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Health Safety &

Dr. Muhammad Rizwan ul Haq


» Introduction of Health and Safety, Industrial Safety: introduction objectives of Safety,

Importance of Safety in an industry, Industrial accidents, Effects of accidents, Types of
accidents incidence of fire. Fire prevention and control.
» Techniques of Safety Management: Principles of accident prevention, hazard analysis.
Legal, humanitarian and economic reason for action. Safety inspection procedures. Safety
training, First aid and emergency procedures.
» Environment and Health: Introduction: importance of clean environment, Scale of
Environmental Pollution. Environmental Act. Health and Safety Act.
» Atmospheric Pollution: Types of Atmospheric pollution, Their Causes and Effects on
Human Health, Available Technologies for Controlling Pollution.
» Industrial Waste: Solid Waste, Industrial Effluents and Waste Gases, waste treatment
» Noise Pollution: Measurement of Noise level, Effect of excessive noise on human health.
Remedial Measures.
» ISO Standards for Safety and Health and Environment


Quizzes: 10-15 %
Assignments: 05-10 %
Mid Exam: 30-35 %
Final Exam: 40-45 %


Act together to build a positive

safety and health culture
» The annual World Day for Safety and Health at
Work on 28 April promotes the prevention of
occupational accidents and diseases globally.
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work
2022 focuses on enhancing social dialogue
towards a culture of safety and health.


Definition and Context of Health and Safety

» Health & safety in this subject refers to Occupational Health &

» It is a multi-disciplinary field which encompasses the social,
mental and physical well-being of workers.

» Occupational health and safety is the discipline concerned with
preserving and protecting human resources in the workplace.

Definition and Context of Health and Safety

» Occupational safety is a composite field related to safety, health and

welfare of people at work. It narrates the strategy and methods in
place to ensure health and safety of employees within a workplace.

» It includes employee awareness related to the knowledge of basic

safety, workplace hazards, risks relating to hazards, implementation
of hazard preventions, and putting into practice necessary safer
methods, techniques, process, and safety culture in the workplace.

Definition and Context of Health and Safety


Definition and Context of Health and Safety

As per the definition adopted by the Joint ILO/WHO Committee on
Occupational Health (1950),
» Occupational health is the adaptation of work to man and of
each man to his job. It has the following components.
⋄ Promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical,
mental and social well being of workers in all occupations;
⋄ Prevention, among workers, of departures from health caused by
their working conditions;
⋄ Placing and maintenance of a worker in an occupational
environment adapted to his physiological and psychological

What is Industrial Safety?


What is Industrial Safety?

» “An industrial safety system is a countermeasure crucial in any
hazardous plants such as oil and gas plants and nuclear plants. They
are used to protect humans, industrial plants, and the environment in
case of the process going beyond the allowed control margins.”

» In simple words: “The management of all operations and procedures

in an industry in order to protect its employees and assets by
minimizing hazards, risks, accidents, and near misses” called the
Industrial Safety

Importance of Industrial Safety

» Accident avoidance:
⋄ The chances of an industrial accident are controlled
effectively with the help of employee safety, which can
be obtained by haying the required safety equipment
and informing the manpower about the various
dimensions of safety.

Importance of Industrial Safety

» Cost prevention:
⋄ Different types of direct and indirect costs which can result
from industrial accidents in any organization can be avoided.
⋄ The direct costs of any accidents are mainly the total
compensation amount which is paid to the employees for any
kind of disability or death; on the other hand, indirect costs
are the costs incurred in the payment of hospitalization and
treatment of the victim employee.

Importance of Industrial Safety

» Improved employee satisfaction and commitment:
⋄ With the help of employee safety, a working
environment having greater motivation and
satisfaction of the manpower can be created. Broadly,
having a safer working environment for performing the
operations is expected by a worker from his or her
employer. Greater job satisfaction and higher
motivation can be obtained by the workers if these
expectations are fulfilled by the employers.

Importance of Industrial Safety

» Legal Compliance:
⋄ By facilitating the worker’s safety, adherence to the
different laws which are made for facilitating a safe
and healthy working place to the employees can be
ensured. Different types of employee safety
actions are initiated by the organizations not only
to have improved job satisfaction, motivation of the
workers, and controlling the HR cost but also helps
in adhering to the statutory guidelines.

Importance of Industrial Safety

» Better Industrial Relations:
⋄ Cordial and harmonious labor-management relations can be
ensured with the help of employee safety provisions. For creating
a work environment that is healthy and free from any kind of
accidents, different types of safety methods are used by the
employers, and this will manifest in the form of good feelings in
the workforce towards the firm.


Industrial Accidents
» The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
has a concise definition for a workplace accident.
⋄ It's an ''unplanned event that results in personal injury
or property damage.''
» Herbert William Henrich, a founding father of sorts for the
workplace safety movement, defined workplace accidents
⋄ ''unplanned and uncontrolled events'' resulting in
personal injury.
» Whatever variation of the definition you prefer, workplace
accidents can be painful and costly for both employers and

Industrial Accidents
» Some employees are more accident – prone as
compared to others. Harell points out that “accident-
proneness is the continuing tendency of a person to
have accidents as a result of his stable and
persisting characteristics”.
» In the words of Sikula, accident-proneness is a
condition in which a “human being is mentally
inclined, strongly disposed, attitudinally addicted or
personally destined to become continually involved
in an on-going and never-ending series of accidents
or injuries”.

Accident proneness theory

This theory suggests that people who repeatedly have
accidents are accident prone. Many experts agree that
about 20% of the people have most of the accidents,
whereas the remaining 80% have virtually no accidents.

doi: 10.1136/oem.21.1.1

Industrial Accidents

Industrial Accidents
» It is important to detect such accident-prone
individuals and give them safety training and
education and place them on safe jobs, where the
chances of exposure to committing accidents are

Types of Industrial Accidents

» Accidents in industry can be classified using different criteria. Specific
classifications are shown below
» According to causes of events
⋄ Machine accidents
⋄ Non machine accidents
» According to length of recovery
⋄ Lost time accidents
⋄ Home-case accidents
⋄ First aid cases

Types of Industrial Accidents

» According to nature of injury
⋄ Fatal accidents
⋄ Permanent disablement
⋄ Temporary disablement

Types of Industrial Accidents


According to Causes of Events

Machine Accidents
» Machines are responsible for a large number of
accidents in an industry. Depending on the way harm is
caused, accidents from machines can be classified into
the following groups:
⋄ Contact: physical contact of the body with any
moving part of a machine;
⋄ Impact: parts of the body are violently hit by
moving parts of machines;

According to Causes of Events

⋄ Traps: parts of the body coming between the
moving parts which mostly lead to crushing of
parts of body trapped;
⋄ Ejection of particles: parts projected at high
velocity from the machine, which causes serious
injury when they hit the parts of the moving body.

According to Causes of Events

Non-Machine Accidents
» Fall of persons which can be due to
⋄ Tripping over obstacles on ground
⋄ Slipping due to oily or greasy substances
⋄ Running inside the shop, sudden fear or excitement

According to Causes of Events

» Fall from a height which can be due to
⋄ Lack of firm foot hold or unsafe postures
⋄ Working on a machine at a height
⋄ Leaning from ladder to reach a distant object
⋄ Strike against the objects
⋄ Pushes by other persons on the slope

According to Length of Recovery

» First aid cases: in these, workers receive first
aid attention at plant hospital and then returns
to their job.
» Lost time accidents: lost time accidents are those
in which worker loses a day or shift in which accident
occurred. These require payment of compensation to
employee to employer.
» Home-case accidents: in this type of accidents,
worker loses the remainder of shift or turn on which
the accident has occurred.

According to Nature of Injury

» Fatal accidents: it includes the accidents
which result in the death of the worker
» Total disablement: which incapacitate an
employee and makes it impossible for him to
engage in any work, resulting in the loss of his
earning capacity
» Partial disablement: this reduces the
earning capacity of an individual as a result of
the accident. Partial disability can be
permanent or temporary

Major Effects of Accidents

» The losses to be suffered by different sections on account of
accidents can be explained as follows:
» Loss to Industry:
⋄ Expenditure to be made on the medical treatment of the
⋄ Wages to be paid to the worker for the period when he is
not able to join the work due to the injuries caused to him
due to the accident.

Major Effects of Accidents

⋄ Expenses to be made for the services of machines and
tools on which the worker is working.
⋄ Expenses to be made for inspection and repairs of the
machines and the tools.
⋄ Expenses to be incurred on recruitment and training of
new worker who has been employed in place of an
injured and deceased worker.

Major Effects of Accidents

⋄ The cost of the period during which other workers to stop
working out of fear or out of sympathy with the worker
injured by an accident.
⋄ More wages than the normal ones are to be paid on
overtime, in case the production work is held up, for
honoring the orders of customer in time.
⋄ An accident has also its effect on the other workers.
There is a likelihood of occurrence of other accidents out
of fear or nervousness.

Major Effects of Accidents

» Loss to Workers:
⋄ An industry suffers a lot on account of accidents. It affects
adversely the worker too. In fact the worker’s loss is far
more than the loss of others. Beside the economic loss,
worker has also to suffer more badly and in case of his
death, his family has no one to help. If he is unable to work
after the accident, he becomes a burden for his family.
Family losses the source of income and also to bear
increased expenses of his treatment.

Major Effects of Accidents

» Loss to Consumer:
⋄ The cost of industrial accident is included in the
production cost and therefore, the accidents make an
increase in the production cost. This again leads to an
increase in the prices of commodities and consumer will
not be able to buy according to his need which will also
affect the standard of living of the consumers.

Major Effects of Accidents

» Loss to Society:
⋄ If the worker dies or is rendered disabled on account of
the accident and the worker’s family become helpless
and the society has to come to its rescue. The family of
such worker has to depend upon the aid of the donation
given by the different organizations, and it is also a
burden on the society.

Teaser for the Next Lecture

» Causes of Accidents
» Costs of Accidents
» Major Threats
» Fire Incidence
» Fire Prevention & Control

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