65 tall,
Hits: 160 of thin built, he is reputedly the wittiest of the
Melee OB: 160wh Luindrim, and at the same time a renowned
Missile OB: 130lb loremaster. He has long sandy hair, green eyes,
AT (DB): Pl/18(40)

and dress in a bright garb; his instrument of Skill bonuses: Attunement 50, Basic Math 40,
choice is the lute. He spends half his time at Dancing 50, Diagnostics 110, Diplomacy 30,
Cybrethil, else wandering the realm, usually in First Aid 90, Herb Lore 120, Observation 85,
summer. He is a great friend to the traveller Read Runes 50, Second Aid 110, Stalk&Hide
Telcontar. 40, Star Gazing 65, Surgery 85, Swimming 40
Languages: Luinbeth S8/W8, Sindarin
7.4 Other important characters S6/W6, Urdarin S6/W6
RM Spells: 50 (150) PPs. All base Healer and
7.4.1 Aliarin open Channeling 20th, all closed Channeling to
She was born in mid-Second Age, and soon
began apprenticeship at Palanorn’s healing
Aliarin’s principal items
hoses, excelling among other aids. When
Brewing Cup – a gift from Palanorn, her
Palanorn left Luindor, in 2053, Aliarin decided
master, this wooden cup, carved with leaf
to remain, to care for the wounded in her
patterns, can warm on concentration some
homeland. She therefore became the Mistress of
water to 100° C, in 1D10 rnds. 3xPPs Healers.
the Houses of Healing at Cybrethil, and served
Purse – a leather bag for herb storage, it triples
well even under the Half-Kings.
the time of conservation of herbs.
Aliarin is 1,66 tall, weighs 55 kg, and has a
beautiful rose skin, with sandy hair at the neck 7.4.2 Arothir
and blue eyes. She favours white robes with
pockets for her herbs. He was born in Luindor shortly before Mùar’s
Her greatest love is the art of healing, and she awakening, entering the service of King
genuinely cares about every living being, even Thonaran as a warden. He became one of the
Orcs, if they politely ask for her help. This kind spies of Luindor when the alliance with
of view has estranged her from many Elves, Hoarmûrath soured, and he was charged the
accusing her of collaborating with the enemy. duty of assassinating two of his high
However, her allegiance goes only to life, not to commanders. Arothir fought bravely during the
a single master. She is very respected for her War of the Woods, and when the kingdom fell,
position, and everyone trusts her doing. he turned to the forest, joining Eryngon’s band
of outlaws.
Level: 20
Race: Avar He was among the slayers of the Half-King in
Profession: Healer 2674, and after that moment, he left Luindor
Home: Cybrethil with Eryngon, eventually separating from him,
Aka: Mistress of the Houses of Healing; the to search for the Book of Icelore. His
Healer. wanderings bring Arothir north, to Kheledh-
RM Stats: St-64, Qu-75, Em-97, In-96, Pr-86, dûm and even the borders of Ôm, which he was
Ag-69, Co-86, Me-94, Re-93, SD-99 not permitted to cross.
MERP Stats: St-64, Ag-69, Co-86, Ig-93, It-
96, Pr-86 When the Luindrim uprose under the leadership
Appearance: 76 of Randae Linvairë, he joined the fight, and
Hits: 90 eventually was able to free his friend Eryngon
Melee OB: 30ky from the prisons of Sediakh. Arothir entered the
Missile OB: 30lb service of Randae, convincing Eryngon to wait
AT (DB): No/2(15) for his moment, and not claim the crown.
He then became the leader of the Rantir, those
rangers who watched and fought any

manifestation of the Shadow in the Far North. Trees, Paurcalm came to Luindor with Lindor,
and is currently the most ancient Elf in the
Level: 24 North. In those far times, he became a great
Race: Avar friend of Dwarves, and from them he learned
Profession: Ranger how to mine ores in the hills, and mould them
Home: Cybrethil, or anywhere in the North into metal. He had his mine and forge at
Aka: Glendae (L. “Green shade”), Captain of Paurond, in the Pinnath Paer, built with the help
the Rantir of friends from Drùhar-shatûr. When this city
RM Stats: St-94, Qu-98, Em-92, In-96, Pr-92, fell, he was the first to help the Dwarves,
Ag-99, Co-92, Me-88, Re-91, SD-88 sharing his home wit them, and enlarging the
MERP Stats: St-94, Ag-99, Co-92, Ig-91, It- caves to better host the refugees.
96, Pr-92
Appearance: 88 Eventually, he helped founding Belzâram, often
Hits: 115 travelling from his large halls to the Dwarven
Melee OB: 130bs city. Empty Paurond became a fortress and a
Missile OB: 150lb stock, where emergency supplies and weapons
AT (DB): SL/7(40) were hidden in case of war. When Lamthanc the
Skill bonuses: Ambush 15, Attunement 30, Dragon destroyed Belzâram, the survivors were
Basic Math 30, Dancing 60, Diplomacy 30, again helped by Elves, but at last they journeyed
Foraging 80, Horse Mastery 70, Hunting 80, to Murthûnin or fled south, to the Orocarni.
Leadership 80, Martial Arts sweeps 40, Military However, a few remained with him, swearing
Organisation 60, Observation 95, Play Flute 70, allegiance to the Elvenking. They fought bravely
Public Speaking 50, Swashbuckling 50, Read during the War of the Woods. With Paurcalm
Runes 30, Stalk&Hide 100, Star Gazing 65, and a bunch of guards, they defended Paurond
Swimming 60, Tactics 60, Tracking 90 to the last man. In 2055, the last resistance in
Languages: Luinbeth S7/W7, Sindarin Luindor fell. Only Paurcalm survived, taken
S4/W4, Urdarin S7/W7, Angcla S6/W6, prisoner.
Sharta S6/W6, Myrin S6/W4
RM Spells: 24 PPs. All base Ranger 20th, 5 He was kept in a jail in his own home for more
open Channeling to 5th. than 50 years, never revealing his secrets. In the
end, he accepted to work for the Half King, and
Arothir’s principal items was released. For the rest of those years, he
Glengol (Lu. “Green Mantle”) – woven by the served the conqueror, directing the slaves
best weavers of Luindor, this mantle gives +70 working in the mines, protecting them, easying
to hiding in any woodland. It can be turned their escape, and secretly supplying information
inside-out, its grey side giving +40 in any and weapons to anyone who opposed the Half
landscape. King. Imprisoned again in 3130, he was released
Cutor (Lu. Forest Bow”) – one of the first bows during the uprising. From that moment, he
made by Luindrim in the First Age, this beech returned to his work, now with Elven assistants,
long bow is +40 OB. to the mines and bronze forges. He is the second
Luincil (S. “Blue Blade”) – forged by Curegam member in importance among the Crafters.
in early Third Age, this steel kynac is +30, of
slaying Orcs and Giant Spiders. It glows of a blue Paurcalm has silver hair, that he gathers in a
light when Orcs or Spiders are within 100 m. single braid. He has hazel eyes and stands 1,75
m tall, with normal build. He dresses in a
comfortable garb, which is usually a work suit.
7.4.3 Paurcalm He is rather suspicious towards all those whom
Born in the Elder Days, during the Age of the he doesn’t know well, especially Men. He is

well known among the Dwarves, and in times of of Fëanorian lamps, so that he is able to make
peace it is not uncommon to find Nogodh (Lu. gems to glow of a faint light. The Galacalm is a
“Dwarf”) apprentices working under his bronze lantern, decorated with shapes of Dwarf
teaching. and Elven miners; inside it, there is a golden
gem that shines permanently, lighting as a torch.
Level: 40 The secret powers of the lamp are many: it can
Race: Avar increase or decrease its brightness on mental
Profession: Alchemist command, from the brilliance of a candlelight to
Home: Paurond that of a campfire. Thrice per day, it can shine
Aka: the Miner; Nogodhil (Lu. “Dwarf- with the effect of a Light Ways Lightning (30 m
friend”); Imaron (Lu. “Underground Dweller”). radius), blinding all those around. The golden
RM Stats: St-96, Qu-98, Em-82, In-96, Pr-90, light is holy: evil creatures will fear it; every five
Ag-73, Co-90, Me-93, Re-97, SD-98 rounds they must RR vs. Fear, or turn away
MERP Stats: St-96, Ag-73, Co-90, Ig-97, It- from the light; the level of the attack is 10, but
96, Pr-90 it rises of 5 levels every five rounds. The light
Appearance: 94 can also burn evil creatures: all those who are
Hits: 170 exposed to direct light suffer from 10 hits/rnd,
Melee OB: 160wm minus one for every meter of distance (so, an
Missile OB: 160lb Orc that is seven metres from the Galacalm will
AT (DB): Pl/18(65) suffer 3 hits/rnd). Evil creatures who touch the
Skill bonuses: Attunement 80, Basic Math 60, inner gem suffer an “E” Heat critical every
Climbing 70, Dancing 60, Diplomacy 50, round.
Engineering 90, Foraging 50, Glass-blowing 90,
Leadership 80, Leather (various) Crafts 60,
Metal (various) Craft 90, Metal Lore 80, 7.4.4 Lòmiron
Military Organisation 60, Mining 110, Born in the year prior to the rise of the Sun,
Observation 80, Play Drums 70, Public Lòmiron had a quite uneventful life, through the
Speaking 70, Read Runes 60, Stalk&Hide 60, troubled history of Luindor. Gifted from birth
Star Gazing 75, Stone lore 80, Swimming 60, with the ability to see the future, he often
Tactics 60 shunned the company of others, preferring to
Languages: Luinbeth S8/W8, Sindarin live alone in the forest, or wander in the
S4/W4, Urdarin S6/W6 wilderness. He helped the Kings of Luindor
RM Spells: 80 PPs. All base Alchemist 30th, all several times, offering his sight for a higher
Channeling to 10th. purpose, else he seldom uses it. When Luindor
fell, he moved to Mitheryn, or wandered the
Paurcalm’s principal items forests of the North, always alone.
Anglodhan (Lu. “Gift of Angolodh”) – made
by Dwarves in the early days of Belzâram, this In Third Age, he met with one of the few people
war mattock was a gift from the founder of that he accepted to be his companions, the traveller
city, King Brahak Angolodh (S. “Iron-wise”) to Nòlglen. The westerner was interested in the
his friend. It is +30 and of slaying Orcs and powers of the Elf, while this one liked to talk
Demons. about metaphysics and the underworld. The
Armour – a Pl/18 made of steel, it gives the two became great friends, and still are. When
wearer +20 DB. Nòlglen visits the North, he always meets with
Galacalm (Lu. “Bright Lamp”) – the Lòmiron, who reports him all news he has
masterpiece of Paurcalm’s work is this lamp, gathered in that time.
made in late First Age, helped by Dwarves.
Paurcalm discovered a principle similar to that Lòmiron is 1,80 m tall, of lean built, with pale

skin, very dark hair and dark blue eyes. He Hiding in shadows. When reversed, it is grey
dresses in dark colours, preferring green and and +20 Hiding anywhere.
brown. He always wonders about the origin of
Arda, the nature of Ilùvatar, and the destiny of 7.5 Relations with the outside
the world after the Dagor Dagorath. He only world
likes the company of loremasters and lovers of
knowledge: however, if he sees his fellow Elves Luindor is the eternal enemy of Urd and its
in trouble, he will surely help them out, North King Hoarmûrath. The Urdar hunt every
although he prefers not to act directly on the Elf they find, and try periodically to invade the
‘destiny of things’. Sometimes he acts as a forest. The Elves spy and encourage outlaws,
messenger or spy of Nòlglen, always without rebels and betrayers. The Rantir are sometimes
direct action. commissioned political assassinations of military
or religious leaders.
Level: 30 The Sharta are friends with the Elves, and they
Race: Avar are the only people who periodically trade with
Profession: Seer them, although on a small scale. However, the
Home: Luindor, Mitheryn, the Great Forest Sharta are to weak and divided to influence the
Aka: Eredhil (Lu. “Lonely Elf”) political scene in the Far North.
RM Stats: St-67, Qu-87, Em-97, In-96, Pr-82, The Elves are at good terms with the Dwarves,
Ag-75, Co-78, Me-94, Re-97, SD-100 but they are not able to forge an alliance with
MERP Stats: St-67, Ag-75, Co-78, Ig-97, It- them, who fear the North King.
96, Pr-82 Elves and Umli have few things in common, and
Appearance: 93 they try to avoid one another.
Hits: 130 Differently from the Eldar, the Luindrim have
Melee OB: 60qs learned little wisdom from their past deeds,
Missile OB: 100lb when they tried to manipulate Men, imposing
AT (DB): No/2(15) them a King to bring peace and order. Although
Skill bonuses: Attunement 60, Basic Math 60, the Elves gave up relying on mortals, still they
Climbing 50, Dancing 40, Diplomacy 70, try to keep peace by selective elimination of
Divination 120, Foraging 60, Horse Mastery 50, potential threats, questioning little about their
Hunting 60, Leadership 80, Meditation 80, doing. This is the main flaw of the Luindrim: in
Observation 100, Philosophy 90, Play Flute 80, their search for good, they have been fooled by
Poetry 90, Public Speaking 70, Read Runes 70, their own desires, coming close to corruption.
Stalk&Hide 70, Star Gazing 85, Swimming 60, King Eryngon is the main supporter of this
Tracking 30, Weather watching 120 policy of silent violence and terror, to prevent
Languages: Luinbeth S8/W8, Sindarin larger wars; it is Queen Arûthil who questions
S6/W6, Urdarin S6/W6, Quenya S4/W4 more about the nature of this choice.
RM Spells: 90(360) PPs. All base Seer 30th, all Unfortunately, most Luindrim, remembering
base Ranger and Animist to 5th, all Open the pains and sorrows of the Urdarin
Mentalism and Open Channeling to 5th. domination, are sided wholly with their King.

Lòmiron’s principal items

Black Staff – a black oak 1,70 m staff, made by 8 Sites of Note
himself; x4 PPs, holder may cast Animist Nature
Shields Plant Form 1/day. 8.1 Cybrethil
Long Bow – a black beech long bow, +30, of (S. “Birch-bows”, Lu. “Cybreseil”)
slaying Orcs; string never breaks. Among the green-blue trees of Luindor, the
Elven Cloak – a dark mantle that gives +40 to Elvenking holds his court, in a marvellous

wooden and glass palace built on the branches of building of note is the Fishers’ Hall, where the
a thicket of birches. Around the palace, lies the fisher members of the Profession of Hunters
largest settlement of Elves inside the forest, meet, when they have to discuss their particular
made of telain and ground-level buildings. All interests; their informal but recognised leader,
protected by a wooden palisade and an empty Selaran, is also the chief of the villagers,
channel that encircles the town. representing them to the Rulers. He is an Elf
About 800 Elves reside there. Apart from the born in the First Age, friend to the Sharta, and
palace, Cybrethil also hosts the cold forge built he has seldom acted as Luindrin ambassador to
by Helruin, and all the Masters of Professions. them.
The town is famous for his artisans, among
which the most famous are the glassmakers and
the lutemakers. 8.3 Paurond
(S. “Paerond”, Lu. “Copper Vault”)
Originally a mine with a nearby forge, home to
8.2 Sùlond Paurcalm, it was enlarged by Dwarves after the
(Lu. “Windy Haven”, Lu. “Sùlondë”) fall of Drùhar-shatûr in First Age, to host the
Lying at the mouth of the Girithrant, on its refugees for a time. Paurcalm and a few
southern bank, Sùlond is a town of no less than Dwarven friends remained the only inhabitants
600 Elves, the majority of whom are fishers. until the fall of Belzâram in SA 1130. From that
The settlement, unlike others, is mainly built on year, the Dwarven population waned as they
the ground, and protected by a wooden emigrated one after the other, the last slain at
palisade; a small wood of pines and holly the end f the War of the Woods (2055).
protects it from the fierce sea-winds, and hides Under the Half-Kings, Paurond became a large
its sight from anyone coming from Belcheldor. mine and forge complex, where slaves worked
The small river harbour hold space for 30 Elven under the direction of Paurcalm. After the
boats, mainly used for summer fishing. Another Uprising, the complex once again became
empty: Paurcalm and his few apprentices, Elves

and Dwarves, work in the mines and forges for is flanked by steep walls, covered by dark pines.
the King, and keep a large stock of food and This is the Cabed-i-Thyn, and more than once
weapons, to be used in times of war. The hill has invader forces were crushed with an ambush in
been fortified, so that it can resist a siege of this obliged passage. The location is quite
many years long, and host as much as 200 solitary and wild, and slightly threatening,
warriors. knowing that the pines hold many wardens,
ready to give the alarm or fire their arrows on
8.4 Sarn Girith
(S. “Shiver Ford”, Lu. “Sarnegrid”)
The main crossing of the Girithrant, this ford 8.6 Cirith Lammond
lies about at half the course of the stream. It is (S. “Crevice of Echoing Stone”, Lu. “Krid
quite easy to cross in all seasons (except early Lamond”)
Summer), but it is quite narrow, so that only The only passage where a large group could
few horses can pass at a time. It is protected by cross the rugged and forested Emyn Peith is the
Elven wardens in all times, and a tree outpost Cirith Lammond, a 5 km passage where bleak
watch directly above it. walls look grimly at travellers, hiding Elven
wardens in their shadows, or in the occasional
spots of shrubs or small trees. The place is
8.5 Cabed-i-Thyn perfect for ambushes, and more than once
(S. “Cliff of Pines”, Lu. “Kred Tyn”) forces from Takhar were pushed back by the
The easiest way through the Pinnath Paer leads, rangers, with dramatic losses among the
on their ‘inner’ side, to a place where the road Mannish ranks.

9 Adventures Mordyn, an item that will be more than useful

against the Beast.
The following adventures can be played either
Alternatively, the PCs may learn of the spear
separated or connected in a campaign. They are
and be sent to take it in a situation of danger.
conceived to be played respectively by low,
medium and high-level characters.
The Pool
The Pool of the Dead lies in the midst of Nin-i-
9.1 The Spear of the Hunter Ramran, and find it without indication is a
absurd (-70) manoeuvre. If the PCs have been
Setting: The Eastern March, anytime during told where to search, it is only very hard (-20)
the Elven reign. to reach the place.
Requirements: a group of outdoorsmen. The pool is round, about 50 m in diameter, and
Magic-users will be very useful, especially a seer 10 m deep. Its waters are dark and foul-
or someone adept with water ways. smelling. Few plants grow near its banks, save
Aids: none. thorny brambles and stinging nettles. No
Rewards: the spear of Mordyn animals come near, and no fish swims in the
murky liquid.
The Tale If someone is so mad to drink the water (no
In ancient days, there was a great hunter in animal will ever do it willingly), he should make
Luindor. His name was Mordyn, and his arrows a RR vs. Disease, or fall into a deep sleep, full
flew swift to the heart of every prey he chose, as of agony and nightmares for 1-100 days. The
his spear was always merciful to his victims, simple contact with the water is not harmful,
slaying them with but one strike. He was famous but if someone bathes in it, he has to RR vs.
and respected, and the head of all the Hunters of Disease every round, with all the consequences
Luindor. of his sleeping (he would drown).
Then, one day, a danger came from the Emyn Of course, the whole place is cursed by the
Pelaelin: Largyoth, a son of Lamthanc, had left death of the Dragon. Its body rots in the mud, 7
the woodlands of Uul to hunt in the Eastern m under the surface. The body of Mordyn is still
March, wasting the beautiful country with his entangled with it, its skeletal hand holding its
brute force. Many warriors tried to face him, spear.
but in the end, they fell: only Mordyn was able The PCs will have problems recovering the
to fight with the worm. After fooling him with weapon. Moreover, if they sleep in a range of
his arrows, Mordyn ran out of them: then he left 100 m from the pool, they will suffer from
his empty quiver, and held fast his spear, nightmares, and will not enjoy the benefits of
preparing a last, desperate attack against the evil rest. The only creatures that seem to thrive are
Cold Drake. Their duel in the wetlands is sung bloodsuckers, which will plague the PCs for all
in many ballads of the Elves, but in the end the their stay.
opponents fell into a deep pool, entangled in a
desperate challenge. No one ever returned to The best way to recover the spear is the use of
the surface, and the pool stood still, its waters magic, first to locate it, and then to avoid
corrupted by the black blood of the worm. touching the water. It can be purified, frozen or
evaporated, but only in small quantities, so it’s
The Task impossible to empty the whole pool and then
This adventure is best if played as a consequence search.
of the spotting of the Gorrhav (see “The Slaying
of the Beast”). Tordlal or the Queen, or The Spear
someone else if the PCs ask his/her counsel, Fashioned in dìrwood, 1,80 m long, with a steel
may reveal the PCs the location of the spear of tip, this spear is magical and Holy. It is +20, and

of Slaying Monsters (ie all beings that were Already large groups of Elves have organised to
originated from the corruption of a creature of track the Gorrhav, but their lack of success is
Yavanna; this includes Dragons, Trolls, Fell causing much worrying in the forest.
Beasts, and the Gorrhav, but not Orcs).
The spear has not been ruined by time, and it is The Gorrhav
still in good conditions, though full of dirt and The true nature of the Gorrhav is unknown:
slimy algae. Taurdal, Master of the Hunters, think it is an
exceptionally large arrhav, who came through
The power of this weapon s holds the curse at the Lhûen Gap in search for food. Queen
bay. When it is removed from the body of the Arûthil is instead convinced that a normal
Dragon, the cursed area will enlarge, at the animal would never be so cunning and
speed of 10 m / day, to a range of 500 m. It will dangerous, and suspect the workings of Shadow.
revert back to its size, at the same speed, when
the spear will be stuck again in the Dragon’s The Gorrhav has undoubtedly the looking of a
body. The breaking of the curse could be an tiger, with a dark-golden mantle with black
interesting quest for another adventure, that stripes and white between the legs. It is 3 m
would permit the PCs to keep the spear. long, plus 1 m of tail, with evil red eyes and
Name Lvl #/ Size Speed Hits AT DB Attacks
9.2 The Slaying of the Beast Gorrhav 15 1 L FA/V 350 No 40 130LCl
F /4 /
Setting: The Eastern March, anytime during 110HBi
the Elven reign. sharp fangs. Always hungry and very aggressive,
Requirements: a group of outdoorsmen, it is as cunning and subtle as an intelligent
better rangers and animists, but also warriors. creature, and able to move silently and hide to
Aids: none. fool the best hunter (+150 Stalk and Hide). It is
Rewards: 20 gp offered by the King, plus the sheer folly (-50) to found its tracks, except for
hide of the Gorrhav. the poor rests of its preys (usually large game).
Its senses are very keen (+100 Alertness). The
The Tale only limit of the beast is its size – too large to
Panic has recently spread throughout southern climb most trees or to hide in tall grass.
Luindor. A huge arrhav (Lu. “Tiger”) has been
spotted in the Eastern March, not far from the The monster prefers Elf flesh above all, and is
Lhûen Gap. Two Elven hunters and three always hungry of it. It will not attack large
wardens have disappeared, and the bones of groups, preferring to sneak away, and ambush
deers and other large beasts have been found, smaller groups (15 ranks Ambush). If it can’t
sign of the passage of the beast. Groups of find Elves, it turns to deers or cattle, or even
hunters have been sent in all the area, but they bears if it is hungry.
were not able to found what they call the
Gorrhav, the Tiger of Terror; a group, The Task
composed of five experienced hunters, made no The Gorrhav is currently roaming around the
return. When the wardens, two days ago, found southern limits of the Nin-i-Ramran. The PCs
that a whole herd of sheeps had been slaughtered may track it by finding the bones of a recently
by the beast, along with the herder, not far from (less than 12 hours) killed bison.
some settlements, the King alerted all the If the PCs prepare some sort of trap, it is likely
hunters of the realm, promising a booty of 20 gp that they will attract the Gorrhav, who can smell
for the slaying of the beast. The hunters will be blood at hundreds of metres of distance.
allowed to keep their prey, or sell it to the King. However, it is difficult to fool it. The only hope

to catch it is by moving in small numbers, preparing a force of smaller tree lions, endowed
inducing the monster to show up and fight. with an evil intelligence, to wreak havoc in
There are no automatic aids for the PCs, unless Unfortunately for Bebwa, shortly after the
they search for them. However, they may slating of the Gorrhav, the Queen sent the
decide to search for friends and allies among the Rantir around, to identify possible threats from
‘People of Note’, who can accompany them or the Aeareryn. One of them, Tarsanel,
offer useful items, for a price or by friendship. discovered Bebwa’s secret hold, but was
In this case, the best help the PCs can find is captured while spying. However, his familiar,
finding the Spear of Mordyn, so the Master can the weasel Rhovil, escaped and searched for
insert here the first adventure, ‘the Spear of the help.
The Task
9.3 The Moulder of Shapes The PCs may be travelling or wandering in
Setting: The Forest of Aeareryn, anytime Aeareryn, or even investigating for the Queen,
during the Elven rule in Luindor. when they are approached by Rhovil. If a
Requirements: a high-level party of warriors, character is able to speak with him, it will reveal
outdoorsmen and stalkers. Skills with alchemy Tarsanel’s capture in a ‘dark fortress filled with
and animals might be very useful. dangerous beasts. The weasel is not able to
Aids: none. provide further details about the place, but can
Rewards: 100 gp offered by the King, plus the guide the PCs to it. Even if they cannot speak to
treasure of Babwe Wem. it, Rhovil will try to communicate them the
need to follow to the hold.
The Tale Once near the Beastmaster’s hold, the PCs
Shortly after its rise to power, the North King should realise the threat, and may be willing to
has looked at Luindor, scheming for its fall. At investigate and free Tarsanel (whom they might
this end, he has decided with the Dark Lord to know or even be friend with).
test its defences. From the Southeast of middle
earth, Dwar of Waw has sent one of his The Beastmaster’s defences
alchemists and beastmasters, Bebwa Wem. Bebwa has many beasts to his service: beside
After settling in a secret hold in Aeareryn, gorcrows, bats and toads who spy the
Babwe has begun experimenting his foul arts on surroundings for him, he has two war dogs from
animals, perverting their nature and turning it Waw, personally modified by him, and
against the Elves. His greatest creation, the endowed with a long fur which permits them to
Gorrhav, has been turned against the Elves, who resist the northern climate.
have proved not so prepared to such threats, Bebwa has also 20 Orcs in his service, plus two
coming from the wilds. Wôlim assistants and tow bodyguards.
For this reason, the Wôlim alchemist is

10 Tables
10.1 Herb Table
Name Code Form/Prep Cost Effect
Snowdweller Early spring, woods, 7 Petals/brew 2 sp Enhance recovery from frostbite
Northern Larch Woods, 5 (3 in Emyn Peith) Bark/ash 1 cp Doubles hits recovery for 2-20 hours.
Iskukäl Summer, woods, , 7 Flower/brew 5 sp Heals 2-20 hits; +20 RR disease
Latha Near sweet water, 5 Stem/brew 5 sp +10 RR vs. disease, heals 12 hits, reduce pain.
Water Smeller Near sweet water, 4 Grass/apply 4 cp Insect repellent.

10.2 Master NPC Table

Name Lvl Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile/ MovM Notes
OB 2ndary OB
Lindor 50 180 No/1 80 Y N 170bs 200sb 30 Avarin Bard
1440 PPs. Knows all Bard lists to 50th lvl, all Open Essence and Mentalism to 30th lvl. Carries Orb of Lindor.
Helkalòmë 60 170 No/2 100 N N 130bs 140sb 20 Noldo Astrologer/Magician
1200 PPs. Knows all Astrologer lists to 50th, all Animist to 20th, Ice Ways to 50th, all Open Channeling and Mentalism to 20th. Carries Book of Icelore and
Crown of Luindor.
Doranar 20 140 Ch/13 40 Y A/L 180bs 180lb 10 Avar/Noldo Fighter
20 PPs. Knows 4 Open Channeling to 5th. Carries +30 broadsword, of slaying Orcs and Fallen Maiar.
Elewen 20 120 No/2 40 N N 100bs 100sb 20 Avar/Noldo Astrologer
80 PPs. Knows all Astrologer to 20th, all Open Channeling and Mentalism to 15th, all Closed Mentalism to 5th, Ice Ways to 5th.
Doranar 30 160 Ch/14 50 Y Y 190bs 200lb 30 Avar/Noldo Warrior/Fighter
30 PPs. Knows all Open Channeling to 5th. Carries +30 broadsword, of slaying Orcs and Fallen Maiar.
Thonaran 20 130 Ch/13 50 Y N 175bs 170lb 10 Avar/Noldo Warrior/Fighter
20 PPs. Knows 3 base Ranger to 5th.
Curlalf 30 160 No/2 45 N N 90qs 120lb 20 Avar Animist
90 (540) PPs. Knows all base Animist, open and closed Channeling to 30th, all base Ranger to 5th.
Camthalion 18 95 No/2 30 N N 70qs 70lb 20 Avar Animist
60 (120) PPs. Knows all base Animist, open and closed Channeling to 18th
Eryngon 20 110 SL/7 40 N N 110ky 130lb 30 Avar/Noldo Ranger
20 (40) PPs. All base Ranger 20th, 3 open Channeling to 5th. Carries +40 long bow, +30 kynac.
Randae Linvairë 16 55 RL/10 30 N A/L 70bs 60lb 10 Avar/Urdar Bard
32 PPs. All base Bard to 15th (25th), Mentalist Clothing, Mind’s Door and Movement to 10th.
Eryngon 32 150 SL/7 40 150ky 170lb 30 Avar/Noldo Ranger
32 (96) PPs. All base Ranger 30th, all open Channeling to 5th. Carries +40 long bow, +30 kynac.
Arûthil 10 46 SL/6 40 N N 22ky 49lb 20 Avar/Noldo Astrologer
37 (111) PPs. Knows all Astrologer to 10th, 2 Open Channeling to 10th, two Open Mentalism to 5th. Carries +10 kynac, +20 Holy long bow, Crown of
Amaras 28 180 Pl/18 60 Y A/L 160bs 180lb 5 Avar Warrior/Fighter
10 PPs. Knows 2 open Mentalism to 5th.
Calenë 30 140 No/2 25 N N 60qs 100lb 15 Avar Animist
90 (360) PPs. Knows all base Animist, open and closed Channeling to 30th.
Linderyn 40 160 SL/7 40 N N 140ky 200lb 30 Avar Ranger
40 PPs. Knows all base Ranger to 30th.
Tordlal 25 120 SL/7 40 N N 120ky 150lb 30 Avar Ranger
25 PPs. Knows all base Ranger to 20th.
Sliebrin 15 80 No/2 20 N N 60ky 80lb 15 Avar Everyman
15 PPs. Knows 3 open Channeling to 10th.
Curegam 30 160 Pl/18 40 Y A/G 160wh 130lb 5 Avar Alchemist
30 PPs. All base Alchemist 30th, all open Essence to 5th.
Curinbor 15 110 SL/7 40 N N 100ky 120lb 10 Avar Everyman
15 PPs. Knows 3 open Mentalism to 5th.
Guimav 30 100 Sl/7 60 N N 100ky 130lb 10 Avar Bard
90 (360) PPs. Knows all base Bard to 30th, all open Mentalism to 20th.
Aliarin 20 90 No/2 15 N N 30ky 30lb 5 Avar Healer
50 (150) PPs. All base Healer and open Channeling 20th, all closed Channeling to 15th.
Arothir 24 115 RL/7 40 N A/L 130bs 150lb 40 Avar Warrior
24 (72) PPs. All Ranger to 20th, three open Channeling to 5th.

Paurcalm 40 170 Pl/18 65 N A/L 160wm 160lb 10 Avar Alchemist

80 PPs. All base Alchemist 30th, all Channeling to 10th
Lòmiron 30 130 No/2 15 N N 60qs 100lb 30 Avar Seer
90(360) PPs. All base Seer 30th, all base Ranger and Animist to 5th, all Open Mentalism and Open Channeling to 5th.
Selaran 17 120 SL/7 50 N N 130ky 140lb 20 Avar Ranger
17 PPs. Know 3 base ranger, 2 open Channeling to 5th.
Telcontar 40 190 RL/12 115 N A/L 195qs 240lb 95 Istar (Maia) Ranger
240 (1200) PPs. Base 40, direct 80. All Animist, Ranger, open and closed Channeling to 50th, all Cleric to 5th.
Nòlglen 40 180 RL/12 90 N A/L 185qs 180lb 45 Istar (Maia) Seer
360 (1800) PPs. Base 40, direct 60. All Seer, Animist, Ranger and closed Channeling to 50th.
Haldir 5 74 Ch/14 137 N A/L 113bs 95cb 30 Sinda/Noldo Warrior/Fighter/Seer
19 (57+3) PPs. Knows all Seer to 30th, two Open Channeling to 5th. Carries +20 BO and BD mithril sword, +45 laen chain mail, Elenya.

10.3 Master Military Table

Name Race Lvl Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee 2ndary MovM Notes
Captain Avar 20 190 Ch/18 75 Y35 A/L 180sp 180bs 10
+10 steel plate, +10 steel weapons and shield
Officers Avar 12 130 Ch/18 60 Y30 A/L 120sp 120bs 10
+5 steel plate, +5 weapons and shield
Guardians Avar 5 80 Ch/18 55 Y A/L 90sp 90bs 5

Captains Avar 16 160 No/1 30 N N 130ky 160lb 30
+10 steel weapons, +20 short bows
Officers Avar 8 100 No/1 30 N N 90ky 100lb 25
+10 short bows
Wardens Avar 4 75 No/1 25 N N 75ky 85lb 20

Seniors Avar 12 120 SL/7 30 N N 120ky 120lb 30
+10 steel weapons, +20 short bows
Novices Avar 8 100 SL/7 30 N N 90ky 100lb 25
+10 steel weapons, +20 short bows

Mannish Guards (SA 2053-3261)

Captain Urdar 10 Ch/18
+10 steel chain and weapons
Guards Urdar 4 Ch/14
+10 steel chain and weapons

Orcish Guards (TA 1703-3019)

Captain Lesser Orc 12 Ch/18
+10 steel chain and weapons
Officers Lesser Orc 6 70 Ch/14 60 Y35 A/L 90sc 50sb 10
+10 steel chain and weapons
Guards Lesser Orc 4 Ch/14
+10 steel chain and weapons

10.4 Adolescence Skill Table

Armor - Light skill category 0
Soft Leather skill 0
Rigid Leather skill 0
Armor - Medium skill category 0
Chain skill 0
Athletic - Brawn skill category 1
Athletic - Endurance skill category 1
Swimming skill 1
Athletic - Gymnastic skill category 1
Climbing skill 4
Awareness - Perceptions skill category 0
Alertness skill 6
Awareness - Searching skill category 1
Body Development skill 1
Communications skill category 3
Language skills 8
Lore - General skill category 5
"Own" Region Lore skill 3
"Own" Culture Lore skill 3
Outdoor - Animal skill category 0
Riding skill (usually horses) 0
Outdoor - Environmental skill category 5
Power Awareness skill category 0
Science/Analytic - Basic skill category 0
Spells - Own Realm Open Lists - 0
skill in one spell list 3
Subterfuge - Stealth skill category 5
Stalking skill 4
Hiding skill 4
Tech/Trade - General skill category 1
Urban skill category 0
Weapon - 1-H Conc. skill category 0
1 Weapon based on Culture/Race 0
Weapon - 1-H Edged skill category 1
1 Weapon based on Culture/Race 1
Weapon - 2-Handed skill category 0
1 Weapon based on Culture/Race 0
Weapon - Missile skill category 3
1 Weapon based on Culture/Race 3
Weapon - Pole Arms skill category 0
1 Weapon based on Culture/Race 0
Weapon - Thrown skill category 0
1 Weapon based on Culture/Race 0
Hobby Ranks 10
Background Options 4

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