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In a number of developing countries, the quality of air and water is declining

day by day. State the problems due to this? Discuss the possible solutions for
dealing with these problems.

In many developing countries like India, China and Bangladesh, air and water
standards are deteriorating sharply each day. Firstly, this essay will discuss the
critical problems that we humans are likely to face and in the latter half, will
explore feasible solutions.
The major problem due to air and water pollution is people are prone to
dreadful diseases. Due to growing number vehicles more and more hazardous
gases are released in to the air. By inhaling these toxic gases people are
suffering from respiratory illness such as asthmatic attacks, lung cancer and
many more. Furthermore, as fresh water lakes are getting contaminated by
industrial waste, people who consume water from these lakes are being
exposed to number of skin diseases and also several other health issues such
as food poison and liver damage. For instance, more number of people in
urban areas are getting admitted with various ailments when compared to
people in rural areas as villages are less polluted. Therefore, public health is
directly impacted by the quality of breathable air and drinking water.

The possible solution to deal with this issues is government should educate
and encourage people more on using on public transportation as it can reduce
the traffic congestion in major cities and thereby less air pollution. Additionally,
government should compel public and industries to adhere to strict guidelines
in order to not to contaminate drinking water bodies. For example, in India,
honourable Prime Minister “Sri Narendra Modi” has recently invited celebrities
and college students to participate in cleaning campaign and most of the lakes
have been cleaned as part of this program. This also encouraged other nations
and people have started to conduct more and more campaigns across the
globe. Moreover, we humans are responsible for safeguarding the
environment and must take necessary actions in order to protect natural
vegetation on earth.
In conclusion, the major concern due to reduction in air and water quality is
public health is severely affected. However, this problem can be tackled by
creating awareness in public to reduce the usage of personal vehicles and to
maintain the drinking water resources. This can reduce environmental
pollution and result in improvement of public well-being.

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