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OCTOBER 2022 The following errata correct errors in Season of War: Thondia. The
The following commentary is intended to complement Season of errata are updated regularly; when changes are made any changes
War: Thondia. It is presented as a series of questions and answers; from the previous version will be highlighted in magenta. Where
the questions are based on ones that have been asked by players, and the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision 2’, this means it has had a local
the answers are provided by the rules writing team and explain how update, only in that language, to clarify a translation issue or other
the rules are intended to be used. The commentaries help provide a minor correction.
default setting for your games, but players should always feel free to
discuss the rules before a game, and change things as they see fit if Page 80 – The Anvil of Apotheosis: Ghur, Ancestries, Mortal
they both want to do so (changes like this are usually referred to as Add the following to the <Army> keywords:
‘house rules’). ‘<Slaves to Darkness>’

Our commentaries are updated regularly; when changes are made Page 83 – The Anvil of Apotheosis: Ghur, Archetypes, Commander
any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in Change the list of restrictions to:
magenta. Where the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision 2’, this means it ‘No Deathmage, Ossiarch Bonereapers or Masterclan’
has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation
issue or other minor correction.

Q: Does an incarnate heal all of the wounds allocated to it in the

battleshock phase, regardless of the result of the roll to determine
whether its level is reduced?
A: Yes.

Q: The Summons to War battlepack states that ‘Neither player can

include faction terrain features in their army.’ However, no such
restriction is stated in the Strife in Thondia battlepack. Please can
you confirm if faction terrain features can be used in the Strife in
Thondia battlepack?
A: You can use faction terrain features as normal in the Strife in
Thondia battlepack, unless the battleplan being used states that
only certain players are allowed to set up faction terrain features.
In these battleplans, only the specified players can set up faction
terrain features.

Q: If an ability prevents an endless spell from being dispelled (e.g.

the Disciples of Tzeentch battle trait ‘Arcane Armies’), can I use the
Krondspine Incarnate of Ghur’s ‘Devour Endless Spell’ monstrous
rampage and pick that endless spell?
A: No.


Changes from the previous battlescroll are highlighted in magenta.



Change the End Given Form ability to:
‘Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target units within 6" of this endless spell. In addition, roll a dice for each unit within 1" of this
endless spell after this endless spell has moved. On a 1, that unit has been touched by the Purple Sun’s rays. If that unit has a Wounds
characteristic of 9 or less, 1 model in that unit is slain. Otherwise, that unit suffers D6+6 mortal wounds.’



Change the Thunderbolt Volley command ability to: Living City: Change the Strike then Melt Away battle trait to:
‘You can use this command ability once per battle in your hero ‘You can use this command ability at the end of your shooting
phase. The command can only be issued by a friendly Knight phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly Living City unit that shot in
to a unit wholly within 12" of them or by a friendly Lord or that phase, is more than 9" from any enemy units and is wholly
Draconith to a unit wholly within 18" of them. The unit that within 18" of a friendly Living City Hero. That unit can make a
receives the command must be a friendly Justicar or Angelos normal move (it cannot run), but it cannot finish that move within
unit that is not reinforced. That unit can shoot in that phase.’ 9" of any enemy units. A unit cannot benefit from this command
ability more than once per phase.’
Stormdrake Guard: Change the Draconic Onslaught ability to:
‘Once per battle, in your charge phase, you can say that this unit SERAPHON
will unleash its draconic onslaught. If you do so, you can re-roll Coalesced: Change the Scaly Skin battle trait to:
charge rolls for this unit in that phase.’ ‘Subtract 1 from the damage inflicted by each successful attack
that targets a Coalesced unit that has the Saurus, Kroxigor or
Monster keyword (to a minimum of 1).’



Legion of the First Prince: Change the First-Damned Prince battle Remove this text from the Blood for the Blood God! battle trait:
trait to: ‘If you choose a reward, after resolving its effects your Blood Tithe
‘Add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls for attacks made by Be’lakor points total is reset to zero.’
while he is within 18" of at least 1 friendly unit from each of
the following warscrolls: Bloodletters, Horrors of Tzeentch, Remove this text from the Summon Daemons of Khorne
Plaguebearers, Daemonettes.’ battle trait:
‘If you summon a unit in this manner, your Blood Tithe points
BEASTS OF CHAOS total is reset to zero immediately after the unit has been set up (you
Change the Primal Roar monstrous rampage from White Dwarf cannot save any Blood Tithe points you did not use).’
issue 473 to:
‘Roll a dice. On a 3+, you receive 1 primordial call point.’




Change the Deathless Courtiers battle trait to: Add the following to the Notes sections of the Necropolis Stalkers
‘Friendly Flesh-eater Courts units have a ward of 6+.’ and Immortis Guard Pitched Battle profiles:
‘Battleline if general is Mortisan’



Add the following to the Notes section of the Gutrippaz Pitched Add the following to the Notes section of the Arachnarok Spider
Battle profile: with Spiderfang Warparty Pitched Battle profile:
‘For each Gutrippaz unit included in your army, you can take 1 ‘Battleline if general is Spiderfang’
Hobgrot Slittaz unit as a Battleline unit.’
For the Light of the Bad Moon battle trait, replace the Moonclan
Grinnin’ Blades: Change the Out of the Mists ability to: Fungus Brew effect with:
‘Friendly Grinnin’ Blades units are not visible to enemy models ‘Frothing Zealots: If a friendly Moonclan unit receives the Rally
that are more than 12" away from them.’ command while it is affected by the light of the Bad Moon, you can
return 1 slain model to that unit for each 4+ instead of each 6.’
Bonesplitterz: Change the Spirit of Gorkamorka battle trait to:
‘If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a melee weapon Replace the Troggoth Renewal effect with:
by a friendly Bonesplitterz unit is 6, that attack scores 2 hits ‘Moonlit Hide: Add 1 to save rolls for friendly Gloomspite
on the target instead of 1 (make a wound roll and save roll for Gitz Troggoth units while they are affected by the light of the
each hit).’ Bad Moon.’

Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot: Remove this text from the Bad Moon Loonshrine: Add the following ability:
Poisons and Elixirs ability: ‘Effigy of Da Bad Moon: Larger moonstone meteorites are hacked
‘, instead of attempting to dispel an endless spell or cast any spells painstakingly into crude but surprisingly lifelike effigies of the Bad
with this unit in that phase,’ Moon, and they hold a sliver of its lunar power.
Gloomspite Gitz units are affected by the light of the Bad Moon
while they are wholly within 12" of this terrain feature.’

DESIGNERS’ COMMENTARY, Q: If I add a unit to my army after the battle begins, and that unit
OCTOBER 2022 meets the requirements to gain the Galletian Veterans keyword,
The following commentary is intended to complement the General’s does that unit gain the keyword?
Handbook: Pitched Battles 2022-23 – Season 1. It is presented as a A: Yes.
series of questions and answers; the questions are based on ones that
have been asked by players, and the answers are provided by the rules Q: If I add a unit to my army after the battle begins, and that unit has
writing team and explain how the rules are intended to be used. The the Battleline battlefield role, does that unit count as a Battleline unit
commentaries help provide a default setting for your games, but for the purposes of rules, battle tactics and grand strategies?
players should always feel free to discuss the rules before a game, and A: Yes.
change things as they see fit if they both want to do so (changes like
this are usually referred to as ‘house rules’). Q: Is it possible to complete the grand strategy Show of Dominance by
having one Galletian Veterans unit in the centre of the battlefield
Our commentaries are updated regularly; when changes are made, which has one or more models within each table quarter?
any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in A: Yes.
magenta. Where the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision 2’, this means it
has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation Q: In the ‘Battlelines Drawn’ battleplan, can you remove a unit from
issue or other minor correction. the battlefield in order to enter a garrison (and set it up again when
you leave a garrison)?
Q: If I add units to a Pitched Battle army after a battle has started, A: Yes.
can I do so in excess of any limits that apply? For example, could I
summon extra Behemoths if my army already included the maximum Q: Do models in the Expert Conquerors battalion count as 3 models
number it can take? for the purposes of contesting a terrain feature (for example, for the
A: The limits on the number of Leaders, Artillery units and ‘Desecrate their Lands’ battle tactic)?
Behemoths only apply when you are picking your army, so you can A: Yes.
ignore these limits when you add these kinds of units to your army.
The limit on Unique units still applies, however (you can never have
more than 1 of the same type of Unique unit in your army). ERRATA, OCTOBER 2022
The following errata correct errors in the General’s Handbook:
Q: If a Pitched Battle Profile for a unit appears in the most recent Pitched Battles 2022-23 – Season 1. The errata are updated regularly;
General’s Handbook, can I use that unit in Pitched Battles even if that when changes are made, any changes from the previous version will
unit is not listed in the table of a specific faction? be highlighted in magenta. Where the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision
A: Yes. 2’, this means it has had a local update, only in that language, to
clarify a translation issue or other minor correction.
Q: If I have multiple abilities and other effects to be applied at the start
of my hero phase, can I apply them before I pick my battle tactic? Page 10 – Coalition Units
A: Yes. Add the following:
Q: Can I gain control of multiple objectives in ‘The Lurkers Below’ in Coalition units do not count towards the number of Battleline units
the same turn? in your army. However, they do count towards the maximum number
A: No. of Leader, Behemoth and Artillery units in your army. In addition,
Coalition units are ignored when determining if the units in your
Q: Can I set up faction terrain features in the ‘Battlelines army are from a single faction.’
Drawn’ battleplan?
A: Yes. The quarters of the battlefield in this battleplan are only Page 12 – Gaze of Ghur
treated as objectives and do not prevent you from setting up models Change to:
or terrain features. ‘Gaze of Ghur is a spell that has a casting value of 7 and a range of
12". If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to
Q: Can I set up gravesites using the Soulblight Gravelords battle trait the caster. Until your next hero phase, when determining the number
‘The Unquiet Dead’ in the ‘Battlelines Drawn’ battleplan? of models in that enemy unit that are contesting an objective, your
A: Yes, see above. opponent must halve that number, rounding down.’

Q: If an effect would increase the Wounds characteristic of a Designer’s Note: Effects that modify the number of models a model
Galletian Veterans unit above the required threshold, does that counts as when contesting an objective are applied after effects that fix
unit lose the Galletian Veterans keyword? the number of models a model counts as when contesting an objective
A: No. at a set value. For example, if a Mega-Gargant counts as 20 models
because of the ‘Mightier Makes Rightier’ battle trait, ‘Gaze of Ghur’
would make that unit count as 10 models instead.

Page 22 – The Prize of Gallet, Victory Points PITCHED BATTLE PROFILES 2022-23 –
Change to: SEASON 1
‘Each player scores victory points at the end of each of their turns Page 16 – Beasts of Chaos
as follows: Replace the Tzaangor Shaman, Tzaangor Enlightened, Tzaangor
Enlightened on Discs of Tzeentch, Tzaangor Skyfires and Tzaangors
- Score 1 victory point if you control at least one activated objective. Pitched Battle profile names and points as follows, respectively:
- Score 1 victory point if you control two or more activated objectives.
- Score 1 victory point if you control more activated objectives than WARSCROLL POINTS
your opponent. Beasts of Chaos Tzaangor Shaman 135
- Score 2 victory points if you completed the battle tactic you picked Beasts of Chaos Tzaangor Enlightened 95
that turn.’ Beasts of Chaos Tzaangor Enlightened on 180
Discs of Tzeentch
Beasts of Chaos Tzaangor Skyfires 190
Page 30 – In the Presence of Idols, Inspiring Icons Beasts of Chaos Tzaangors 175
Change to:
‘After deployment but before determining who will take the first turn
in the first battle round, each player must pick 3 different friendly Page 19 – Hedonites of Slaanesh
units on the battlefield, starting with the attacker. The units each Change the points costs for the following units to:
player picks are their idol units for the battle. Lord Kroak and
Incarnate units cannot be picked as idol units. WARSCROLL POINTS
Sigvald, Prince of Slaanesh 205
Halve the number of models that flee due to a failed battleshock test Blissbarb Archers 140
(rounding down) while their unit is wholly within 6" of any idol units Symbaresh Twinsouls 130
in their army.’ Myrmidesh Painbringers 120

Page 51 – Purple Sun of Shyish, End Given Form Page 21 – Packmasters, Unit Size
Change the rule text to: Change the Unit Size to ‘3’.
‘Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target units within 6" of
this endless spell. In addition, roll a dice for each unit within 1" of Pages 21-22 – Skaven
this endless spell after this endless spell has moved. On a 1, that unit Change the points costs for the following units to:
has been touched by the Purple Sun’s rays. If that unit has a Wounds
characteristic of 9 or less, 1 model in that unit is slain. Otherwise, WARSCROLL POINTS
that unit suffers D6+6 mortal wounds.’ Master Moulder 90
Skritch Spiteclaw
Spiteclaw’s Swarm
Plague Censer Bearers 90
Stormfiends 320

Page 26 – Necropolis Stalkers, Notes

Change the Notes to:
‘Battleline if general is Mortisan’

Page 26 – Immortis Guard, Notes

Change the Notes to:
‘Battleline if general is Mortisan’

Page 28 – Arachnarok Spider with Spiderfang Warparty, Notes

Change the Notes to:
‘Single. Battleline if general is Spiderfang’

Page 31 – Gutrippaz, Notes

Change the Notes to:
‘For each Gutrippaz unit included in your army, you can take 1
Hobgrot Slittaz unit as a Battleline unit.’

Page 34 – Purple Sun of Shyish

Change the points cost to ‘90’.


DESIGNERS’ COMMENTARY, Q: If I have more than one general, and each one allows different types
OCTOBER 2022 of units to count as Battleline, do all of those units count as Battleline
The following commentary is intended to complement the units when I pick the rest of my army?
Warhammer Age of Sigmar core rules. It is presented as a series of A: Yes.
questions and answers; the questions are based on ones that have
been asked by players, and the answers are provided by the rules Q: If I have more than one general, and one is slain but the others are
writing team and explain how the rules are intended to be used. The still alive, do I still get to add 2 to the dice roll when I use the Heroic
commentaries help provide a default setting for your games, but Leadership heroic action?
players should always feel free to discuss the rules before a game and A: Yes.
change things as they see fit if they both want to do so (changes like
this are usually referred to as ‘house rules’). Q: If an ability allows a replacement unit to be set up that is ‘identical’
to a unit that was destroyed (e.g. the Stormcast Eternals ability ‘Call
Our commentaries are updated regularly; when changes are made, for Aid’), what should be ‘identical’ about the new unit?
any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in A: Unless otherwise stated, the replacement unit has the same
magenta. Where the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision 2’, this means it number of models as the destroyed unit had at the start of the battle,
has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation is armed with the same weapon options, and has the same battlefield
issue or other minor correction. roles as the unit it replaces. The unit is not considered part of any
battalion, and any effects applied to the unit during the battle are not
applied to the replacement unit.
Q: Where can I find a list of the factions I can choose from and the 1.4.1 ENDLESS SPELLS, INVOCATIONS AND
units that are in each faction? FACTION TERRAIN
A: Each faction has a set of Pitched Battle profiles that includes all of Q: 1.4.1 states that a player can include 1 endless spell for each
the units that are part of that faction. You can find a set of Pitched Wizard in their army. If I give a Hero the ‘Arcane Tome’ universal
Battle profiles in each Warhammer Age of Sigmar battletome. The enhancement to make them a Wizard, does this allow me to include
General’s Handbook: Pitched Battle Profiles book, available for 1 additional endless spell in my army?
download from, includes sets of Pitched A: Yes.
Battle profiles for every faction in Warhammer Age of Sigmar.


1.2 MODELS Q: Say I can set up a unit wholly within 6" of the edge of the battlefield
Q: Is it okay to use ‘proxy’ models to stand in for models that I do not and there is an objective set up 12" from the edge of the battlefield.
have but want to use in a game? For example, using a Slaughterpriest Can I set up my unit so that it is within 6" of the objective?
model to represent a Bloodsecrator, or using Stormcast Eternals A: Yes.
models painted in the colours of the Hammers of Sigmar to represent
Stormcast Eternals from a different Stormhost?
A: The use of proxy models is generally frowned upon, because doing 1.5.5 DICE ROLL MODIFIERS
so can confuse the other players (and sometimes even yourself), and Q: The maximum positive modifier to a save roll is +1. Say that I have
because it spoils the spectacle and aesthetic of the game. Because of a -3 Rend modifier and my opponent has a +3 modifier to their save
this, you can only use proxy models if you’ve gained your opponent’s roll. Is the final modifier -2 (my Rend of -3, less their modifier capped
permission to do so before the game begins. at +1), or is it 0 (my Rend modifier less their total save modifier)?
A: It is 0. You add up all of the modifiers that apply to a roll (both for
and against) to get the final modifier, and then apply any limits. See
1.4 ARMIES the example in the sidebar next to rule 1.5.5.
Q: When I pick a unit to be part of my army, can I wait until I set the
unit up before I choose any weapon options or command models for
A: No. You must decide which options you will take for the unit and Q: Some abilities say ‘you can’ do something, such as roll a dice.
if it is understrength or reinforced when you are picking your army. Which player decides?
A: Any ability that says ‘you can’ is referring to the player that has the
Q: When I choose my army, or (for example) pick a unit to receive unit with the ability in their army or has the army that an allegiance
something during a battle, can I keep any information secret from ability applies to.
my opponent?
A: No. Unless specifically noted, all information required to play a Q: Many abilities occur ‘before’ or ‘after’ something happens. When
game is available to both players. this is the case, must I use the ability immediately before or after?
A: Yes, the word ‘before’ or ‘after’ is synonymous with ‘immediately
before’ or ‘immediately after’.

Q: When the word ‘any’ is used in the criteria for an ability, how Q: If an ability says it negates a wound, will it also negate a
many times is that ability applied when the criteria for the ability are mortal wound?
fulfilled? For example, if an ability said ‘Add 1 to hit rolls for models A: No, unless the ability specifically says it negates mortal wounds.
that are within 6" of any models with this ability’, would I add 1 to the By the same token, an ability that negates only mortal wounds will
hit rolls of a model that was within 6" of three models with the ability, not negate wounds.
or would I add 3 to the hit rolls?
A: The word ‘any’ is treated as being synonymous with ‘one or more’. Q: If an ability allows a unit to ‘fight’, does that mean it can pile in
In your example, this means that 1 would be added to the hit rolls. and attack or just attack?
A: It can pile in and attack (core rules, 12.1.1).
Q: If several abilities are used simultaneously, can one cancel out the
effect of another? Q: If an effect allows a unit to pile in but does not specify that the
A: It’s important to note that ability effects are never actually applied unit can attack, can that unit immediately attack with all its melee
‘simultaneously’ in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. If two or more effects weapons after piling in?
would be applied at the same time, they are instead applied one after A: No.
the other in the sequence described in section 1.6.2 of the core rules.
This means that applying the effect of one ability could change the Q: If a unit is affected by an ability that adds to or subtracts from a
circumstances pertaining to abilities that follow it. For example, one characteristic and then by an ability that changes a characteristic to
ability effect might cause mortal wounds on a unit, while at the same a specific value (for example, an Akhelian King who has cast Flaming
time another ability effect might allow that unit to fight if it’s within Weapon in the hero phase and then uses the Wave Rider ability in the
3" of the enemy. If the mortal wounds effect is applied first, then following charge phase), do both effects apply?
the effect of the second ability can only be applied if the unit is still A: Yes. Modifiers apply after effects that change a characteristic to a
within 3" of the enemy after all models slain by those mortal wounds specific value. Therefore, in the example given, the Akhelian King’s
have been removed from play. Bladed Polearm would become Damage 3 from the Wave Rider
ability, then would be increased to 4 by Flaming Weapon.
Q: If two or more modifiers apply to a dice roll or characteristic,
and some are positive and some negative, are they considered to be Q: If the scenery rules for an Awakened Wyldwood can no longer be
contradictory and therefore cancel out? used (e.g. because of Smash To Rubble), do any rules that interact
A: No. Modifiers to dice rolls and modifiers to characteristic are with them stop working? For example, ‘Places of Power’ and ‘From the
cumulative. Because of this, a dice roll or characteristic can be Woodland Depths’.
affected by several abilities that apply different modifiers to it, both A: No.
positive and negative, and they will not be contradictory and can all
be used.
Q: If two different abilities double or halve a value, is the value Q: Are things like Fanatics or Assassins that hide inside another unit,
doubled or halved once or twice? or embarked Kharadron Overlords units, counted as being reserves?
A: Twice. A: Only if the unit that they are ‘inside’ is in reserve. A reserve unit
is a unit that is set up in a location other than on the battlefield.
Q: Some abilities require a unit to be visible in order for them to be Units that are on the battlefield are not reserves, even if the models
used. When this is the case, must the whole unit be visible? themselves are not set up.
A: No, all that is required is for at least one model from the unit to
be visible.
Q: Sometimes an ability will refer to ‘this model’ or ‘this unit’, and Q: Sometimes a model will receive command points only at the start
sometimes to ‘that model’ or ‘that unit’. Is there a difference? of the first battle round, or only once during a later round. Are these
A: Yes. When an ability says ‘this model’, ‘this unit’, it is referring to a command points lost at the end of the battle round?
specific model or unit that has the ability, even if there is more than 1 A: Yes.
unit with that ability in your army. When an ability says ‘that model’
or ‘that unit’, it is referring to a model or unit that was defined earlier Q: If I have more than one general and they are all on the battlefield at
in the same ability. the start of my hero phase, do I receive 1 command point for each?
A: No, you still only receive 1 command point.
Q: Sometimes an ability will refer to a friendly model that is within a
certain distance of ‘this model’ (or ‘the bearer’ or ‘this general’, etc.).
When this is the case, do both models have to be from the same army? 6.1 USING COMMAND ABILITIES
A: Yes. Q: Some commands are received by all units within a certain range of
the model issuing the command. Can such an order be received by a
Q: Sometimes an ability requires you to draw a straight line from a unit that has already received a command in the same phase?
model, and everything under that line is affected by the ability. Is the A: No.
model you draw the line from affected by the ability too?
A: No.
Q: Some abilities stipulate that you can pick a certain number of units EARLIER BATTLETOMES
to be affected by the ability. When this is the case, can I pick the same The command abilities included in battletomes written for
unit several times? earlier versions of Warhammer Age of Sigmar are written in
A: Yes, unless the ability specifically states otherwise. a different format to those used in more recent battletomes.
The following guidelines should make it clear how to use these

command abilities in battles using the latest version of the core to have been issued and received by the unit specified in the
rules (see section 6.1 of the core rules). command ability. For example, the Booming Roar command
ability from the Allherd subfaction in Battletome: Beasts of
• Most older command abilities list the unit that benefits from Chaos says:
the command and another unit that needs to be within a
certain distance of that unit. When this is the case, the unit ‘You can use this command ability at the start of your hero
that benefits from the command is the unit that is receiving phase if your general is on the battlefield. If you do so, you
the command, and the unit that the distance is measured receive 1 Primordial Call point.’
from is the unit that is issuing the command. In addition,
older command abilities will specify the distance at which This command ability is issued and received by your general
the command can be issued. When this is the case, use the (if they are on the battlefield).
distance specified in the command ability rather than the
distance in section 6.1 of the core rules. For example, the Lord • Some older command abilities that appear in the allegiance
of the Blood Hunt command ability on the Wrath of Khorne abilities section of a battletome say that they can be used by
Bloodthirster warscroll says: models ‘with this command ability’. When this is the case,
the command can only be issued by Heroes that are from
‘You can use this command ability at the start of the combat the faction (or subfaction) that is allowed to use the allegiance
phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly Khorne Daemon unit abilities in question. They cannot be issued by unit champions.
wholly within 16" of a friendly model with this command For example, the For the Brass Citadel command ability
ability. Until the end of the phase, you can re-roll hit rolls for from the Skullfiend Tribe subfaction in Battletome: Blades of
attacks made by that unit.’ Khorne says:

This command is issued by a friendly unit with this command ‘You can use this command ability at the start of the combat
ability (you can pick which one if there is a choice), and can be phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly model with this command
received by 1 friendly Khorne Daemon unit that is wholly ability. Until the end of that phase, you can re-roll hit and
within 16" of the unit issuing the command. wound rolls for attacks made by friendly Skullfiend Tribe
Khorgorath units wholly within 10" of that model.’
• Some older command abilities specify that the effect of the
command ability applies to multiple units within a certain This command can be issued by Skullfiend Tribe Heroes.
distance of the unit that is issuing the command (for example,
all friendly units with a specific keyword). When this is the • Some older command abilities say either that they cannot be
case, the command is both issued and received by the same used more than once per phase or that a unit cannot benefit
model, even though the effect of the command applies to from them more than once. These instructions can be ignored
the specified units within the specified range. The model because the core rules no longer allow you to use the same
that issued the command cannot issue or receive another command ability more than once in the same phase.
command in that phase (because a model cannot issue more
than 1 command in the same phase and a unit cannot receive • Some older command abilities do not say when they can be
more than 1 command in the same phase), but could do so used. If this is the case, the command ability can be used in
in a future phase even if the effect of the command lasts for your hero phase.
longer than the phase in which the command was issued. The
other units that benefit from the effect of the command do
not count as having received the command (and so are not Q: If an ability allows a unit to receive a command without the
prevented from receiving a different command in the same command being issued and without a command point being spent,
phase). For example, the Vigour of Undeath command ability does the restriction that you cannot use the same command ability
on the Mannfred von Carstein warscroll says: more than once in the same phase still apply?
A: Yes.
‘You can use this command ability once per turn in your hero
phase. If you do so, add 1 to hit and wound rolls for friendly Q: If an ability allows me to use the same command more than once
Soulblight Gravelords units wholly within 12" of this in the same phase, can I issue the ‘Redeploy’ command to multiple
model until your next hero phase.’ eligible units immediately after 1 enemy unit has moved?
A: Yes.
This command is issued and received by Mannfred von
Carstein in your hero phase, but until your next hero phase, Q: If an ability allows me to use the same command more than once
you can add 1 to hit and wound rolls for friendly Soulblight in the same phase, can I issue the ‘Unleash Hell’ command to multiple
Gravelords units while they are wholly within 12" of him. eligible units immediately after 1 enemy unit has charged?
Mannfred could not issue or receive another command in the A: Yes.
hero phase in which the command was issued, but he could do
so in future phases. Other units benefiting from the effect of Q: If a unit receives the ‘At the Double’ command, do any rules that
the command can still receive a command (for example, they affect run rolls still apply?
could receive the All-out Defence command in the subsequent A: No.
combat phase whilst also benefiting from Vigour of Undeath).

• Some older command abilities only affect a single unit, usually

the one that issues the command, or do not affect any other
units at all. When this is the case, the command is assumed

Q: 7.0 states ‘In addition, in your hero phase, you can use friendly Q: Why are all models allowed to climb all terrain features?
Wizards to attempt to cast spells… and both to attempt to dispel A: For simplicity and ease of play, the rules allow any model to climb
endless spells’ but 19.3.2 states that ‘At the start of the hero phase, each any terrain feature. If you wish, you can only allow models to move to
player can attempt to dispel 1 Endless Spell…’ Can you clarify which places that they could reach ‘in real life’, but it will require a certain
takes precedence? amount of common sense in order to make such a house rule work.
A: 19.3.2 takes precedence over 7.0.
Q: Can a terrain feature be climbed over multiple turns? Can a model
run or charge up a terrain feature?
7.1 HEROES AND HEROIC ACTIONS A: Yes. A model may need to spend several turns climbing an
Q: Can a Hero in reserve be picked to carry out a heroic action? especially high terrain feature (you will need to remember how far
A: No. it has climbed each turn and measure distances and visibility to or
from that model as if it were in that location).
Q: If a Hero unit has multiple models, do they carry out heroic
actions as a unit, or does each individual model get to carry out a Q: Can a model charge up or down a terrain feature?
heroic action? A: Yes. As noted above, for simplicity and ease of play, models are
A: They carry out heroic actions as a unit. assumed to be able to climb up terrain features and can finish a move
at any point when they do so.


Q: Some abilities allow a unit to be set up ‘at the end of the movement 9.4 FLYING
phase’. Can the unit make a move after it is set up in this way? Q: If an ability or spell stops another unit from being able to fly, does
A: No. Things that happen at the end of the phase take place after all this stop that unit from being able to move at all?
of that phase’s normal activities; in the case of the movement phase, A: No, it simply means that the Flying rules do not apply to it.
this means they occur after all moves have been made.

Q: Some abilities allow a unit to be set up ‘instead of making a normal 10.0 SHOOTING PHASE
move’. Does a unit set up with such an ability count as having moved? Q: If a unit that receives the Redeploy command also receives the
A: No, unless the ability specifically states otherwise. Unleash Hell command in the same turn, can that unit shoot?
A: No.
Q: If a unit that receives the Redeploy command also receives the
Unleash Hell command in the same turn, can that unit shoot? Q: 10.0 states ‘you make shooting attacks with each model in the
A: No. unit until you have shot with all the models you want to’ but 13.1
states ‘you must pick the target unit (or units) for all of the attacks
Q: Can a unit finish a move halfway or up the side of a wall on a that will be made by the models in the unit’. Can you clarify which
terrain feature? takes precedence?
A: Yes. A: 13.1 takes precedence over 10.0.

Q: Can a unit jump down from a terrain feature if the distance to the Q: Can I pick a friendly unit to shoot even if it has no missile weapons
battlefield is greater than that unit’s Move characteristic? (e.g. a Krondspine Incarnate)?
A: No. A: No.


Q: If an ability halves the Move characteristic of a unit but doesn’t say Q: Can the closest enemy unit at the start of a pile-in move be one that
if you round up or down, are fractions retained? is inaccessible or not visible to friendly models?
A: Yes. A: Yes. The closest unit is measured purely by distance, not
accessibility or visibility.
Q: Sometimes an ability is used after a model moves. When this is
the case, assuming the model is allowed to make a move, if I decide to Q: If an ability allows a unit to pile in more than the standard 3", can
leave it stationary, can I still use the ability? the unit pile in and attack in the combat phase if it is more than 3"
A: Yes. For the purposes of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar rules, from the enemy?
if a model is allowed to move, you can choose to ‘move’ it 0 inches. A: No, unless the ability specifically states otherwise.
However, if you do so, the unit cannot also benefit from an ability
that requires it to remain stationary. Q: Some abilities allow a unit to pile in and attack twice, while others
allow a unit to immediately pile in and attack a second time. What is
Q: Some abilities can be used ‘instead of a normal move’. Can I use the difference?
these abilities if the unit is not allowed to make a normal move (e.g. A: The former allows you to pick the unit to fight twice over the
when it is within 3" of an enemy unit)? course of the combat phase, rather than only once, while the second
A: No. allows you to fight with the unit twice in immediate succession. The
first version will therefore give your opponent a chance to pick a unit
to fight with before you can fight again with your unit, while the
second version will not.

Q: What happens when a unit that has been split into two groups Q: If a model is slain but later returned to its unit in the same turn,
because of casualties piles in? does it count as being slain for battleshock tests? If it were slain,
A: A unit must finish any type of move as a single group, including returned and slain again, would it count as being slain twice?
pile-in moves. If this is impossible for any reason, no models from the A: Yes to both questions.
unit can move.
Q: Do any restrictions that applied when I picked a unit for my army
Q: Can a model that has an ability that allows it to pile in and attack still apply when I return a slain model to that unit?
when it dies still use the ability if the unit it is part of has to fight at the A: No. For example, if a weapon can only be taken by 1 in every 5
end of the combat phase? models, you could return a slain model with that weapon option to a
A: Yes. unit that has fewer than 4 models in it.

Q: What happens if more than 1 enemy unit is tied to be the ‘closest

enemy unit’ when a friendly model is making a pile-in move (i.e. those 14.3 WARDS
enemy units are equally close to the friendly model). Q: If a player makes a successful dice roll to negate a wound or mortal
A: The player commanding the unit making the pile-in move picks 1 wound, and this triggers an effect that forces a wound or mortal
of those enemy units to be the closest. wound to be allocated to a different unit (as per, for example, ‘Sworn
Protectors’ in Battletome: Fyreslayers or ‘The Armour of Morkar’ in
Battletome: Slaves to Darkness), can an attempt be made to negate
12.4 STRIKE-FIRST AND STRIKE-LAST that additional wound or mortal wound if an effect would allow a
EFFECTS player to do so?
Q: If the strike-last effect applies to a unit and, after fighting, that A: No. Wounds and mortal wounds allocated in this way cannot
unit is now within 3" of an enemy unit that has not yet fought in that be negated.
phase, is that enemy unit now eligible to fight?
A: Yes. Q: Some abilities allow you to roll a dice to attempt to negate a
wound or mortal wound, but that roll may have a different effect
Q: If an ability applies the strike-last effect to a unit (e.g. the depending on the score of the dice (as per, for example, the ‘Soul-forged
Nighthaunt battle trait ‘Wave of Terror’), but another ability allows Guardians’ ability on the Praetors warscroll). Are these abilities wards,
that unit to ‘fight immediately’ (e.g. the Soulblight Gravelords ability and is the roll a ward roll?
‘Deadly Coordination’), can that unit still fight immediately? A: Yes.
A: Yes.

14.0 WOUNDS Q: Is a terrain feature considered to be part of the battlefield?
Q: Can an attack with a Damage characteristic of more than 1 slay A: Yes.
more than one model?
A: Yes, as long as all the models are from the same unit. Q: Some factions can add terrain features to their army after the
battle begins. Do the game terms faction terrain (17.0.3) and faction
Q: Does a wound or mortal wound that is negated still count as having terrain feature (23.0) refer to all terrain features with faction terrain
been allocated to a model? warscrolls, even those that are added to your army?
A: No. A: Yes.

Q: If a model is removed from play while it has wounds allocated to it,

but it is not slain, does this mean I can no longer allocate wounds to 17.1.4 WYLDWOOD TERRAIN
that model and therefore that unit? Q: Do wyldwood terrain features and Awakened Wyldwood faction
A: No. The wounds allocated to that model have no further effect and terrain features block line of sight to endless spells or invocations in
you must continue allocating wounds that remain to be allocated to the same manner as they would block visibility between models?
its unit as normal. A: Yes.

Q. When a rule mentions the Wounds characteristic of a unit, what

does this refer to? 17.2 GARRISONS
A: It refers to the value written next to ‘Wounds’ on a unit’s warscroll. Q: Can a unit that is set up once the battle is under way be set up as
Note that this value is neither multiplied by the number of models a garrison?
in the unit nor modified by the wounds allocated to that unit. A: No.
In addition, if a specific model in a unit has a different Wounds
characteristic to the rest of the models in the unit, the Wounds Q: Can I set up a unit on a defensible terrain feature if it is not part of
characteristic of the unit is still the value written next to ‘Wounds’, the garrison?
even if all other models in the unit have been slain. A: No.

Q: Sometimes it is impossible to set up 1 or more models from a unit.

14.2.1 RETURNING SLAIN MODELS For example, rule 17.2.3 states ‘If a defensible terrain feature is being
Q: When you return a slain model to a unit, does the slain model have garrisoned when it is demolished… the surviving models from the
to originally have come from the unit that it is returned to? garrison must then be set up within 6" of the terrain feature and more
A: Yes. than 3" from all enemy units’. What happens if a model cannot be set
up within these restrictions?
A: The model is removed from play and does not count as slain.

Q: Does a garrisoned unit count as being on the battlefield for the The effects of most spells and abilities are applied to a unit
purpose of battle tactics and grand strategies? immediately when the ability is used. For example, the
A: Yes. Suffocating Gravetide’s ‘Pulled to the Grave’ ability says:

Q: Can a garrisoned unit be picked as the target of an ability that ‘After this endless spell has moved, for each unit that has any
requires you to pick a unit that is ‘on the battlefield’ (e.g. Bastian models it passed across, roll a number of dice equal to the
Carthalos’ ‘The Thunderborn’ ability)? number of models in that unit. For each 6, that unit suffers 1
A: Yes. mortal wound.’

Q: Does a garrisoned general count as being on the battlefield for the This ability is used each time the Suffocating Gravetide finishes a
purpose of generating a command point? move, and its effect is immediately applied to any units it passed
A: Yes. across. In such cases, as soon as the effect of the spell or ability
is applied to the unit, the dice roll is made to see if that unit
ignores the effect or not.
Q: If I use a miniature as an objective marker, does it count as a Dice rolls are made only when a unit with an ability to ignore
terrain piece? Can it block visibility or affect the movement of a unit? effects has the effect directly applied to it. For example, no dice
A: No to all questions. An objective marker is simply an object rolls are made if such a unit is attacking a unit affected by a spell
you use to mark the location of an objective on the battlefield. If such as ‘Mystic Shield’:
you want to move a model to the location occupied by an objective
marker, it is perfectly acceptable to move the marker to one side as ‘If successfully cast, pick 1 friendly unit wholly within range and
long as you measure distances to the objective using the marker’s visible to the caster. Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target that
original location. unit until your next hero phase.’

Q: Can I use an endless spell, invocation or faction terrain feature to or ‘Pha’s Protection’:
gain control of an objective?
A: No. ‘If successfully cast, pick 1 friendly unit within 18" of the caster
that is visible to them. Subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that
Q: 18.1 states ‘If an objective is placed on the border between two target that unit until your next hero phase.’
territories, it is considered to be within both of them’. Does this mean
these objectives are considered to be wholly within both of them? Other effects of spells and abilities do not state when they are
A: No. used and instead affect other units while they are within a
certain range (commonly called ‘aura’ effects). In these cases,
Q: 18.1.2 states ‘If a friendly unit has models within 6" of two or more the dice roll is made each time the unit falls within range when
objectives, you must pick 1 of those objectives for the models from it was not within range beforehand (for example, if the unit
that unit to contest’. Can I pick different models from the same unit to finishes a move within range). Note that dice rolls are not made
contest different objectives? mid-move; you should check if units fall within range of an
A: No. effect only after the unit or endless spell has finished a move. For
such spells and abilities, no further dice rolls are made while the
unit remains within range; however, if later in the battle, the unit
19.0 WIZARDS no longer falls within range (for example, because the endless
Q: If there is a spell that appears on two different warscrolls and has spell has moved away) and then it falls within range once more,
exactly the same name, can I use them both in the same turn? another dice roll is made.
A: No.
Lastly, if a spell or ability of an endless spell has multiple effects,
a dice roll is made as above each time an effect comes into play.
19.1.2 UNBINDING SPELLS For example, the Purple Sun’s ‘End Given Form’ ability says:
Q: If a Hero that is not a Wizard but has the ability to unbind spells
(e.g. a Runelord) carries out the ‘Heroic Willpower’ heroic action, can ‘Subtract 1 from save rolls for attacks that target units within 6"
they unbind an additional spell in the enemy hero phase? of this endless spell. In addition, roll a dice for each unit within 1"
A: No. of this endless spell after this endless spell has moved. On a 1, that
unit has been touched by the Purple Sun’s rays. If that unit has a
Q: If a Hero that is not a Wizard but has the ability to unbind spells Wounds characteristic of 9 or less, 1 model in that unit is slain.
(e.g. a Runelord) is given the Arcane Tome artefact of power, can they Otherwise, that unit suffers D6+6 mortal wounds.’
unbind an additional spell in the enemy hero phase?
A: No. This ability has 2 effects. The first effect is what is described
above as an ‘aura’ effect. This means a dice roll is made each
time a unit falls within range when it was not within range
19.2 SPELLS beforehand. The second effect is directly applied to units after
Q: Some abilities, such as ‘Hatred of Sorcery’ or ‘Aura of the Purple Sun has moved. This means if a Purple Sun finishes a
Tzeentch’, allow a unit to make a dice roll when it is affected by a move within 1" of a unit with an ability to ignore its effects, the
spell or the abilities of an endless spell and to ignore the effects on commanding player of that unit would make 2 dice rolls, the
a successful dice roll. When is the dice roll made? first to see if the unit ignores the first effect of ‘End Given Form’
A: The answer depends on when the effect of the spell or ability and the second to see if the unit ignores the second effect of ‘End
is applied to the unit, as detailed next. Given Form’.

19.3 ENDLESS SPELLS Q: When a characteristic is referenced (Bravery, for example), does
Q: Do things that increase the range of a caster’s spells also apply to this mean the value on the warscroll, or the value on the warscroll
the distance at which an endless spell can be set up from the caster? including any modifiers?
A: Yes. A: The value including any modifiers.

19.4 UNITS OF WIZARDS Q: Some abilities refer to the Move, Wounds, Save or Bravery
characteristic of a unit. What is this?
Q: Some abilities cause a Wizard to suffer mortal wounds (for A: It is the Move, Wounds, Save or Bravery characteristic of the
example, when that Wizard casts a spell). What happens if that models that make up the unit.
Wizard is part of a unit that has more than 1 model?
A: The mortal wounds are allocated to the unit and do not have to be
allocated to the model casting the spell. 22.6 KEYWORDS
Q: Many rules state that a model ‘becomes a <Keyword>’ or ‘is a
Q: Some effects inflict damage that can only be allocated to Wizards. <Keyword>’, where <Keyword> is Monster, Hero, Wizard or
Can you explain how such damage is allocated to a unit that is not a Priest. Do the models these rules apply to gain the relevant keyword
Wizard but includes models that are Wizards, e.g. a High Warden on their warscroll?
from a unit of Vanari Auralan Wardens? A: Yes. However, if a rule allows 1 model in a unit to be a
A: The wounds are allocated to the unit as normal (core rules, 14.1). <Keyword>, only that model in the unit gains the relevant keyword.


ENDLESS SPELLS Q: Some terrain features have ‘IMPASSABLE’ on their warscroll. Is this
Q: Can a predatory endless spell remain stationary instead of moving? a scenery rule for the purposes of the ‘Demolish’ monstrous rampage?
A: No. If a predatory endless spell is unable to move for any reason, it A: No.
is treated as if it made a move of 0", and any abilities that trigger ‘after
this endless spell has moved’ still apply. Q: Some terrain features have ‘WYLDWOOD’ on their
warscroll. Is this a scenery rule for the purposes of the ‘Demolish’
monstrous rampage?
20.0 PRIESTS A: No.
Q: Can a Priest chant more than 1 prayer per turn?
A: No, unless specifically stated otherwise.
Q: When a Priest attempts to summon an invocation, does that Q: Some battletomes have a Minimum and Maximum Unit Size. How
count toward the number of prayers that Priest can chant? do these work?
A: Yes. A: Use the Minimum Unit Size for the Unit Size. If the Maximum Unit
Size is 1, then it is considered to have ‘Single’ in the Notes column.

21.0 MONSTERS Q: The sidebar note that accompanies 25.3 UNIT SIZE mentions a
Q: 21.1 states ‘At the end of the charge phase, each player can carry ‘maximum unit size’ but this is not defined in the core rules. Please
out 1 monstrous rampage from the table below with each friendly can you clarify what ‘maximum unit size’ means?
Monster.’ If I have a unit that is a Monster that has more than 1 A: A unit’s ‘maximum size’ is the highest number of models that can
model, can I use a monstrous rampage with each model from that unit? be taken in that unit. This will vary if a unit can be reinforced, and is
A: Yes. determined on a case-by-case basis.


Q: When do I pick command models and weapon options for a unit? Q: Can I take the same core battalion more than once in my army?
A: When you add the unit to your army roster. A: Yes.

Q: Can the champion of the unit take special weapons, like

a Grandhammer? 27.0 ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES
A: Yes. Q: If I add units to my army after a battle has started, and my army
has an allegiance ability that adds a keyword to the units in the army,
Q: Some warscrolls have a weapon profile that says ‘See below’, but is that keyword received by eligible units I add to my army after the
does not include an Attacks characteristic. When I use such a weapon, battle has begun? By the same token, if an allegiance ability has a spell
how many attacks does it make? lore that grants a spell to Wizards in an army, do Wizards that I
A: These types of weapon make 1 attack, as described in the rules that add to the army that have the appropriate allegiance gain a spell?
appear below the weapon’s characteristics. A: Yes to both questions.

Q: Many warscrolls allow weapon options and other upgrades to be

taken by ‘1 in every x’ models. For example, 1 in every 10 models in 27.1 ALLIED UNITS
a unit of Blood Warriors can replace the unit’s weapon option with a Q: Can I include endless spells, invocations and faction terrain
Goreglaive. What happens if the unit has fewer than x models? features from an allied faction or a faction from which I can include
A: The weapon or upgrade cannot be taken. For example, a unit coalition in my army?
of Blood Warriors with fewer than 10 models could not have A: No, unless specifically noted otherwise.
a Goreglaive.

Q: Can I include endless spells, invocations and faction terrain features PATH TO GLORY (CORE BOOK)
in my army even if this is not specifically stated that I can do so in the Q: In Path to Glory, if a unit on my order of battle includes a model
instructions for a battlepack? that is a Wizard but the rest of the models in that unit are not
A: Yes (core rules, 1.4.1). Wizards (for example, the Steedmaster in a Vanari Dawnriders unit
of 3 or more models), does that unit count towards my order of battle
Q: Can allied or coalition units be included in a core battalion? limit of Wizard units?
A: Yes, unless specifically noted otherwise. A: No.

Q: If rules changes affect my Path to Glory army – for example, if a new

27.2.1 SUBFACTIONS edition of my army’s battletome is released or the points values of units
Q: Can I take more than one subfaction for the same army? included on my order of battle are changed – should I update my Path
A: No. to Glory roster accordingly?
A: Yes. For example, if you had an existing Maggotkin of Nurgle Path
to Glory army, in order to bring it in line with the new battletome, you
27.3 ENHANCEMENTS should remove any Daemon units from your order of battle that are
Q: If I am allowed to take an additional enhancement, can I take the not Heroes, update the points values of the remaining units, replace
same enhancement more than once? any enhancements that no longer exist or that a unit is no longer
A: Yes, unless specifically noted otherwise. eligible to have with new enhancements, and replace any warscroll
battalions that no longer exist with new ones.
Q: If an enhancement allows a unit to fight an extra time, can that
unit’s mounts fight an extra time?
A: Yes. The enhancement allows the unit to fight an extra time; it does MATCHED PLAY (CORE BOOK)
not affect the attacks it makes. Q: If a battle tactic or grand strategy requires a unit to have ‘ fought’
(e.g. ‘Bloodthirsty Zealots’), what does that mean?
Q: Can the Flaming Weapon spell from the Universal Spell Lore 27.5.3 A: For the purposes of battle tactics or grand strategies, a unit is
be used to pick a mount’s melee weapon? considered to have fought in a turn if it was picked to fight (see 12.1)
A: Yes. in any phase during that turn.

Q: Are Unique units allowed to take spells from the universal spell lore
or prayers from the universal prayer scripture? CONTEST OF GENERALS (CORE BOOK)
A: No. Q: If I add units to a Contest of Generals army after a battle has
started, can I do so in excess of any limits that apply? For example,
Q: If I give a Hero the Arcane Tome universal artefact of power, when could I summon extra Behemoths if my army already included the
I take a spell lore enhancement, can I pick a spell from an available maximum number it can take?
spell lore (such as one in my army’s allegiance abilities) for them A: The limits on the number of Leaders, Artillery units and
to know? Behemoths only apply when you are picking your army, so you can
A: Yes, you can. ignore these limits when you add these kinds of units to your army.
The limit on Unique units still applies, however (you can never have
more than 1 of the same type of Unique unit in your army).
Q: Can a Unique or allied unit benefit from the effect of a triumph?
The following errata correct errors in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar
core rules. The errata are updated regularly; when changes are made
27.4 SUBFACTION ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in magenta.
Q: For the purposes of 27.4 (Subfaction Allegiance Abilities), which Where the date has a note, e.g. ‘Revision 2’, this means it has had a
battle traits are considered to be ones that let you pick a subfaction for local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation issue or
your army? other minor correction.
A: Recent battletomes will explicitly state if a battle trait allows you
to pick a subfaction for your army, (for example, the ‘Stormhosts’ 1.6.5 – Shooting or Fighting More Than Once
battle trait in Battletome: Stormcast Eternals). For older battletomes, Change to:
the following battle traits are considered to be ones that let you pick ‘The effects of some abilities allow a unit, or models in a unit, to
a subfaction: shoot (see 10.1) or fight (see 12.1.1) more than once in the same phase.
However, the effect of an ability cannot allow models in a unit to
Battletome: Beasts of Chaos – Greatfrays shoot or fight more than twice in the same phase (this is an exception
Battletome: Flesh-eater Courts – Grand Courts to the principle that the effects of abilities take precedence over
Battletome: Blades of Khorne – Slaughterhosts core rules).’
Battletome: Kharadron Overlords – Sky-ports
Battletome: Ogor Mawtribes – Mawtribes 7.1 – Heroes and Heroic Actions
Battletome: Ossiarch Bonereapers – Ossiarch Bonereaper Legions Change the Heroic Recovery rule to:
Battletome: Seraphon – Coalesced Constellations, ‘Pick 1 friendly Hero more than 3" from all enemy units and make
Starborne Constellations a heroic recovery roll by rolling 2D6. If the roll is less than or equal
Wrath of the Everchosen – Hosts of Chaos to that Hero’s Bravery characteristic, you can heal up to D3 wounds
Broken Realms: Kragnos – Jaws of Mork, Glogg’s Megamob, allocated to that Hero.’
Grimscuttle Tribes

8.1 – Normal Move 20.3 – Invocations
Add the following text to the end of the paragraph: Add the following text to the end of the paragraph:
‘Units cannot make a normal move if they are within 3" of an ‘After an invocation is removed from play (see 20.3.3), it can be
enemy unit.’ summoned again if the prayer on its warscroll is successfully chanted
in a different hero phase (it cannot be set up in the turn in which it
8.2 – Retreat is removed).’
Add the following text to the end of the paragraph:
‘Units cannot retreat if they are not within 3" of an enemy unit.’ 27.3 – Enhancements
Add the following rule:
8.3 – Run ‘27.3.8 MOUNT TRAITS
Add the following text to the end of the paragraph: Some sets of allegiance abilities include mount traits. Each time you
‘Units cannot run if they are within 3" of an enemy unit.’ take a mount trait enhancement, you can pick 1 mount trait and give
it to an eligible unit in your army. A unit cannot have more than
11.2 – Charge Phase Command Abilities 1 mount trait and an army cannot include duplicates of the same
Change the Unleash Hell rule to: mount trait.’
‘You can use this command ability after an enemy unit finishes a
charge move. The unit that receives the command must be within 27.3.3 – Artefacts of Power
6" of that enemy unit and more than 3" from all other enemy units. Add:
Models in the unit that receives the command that are within 6" of ‘An army cannot include duplicates of the same artefact of power.’
the target unit can shoot in that phase, but when they do so, you must
subtract 1 from hit rolls for their attacks and they can only target the 27.5.2 – Universal Artefacts of Power
unit that made the charge move.’ Change the Amulet of Destiny rule to:
‘The bearer has a ward of 6+.’
12.1.1 – Fight
Add the following paragraph: Core Book, pg 322 – Territories Table
‘If an ability allows a single model to fight (e.g. by letting a slain model Change the Large Settlement rule to:
fight before it is removed from play), first you can make a pile-in move ‘Reduce the glory points cost of adding a unit that is not a Hero to
with that model and then you must make combat attacks with that your order of battle by 2 (to a minimum of 1).
model. Models must finish these pile-in moves in coherency (see 1.3.3) [Upgrade 5GP] City Wall: Reduce the glory points cost by 3
with the rest of their unit.’ instead of 2.’

14.3 – Wards Core Book, pg 331 – Battleplan: The Trap

Replace the paragraph with the following: Change the Victory Points paragraph to:
‘Some abilities allow you to roll a dice to negate a wound or mortal ‘At the end of each battle round, the invader scores a number of
wound. Abilities of this type are referred to as wards, and the dice roll victory points equal to the number of units in their army that are
is referred to as a ward roll. Unless stated otherwise, the ward roll is wholly within enemy territory. Each time a unit in the invader’s army
made before the wound is allocated to the model in question. Up to 1 is destroyed, the ambusher scores 2 victory points.’
ward roll can be made for each wound or mortal wound. If the ward
roll is successful, the wound or mortal wound is negated and has no
effect on the model.’

15.0 – Battleshock Phase

Add the following sidebar note:
‘Models removed from play as a result of their unit being split have
fled. Models that have fled are treated as having been slain for rules
purposes, unless noted otherwise.’

15.2 – Split Units

Replace the text as follows:
‘If a friendly unit is not a single coherent group at the end of a turn,
you must remove models in the unit from play, one at a time, until it is
a single coherent group (see 1.3.3).’

17.0.2 – Faction Terrain

Change the header to:

18.1.1 Objective Marker Control

Change the first sentence to:
‘After set-up is complete but before the first battle round begins,
after any abilities used before the first battle round begins have been
resolved, each player gains control of all objectives that are within 6"
of any friendly models and more than 6" from all enemy models.’

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