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4 TH Summative Test

1 st Quarter

Name: ________________________________ Score: ___________

A. Write the letter in Column B that corresponds to the statements in column A.

Column A Column B

___1.It is used to separate particles from a A. decantation

liquid by allowing the solids to settle to the B. evaporation

bottom of the mixture. C. filtration

___2. A method in which two or more components D. sieving

of different sizes are separated from a mixture on the E. using a magnet

basis of the difference in their sizes.

___3.It is done by passing a suspension through a filter

paper retains the solid components of the mixture.

___4. It is applying heat to cause the liquid in a mixture to

evaporate leaving the other component/substance behind.

___5. It is the separation that involves the use of tools to

separate metal solids mixed together.

B. Circle the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the blank.

___6. The insoluble substance from a liquid mixture was separated whereby a liquid passes

through the holes in a filter paper. The solid particles are left behind. What method of separating
mixture is used?

A. decantation C. filtration

B. evaporation D. using magnet

___7. A method of separating excess liquid from food by heating.

A. decantation C. filtration

B. evaporation D. using magnet

___8. Which of the following mixture can be separated by decantation?

A. soy sauce and salt C. water and oil

B. soy sauce and vinegar D. water and flour

___9. To separate rocks into different sized particles for road building and other construction

projects, which technique is applicable?

A. condensation C. sieving

B. evaporation D. using magnet

___10. Which of these is NOT a technique in separating a mixture?

A. decantation C. filtration

B. dissolving D. evaporation

___11. Which of the following statement is correct about separating mixture through a filter?

A. The liquid passes through sieve but the solid particles are left behind.

B. Insoluble substances from a liquid can be separated by using a filter.

C. The liquid cannot pass in a filter.

D. All of the above

___12. What is the process by which water is separated by heating?

A. decantation C. filtration

B. evaporation D. sieving

___13. What is the best technique in separating mixture of metals from other junk?

A. aided by magnets C. filtration

B. evaporation D. Sieving
___14. How can you separate the liquid portion from iced coffee?

A. through sieving C. through filtration

B. through evaporation D. through melting

___15. How will you separate minute metal shards from a sandy floor ?

A. through picking B. through magnet

B. Through decantation D. through filtration

C. Complete the table.


A. 1. A B. 6. C 11. B C. ANSWER VARY

2. D 7. B 12. B
3. C 8. C 13. A
4. B 9. C 14. D
5. E 10. B 15. B

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