Chapter 2: BJTS: Exercises 2

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Exercises 2

Chapter 2: BJTs

Problem 1. For the emitter-stabilized bias circuit of Fig. 1, determine:

a. IB_Q
b. IC_Q
c. VCE_Q
d. VC
e. VB
f. VE

Figure 1.
Problem 2.
a. Draw the load line for the network of Fig. 1 on the characteristics of Fig. 1 using b from
problem 1 to find IBQ.
b. Find the Q-point and resulting values ICQ and VCEQ.
c. Find the value of b at the Q-point.
d. How does the value of part (c) compare with β = 125 in problem 1?
e. Why are the results for problem 2 different from those of problem 1?
Problem 3. Given the information provided in Fig. 2 , determine:
a. I C.
b. VE.
c. VB.
d. R1
Figure 2.
Problem 4. Given VB = 4 V for the network of Fig. 3, determine:
a. VE.
b. IC.
c. VC.
d. VCE.
e. IB.
f. β

Figure 3.
Problem 5. Determine the level of VE and IE for the network of Fig. 4.
Figure 4.
Problem 6. For the network of Fig. 5, determine:
a. IB
b. IC
c. VCE
d. VC

Figure 5.
Problem 7. For the network of Fig. 6, determine:
a. IB.
b. IC.
c. VE.
d. VCE.

Figure 6.
Problem 8. For the cascode amplifier of Fig. 7, determine
a. The base and collector currents of each transistor.
b. The voltages VB1, VB2, VE1, VC1, VE2, and VC2.
Figure 7.

Problem 9. For the feedback amplifier of Fig. 8, determine

a. The base and collector current of each transistor.
b. The base, emitter, and collector voltages of each transistor.

Figure 8.

Problem 10. Calculate the mirrored current I in the circuit of Fig. 9.

Figure 9.

Problem 11. Calculate collector currents for Q1 and Q2 in Fig. 10.

Figure 10.

Problem 12. pnp Transistors

Determine VC, VCE, and IC for the network of Fig. 11.

Figure 11.

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