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The Simple Past

Meeting 5
Dosen : Naufal Parinduri
A. Tujuan pembelaran
1. Memahami The Simple Past tense
2. Dapat menggunakan The Simple Past tense dalam kegiatan sehari – hari.
B. Petunjuk pembelajaran
1. Baca dan pelajari modul atau baca referensi lain yang berhubungan dengan
2. Kerjakan soal-soal yang diberikan.
C. Uraian materi

Yesterday Debbie had a job interview. She went downtown to the company.
The interview was for an accounting job. Debbie graduated university 3 months
Her interview was at 10:00 am. She woke up at 7:00 am and left her house
before 8:00 am. She waited for the bus, but it was late. She was very worried
because she did not want to be late for the interview. She tried to phone the
company to warn them, but her phone battery was dead.

When the bus arrived, it was almost 9:00 am. Then the bus was slow because
there were many other cars. The bus finally arrived at Debbie’s stop at 9:45 am.

Debbie ran from the bus stop to the office building. When she entered she saw a
sign that said the company was on the 24th floor. The elevator ride took almost 5
minutes because many people stopped at different floors.

When Debbie arrived at reception, it was 9:58. She was in time!

“I am here to see Mrs. Lewis” said Debbie.
The receptionist checked her book and replied:
“She is not here today. What is your name please?”
“My name is Debbie Gregson.”
“Sorry Debbie, but your appointment is tomorrow.”
Debbie checked her agenda. It was true. She was there on the wrong day!

Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense is used to discuss an action that was done in the past. It
doesn't matter when the activity took place; it might have been recently or far in the
Use cases :

USE 1 Completed Action in the Past

USE 2 A Series of Completed

Examples : Example :
 I saw a movie yesterday.  I studied Japanese when I was
 Last month, I traveled to a kid.
Labuhan Bajo.  She used to play football
 Last year, I didn’t travel to  He didn’t play basketball
Lombok.  Did you play any sport when
 Did you have dinner last night? you were a kid?
 He washed his bike.
USE 3 Duration in the Past

The simple past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A
duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as for two years, for five
minutes, all day, all year, etc.


 I lived in Brazil for two years.

 Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
 They sat at the beach all day.
 They did not stay at the party the entire time.
 We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.
 A: How long did you wait for them?
B: We waited for one hour.

USE 4 Habits in the Past

The simple past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can
have the same meaning as used to. To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we
often add expressions such as always, often, usually, never, when I was a child, when I
was younger, etc.


 I studied French when I was a child.

 He played the violin.
 He didn't play the piano.
 Did you play a musical instrument when you were a kid?
 She worked at the movie theater after school.
 They never went to school, they always skipped clas
USE 5 Past Facts or Generalizations

The simple past can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no
longer true. As in USE 4 above, this use of the simple past is quite similar to the
expression used to.


 She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.

 He didn't like tomatoes before.
 Did you live in Texas when you were a kid?
 People paid much more to make cell phone calls in the past.

Notice :
Example (single sentence) :
 I walked to school yesterday.
 John lived in Paris for ten years, but now he lives in Rome.
 I bought a new motorcycle three days ago.
The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a
particular time in the past.

Example (double sentence) :

 Rita stood under a tree when it began to rain.
 When Mrs. Chu heard a strange noise, she got up to investigate.
 When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled on my lap.
If the sentence contains when and has simple past in both clauses, the action in
the when clause happen first. 1st: the rain began. 2nd: She stood under a tree.

Forming The Simple Past Tense

Patterns Of Simple Past Tense For Regular Verbs
Subject + verb + ed
I skipped.
Subject + did not + infinitive without to
They didn’t go.
Did + subject + infinitive without to
Did she arrive ?
Interrogative Negative
Did Not + subject + infinitive without to
Didn’t you play ?

Simple past tense of to be, to have, to do

Subject Verbs
Be Have Do
I Was had did
You Were Had did
He/she/it Was had did
We Were Had did
They Were had did

Notes on affirmative, negative, and interrogative forms

The affrimative of the simple past tense is simple
I was in Japan last year.
She had a headache yesterday.
We did out homework last night.

Negative and interrogative

For the negative and interrogative simple past form of "to do" as an ordinary verb,
use the auxiliary "did", e.g. We didn't do our homework last night.
The negative of "have" in the simple past is usually formed using the auxiliary "did",
but sometimes by simply adding not or the contraction "n't".

The interrogative form of “have” in the simple past normally uses the auxiliary
 They weren't in Rio last summer.
 We didn't have any money.
 We didn't have time to visit the Eiffel Tower.
 We didn't do our exercises this morning.
 Were they in Iceland last January?
 Did you have a bicycle when you were young?
Note : for the negative and interrogative form of all verbs in the simple past.
Always use the auxiliary “did”.

Simple past, irregular verbs

Some verbs are irregular in the simple past. Here are the most common ones.
to go
He went to a club last night.
Did he go to the cinema last night?
He didn't go to bed early last night.

to give
We gave her a doll for her birthday.
They didn't give John their new address.
Did Barry give you my passport?

to come
My parents came to visit me last July.
We didn't come because it was raining.
Did he come to your party last week?
D. Latihan soal/tugas
Write the missing words in the questions. Use ‘Did’ and a verb form the box!
Watch Go Get Play
Have See Eat Start

1. Where……….you………for your last holiday?

2. What……….you……….for dinner last night?
3. ……….You……….fun at school yesterday?
4. Who……….you……….football with yesterday?
5. ……….You………..TV yesterday?
6. What presents……….you………..for your last birthday ?
7. When……….you………..learning English?
8. ……….You………your best friend last Sunday?

Use the verbs in the brackets and form questions with question words and
their answers in the Simple Past. Mind the example.
When did Carlos buy the new smartphone? He bought the new smartphone last
Monday. (to buy)

1. Where……….she……….yesterday evening? She……….shopping. (to go)

2. When……….he………hockey? He……….hockey last Sunday. (to play)
3. What……….you……….last night? I………..a badger in the garden. (to watch)
4. When……….Jacob……….home? He……….home at 8.30 pm. (to come)
5. When……….the meeting…………? It………..at midday. (to finish)
6. When…………Sarah………..the cake? She……….the cake two hours ago. (to
7. What……….Richard………..last Friday afternoon? He…………a microwave.
(to check)
8. How………..Molly……….? She…………in cash. (to pay)
9. When……….you……….the text message? We……….the text message at
10am.(to send)
10. Where……….you……….your birthday? I……….my birthday at home. (to

E. Umpan balik atau tindak lanjut

Jawablah semua latihan pada pertemuan ini.

F. Daftar pustaka
1. Duckworth, Michael, Essential Business Grammar& Practice Elementary to
Pre Intermediate. 2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press

2. Richard J.C, & Bohkle D. 2011. Four Corners Workbook. Cambridge, New
York: Cambridge University Press.

3. Richard, Jack C. Interchange: Student’s book I. Cambridge University. 2006

4. Warshawsky, Diane et all. Spectrum1: A communication English Course in

English. Prentice Hall Regents. 1982.
Past Continuous/ Progressive
Meeting 6
Dosen : Naufal Parinduri
A. Tujuan pembelaran
1. Memahami The Past Continuous.
2. Dapat menggunakan The Past Continuous dalam kegiatan sehari – hari.
B. Petunjuk pembelajaran
1. Baca dan pelajari modul atau baca referensi lain yang berhubungan dengan
2. Kerjakan soal-soal yang diberikan.
C. Uraian materi
Who was she? Where was she? What was happening?
Yesterday, it was raining and thundering all day. Ann was playing inside the
house. She wanted to be outside. She wasn't playing outside because it was raining.
She was feeling tired of being trapped inside the house.
Ann was trying to keep busy inside the house. She was reading her book until
the electricity went out. Then, she decided to practice her sewing. She was
practicing sewing until lunchtime. After lunch, she sat by the window and watched
the rain.
While Ann was watching the rain, the phone rang. Her mother was calling to say
she was coming home. She was bringing a new game. Ann and her mother ate ice
cream and played the game.
While they were playing, the rain stopped! But Ann didn't even notice. She was
having such a good time with her mom!

Past Continuous/ Progressive

The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, refers to a
continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past. The past
continuous tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be (i.e., was/were)
with the verb’s present participle (-ing word).

There are many situations in which this verb tense might be used in a sentence. For
example, it is often used to describe conditions that existed in the past.
The sun was shining every day that summer.
As I spoke, the children were laughing at my cleverness

Forming The Past Continuous

The past continuous of any verb is composed of two parts : the past tense of the
verb “to be” (was/were), and the base of the main verb +ing.
Subject + was/were + base + ing
They were watching
She was reading
She wasn’t reading
Was she reading?
Interrogative negative
Wasn’t she reading?

Use cases :
USE 1 Interrupted Action in the Past
Use the past continuous to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted.
The interruption is usually a shorter action in the simple past. Remember this can
be a real interruption or just an interruption in time.
● I was watching TV when she called.
● When the phone rang, she was writing a letter.
● While we were having the picnic, it started to rain.
● What were you doing when the earthquake started?
● I was listening to my iPod, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
● You were not listening to me when I told you to turn the oven off.
● While John was sleeping last night, someone stole his car.
● Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.
● While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off.
● A: What were you doing when you broke your leg?
B: I was snowboarding.

USE 2 Specific Time as an Interruption

In USE 1, described above, the past continuous is interrupted by a shorter action in

the simple past. However, you can also use a specific time as an interruption.
● Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
● At midnight, we were still driving through the desert.
● Yesterday at this time, I was sitting at my desk at work.
In the simple past, a specific time is used to show when an action began or finished. In
the past continuous, a specific time only interrupts the action.
● Last night at 6 PM, I ate dinner.
● I started eating at 6 PM.
● Last night at 6 PM, I was eating dinner.
Means: I started earlier; and at 6 PM, I was in the process of eating dinner.

USE 3 Parallel Actions

When you use the past continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses
the idea that both actions were happening at the same time. The actions are parallel.


● I was studying while he was making dinner.

● While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.

● Were you listening while he was talking?

● I wasn't paying attention while I was writing the letter, so I made several mistakes.

● What were you doing while you were waiting?

● Thomas wasn't working, and I wasn't working either.

● They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.
Repetition and Irritation with Always

The past continuous with words such as always or constantly expresses the idea that
something irritating or shocking often happened in the past. The concept is very
similar to the expression used to but with negative emotion. Remember to put the
words always or constantly between be and verb+ing.
● She was always coming to class late.
● He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.
● I didn't like them because they were always complaining.

D. Latihan soal/tugas
Write the correct form of the verb given in the bracket to make a sentence into
past continuous tense
1. He ___________ the dust from the blower. (blow)
2. What _____ she _______ for her husband on his birthday? (buy)
3. He _____________ his own plaster in the hospital. (break)
4. _____ you _________ down the tree last night? (cut)
5. She _____________ with the shopkeeper yesterday. (deal)
6. ______ we ________ for picnic? (go)
7. He _________ something from us. (hide)
8. You were ______ the bill to the delivery boy. (pay)
9. They __________ on the roller coaster for a ride. (sit)
10. He __________ behind your back. (not/stand)
11. She ______________ in her bedroom. (sleep)
12. What ______ he ________ in the backyard? (do)
13. His feet _____________ so much during the match. (bleed)
14. She was __________ the Roll Royce that time. (drive)
Read the following sentences in different tenses and change them into past
continuous tense.
1. Raj drinks coffee.
2. Sweta is singing her favorite song.
3. Siraj left the school.
4. My friends played on the field.
5. I will be going to France.
6. The boy cried all night.
7. The cat ran in the streets.
8. I performed at the school function.
9. The parrot talked back.
10. Tia will visit her granny.

E. Umpan balik atau tindak lanjut

Jawablah semua latihan pada pertemuan ini.

F. Daftar pustaka
5. Duckworth, Michael, Essential Business Grammar& Practice Elementary to
Pre Intermediate. 2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press

6. Llyod, Angela & Anne Preier. 1996. Business Communication Games. Oxford:
Oxford Unity Press.

7. Swweney, Simon. 2002. Test Your Professional English Management, Essex:


8. Wyatt, Rawdon. 2007. Check Your English Vocabulary for Business

Administration 4th Edition. London: A&C Black.

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