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Charlie and the chocolate factory

1. Characters
1. Narrator
2. Grandpa Joe
3. Charlie
4. Grandma Georgina
5. Grandma Josephine
6. Grandpa George
7. Willy Wonka
8. Reporter
9. Augustus
10. Augustus' mom
11. Violet
12. Violet's mom
13. Veruca
14. Verucas daddy
15. Mike
16. Mike's dad
Oompa Loompas


Narrator One: This is a story of an normal little boy named Charlie Bucket. His family was
very poor. Sometimes, they didn't have food to eat. But Charlie Bucket was a very lucky

Grandpa Joe: Charlie! Charlie, come here.

(Charlie comes to him)

Charlie: Good evening, grandpa Joe.

Grandpa Joe: Can you help me put on my pyjamas?
Charlie: Of course, grandpa. (He helps him)
Grandpa Joe: do you know, Charlie, that I saw Willy Wonka with my own eyes? I used to
work with him!!
Charlie: You did? Really?
Grandma Josephine: Of course he did!
Grandpa George: He did actually!
Grandma Georgina: I love grapes...
(They continue speaking silently while the narrator explains.

Narrator Two: Willy Wonka began with a little candy store, but then he built the largest
chocolate factory in history. All the other chocolate makers, were jealous of Mr. Wonka. They
began sending spies to steal his secret recipes. They stole so many recipes that one day, Mr.
Wonka told every single one of his workers to go home. He was so angry that he decided to
close the factory.

Charlie: But it didn't close forever. It's open right now.

Grandpa Joe: The factory did closed for a while.

Grandpa George: But one day, people started seeing smoke rising from the chimneys
Grandma Georgina: Look at the butterflies...

Grandpa Joe: the mystery is that nobody has seen anybody coming into the factory since
that moment.

Charlie: But then, who controls the machines?

Grandpa Josephine: Nobody knows, Charlie. It is a mystery. Now come here, lets take a little
nap all together.


Charlie and the granpas are watching the TV:

Willy Wonka: Dear people of the world. . . I, Willy Wonka, have decided to invite five
children to my factory this year.

Reporter: Five golden tickets are hiding under the wrapping paper of five Wonka bars. These
five candy bars may be in any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world!

Augustus: I was eating the Wonka bar and I tasted something, that was not chocolate. . . or
coconut. . . or nut, or peanut butter. . . or fruit. . . or caramel. So I looked and, I found the golden
Augustus mother: We are so happy! Augustus loves chocolate. Then, we celebrated eating more!!

Violet: These are my trophies. I'm the World Champion of gum chewers. And I do karate.
I am going to win that special prize.
Violets mum: Violet is a very special child. She always wins all the competitions.

Veruca: V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt. Daddy I want the golden ticket. Where's my golden ticket? I
want my golden ticket!

Veruca's dad: Here you are my darling girl.

Veruca: Now I want another pony.

Veruca's dad: Anything for you, my darling girl.

Mike: It was very easy. I discovered where the fourth ticket would be and I bought it right
away. And I didn´t eat it. I hate chocolate.
Mike's dad: he only plays videogames all day.
Mike: (while playing) die die die!!

Reporter: There was one only one ticket left, who will be the lucky person to find the last
golden ticket?

In the house.

Grandpa Joe: Charlie! Charlie! We are going to have a chance. (Gives him money.) Go buy a
candy bar!

Charlie: Are you sure, Grandpa?

Grandpa Joe: Of course I'm sure. Run to the store, run!

Charlie leaves the stage running and Grandpa Joe sleeps and snores. Charlie comes in running
with the choclate bar.

Charlie: Here I have it Grandpa. Let's open it together.

Charlie: I found it! The last golden ticket! It's mine!

Grandpa Joe: Yippee! Read it aloud.

ChARLIE: 'Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka. I
invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day. I, Willy Wonka, will
conduct you around the factory myself, showing you everything there is to see. And remember,
one of you lucky five children will receive THE EXTRA PRIZE. Now, here are your instructions:
On the first of February, you must come to the factory gates at ten a.m. Until then, Willy

Grandpa Joe: Yippee!


Willy Wonka: Please enter. Dear visitors, welcome to my chocolate factory. You can put
your jackets here, on the floor. Please, follow me.
Narrator: The first room they visited was the chocolate mixing room, an important room, after
all it was a chocolate factory. The waterfall mixed the chocolate. No other factory in the world,
mixes its chocolate by waterfall.

Violet: Look over there. What is it? It's a

little person.

Charlie: Who are they?

Willy Wonka: They're Oompa-Loompas. They come from Loompaland.

Augustus: Look, I can touch the chocolate.

Willy Wonka: (To Augustus) Hey, little boy. My chocolate shouldn’t be touched by human

Augustus: (Falling and yelling from the lake.) I can't swim! Save me! Help!

Charlie: Look. The Oompa-Loompas.

Oompa-Loompas: (Singing) Augustus Gloop, Augustus Gloop, The great big, greedy
nincompoop, Augustus Gloop, so big and vile, So greedy, foul and infantile, 'Come on!' we
cried 'the time is ripe, To sent him shooting up the pipe!' But don't, dear children, be
alarmed, Augustus Gloop will not be harmed, Augustus Gloop will not be harmed. Although,
of course, we must admit, He will be altered quite a bit, Slowly wheels go round and round,
And cogs begin to grind and pound, This greedy brute, this louse's ear, Is loved by people
everywhere, For who could hate or bear a grudge, Against a luscious bit if fudge?


Narrator: after that, they went into a strange room with a lot of machines. A lot of colourful
liquids were kept in big glass vases.

Violet: Hey, Mr Wonka, what's this? It's gum!

Willy Wonka: In fact, It was the most amazing gum in the whole universe because that gum
was a full dinner.

Violet: It sounds fantastic.

Willy Wonka: Don’t eat it! It’s not ready yet!

Violet: I'm the world champion on chewing gum. I'm not afraid of anything.

Violet: Mmm It's amazing!

Willy Wonka: Oh no...

(Violet starts swelling.)

Violet's mom: Oh my god!!! Violet!!

Oompa-Loompas: (Singing)Yeah, yeah, Yeah, Listen close, and listen hard, To the tale of
Violet Beauregarde, This gentle girl, She sees no wrong, In chewing, chewing, chewing,
chewing, Chewing, chewing all day long, Chewing, chewing all day long, Chewing, chewing
all day long, Chewing, chewing all day long. Yeah. She goes on chewing till, at last, Her
chewing muscles grow so vast, And from her face, Her giant chin, Sticks out like a violin,
Chewing, chewing all day long, Chewing, chewing all day long, Chewing, chewing all day
long. For years and years she chews away, Her jaws get stronger every day, And with one
great tremendous chew, They bite the poor girl's tongue in two, And that is why we try so
hard, To save Miss Violet Beauregarde, Chewing, chewing all day long, Chewing, chewing all
day long, Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, Chewing, chewing all day long, Chewing,
chewing all day long, Chewing, chewing all day long, Chewing, chewing all day long.


Willy Wonka: Come on. Let’s go. There's far too much to see.

Veruca: (Pointing) Squirrels!

Narrator : Wonka’s squirrels were specially trained to get the nuts out of shells. He used
squirrels because they were very good at it. When they found a bad nut they threw it down
a big hole.

Veruca: I want a squirrel.

Willy Wonka: You have other pets.

Veruca: All I've got at home is one pony and two dogs and four cats and six rabbits and two
ferrets and three canaries and a green parrot and a turtle and a silly old hamster. I want a

Willy Wonka: They are not for you

Veruca: (Entering where the squirrels are) If you don’t get me a squirrel, I'll get one myself.

Veruca: (Taking a squirrel) I'll have you. Ahhh! (The squirrels lay Verucca on the floor
and start knocking her head.)

Charlie: What are they doing?

Willy Wonka: They're testing to see if she's a bad nut. Oh, no. She is a bad nut after all.

Veruca (Going down a hole.) Nooo!

Daddy: oh my god, my daughter!!!

Willy Wonka: They are going where all the other bad nuts go. To the garbage.


Oompa-Loompas: (Singing) Veruca Salt the little brute, Has just gone down the garbage
chute, And she will meet, as she descends, A rather different set of friends, A rather
different set of friends, A rather different set of friends, a fish head, for example, cut, This
morning from a halibut, An oyster from an oyster stew, A steak that no-one else would
chew, And lots of other things as well, Each with its rather horrid smell, Horrid smell,
These are Veruca's newfound friends, That she will meet as she descends, These are
Veruca's newfound friends.
Who went and spoiled her, who indeed? Who pandered to her every need? Who turned her
into such a brat? Who are the culprits? Who did that? The guilty ones, now this is sad, Are
dear old Mum and loving Dad.


Narrator: They went to the television room to see his very latest and greatest invention:
Television Chocolate. One day it occurred to Wonka: Why can't I, send a real bar of chocolate
through the television?

Mike: It is impossible. You don't understand anything about science.

Willie Wonka: I will send a bar of chocolate from here to there. . . by television. (They put
the chocolate in the machine and it is transported to the other part of the room.) Here it

Mike: What about people? Don't you realize what you've invented? It's a teleporter.

Willie Wonka: Hay, little boy. Don't go there!

Grandpa: He's gone.

Mike's dad: Where is my son??

Willy Wonka: Let's go check the television.
Oompa-Loompas: (Singing) The most important thing, That we've ever learned, The most
important thing we've learned, As far as children are concerned, Is never, never let them
near, The television set, Or better still just don't install, The idiotic thing at all, Never, never
let them, Never, never let them, Never, never let them, Never, never let them, It rots the
senses in the head, It keeps imagination dead, It clogs and clutters up the mind, It makes a
child so dull and blind, So dull, so dull, He can no longer understand, A fairy tale, a fairyland,
A fairyland, a fairyland, His brain becomes as soft as cheese, His thinking powers rust and
freeze, He cannot think, he only sees. Regarding little Mike Teavee, We very much regret
that we, Regret that we, Shall simply have to wait and see, Wait and see, wait and see, Wait
and see, wait and see, wait and see, We very much regret that we, Shall simply have to wait
and see, If we can get him back his height, But if we can't, It serves him right.


Grandpa Joe: Mr. Wonka, Charlie's the only one left now.

Willy Wonka: You mean, you're the only one?

Charlie: Yes.

Willy Wonka: What happened to the others? That means you won. Oh, congratulations.

Grandpa Joe: Which is the extra prize?

Willy Wonka: Ah-ha.The special prize is:that you can move here with your family. The factory is

Charlie: Oh my god!!

Grandpa Joe: Yippee!

Narrator: In the end, Charlie Bucket won a chocolate factory. But Willy Wonka got
something even better, a family. And they were live happily ever after.
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, The amazing chocolatier. Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, Everybody
give a cheer! Hooray! He's modest, clever and so smart, He barely can restrain it. With so
much generosity, there is no way to contain it! To contain it! To contain, to contain, to
Hooray! Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, He's the one that you're about to meet. Willy Wonka,
Willy Wonka, He's the genius who just can't be beat. The magician and the chocolate
whiz. The best darn guy who ever lived. Willy Wonka, here he is! The amazing

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