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San Agustin Libon, Albay


Topic 17: Formulating Appropriate Null and Alternative Hypotheses

on a Population Mean
In statistics, hypothesis testing is the process of using statistical tests to determine whether an observed
difference between two or more samples is statistically significant or not. In a practical point of view, hypothesis
testing allows you to collect samples and make decision based on facts, not on how you feel or what you think is right.
To be able to prove your assumptions, you must state first the null and alternative hypotheses.
This module will start by recalling your knowledge on the equality/inequality symbols. This concept will help
you understand how to formulate hypothesis.

What’s In
Activity 1. No More No Less!
Directions: Which of the given equality/inequality expressions describes each situation? Select the best answer and
write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The survey shows that the number of students (n) who have parents with a house of their own is less than 20.
A. 𝑛 < 20 B. 𝑛 > 20 C. 𝑛 ≤ 20 D. 𝑛 ≥ 20
2. Mother gives me at most P200 allowance (n) in a week.
A. 𝑛 ≥ 200 B. 𝑛 ≤ 200 C. 𝑛 > 200 D. 𝑛 < 200
3. Larry is an industrious appliance salesman. His average sales (n) in a week is at least P10, 000.
A. 𝑛 < 10, 000 B. 𝑛 > 10, 000 C. 𝑛 ≤ 10, 000 D. 𝑛 ≥ 10, 000
4. A son’s savings (n) is greater than P1,500.
A. 𝑛 = 1,500 B. 𝑛 ≠ 1,500 C. 𝑛 > 1,500 D. 𝑛 ≥ 1,500
5. Marco’s salary (n) is equal to P20, 000.
A. 𝑛 = 20,000 B. 𝑛 ≠ 20,000 C. 𝑛 ≤ 20,000 D. 𝑛 < 20,000

Guide Questions:
1. How did you find the previous activity? Was it easy or difficult?
2. What previously learned principle did you apply in the activity?
3. Were you able to determine the correct expression that correspond to each situation? Elaborate.
4. Do you think you will apply these activities in formulating null and alternative hypotheses?

Activity 2. Differentiate It!

Directions: Examine the pictures below then answer the guide questions that follow.
“Effect of a

Fertilizer on Plant Growth”

Guide Questions:
1. What have you observed between the two figures?
2. Do you think the fertilizer has an effect to the plant?
3. What do you think are the variables shown in the pictures?
4. Is there any relationship among the variables in Figure 1 and Figure 2?
5. How does these pictures relate to hypothesis?

What Is It
A statistical hypothesis is a statement about a parameter and deals with evaluating the value of parameter.
In statistical hypothesis testing, there are always two hypotheses: the null and alternative hypotheses. Below is a
comparison between the two.
Null Hypothesis (𝑯𝒐) Alternative Hypothesis (𝑯𝒂)
- It states that there is no difference - It states that the population parameter
between population parameters (such as has some statistical significance (smaller,
- mean, standard deviation, and so on) and greater, or different than) with the
the hypothesized value. hypothesized value.
- There is no observed effect. - There is an observed effect.
The null hypothesis is often an initial claim - The alternative hypothesis is what you
that is based on previous analyses or might believe to be true or hope to prove
specialized knowledge. true.

To state the null and alternative hypotheses correctly:

1. Identify the parameter in a given problem.
2. Identify the claim to be tested that may show up in null or alternative hypothesis.
3. Translate the claim into mathematical symbols/notations.
4. Formulate first the null hypothesis (𝐻𝑜) then alternative hypothesis (𝐻𝑎) based on the three different ways in
writing hypothesis as illustrated below:
𝑯𝒐: µ = 𝒌 𝑯𝒐: µ ≤ 𝒌 𝑯𝒐: µ ≥ 𝒌
𝑯𝒂: µ ≠ 𝒌 𝑯𝒂: µ > 𝒌 𝑯𝒂: µ < 𝒌

Hypothesis-Testing Common Phrases

= is equal to is the same as is exactly ≠ is not equal to is not the same is
the same as has not changed from different from has changed from
> is increased is greater than is higher < is decreased is less than is lower
than is above is bigger than is longer than is below
than is more than is smaller than is decreased or
reduced from is not more than
≥ is at least is not less than is greater ≤ is at most is not more than is less
than or equal to than or equal to

Let us take an example from your previous activity.

“The survey shows that the number of students (n) who have parents with a house of their own is less than 20.”

The claim used the word “less than” which as seen in the table above, corresponds to the symbol (<). Therefore, the
answer is n<20.
𝐻𝑜 always has = symbol in it. 𝐻𝑎 never has an = symbol in it. The choice of symbol depends on the wording of the
hypothesis test. However, be aware that many researchers use = (equal sign) in the null hypothesis, even with > or <
as the symbol in the alternative hypothesis. Notice also that the notation of alternative hypothesis complements the
null hypothesis.

Illustrative Examples:
1. The average weight of all Grade 11 students in Senior High School is 169cm. Is this claim true?
Solution: First, identify the parameter which is the mean height of all Grade 11 students. Since it is a population mean,
use the notation 𝝁. The claim in this example is that the average weight is 169 cm which translates to 𝝁 = 𝟏𝟔𝟗 and is
considered as null hypothesis. To formulate the alternative hypothesis, write the complement/opposite of the null
hypothesis which is the average weight is not equal to 169 cm.
𝑯𝒐: The average weight of all Grade 11 students is 169 cm. / 𝑯𝑶:𝝁 = 𝟏𝟔𝟗 (claim)
𝑯𝒂: The average weight of all Grade 11 students is not 169 cm./ 𝑯𝒂: 𝝁 ≠ 𝟏𝟔𝟗

2. The average price per square meter of residential lot in an exclusive subdivision is above ₱15,000. A buyer
wants to test the agent’s claim.
Solution: In this hypothesis, the parameter is the average. Therefore, you will use the symbol µ. The claim is above
₱15,000 can be written as µ > ₱15,000 and greater than falls at alternative hypothesis, 𝑯𝒂: 𝝁 > ₱𝟏𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎. Since you
have already formulated the alternative, the null hypothesis will be 𝑯𝒐: 𝝁 ≤ ₱𝟏𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 as complement of >. You can
also write your null hypothesis as 𝑯𝒐:𝝁 = ₱𝟏𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎.
𝑯𝒐: 𝝁 ≤ ₱𝟏𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎or 𝑯𝒐: 𝝁 = ₱𝟏𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎
𝑯𝒂: 𝝁 > ₱𝟏𝟓, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 (claim)

3. Holistic Fitness Center claims that their members reduced an average of 13 pounds after joining the center.
An independent agency wanted to check this claim took sample of 40 members and found that they reduced
an average of 12 pounds with the standard deviation of 4 pounds. Determine the null and alternative
Solution: In this example, the parameter to be tested is the average and the claim is reduced of 13 pounds. The claim
that pertains to the parameter has the notation of (<). Therefore, the claim is found at the alternative hypothesis and
can be written as 𝑯𝒂: 𝝁 < 𝟏𝟑. The null hypothesis would be 𝑯𝒐: 𝝁 ≥ 𝟏𝟑 or 𝑯𝒐: 𝝁 = 𝟏𝟑
𝑯𝒐: 𝝁 ≥ 𝟏𝟑 or 𝑯𝒐: 𝝁 = 𝟏𝟑.
𝑯𝒂: 𝝁 < 𝟏𝟑 (claim)

4. The treasurer of a municipality claims that the average net worth of families in the municipality is at least
₱730,000. A random sample of 50 families from this area produced a mean net worth of ₱860,000 with standard
deviation of ₱65,000. What are the null and alternative hypotheses?
Solution: In this example, the parameter is the average and the claim is that the average is at least ₱730,000. The
word at least has the notation of (≥) which means that the claim is at the null hypothesis. In the alternative
hypothesis, you will use (<) as its complement. Therefore:
𝑯𝑶: µ ≥ ₱𝟕𝟑𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 or 𝑯𝑶: µ = ₱𝟕𝟑𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 (claim)
𝑯𝒂:µ < ₱𝟕𝟑𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎

5. An academic organization claimed that Grade 11 students’ study time is at most 240 minutes per day, on
average. Another survey was conducted to find whether the claim is true. The group took a random sample of
30 students and found a mean study time of 300 minutes with standard deviation of 90 minutes. What are the
null and alternative hypotheses?
Solution: The parameter used in this example is average (µ) and the claim is that average is at most 240 minutes. The
word ‘at most’ has the notation of (≤) which means that claim is at the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis would be
𝑯𝟎:µ ≤ 𝟐𝟒𝟎. To formulate the alternative, use the notation (>) as the complement of (≤). Therefore, alternative
hypothesis is 𝑯𝒂: µ > 𝟐𝟒𝟎.
𝑯𝑶: µ ≤ 𝟐𝟒𝟎 or 𝑯𝑶: µ = 𝟐𝟒𝟎 (claim)
𝑯𝒂:µ > 𝟐𝟒𝟎

One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Test

The alternative hypothesis can take another form depending on the value of the parameter. The parameter
may increase, decrease, or changed from the null value. An alternative hypothesis predicts not only the difference of
sample mean from the population mean but also how it would be different in a specific direction - lower or higher.
This test is called a directional or one-tailed test because the rejection region is entirely within one tail of the
On the other hand, some hypotheses predict only that one value will be different from another, without
additionally predicting which will be higher. The test of such a hypothesis is nondirectional or twotailed because an
extreme test statistic in either tail of the distribution (positive or negative) will lead to the rejection of the null
hypothesis of no difference.
One-Tailed Two-Tailed
 Alternative hypothesis contains the  Alternative contains the inequality
greater than (>) or less than (<) symbols (≠) symbol.
 It is directional (either right-tailed or  It has no direction.
The table below shows the null and alternative hypotheses stated together with the directional test.
Two-Tailed Test Right-Tailed Test Left-Tailed Test
𝐻𝑜:𝜇 = 𝜇𝑜 or
Null Hypothesis 𝐻𝑜: 𝜇 = 𝜇𝑜 𝐻𝑜:𝜇 = 𝜇𝑜 or 𝐻𝑜: 𝜇 ≥ 𝜇𝑜
𝐻𝑜:𝜇 ≤ 𝜇𝑜
𝐻𝑎: 𝜇 ≠ 𝜇𝑜 𝐻𝑎: 𝜇 > 𝜇𝑜 𝐻𝑎:𝜇 < 𝜇𝑜
Illustrative Examples:
Determine the hypotheses and the hypothesis test.
1. Teacher A wants to know if mathematical games affect the performance of the students in learning Mathematics.
A class of 45 students was used in the study. The mean score was 90 and the standard deviation was 3. A previous
study revealed that 𝝁 = 𝟖𝟓 and the standard deviation 𝝈 = 𝟓.

The parameter is the population mean = 85. You can write the hypotheses into symbols: 𝐻𝑂 ∶ 𝜇 = 85 and 𝐻𝑎 ∶ 𝜇 ≠ 85.
The phrase ‘affects performance’ has no clue of the direction of the study, so it implies either increase or decrease in
performance. This tells you that the test is two-tailed test.
𝑯𝑶 ∶ 𝝁 = 𝟖𝟓 and 𝑯𝒂 ∶ 𝝁 ≠ 𝟖𝟓 (two-tailed test)
2. A piggery owner believes that using organic feeds on his pigs will yield greater income. His average income
from the previous year was ₱120, 000. State the hypothesis and identify the directional test.
In this example, the null hypothesis is 𝑯𝑶 ∶ 𝝁 = 𝟏𝟐𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 . You may notice that the hypothesis used the phrase ‘greater
income’ that is associated with greater than. Therefore, 𝑯𝒂 ∶ 𝝁 > 𝟏𝟐𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎. This hypothesis uses inequality symbol (>)
so it is one-tailed test and it uses greater than which specifically called for the right-tailed test.
𝑯𝑶 ∶ 𝝁 = 𝟏𝟐𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 and 𝑯𝒂 ∶ 𝝁 > 𝟏𝟐𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 (right-tailed test)
3. The average waiting time of all costumers in a restaurant before being served is less than 20 minutes.
Determine the hypotheses and the directional test.
You may notice that the hypothesis used the phrase ‘less than’ which denotes that the alternative hypothesis is 𝑯𝒂 ∶
𝝁 < 𝟐𝟎. This hypothesis uses inequality symbol (<) so it is one-tailed test and it used less than which specifically called
for the left-tailed test. In this example, the null hypothesis is 𝑯𝑶 ∶ 𝝁 ≥ 𝟐𝟎.
𝑯𝑶 ∶ 𝝁 ≥ 𝟐𝟎 and 𝑯𝒂 ∶ 𝝁 < 𝟐𝟎 (left-tailed test)

What’s More
Activity 2. Fill Me!
Directions: Determine what is asked in each problem as indicated by the blanks.

1. A school principal claims that the Grade 11 students in her high school have a mean score of 92.
Parameter: ___________ Null Hypothesis: ___________
Claim: mean score of 92 Alternative Hypothesis: 𝐻𝑎: µ ≠ 92
2. A medicine company has manufactured and claimed that their medicine pill contains an average of 14mg of
active ingredient.
Parameter: average Null Hypothesis: ___________
Claim: average of 14mg Alternative Hypothesis: ___________
3. A certain product produced by a manufacturing company is supposed to weigh at least 12lbs.
Parameter: ___________ Null Hypothesis: 𝐻𝑜: µ ≥ 121
Claim: weigh at least 12lbs Alternative Hypothesis: ___________
4. The Bureau of Internal Revenue claims that the mean wait time for taxpayer during a recent tax filing is at
most 8.7 minutes. A random sample of 11 taxpayers has a mean wait time of 8.7 minutes and a standard deviation
of 2.7 minutes. Is there enough evidence to reject the claim at a significance level of 0.10?
Parameter: mean Null Hypothesis: ___________
Claim: ___________ Alternative Hypothesis: 𝐻𝑎: µ > 8.7

5. According to a company, the mean pH level of the river water is 7.4. A researcher randomly selected 15 river
water samples and found out that the mean is 6.7 with standard deviation of 0.24.
Parameter: mean
Claim: mean pH level of the water river is 7.4
Null Hypothesis: ___________
Alternative Hypothesis: ___________
Activity 3. Let’ s Hypothesize
Directions: Write the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis in notations for each given situation.
1. Mrs. Dela Cruz claims that her students scored an average of 91 in their Mathematics quiz. The master teacher
wants to know whether the teacher’s claim is acceptable or not.
𝐻𝑜: _________________________________________________
𝐻𝑎: _________________________________________________
2. A car manufacturer claims that the mean selling price of all cars manufactured is only ₱150,000. A consumer
agency wants to test whether the mean selling price of all the cars manufactured exceeds ₱150, 000.
𝐻𝑜: _________________________________________________
𝐻𝑎: _________________________________________________
3. A manufacturer of soft drinks claims that all labeled 1.5-liter bottles contain an average of 1.49 liters of soft
drinks. A retailer wishes to test whether the mean amount of soft drinks in labeled 1.5-liter bottle is less than 1.49
𝐻𝑜: _________________________________________________
𝐻𝑎: _________________________________________________
4. A bus company in Manila claims that the mean waiting time for a bus during rush hour is less than 12 minutes.
A random sample of 30 waiting times has a mean of 15 minutes with a standard deviation of 4.8 minutes.
𝐻𝑜: _________________________________________________
𝐻𝑎: _________________________________________________
5. The average power consumption of air conditioner is at most 2,700 watts as claimed by the owner. A survey
made by an electric power company found out that the mean consumption is 3,000 with standard deviation of
𝐻𝑜: _________________________________________________
𝐻𝑎: _________________________________________________

Activity 4. One-Tailed or Two-Tailed!

Directions: Identify whether the given hypothesis is one-tailed or two-tailed. Write ONE if it is one-tailed and TWO if
it is two-tailed test.
1. A used car dealer says that the mean price car in the Philippines is at least ₱350,000.
2. PAG-ASA reported that the mean annual rainfall in the Philippines is at most 4,064mm.
3. According to the survey, the average cost of visiting doctors is ₱500.
4. The mean age of students in a university in the previous years was 27 years old. An instructor thinks the mean
age for students is older than 27. She randomly surveys 56 students and finds that the sample mean is 29 with a
standard deviation of 2.
5. The mean work week for engineers in a new company is believed to be about 40 hours. A newly hired engineer
hopes that it is shorter. She asks 10 engineering friends for the lengths of their mean work weeks. Based on the
results, should she count on the mean work week to be shorter than 40 hours?

Activity 5. Formu-Tail
Directions: Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses. Identify whether it is one-tailed or two-tailed. If the
hypothesis is one tailed, identify its direction whether it is left or right. Write your answer on a separate sheet of
1. The average salary of an accountant is ₱24,620 per month in the Philippines.
𝐻𝑜: ________________ 𝐻𝑎: __________________ _______-tailed test
2. A normal smartphone battery manufacturer claims that the mean life of a certain type of battery is more than
650 hours.
𝐻𝑜: ________________ 𝐻𝑎: __________________ _______-tailed test

3. According to an international shipping company, a package from US can arrive to Manila in an average of less
than 8 business days.
𝐻𝑜: ________________ 𝐻𝑎: _________________ _______- tailed test
4. The average price of a certain type of car is greater than ₱600,000.
𝐻𝑜: _________________ 𝐻𝑎: _________________ _______- tailed test
5. A research organization reports that the mean of adult grocery shoppers who never buy the store brand in
Metro Manila is 300.
𝐻𝑜: _________________ 𝐻𝑎: _________________ _______- tailed test
6. A study claims that the mean survival period for certain cancer patients treated immediately with
chemotherapy and radiation is 24 months.
𝐻𝑜: _________________ 𝐻𝑎: _________________ _______- tailed test
7. The average pre-school cost for tuition fees last year was ₱ 15,500. The following year, 20 schools had a mean
of ₱ 13, 100 and standard deviation of ₱ 2,500.
𝐻𝑜: _________________ 𝐻𝑎: _________________ _______- tailed test
8. A magazine reports that a typical shopper spends less than 10 minutes in line waiting to check out. A sample
of 30 shoppers at the DM Supermarket showed mean of 9.5 minutes with standard deviation of 2.7 minutes.
𝐻𝑜: ________________ 𝐻𝑎: __________________ _______-tailed test
9. The principal of Mabundok High School claims that the students in his school have above average intelligence.
A random sample of 30 students’ IQ scores have a mean score of 113. The mean population IQ is 100 with a
standard deviation of 15. Is there an evidence to support his claim? 𝐻𝑜: ________________ 𝐻𝑎:
__________________ _______-tailed test
10. The owner of BYD manufacturer claims that their batteries last an average of at most 350 hours under normal
use. A researcher randomly selected 20 batteries from the production line and tested them. The tested batteries
had a mean life span of 270 hours with a standard deviation of 50 hours.
𝐻𝑜: ________________ 𝐻𝑎: __________________ _______-tailed test

What I Have Learned

Direction: Complete the following statements.
1. ______________________ is a statement about a parameter and deals with evaluating the value of parameter.
2. The two kinds of hypothesis are______________ and ____________.
3. To formulate a hypothesis, the steps are:
a. ________________________________________
b. ________________________________________
c. ________________________________________
d. ________________________________________
4. The test of hypothesis can be __________________ if the alternative hypothesis uses ≠ symbol or __________________
if it uses < 𝑜𝑟 > symbols.
5. The null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis can be denoted as ______ and ______, respectively.

What I Can Do
Cite five (5) research questions used in real life and formulate your null and alternative hypotheses.
Example: Is it true that turmeric can prevent viruses?
𝐻𝑜: Drinking turmeric cannot prevent viruses.
𝐻𝑎: Drinking turmeric can prevent viruses.

Directions: Choose the best answer to the given questions or statements. Write the letter of your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. This hypothesis states that there is no difference between population parameters and the hypothesized value.
A. hypothesis B. null hypothesis C. alternative hypothesis D. two-tailed
2. When the value of parameter has significant difference with the hypothesized value, then it is called
A. one-tailed test C. null hypothesis
B. two-tailed test D. alternative hypothesis
3. The sign of the alternative hypothesis in a left-tailed test is always_________.
A. equal B. less than C. not equal D. greater than
4. If the researcher wishes to test the claim that the mean of the population is 75, the appropriate null
hypothesis is:
A. 𝜇 ≤ 75 B. 𝜇 ≥ 75 C. 𝜇 ≠ 75 D. 𝜇 = 75
5. A researcher thinks that if expectant mothers use vitamins, the birth weight of the babies will increase. The
average birth weight of the population is 3.9 kgs. What is the alternative hypothesis?
A. 𝐻𝑎: 𝜇 > 3.9 B. 𝐻𝑎: 𝜇 < 3.9 C. 𝐻𝑎: 𝜇 = 3.9 D. 𝐻𝑎:𝜇 ≠ 3.9
6. According to the report, the average weight of Filipino newborn baby is 2. 8 kgs. Mellissa wants to perform a
significance test to see if this holds true in her nation. She takes a random sample of babies and observes that the
average weight of newborns is 3kgs. What is the null hypothesis?
A. 𝐻𝑎: 𝜇 > 2.8 B. 𝐻𝑎: 𝜇 < 2.8 C. 𝐻𝑎: 𝜇 = 2.8 D. 𝐻𝑎:𝜇 ≠ 2.8
7. What kind of hypothesis is illustrated below?
The mean score of all Grade 11 students is higher than 75.
A. one-tailed test C. null hypothesis
B. two-tailed test D. alternative hypothesis
8. “A modern approach in advertisement will not increase the demand for a product.” This is an example of
_______________ hypothesis.
A. Null B. Mean C. alternative D. right-tailed
9. What is the alternative hypothesis in the following statement?
“The number of defective batteries produced by the company is not equal to 15 batteries a day as claimed by the
A. µ = 15 B. µ ≠ 15 C. µ > 15 D. µ < 15
10. Which is the correct null hypothesis of the given statement?
“According to the owner, an average of 500 people buys foods at McDonalds during breakfast and lunch hours.”
A. 𝐻𝑜 = 500 B. 𝐻𝑜 ≠ 500 C. 𝐻𝑜 < 500 D. 𝐻𝑜 > 500
11. On average, the household electricity consumption in the country was about 248.1-kilowatt hours in 2015.
Electricity was used primarily for lighting purposes, cooking, recreation, and space cooling. Which inequality
symbols are correct (=, ≠, ≥, <, ≤, >) for the null and alternative hypotheses: 𝐻𝑜: µ __ 248.1 𝐻𝑎: µ __ 248.1?
A. =,> B. <, > C. =, ≠ D. ≤, ≥
12. Which is the correct alternative hypothesis for one-tailed test?
A. µ = 25 B. µ ≠ 25 C. µ ≥ 25 D. µ < 25
13. A teacher in Math announced that the mean score of Grade 9 students in the first quarterly assessment in
Mathematics was 89 and standard deviation was 6. One student, who believed that the mean score was less than
this, randomly selected 30 students and computed the mean score. What kind of test of hypothesis can describe
A. left-tailed B. two-tailed C. right-tailed D. multiple-tailed
14. Determine the null and alternative hypothesis.
“It was claimed that the average monthly income of aircraft pilot was ₱116, 714.00. A random sample of 45 pilots is
selected and it is found out that the average monthly salary is ₱ 120,000. Using a 0.01 level of significance, can it
be concluded that there is an increase in the average monthly income of pilot?”
A. 𝐻𝑜: µ = ₱116, 714.00, 𝐻𝑎: µ ≤ ₱116, 714.00 C. 𝐻𝑜: µ = ₱116, 714.00, 𝐻𝑎: µ > ₱116, 714.00
B. 𝐻𝑜: µ = ₱116, 714.00, 𝐻𝑎: µ ≠ ₱116, 714.00 D. 𝐻𝑜: µ = ₱116, 714.00, 𝐻𝑎: µ < ₱116, 714.00
15. Which directional test is illustrated in the given problem below?
In a recent survey, the average amount of money students have in their wallet is ₱200.00 with standard deviation
of 45. A teacher feels that the average amount is lower. She surveyed 80 randomly selected students and found
that the average amount is ₱35.
A. left-tailed B. two-tailed C. alternative D. right tailed

Additional Activities
Activity 6. Let Us Take a Challenge!
1. Based on the data provided in a known website article entitled “Tuition Fee Guide: 2019 Cost of College Education in the
Philippines”, the average tuition fee in private colleges and universities is greater than ₱145,000 a year. Suppose that we
want to perform a hypothesis test to find whether the average tuition fee is greater than ₱145.000.
a. Determine the null and alternative hypotheses for the hypothesis test.
b. Classify the hypothesis as two-tailed, left-tailed, or right-tailed.

2. A traffic enforcer believes that the number of cars passing through a certain intersection during rush hours in weekdays
follows a normal distribution with an average of 800. A new highway is opened, and it is hypothesized that the number of
cars passing through the intersection will decrease as a result. A sample of 15 weekdays is taken, and the mean number of
cars passing through the intersection is 750 with a sample standard deviation of 42.
a. Determine the null and alternative hypotheses for the hypothesis test.
b. Classify the hypothesis as two-tailed, left-tailed, or right-tailed.

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