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IBM Maximo Mobile for EAM

Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile

for EAM

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Chapter 1. Product overview.................................................................................. 1

Chapter 2. System architecture..............................................................................3

Chapter 3. Installing Maximo Mobile for EAM..........................................................5

System requirements ..................................................................................................................................5
Installing Maximo Mobile for EAM............................................................................................................... 5
Installing the Maximo Mobile for EAM app on mobile devices................................................................... 5
Sending the URL of the Maximo server to mobile users............................................................................. 5

Chapter 4. Configuring Maximo Mobile for EAM.......................................................7

Configuring authentication ..........................................................................................................................7
Configuring bar code formats...................................................................................................................... 7
Configuring properties to track travel time in the mobile apps.................................................................. 8

Chapter 5. Deploying new versions of the mobile apps............................................9

Trademarks................................................................................................................................................ 12
Terms and conditions for product documentation................................................................................... 12
IBM Online Privacy Statement.................................................................................................................. 13

Chapter 1. Product overview
IBM® Maximo® Mobile for EAM is a next-generation mobile application platform that allows users to
securely access IBM Maximo Asset Management functionality from a mobile device.
The Maximo Mobile for EAM app is available for download from Google Play and the Apple App Store.
After a mobile user installs the app on their device and connects to the Maximo Asset Management server,
mobile apps that are deployed on the server are set up on the user's device. These apps provide a mobile
user with capabilities to manage work and conduct inspections both when the apps are connected and

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2 IBM Maximo Mobile for EAM: Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile for EAM
Chapter 2. System architecture

The following diagram shows the system architecture of Maximo Mobile for EAM and highlights the
relationships between key components in Maximo Asset Management:

Communication and data flow

You can use Maximo Mobile for EAM apps in online and offline scenarios. In an online scenario, the apps
are connected to Maximo Asset Management and use the services and data that is provided. In an offline
scenario, the apps are not connected to Maximo Asset Management but continue to operate with locally
stored data.

Online and offline operations

When mobile users are online, Maximo Mobile for EAM apps interact with Maximo Asset Management and
exchange data that is represented in JSON format. In Maximo Asset Management, requests are processed
by an OSLC service provider, and a response is returned.
The data that is retrieved from Maximo Asset Management is automatically saved to the device in a JSON
data store. The availability of locally stored data makes online data operations more efficient, and users
can continue to work when a planned or unexpected disconnection occurs. While users are online, local
data is automatically synchronized to maintain consistency with Maximo Asset Management. Users can
also manually synchronize data.
When mobile users are offline, requests are processed on the device by using data that was retrieved
during online operations. When connectivity is restored, local data is automatically synchronized.

Login and authentication

To access remote or locally stored data, users must log in to the Maximo Mobile for EAM app by entering
the credentials that they use in Maximo Asset Management. The first time that users log in, they must be
connected to Maximo Asset Management. After the first login, depending on connectivity, credentials are
validated locally or on the server.

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4 IBM Maximo Mobile for EAM: Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile for EAM
Chapter 3. Installing Maximo Mobile for EAM
You can download the server components for Maximo Mobile for EAM from IBM Passport Advantage.
1. Go to the Passport Advantage website.
2. Sign in with a valid user ID and password.
3. In the Part Numbers field, type G00YPZX and click the search icon.
4. Select IBM Maximo Application Suite Mobile for EAM V8.3.0 Multiplatform Multilingual (G00YPZX).
5. Click Download Now.
The downloaded file, contains the following items:
• The Maximo Mobile for EAM Technician and Inspections apps. When you install Maximo Mobile for
EAM, the apps are deployed to Maximo Asset Management. When a user connects to Maximo Asset
Management from the Maximo Mobile for EAM app on their mobile device, these apps are set up on the
• The Maximo Mobile for EAM Technician and Inspections desktop applications. A user can access these
applications from any browser.
• The Mobile Administration application for Maximo Asset Management. This application is used to deploy
new versions of the Maximo Mobile for EAM apps to Maximo Asset Management.
• Maximo Application Framework. The framework provides the environment for the mobile apps to run.
• Scripts to update Maximo Asset Management database tables for Maximo Mobile for EAM.
• A readme file that contains instructions on how to install Maximo Mobile for EAM.

System requirements
Review the system requirements before you install Maximo Mobile for EAM.
Maximo Mobile for EAM must be installed with:
• Maximo Asset Management version or later with IBM WebSphere® Application Server or Oracle
WebLogic Server.
• Interim fix IF006 or later for Maximo Asset Management version
• Interim fix IF003 or later for Maximo Spatial Asset Management version 7.6.1.
• Mobile devices that have Android version 10 or 11 or iOS version 14.3 or later mobile operating systems

Installing Maximo Mobile for EAM

You install Maximo Mobile for EAM on the server where Maximo Asset Management is installed.
To install Maximo Mobile for EAM, follow the installation instructions in the readme file that is included in
the file.

Installing the Maximo Mobile for EAM app on mobile devices

For Android and iOS devices, users install the Maximo Mobile for EAM app from Google Play or the Apple
App Store.

Sending the URL of the Maximo server to mobile users

You must send the URL of the Maximo Asset Management server to each Maximo Mobile for EAM user.
After the mobile user enters the URL of the server in the Maximo Mobile for EAM app, the Maximo Mobile
for EAM Technician and Inspections apps are set up on the device.

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6 IBM Maximo Mobile for EAM: Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile for EAM
Chapter 4. Configuring Maximo Mobile for EAM
If Maximo Asset Management uses application server security, you must change the default
authentication method that the Maximo Mobile for EAM app uses. After Maximo Mobile for EAM is
installed, the mobile apps are ready for use. Depending on your business needs, you can configure certain
aspects of the apps.

Configuring authentication
To log in to the Maximo Mobile for EAM app, users must be authenticated by using the credentials
that they use to access Maximo Asset Management. If Maximo Asset Management is configured to use
application server security, you must configure the app to use the specific type of authentication that the
application server uses.
Application server security supports two types of authentication: form and basic. For more information,
see Configuring user authentication.
1. In the System Properties application, in the Global Properties table, click New Row.
2. In the Property Name field, specify
3. In the Global Value field, enter the value that corresponds to the type of application server
security that the Maximo Asset Management server uses. Specify 0 if the server is using form-based
authentication or specify 1 if the server is using basic authentication.
4. In the Common Actions menu, click Save Property.
5. In the Global Properties table, select the checkbox for the property that you set.
6. In the Common Actions menu, click Live Refresh. The value that you applied to the property takes
effect immediately.

Configuring bar code formats

If your organization use bar codes that are in specific formats, configure the Maximo Mobile for EAM
Technician and Inspections apps to use those formats.
To configure an app to use specific bar code formats, you must modify the app.xml file for the app, and
build and redeploy the app. Before you can complete these steps, you must set up your Maximo Mobile
for EAM development environment. For more information, see Configuring applications in Maximo Mobile
1. Open the app.xml file for an app.
2. Locate the following line in the file:
<barcode-button id="barcodebutton1" on-scan="handleBarcodeScan" timeout="30" label="Scan
Barcode" readers="{['all_formats']}" />
3. Change the default value of the property, which is all formats, to the specific format that
you want to use. If you want to support multiple formats, use a comma separator, for example,
The following bar code formats are supported:
• code_128_reader
• ean_reader
• ean_8_reader
• code_39_reader
• code_39_vin_reader
• codabar_reader
• upc_reader

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• upc_e_reader
• i2of5_reader
• 2of5_reader
• code_93_reader
4. Save the app.xml file.
5. Build the app and deploy it to the Maximo Asset Management server.

Configuring properties to track travel time in the mobile apps

You can set system properties in Maximo Asset Management to enable users to track travel time in the
Maximo Mobile for EAM Technician and Inspections apps.
You configure system properties in the System Properties application in Maximo Asset Management. The
following table describes the system properties that you can use to track travel time.

Table 1. Properties to track travel time in the Maximo Mobile for EAM Technician and Inspections apps
Property Description The radius from the user’s GPS location to the
work order over which travel time can be tracked.
Depending on the user's region, the value is
measured in kilometers or miles. Users can track travel time when the value
in is matched or
exceeded. Set to 1 to enable. In the Maximo Mobile for EAM Technician and
Inspections apps, when a user clicks Start travel,
a map opens to help the user get to the location of
the work. Set to 1 to enable.

8 IBM Maximo Mobile for EAM: Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile for EAM
Chapter 5. Deploying new versions of the mobile apps
When you install Maximo Mobile for EAM, the mobile apps are automatically deployed to the Maximo
Asset Management server. If new versions of the apps are released, or if the installed versions are
configured and rebuilt and cannot be redeployed from the build environment, you can deploy the apps by
using the Mobile Administration application.
1. Open the Mobile Administration application from the Administration module within Maximo Asset
2. Select the app that you want to deploy.
3. Click New Deployment.
4. Click Select File and open the .zip file that contains the new version of the application.
5. Click OK.
The new versions of the apps are automatically set up on a mobile device the next time that the mobile
user connects to Maximo Asset Management.

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10 IBM Maximo Mobile for EAM: Installing and configuring Maximo Mobile for EAM
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