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Equivalent Force


Engr. Raymond I. Calderon

Resolution of a Force into Components

➢ single force F acting on a particle may be replaced by two or

more forces that, together, have the same effect on the
particle, called component of force .

➢ Each force F can be resolved into an infinite number of

possible sets of components.
Two cases in resolving the force F into components:

➢ One of the two components, P, is known. We obtain the

second component, Q, by applying the triangle rule and
joining the tip of P to the tip of F. We can determine the
magnitude and direction of Q graphically or by trigonometry.
Once we have determined Q, both components P and Q
should be applied at A.
Two cases in resolving the force F into components:

➢ The line of action of each component is known. We obtain

the magnitude and sense of the components by applying the
parallelogram law and drawing lines through the tip of F that
are parallel to the given line of action. This process leads to
two well-defined components, P and Q, which can be
determined graphically or computed trigonometrically by
applying the law of sines.
Adding Force by Components
➢ Adding forces using their components, especially rectangular
components. This method is often the most convenient way to
add forces and in practice, is the most common approach.

Rectangular Components of a Force: Unit Vectors

➢ A force F resolved into a component Fx along the x-axis and a

component Fy along the y-axis. The parallelogram drawn to
obtain the two components is a rectangle, and Fx and Fy are
called rectangular components.
Force in Terms of Unit Vectors

➢ To simplify working with rectangular components, two

vectors of unit magnitude, directed respectively along the
positive x and y axes can be used. These vectors are called
unit vectors and are denoted by i and j, respectively.
➢ Note that we can obtain the rectangular components Fx and
Fy of a force F by multiplying respectively the unit vectors i
and j by appropriate scalars. We have,

𝐹𝑥 = 𝐹𝑥 𝑖

𝐹𝑦 = 𝐹𝑦 𝑗

F = 𝐹𝑋 𝑖 + 𝐹𝑦 𝑗
Scalar Components

➢ Denoting by F the magnitude of the force F and by θ the

angle between F and the x axis, which is measured
counterclockwise from the positive x axis, the scalar
components of F may be expressed as

F = 𝐹𝑋 𝑖 + 𝐹𝑦 𝑗

𝐹𝑥 = 𝐹 cos 𝜃

𝐹𝑦 = 𝐹 sin 𝜃
Direction of a Force

➢ When a force F is defined by its rectangular components Fx

and Fy, the angle θ defining its direction can be found from

tan 𝜃 =
F² = (𝐹𝑋 )²+ (𝐹𝑦 )²
𝐹𝑥 = 𝐹 cos 𝜃

𝐹𝑦 = 𝐹 sin 𝜃
Addition of forces by summing x and y components

➢ When adding three or more forces, we cannot obtain any

practical trigonometric solution from the force polygon that
defines the resultant of the forces.
➢ The best approach is to obtain an analytic solution of the
problem by resolving each force into two rectangular
➢ when several forces are acting on a particle, we obtain the
scalar components Rx and Ry of the resultant R by adding
algebraically the corresponding scalar components of the
given forces.

F² = (∑𝐹𝑋 )²+ (∑𝐹𝑦 )² tan 𝜃 =
Resultant of Forces

➢ Experimental evidence shows that two forces P and Q acting

on a particle A can be replace by a single force R that has the
same effect on the particle. This force is called the resultant
of the forces P and Q.

➢ This method for finding the resultant is known as the

parallelogram law for the addition of two forces.
Resultant of Concurrent Forces

➢ Experimental evidence shows that two forces P and Q acting

on a particle A can be replace by a single force R that has the
same effect on the particle. This force is called the resultant
of the forces P and Q.
➢ This method for finding the resultant is known as the
parallelogram law for the addition of two forces.
Resultant of Parallel Forces

➢ A parallel force system is one in which the action lines of all

the forces are parallel. The resultant of such a system is
determined when it is known in magnitude, direction, and
➢ The difference between a
concurrent and a parallel force
system is that in the former the
position of the resultant is known by
inspection whereas in the latter it is
Sample Problem
1. The link shown is subjected to two
forces F1 and F2. Determine the
magnitude and direction of the
resultant force.
First, we resolve each force into its x and y components,
then we sum these components algebraically.
Σ Fx = 600 cos 30° N - 400 sin 45° N
Σ Fx = 236.8 N
Σ Fy = 600 sin 30° N + 400 cos 45° N
Σ Fy = 582.8 N

The resultant force, has a magnitude of

R² = (236.8 N)² + (582.8 N)²
R = 629 N
Sample Problem
1. The link shown is subjected to two
forces F1 and F2. Determine the
magnitude and direction of the
resultant force.

Σ Fx = 236.8 N
Σ Fy = 582.8 N

−1 ∑𝐹𝑦 582.8 𝑁
𝜃 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛 = = 67.9 °
∑𝐹𝑥 236.8 𝑁
Sample Problem
2. Two tugboats are pulling a barge.
If the resultant of the forces exerted
by the tugboats is a 5-kN force
directed along the axis of the barge,
determine the tension in each of the
ropes, given that α = 45°,

Solution: Tension for α = 45°. Graphical Solution. The parallelogram

law is used; the diagonal (resultant) is known to be equal to 5000 lb
and to be directed to the right. The sides are drawn parallel to the
Sample Problem
2. Two tugboats are pulling a barge.
If the resultant of the forces exerted
by the tugboats is a 5-kN force
directed along the axis of the barge,
determine the tension in each of the
ropes, given that α = 45°,

Using Sine Law:

𝑇1 𝑇2 5000 𝑙𝑏
= =
sin 45° sin 30° sin 105°

𝑇1 =3600 lb
𝑇2 =2590 lb
1) A steel tank is to be positioned in
an excavation. Knowing that α =
20°, determine by trigonometry (a)
the required magnitude of the
force P if the resultant R of the two
forces applied at A is to be vertical,
(b) the corresponding magnitude
of R.

2) Two forces are applied as shown

to a hook. Determine graphically
the magnitude and direction of
their resultant.
3) Two forces P and Q are applied
to the lid of a storage bin as shown.
Knowing that P = 48 N and Q = 60
N, determine by trigonometry the
magnitude and direction of the
resultant of the two forces.
4.) A stake is being pulled out of
the ground by means of two ropes
as shown. Knowing that ∝ =30°,
determine by trigonometry (a) the
magnitude of the force P so that
the resultant force exerted on the
stake is vertical, (b) the
corresponding magnitude of the
Moment of a Force

➢ The moment of a force about an axis or line is the measure of

its ability to produce turning or twisting about the axis.
➢ The magnitude of the moment of a force about an axis which
is perpendicular to a plane containing the line of action of the
force is defined as the product of the force and the
perpendicular distance from the axis to the line of action of
the force (M = Fd). The distance d is frequently called the
moment arm of the force.
➢ The axis of moments, which is perpendicular to the plane of
forces, appears as a point commonly called the center of
The Principle of Moments

➢ Varignon’sTheorem. The moment of a force is equivalent to

the sum of the moments of its components.
The Principle of Moments

➢ Application: In some cases it is more convenient to determine

the moment of a force from the sum of the moments of its
components rather than from the force itself.

For example, suppose a force F, making an angle with the X axis,

passes through a point A having the coordinates (x, y).
The Principle of Moments
➢ In this case it is convenient to
calculate the moment arm d.
By resolving the force into its
components Fx and Fy at A,
the moment arm of Fx about
O is the coordinate distance y,
and the moment arm of Fy
about O is the coordinate
distance x. Then the moment
of F is expressed by :

𝑀𝑜 = 𝐹𝑥 𝑦 − 𝐹𝑦 𝑥

➢ Couple is made up of two equal, parallel, oppositely directed


➢ Their moment sum is constant and independent of the

moment center. This is proved by selecting moment centers at
A and B (see figure) to give respectively

F · d = F (d + a) – F (a)

➢ Couple is made up of two equal, parallel, oppositely directed

➢ Their moment sum is constant
and independent of the
moment center. This is proved
by selecting moment centers
at A and B (see figure) to give
F · d = F (d + a) – F (a)

➢ The moment of a couple C is equal to the product of one of the

forces composing the couple multiplied by the perpendicular
distance between their action lines.
Sample Problem

1.) Four tugboats are bringing an

ocean liner to its pier. Each
tugboat exerts a 5000 lb force in
the direction shown. Determine
(a) the equivalent force couple
system at the foremast O, (b) the
point on the hull where a single,
more powerful tugboat should
push to produce the same effect
as the original four tugboats.
a. Force-Couple System at O.
Sample Problem
Each of the given forces is
resolved into components. The
force-couple system at O
equivalent to their resultant
force R and a couple, the
moment of which is equal to MO
as follows
R² = (∑𝑅𝑋 )²+ (∑𝑅𝑦 )²
R² = [5000(cos 60° + 3/5 +0 + cos 45°)]² + [5000(-sin 60° - 4/5 -1 + sin 45°)]²

R² = (9035.53) ² + (-9794.59) ²

R = 13325.72 kips
a. Force-Couple System at O.
Sample Problem
Each of the given forces is
resolved into components. The
force-couple system at O
equivalent to their resultant
force R and a couple, the
moment of which is equal to MO
as follows

Mo = 5000 (50’ x cos 60° + 70’ x 3/5 + 0 -70 x cos 45°) + 5000 (-90’ x sin 60°
+ 100’ x 4/5 + 400’ x 1 -300’ x sin 45°)

= 1037.14 kip-ft
b. Single
ProblemThe force
exerted by a single tugboat must
be equal to R, and its point of
application A must be such that
the moment of R about O is
equal to MO:

Mo = Rx (70) + Ry(x)

1037.14 kip-ft = 9035.53(70)+ 9794.59 (x)

x = 41.31 ft.

1.) The three-step pulley shown in figure is subjected to the given

couples. Compute the value of the resultant couple. Also,
determine the forces acting at the rim of the middle pulley that
are required to balance the given system.

2.) Locate the amount and position of the resultant of the loads
acting on the Fink truss shown in figure.

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