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• Every workplace has hazards. As an employer,
you have a legal responsibility to look after your
employees’ safety and protect them against
health and safety hazards at work.
• In order to manage workplace health and safety
and help prevent accidents and sickness
absence, it’s important to identify, monitor and
reduce the risk associated with workplace
• Hazard is a term used to describe something
that has the potential to cause harm or adverse
effects to individuals, organizations property or
Safety Hazards
• Inadequate and insufficient machine guards
• unsafe workplace conditions
• unsafe work practices.
Biological Hazards
• Caused by organisms such as
• Viruses
• bacteria
• fungi
• parasites.
Chemical Hazards
• Solid
• liquid
• vapor or gaseous substances
• dust
• fume or mist
Ergonomic Hazards
• Anatomical, physiological, and psychological
demands on the worker, such as repetitive and
forceful movements, vibration, extreme
temperatures, and awkward postures arising
from improper work methods and improperly
designed workstations, tools, and equipment.
Physical Hazards
• Noise
• vibration
• energy
• weather
• electricity
• radiation and pressure.
Phychological Hazards
• Those that are basically causing stress to a
worker. This kind of hazard troubles an
individual very much to an extent that his
general wellbeing is affected.
• is the chance or probability that a person will be
harmed or experience an adverse health effect
caused by a hazard
Factors that influence the degree of
risk include:
• • how much a person is exposed to a hazardous
thing or condition; and how the person is
exposed (e.g., breathing in a vapor, skin contact)
• how severe are the effects under the conditions
of exposure.
Adverse health effect
• any change in body function or the structures of
cells that can lead to disease or health problems.
Adverse health effects
• Bodily injury
• Disease
• Change in the way the body functions, grows, or
• Effects on a developing fetus
• Effects on children, grandchildren, etc.
• Decrease in life span solvents
• Effects on the ability to accommodate additional
The best way to protect yourself and your employees
from workplace hazards is to identify and manage
them and take reasonable steps to prevent their
potential to harm.
-In order to control workplace hazards and eliminate
or reduce the risk, you should take the following steps:
• identify the hazard by carrying out a workplace risk
• determine how employees might be at risk;
• evaluate the risks;
• record and review hazards at least annually, or
earlier if something changes.

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