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1. If you pass the polygraph test, the answer shown is

a. No Deception Indicated
b. Deception
c. Inconclusive
d. Truthful
2. What is the purpose of the examination, why is the subject required to answer all questions by yes or no
a. To avoid interruption during examination
b. To avoid distortion of the chart tracing
c. To shorten the examination
d. None of these
3. This is designed to absorb the response generated by the introduction of relevant questions in the series.
a. Relevant question
b. Irrelevant question
c. Sacrifice relevant question
d. Control question
4. It is designed to probe whether the subject possesses information regarding the identity of the offender or
the facts of the case under question.
a. Irrelevant question
b. Primary relevant question
c. Guilty knowledge question
d. Evidence connecting question
5. How shall the scientific method of detecting deception be administered?
a. by interviewing the subject
b. by observing the physical reaction of the subject during the test
c. by asking question to the subject pertinent to the case under investigation
d. by observing the psycho-physiological reactions of the subject
6. A person who frequently exaggerates stories to make themselves appear more interesting or consistently
lies to cover up mistakes that they have made is unlikely to be
a. Psychopathic liar
b. Pathological liar
c. Panic liar
d. Black liar
7. It refers to a person who always pretends and a hypocrite.
a. Psychopathic liar
b. Pathological liar
c. Panic liar
d. Black liar
8. The very important part of polygraph technique without which polygraphs are of no value or the most
important single factor in polygraph testing.
a. Questions formulation
b. Chart marking
c. Chart interpretation
d. Questioned analysis
9. Among the four components of polygraph, the most valuable or reliable indicators in detecting deception
a. Blood pressure
b. Electrodermal response
c. Respiration
d. specific response
10. A prolonged suppression or withholding of breath causes the pneumograph recording pen to trace a straight
line is termed as___
a. Staircase suppression
b. Respiratory block
c. Micro-tremor
d. Pitch
11. This is one of the reason, that the result of the polygraph examination still not accepted as evidence in court.
a. No confirmatory result
b. The machine is in order
c. The examiner is incompetent
d. The examiner is capable
12. It is the question which is the same in nature with that of the relevant question but broader in scope.
a. Sacrifice relevant question
b. Symptomatic question
c. Irrelevant question
d. Control question
13. In Frye vs. United States, what was the new technology they tried to admit into evidence?
a. blood spatter
b. polygraph
c. odontology
d. DNA
14. The importance of the _______ is not only in its role to provide subjects with information about the
examination and to inform them of their legal rights, but also in its ability to generate the psychological
climate considered necessary for a valid polygraph test.
a. Pretest
b. post test
c. initial interview
d. actual test
15. These are three groups of questions placed as one by Backster and they are intended to verify the previous
charts and detect indirect participation or guilty knowledge.
a. Control question
b. Symptomatic question
c. SKY question
d. Relevant question
16. These questions include asking whether the examinee perpetrated the target act or knows who did it and
perhaps questions about particular pieces of evidence that would incriminate the guilty person.
a. Relevant question
b. Irrelevant question
c. Control question
d. Symptomatic question
17. “Have you ever stolen anything? Is an example of?
a. Evidence connecting
b. Sacrifice relevant
c. SKY question
d. Comparison question
18. Psychophysiological detection of deception is also known as?
a. Polygraph
b. Polygraphy
c. Polygraph Examination
d. All of these
19. The sequence of question formulation in Polygraph test
a. Control - Relevant – Irrelevant
b. Relevant - Irrelevant – Control
c. Relevant - Control – Relevant
d. Irrelevant - Control – Relevant
20. It consists of control questions that are designed to elicit a negative answer from the examinee to questions
that encompass unknown offenses or misdeeds during a period earlier than the time the alleged offense
was committed.
a. Green Zone
b. Black Zone
c. Red Zone
d. Blue Zone
21. When one or more of the accessories or components of the polygraph machine are not functional, then the
factor affecting accuracy is _____
a. Instrument
b. examination room
c. condition of the subject
d. skill of the examiner
22. “I did not do it”. Is an example of what type of lie?
a. Lie of Omission
b. Direct Denial
c. Lie of Fabrication
d. Lie of Minimization
23. Is the stage in the conduct of the polygraph test, which is designed to prepare or condition the subject for
the actual test?
a. Initial Interview
b. Instrumentation
c. Pre-test Interview
d. Post-test Interview/Interrogation
24. Responses given by the subject in a relevant question which deviates from the normal tracing are called:
a. normal response
b. deceptive response
c. specific response
d. none
25. The accused first fasted for 12 hours and the given small amount of rice to ear followed by large amount of
black colored water and if the concoction was vomited, the accused was pronounced innocent; Otherwise,
a. Combination of Drinks and Food Ordeal
b. Donkey’s Tail Ordeal
c. Trial By Combat
d. Red Water Ordeal
26. When a person speaks, there are audible voice frequencies, and superimposed on these are the inaudible
frequency modulations which are products of minute oscillation of the muscle of the voice mechanism.
a. Psychological Stress Evaluator
b. Word Association Test
c. Stimulation test
d. Narco-analysis
27. “Do you suspect anyone who wanted to stole Anita’s watch?” is an example of what question?
a. Relevant question
b. SKY question
c. Guilt complex question
d. Symptomatic question
28. Have you ever lied to any of my question?
a. Relevant question
b. Control question
c. Sacrifice question
d. Symptomatic question
29. When the blood pressure rises up to 150 over 100 do not conduct the examination. The statement is false. It
is true.
a. Yes
b. It depends
c. No
d. None
30. The purpose of this test is to establish a truth telling pattern for the initial part of the record.
a. General Question Test
b. Number Test
c. Mix Question Test
d. Peak of Tension
31. These are questions which are unrelated to the matter under investigation but are similar nature although
less serious as compared to those relevant questions under investigation.
a. Relevant
b. Control
c. Supplementary
d. Irrelevant
32. This test is applied when the response to relevant and control questions are similar in degree and
consistency and in a way that the examiner cannot determine whether the subject is telling the truth or not.
a. Silent Answer Test
b. Peak of Tension
c. Guilt Complex
d. Narrative
33. What are the bases of the polygraph theory that who’s on examiner is lying he/she will react physiologically
to the questions during the test?
a. Fear of detection
b. Fear of being untruthful
c. Fear of deception
d. Fear of the unknown
34. It is used to describe the reaction of the subject being recorded by the polygraph during the test.
a. Emotional Reaction
b. Physiological Reaction
c. Psychological Reaction
d. Biological Reaction
35. The following are the different kinds of external response except:
a. Twitching at the corner of the lips
b. Facial expression
c. Excessive winking, movement at the vein at the temple
d. Dryness of the mouth
36. It is the detection process.
a. Polygraph Examination
b. Polygraph Test
c. Polygraph
d. Polygraphy
37. The following are the methods involving the use of substances that “inhibit the inhibitor”, except?
a. Truth serum
b. Polygraph
c. Intoxication with alcohol
d. Narcoanalysis
38. Angelo Mosso pursued his studies of emotion and fear and its influence on the heart and respiration with an
instrument for measuring blood pressure and pulse change called?
a. Sphygmomanometer
b. Hydrosphygmograph
c. Plethysmograph
d. Galvanometer
39. It is fastened around the subject’s torso and belly.
a. Pneumograph Tube
b. Finger electrodes
c. Arm Cuff
d. Beaded Chain
40. The main purpose of the examination is to determine the ________ based on the presence of emotional
disturbances of the subject appearing on the recorded physiological responses to question relative to the
case under investigation.
a. Truth
b. Deception
c. Lie
d. Any of these
41. The purpose of this question is to produce a change from the subject’s norm tracing plus excitement level
plus stimulus.
a. Relevant Question
b. Irrelevant Question
c. Control Question
d. Symptomatic
42. A segment within a tracing that shows physiological evidence that the parasympathetic subdivision of the
autonomic nervous system has become active, following the stress area on the polygraph chart, indicating a
psychological return to the subject’s exhibited average emotional level.
a. Average Tracing Segment
b. Reaction Tracing Segment
c. Relief Tracing Segment
d. Distortion Tracing Segment
43. Were you the one who actually stole the missing P50,000.00 cash money of Juan Dela Cruz? Is an example
of what type of question?
a. Weak Relevant
b. Strong Relevant
c. Sacrifice
d. Knowledge
44. In this test, the subject is instructed by the examiner to avoid from giving any verbal answer to the questions
asked towards him entire the test.
a. GQT
b. POT
c. SAT
d. WAT
45. The following are the basic arguments/ reasons why the result of polygraph examination is not yet
admissible as evidence, EXCEPT?
a. Polygraph examination is not yet standardized as to the qualifications of the polygraph examiner.
b. Polygraph examination is not yet standardized as to testing procedure.
c. Polygraph is not yet standardized as to instrumentation.
d. Polygraph examination is not yet standardized as to the qualifications of the subject.
46. Refers to the any person undergoing the polygraph examination.
a. Subject
b. Suspect
c. Witness
d. All of these
47. One of the conditions of the subject to be considered fit during the test is that he/she must refrain from the
use of alcohol, sedatives, prohibited drugs and other syrup or capsules for at least how many hours prior to
the test?
a. 10
b. 5
c. 2
d. 12
48. Designed to probe whether the subject’s possess information regarding the identity of the offender, the
location of the evidence or other necessary elements of the case facts.
a. Knowledge Question
b. Evidence Connecting Question
c. Control Question
d. LTQ
49. DYAT means?
a. Did you answer truthfully
b. Did you know
c. Did you alter the test
d. Any of these
50. During this phase the examiner will discuss the questions and familiarized the questions to the subject.
a. Pre-test
b. Pre-meal
c. Pre-polygraph
d. Pre-nuptial
51. “Do you expect anyone in particular who committed the offense?” is an example of _____.
a. Knowledge question
b. Guilt complex question
c. SKY question
d. Symptomatic question
52. The purpose of General Question Test is
a. To check the possible deliberate distortion when the chosen number is asked and to obtain a chart
wherein the subject is not under stress.
b. To get the standard tracing of the subject and to establish a true telling pattern for the initial part of the
c. To determine the responsiveness of the subject to crucial questions on spot responses.
d. To compare the degree of reaction between control and relevant question
53. It refers to stability or consistency of measurement. It studies often to examine the rate of decision
agreement among examiners on polygraph test charts.
a. Reliability
b. Accuracy
c. Competency
d. Validity
54. Using the Psychological Stress Evaluator, a lying subject or when a person is under stress, the
a. Tends to disappear
b. Tends to rise
c. Tends to increase
d. Tends to stop
55. Psychological Response to any demand.
a. Reaction
b. Fear
c. Stress
d. Pressure
56. It is a force or motion reaching the organism and excites the receptors.
a. Response
b. Reaction
c. Stimulus
d. Detection
57. Today, most polygraph test are administered with the digital equipment rather than the analog type. The
statement is not false. It is not contrary to not true.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Absolutely
d. Possible
58. When the person is under the influence of physical exertion or emotional stimuli, the sympathetic will
dominate and over-rid the parasympathetic, thus there will be changes in the heart rate, blood pressure,
respiratory pattern, psycho galvanic reflexes, time of response to question, and voice tracing. The statement
is irreversible to true. It is contrary to not false.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Absolutely
d. Possible
59. The parasympathetic nervous system works to restore things to normal when the condition of stress has
been removed. It is dominant branch when the condition is normal and the subject is calm, contented and
relaxed. The statement is untrue. It is contrary to not true.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Absolutely
d. Possible
60. In lie detector, the time interval between the words uttered by the examiner and the answer of the subject is
recorded. The statement is opposite to false. It is not true.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Absolutely
d. Possible
61. In the administration of truth serum, the drug given hypodermically to the subject is_________.
a. Sodium Thiopental
b. Hyoscine Hydrobromide
c. Psychiatric Sodium Amytal
d. Morphine
62. It is also called Prevarication.
a. Lie
b. Lying
c. Deception
d. Any of these
63. Pretending to have the capability or intention one doesn’t.
a. Misleading
b. Cunning
c. Bluffing
d. Fraud
64. It is the false detection of something that is not actually present.
a. False Negative
b. False Positive
c. False Deception
d. False Truthful
65. A deviation in polygraph tracing attributable to a physiological phenomenon occurring as a compensatory
action after a response or an artifact.
a. Reaction
b. Response
c. Recovery
d. Recall
66. Deception indicated is a decision of Polygraph examination when:
a. the physiological data are stable and interpretable
b. the evaluation criteria used by the examiner led him to conclude that the examinee is not wholly truthful
to the relevant issue
c. the evaluation criteria used by the examiner led him to conclude that the examinee was truthful to the
relevant issue.
d. any of these
67. Are markings which are placed only if the examinee does something which will cause the physiological
tracings to distort.
a. Primary Markings
b. Chart Markings
c. Secondary Markings
d. Polygrams
68. In card test, the subject is present with ________ numbered cards face down.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 4
d. 7
69. Do you believe me when I promised not to ask a question in this test I have not gone over word for word?
a. Symptomatic Question
b. Sacrifice Relevant Question
c. Sky Questions
d. Guilt Complex Question
70. The following are the purpose of irrelevant questions, except?
a. Establish the professional authority in the room that means, the examiner asks questions and the
suspect answers.
b. It allows the examiner to assess the subject’s normal behavior for this heightened emotional situation.
c. Allows the examiner to identify something he has in common with the subject, to establish rapport.
d. It maximizes resistance.
71. Irrelevant question is otherwise known as?
a. Yes Question
b. Neutral Question
c. Comparison Question
d. All of these
72. “I did not know what I was doing, and I am sorry for that,” is an example of?
a. Confession
b. Admission
c. Deception
d. Cunning
73. A confession could be?
a. Written statement
b. Spoken statement
c. Implied statement
d. Direct acknowledgement
74. These are unconscious expressions that surface as the limbic part of our brain sort, gather and assess
a. Brain Imaging
b. Micro-expressions
c. Psychological Stress Evaluator
d. Neuro-linguistic programming
75. Pathological Lie is a lie made by persons who cannot distinguish right from wrong, while what kind of lie that
is prevalent in communist countries or communist infested nations.
a. Black lie
b. Red lie
c. Pathological lie
d. Malicious Lie
76. It causes the arm cuff to inflate in order to produce blood pressure and pulse rates.
a. Arm Cuff
b. Blood Pressure Meter
c. Hand pump bulb
d. Sphygmomanometer
77. The investigator should avoid asking witnesses long complicated questions because this will:
a. Give the witness a chance to formulate desired answer.
b. Enable him to ascertain the purpose of the interviewer.
c. Renders difficulty in obtaining the facts for conviction
d. Embraces him and cause him to answer he does not know
78. Have you ever lied before?
a. Relevant question
b. Control question
c. Sacrifice question
d. Symptomatic question
79. When the blood pressure rises up to 150 over 100 do not conduct the examination. The statement is false. It
is true.
a. Yes
b. It depends
c. No
d. None
80. What are the bases of the polygraph theory that who’s on examiner is lying he/she will react physiologically
to the questions during the test?
a. Fear of detection
b. Fear of being untruthful
c. Fear of deception
d. Fear of the unknown
81. It is the detection process.
a. Polygraph Examination
b. Polygraph Test
c. Polygraph
d. Polygraphy
82. In advance countries, the following are preferred descriptions of lie detection through polygraph examination,
a. Psychophysiological veracity
b. Examination Psychophysiological detection of deception
c. Psychophysiological credibility assessment
d. Psychophysiological verification evaluation
83. Lombroso called it blood pressure pulse test.
a. Hydrosphygmograph
b. Cardiosphygmograph
c. Sphygmomanometer
d. Plethsymograph
84. Credited as the creator on Relevant-Irrelevant Technique.
a. Keeler
b. Reid
c. Backster
d. Utah
85. That among the physiological responses that may be recorded are those that automatically occur only
following the stimulation of specific nervous component system
a. Physiological Leg Premise
b. Psychological Leg Premise
c. Mechanical Leg Premise
d. Emotional Leg Premise
86. Epinephrine is otherwise known as?
a. Endurance
b. Strength
c. Adrenaline
d. Rush
87. “the highest quality at the lowest price.” Is an example of?
a. Bluffing lies
b. Puffery lies
c. Fabricated lies
d. Omission lies
88. Derail means?
a. Deliberate use of ambiguity
b. Invent or perpetrate a false story
c. Untruthful statement
d. Change the subject of discussion
89. What is the average amplitude or volume of pneumography?
a. 1/2 to 1 inch
b. 1/4 to 3/4 inch
c. ½ to ¾ inch
d. 1 to ½ inch
90. As a rule no polygraph test can be conducted if there is insufficient amount of data gathered. The statement
is opposite to not true. It is not false.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Unsure
d. Probably
91. Considered as the longest phase in polygraph examination
a. Pretest
b. Initial Interview
c. Actual test
d. Post test
92. It is conducted when the subject is hostile or appears to be deceitful.
a. Interview
b. Interrogation
c. Information
d. Admission
93. Duration of the actual test should?
a. Not less than 5 mins
b. Not more than 4 mins
c. At least 7 mins
d. 5 to 10 mins
94. The following are not Physiological Phenomena will be taken as basis of Detecting Deception except?
a. Blood Pressure and Heart Beat Frequency
b. Internal Reaction
c. Postural
d. Facial Frequency
95. A segment within a tracing that shows physiological evidence that the parasympathetic subdivision of the
autonomic nervous system has become active, following the stress area on the polygraph chart, indicating a
psychological return to the subject’s exhibited average emotional level.
a. Average Tracing Segment
b. Reaction Tracing Segment
c. Relief Tracing Segment
d. Distortion Tracing Segment
96. In this test, the subject is instructed by the examiner to avoid from giving any verbal answer to the questions
asked towards him entire the test.
a. GQT
b. POT
c. SAT
d. WAT
97. A standard which stated that “expert testimony based on a scientific technique is inadmissible unless the
technique is generally accepted as reliable in the relevant scientific community”.
a. Frye Standard
b. Daubert Standard
c. Piccionona Standard
d. Amado Standard
98. General rule in chart interpretation, EXCEPT?
a. There must be specific response
b. It must form a deviation from the norm
c. The specific response must appear in at least 2 test charts
d. Must not involve legal terminology such as assault, murder, homicide, etc
99. The following are the signs of lying and deception, EXCEPT?
a. Stammering and pointing his guilt to somebody else
b. Swearing to GOD that he did not commit the crime
c. Looking straight to the eyes of the examiner
d. He often asks counter questions and counter queries
100.Which of the following component of polygraph that produces 2 tracing pen?
a. Galvanograph
b. Cardiosphygmograph
c. Pneumograph
d. Any of these
101. If you pass the polygraph test, the answer shown is
A. No Deception Indicated
B. Deception
C. Inconclusive
D. Truthful
102. This is designed to absorb the response generated by the introduction of relevant questions in the series.
A. Relevant question
B. Irrelevant question
C. Sacrifice relevant question
D. Control question
103. How shall the scientific method of detecting deception be administered?
A. by interviewing the subject
B. by observing the physical reaction of the subject during the test
C. by asking questions to the subject pertinent to the case under investigation.
D. by observing the psycho-physiological reactions of the subject
104. Among the four components of polygraph, the most valuable or reliable indicators in detecting deception are___;
A. Blood pressure
B. Electrodermal response
C. Respiration
D. Specific response
105. What is the symbol used to indicate the start of the polygraph test marked in the chart?
A. X
B. Y
C. W
106. Which of the following causes physiological changes in the body of the subject?
A. Peak of Tension Test
B. The Fear of Retaliation
C. Irrelevant Question
D. Relevant Question
107. To find out the truth is an essential requirement for the administration of Justice. Which of the following is the
commonly used method of deception detection?
A. Lie detection Method
B. Hypnotism
C. Use of drugs
D. Confession
108. The importance of the _______ is not only in its role to provide subjects with information about the examination
and to inform them of their legal rights, but also in its ability to generate the psychological climate considered
necessary for a valid polygraph test.
A. Pre-test
B. Post test
C. Initial Interview
D. Actual test
109. A test conducted wherein the subject is instructed not to produce verbal response.
A. Peak of Tension Test
B. Narrative
C. Silent Answer Test
D. None of the Above
110. In this examination stimulus and non-stimulus words are read to the subject who in turn is instructed to answer
as quickly as possible.
A. Word Association Test
B. Truth Serum
C. Psychological Stress Evaluator
D. Water Therapy
111. The accused first fasted for 12 hours and the given small amount of rice to ear followed by large amounts of
black colored water and if the concoction was vomited, the accused was pronounced innocent; Otherwise, guilty.
A. Combination of Drinks and Food Ordeal
B. Donkey’s Tail Ordeal
C. Trial By Combat
D. Rice Chewing Ordeal
112. Chart tracing of subject when irrelevant questions were answered.
A. Reaction
B. Specific response
C. Normal response
D. Positive response
113. It refers to the response given by the subject which is considered a deviation from the normal tracing or norms
of the subject.
A. Emotion
B. Stimulus
C. Normal Response
D. Specific Response
114. It refers to a process that encompasses all activities that take place between a polygraph examiner and an
examinee during a specific series of interactions.
A. Polygraph Inspection
B. Polygraph Examination
C. Subject Examination
D. Polygraph Managing
115. He is someone who has successfully completed formal education and training in conducting polygraph
examinations and is certified by his agency to conduct such examinations.
A. Polygraph Examinee
B. Polygraph Examiner
C. Polygraph
D. Polygraph Manager
116. A prolonged suppression or withholding of breath causes the pneumograph recording pen to trace a straight line
is termed as___
A. Staircase suppression
B. Respiratory block
C. Micro-tremor
D. Pitch
117. The primary objective of a post test interview.
A. To thank the subject
B. To obtain confession
C. To make the subject calm
D. To explain polygraph test procedures
118. It is the question which is the same in nature with that of the relevant question but broader in scope.
A. Sacrifice relevant question
B. Symptomatic question
C. Irrelevant question
D. Control question
119. Which of the following polygraph channels records the blood pressure changes and pulses rate of the examinee?
A. Cardiograph Channel
B. Pneumograph Channel
C. Galvanograph Channel
D. Kymograph Channel
120. When one or more of the accessories or components of the polygraph machine are not functional, then the
factor affecting accuracy is _____
A. instrument
B. examination room
C. condition of the subject
D. skill of the examiner
121. It is the scientific method of detecting deception done with the aid of a polygraph instrument.
A. Polygraph
B. Polygraphy
C. Confession
D. Polygraphics
122. Is the stage in the conduct of the polygraph test, which is designed to prepare or condition the subject for the
actual test?
A. Initial Interview
B. Actual Interview
C. Pre-test Interview
D. Post-test Interview/Interrogation
123. This test is applied when the response to relevant and control questions are similar in degree and consistency
and in a way that the examiner cannot determine whether the subject is telling the truth or not.
A. Silent Answer Test
B. Peak of Tension
C. Guilt Complex
D. Narrative
124. It refers to the direct acknowledgement of guilt or a statement of guilt.
A. Confession
B. Admission
C. Deception
D. Emotion
125. What are the bases of the polygraph theory that who’s on examiner is lying he/she will react physiologically to
the questions during the test?
A. Fear of detection
B. Fear of being untruthful
C. Fear of deception
D. Fear of the unknown
126. The following are the different kinds of external response except:
A. Twitching at the corner of the lips
B. Facial expression
C. Excessive winking, movement at the vein at the temple
D. Dryness of the mouth
127. The main purpose of the examination is to determine the ________ based on the presence of emotional
disturbances of the subject appearing on the recorded physiological responses to questions relative to the case
under investigation.
A. Truth
B. Deception
C. Lie
D. Any of these
128. Were you the one who actually stole the missing P50,000.00 cash money of Juan Dela Cruz? Is an example of
what type of question?
A. Weak Relevant
B. Strong Relevant
C. Sacrifice
D. Knowledge
129. It is one of the early methods of detecting deception which refers to a judicial practice by which the guilt or
innocence of the accused is determined by subjecting them to an unpleasant, usually dangerous experience.
A. Trial by Ordeal
B. Trial Combat
C. Trial by Welfare
D. Trial by Death
130. In cardiosphygmograph, It refers to the downward blood pressure representing the low pressure to the closing of
the valves and heart relaxed.
A. Systolic Blood Pressure
B. Diastolic Blood Pressure
C. Pulse Amplitude
D. Pulse Rate
131. When the person is under the influence of physical exertion or emotional stimuli, the sympathetic will dominate
and over-rid the parasympathetic, thus there will be changes in the heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory pattern,
psycho galvanic reflexes, time of response to question, and voice tracing. The statement is irreversible to true. It is
contrary to not false.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Absolutely
D. Possible
132. In lie detector, the time interval between the words uttered by the examiner and the answer of the subject is
recorded. The statement is opposite to false. It is not true.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Absolutely
D. Possible
133. These are questions that have no connection with the matter under investigation and deal with known facts that
the subject cannot be denied. It is designed to be emotionally neutral to examinees and usually answerable by “YES”.
A. Relevant Questions
B. Symptomatic Questions
C. Irrelevant Questions
D. Sacrifice Relevant Questions
134. It is the false detection of something that is not actually present.
A. False Negative
B. False Positive
C. False Deception
D. False Truthful
135. “I did not know what I was doing, and I am sorry for that,” is an example of?
A. Confession
B. Admission
C. Deception
D. Emotion
136. These are unconscious expressions that surface as the limbic part of our brain sort, gather and assess
A. Brain Imaging
B. Micro-expressions
C. Psychological Stress Evaluator
D. Neuro-linguistic programming
137. It is conducted when the subject is hostile or appears to be deceitful.
A. Interview
B. Interrogation
C. Information
D. Admission
138. Which of the following components of polygraph that produce 2 tracing pen?
A. Galvanograph
B. Cardiosphygmograph
C. Pneumograph
D. Any of these
139. It records the subject’s skin resistance to a small amount of electricity.
A. Cardiosphygmograph
B. Galvanograph
C. Sphygmomanometer
D. Pneumograph
140. As a rule no polygraph test can be conducted if there is insufficient amount of data gathered. The statement is
opposite to not true. It is not false.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Unsure
D. Probably
141. The investigator should avoid asking witnesses long complicated questions because this will:
A. Give the witness a chance to formulate the desired answer.
B. Enable him to ascertain the purpose of the interviewer.
C. Renders difficulty in obtaining the facts for conviction
D. Embraces him and cause him to answer he does not know
142. It is a force or motion reaching the organism and excites the receptors.
A. Response
B. Reaction
C. Stimulus
D. Detection
143. This component records the changes of breathing of the subject
A. Cardiosphygmograph
B. Pneumograph
C. Kymograph
D. Galvanograph
144. It refers to the upward blood pressure as the apex of the curve caused by the contraction of the heart, valves
are open and the blood is rushing into the arteries.
A. Diacrotic Notch
B. Electrodermal Response
C. Diastolic Blood Pressure
D. Systolic Blood Pressure
145. It refers to an emotional response to specific danger that appears to be beyond a persons defensive power.
A. Fear
B. Normal Response
C. Stimulus
D. Specific Response
146. Using the Psychological Stress Evaluator, a lying subject or when a person is under stress,
the frequencies___________?
A. Tends to disappear
B. Tends to rise
C. Tends to increase
D. Tends to stop
147. It refers to stability or consistency of measurement. It studies often to examine the rate of decision agreement
among examiners on polygraph test charts.
A. Reliability
B. Accuracy
C. Competency
D. Validity
148. The purpose of General Question Test is
A. To check the possible deliberate distortion when the chosen number is asked and to obtain a chart
wherein the subject is not under stress.
B. To get the standard tracing of the subject and to establish a true telling pattern for the initial part
of the record.
C. To determine the responsiveness of the subject to crucial questions on spot responses.
D. To compare the degree of reaction between control and relevant question
149. It refers to a physiological change that occurs following, and is attributable to the presentation of applied
A. Test Data
B. Phasic Response
C. Recovery
D. Response
150. Designed to probe whether the subject’s possess information regarding the identity of the offender, the location
of the evidence or other necessary elements of the case facts.
A. Knowledge Question
B. Evidence Connecting Question
C. Control Question
151. Those who love to lie and are excited by the challenge of not being detected.
a. white liar c. tournament liar
b. black liar d. compulsive liar
152. Those who don’t usually think of themselves are true “liars”.
a. white liar c. tournament liar
b. black liar d. compulsive liar
153. Persons who cannot distinguish right from wrong due to their sick mind.
a. pathological liar c. black liar
b. occupational liar d. white liar
154. These are considered to be practical liars for they lie when it has a higher “pay off” than telling the truth.
a. white liar c. tournament liar
b. occupational liar d. compulsive liar
155. The following are the principal use of polygraph examination, except
a. It is an aid to the investigator
b. It speeds up the process of investigation
c. It eliminates innocence suspect
d. The investigator could not focus or concentrate to the subject to determine the truth or
156. It is an uttering or conveying falsehood, creating a false or misleading impression with the intention of affecting
wrongfully the acts through the opinion or affection of another.
a. Lie c. Lying
b. Liar d. Deceptive
157.This is a very pure and unjustifiable kind of lie that is intended purely to mislead or obstruct justice.
a. Black lie c. Malicious Lie
b. pathological lie d. Red Lie
158. What is the meaning, if the professional polygraph examiner renders an opinion that “the subject is not telling
the truth?”
a. deception indicated (DI) c. no deception indicated (NDI)
b. inconclusive (INC) d. conclusive ©
159. Of the three (3) devices which record the psychological response, one of the following is not included.
a. use of polygraph or lie detector machine
b. use of the word association test
c. use of the psychological stress evaluator
d. use of water therapy
160. It is the scientific method of detecting deception with the use of a polygraph instrument. This is the other name
a. Polygraphy c. Reid Instrument
b. truth verifier d. Polygraph
161. In Greek, polygraph means _______ and the instrument was so named because it makes various ink recording
of a person’s body functions
a. lie detector c. writing tool
b. many writings d. recording instrument
162. Which of the following statements is not correct as applied to polygraph examination?
a. It is used to test an individual for the purpose of detecting deception or verify the truth of the statement
b. It records identifiable physiological reactions of the subject, such as; blood pressure, pulse rate,
respiration and skin resistance
c. It is based on the theory that a conscious mental effort on the part of a normal person to deceive causes
involuntary physiological changes that are in effect to body’s reaction to an imminent danger to its well-being
d. the instrument detects lies according to pre-arranged questions
163. Polygraph Examination is useful for the following reasons. Except
a. it aids investigation as its speeds up processing of investigation
b. it eliminates innocent suspects
c. it is the only means used in detecting deception
d. used in pre-employment screening and honesty test
164. The accuser and the accused report to a duel where the winner was adjudged innocent. Those not proficient in
weapons and those who could not afford to do so could hire champions in the field to do the fighting for them. The
type of ordeal is called ____.
a. legal ordeal c. trial by combat
b. ordeal of the Eucharist d. Test of the Cross Ordeal
165. In polygraph examination, _____ refers to any person undergoing polygraph examination process
a. Minor c. examiner
b. Matured d. none of these
166. A device that measures changes in blood volume in a part of the body.
a. Polygraph c. galvanograph
b. Plethysmograph d. Pneumograph
167. A graphic representation containing selected physiological data generated by an examinee
during the data collection phase of a polygraph examination.
a. polygraph c. polygram
b. Galvanograph d. pneumograph
168. Someone who has successfully completed formal education and training in conducting polygraph examinations
and is either authorized or formally certified, by the examiner’s agency, to conduct such examinations.
a. Polygraphy c. polygraphist
b. Examinee d. Subject
169. A person taking polygraph examination
a. Polygraphy c. polygraphist
b. Examiner d. Subject
170. The act of making someone believe something that is not true. It is an act of deceiving or misleading usually
accompanied by lying.
a. Detection c. deception
b. Distortion d. Lying
171. A deviation from an examinee’s normal state of homeostasis as evidenced by the tracings on a polygraph chart.
a. Response c. fear
b. Specific response d. Reaction
172. A device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to restrict blood flow, and a mercury or
mechanical manometer to measure the pressure.
a. Sphygmomanometer c. galvanograph
b. Plethysmograph d. Pneumograph
173.Specific objectives of Polygraph Examination are the following, except
a. To ascertain if person is telling the truth
b. To verify and compare conflicting statement
c. To obtain additional facts of an offense, location of the stolen goods and whereabouts of wanted persons.
d. To convict other persons involved in the case
174. He is an Italian physiologist who was accorded the distinction for developing the galvanic skin reflex (GSR) or
galvanometer, which records electrical bodily resistance in terms of ohms (the lowest current ever recorded).
a. Georg Sticker c. Luigi Galvani
b. Angelo Mosso d. Otto Veraguth
175. Cesare Lombroso (1836-1909 employed the first scientific instrument to detect deception, which measures the
changes in pulse and blood pressure when suspects were asked about their involvement or knowledge of specific
a. Sphygmomanometer c. galvanometer
b. Hydrosphygmograph d. polygraph
176. He developed an instrument that continually and simultaneously measures blood pressure, pulse and
a. William Moulton Marston c. John Larson
b. Cesare Lombroso d. Leonard Keeler
177. He developed the reviewed control questions. He also discovered the “guilt-complex test
a. John E. Reid (1950) c. Leonard Keeler
b. Cesare Lombroso d. Daniel Defoe
178. The first polygraphist to record simultaneously on a regular basis the chest and abdominal breathing patterns.
He was also the first one to record simultaneously two galvanic skin reflexes. In 1966, he founded the Journal of
Polygraph Science, the oldest of the polygraph publications.
a. Georg Sticker c. Luigi Galvani
b. Richard Archer d. Otto Veraguth
179. The accused was put into a severe physical test. If the accused can endure such torture, he will be considered
a. Ordeal by rice chewing c. ordeal of the red water
b. Trial by combat d. trial by torture
180. It is a psychoactive medication used to obtain information from subjects who are unable or unwilling to provide it
a. Truth Serum test c. polygraphy
b. Computer voice analyzer d. word association test
181. A very important sense which gives information about the movements of the parts of the body with respect to
one another
a. Effectors c. receptors
b. Kinesthesis d. Synapses
182. The system that is responsible for the elimination of wastes produced by homeostasis.
a. Circulatory System c. Excretory System
b. Respiratory System d. Nervous System
183. It serves as the activator of the body system.
a. Circulatory System c. Excretory System
b. Respiratory System d. Nervous System
184. Polygraphy means many writings.
a. True c. false
b. Correct d. Affirmative
185. A question that has no relevance or connection to the issue under investigation.
a. Relevant question c. Irrelevant Question
b. Symptomatic question d. Control Question
186. These are direct questions having an extreme and specific relationship to the crime or matter under
investigation and these direct or key questions are asked by the examiner in order to resolve a specific subject matter.
a. Symptomatic question c. Irrelevant Question
b. Relevant question d. Control Question
187. These are direct questions having an extreme and specific relationship to the crime or matter under
investigation and these direct or key questions are asked by the examiner in order to resolve a specific subject matter.
a. Symptomatic question c. Irrelevant Question
b. Relevant question d. Control Question
188. This question is designed to prove whether the subject possesses information leading to the identification of the
offender or location of evidence.
a. Strong Relevant question
b. Sacrifice Question
c. Knowledge question
d. Comparison question
189. It is the use of any instrument to graphically record simultaneously the physiological changes inhuman
respiration, cardiovascular activity, and any other physiological changes that can be recorded for the purpose of
verifying truth or deception and includes the reading and interpretation of the polygraph records and results.
a. Preliminary Preparations c. Test Data analysis
b. Polygraphy d. Polygraph examination
190. It refers to the tracing of response on the chart which does not deviate from the norms of the subject’s psycho-
physiological response and usually appears when the subject is being of irrelevant questions.
a. Response c. Normal Response
b. Specific Response d. Reaction
191. It refers to the period of time between stimulus onset and response onset.
a. Artifact c. analysis spot
b. Latency d. diagnostic features
192. It is known as the primary question and intended to produce a strong emotional response on a guilty subject.
a. Strong Relevant question c. Sacrifice Question
b. Knowledge question d. Comparison question
193. It facilitates the inking of the pens in the polygraph.
a. Inking System c. Ink Bottle Holder
b. Ink Bottle d.Pen
194. It moves the Polygraph Chart at a uniform speed of 1 division per 5 seconds.
a. Kymograph c. Pneumograph
b. Cardiograph d. Galvanograph
195. It refers to any deviation from the normal tracing of the subject in the relevant and control questions.
a. Response c. normal response
b. specific response d. Reaction
196. It is the most important single factor in polygraph testing is _____________.
a. Validity of polygraph test c. polygraph examination
b. Chart interpretation d. admissibility of polygraph result
197. It is an opinion which indicates that an analysis of the polygraph charts revealed the
physiological responses to relevant question(s) is an indicative of deception.
a. No Opinion (NO) c. Global Evaluation
b. Deception Indicated (DI) d. No Deception Indicated (NDI)
198. It is the systematic process by which a particular set of scoring and decision rules is applied to the evaluation of
diagnostic features and other physiological data resulting in one of three outcome decisions.
a. chart interpretation c. test data analysis
b. Polygraphy d. test data
199. It is an evaluation that indicates the examiner cannot render a conclusive opinion of DI or
NDI based upon the physiological data on a given set of charts.
a. No Deception Indicated (NDI) c. Global Evaluation
b. Deception Indicated (DI) d. No Opinion (NO)
200. It refers to the specific location of a question within a question string.
a. Homeostasis c. Question String
b. Serial Position d. Artifact
201. It refers to the particular visual representation of the physiological data that is studied for its diagnostic value.
a. Latency c. Wave form
b. Serial Position d. Spot Analysis
202. It refers to the tracing of response on the chart which does not deviate from the norms of the subject’s psycho-
physiological response and usually appears when the subject is being of irrelevant questions.
a. Response c. normal response
b. specific response d. reaction
203. It is an opinion that indicates that an analysis of the polygraph charts revealed the physiological responses to
the relevant question(s) were not indicative of deception.
a. No Deception Indicated (NDI) c. Deception Indicated (DI)
b. No Opinion (NO) d. Global Evaluation
204. It is the cause for a change in the examinee’s physiological data that is not attributable to an applied stimulus or
a. Artifact c. Analysis Spot
b. Latency d. Serial Position
205. Cardiograph function is to;
a. records the respiration
b. the inhalation and exhalation of the subject
c. records the GSR
d. records the blood pressure and pulse rate response of the subject
206. This stage includes obtaining and evaluation of facts, determining areas the subject needs to be asked and the
investigator must furnish the examiner.
a. Post-Test Phase c. Preliminary Preparations
b. Pre-test Phase d. Polygraph Examination
207. This is the stage of interview of the subject. The primary purpose is to prepare or condition the subject for the
a. Post-Test Phase c. Preliminary Preparations
b. Pre-test Phase d. Polygraph Examination
208. This stage includes all consideration that bears on the examination.
a. Post-Test Phase c. Pre-test Phase
b. Preliminary Preparations d. Polygraph Examination
209. Blood pressure cuff is the recording aid of _______
a. Pneumograph c. cardiograph
b. Galvanograph d. kymograph
210. It is an overall inspection of polygraph charts to form a general impression concerning the relative strengths of
the reaction to various questions
a. test data c. test data analysis
b. Waveform d. global evaluation
211. It controls the appearance of the dicrotic notch in the Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate tracing.
a. Center c. pen position
b. Notch d. chart roller
212. It controls the level of amplification for activity
a. hand pump c. activity reaction
b. activity response d. Response
213. It is assigned to an analysis spot if the physiological response is more significant at the applicable comparison
question than at the relevant question.
a. negative value c. zero scores
b. positive value d. Value
214. This test is applied when the response to relevant and control questions are similar in degree and in consistency
and in a way that the examiner cannot determine whether the subject is telling the truth or not
a. Modified General Question test c. Peak of tension
b. Peak of tension d. Guilt Complex Test
215. The following are examples of general state countermeasures except one
a. Drug c. Hypnosis
b. Meditation d. Mental imagery
216. It is the attempts to defeat the polygraph examination by reducing the physiological activity to test items. It
diminishes the body’s response to all polygraph questions.
a. Specific Point Countermeasures
b. Occasional liars
c. General State Countermeasures
d. Countermeasure
217. It uses the same questions in the First Series Test but the subject should not give any answer.
a. Silent Answer Test c. Sky Test
b. Yes test d. Zone test
218. A test wherein the subject may be given this test if he is not yet informed of the details of the offense for which
he is being interrogated by the investigation or by other persons or from other sources like the print media.
a. Zone Comparison Test c. Guilt Complex Test
b. Silent Answer Test d. Peak of tension test
219. S.K.Y. Questions these are three groups of questions placed as one by Backster and they are intended to verify
the previous charts and detect indirect participation or guilty knowledge. The “S” stands for Suspect; the “K” stands
for Know; and “Y” stands for You.
a. Yes Questions c. Sky Question
b. Peak of tension d. Backster Test
220. Questions used to detect and evaluate the presence of outside issues which may suppress response to relevant
a. Relevant Questions c. Symptomatic Questions
b. Outside issue d. Irrelevant Questions
221. Contains three Zones (black, red and green), with comparison of responses between two of the zones (red and
green) for the determination of truth or deception.
a. Peak of tension c. Symptomatic Questions
b. Zone Comparison Test d. General Questions Test
222. It is consists of relevant questions dealing with the issue for which the examinee being tested
a. red zone c. black zone
b. blue zone d. green zone
223. Who created the Zone Comparison Test?
a. Backster c. Veraguth
b. Mosso d. Larson
224. Who develop Peak of tension test
a. Backster c. Larson
b. Keeler d. None of the above
225. It is composed of a series of multiple choice questions, each having one crime relevant
a. Peak of tension c. Concealed Information Test
b. General Question Test d. Zone Comparison Test
226. Preparatory phrase – used to focus the examinee’s attention to the issue under investigation; stated at the
a. Padding question c. False key
b. Preparatory phrase d. Prefix phrase
227. Questions are designed to provide the innocent suspect with an opportunity to become more concerned about
questions other than the relevant questions, thereby causing the innocent suspect to react more strongly to the
comparison question rather than the relevant questions.
a. Sky Questions c. Control Questions
b. Symptomatic Question d. Relevant Question
228. Cognitive - class of countermeasures in which the examinee attempts to affect the polygraph recordings through
self-manipulation of attention, memory and emotion.
a. Physical
b. Pharmacological Countermeasure
c. Cognitive
d. General Countermeasure
229. A test that uses questions from the First Series Test but the sequence is modified. The arrangement of the
questions is based on the responses of the subject on the third test. This test is given to verify if the response of the
subject is a spot response or not.
a. Third Test c. First Series Test
b. Mixed Question Test d. Guilt Complex Test
230. A test that uses questions from the First Series Test but the subject should answer “Yes” to each question.
Control questions are not included in this test. In this test lying subjects often attempt to distort the tracing in an effort
to make their “yes” answer look like a lie.
a. Guilt Complex Test c. Peak of Tension Test
b. Yes Test d. Zone Comparison Test
231. A test that uses relevant questions based on a “fictitious incident” parallel to the relevant questions from the
“actual incident”. These questions should be in a juxtaposition. The test will verify if the subject is overly responsive to
the relevant questions.
a. Third Test c. First Series Test
b. Mixed Question Test d. Guilt Complex Test
232. A test that uses the same questions in the First Series Test but the subject should not give any answer. The
subject should listen carefully to each of the questions otherwise the test will be useless.
a. Guilt Complex Test c. Peak of Tension Test
b. Silent Answer Test d. Zone Comparison Test
233. A single-issue polygraph technique developed and advocated by Dr. James Matte, which extends the method
devised by Cleve Backster. This technique has four “tracks:” primary track, secondary track, inside track, and outside
a. Matte Quadri-Track Zone Comparison Technique
b. Backster Tri-Zone Comparison Technique
c. Utah Zone Comparison Technique
d. Peak of tension Test
234. An incorrect term sometimes used for a ZCT with three spots.
a. Matte Quadri-Track Zone Comparison Technique
b. Backster Tri-Zone Comparison Technique
c. Utah Zone Comparison Technique
d. Peak of tension Test
235. The technique that was developed in 1987 by Nathan J. Gordon, William Waid, and Philip Cochetti at the
Academy for Scientific Investigative Training where it placed emphasis on scientifically founded formatting principles
from the Zone Comparison Technique, however, it allowed the examiner the flexibility to use the same test structure
for both single-issue or multiple issue cases.
a. Matte Quadri-Track Zone Comparison Technique
b. Backster Tri-Zone Comparison Technique
c. Utah Zone Comparison Technique
d. Integrated Zone Comparison Technique (IZCT)
236. An offshoot of the Zone Comparison Technique. A major component of the technique is the use of question
modules consisting of one relevant, one comparison, and one irrelevant question.
a. Utah Zone Comparison Technique
b. Utah Direct Lie Test (Utah DLT)
c. Utah Probable Lie Test ( Utah PLT)
d. Backster Tri-Zone Comparison Technique
237. This test is applied when the response to relevant and control questions are similar in degree and in consistency
and in a way that the examiner cannot determine whether the subject is telling the truth or not.
a. Guilt Complex Test c. Peak of Tension Test
b. Silent Answer Test d. Zone Comparison Test
238. A question that is to detect and evaluate the presence of outside issues which may suppress response to
relevant questions.
a. Relevant Question c. SKY Questions
b. Symptomatic Question d. Control Question
239. These are three groups of questions placed as one by Backster and they are intended to verify the previous
charts and detect indirect participation or guilty knowledge.
a. Relevant Question c. SKY Questions
b. Symptomatic Question d. Control Question
240. A test that is conducted in the same manner as when relevant and control questions are asked but the subject is
instructed to answer the questions silently, to himself, without making any verbal response causes distortion in the
tracing such as sniffing or clearing the throat.
a. Guilt Complex Test
b. Silent Answer Test
c. Peak of Tension Test
d. Zone Comparison Test
241. The test is designed to pose a threat to the wellbeing of the examinees, regardless of their innocence or guilt
and compel them to focus their attention on a specific zone question(s).
a. Guilt Complex Test c. Peak of Tension Test
b. Silent Answer Test d. Zone Comparison Test
242. The zone consists of relevant questions dealing with the issue for which the examinee is being tested.
a. red zone c. black zone
b. green zone d. blue zone
243. Backster Zone Comparison Test (Varieties) are the following, except
a. Matte Quadri-Track Zone Comparison Technique
b. Backster Tri-Zone Comparison Technique
c. Department of Defense Polygraph Institute (DoDPI) Bi-Spot Zone Comparison Technique
d. Integrated Comparison Technique
244. It was the first test format designed to overcome the problems inherent in the RIT by including comparison
A. Guilt Complex Test c. Peak of Tension Test
b. Silent Answer Test d. Comparison Question Test
245. A test that contains three zones (black, red and green), with comparison of responses between two of the zones
(red and green) for the determination of truth or deception.
a. Guilt Complex Test c. Peak of Tension Test
b. Silent Answer Test d. None of the above
246. These are three groups of questions placed as one by Backster and they are intended to verify the previous
charts and detect indirect participation or guilty knowledge.
a. None of the choices c. SKY Questions
b. Symptomatic Question d. Control Question
247. A test that is composed of a series of multiple choice questions, each having one crime relevant alternative.
a. None of the choices c. Searching Peak of tension test
b. Known Solution Peak of Tension test d. Zone Comparison test
248. Drugs, meditation, hypnosis and fatigue or exhaustion are examples of general state countermeasures
a. False c. wrong
b. Incorrect d. True
249. Manipulated respiration, self-inflicted pain, covert tensing of muscles (ex. anal sphincter contraction) and mental
imagery are examples of specific point countermeasures
a. True c. wrong
b. False d. Incorrect
250. It is generally believed that laboratory testing used in polygraph research tends to adversely affect the otherwise
higher validity and reliability rates.
a. False c. wrong
b. Incorrect d. true

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