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Generic Alien Invasion

By CloneAnon

Think you’ve got what it takes to save the world? Do you have your own survival plan for when the
Aliens attack? Well, now’s your time to shine. Grab your gun and have some fun because they’re
Have 1000 CP to help you save the world.
Style ( roll 1d8 or pay 50 CP to choose )

1. B-Movie There’s something quite basic looking about the Aliens and their
technology. It doesn’t make it any less effective though. Expect to see Aliens standing
behind doors when you open them and women to scream lots.
2. Mildly Comedic You can’t quite take the Aliens seriously in this world. They might have extra
large heads or have an amusing accent (ack ack ack). There will be a lot of accidents
that will either make things better or worse, on both sides.
3. All Out War These Aliens aren’t interested in diplomacy. They are aggressive and war like
and you are going to have to fight and fight then fight some more.
4. Survival Horror Expect only small groups of survivors and to live in fear from one day to the next
as the Aliens stalk you and pick people off one by one.
5. Historical Pick a time period prior to 1900. That’s when you are and when the Aliens
invade. Equipment chosen will adjust to be era appropriate.
6. Conspiracy They’ve been here for years, making deals with those in charge, or slowly
replacing them. Might be hard to prove and harder to fight.
7. Death From Above These Aliens don’t seem to want to land on Earth. They bombard our
cities from orbit or fast bombing runs. Time to bring out some big guns.
8. Free Choice Pick your poison. Any of the above or something from your own imagination.
Type Of Alien ( roll 1d8 or pay 50 CP to choose )

Grey Reptilian Insectoid Xenomorph

Tentacle Monster Energy Based Silicon Based Free Choice

What do they want? ( roll 1d8 or pay 50 CP to choose )

1. Resources 2. Colonisation 3. Slaves/Pets 4. Breeding

5. Genocide 6. Assimilation 7. Cultural Artifacts 8. Free Choice
What’s Their Shtick? ( roll 1d8 or pay 50 CP to choose )

1. Meat Puppets The Aliens can take over bodies. It could be body-snatcher style, mind
control spores, clones controlled by radio signals. Hard to spot.
2. High Technology Anti-Gravity, Powered Armor, Disintegrator Beams, all sorts of powerful
technology that Humanity can only dream of or see in the movies.
3. Advanced Biotech Bio-modifications, mutagenic gas clouds and trained chimera are all
examples of the horrors the Aliens have available.
4. Time Travel The Aliens are so hard to kill. You’d swear they were in front of you just
now but it’s actually coming at you from the side. Or maybe there’s some
sci-fi Groundhog Day shit going on.
5. Legions Of Them So…freaking…many of them! These things just come at you in waves.
6. Shapeshifting They could look like anyone, or anything. May be able to form weapons
from their bodies.
7. Psionic Powers Mind control, ‘invisibility’, telekinesis…crazy mental powers make fighting
these Aliens so much harder when you can’t see them or your friends are
forced to shoot at you instead of them.
8. Free Choice Pick from above or make up your own crazy shit.

Drop In (Free)
You open your eyes to see a dirty brick wall in front of you. Looking around you seem to be in an alley,
there’s a pile of cardboard boxes to your left and the burning shell of a vehicle to your right. You can
hear in the distance occasional gunfire. It might be a good idea to grab your gear and get a move on.

+ No old memories affecting you, no responsibilities.

- You have no connections, allies or friends, save those Companions you import (if any)

Military (Free)
They say war never changes but when the Aliens began their invasion it was very different to
everything you’d been taught and had experienced up to now. Some of the things they could do were
unbelievable but the one thing you can say about Humans is we don’t give up, we don’t back down
from a fight. You find yourself using the broken wall of a demolished house as cover while you catch
your breath. The Aliens are still out on the street and you’re going to have to fight your way back to

+ Trained in hand to hand and ranged combat. Basic survival and first aid skills. Starts with a rifle.
- Chain of command, expected to fight, Aliens will target Military first.

Scientist (Free)
When the global invasion was announced you were both terrified and excited. You have close ties
with the military and it wasn’t long before the call came through to prepare the R&D laboratory for some
reverse engineering. Within a few months the first Human/Alien tech was being field tested and
refined. Although you want the war to be over as much as anyone does, the longer it goes on the more
Alien equipment you have to play with. You are sat at your desk in the lab, your coffee has gone cold
and there’s a banging on the door. It seems the General is here for a demonstration of your new device.

+ Experienced with Alien technology and reverse engineering. Start with a Hybrid device (utility item)
of your own design.
- No combat training. Some of the Alien tech may have unexpected negative side effects.

Human/Alien Hybrid (200)

You don’t remember what you were or what you are, your memories are fractured and unreliable. God
only knows exactly what was done to you, whether it was the Aliens or Humans, but you are a blend
of Human and the invaders. You have a natural aptitude in line with the Alien’s abilities but lack training.
You’ve been sleeping rough in a park but have been woken by the sound of voices nearby.

+ Good survival skills and combat appropriate for Alien type and Shtick.
- Unnatural appearance. Expect tense first reactions and to have to work hard to gain trust.

100 CP perk is free and all other perks half price for your background.

Drop In (100) – Never Say Never

No matter what obstacle you are facing you will never lose faith that things can’t be overcome. You are
resistant to despair. Although this does not improve your ability to complete your task, you will inspire
others to keep going as well.

Drop In (200) – Survival Of The Fittest

You have the uncanny ability to always find enough food and water to keep you alive, a safe place to
sleep and the occasional little luxury to make things easier to bear. You will also come across the
occasional weapon and enough ammo to, at least mostly, fully reload.

Drop In (400) – One Of Us

Most peculiarly, the Aliens do not see you as a threat. If you are quiet and still they will probably go
straight past you without a second glance. If you attack one then any nearby Aliens will attack you

Drop In (600) – It’s A Million To One Chance…

The more desperate things are getting, the more danger you are in, the more specific the requirements
for a plan to succeed are…the more likely it will work. This is not plot armor or a guarantee that you will
be successful but the harder things are the better the outcome. If you have to inject yourself with an
experimental nano virus, steal a space ship out of a military base already on high-alert, fly it with no
training though a dog fight and a minefield to the mothership then fight your way to the computer core
with nothing but a cricket bat…...those sound like good odds.

Military (100) – Never Giving Up

The Aliens might be everywhere, and we may be in a losing battle, but there’s nothing that’s going to
stop you fighting for our freedom. You are unfazed by any special powers or technology the Aliens
use and are immune to fear and intimidation.

Military (200) – On The Chest

As long as you are fighting the enemy you can take a direct hit and keep going. You are not immune to
damage but a shot that would normally tear a man in half is just a flesh wound to you. You are aware
of the pain but it doesn’t stop you performing the best your body can manage. Beware that enough
damage will still cause you to lose limbs or bleed out but it takes a lot to put you out of the fight.

Military (400) – Fight Fire With Fire

You’re skilled at using Alien weapons against them. With a few minutes practice, you can work out
how to fire or activate the weapons or equipment. This doesn’t let you understand how they work or
any of the settings but that’s usually not a problem when you’re blasting away.

Military (600) – Alien Hunter

You can go toe to toe in a fist fight, hack and slash your way through a group and mow down a crowd
with any ranged weapon. Your strength, speed, toughness and combat skill scale to the Alien you are
fighting against. You are also an expert at stalking Aliens and baiting them into traps to either kill or
capture them.
Scientist (100) – Communication Is Key
You find languages easy to pick up and know over a dozen already. You find learning new languages,
written, spoken or otherwise, particularly easy. You are also adept at inventing new forms of
communication such as flashing lights and musical notes. With a bit of trial and error you

Scientist (200) – I’ve Got Just The Thing

You know it’s always best to be prepared and always carry a whole bunch of stuff that you might need
at a moment’s notice. Any time that you need to get hold of one of your existing items you will find that
it is already in a pocket, bag, belt pouch etc.

Scientist (400) – I Always Give 110%

They say no one can give more than 100% but you proved them wrong, with your technology.
Anything you design or make yourself will be 10% better than the original. 10% more durable, do 10%
more damage, use 10% less energy, produce a 10% larger effect…everything is more efficient.

Scientist (600) – Super Science It

Your knowledge of Alien technology is unmatched. You can reverse engineer tech in record time and
come up with new designs that are more effective than the original. Additionally, you can spend a
week to take two separate items and combine them into a single device with the capabilities of both
originals. Any tech you design also looks bad ass.

Human/Alien Hybrid (100) – I Eat, I Live

You can survive for up to 2 weeks without any food or water. Additionally, you can survive by eating
and drinking anything. You could fill your stomach with rocks and antifreeze, although it would take
some time, you would break them down and absorb minerals that your body will turn into energy

Human/Alien Hybrid (200) – When You Least Expect It

When someone opens a door, you can be there. When a group have finally found somewhere safe to
rest and are falling asleep, you are at a window. When someone closes the medicine cabinet, they see
you behind them in the mirror. You have the uncanny and scary ability to appear with dramatic timing.

Human/Alien Hybrid (400) – Just Like Mama

You have a little more Alien in your mix meaning your natural aptitude and abilities are enhanced,
depending on what Type of Alien are invading. For an additional, undiscounted 200 CP you can pick
a second Alien trait. Although unusual, you can purchase this Perk if you are not a Human/Alien Hybrid,
but you cannot purchase the additional (extra 200 CP) trait.

Grey – You are smaller, faster and more flexible, able to jump higher and further, and squeeze
through small spaces. Your intelligence is also increased and you can see perfectly in near
complete darkness.

Reptile – Your skin is noticeably scaly and makes you highly resistant to heat and cold. Your
strength is increased and are considerably more intimidating, able to scare normal humans with
a stare and a growl. You slowly regenerate damage and, given enough time and food, could
regrow a lost limb.
Insectoid – You skin is like a tough but flexible chitin, naturally armoured. You perceive higher
and lower on the visual spectrum than Humans and can ‘see’ digital signals, although you
cannot see what they are, you can use this to track targets.

Xenomorph – Very tough, glossy black chitin armour covers a large portion of your body. You
have no eyes but can still ‘see’. You can survive up to an hour without atmosphere. Your nails
are as sharp as knives

Tentacles – You can look pretty damned scary when you want to. Your arms and legs are
collections of tentacles that you have practiced working like Human appendages, to help pass
for Human. Your hair is also made of tentacles although they are a lot thinner. You can survive
indefinitely under water and can climb along almost any surface.

Energy – You do not need to eat or drink, your body absorbs ambient radiation and converts it
to useable energy. You can concentrate and cause your body to emit light, up to enough to
illuminate a pitch-black room enough to easily read. Your body will heal all wounds given time.

Silicon – Your skin is grey/brown and extremely tough, you are immune to bladed weapons and
resist bludgeoning weapons. You can absorb metal to ‘eat' and do not breathe. One of your
arms is an energy weapon.

Human/Alien Hybrid (600) – A Born Natural

You have a greater connection with your Alien side and their shtick. For an additional, undiscounted
400 CP (Human/Alien Hybrid background only) you can purchase a second shtick.

Meat Puppet – By touching another person you can transfer your consciousness into them,
mentally beating their persona into submission and taking them over. You will have no access
to their memories and your accent remains the same, so passing for them will take whatever
acting skills you already possess. If you leave a body within 4 hours the original host will
gradually recover, with memories of being a passenger watching themselves say and do things
out of their control. Any more than 4 hours and the original personality is lost for good, the body
dying when you next leave it.

High Technology – Like a combination of MacGyver, Dr Who and Rick Sanchez, you can put
together unbelievable technology from household items. They may only work once, possibly
twice, but ideas you have in your head are scarily impressive. If you can imagine it you can
make it. The more complicated it is the more specialised items you may need but that’s all that’s
stopping you.

Advanced Bio-Tech – Your body is a lot more efficient than even the healthiest individual. You
have backups of all your organs, you can manually control any of your bodily functions if you
wish and easily push it past normal limits. You are incredibly strong, fast and durable compared
to a normal Human and even without skills you will win a lot of fights. If you have the time and
resources you can even grow a suit of bio-armour. It will further enhance your physical abilities,
provide you with a danger-sense, can operate autonomously and fuels itself on the corpses of
your enemies.
Time Travel – Your understanding of this ability is somewhat lacking but through trial and error
you have discovered that you can bend time both ways. Not a huge amount but fast enough to
be able to skip long, boring waits or slow enough to be able to better plan your moves in a fight
as the situation changes. With further practice, you can slow time further, maybe even enough
to allow you to dodge bullets.

Legions Of Them – When you achieve perfection you should stop….and make lots and lots of
copies of it. You could be a clone, able to split into two when you reach a critical mass or perhaps
exactly the same Alien procedure was performed on thousands of abductees. Whatever the
source, there are a lot like you and you all work towards a common cause. Any Legion that are
within speaking distance will follow your orders.

Shapeshifting – Your ‘natural’ state is an imperfect blend of Human and your Alien type but you
can change your features to look like a Human or Alien of your type. A specific face will take a
bit of practice but becoming another face in a crowd is easy. You can increase and decrease
your height by 1 foot either way and your weight by 20% of your current weight. Your body can
become slightly malleable so you can escape restraints with ease and squeeze through small
spaces. You have a slow form of regeneration, you can meditate and concentrate on restoring
your body to its normal state and your flesh will shift to match your ‘normal’ body. Additionally,
you can create a cavity within your body in which you can store a small item.

Psionic Powers – The powers of the mind are wide ranging but difficult to recreate through
genetic manipulation. You have either Mental Suggestion, Ocular Occlusion or Mind’s Hand.
Mental Suggestion allows you to give a single command to any one individual and they will
carry it out to the best of their abilities. Those with strong willpower or sense of self may be able
to resist, especially if your order involves harm to them or a loved one. Ocular Occlusion allows
you to create a ‘mental blind spot’ in up to 8 individuals. The more people affected, the less time
it lasts. 8 people give you about a minute, 1 person gives you an hour. If you take any overt
action around them the effect is cancelled immediately. Mind’s Hand is telekinesis. You can
easily lift a single person and toss them around. In time, you will be able to flip cars or throw a
group of people around. You are also able to manipulate objects you can see as if you had it in
your hand.


Tools Of The Trade (50) – Basic gear for each background. Your own background gear is free,
Drop-In – Fire Axe, First Aid Kit, Rossi 28 Special (revolver), photo of someone special to you.
Military – Pistol, Rifle, 3 full reloads for each, 2 days rations, light combat armor.
Scientist – Field laboratory kit. Satellite Phone, Laptop.
Human/Alien Hybrid – Fake ID, knife, homing beacon (turned off).

Survival Gear (100, discount Drop-In) – A 2-man tent, sleeping bag, water purifier, gas burner and other
equipment you’d need to survive in the wild. This equipment will not run out (filters/gas) and while in
the tent you cannot be harmed by malicious entities outside. You can hear them prowling around
outside but they can’t get in. Even scratching claws or firing weapons at it will slide off the material.

Guns & Ammo (100)

You have a handgun, a hunting rifle, an assault rifle and a shotgun. And lots of ammunition. Ammo
refreshes in your Warehouse the following morning when all used up.
Ground Transportation (100) – A car, bike, horse or some other setting appropriate mode of ground

Air Transportation (150) – Helicopter, plane, hang glider, hot air balloon or another setting appropriate
mode of air transportation.

Tank (200, discount Military) – You’ve got a basic tank, something like an M60 "Patton". You have a
small stock of shells for the main gun and it will keep you safe from most Alien ground troops but their
heavier weapons will cut through its armour in short order. If you also purchase the Alien Weapon then
your tank is equipped with a retro-fitted Alien ship blaster. If destroyed, a replacement (minus any
customer modifications you may have made) will appear in your Warehouse a week later.

Base Of Operations (200) - Could be a warehouse, military outpost, laboratory, abandoned subway or
anywhere else you can secure from outside forces. Your property will remain secure for you and up to
10 other people until the last year of your time here when, if the invasion has not been dealt with, they
will finally discover building and you in it. The property can be freely imported into future jumps and will
adjust itself to fit in with the setting.

Alien Weapon (200, discount Military) – A powerful energy weapon that has 2 settings, close and
ranged. With a twist of the handle it converts between the 2 modes. Choose now if the melee weapon
is a knife, short or long sword, or a battle-axe, and the ranged weapon is a pistol, rifle or shotgun style
energy emitter. No matter how many time you use this weapon it doesn’t run out of energy, maybe it
absorbs ambient energy from the atmosphere or kinetic energy from your movements. If you lose this
weapon or it is destroyed a replacement will appear in your Warehouse the following morning.

Crate Of Alien Shit (400, discount Scientist) A crate of random tech collected from a recent skirmish with
the Aliens. There may be a few functioning devices but it’s more likely useful as spare parts for your
own hybrid technology. Alternatively, if you’d prefer, it might actually be a crate of Alien Bio-matter.
This crate seems to refill itself once a month.

Omega Bomb (600) – Developed using an energy core from a captured Alien ship, this thing makes
nukes look like firecrackers. The size of a football, when activated it will disintegrate everything in a 5-
mile radius sphere, and cause additional collateral damage in a ring for another 15 miles. It can only be
used once but a replacement will appear in your Warehouse at the start of every jump. This will not
create additional bombs, you can only ever have one available (no stockpiling).

Cloning Tank (600, discount Human/Alien Hybrid)) – A fully functional glass tank filled with appropriate
chemicals to support the gestation and rapid maturation (1 week to form an adult body) of whatever you
provide a DNA sample of. If you have the appropriate skills you can halt its growth and perform
experiments or adjustments on the body. Although it provides no in-built functionality for this itself it
does seem very easy to connect to other systems you may already own. At the end of this jump the
tank will appear in your Warehouse.

Alien Fighter Craft (600) – A patched up Alien space craft. It had crashed in the first days of the invasion
and taken immediately to the nearest R&D site. It’s a mix of Human and Alien technology and is fully
functional again. It works on a form of anti-gravity and can go from the Earth’s surface into orbit in 10
minutes. The cabin is protected from all external g-forces. It has had one of its energy weapons
replaced with a Vulcan Cannon. It does not run out of ammunition or whatever is powering it.
Unfortunately, it does not have FTL drives.

Captain Cody (200 CP, discount Military) – When the Aliens arrived you found out from your childhood
friend, Captain Cody, who woke you up pounding on your door in the middle of the night and
dragging you into a Humvee. Skilled in all firearms and pretty good at hand to hand fighting. Has the
Perk Never Giving Up and the Equipment Tools Of The Trade, Guns & Ammo and Ground Transport

Professor Banbridge (200 CP, discount Scientist) – Some will stay in the safety of the lab, poking and
prodding at samples, but scientists like Professor Banbridge revel in getting right in to the thick of
things. Skilled in reverse engineering Alien technology but also capable with Human technology as
well. Has the Perk I’ve Got Just The Thing and the Equipment Tools Of The Trade and Crate Of Alien

Subject 35 (400 CP, discount Human/Alien Hybrid) – A genetic experiment, recently escaped from The
Facility. You helped defend Subject 35 (no memory of previous name) from a pack of hungry dogs and
he/she/it has been your loyal companion and protector ever since. Starts with the Perks I Eat, I Live
and When You Least Expect It. You can spend your own CP at a rate of 1:1 to purchase additional Perks
from the Human/Alien Hybrid list (at the discounted rate) for Subject 35 if you want.

I’ve Got Your Back (50 CP – 300 CP) – You can import existing Companions into this jump for 50 CP
each or 300 CP for 8 Companions. They each get 400 CP and can pick any of the free backgrounds or
spend CP on the Human/Alien Hybrid background. They get the 100 CP for their background for free.


You can take up to 600 CP worth of Drawbacks.

Ooh, Edgy (+0CP) – Everything is in black and white for some reason, meant to make things seem more
realistic and creepy but actually emphasising how unrealistic things are. You can carry this with you
into future jumps as a toggleable aesthetic filter.

Blood On My Hands (+100 CP) – When you appear in this jump you find a Human body at your feet and
your hands covered in blood. There is a scream from nearby and you turn to see a group of people
staring at you. It seems that was their leader, lying at your feet, and they’re not happy about it
regardless of what explanation you give. Word spreads quickly and you will find it extremely hard to
gain anyone’s trust.

They Come At Night (+100 CP) – The Aliens are nocturnal, making them harder to hunt and meaning it is
more difficult to get a good night’s rest. Scavenging and travelling during the daytime is easier but don’t
get caught outside at night, or in dark or underground places. if you aren’t in a group operating a watch
system, expect to become fatigued very quickly.

There’s Something In The Blood (+100 CP) – Don’t get too close to the Aliens as their bodily fluids contain
some sort of infectious agent. If any makes contact with a Human’s skin it is quickly absorbed into the
blood stream and to the brain where it induces a furious rage, causing them to attack and eat any other
Humans they see. If they somehow survive they will mutate into a hulking beast that stalks the streets.
The Old Church Down The Street (+200 CP) – When the announcement was made you and your
neighbours gathered in the nearby church. All night you could hear explosions outside and the
occasional distant scream. The following morning you ventured outside to find that this is the only
building still standing. You have made it your mission to keep your neighbours and the few strangers
who have joined you, a total of 25 people, in the church safe until the Aliens are defeated. If the last
person dies this counts as a loss condition.

What Happened To The Sun? (+300 CP) – The Aliens have done something to the atmosphere that is
blocking all sunlight reaching the surface. The world has been thrown into darkness and is rapidly
getting colder. You’d better wrap up warm and find a supply of fuel for fires. The temperature doesn’t
affect the Aliens, in fact they seem to thrive in the colder temperature.

I’m Powerless To Stop Them (+300 CP) – For the 10 years you are here you do not have any of your
powers, equipment or access to your Warehouse. You only have access to the abilities and equipment
purchased in this Jump. This applies to any Companions you bring along as well.

The End

Either stay here, Return home or Continue on to another Jump.


The homing beacon free for the Human/Alien Hybrid in the equipment section can alert either Humans
or Aliens to your present location and will bring a group of them there within a few minutes. When you
claim/purchase that item you decide which group it sends a signal out for. This cannot be changed
once chosen. You could purchase it a second time and choose the other side. It can be used multiple
times but the more frequent the use the less likely it is a group will turn up.

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