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Trevor Hox Birthplace Pronoun
Age 38
Police Detective
Occupation Residence


STR 50 25 10 SIZ 50 25 10 Hit Points 10 10



CON 50 25 10 POW 50 25 10 Magic Points 10 10


DEX 80 40 16 APP 50 25 10 Luck 65


INT 60 30 12 EDU 73 36 14 Sanity 50 41


Max Sanity 99 Temporary Insanity Indefinite Insanity Major Wound Unconscious Dying

Accounting (05%) 5 2 1 Firearms 25 12 5 Persuade (10%) 10 5 2

(Rifle/Shotgun) (25%)
Anthropology (01%) 1 0 0 None 1 0 0 None (01%) 1 0 0
Firearms Pilot

Appraise (05%) 5 2 1 First Aid (30%) 30 15 6 Psychoanalysis (01%) 1 0 0

Archaeology (01%) 1 0 0 History (05%) 5 2 1 Psychology (10%) 75 37 15
None (05%) 5 2 1 Intimidate (15%) 15 7 3 Ride (05%) 5 2 1
Art / Craft
None 5 2 1 Jump (20%) 20 10 4 None (01%) 1 0 0
Charm (15%) 15 7 3 None (01%) 1 0 0 None 1 0 0
Language (Other)
Climb (20%) 20 10 4 None 1 0 0 None 1 0 0
Credit Rating (00%) 20 10 4 None 1 0 0 Sleight of Hand (10%) 10 5 2
Cthulhu Mythos (00%) 0 0 0 English (EDU) 70 35 14 Spot Hidden (25%) 75 37 15
Language (Own)
Disguise (05%) 5 2 1 Law (05%) 22 11 4 Stealth (20%) 40 20 8
Dodge (half DEX) 50 25 10 Library Use (20%) 35 17 7 None (10%) 10 5 2

© 2021 Chaosium Inc. Permission is granted to copy for personal, non-commercial use only.
Drive Auto (20%) 40 20 8 Listen (20%) 75 37 15 Swim (20%) 20 10 4
Elec. Repair (10%) 10 5 2 Locksmith (01%) 55 27 11 Throw (20%) 20 10 4
Fast Talk (05%) 70 35 14 Mech. Repair (10%) 10 5 2 Track (10%) 50 25 10
Fighting (Brawl) (25%) 25 12 5 Medicine (01%) 1 0 0 None 1 0 0
1 0 0 Natural World (10%) 10 5 2 None 1 0 0
None 1 0 0 Navigate (10%) 10 5 2 None 1 0 0
Firearms 30 15 6 None 1 0 0
(Handgun) (20%) 50 25 10 Occult (05%)

Weapon Skill Damage # of Attacks Range Ammo Malf. Move 8


Brawl 25 12 5 1D3 + DB 1 - - - Build 0

50 25 10 1D10
9mm semi-automatic 1 (3) 15 yards 8 100
Knife, small (switchblade etc.)
25 12 5 1D4+DB 1 Touch - -
Dodge 50 25 10
Damage Bonus None

Personal Description Traits
Immune to sanity losses resulting from viewing a
corpse or gross injury.

Ideology & Beliefs Injuries & Scars

Significant People Phobias & Manias

Meaningful Locations Arcane Tomes & Spells

Treasured Possessions Encounters with Strange Entities


© 2021 Chaosium Inc. Permission is granted to copy for personal, non-commercial use only.
Police badge,
Spending Level $10.00
Notebook & pencil,
Cash $40.00
Cigarette box


Player Char. Level of Fumble Fail
Success: 100/96+ > skill
≤ skill
Hard Etreme Critical
1/2 skill 1/5 skill 01

Player Pushing Rolls: must justify reroll;

cannot push combat or Sanity rolls
Player Char. First Aid heals 1 HP Medicine heals 1D3 HP
Player Major Wounds = loss of ≥ ½ max HP in one attack
Reach 0 HP without Major Wound = Unconscious
Char. Reach 0 HP with Major Wound = Dying

Player Char. Dying: First Aid = temp. stabilized; then require Medicine
Player Natural Heal rate (non Major Wound): recover 1 HP per day
Natural Heal rate (Major Wound): weekly healing roll
© 2021 Chaosium Inc. Permission is granted to copy for personal, non-commercial use only.

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