Effectiveness of Digital Music Platforms ' Social Media Interaction On Advertising Trust Using Cognitive Aspects

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Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis, Volume 22, No 1 (March 2023)

Effectiveness of digital music platforms’ social media

interaction on advertising trust using cognitive aspects
Alviana Aslama Anantia, Yolanda Masnita, Kurniawati

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author: Alviana Aslama Anantia, [email protected]

Received: August 4th 2022; Accepted: January 13th 2023; Published: March 21st
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24123/jmb.v22i1.624


The COVID-19 pandemic-related economic crisis made many firms to switch their
advertising strategy to digital media, with social media being one of the most
popular choices due to its lower cost. As a business with rapid growth and being
the most popular form of entertainment among internet users, digital music
platforms is no exception. Regarding the current phenomenon, it is unknown at
this time whether social media marketing is one of the numerous crucial variables
causing this service's expansion. Therefore, this research seek to reveal the
impact of social media interaction towards advertising trust of digital music
platform through knowledge and affection as the cognitive aspects used. This
research conducted on a quantitative method with data collection using
questionnaires (Google Form), collected from 190 respondents in Jabodetabek
whose having subscriptions for at least on one of digital music platform available
in Indonesia. The data is analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS). The result
shows that social media interaction has a significant impact towards advertising
trust, both directly and indirectly through knowledge and affection. Among
variables tested, the perception of affection is the lowest. It is desired that digital
music platform services companies will look into this matter more.
Keywords: social media interaction, knowledge, affection, advertising trust,
digital music platforms

The COVID-19 pandemic since 2020 has profoundly impacted many
aspects of life. The seemingly endless continuity creates uncertainty, so
adjustments must be made. Various aspects of life have become one of them,
and the dynamics of it have changed, known as the new normal life. A new normal
life is one in which people constantly face the threat of COVID-19 (Muhyiddin,
2020). It has changed aspects of interaction, socializing, business activities,
transactions/purchases/sales, educational activities, health, and overall human
life (Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID-19, 2020).
On the other hand, it has led many countries to apply movement restrictions
through lockdown (Schlosser et al., 2020), which has also changed many's
lifestyles and has lost some aspects and even needs. There have been significant
changes in media usage during the process, as evidenced by the fact that many
individuals have reported increased media usage (J. Kim et al., 2021). People

To cite this article: Anantia, A.A., Masnita, Y., Kurniawati, K. (2023). Effectiveness of digital music
platforms’ social media interaction on advertising trust using cognitive aspects. Manajemen dan
Bisnis, 22(1), 1-16. DOI: 10.24123/jmb.v22i1.624
Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

tend to look for media to meet their lack of entertainment needs. Even teens will
seek entertainment as a form of effort to relieve the stress they are experiencing,
for example (Hamidah & Putri, 2021).
According to the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII)
report about Indonesia's Internet Profile 2022, Indonesia's internet penetration
rate reached 77.02% from 2021 to 2022 and increased by 73.70% from 2019 to
2020 (Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia, 2022). The findings are
consistent with a survey by Indonesian research firm Alvara entitled Trends in
Indonesian Consumer Behavior During Pandemics. Eight types of entertainment
are introduced in the Entertainment activities during the stay-at-home section,
and social media is ranked high (Alvara Research Center, 2020). It should also
be emphasized that another entertainment below the social media rankings is
primarily electronic media (Figure 1).
Meanwhile, listening to music turned out to be one of the entertainment
activities with a lot to do with stress/depression/mental health. Especially during
pandemics, mental health problems are easier to occur. It emphasized how it has
been proven and studied in various ways. Musical interventions can effectively
reduce psychological stress-related symptoms in different settings (de Witte et
al., 2020). It was also pointed out that there is a high need for measures to reduce
stress, so listening to music would be more frequent.
As the habit of listening to music has changed, various platforms for listening
to music digitally have become available. According to an online post published
on May 4th, 2022, by Business of Apps, nine major music platforms are popularly
used worldwide. These include Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube,
Pandora, Soundcloud, Tidal, Tencent Music, and Gaana Music. The above
names correspond to the company's total market share and subscriber data
(Curry, 2022). Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, numbers are increasing
rather than declining. That is supported by Global Music Reports 2022 presented
by IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry), where 2021
marked the highest global record music market growth at 18.5%. Streaming was
a significant driver of overall growth. It is the predominant form of revenue
worldwide, accounting for 65.0% of recorded music revenue, up from 61.9% in
2020 (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, 2022).
On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic had a particularly dramatic
impact on businesses. They had to swiftly rearrange their procedures and
activities to keep their business going (Seetharaman, 2020). It also brought about
significant changes in how businesses interact with and manage customer
relationships (Mangiò et al., 2021). Because of the pandemic's restrictions and
limitations, businesses (as well as people) had to rely on technology more than
ever before to survive (Ricchiardi, 2020). Thus, companies are increasingly
turning to digital marketing as a high-potential promotional strategy, hoping it will
be the best way out of the COVID-19 pandemic (Lestari & Saifuddin, 2020). The
business and company are inseparable from any company, including digital
music platform companies/businesses. Wherein Spotify, one of the digital music
platforms that have succeeded in dominating social media through a campaign
to market its brand, is one example (Jurberg, 2021).
Digital marketing itself is a marketing activity that uses internet-connected
devices with a variety of strategies and digital media to enable businesses to

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

stay in touch with consumers through online communication channels (Chakti,

2019). Websites, blogs, social media (WhatsApp, Line, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Tiktok), interactive audio-video, interactive audio, and display
advertisement are examples of digital marketing access. Since almost everyone
has social media, social media marketing is the most accessible and most
desirable strategy to implement. That allows businesses to reach their marketing
goals at a relatively low cost (Ajina, 2019). It is supported by the actual data where
91% of marketing organizations use social media as part of their mix, working
with digital advertising as the industry's most used channel (Hillier, 2021;
Salesforce, 2021).

Social Media 82,70%

Internet Browsing 75,10%

Watch Movies (Streaming, DVD) 57,80%

Listening to Music/Radio/Podcast 57,30%

Working Out/Sports
(Yoga, gym, jogging)
Play Games 43,20%

Read Books 40,50%

Watching TV (Free to air) 39,50%

Figure 1. Entertainment Activities During Stay at Home

Source: Alvara Research Center (2020)

Based on the above phenomenon, social media marketing as an alternative

to advertising is in line with the increase in the number of digital music platform
services users. However, it is not yet known whether it is one of the essential
factors that support the increase in the number of users on digital music platform
services. Therefore, this research seeks to reveal the matter. It aims to analyze
the impact of social media interaction on advertising trust in digital music
platforms through knowledge and affection as the cognitive aspects used.
Previous research (Zhang et al., 2021) discovered that social media
interaction positively influences consumer knowledge and affection for the
category of luxury brands. It has focused on investigating how it builds interactive
alliances on social media. On the other hand, a difference in the impact of
knowledge on trust was found. One research found that knowledge significantly
negatively impacts advertising trust (Karbownik et al., 2019), while another
indicates that knowledge positively impacts trust (Liu et al., 2021).
Furthermore, to contribute to the state of knowledge and trust, this study draws
insights from social media interaction, which acts as the antecedents. This study
also aims to analyze whether social media interactions positively impact the trust
in advertising behind the increase in digital music platform growth. Whereby,
knowledge and affection become the mediating/intervening variables. The digital
music platforms this study covers have subscription plans in Indonesia (Spotify,

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

Apple Music, YouTube Music). Social media networks featuring advertisements

from digital music platforms were chosen as the study's focus (Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter). The conceptual frameworks of this study is shown in Figure
Social media has become culturally significant. It has become the central
platform for many people to do many things, such as accessing information,
sharing content and elements of their lives with others, and learning about the
outside world. It enables unlimited social interaction and provides marketers with
various channels to reach and engage consumers. Additionally, it has developed
into a crucial marketing and communication medium for businesses (Appel et al.,
2020). Hence, social media has become widely used, demonstrating its
effectiveness as a medium for businesses and consumers to share knowledge.
In addition, it may assess user-shared material and modify operational and
business plans accordingly (Neeley & Leonardi, 2018; Papa et al., 2018). In this
study, the interaction aspect of Social Media Marketing is emphasized. Previous
research found that consumer interactions with brands on social media can
significantly increase brand awareness and brand familiarity (Mehrullah & Rohail,
2018), so the hypothesis obtained:
H1: Social Media Interaction has a positive impact on consumer Knowledge of
digital music platform

Social media's rapid development has revolutionized how firms interact

with customers and supported interactive marketing (Huang et al., 2018). The
platforms were increasing and centered around interaction. Consumers'
interactions with their favorite companies on social media influence their
engagement through cognitive, affective, and behavioral mechanisms (Hinson et
al., 2019; C. L. Wang, 2021). Meanwhile, customer affection (which comes under
the affective component) has characteristics in the form of passion connected to
something deep. It is also defined as a strong emotional attachment to a product
or brand that an individual will immediately sense or evaluate overall, determining
whether it has a good, negative, or even mixed value based on their feelings
(Dewi et al., 2021; Schiffman & Wisenblit, 2015).
On the other hand, it discovered that interactions between customers on
social media could simultaneously affect their affection. Taking into account the
significant influence makes customers aware of the companies from their
inception and sparks curiosity to finding out more about them (Zhang et al., 2021).
Therefore, the emotional link to consumer affection that results from the growing
and focused interaction through social media will become stronger. This study
focuses on understanding how social media (specifically, interaction) affects
consumer affection for digital music platforms. The hypothesis obtained:
H2: Social Media Interaction has a positive effect on consumer Affection for digital
music platform

On the other hand, consumer knowledge refers to the number of information

customers know regarding different types of goods and services, along with other
related knowledge and functions (Annas & Hariasih, 2021). Meanwhile,
consumer affection is an emotion or feeling about a specific brand or product that
is evaluative. Based on how they feel about the thing, consumers may evaluate

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

it personally or globally and give it a good, negative, or mixed evaluation

(Schiffman; Kanuk, 2008). On the other hand, consumers' opinions about well-
known products tend to evoke stronger emotional reactions, as they are mostly
positive and neutral (Goulart et al., 2021).
A study entitled The importance of knowledge and trust for ethical fashion
consumption found that knowledge of ethical fashion plays an essential role in
consumers’ trust in ethical fashion. It also discovered the importance of
disseminating knowledge to raise product awareness. Studies have also
confirmed that trusting beliefs can enable more precise expectations of results.
That creates a more positive attitude and evokes stronger emotional reactions to
gain trust (Goulart et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021). This study measured consumer
understanding of digital music platforms via knowledge and how it affects their
affection and trust in advertisement (advertising trust) for the brand. The
hypotheses obtained:
H3: Consumer Knowledge about digital music platform subscriptions has a
positive influence on their Affection for the brand
H4: Consumer Knowledge about digital music platform subscriptions has a
positive influence on Advertising Trust of the brand

Furthermore, brand affection describes the positive emotions that a brand

elicits (Huaman-Ramirez & Merunka, 2019). Research demonstrates that
affection significantly enhances trust. It proves that higher levels of attachment
will affect building trust between parties, customers, and a brand. The affection
of YouTube channel owners is evidence that it can positively impact online
viewers' trust. Therefore, a positive and significant interaction could build trust in
the content (Rofianto et al., 2021). This study focuses on understanding how
consumer affection affects their trust in digital music platforms. Hence:
H5: Consumer Affection about digital music platform has a positive influence on
Advertising Trust of the brand

Due to its quick development and the fact that it is increasingly used, social
media today supports interactive marketing as a new way to communicate with
customers, as previously mentioned. In its specific implementation, social media
marketing engages with customers by providing relevant and recent brand
features (Seo & Park, 2018). It must have assistance in the form of qualified
interactions in order to provide these two things. Therefore, a company's
endeavor to support this is known as customer engagement through social media
(Mahayani, Odytri Caesar, Ismiarta, 2019) and advertising is one approach to
achieve this, which also presents as one factor that has a significant impact. The
reciprocal relationship that was made in an engagement/interaction is known to
be able to help build brand trust.
The goals of advertising are to raise consumer awareness, educate them
about the product, and provide them with convincing proof, by the purpose is to
measure the quality and reliability of advertised products (Yusuf Mesiya, 2020) to
encourage trust in what is advertised. On the other hand, the consumer's desire
to believe in the brand attributes that are advertised is known as trust (Chaudhuri
& Holbrook, 2001). Hence, building trust with consumers is very important
(Moslehpour et al., 2020). Therefore, hypothesis obtained:

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

H6: Social Media Interaction is positively related to Advertising Trust of digital

music platform


Social Media Advertising
Interaction Trust


H2 Affection

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework

Research Methods
This study has four variables, where the independent variable is Social
Media Interaction. Knowledge and Affection are the mediating/intervening
variables, and Advertising Trust is the dependent variable. The population of this
study is respondents in Jabodetabek who were 15 years of age or older, and the
sample technique employed was non-probability sampling and purposive
sampling, with the criteria being at least subscribe to one digital music platform.
The number of indicators is multiplied by 5 to 10 to determine the approximate
number of representative samples. 130 samples were required for this study's
minimal sample size (13 indicators multiplied by 10) (Hair, Jr. et al., 2016). On
the basis of the data collection method mentioned, 201 respondents in total were
gathered, with 11 of them being invalid. As a result, 190 respondents in total were
used for this study.
This study collected primary data by spreading online questionnaires
through Google Form, containing five alternative answers for each statement
measured on five scales. A value close to 1, meaning the statement disagrees,
while approaching five means very agree. Based on the characteristics,
respondents are primarily female, aged around 25 – 29. Bachelor degree private
employee dominates, with monthly earnings above Rp 4 million. Table 1 below
shows the detailed information.
The questionnaire and measurements utilized in this study were created based
on prior research. All questionnaire questions were translated into Indonesian,
while three items measured Social Media Interaction, Knowledge, and Affection,
as four items measured Advertising Trust. Sources of the adopted above items
displayed on the following Table 2. Furthermore, the data processing method
used in this study was carried out with Partial Least Squares (PLS). PLS can
apply to any data scale, has few assumptions, and does not require a large
sample size of data or special measurement methods (Ghozali & Latan, 2015).

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

Table 1. Respondents Characteristics Summary

Variable Description Frequency Percentage
Male 45 23.3%
Female 148 76.7%
15 – 19 18 9.3%
20 – 24 62 32.1%
Age 25 – 29 87 45.1%
30 – 34 18 9.3%
> 34 8 4.1%
Students 47 24.4%
Private Employee 83 43 %
Entrepreneur 15 7.8%
Teacher/Lecturer 9 4.7%
Public Servants 22 11.4%
Others 17 8.8%
Junior High School 7 3.6%
Senior High School 43 22.3%
Education Diploma 22 11.4%
Bachelor Degree 103 53.4%
Master Degree 18 9.3%
< Rp 1 million 27 14 %
Rp 1 million – Rp 2 million 23 11.9%
Earnings/month Rp 2 million – Rp 3 million 19 9.8%
Rp 3 million – Rp 4 million 17 8.8%
> Rp 4 million 107 55.4%

Table 2. Operationalization of Variables

Variable Dimension Source
Availability of
Social Media Interaction SMI sharing and (Kim & Ko, 2012)
Knowledge KNO (Kleiser & Mantel, 1994)
Affection AFC (Y. Wang et al., 2011)
Trust built in
Advertising Trust ADT (Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001)

Result and Discussions

The validity and reliability of the instrument were evaluated before data
processing was put into place to make sure it was a precise and dependable
measurement instrument. Then a descriptive test is run, giving a summary or
description of the data. If the outer loading scored 0.6 or above, the variable's
statement is regarded as valid and latent. At the same time, if Composite
Reliability (CR) scored 0,7 or above, the variable's statement is regarded as
All questionnaire items for all variables, except for the SIM2 item, which has
a value of 0.549, were determined to be valid based on Table 3. Due to its low
value, which suggests that the item inquiry was invalid, the indicator item was
eliminated during data processing. Thus, only SMI1 and SMI3 were utilized later
in the research hypothesis's testing.

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

Table 3. Outer Loading of Construct

Variable Items Outer Loadings
Social Media Interaction SMI1 0.730
SMI2 0.549
SMI3 0.870
Knowledge KNO1 0.817
KNO2 0.843
KNO3 0.688
Affection AFC1 0.831
AFC2 0.836
AFC3 0.880
Advertising Trust ADT1 0.763
ADT2 0.840
ADT3 0.833
ADT4 0.789

Furthermore, the validity, reliability and descriptive test were carried out
based on Table 4. All are declared valid and can be used. In the validity test, the
outer loading for all items is above 0.6. In terms of reliability, CR is above 0.7 for
all items. That means that everything is compliant and reliable. As for the
descriptive tests, the standard deviation of all items is smaller than the average.
In other words, the data held is less diverse.
With the PLS model used, a determination test is conducted to determine
how much impact the independent factors have on the dependent variable
collectively. Results are shown in Table 5.
From the Knowledge model, 0.290 R Square Adjusted was obtained. It
demonstrates that the variation of the independent variable Social Media
Interaction may explain the variation of the Knowledge variable by 29%. In
comparison, the remaining 71% is a variation of other independent factors that
affect Knowledge but are not included in the model. The same goes with the
Affection and Advertising Trust models, which obtain R Square Adjusted of 0.224
and 0.048. Variation of Social Media Interaction as the independent variable may
explain the variation of Affection by 22.4% and Advertising Trust by 4.8%.
Meanwhile, the remaining 77.6% and 95.2% are variations of other independent
factors that affect Affection and Advertising Trust but are not included in the
Table 6 shows the results of testing the research hypothesis and the direct
effect on each variable. Suppose the p-value of the t-statistic is less than or equal
to 0.05. In that case, this indicates a positive effect between the variables. Social
Media Interaction proved to have a positive influence on consumer Knowledge of
digital music platforms, shown by the p-values of 0.003, indicating that H1 is
supported. These findings support an earlier study that asserts social media
interaction has a positive impact on consumer knowledge (Zhang et al., 2021).
That demonstrates how well-used social media is by the companies of digital
music platforms in their marketing efforts, where the role is to communicate with
current and potential customers. It is demonstrated by the fact that Spotify, Apple
Music, and YouTube Music advertisements are simple to find when we use social
media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The three platforms are the most

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

widely used around the globe because of the intensity of these advertisements'
presence, which improves consumer contact and awareness.
Table 4. Construct Reliability, Validity and Descriptive Statistics
Outer Composite Std.
Variable/Indicators Conclusion Mean
Loadings Reliability Deviation
Social Media Interaction Reliable 4.242 0.729
SMI1: Social Media of digital
music platform brands make
0.730 Valid 4.411 0.641
it possible to share
information with others 0.766
SMI3: It is easy to express
an opinion about social
0.870 Valid 4.074 0.817
media of digital music
platform brands
Knowledge Reliable 3.882 0.881
KNO1: Feeling
knowledgeable enough
0.817 Valid 3.837 0.821
about digital music platform
brands 0.827
KNO2: Enjoy learning about
0.843 Valid 3.884 0.863
digital music platform brands
KNO3: Can recognize almost
all digital music platform 0.688 Valid 3.926 0.960
brand names
Affection Reliable 3.572 1.051
AFC1: Digital music
platforms are special, and
0.831 Valid 3.742 0.963
using them makes it feels
AFC2: By subscribing to a 0.886
digital music platform, it feels 0.836 Valid 3.295 1.137
AFC3: Using digital music
platform services increases 0.880 Valid 3.679 1.055
Advertising Trust Reliable 3.802 0.906
ADT1: Advertisements from
digital music platforms on 0.763 Valid 3.753
social media is trustworthy
ADT2: The advertising
content of the digital music
0.840 Valid 3.842 0.880
platform provides accurate
information about the product 0.822
ADT3: The advertising
content of the digital music 0.833 Valid 3.868 0.876
platform is a fact
ADT4: Much information
could be obtained from the
0.789 Valid 3.747 0.946
advertising content of digital
music platform
Source: Primary data processed

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

Table 5. Coefficient Determination

Construct R Square R Square Adjusted
Knowledge 0.301 0.290
Affection 0.233 0.224
Advertising Trust 0.053 0.048
Source: Primary data processed

Table 6. Research Hypothesis Testing

Hypotheses Coefficient P-Value Decision
0.229 2.954 0.003 Supported
H2 0.080 0.927 0.354 Not Supported
H3 0.458 8.096 0.000 Supported
H4 0.163 1.683 0.093 Not Supported
H5 0.353 4.553 0.000 Supported
0.223 3.192 0.002 Supported
Source: Primary data processed

Different results appear where Social Media Interaction does not positively
influence consumer Affection for digital music platforms, as shown by the p-
values of 0.354 (>0.05). Therefore, H2 is not supported. This result contradicts
previous research findings (Huang et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2021) in which,
through social media, consumers could have a good and positive interaction so
that positive affection occurs. There are demographic factors that result in this
study having no positive impact. This study conducted in Indonesia, with most
respondents, are aged between 25-29, while in previous research, respondents
were in China with a range of ages is between 30-39. It supposes that the
respondents' usage patterns for social media in the two age groups differ.
Indonesian Millennials, those between the ages of 25-29, prefer messaging and
browsing to utilizing social media (Alvara Research Center, 2020). If consumers
are not too intensive in their use, the effect will not be too noticeable, no matter
how high the interaction produced by digital music platforms on social media.
Consumer knowledge proved to have a positive influence on their affection
for the brand. It is shown by the p-values of 0.000 (<0.05) that H3 is supported.
That is similarly found by previous research where knowledge positively
influences affection, which indicates that information assessed and interaction
obtained could give a positive affection towards a brand (Zhang et al., 2021). It
could also explain why consumers prefer some brands over others, considering
that their opinions tend to evoke stronger emotional reactions to a well-known
product (Goulart et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020). In this case, respondents have
shown that Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music are well-known and
familiar, so with the current knowledge, positive affection can be achieved.
On the contrary, consumer knowledge about digital music platforms does
not positively influence the advertising trust of the brand. It is shown by the p-
values of 0.095 (>0.05) that H4 is not supported. These findings are consistent

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

with earlier research that found a significant negative relationship between

knowledge and advertising trust (Karbownik et al., 2019). Therefore, we can
conclude that consumer knowledge of digital music platform brands is insufficient
to increase advertising confidence. It is also apparent that many people believe
advertising to be nothing more than a gimmick. Furthermore, social media
advertisements are created to be as straightforward and appealing as possible,
with extra information that can only be found by browsing other pages.
Separately, affection and social media interaction proved to have a positive
impact on advertising trust. It was shown by the p-values of 0.000 and 0.002 each
(<0.05), so H5 and H6 are supported. Results obtained support earlier study, as
affection has been proven to have a positive and significant impact on advertising
trust (Rofianto et al., 2021). Meanwhile, social media interaction built from its
engagement with the brand positively impacts advertising trust (Mahayani, Odytri
Caesar, Ismiarta, 2019). That demonstrates Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube
Music have given their brands good and powerful affection so that connections
created through advertisements can build mutual trust. These brands have also
demonstrated their use of social media as a communication channel by
conveying current and relevant information about their products. One is through
advertising as a strategy to make a significant impact. As a result, consumer
awareness and trust in the services offered may rise. That is consistent with the
fact that many businesses are converting to social media as a platform for
conducting marketing operations and reaching consumers more simply and less
expensively (Ajina, 2019; Hillier, 2021; Salesforce, 2021; Yusuf Mesiya, 2020).
Aside from that, the indirect effect (which serves as a mediator) is depicted
in Table 7.

Table 7. Specific Indirect Effects

Original T- P-
Variables Decision
Sample statistics Value
Knowledge -> Affection -> Advertising Trust 0.161 3.798 0.000 Supported
Social Media Interaction -> Knowledge ->
0.037 2.140 0.033 Supported
Affection -> Advertising Trust
Social Media Interaction -> Affection -> Not
0.028 0.901 0.368
Advertising Trust Supported
Social Media Interaction -> Knowledge -> Not
0.037 1.289 0.198
Advertising Trust Supported
Social Media Interaction -> Knowledge ->
0.105 2.631 0.009 Supported
Source: Primary data processed

P-values below 0.05 serve as evidence for the indirect effect, much like the
direct effect. It is clear from Table 7 that Knowledge and Affection respectively
function as mediators of Social Media Interaction and Advertising Trust. It is
acknowledged that social media interactions lead to the creation of knowledge,
which in this case refers to familiarity with the service. With their knowledge,
consumers know themselves, their tastes, and their affection for the service.
Thus, trust can be easily obtained using cognitive aspects (knowledge and
affection) as a firm foundation.
On the other hand, Affection and Knowledge respectively do not function as

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

mediatiors between Social Media Interaction and Advertising Trust. As seen in

Table 6, Affection is not positively influenced by Social Media Interaction. As a
result, despite the fact that Affection alone has a positive influence on Advertising
Trust, Affection does not serve as a mediator of Social Media Interaction on
Advertising Trust. The same thing applies to Knowledge, despite the fact that
Social Media Interaction has a positive influence on Knowledge, however,
Knowledge does not have a positive influence on Advertising Trust and does not
serve as a mediator of Social Media Interaction on Advertising Trust.

Social media interactions created by digital music platforms in building trust
in advertising have proven to be effective, showing a significant positive effect,
both directly and indirectly. Directly, interactions provided by digital music
platforms have the potential to impact consumer trust in advertising. It is
discovered indirectly that social media engagement must occur via knowledge
and through knowledge via affection, respectively. That is, the interaction cannot
be produced solely by either knowledge or affection. It has been discovered that
social media interactions cannot directly influence affection, but such affection
can affect advertising trust. Furthermore, whereas social media interactions can
impact knowledge, knowledge cannot directly influence trust in advertising.
It can be concluded that interactions on social media must give users
enough knowledge to feel strongly about an advertisement and help build trust in
it. This study contributes to the body of literature by offering a viewpoint by
examining digital music platforms, taking into account the dynamics of the role of
knowledge on trust in prior studies on health and fashion items. The social media
interaction variable was additionally provided as an antecedent.
According to the mean value, which is the lowest of the mean of other
factors, affection is the variable that the respondents see as having the lowest
level. Although affection impacts trust in advertising directly, it is recommended
for digital music platforms companies' management to enhance efforts to show
consumers affection for their services. In order to gain and keep customer trust,
companies can experiment and explore more with both the creation of
interactions and the provision of more appealing and credible information and
On the other hand, social media interaction has the highest mean among all
factors. This illustrates the importance of social media engagement, and it is
further suggested that digital music platforms can preserve or even strengthen
existing social media interaction alliances to motivate users to engage. From a
managerial point of view, in addition to sharing and expressing on already-
existing social media, digital music platforms can achieve this through various
media such as quizzes or interactive real-time question and answer features. The
features could be in a form where it could capture consumer’s music preference,
as this interaction will help them to understand on how is their taste upon music.
It will capture their cognitive aspects through knowledge and affection, so trust
can be easily obtained. Furthermore, the results of this feature can also be shared
on social media, which can improve engagement and spark curiosity among
social media users generally in the possibility of interacting with digital music
platforms through social media.

Jurnal Manajemen & Bisnis, Vol.22, No. 1 (March 2023)

The COVID-19 pandemic's effects have mainly been shown to exist and
continue the phenomenon of rising internet and digital music platform usage. It
has also been demonstrated that social media has evolved into a powerful tool
for businesses to communicate and promote their goods and services to survive,
thus, it is essential and vital to employ social media in the marketing of digital
music platforms.
This study has several limitations, one of which is that it only concentrated
on the top three platforms with subscription features that are accessible in
Indonesia. It is also restricted to the digital music market. The cognitive aspect
used is also limited to knowledge and affection. Therefore, future research can
use other digital music platform companies, industries, and cognitive aspects.

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