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(English Medium)

1. Prepare an image of an entrance arch in Inkscape software as shown in

the model.

Save this image in svg format in the folder Exam10 in Home with your
register number_question number as the filename.

2. A model of a resource map is given with the filename LocalMap in the

folder QGIS_Projects in Exam_documents in Home. Open this file in QGIS
Desktop software and do the following activities.

• Mark a paddy field in Ward 2

• After making the necessary changes, save the resource map as an

image file in the folder Exam10 in Home with your Register
Number_Question Number as the filename.


• Create a layer (Type: Polygon) named Paddy field with the

attributes Owner and Area .

• Select this layer and mark a Paddy field in Ward2.

• To save as an image file, use Project → Save as Image from the

menu bar in the QGIS software.

3. Find the time of sunrise in Mumbai (Bombay) on 1 April, 2023 using

Sunclock software. Take a screenshot of this and save it in the folder
Exam10 in Home, with your register number_question number as
the filename.
• Display the time zone map in the Sunclock software and select
the location Bombay.

• Change the progress value as required and adjust the date and

• Find the time when the day light turns into dark and reaches
over Bombay and take a screenshot of it.

(To take the screenshot, use the Print Screen key on the keyboard. Copy
the created file from the folder Pictures in Home and paste it into the
folder Exam10. Rename it to the filename mentioned above.)

4. A model of a resource map with filename LocalMap.qgs is given in the

folder QGIS_Projects in Exam_documents in Home. Open the file in
QGIS Desktop software and do the following activities

• Show the layer Playground in the resource map.

• Change the colour of Ward1 to violet.

Save the resource map as an image file in the folder Exam10 in Home,
with your register number_question number as the filename.


To save as an image file, use the Project → Save as Image option in the
menu bar.

5. An article on history of English Literature is given in the file in the folder Exam_documents in Home. Open
the file in LibreOffice Writer and create a new heading style by naming it
literature with the following specifications for subheadings.
(Subheadings are numbered)

The new style should be created in the style Heading 1 of the Heading

Font Family : Noto Serif

Font Size : 115%

Font color : Blue

Underlining : Single

Apply this style to all the subheadings and save the article in the folder
Exam10 in Home, with your register number_question number as the

6. An article on ‘rivers in Kerala’ is given in the file in the

folder Exam_documents in Home. Open this file in LibreOffice Writer and
create a table of contents for the article using the Table of Contents
and Index technique.

The table of contents should be included in the first page of the


Give Heading 1 style to the subheadings.
(Subheadings are given in red colour)

Save the article in the folder Exam10 in Home, with your register
number_question number as the filename.

7. Prepare the identity cards for the students who are going to participate in
the state school sports fair using the mail merge facility in LibreOffice
Writer. The details of the children are given in the file Sports.ods and
the sample ID card is given in the file in the folder
Exam_documents in Home.

Hints :

• Open the file in LibreOffice Writer.

• Include the students’ name, class and participating event from

Sports.ods into this file using the Mail Merge technique.

Save the prepared ID card as a single file in the folder Exam10 in Home,
with your register number_question number as the filename.

8. A Python program and the output when it runs (Output 1) are given.

Program Output 1 Output 2

from turtle import*

for i in range(36):

After typing and running the program, modify the same program to get
the second image as output (Output 2).

Save it in the folder Exam10 in Home, with your Register

Number_Question Number as the filename.

9. The details of the teachers and staff of a school are given in the database
file Staff1.odb in the folder Exam_documents in Home.

Prepare a query using the Queries tool in LibreOffice Base, to get only
the the details of the teachers of the high school, from this


• Use the Use Wizard to Create Query technique in Queries to

prepare the query.

• Fields to be included: PEN, Name, Designation.

• Search Condition : Designation is equal to HST

Save the modified file (using the option File → Save As) in the folder
Exam10 in Home, with your Register Number_Question Number as the

10. The details of teachers and staff of a school are given in tha database file
Staff2.odb in the folder Exam_documents in Home.

Prepare a report containing only the details of UP section teachers

from the database using the tool Reports in the LibreOffice Base
according to the instructions given below.

• Use the query UPST given in the database file to generate the
report. (Select the query UPST from the Tables or queries in the
Field selection in the Report Wizard)

• Include the fields PEN, Name and Designation in the report.

Save this report (using the option File → Save As) in the folder Exam10
in Home, with your Register Number_Question Number as the filename.

11. Prepare an animation of SAY NO TO DRUGS in Synfig Studio software

as per the the instructions given below.

• Create a suitable background.

• For the text SAY NO TO DRUGS,

use the images say.png and
to_drugs.png given in the folder
Images10 in Home.

• Adjust the size and position of the

images accordingly.

• Create the animations in such a way that the text moves from
outside of the canvas into the canvas.

Export the animation to flv format and save it in the folder Exam10 in
Home with your register number_question number as the filename.

12. Prepare a webpage as the model given for the cyber awareness
programme Sathyameva Jayate, as per the instructions given below.

• Open the file sathyamevajaythe.html given in the folder

Exam_documents in Home, in the gedit text editor and make the
following changes in cascading styles (CSS).

◦ Give background colour to brown and font colour yellow to the

◦ Create a new style named h3 with the following specifications.
font-size:18px, color: white, background:red.

Save the modified file using the Save As option in the folder Exam10 in
Home, with your Register Number_Question Number as the filename.
Then open the file in web browser.

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