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Position Paper of Same Sex-Marriage

  Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is marriage between partners of the

same sex and gender identity. For example, a marriage between two men or two women. The

United States on June 26, 2015. A momentous decision by the Supreme Court gave same-sex

couples a constitutional right to get married. The Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, which was 5-4,

legalized homosexual marriage across the country, including in the 14 states that had previously

prohibited it. The court's reading of the 14th Amendment, which the justices concluded violates

the amendment's promise of equal treatment under the law, was a factor in the judgment.

Gay and lesbian couples should not be treated any differently than their heterosexual

counterparts, and they should be allowed to get married just like everyone else. Supporters claim

that there are many practical reasons behind the struggle for marital equity, in addition to

wanting to defend the ideal of non-discrimination and equal treatment. For instance, they draw

attention to the fact that long-term homosexual couples frequently discover themselves devoid of

the fundamental liberties and privileges currently enjoyed by heterosexual couples who formally

wed, such as the ability to split pension and health benefits and the right to visit their sick loved

ones in the hospital.

According to a recent national survey by the Pew Research Center, which was carried out

from March 13 to 17, 2013, among 1,501 people. It was evident that attitudes toward same-sex

marriage have evolved. Less than one-third of Americans (33%) and the majority of Americans

(58%) favored allowing homosexuals and lesbians to marry legally. Americans now favor same-

sex marriage 49% of the time while opposing it 44% of the time.
However, due to their religious convictions, some people in the Philippines refused to

accept same-sex marriage. They contend that a man should be the only one permitted to wed a

woman and that it is a sin against God to love another person of the same gender. The

Philippines' Supreme Court declared that it had denied a request to review its September 2019

decision rejecting a petition to legalize same-sex marriage there, effectively bringing this matter

to a "finality" that it had previously stated.

Same-sex marriage would increase everyone's rights and give gay and lesbian people in

the Philippines a chance to wedding the person they love. Expanding civil marriage to couples

who are of the same sex shows respect for the fundamental rights to equality and

nondiscrimination from the perspective of human rights. It ought to be written into Philippine

legislation. The Philippines should join nations like the US, South Africa, Brazil, Colombia,

Argentina, Uruguay, New Zealand, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and Ireland

to make marriage equality legal. In Asia, Taiwanese legislators are considering a draft law

permitting same-sex unions.

Same-sex unions would increase everyone's rights and give homosexuals and lesbians

worldwide a chance to wedding the person they love. The right to marry is a fundamental human

right, and extending civil union to couples of the same sex shows respect for these rights and the

fundamental freedoms of equality and nondiscrimination. There is no civil marriage "exception"

to the reach of international anti-discrimination law. Therefore, applying the protections against

unfair treatment internationally logically dictates that homosexual and lesbian couples should

have the same rights as heterosexual couples.


Same-sex Marriage

David Masci, Anna Brown and Jocelyn Kiley (2019, June 4)

Five facts about same-sex marriage

Tom Rosentiel (2008, April 1)

An Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate

Carlos H. Conde (2017, March 20)

Philippines Should Adopt Same-Sex Marriage

Philippines: Supreme Court Rules on Same-Sex Marriage


Non-Discrimination in Civil Marriage: Perspectives from International Human Rights Law and



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