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Darin Cristobal

Mr. Evangelista


After hearing the students’ presentation, I can say that the different policies that

they have given are very much possible to carry out and would be of great help to the

San Juan community. One Policy that caught my attention is the Vertical Gardens. The

good thing about using this vertical garden method is that it is able to create an

eco-friendly environment at a cheaper living cost. In my opinion, I can see the whole city

of San Juan benefitting from this, especially those who come from the lower classes. To

improve this legislation, they should have backed up this project more. They should get

organizations to fund their project so that it may happen. As a resident of San Juan, I do

think that our well-being was considered in the drafting of this group’s policy. They were

able to take into account the surrounding problems that linger in San Juan and create a

project that is able to contribute a lot to solving all of these problems. Yes, my voice is

evident in the research. As I mentioned, the evergrowing problems in San Juan have

been something that my fellow San Juanenos and I have been trying to solve, and this

current project pitched by the students have tackled quite a few of the larger issues in

San Juan. From the extent of their research, I feel that these students are part of the

San Juan community. This is because they genuinely care about the people residing in

San Juan and the state of the city.


I will now rank the CFA processes according to policy on a scale of 1 to 5.

Solidarity will be assigned a rank of 5, followed by The right of life at rank 4. Dignity of a

human person will receive rank 3, while common good will be ranked 2. Finally,

subsidiarity will be assigned the lowest rank of 1. The strength of our CFA output is

awareness because our policy focuses on those lesser fortunate in the community of

San Juan. The weakness of our CFA would be analysis because we didn’t take in all the

factors on how we can carry on this project. This vertical gardens project would be costy

but would greatly benefit the community. For the action factor, I feel like its somewhere

in the middle. By adhering to the CFA, we can develop a more precise and tangible

policy that would genuinely benefit the collective welfare of San Juan and its

inhabitants. Throughout our PBL journey, we embodied Ignatian spirituality, particularly

the value of community, which encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and

explore new areas within the city. This experience offered me fresh perspectives on how

San Juan operates, and instilled within me a desire to contribute to and enhance the

lives of its residents. Furthermore, it taught me the importance of discernment in

decision-making, enabling me to make informed choices that would assist them in

achieving their objectives.


To elaborate further, discernment is a vital tool in understanding others and their

needs. It requires listening and observing attentively to gain a deeper insight into a

person's situation, background, and values. By doing so, we can appreciate their
uniqueness and recognize how we can best serve them. It also allows us to discern

what is right and just, aligning our actions with what is morally and ethically acceptable.

Therefore, consistently practicing discernment is crucial to ensuring that our decisions

and actions serve the common good and contribute to the betterment of society.

The CST principle that is most evident in my Life Project is the common good. The

common good is a fundamental principle in Catholic social thought that emphasizes the

collective welfare and flourishing of society. It requires us to prioritize the well-being of

the community over individual interests, ensuring that policies and actions are inclusive

and beneficial to all. In my Life Project, I am committed to promoting policies that benefit

the entire community, ensuring that no one is left behind or excluded.

Moreover, Solidarity is a key principle that resonates with me, as it emphasizes the

importance of unity and working together to achieve common goals. Solidarity

recognizes that we are all interconnected and that our actions have a ripple effect on

others. When we work together, we can pool our resources, knowledge, and expertise

to achieve more significant results that benefit everyone. In my community, I intend to

live out this principle by being open to collaborating with others, sharing ideas, and

working towards common goals that promote the common good. By doing so, we can

create a more just and equitable society that benefits everyone.

In conclusion, practicing discernment, promoting the common good, and living in

solidarity are key principles that guide my Life Project. By embodying these principles, I
aim to contribute to the betterment of society and make a positive impact on the world. It

is my belief that through collective effort, we can create a world that is just, equitable,

and inclusive, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and fulfill their potential.

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