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Nama : Nilai

Mata Pelajaran :

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Hari /Tanggal :

ChooseUmum the : right answer by
choosing (x) a, b, c, or d! 9. The houses are grey, ….?
1. Bacalah doa sebelum mengerjakan.
a. Are they c. Are the house
1. 2.TheTulislah nama
house …. lengkap.
blue, isn’t it? b. Aren’t they d. Are
3.a. Jawablah
Is soal ini dengan
c. Are baik dan benar
Am harus d. rapi
Wasdan jelas 10. The ceiling is high, isn’t it?
5. Periksalah kembali jawabanmu sebelum diserahkan a. ke
pengawas c. Yes, it is
2. You …. from Surabaya, aren’t you? b. No, it isn’t. d. No
a. Is c. Are
b. Am d. Were 11. She … from Bandung, isn’t she?
a. Is c. Are
3. You …. a brother, don’t you? b. Am d. Was
a. Have c. Are have
b. Has d. Had 12. He …. from Papua, isn’t he?
a. Am c. Is
4. You don’t have a sister, …? b. Are d. Was
a. Don’t you? c. Doesn’t you?
b. Do you? d. Does you? 13. They …. from Jakarta, aren’t they?
a. Was c. Am
5. The house is very big, ….? b. Are d. Is
a. Is it c. Is
b. Is the house d. Isn’t it? 14. Your sister is from Padang, ….?
a. Was c. Is
6. The windows do not have locks, ….? b. Am d. Are
a. Do they c. Does they
b. Don’t they d. Doesn’t they 15. Your brother is from Medan, …?
a. Are c.Is
7. The floor isn’t dirty, is it? b. Was d. Am
a. Dirty c. No, isn’t it
b. Yes, it is d. It is 16. I ….(selalu) go to bed before 10 p.m.
a. Usually c. Always
8. The houses …. front yards, do they? b. Often d. Never
a. Do have c. Do has
b. Don’t have d. Have 17. I …. (biasanya) walk to school.
a. Often c. Rarely b. Always d. Usually
b. Usually d. Never
22. She …. (tidak pernah) lie.
18. I …. (sering kali) surf the internet.
a. Ussualy c. Always a. Usually c. Often
b. Often d. Rarely b. Rarely d. Never

19. I …. (kadang-kadang) forget my 23. He …. (sering kali) eat pasta.

homework. a. Usually c. Often
a. Rarely c. Sometimes b. Rarely d. Never

b. Always d. Often 24. Jimmy ….(biasanya) eat breakfast.

a. Sometimes c. Usually
20. I …. (jarang) eat instan noodle. b. Often d. Rarely
a. Always c. Rarely
b. Sometimes d. Usually 25. Dinda …. (jarang) eat seafood.
a. Often c. Usually
21. They …. (selalu) go to school b. Seldom d. Always
a. Something c. Rarely
II. Complete the sentences below!

1. Mirna …. (jarang) helps her parents.

2. Mirna ….. (biasanya) wakes up late on Sundays.
3. Mirna’s mother is …. (sering) with her.
4. Mirna’s father …. (selalu) spoils her.
5. Mirna …. (tidak pernah) makes her bedroom.
6. Lola is a diligent girl. She …. comes late to school.
7. Damien usually wakes up early. He … wakes up late.
8. Mr. Udin never goes to school by …. He …. goes to school by motorcycle.
9. Amin rarely eats too much. He …. eats little.
10. Jana sometimes goes to bed at 9 p.m. She …. goes to bed at 10 p.m.

III. Ubah kalimat di bawah ini ke dalam Bahasa Inggris!

1. Saya selalu bangun pagi.

Answer: ……………………………………………..

2. Saya tidak pernah sarapan.

Answer: ……………………………………………..

3. Tata kadang-kadang bermain di luar.

Answer: ……………………………………………..

4. Joni jarang mandi.

Answer: ……………………………………………..

5. Budi biasanya membantu ayahnya.

Answer: ……………………………………………..

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