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A) Insert the right preposition
1. I dressed ______ as a princess and took part in a fancy-dress party.
2. Ted gave me a lift ______ the city center.
3. I would like to apologize to you ______ everything I said.
4. Sportsmen ______ all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.
5. The beach party started ______ twilight.
6. Although he is 38, he is still depended ______ their parents.
7. I succeeded ______ completing the marathon.
8. The market square was crowded ______ people.
9. I am planning to chill ______ at the weekend.
10. We had been waiting ______ hours before we boarded the plane and it took off.
11. Emily is excited ______ her trip to New Zealand.
12. Ted is a young man full ______ enthusiasm.
13. Are you parents proud ______ you?
14. We heard a joke and burst ______ laughter.
15. Thanks ______ your hard work we decided to promote you.
16. You have to pay for the delivery ______ advance.
17. I was disappointed ______ the result of my test.
18. Ann is in charge ______ marketing department.
19. I always arrive ______ time when I take part in a meeting.
20. My brother used to play tricks ______ me.

B) Fill in the missing words.
* eye-catching * spectator * outstanding * attract * attachment
* lavish * blew * viewer * national * lent
* celebrate * swarm * anticipation * retire * worship
* speechless * witnessed * honour * invite * set

1. A(n) ______________ is someone who watches TV.
2. A(n) ______________ is someone who watches an event or game.
3. She waited in ______________ for Robert to arrive.
4. Temples are places of _______________. People go and pray there.
5. Olivia ______________ a car accident on her way to work.
6. We always ______________ off fireworks at midnight.
7. The airport in Gdansk was named in ______________ of Lech Walesa.
8. Something ______________ is unusual or attractive in a way that makes you notice it.
9. The city of Cracow does everything to _____________ tourists.
10. When you ______________ you stop working, usually because you have reached a certain age.
11. How do you usually _______________ New Year?
12. The food was ________________. There was a lot of it and it was very expensive.
13. ____________ is the 40 days before Easter when some Christians eat less food or stop doing something that they
14. When you are_______________ you unable to speak because you feel very angry, upset or excited.
15. An eagle is a _______________ symbol of Poland.
16. I am sending a few photos as a(n) _______________.
17. Tim was attacked by a _______________ of bees.
18. How many guests are you going to _______________ for your wedding?
19. When something is _______________, it is incredibly beautiful.
20. He _______________ the candles placed on my birthday cake and made a wish.

C) Translate into English.
1. Wszystkiego najlepszego 6. odżywianie
2. Moje kondolencje 7. rzucać monetą
3. podnosić dziecko 8. zapinać pasy
4. mroźny dzień 9. boisko piłkarskie
5. oklaskiwać 10. To nie moja wina.

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