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School: STA.


Teaching Dates March 28, 2023
Learning Area: Science 7
Quarter: Quarter 3

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the session, students must be able to:

A. demonstrate different activities that sounds travel in different media;

B. identify the medium at which sound travels fastest and slowest;
C. explain why the speed of sound differs in different media such as
solid, liquid and gas; and
D. cite the importance of sound propagation in different media.

The learners demonstrate understanding of geologic processes that occur on

A. Content Standards: the surface of the Earth such as weathering, erosion, mass
wasting, and sedimentation.
B. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to make a simple map showing places where
erosion and landslides may pose risks in the community.
C. Most Essential Learning Describe how rocks undergo weathering (S11ES-lla-22)
II. Content Weathering
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning resources(LR)Portal
B. Other Learning Resource Earth Science Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Describe How
Rocks Undergo Weathering, Department of Education –

A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
Everybody, please stand.
May I request Nestor to
lead the prayer?
Yes, Ma’am.
Everyone let us pray.
Good morning, class!
Good morning, Ma’am! Good
morning, classmates!
You may now take
your seats.
How are you today? Thank you, Ma’am.
That’s good to know. We’re great!

b. Checking of
I will check your
attendance according to
your seat plan.
c. Checking of
Please pass your

d. Setting of Standards
Okay. Before we will
start our lesson for
tonight, and to have a
productive discussion,
please all stand, put your
right hand in your chest
and read aloud with
sincerity our house
rules. Go! HOUSE RULES

1. I will participate and

cooperate in every activity;
2. I will listen when my
teacher speaks;
3. I will use my intelligence to
convey ideas;
4. I will keep myself silent
and observant during
another group’s
presentation; and,
5. I will not do unnecessary
actions that can disturb my
classmate and the whole

Very good! I hope that

you will obey our house
rules ‘til the end of the Yes, Ma’am!

A. Review

Last meeting, we discussed

about sounds. Right? Yes, Ma’am!

Then what produces sound?

Yes, Paul?

Vibration, Ma’am.

Yes, you are right, Paul!

Thank you.

Do sounds need a medium

for it to propagate?

Yes, Menchie?

Yes, Ma’am!
Exactly, Menchie!

And What type of wave are

sound waves?

Yes, Aida?

Longitudinal Wave and Mechanical

Wave, Ma’am!
That is right! Thank you,

Do you still have questions

or clarifications from our
previous discussion about
the our previous topic?
None, Ma’am.
Since you’ve fully
understood our topic last
meeting, let’s give ourselves
a round of applause.
I am happy that you learned
something from our
(Round of applause)
discussion/ lesson last
meeting. It indicates that
you are ready for today’s

This morning, our topic is all

B. Establishing the Purpose about Weathering.
for the Lesson And for this session, please
read aloud our lesson

A. demonstrate different
activities in which sounds
travel in different media;
B. identify the medium at
which sound travels fastest
and slowest;
C. explain why the speed of
sound differs in different
media such as solid, liquid
and gas; and
D. cite the importance of sound
propagation in different

Activity 1: Complete Me Challenge

C. Presenting Examples (Motivation)
/Instances of the New Lesson

Let us divide the class into 3 groups.

Count 1, 2 and 3. Starts at you,

Now, all number 1 please stand and 1.. 2.. 3.. 1.. 2.. 3..
be seated in the left side of the 2 is the last number, Ma’am!

All number 2, please stand and (Group 1 members moving to left

occupy the center seats. side)

(Group 2 members moving at the

All number 3, please occupy the center seats)
right side.
(Group 3 members moving to right
Please settle yourselves with your side
groupmates now. Kindly, form your
chairs into a circle then choose your
group leader.

We will first have a game called

“Complete Me”.

Everybody should participate,


I have here six (6) envelopes

containing cut-out pictures. I will
Yes, Ma’am!
group you into six (6) based on the
color of your name tags.

All you must do is to assemble

the puzzled picture in your seats
and paste it in a cartolina that is
also found inside the envelope. I will
only give you 2 minutes to finish the
task. Only one representative in
each group is allowed to tack your
work on the board. The first group
to finish first will be declared as the

Am I understood, class?

Yes, Ma’am!
The group who finished ahead of time
is the _________Group!
Give them a round of applause!

What images did you formed?

Yes, that is right! Guitar, Tuning Fork in Water, Can

These images have something to do Telephone and Trumpet, Solid,
with our lesson for this morning. Liquid, Gas, Moon (Vacuum)

You will be divided into six groups
based on the color of your name
tags. As you can see there are
three (3) stations on your left and
three (3) stations on your right
which contains different activities
for you to perform and questions
to answer. On your left the
stations are labelled from 1A – 3A
and on the right are from station
1B – 3B. Red group, Blue group,
and Orange group you will go to
the stations on your left and
Green group, Yellow group, and
Pink group will go to stations on
your right.

All you must do in each station is read

the procedures, perform the activity,
answer the questions and write it in a
cartolina that I will provide. You will
only be given three (3) minutes to stay
in each station. After 3 minutes you
will then proceed to the next until you
finish all the stations on your side. The
groups on the left will follow a
counterclockwise motion and, on the
right, will follow a clockwise motion.

Everyone should participate because I

will be the one to choose the reporter in
each group for the result of the
activities in each station.

Are my instructions clear class?

Station 1: Tuning Fork in Water


1. Tuning Fork
2. Bowl with Water
1. Strike the tuning fork to make
it vibrate. Yes, Ma’am!
2. Put the tuning fork in a bowl
filled with water.
3. Observe what happens.
4. Answer the questions that
(You don’t need to copy the questions.)
Guide Questions:
a. What happened to the water
when you put the vibrating
tuning fork on it?
b. Do sounds travel on liquids?

Station 2: Video Presentation

1. Netbook/Laptop
2. Speaker
1. Watch the video.
2. Answer the questions that
(You don’t need to copy the questions.)
Guide Questions:
a. What medium does sound
travels fastest?
b. What medium does sound
travels slowest?

Station 3: Table and tuning fork

1. Table
2. Tuning Fork
1. Strike the tuning fork for it to
2. Listen to how loud the sound
3. Strike the tuning fork again and
place it in the table pointing
upward while placing your ear
against the surface of the table.
4. Listen to how loud the sound
5. Answer the questions that
(You don’t need to copy the questions.)
Guide Questions:
a. Through which medium did
you hear sound from the tuning
fork better? (Gas or Solid)
b. Why do you think it sounded
better with that medium?
Post Activity
Now, I will choose a representative
in each group to report in front.

(the teacher will check the students
Station 1: Tuning Fork in Water
Guide Questions:
a. What happened to the water
when you put the vibrating
tuning fork on it?
b. Do sounds travel on liquids?

Station 2: video presentation

Guide Questions:
a. What medium does sound
travels fastest?
b. What medium does sound
travels slowest?

Station 3: Table and tuning fork

Guide Questions:
a. Through which medium did
you hear sound from the tuning
fork better? (Gas or Solid)
b. Why do you think it sounded The water also vibrates.
better with that solid? Yes

Follow up question:
(Power Point Presentation)
What happened to the solid
particles as sounds travelled?

(Power Point Presentation) Gas

What happened to the liquid
particles as sounds travelled?

(Power Point Presentation)

What happened to the gas particles Solid
as sounds travelled? It is because sound travels fastest in
solids. (Answers can be varied)

(Power Point Presentation)

Which of the three (3) media did
sound travels fastest?
It vibrates and transfers the energy
(Power Point Presentation) from one particle to the other.
Why do you think sound travels
fastest in solid?
It vibrates and transfers the energy
from one particle to the other.
(Power Point Presentation)
Which of the three (3) media did It vibrates and transfers the energy
sound travels slowest?
from one particle to the other.
(Power Point Presentation)
Why do you think sound travels
slowest in gas? Solid

It is because the particles in solid are

(Power Point Presentation) very tight to each other and the
Do sound also travels in liquid the transfer of energy are very fast
same as in solid and in gas? compared to other media. (Answers
can be varied)

Very Good!
Do sounds travel in solids? It is because the particles in gases are
Do sounds travel in liquids? very far from each other that the
Do sounds travel in gases?
transfer of energy is much slower.
Which of the three (3) media did sound
travels fastest?

Why do sound travels fastest in Yes.


Which of the three (3) media did

sound travels slowest? Yes.
Why do sound travels slowest in

It is because the particles in solid are

What affects the speed of sound in very tight to each other and the
different media? transfer of energy are very fast
compared to other media. (Answers
can be varied)
Very Good!

(Power Point Presentation) It is because the particles in gases are

This is my friend named Juan. Juan very far from each other that the
was sitting inside his classroom when transfer of energy is much slower.
one of his classmates suddenly hit two
stones together. If Juan was sitting 10
meters away from his friend, will Juan The distance / spacing of particles in
hear the sound from the 2 stones being the medium.
hit? Why?

(Power Point Presentation)

Juan was leaning on the wall of his
classroom when suddenly in the
adjacent/ other room a person suddenly
hit the wall with a stone. Will Juan hear
the sound through the wall? Why?

If Juan was swimming underwater,

and his friend suddenly hit two stones
together, will Juan still hear the sound? Yes, because sounds can travel in air.

Can sound travel in liquids?

If sounds can travel in liquids will

Juan hear the 2 stones being hit?
Yes, because sounds can travel in
If Juan travels to the moon and his solids.
friend suddenly hit 2 stones together,
will Juan hear the sound? Why?
Do sound waves need a medium
for it to travel?

Can you breathe on the moon? Yes / No. (Answers can be Varied)
Does the moon have air on it?
Then the moon is surrounded with
the vacuum of space for having no air Yes, teacher!
around it and vacuum means an empty
space. Will Juan still hear the sound
from the stones?
Yes, teacher!
Will sound travel in a vacuum?
Yes / No, teacher!
Very Good! (Answers can be varied)

Can you give an example / situation in

which sounds travel in solid? Yes.

No, teacher!
Can you give an example / No, teacher.
situation in which sounds travel in

No, teacher.

Can you give an example / No, teacher.

situation in which sounds travel in gas?

Why is it important for us to know

that the speed of sound differ in
different media?

(Answers can be varied)

How will you appreciate the
importance of our lesson this morning?
(Answers can be varied)

Do you have any questions with

regards to our topic?

(Answers can be varied)

It is important for us to know because

it tells us what materials are better to
be used in different instances when
dealing with sound waves.
This time, we will have a “Quiz By applying what we have learned
Bowl” by group. I will provide each from this discussion to our daily lives,
group with cut-out letters. All you have teacher!
to do is answer the questions that I will
read twice. You only have to raise the
letter of your answer.
Yes / No, teacher!
There will be 5 questions and each
(If there is, the teacher will answer
question is worth 1 point. You have 5
seconds for you to answer and you will the questions)
raise your answers after I say “RAISE”.

Am I understood, class?

1. Which of the following will

sound travels fastest?
a. ground
b. Air
c. Ocean
d. Vacuum

2. Which of the following will

sound travels slowest?
a. ground
b. Air
c. Ocean
d. Vacuum

3. Which of the following will

sound not travel?
a. ground
b. Air Yes, teacher!
c. Ocean
d. Vacuum

4. Why do sound travel fastest in

a. Solid particles are packed A. Ground
very tightly.
b. Solid particles are not
packed tightly and can
move a with little distance
between them.
c. Solid particles are very
loosely packed and can
move freely. B. Air
d. Solid is not a medium for
sound to travel.

5. Why do sound travel slowest in

a. Gas particles are packed
very tightly.
A. Vacuum
b. Gas particles are not
packed tightly and can
move a with little distance
between them.
c. Gas particles are very
loosely packed and can
move freely.
d. Gas particles is not a A. Solid particles are packed
medium for sound to very tightly.

Direction: Copy your assignment in
your assignment notebook.
1. List two (2) situations
where sound travels
fastest on solids B. Gas particles are very
compared to liquids loosely packed and can
and gases. move freely.
2. Draw / Paste a picture
of a musical instrument
that you would love to
play and explain why
you would choose this
instrument in four (4)

That is all for this morning. Thank you,

Goodbye, and, see you around.

Goodbye, Ma’am!

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