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Production Standard Operating Procedures

Topic: Fire Safety

Originating Department: Technical Direction
Date of Creation: March 7, 2022 Date of Review:
Reviewed by: Approved by:

Title of Standard Operating Procedure:

Crowd Management Plan
This document defines the role of a Crowd Manager during performances.

For most performances, the Stage Management team and House Management team may need to share these
responsibilities. The Stage Manager will have a mic available at their calling station for making
announcements. SM, ASM, and House Manager should work together to define other roles each

1) Crowd Management Responsibilities

a. Every performance should have an assigned crowd manager(s)
i. The Crowd Manager does not have to be singularly focused. During rehearsals, the
SM, an ASM, House Manager, or any other crew member may serve in this capacity.
b. Crowd Manager Responsibilities
i. Before each performance, walk all evacuation routes to make sure pathways are clear
for ingress and egress. Walk each route.
1. Make sure doorways are clear and functioning as well as clear all walkways
ii. Know evacuation routes for each situation. Fire, tornado, active shooter, etc.
iii. Know rendezvous point to assemble audience, performers, and crew for headcount
following an evacuation.
1. Fire Rendezvous for PAC Floors 2-5 – Yellow statue by soccer field
2. Fire Rendezvous for PAC First Floor – Across Cherry St.
3. Fire Rendezvous for Grant – Faculty parking lot
4. Tornado Rendezvous for PAC – 109 or 108
5. Tornado Rendezvous for Grant Hall – Sunken Hallway
iv. Make lists of necessary work orders and repairs
1. Exit signs that are not illuminating, door hardware, missing fire extinguishers,
v. Know locations of all fire extinguishers pertinent to venue
vi. Supervise admission
1. Know occupancy of room and stop admission once occupancy is reached
a. Occupancy count includes all performers, crew, musicians, audience,
board ops, etc.
2. Know headcount of rehearsal or performance
a. In the case of an evacuation, headcount should be taken to give
emergency responders an idea if everyone reached the rendezvous
vii. Always have emergency announcements accessible during rehearsal or performance

See production specific plan for further details

Production Standard Operating Procedures
Topic: Fire Safety
Originating Department: Technical Direction
Date of Creation: March 7, 2022 Date of Review:
Reviewed by: Approved by:

viii. Be good at craze control. Be calm and keep all ushers, etc. calm so audience craze can
be managed

Responses For Given Situations

2) Active Shooter (Hide)
a. Announcement
i. Attention, there is a potential active shooter on campus. Please follow us out (indicate
path and door) and we will be hiding in (indicate place). Please leave your belongings
and move calmly and quickly. Please remain as silent as possible.
b. Guide toward safest exit
c. Suggested hiding places
i. Scene Shop
ii. Dressing rooms and classrooms that are not easily known

3) Active Shooter (Run)

a. Announcement
i. Attention, there is a potential active shooter on campus. Please follow us out (indicate
path and door) and run as far in that direction as you can. Please leave your
belongings and get away from campus as quickly as you can. Hide once you are a safe
distance away.

4) Tornado
a. Announcement
i. Attention. There is currently a tornado warning that requires us to move to shelter.
Please calmly follow my lead as I direct you to the tornado shelter. We will then
notify you when we are allowed to re-enter the theatre. Thank you.
1. Tornado Rendezvous for PAC – 109 or 108
2. Tornado Rendezvous for Grant Hall – Sunken Hallway

5) Fire
a. Announcement

See production specific plan for further details

Production Standard Operating Procedures
Topic: Fire Safety
Originating Department: Technical Direction
Date of Creation: March 7, 2022 Date of Review:
Reviewed by: Approved by:

i. Attention. We need to ask you to exit the building. Please calmly exit for the safety of
those around you. We will assist you in the direction of the rendezvous point and will
notify you if and when we are allowed to re-enter. Thank you.
1. Fire Rendezvous for PAC Floors 2-5 – Yellow statue by soccer field
2. Fire Rendezvous for PAC First Floor – Across Cherry St.
3. Fire Rendezvous for Grant – Faculty parking lot

6) Technical Difficulty (Hold)

a. Announcement
i. Attention. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties and need to hold the
show to resolve these issues. Please remain seated and you will be notified via
announcement as soon as we have more information. Thank you for your patience.

7) Technical Difficulty (Added Intermission)

a. Announcement
i. Attention. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties and need to hold the
show to resolve these issues. We will now be taking a brief intermission and will
inform you when the show will resume. Thank you for your patience.

8) Technical Difficulty (Cancellation)

a. Announcement
i. Attention. At this time, we are experience a technical difficulty which cannot safely
be resolved at this time. Unfortunately, the remainder of tonight's performance of
(show title) must be cancelled. We apologize for this inconvenience. We do have
seats available for other performances if you would like to join us another time.

See production specific plan for further details

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