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1. Define Image.

• Image may be defined as two dimensional light intensity function f(x, y) where x
and y denote spatial co-ordinate and the amplitude or value of f at any point(x, y) is
called intensity or grayscale or brightness of the image at that point.

2. What do you mean by gray level?

• Gray level refers to a scalar measure of intensity that ranges from black to grays and
finally to white.

3. Compare Photopic and Scotopic vision.

Photopic vision Scotopic vision

1. The human being can resolve the fine Several rods are connected to one nerve end. So
details with these cones because each one is it gives the overall picture of the image.
connected to its own nerve end.
2. This is also known as This is also known as Dim light vision.
bright light vision.

4. Define Image Enhancement.

• Image enhancement is a process an image so that the result is more suitable

than the original image for specific application.
• Image enhancement is useful in feature extraction, image analysis and visual
information display.

5. What are the two categories of Image Enhancement?

Image Enhancement approaches falls into two broad categories: They are

• Spatial domain approaches

• Frequency domain approaches

i) Spatial domain refers to image plane itself & approaches in this category are based on
direct manipulation of picture image.

ii) Frequency domain methods based on modifying the image by Fourier


6. List the steps involved in frequency domain filtering.

a. Multiply the input image by (-1)x+y to center the transform.

b. Compute F(u,v), the DFT of the image from (1).

c. Multiply F(u,v) by a filter function H(u,v).

d. Compute the inverse DFT of the result in (3).

e. Obtain the real part of the result in (4).

f. Multiply the result in (5) by (-1)x+y

7. What is meant by Image Restoration?

• Image restoration refers to removal or minimization of known degradations in an

image i.e. Restoration attempts to reconstruct or recover an image that has been

8. What is meant by Noise Probability Density Function?

• The spatial noise descriptor is the statistical behavior of gray level values in the noise
component of the model.

9. What is Inverse Filtering?

• Inverse filtering is the process of recovering the input of a system from its
• Inverse filters are useful for precorrecting an input signal in anticipation of
the degradations caused by the system, such as correcting the nonlinearity
of a display.

10. What is Segmentation?

• Segmentation is a process of subdividing an image in to its constituted

regions or objects or parts.
• The level to which the subdivision is carried depends on the problem being
solved, i.e., segmentation should be stopped when object of interest in an
application have been isolated.

11. Define Region Growing.

• Region growing is a procedure that groups pixels or sub regions in to layer

regions based on predefined criteria.
• The basic approach is to start with a set of seed points and from there grow
regions by appending to each seed these neighbouring pixels that have
properties similar to the seed.

12. What is Edge?

• An edge is set of connected pixels that lie on the boundary between two
regions edges are more closely modelled as having a ramp like profile.
• The slope of the ramp is inversely proportional to the degree of blurring in
the edge.
13. What is Image Compression?
• Image compression refers to the process of redundancy amount of data required to
represent the given quantity of information for digital image.
• The basis of reduction process is removal of redundant data.

14. List the types of Compression methods.

• Run Length Encoding (RLE)

• Arithmetic coding
• Huffman coding
• Transform coding.

15. What is Data Compression?

• Data compression requires the identification and extraction of source redundancy.

• In other words, data compression seeks to reduce the number of bits used to store
or transmit information.

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