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from Mother Tantra of Bӧn tradition

Instructions received from Choekhortshang Rinpoche

Three phases of sleep

1 dreams of past (could be past of today, past of this life, or about previous lives)

2 dreams of present (Could be present of this life. Transformation of present experiences into dreams. Any
actual situations that are happening around you while you are sleeping such as sound, temperature and
movement can be experience in the form of dreams. It could be even images if your eyes are open.)
- sleep walking experience is considered in this section.

3 dreams of future (prediction, tomorrow, future of this life, or about next lives) - in this case dream is not
seen as illusion but an indication of something
- Dreams as an object of prediction and Dream Yoga are two different practices in Bon tradition

Four main practices of Dream Yoga

1. bring your awareness towards your central channel

2. bring clarity in the dream

3. cultivate strength, gain the ability to control the dream instead of being controlled by the dream

4. generate fearlessness, and braveness, to be able to deal with consequences of transforming dreams

Four causes that don’t let to get asleep and dream

1. Lung kyon (rlung-skyon) - imbalances of rlung (wind element)

- Use rlung poe (rlung-spos) - incense/aroma for sleeping (example: Agar31 incense, used also in tibetan
medicine for metsa or moxibustion), diet, warm and soft bedding clothes

2. Sem kyon (sems-skyon) - imbalances of mind

- meditate on emptiness and do strong physical movement

3. Dhon kyon (gdon-skyon) - imbalances caused by provocations (evil spirits and negative energies)
- practice Chod offering, and meditate on illusions

4. Ne kyon (nad-skyon) - imbalances of the body caused by illness

- Breathings and yoga exercises

Four Causes - breathing issues, mind poisons (anger, desire, attachment), physical illness, and dhon (tib:
'gdon': presence of spirits, negative energies, provocations)

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1) lay down on right side, "wisdom suppress

2) palm of right hand under the right cheek
3) left hand on the left hip

Direction of the head to the South, so that the face

is directed to the East and the legs to North, back to
the West

Important note: the position of the body is more

important than the respect of the right cardinal
position of the bed, especially if it is not possible to
gain it.


Gyu ma Chen mo (Great Illusory Goddess) is the

khandro (Sanskrit: dakini) of the Dream Yoga
practice. She belongs among the six khandros of the
secret teachings of the Ma Gyu (Mother Tantra) of
the Bӧn Buddhist Religion of Tibet.

- left leg - supressing ego and ignorance

- right leg – heel of right foot on the bottom of

secret chakra (walking towards the great bliss)

- left arm holding a khatvanga and left hand holding

a kapala (skull)

- right hand holding a drigug (crooked knife) -

cutting through ignorance/illusions

- face aspect: wrathful, rooted into compassionate

mind and wisdom

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Day practices:

- change karmic traces

- detach your grasping mind

- generating intention to sleep and remember the dream before going to sleep

- rejoice the memory of dreams when you wake up

Night practices:

- bring concentration and breathing towards the throat chakra

- develop the clarity in the dream, towards the third eye in the forehead

- heart chakra, black HUNG, make mind rooted in the heart in order to gain strength, power and confidence
in order to deal with illusion

- black thigle in secret chakra, allow to gain fearlessness of the mind

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according to Mother Tantra from Bӧn tradition

1st session:
Timing: dusk.

Posture of the body: the three points posture of the lion

Practice: calm down mind, bring awareness towards your central channel, in order to start sleeping.
Concentrate on throat chakra in order to generate dreams.

Breathing: 9 breathings of purification or 3 breathings

Visualization 2: a red lotus in the throat chakra with in the center a white crystal A tinged in red colour, the
four petals have the four sacred seed syllables RA LA SHA SA, which represents the manifestations of
Gyuma Chenmo of the four elements (air, fire, water and earth).

Ligmincha Italia APS

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2nd session:
Timing: midnight.

Practice: bring clarity in the dream which appears to you

Change of breathing – (rlung kha'byor), inhale and tight in the pelvic floor from bottom and pushing up and
then exhale, do it 7 times. Increasing of clarity phase.

Visualization: a white thigle as big as size of a bean on the location of the third eye, in order to be able to
recognize the dream and see the real nature of the manifestations as of illusions in through the dream

3rd session:
Timing: dawn. twist in the position

Practice: phase of "She pa la rang wang zue pa" (giving the strength ability to the mind). Mind rooted in the
heart chakra

Breathing: same as in 2nd session, but 21 times

Change posture – move the body lying supine (lay on your back), cross the legs with right leg on the left,
relax the hands united below the navel and with the head looking up (and if possible double the pillow under
the nape)

Visualize black Hung syllable in the heart chakra, so that you gain confidence, strength, and power in order
to control dreams. Increase the stability of mind in the heart chakra.

4th session:
Timing: sunrise.
”Overcome the fear”. The so-called phase of "Jik tak kul deb pa" (jigs skrag skul ‘debs pa)

Change of posture - any position which makes you comfortable, makes yourself free to find spontaneous

Breathings: spontaneously

Visualize: Black thigle in the hole of the secret chakra

Note: Sometimes in this phase can manifest dreams with fires or wild animals attacking you, or frightening

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Ligmincha Italia APS
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1. Trul jam (‘khrul-‘byam) - mind is agitated, wondering and do not remain in one place, go everywhere,
and you cannot sleep because of agitation (Goe Pa "rgod pa")

practice: “rtsa u ma dran par bya “

bring attention to the central channel with mind and breath, within the throat chakra and point of junction
below the navel.

2. Gyue jam (rgyuad 'byam) – Introversion of the mind sink in the dullness (Jing wa "bying ba")

practice: visualizing incense smoke in the central channel, within the throat chakra and point of junction
below the navel.

3. Se jam (sad 'byam) - "waking up" - you are waking up continuously unintentionally, intermittent sleep,
this can cause mental problems and suffering.

practice: visualize the 4 syllables RA LA SHA SA

this provides protection from the dakinis, and you are connecting with the continuation (in case of difficulty
to visualize the 4 syllables, it is also ok to visualize the visualization of Gyuma Chenmo on the 4 petals)

4. Je jam (brjed 'byam) - forgetting the dream, don't remember any dream.

practice: white A tinged with red, or red thigle and go to sleep with this visualization. in order to bring the
memory back.

when you feel sleepy visualize RA;

when the appearances became blur and hazy to your eye, visualize LA;
when the mind loses the cognitive ability towards the appearances visualize SHA;
when you lose memory of appearances visualize SA.

In this stage go into sleep while concentrating on white A tinged with red, or red thigle.
In the case of falling into sudden sleep just remember four syllables and concentrate on thigle.


These handouts has been written by Alessandro Pincin Yungdrung Dawa and Choekhortshang Rinpoche
and are addressed only to the people which has received the direct transmission from Choekhortshang
Rinpoche during the Dream Yoga retreat on Zoom from 19th to 20th November 2022.
May everyone benefit !

No part of these handouts may be reproduced in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photography, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system or technologies now
known or later developed, without explicit in writing request to and permission from the owner.

All rights reserved. © 2022 Ligmincha Italia APS

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