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Second conditional

Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences and keep the same meaning.____

My car is out of order. I won't drive you there.
If my car wasn't out of order, I would drive you there.

I don't know his address. I can't contact him.

If I .............................. his address, I could contact him.

He is ill. He can't go skiing.

If he wasn't ill, he ........................... skiing.

He doesn't like tomatoes. He won't eat the salad.

If he .......................... tomatoes, he would eat the salad.

I travel on my own because I speak English.

I wouldn't travel on my own if I ........................................... English.

We don't have enough room in our house. You can't stay with us.

If we ...................... enough room in our house, you could stay with us.

You aren't lucky. You won't win.

If you were lucky, you .................................... .

I go to bed early because I work so hard.

I wouldn't go to bed early if I ........................................ so hard.

I am eighteen. I can vote.

If I ......................... eighteen, I couldn't vote.

Go to Corfu. You may like it.

If you went to Corfu, you .................................... it.

You'll manage it. Don't panic.

You would manage it if you .............................................. .
Second conditional: exercise 1
Key with answers ______________________________________________

I don't know his address. I can't contact him.

If I knew his address, I could contact him.

He is ill. He can't go skiing.

If he wasn't ill, he could go skiing.

He doesn't like tomatoes. He won't eat the salad.

If he liked tomatoes, he would eat the salad.

I travel on my own because I speak English.

I wouldn't travel on my own if I didn't speak English.

We don't have enough room in our house. You can't stay with us.
If we had enough room in our house, you could stay with us.

You aren't lucky. You won't win.

If you were lucky, you would win.

I go to bed early because I work so hard.

I wouldn't go to bed early if I didn't work so hard.

I am eighteen. I can vote.

If I wasn't | weren't eighteen, I couldn't vote.

Go to Corfu. You may like it.

If you went to Corfu, you might like it.

You'll manage it. Don't panic.

You would manage it if you didn't panic.
Second conditional
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. ___

I can't tidy my room now. If I ............................ more free time, I .................................. it. (have | tidy)

My job isn't well-paid. Provided that I ........................... a lot of money, however, I ...............................
round the world. (earn | travel)

I spend a lot of time learning English. If I ................................ English, I ................................. studying

Spanish or French. (not learn | try)

I have to meet my business partner. But if I .............................. some time to spare, I .............................
a museum. (have | visit)

I don't know if my friend needs help. Suppose he ............................... my help, I ....................................

(need | not refuse)

I can't imagine that there would be someone in my bedrrom. I ................................ if I ..........................

a stranger in it. (scream | find)

My teachers are OK. If I ................................. my teachers, however, I ......................................... them.

(can't stand | never tell)

I've never won a lottery. But I ............................... my job if I ........................ a million. (not quit | win)

You can rely on Jim. But if he ........................... about it, I ................................... him. (forget | remind)

Do you want me to pay in advance? I ................................ in advance on condition that I ......................

a discount. (pay | get)
Second conditional: exercise 2
Key with answers ______________________________________________

I can't tidy my room now. If I had more free time, I would tidy it.

My job isn't well-paid. Provided that I earned a lot of money, however, I would travel round the world.

I spend a lot of time learning English. If I did not learn English, I would try studying Spanish or

I have to meet my business partner. But if I had some time to spare, I would visit a museum.

I don't know if my friend needs help. Suppose he needed my help, I would not refuse.

I can't imagine that there would be someone in my bedrrom. I would scream if I found a stranger in it.

My teachers are OK. If I couldn't stand my teachers, however, I would never tell them.

I've never won a lottery. But I would not quit my job if I won a million.

You can rely on Jim. If he forgot about it, I would remind him.

Do you want me to pay in advance? I would pay in advance on condition that I got a discount.
Second conditional
Exercise 3. Correct one mistake in each sentence. Keep the short
or long forms. ____________________________________________

If you helped me, we will finish in time. would finish_____

I can't go out. Believe me, I wouldn't stay at home if I'm not ill. _______________

If my mum was younger, she studied at university. _______________

I can't afford this car. But I'd buy it if I have more money. _______________

I don't speak French. If I'd speak French, I'd live in Provence. _______________

If you aren't my best friend, I wouldn't tolerate your behaviour. _______________

Paul is unemployed. He would be happier if he founded a job. _______________

He doesn't want to do the exam. But he could enter university if he'd pass it. _______________

I don't know his phone number. I'll text him if I knew it. _______________

They wouldn't travel to Egypt if they can't stand hot weather. _______________

If I were you, I should listen to your parents. _______________
Second conditional: exercise 3
Key with answers ______________________________________________

I can't go out. Believe me, I wouldn't stay at home if I'm not ill. I wasn't | weren't

If my mum was younger, she studied at university. would study

I can't afford this car. But I'd buy it if I have more money. had

I don't speak French. If I'd speak French, I'd live in Provence. I spoke

If you aren't my best friend, I wouldn't tolerate your behaviour. weren't

Paul is unemployed. He would be happier if he founded a job. found

He doesn't want to do the exam. But he could enter university if he'd pass it. he passed

I don't know his phone number. I'll text him if I knew it. I'd text

They wouldn't travel to Egypt if they can't stand hot weather. couldn't stand

If I were you, I should listen to your parents. would listen
Second conditional
Exercise 4. Choose and write the correct forms. _______________

What would you wish if you ................... three wishes?

□ have □ had

Tim ............................................. if he asked for a pay-rise.

□ wouldn't be fired □ wasn't fired

Suppose you had to marry Rachel, what ....................................... first?

□ would you do □ you would do

I wouldn't accept the job on condition that I .................................................... very early.

□ had to get up □ would have to get up

If we ............... a TV set, we could watch the Olympic games.

□ buy □ bought

He'd go with us in case we ................................. help.

□ needed □ would need

If the flowers were dry, ......................................... them?

□ will you water □ would you water

We would deliver the parcel today on condition that you .................... extra charge.
□ paid □ payed

We would support your project provided that you .............................. it till the end of this year.
□ finished □ finish

If you gave me your address, I ....................... send someone to have a look at it.
□ will be able □ could
Second conditional: exercise 4
Key with answers ______________________________________________

What would you wish if you had three wishes?

Tim wouldn't be fired if he asked for a pay-rise.

Suppose you had to marry Rachel, what would you do first?

I wouldn't accept the job on condition that I had to get up very early.

If we bought a TV set, we could watch the Olympic games.

He'd go with us in case we needed help.

If the flowers were dry, would you water them?

We would deliver the parcel today on condition that you paid extra charge.

We would support your project provided that you finished it till the end of this year.

If you gave me your address, I could send someone to have a look at it.
Second conditional
Exercise 5. Use the words to make the second conditional
statements and questions. __________________________________


I'd play with you ........................................................................................................................................

help me | with the housework | you | if
I'd play with you if you helped me with the housework.

I wouldn't go there ....................................................... .

be | I | if | you

......................................................................................................................, we'd catch an express train.

to Paris | have | suppose | to travel | we

............................................................................................................. if you didn't commit it?

a crime | you | to | admit

Jim would be happier ............................................................................................................................... .

you | about it | if | not tell him

If you won this match, .............................................................................................................................?

win | you | the tournament

We should take some coins ...................................................................................................................... .

need | in case | a trolley | we | in the shop

............................................................................................................. if it were cloudy?

go | we | to the beach

We wouldn't mind your marriage ............................................................................................................ .

get married | in church | you | on condition that

Suppose I wanted to renovate the house, .................................................................................................?

a hand | give me | you

What would you do ..................................................................................................................................?

back | he | the money | not give you | if
Second conditional: exercise 5
Key with answers ______________________________________________

I wouldn't go there if I were you.

Suppose we had to travel to Paris, we'd catch an express train.

Would you admit to a crime if you didn't commit it?

Jim would be happier if you did not tell him about it.

If you won this match, would you win the tournament?

We should take some coins in case we needed a trolley in the shop.

Would we go to the beach if it were cloudy?

We wouldn't mind your marriage on condition that you got married in church.

Suppose I wanted to renovate the house, would you give me a hand?

What would you do if he didn't give you the money back?

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