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This text is for questions 16 to 18

Museum Kata Andrea Hirata is located at jalan Laskar Pelangi 7, Gantong, East Belitung.
The museum was founded by the author of Laskar Pelangi novel, Andrea Hirata.
The atmosphere presented in Laskar Pelangi novel will be immediately felt when we arrive
in front of this museum. The photos that have been posted on the museum wall tell about the journey
of literature which become one of Belitung’s pride.
When the visitors come to the museum, they will be invited to commemorate the novel of
Laskar Pelangi. It started from the thriller page until the main story becomes the best-selling novel
and turned into a box-office movie in Indonesia. Having entered the museum, we will see
photographs of the author with inspiring sentences. One of the inspirational words is "Keep on
dreaming, for God will always hug you”. In addition, there are also excerpts from the novel which
have been published in various languages.

16. What does the text mainly discuss about?

A. The history of a unique island in Bangka Belitung.
B. The description about “Laskar Pelangi” movie.
C. The historical place in Belitung Island.
D. The tourism object in Belitung Island.

17. From the text, we know that…

A. museum is located in Bangka Island.
B. there are some Andrea Hirata’s novels.
C. there are some Andrea Hirata’s best selling novels.
D. the visitors will see photos of the author of Laskar Pelangi.

18. “The photos that have been posted on museum wall tell about the journey of the literature
… (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word has the closest meaning to…
A. Expedition
B. Adventure
C. Departure
D. Travelling
The following text is for questions 19 to 21.
General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military officer during the Indonesian
national revolution. He was the first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, he
continued to be widely respected in the country. On November 12, 1945, at an election to
decide the military’s commander-in-chief in Yogyakarta, the 24 year-old Sudirman was
chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a close vote. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman
ordered an assault on British and Dutch forces in Ambarawa. The ensuing battle and British
troops withdrawal strengthened Sudirman’s popular support, and he was ultimately
confirmed on December 18.
General Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java, including a show of
force in Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949. When the Dutch began withdrawing, in July 1949
Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and forbidden to fight further. In late 1949 Sudirman’s
tuberculosis returned, and he retired to Magelang, where he died slightly more than a month
after the Dutch recognised Indonesia’s independence. He was buried at Semaki Heroes’
Cemetery in Yogyakarta.

19. What can we infer from the text above?

A. Don’t be afraid to sacrifice for country.
B. Soedirman was shot and died in a military war.
C. Soedirman died when he was relatively young.
D. His persistance and sacrifice for nation will be remembered.

20. Where did General Sudirman do an attack to the Dutch Colonial?

A. Yogyakarta and Ambarawa.
B. Magelang and Semaki.
C. Surakarta and Yogyakarta.
D. Ambarawa and Magelang.

21.” The ensuing battle and British withdrawal strengthened Sudirman’s popular support...”
What is the similar meaning of the underlined word?
A. Struggle.
B. Quarrel.
C. War.
D. Fight.
The following text is for questions 22 to 24.

Here are the steps of using washing machine:

a. Sort your laundry

b. Turn on the main power switch
c. Open the washer door
d. Add detergent and the water. The detergent package will give a
recommendation about how much detergent you should use.
e. Select the program by turning the program selector.
f. Select option and setting.

22. The text above is written to tell how to ...

A. maintain the washing machine
B. operate the washing machine
C. clean the washing machine
D. keep the washing machine

23. What should the user do before washing?

A. Switch on the laundry
B. Open the washer door
C. Select options and settings
D. Add the detergent

24. Who will get the benefit after reading the text?
A. Managers
B. Housewives
C. Factory workers
D. Cleaning Services
The following text is for questions 25 to 27.

A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land that is usually dry. The European Union
(EU) Floods Directive defines a flood as a covering by water of land not normally covered by
water. In the sense of “flowing water”, the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide.

Flooding may occur as an overflow of water from water bodies, such as a river, lake, or ocean, in
which the water overtops or breaks levees, resulting in some of that water escaping its usual
boundaries, or it may occur due to an accumulation of rainwater on saturated ground in an a real
flood. While the size of a lake or other body of water will vary with seasonal changes in
precipitation and snow melt, these changes in size are unlikely to be considered significant unless
they flood property or drown domestic animals.

Floods can also occur in rivers when the flow rate exceeds the capacity of the river channel,
particularly at bends or meanders in the waterway. Floods often cause damage to homes and
businesses if they are in the natural flood plains of rivers. While river in flood damage can be
eliminated by moving away from rivers and other bodies of water, people have traditionally lived
and worked by rivers because the land is usually flat and fertile and because rivers provide easy
travel and access to commerce and industry.

Some floods develop slowly, while others such as flash floods, can develop in just a few minutes
and without visible signs of rain. Additionally, floods can be local, impacting a neighborhood or
community, or very large, affecting entire river basins.

25. What is the effect of the flood based on the text?

A. Economical and industry development becomes faster
B. The society life will be better in supporting the government.
C. Many people live in the bank of the river while looking for the fish
D. The decreasing of economic field and many buildings becomes damage.

26. What does the first paragraph tell us about?

A. The victims of the flood
B. The definition of the flood
C. The characteristic of the flood
D. The cause and effect of the flood

27. “it may occur due to an accumulation of rainwater”.

The underlined phrase has similar meaning with . . . .
A. Put off
B. Lack off
C. In spite of
D. As a result of
The following text is for questions 28 to 30

There will be a holiday camp next month. All scouts must join this camp. The activity will take place at
Bangunharjo camping site and last for three days.

For further information, please contact Mr. Dedi.

Banyumas, May 20th ,2020

28. Where can you find the announcement above?

A. In a university.
B. In an office.
C. In a school.
D. In a course.

29. What will happen in June?

A. There will be a summer camp for three days
B. The scouts will join in a rainy camp for three days
C. The readers will attend a three days camp
D. There will be a national scout day camp.

30. The event will be held ... June .

A. on
B. for
C. in
D. at

The following text is for questions 31 to 33

To : Raihan Ardilangga
Date : March 27, 2019

Raihan, I need your help to announce all the managers that we are going to take a meeting on Friday,
March 29. Also, you have to prepare the data of our finance report for this month. It must be clear
before the meeting because the data is included in the meeting and should be presented in front of all
the managers.  I will be there on Thursday to check your work.

David Sitohang
31. What is the impact of the memo for Raihan?
A. He must inform all managers about the meeting and provide the data requested.
B. He can inform all managers to present the data of finance report in the meeting.
C. He will inform few managers to attend the meeting and prepare the finance report.
D. He can support all managers to run the meeting on Friday.

32. What will David Sitohang do before going to the meeting?

A. Follow presentation with all managers.
B. Lead the meeting to all managers.
C. Prepare the meeting room.
D. Check the financial report.

33. The finance report... by David Sitohang on Thursday.

A. is being checked
B. will be checked
C. should be checked
D. has been checked

The following text is for questions 34 to 36

Isa Moreno
24 Pluit Mas Street Cell: 088890009090
Penjaringan, Muara Baru, Jakarta Utara 56789 Email: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Muhammad Aziz,

I write in response to your ad seeking an experienced Manager at the anchor restaurant in the Grand
Manchu Hotel. As a highly competent hotel and hospitality professional, I would bring a service-
focused and hard-working attitude to this role.

In my current position, I maintain an efficient, results-focused work environment as I manage the

main restaurant inside the Gajah Wong Hotel in Jakarta Pusat. I have a knack for problem solving
and work well independently and with little oversight. I am a service-minded team leader with
expertise in revenue generation, training, and administrative functions.

I am a self-starter and excel at staff motivation, customer service, and scheduling. I am familiar with
staff oversight, safety and security and learn new procedures quickly. As a part of the team at the
Grand Manchu Hotel, I hope to continuously improve your revenue while elevating your guest

My resume and references are attached. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience and I look
forward to hearing from you soon.


Isa Moreno

34. Why did Isa Moreno write the letter? He wrote it to ....
A. work as a HRD manager
B. apply for a job as a finance manager
C. get a position as an account manager
D. apply for a job as a restaurant manager

35. Isa Moreno deserves the job because he is a service-focused and hard working person
who ...
A. is good at administrative works in managerial
B. has skills in problem solving in hotel industry
C. has a good career path in fashion industry
D. can only work independently

36. Isa Moreno is a hard-working person ... he has a knack for problem solving.
A. but
B. while
C. and
D. otherwise

The text below is for questions 37 to 39.

To : All students
We would like to invite you to join the school holiday from Thursday 8th to Saturday 10th August

During the holiday, our school has already made plans! We want to go camping in Sebrang to a
place called Gusong Bugis. It’s an outdoor centre where you can learn how to climb, canoe and fish
and do all sorts of exciting activities.

Don’t worry, you won’t be bored! The school pays for all students, so it is free of charge.

Don’t forget to take your changing clothes with you. it may be wet. For those who want to go, please
meet Mr. Ananta at the teacher’s office and do not forget to bring your parent’s permission letter.

Sincerely Yours

37. The text is written to ….

A. remind students about an outdoor activity
B. describe an outdoor activity on school holiday
C. ask the students to take part in school holiday activities
D. give information about activities in school holiday

38.  From the text we know that ….

A. There are at least three activities that the school offers
B. The students should bring their own food
C. The holiday will last for two days
D. The holidays won’t be exciting

39. Every student who wants to join the camping ... bring the parents’ permission letter.
A. will
B. must
C. can
D. shall
This following text is for questions 40 to 43


Jalan Jend. Sudirman
Ref: DS/RC
25 June 2019
The Krakatau Steel Engineering Co
Jawa Barat

Dear Sir or Madam,

Subject Request for catalogue

We saw your advertisement in the “Metal Worker” a few days ago and we are
interested in your steel products.

Please let us have the details of your product together with the sample, terms of
payment and the price list. If the quality is satisfying and terms are reasonable, we
will place large order soon. Could you give us details of discounts and the fastest
delivery please!

We hope to receive your reply soon.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. John Lennon

Sales Manager
40. What is the purpose of the writer to make a letter?
A. To buy some products.
B. To look about products.
C. To order some products.
D. To get information about products.

41. From the text, we know that Mr. John Lennon wants to ... .
A. pay for the products
B. refund of the products
C. know the detail of products
D. be satisfied about the products
42. “…we will place a large order soon.” (Line 5)
The underlined word can be best replaced by….
A. wide
B. big
C. gigantic
D. huge

43. What is the position of the writer in that company?

A. The manager.
B. The employee.
C. Sales manager.
D. Sales employee.

The following dialogue is for questions 44 to 46.

Janet : Have you ever imagined living abroad? 
Dessy  : That is one of my goals in my life. 
Janet  : Which country do you want to live? 
Dessy  : If I speak English better, I will go to England. 
Janet : But you can speak English, can’t you? 
Dessy : I can but I need a lot of improvement to prepare my IELTS score. 
Janet : What score that you have to achieve? 
Dessy : 7.0. If I get that score, I will go to England. 
Janet : Awesome! 
Dessy  : How about you, Janet? What is your plan? 
Janet   : I have a dream to live in Japan. 
Dessy  : Do you also need IELTS to go there? 
Janet  : I hope so, I just need to learn Japanese and do some other requirements. I will go
to Japan if I speak Japanese well. 
Dessy : Wow, do better for our brighter future. 

44. What is the main topic of the dialogue above?

A. Finishing holiday in England with a friend.
B. Knowing someone’s aspiration to go to a country.
C. Planning to live in England with parents.
D. Going to abroad needs much money.
45. Why does Janet need to learn Japanese?
A. She wants to go to Japan.
B. She wants to learn more about Japan.
C. She would like to get a scholarship in Japan.
D. She must continue her study in Japan.

46. If Dessy gets the qualification, ....

A. she will be able to live in Japan
B. her dream will come true
C. she will go abroad
D. Janet will be happy

The following dialogue is for questions 47 to 48.

Lisa : Sifa, do you think that English is difficult ?

Sifa : I think if we study seriously, there is no difficult lesson. It depends on our seriousness.
Lisa : I don’t think so. In my opinion, it is hard for me to do every task that’s given by our teacher.
Sifa : It is because of your lack of vocabularies. So, you should enrich your vocabularies then.
Lisa : Emm… I think so. Anyway, English in our class is scheduled at the last sessions, right?
What do you think about it?
Sifa : There is no problem about it.
Lisa : You might be right, but I think if English is in the first sessions, it will be easier to do the
lesson. It’s hard to follow that schedule.
Sifa : Come on, let’s be optimistic and try harder!

47. What is the topic of the text?

A. English lesson.
B. English mastery.
C. English schedule.
D. English vocabulary.
48. Why does Lisa feel difficult to master English ? Because she is. . . .
A. bored with English
B. annoyed with English
C. doubtful to master English
D. lack of English vocabularies

The following dialogues are for questions 49 to 55.

Alfan : Why can’t I find my script files on this laptop?
Bima : It has already gone because the laptop . . . . yesterday.

The correct expression to complete the text is . . . .

A. is fixed
B. are fixed
C. was fixed
D. was being fixed

Clerk : Good morning. What can I do for you?
Jimmy : I need to mail this package to New York, please.
Clerk : Ok. Let’s see how much it’s weights. It’s about five pounds.
. . . or you can send it priority and it will get there by Saturday.
Jimmy : Saturday is fine. How much will that be?
Clerk : $ 11.35. Do you need anything else?
Jimmy : No, thank you.

What is the correct expression to complete the dialogue above?

A. If you send it express, it will get there tomorrow.
B. If you send it express, it would get there tomorrow.
C. If you send it express, it would have gotten there tomorrow.
D. If you send it express, it would have being get there tomorrow.

51. Aldi : How was your trip to Bandung?

Reza : It’s nice. ... It made two days too short to pass.

A. I really enjoyed being there.

B. I couldn’t see any places.
C. I’ll be there again tomorrow.
D. Bandung really makes every one happy.

52. Johny : This place is too noisy. I need to find a quiet one to do my work.
Sinta : ... . You can also find many references there.
A. You could go to the street over here
B. You shouldn’t turn on the radio
C. Why don’t you turn on the computer?
D. How about the library?

53. Faqih : I have just read a novel. Here, have you read this?
How do you feel about this novel?
Rafa : Yes, I think this novel is outstanding.
Faqih : … I believe that this novel has an interesting story.
A. Alright
B. It’s ok
C. I think so
D. I doubt it

54. Deri: .... What movie do you want to watch?

Dila: Any romantic movies
Deri: Uhm, I don’t like romance. How about an action movie?
Dila: No problem.

A. It is a good idea
B. What a nice day today!
C. Let’s find a place to rest
D. How about going to the theater

55. Ari    : Do you like my new coat? My father bought it in Padang.

Lina  : Yes, I like it so much....
Ari    : Thank you.

A . It makes you look older than your age.

B. You look gorgeous wearing it.
C. The coat is too small for you.
D. It goes well with my shoes.

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