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Egzamin pisemny Poziom rozszerzony Zestaw 1

Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________________ Klasa: ____

Zadanie 1. (0–6)
Track 38 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią
nagrania. W zadaniach 1.1.–1.2. zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
1.1. The girl has problems when revising because
A she has too many other things to do.
B she already knows the essential information.
C she can’t concentrate on what she’s doing.

Tekst 2.
1.2. The radio guest wants to
A thank people for an award.
B apologise for her failures.
C outline her acting experience.

W zadaniach 1.3.–1.6. zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.

Tekst 3.
1.3. Which of the following reflects the speaker’s feelings at the beginning of the talk?
A He is worried about the statistics that he refers to.
B He is enthusiastic about different ways of spending free time.
C He is positive about people’s attitude to reading.
D He is proud of the project he mentions.

1.4. The micro-library in the speaker’s village

A is financed by the local council.
B was the first library of its kind in Britain.
C contains books from an old mobile library.
D mostly stocks cookery books and children’s books.

1.5. Which is not true about telephone box libraries?

A They appeared as a result of the problems facing traditional public libraries.
B Borrowers do not have to pay for using the service.
C They function successfully in both small and big communities.
D Users borrow a book after having replaced it with one of their own books.

1.6. What message is contained in the words quoted at the end of the speech?
A We should have more trust in future generations.
B We should build trust within local communities.
C We should leave something to our children and grandchildren.
D We should encourage young people to read more.
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Zadanie 2. (0–4)
Track 39 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat dojeżdżania do szkoły pociągiem. Do każdej
wypowiedzi (2.1.–2.4.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga:
jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
This speaker says that
A trains aren’t good value for money.
B passengers are often too noisy.
C he/she makes good use of his/her time when travelling.
D the trains are too old-fashioned and uncomfortable.
E train carriages are overcrowded.

2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4.

___ / 4

Zadanie 3. (0–5)
Track 40 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad ze znanym szefem kuchni. Na podstawie informacji zawartych
w nagraniu uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 3.1.–3.5. tak, aby jak najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać sens
wysłuchanego tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim.
3.1. Marcus’ parents allowed him ____________________________________ in the kitchen, which, in his
opinion, is a great way to learn and become more motivated.
3.2. Marcus was given ____________________________________ because his teacher believed he had
a talent in the kitchen.
3.3. Marcus already had a knowledge of __________________________ and __________________________,
so he thought he wouldn’t learn much more at a cookery college.
3.4. According to Marcus, the best training he received was __________________________ in the world.
3.5. Marcus finds it difficult to ____________________________________, although he knows he can’t do
everything in his restaurant.
___ / 5


Zadanie 4. (0–5)
Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na cztery części (A–D), oraz pytania go dotyczące (4.1.–4.5.).
Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Uwaga: w jednej części tekstu znajdują się
odpowiedzi na dwa pytania.

In which paragraph does the author

4.1. describe the effect of a special type of light?
4.2. talk about ways in which some species avoid danger?
4.3. explain why some animals cannot see many colours?
4.4. outline the professional experience of a crew member?
4.5. mention the importance of bright colours to animals?

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David Attenborough’s Life in Colour is a fascinating series concentrating on colour in the animal world. For most
of the viewers, colours are simply beautiful, but for animals they are a tool that helps them both communicate
and survive. The series shows how some species can see colours in a way that is impossible for humans.
Attenborough has been the perfect guide to the animal kingdom for decades, hosting countless wildlife
documentaries. Funnily enough, at the beginning of his career he could only show us the beauty of nature in
black and white. Now, with some new amazing camera technologies, he is able to present the real carnival of
The first episode shows how colours are used by animals in their natural habitats, for instance, when finding their
mate. We see a peacock dazzling females with its tail and an ordinary-looking hummingbird revealing its vivid
colours only when the sunlight lights up its feathers. The episode also explains why some animals are more
brightly coloured than others. The first species to live on our planet hundreds of millions years ago were not able
to see colours. Oddly, animals which have inherited this feature tend to be only black, white or brown. Some
species, however, which have evolved to be more sensitive to colours, now use them to attract partners and
keep their enemies at bay.
Using colour for camouflage is exactly what the second episode of the series is about. It reveals the most
incredible ways in which animals hide or disappear into the background thanks to colours. The Bengal tiger, for
instance, can hide from its prey by using its characteristic stripes, only striking when it’s ready. We also learn how
effectively zebras deceive an attacker thanks to their black and white pattern. When they are with the rest of the
herd, they create a phenomenon termed ‘motion dazzle’, thanks to which it is extremely difficult for lions or
cheetahs to identify an individual animal.
The series abounds in spectacular photography. The special camera technologies, some of which were developed
exclusively for the series, will leave viewers speechless. The photography captured patterns or colours which
some species can see, but which remain invisible to the human eye. For example, special filters were used to
reveal the bright spots on butterfly’s wings which are only visible in UV light, or the way in which some spiders
attract honeybees with UV reflection, only to attack them. The photographers spent countless hours finding
locations, observing, waiting, and shooting for a few minutes of footage. If you watch an episode, you’ll realise
that it was definitely worth it.
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Zadanie 5. (0–3)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki 5.1.–5.3. litery, którymi oznaczono
brakujące zdania (A–D), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Whether it’s the magical animation of films such as the Toy Story series or the amazing adventures in the Pirates
of the Caribbean, most of us have enjoyed the creativity of Disney Studios at some point in our lives. From time
to time, Disney revisits themes or characters from previous films. This was the case with Mary Poppins,
the famous nanny that many of us will remember from the book. The most recent Mary Poppins was made in
2018 and was simply called Mary Poppins Returns. (5.1.) ____ It’s a truly fascinating story. I’m talking about
Saving Mr Banks, which is all about the making of one of Disney’s most popular and financially successful films,
Mary Poppins, first released in 1964.
So why should Disney revisit a film that was made around sixty years ago, and what makes it worth watching?
The attraction of this new film is the way it deals with the battle between two very talented, headstrong and
controlling personalities: Walt Disney and the eccentric writer P. L. Travers. After trying for twenty years,
WaltDisney finally managed to buy the rights to make a film based on Travers’ series of children’s books.
Surely, most writers would jump at the chance of having their characters immortalised in film by such a talented
individual as Disney. Not P. L. Travers. (5.2.) ____ The clash of these two headstrong personalities makes
compulsive viewing.

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Saving Mr Banks shows us how hard Travers fought to maintain the integrity of her books in an attempt to
prevent Mary Poppins from becoming overly sentimental. (5.3.) ____ However, she didn’t succeed. Disney
initially gave Travers some say in how the script developed but, eventually, having run out of patience, he had to
overrule her. The finished film, although excellent in its own right, is clearly not what Travers envisaged. Neither
would she appreciate the film based on her own story.
Once again, Saving Mr Banks is an excellent and intriguing production, but much of the darkness and complexity
behind the two main characters is filtered out. It is, after all, a Disney production. Or as Travers would have put
it, it’s far too sentimental! But who knows, maybe the 2018 release in which Mary Poppins helps the next
generation of the Banks family would be more P. L. Travers’ cup of tea?
A She resisted every stage of the process, from actually selling Disney the rights to make the film, to the first
screening of the finished product, which she hated with a passion.
B Several years earlier, however, Disney released a film about the background to another picture they had
made a long time ago.
C His desire was primarily to entertain and give audiences pleasure, not to have them leaving the cinema
troubled and upset.
D She wanted the film to retain some of the edginess and darkness that was in the original books.

___ / 3

Zadanie 6. (0–6)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty na temat walki z powodzią. Wykonaj zadania 6.1.–6.6. zgodnie z poleceniami.
Tekst 1.
It had taken Gerry a long time to drop off to sleep that night. The strength of the wind, funneling through the
trees behind the house with a deep throaty growl, was rising, and it worried him. As a child he had enjoyed
listening to the trees moaning in the wind, imagining himself riding a horse fearlessly through the storm on some
adventure or other. Now, as an adult, he appreciated the threat it posed. One branch of one of those trees could
crash through the roof and destroy his bedroom. There was nothing in the least romantic about such a picture.
It seemed he had only been asleep for a moment when he was suddenly wide awake again, his heart beating
fast. The wind wasn’t that loud, but heavy rain was now lashing against the windowpanes. What was it? Had he
had another nightmare? The room was fine, no tree branch pinning him to the bed! Then, just above the noise
of the storm he heard it. There was definitely a cry coming from outside. It wasn’t the wind or an animal. It was
a human cry, of that he was certain. He flung on his dressing gown before going downstairs to investigate.
Fumbling in the dark, he found the light switch, but there was no power. Blast, he thought. The storm must
have brought down the power lines. The skies were too overcast for any moonlight, so he made his way down
the stairs in complete darkness. He heard it again. A slight cry, carried away on the wind. Who could be at his
door in the middle of the night, in the middle of the mother of all storms?
As he approached the door, the cry became words that he could distinguish. ‘Gerry! Gerry! Hurry!’ it was
a female voice, full of urgency.
As he opened the heavy door, it was blown inward by the wind and nearly knocked him off his feet.
The downpour drenched his dressing gown. A woman stumbled into the hall just as the moon appeared from
behind the rainclouds. Gerry realised it was Karen, who lived in the house next door. Her face in the moonlight
was streaked with rain and dirt. She was panting as though she had just run a marathon.
‘Come in, come in. Sit down, Karen. You look terrible.’ Gerry tried to shut the front door again, but Karen
grabbed his arm.
‘There’s no time, Gerry!’ she shouted. ‘You’ve got to get out. We all have. The river’s burst its banks. Look!’
and she pointed across the garden.
Gerry stared at an amazing scene. The road was gone. The fields beyond the road were gone. The bottom of
his garden was under water. He could just make out the tops of the hedges that lined his garden. Of his beautiful
flowers there was no sign at all. The water stretched as far as he could see, and in the distance a few trees rose
up dark and wet, their branches tossing in the wind and casting crazy shadows on the water. It was as if he and
Karen were on an island. A thought briefly crossed his mind; it was like the Great Flood in the Bible. Then another
thought struck him. He turned to Karen.
‘We mustn’t panic,’ he said. ‘Trying to escape now would be madness. We won’t make it, I’m sure. Look, we’re
surrounded by water. I don’t even know how you managed to get here.’

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He was very composed now and able to think clearer. He headed to the kitchen, and Karen followed him.
She was slowly beginning to understand their position. For the time being, they were stranded.
‘Grab some snacks from the cupboard. I’ll get the candles and matches. We will need warm blankets and
some pillows, too.’
‘Are we going to spend the whole night here, Gerry?’ Karen asked, hoping for a negative answer, but it never
came. She thought they might just be waiting for the morning to come as escaping in the darkness wasn’t safe,
but Gerry was more realistic.
‘Well, fortunately, my attic is a very cosy place. We can stay there as long as necessary,’ he replied.

W zadaniach 6.1.–6.4. z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl jedną z liter:
A, B, C albo D.
6.1. When he was a child, Gerry
A had a strong imagination and often made up stories.
B was frightened of the power of storms.
C used to like riding a horse in the wind.
D complained when he couldn’t go out in a storm.

6.2. Gerry woke up because

A he had had a bad dream.
B the storm had become very noisy.
C he had heard an unusual noise.
D a tree had crashed into a power line.

6.3. What did Gerry’s neighbour want?

A To shelter from the storm.
B To alert Gerry to the danger.
C To share an experience with him.
D To ask for his help.

6.4. Which of the following sentences is NOT true about the story?
A At first, Karen’s plan was to escape from the flood.
B The neighbour will spend the night at Gerry’s.
C Gerry was calm while talking to Karen.
D Gerry and Karen will probably be able to leave in the morning.

Tekst 2.
Viewers were appalled last night by pictures taken after recent heavy rain and gales hit the South-West coast.
Although the inhabitants of Cornwall are accustomed to severe weather conditions, this time the damage was
more widespread. The seaside town of Dawlish in Devon, for example, was left devastated by a combination of
fierce winds and high tides. According to a statement issued by the local crisis management centre, however,
houses were unaffected and nobody was hurt. Nevertheless, the power of the waves destroyed part of the sea
wall, exposing a section of the railway line that runs behind it to the sea. This had the effect of disabling all rail
transport along the coast. Pictures show that the ground below the track collapsed, leaving the rails suspended
in mid-air, still in one piece but buffeted by the gales.
This line was designed by the famous engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel in 1846. At the time, concerns were
voiced about the safety of a railway line in such close proximity to the sea, but construction of the line went
ahead and it later became yet another impressive example of the engineer’s work. Such concerns were justified,
however, as the line had had to close on several occasions over the years because of extreme winter weather
damaging the sea wall, although none was as dramatic as yesterday’s.
Rail engineers today have estimated that repairs to the line will take a minimum of six weeks, although locals
believe that, taking into consideration the amount of damage caused by the storm, this is extremely optimistic.
Gales are expected to continue to batter the region over the next few weeks, further hindering any repair work,
and there are worries that other sections of the sea wall may also suffer from coastal erosion. Meanwhile, the
damage caused by the weather is likely to complicate the lives of people living and working nearby. Owing to
train cancellations, commuters are advised to find alternative forms of transport. As a result, car traffic is
expected to increase in the coming weeks, which means you need to get ready to leave home ahead of your
regular schedule in order to reach your destinations on time. If possible, you are advised to work from home.

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Odpowiedz na pytania 6.5.–6.6. Na pytania należy odpowiedzieć w języku angielskim.
6.5. Why had the railway line been closed in the past?
6.6. How will the present damage complicate the lives of commuters?

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Zadanie 7. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst i uzupełnij jego streszczenie. Uzupełnij luki 7.1.–7.4. zgodnie z treścią tekstu tak, aby jak
najbardziej precyzyjnie oddać jego sens. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. W każdą lukę możesz
wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy.
An unannounced visit
The winters on Sullivan’s Island are usually quite mild, and it is a rare event indeed when a fire is considered
necessary in autumn. This year, however, October was remarkably chilly. Just before sunset I climbed all the way
through the evergreens to the hut of my friend, Legrand, whom I had not visited for several weeks as I was
residing at the time in Charleston, a distance of nine miles from the island. When I reached the hut, I knocked on
the door, as was my custom, and, getting no reply, I searched for the key in its customary hiding place, unlocked
the door, and went in. A fine fire was blazing in the fireplace. I felt grateful for the warmth and the cosy
atmosphere I found there. I threw off my coat, settled myself in an armchair by the crackling woodfire,
and patiently waited for the owner to return.
He returned soon after dark, and gave me a very warm welcome. Jupiter, my friend’s companion, grinning
from ear to ear, rushed to the kitchen to prepare supper. Legrand was amazingly cheerful and enthusiastic.
He had found an unknown shellfish, and, furthermore, had spotted and caught a scarab beetle which he believed
to be another newly discovered species, but he wished to get my opinion the next day.
‘And why not tonight?’ I asked, rubbing my hands over the fire.
‘Ah, if I had only known you were here!’ said Legrand, ‘but I haven’t seen you for such a long time, so how
could I know you would pay me a visit this very night? As I was coming home I met Lieutenant G., and, very
foolishly, I lent him the beetle, so it is impossible for you to see it before the morning. Stay for the night, and I will
send Jup down for it at sunrise. It is the loveliest thing I’ve ever seen!’
‘What? – sunrise?’
‘No! – the beetle. It is of a brilliant gold colour – about the size of a large hickory-nut, with two jet black spots
on its back.’

The narrator decided to visit a friend, Legrand, whom he hadn’t seen for a few weeks. The weather on the island
where Legrand lived was unusual for the time of year – it was (7.1.) ___________________________________.
As always, he knocked on the door, but nobody answered, so he (7.2.) __________________________________
and went in. His friend and his companion arrived soon after. The narrator found his friend
(7.3.) ___________________________________, which was probably the result of Legrand having found
something interesting while out walking. It was a new species of scarab beetle, and he wanted to show it to the
narrator. Unfortunately, it was only possible (7.4.) ___________________________________ because Legrand
had lent it to somebody else.

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Zadanie 8. (0–6)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
poprawny tekst. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B, C albo D.
Venus and Serena Williams are arguably the best known sisters in the world, and are certainly two unbelievable
athletic talents. They both made their professional tennis debut in the mid-1990s, which means they (8.1.) ____
the world of tennis for more than two decades, as neither of the two has officially retired yet. (8.2.) ____ winning
48 Grand Slam titles (including 14 women’s double titles, which they share), they have successfully developed
several fashion lines and other businesses. This incredible story would be atypical for anyone, but if you take into
(8.3.) ____ the fact that they are two girls of colour who grew up in Compton, California, what they have
(8.4.) ____ is legendary. They pursued their dreams, gave up some part of their freedom, and worked extremely
hard to be where they are today. But their success wouldn’t have been possible if it (8.5.) ____ for the enormous
support and love they received from their father, Richard Williams. Their story has been (8.6.) ____ an Oscar-
winning film, which, as the sisters admit, is not so much about tennis, but more about their family.

8.1. A had been dominating B was dominating C have been dominating D is dominating
8.2. A Besides B Apart C Away from D Regardless
8.3. A thought B logic C mind D account
8.4. A succeeded B achieved C managed D arrived
8.5. A wasn’t B hasn’t been C hadn’t been D weren’t
8.6. A done away with B cut out to be C taken to D made into

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Zadanie 9. (0–3)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (9.1.–9.3.) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał spójny i logiczny
tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
New ways of persuading us how and where to spend our money are being developed all the time. From clever
TV adverts with memorable jingles (9.1.) _______ personalised appeals that target our own interests when we’re
online, companies are making use of the latest technology to (9.2.) _______ their message across. This is what
we now accept as part of the new reality, but there is still more being planned. One new form of advertising
involves a phone app that allows special offers and information to appear on our phones as we stroll round
a store or shopping centre. As we are walking past a clothes shop, we may be told that there is 10% (9.3.) _______
a wide range of T-shirts and jeans inside. And after a long afternoon spent on doing the shopping, do you think
you could ignore a message like: ‘Feeling thirsty and hungry? Our café on Level 2 is now open and serving freshly
made cakes?’ I don’t think I could!
___ / 3
Zadanie 10. (0–5)
Uzupełnij zdania 10.1.–10.5., wykorzystując podane w nawiasach wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie.
Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać
inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania. Wymagana jest pełna
poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań. Uwaga: w każdą lukę możesz wpisać
maksymalnie cztery wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.
10.1. If Rita had told me the correct time, I ____________________________ (not / arrive) so early last night.
10.2. Lisa was laughing hysterically all evening. She ___________________________ (must / like) Harry’s jokes.
10.3. The new laws aimed at reducing internet crime ____________________________ (discuss)
the government this week.
10.4. I must go to see the doctor. ____________________________ (I / cough) for several days now.
10.5. ____________________________ (I / finish) writing the report by the end of the afternoon.

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Zadanie 11. (0–13)
Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów
i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz temat, który
wybrałeś/wybrałaś, zakreślając jego numer.
1. Szkoły i inne instytucje edukacyjne coraz częściej korzystają z możliwości i rozwiązań edukacji zdalnej.
Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz wady i zalety uczestniczenia w zajęciach prowadzonych
w takim trybie.
2. W Twoim regionie planowana jest budowa nowego odcinka autostrady na terenie, na którym żyje
wiele gatunków roślin i zwierząt. Niedawno uczestniczyłeś/uczestniczyłaś w spotkaniu, na którym
przedstawiono plan budowy lokalnym mieszkańcom. Napisz artykuł na szkolną stronę internetową,
w którym zrelacjonujesz przebieg spotkania, a także przedstawisz swoje zdanie na temat planów
budowy autostrady w tym miejscu.


___ / 13

TOTAL: ___ / 60

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